SR :: Volume #11

#1035: Day bottle-gourd

Old person's face chest cavity spills over black light, thinks really chokes to death him. 老人的脸膛泛出乌光,真想一把掐死他。 Previously thought that this child was not simple, was little evildoer, he had pitied heart, therefore went out from the forest, but how to see that now this boy was not pleasing to the eyes. 早先觉得这孩子不简单,是个小妖孽,他有了惜才之心,所以从森林中走出,可现在怎么看这小子都不顺眼。 So young then becomes bad embryo, grew up, I wanted to help your Sect cleaning up gateway, so as to avoid in the future for calamity Great Desolate Earth.” The old man dense say/way, both eyes ominous light reveals completely. “如此年幼便成坏胚,长大还了得,我欲帮你师门清理门户,免得将来为祸洪荒大地。”老者森然道,双目凶光毕露。 Chu Feng confident relative, both eyes are pure, and fearless intent. 楚风坦然相对,双目纯净,并无惧意。 „, An old man age, does with your child earnestly, leading me to see your family Sir, I had the words to say with them.” “罢了,老夫一把年岁,跟你一个孩子较真作甚,带我去见你家大人,我有话与他们说。” Old man face generous elder tone, becomes kind. 老者一脸宽厚长者气韵,又变得和蔼起来。 Chu Feng casts a sidelong glance slantingly, this old man is haughty at first but respectful later, this needs help from the person? But a moment ago was black the face to straighten up he. 楚风斜睨,这老头儿前倨后恭,这是有求于人吧?刚才可是黑着脸要拾掇他。 Has the words to say, old man then can take responsibility.” Chu Feng opens the mouth. “有话请讲,老夫便能做主。”楚风开口。 The old men feel the toothache, this damned child trivial a wee bit, an old man became addicted, wants to clutch to beat till his crying father really to shout mother. 老者感觉牙疼,这死孩子屁大丁点,一口一个老夫上瘾了,真想揪过来殴打到他哭爹喊娘为止。 However this also cancels in his heart the anxiety, even more confirmed that this is a child, but is not the reincarnation monster, otherwise, who will shout on own initiative is feeling rejuvenated. 不过这也打消他心中疑虑,越发确认这就是一个孩子,而不是什么转世怪物,不然的话,谁会主动嚷着返老还童了。 Boy, dares to propose the old man two characters again, hits your double strand to blossom. A here to chat.” The old men bring Chu Feng to move toward jungle deep place, isolates the lines of sight of all people. “小子,再敢提老夫二字,打你双股开花。这边一叙。”老者带着楚风走向密林深处,隔绝所有人的视线。 He needs help from Chu Feng Sect lineage/vein, wants to demand medicament. 他有求于楚风师门一脉,想要索取一副药剂。 Chu Feng shakes the head directly, he may unable to take responsibility. 楚风直接摇头,他可做不了主。 The fairy maiden in temple has the prejudice to him, because of once Niaoshi her bed, will be Dong Qing will not be good to speak, knows he promised randomly, it is estimated that will twist the mouth sidewise the big mouth to punch his directly. 神庙中的仙子对他相当有成见,因为曾尿湿她的床,就是冬青也不会那么好说话,知道他乱许诺,估计直接会咧开血盆大口揍他一顿。 Old man for no reason will not demand, saw this heavenly pit, contained the astonishing good fortune, wanted you and Sect shares.” The old man look is serious. “老夫不会平白索要,看到这处天坑了吗,蕴含惊人的造化,欲你与师门共享。”老者神色郑重。 The Chu Feng heart moves, this old man is also being able to judge the quality of goods person, unexpectedly knows heavenly pit is uncommon. 楚风心头一动,这老头子也是识货人,居然知道天坑不凡。 My Sect distance place is very near, but also mentioned this good fortune and an official position place with you? We were paying attention.” “我师门距离此地很近,还用你提及这福禄地吗?原本我们就在关注。” Chu Feng opens the mouth very much calm, no matter this old man knows many, oneself must tell him, this already was in the Sect plate the vegetable. 楚风很淡定地开口,不管这老头子知道多少,自己都得告诉他,这早就是师门的盘中菜。 This place was hoodwinked Heavenly Mystery, under the old man chance coincidence sees a carved stone chart in the Mutant Desolation Human Race ruins, ascertains Heavenly Mystery, if no special technique, nobody can result in this place good fortune.” “此地被人蒙蔽天机,老夫机缘巧合下才在异荒人族遗址中看到一副石刻图,窥破天机,若无特殊手法,没人能得此地造化。” When Chu Feng hear of his such saying, the heart play jumped, related to Mutant Desolation Human Race, that was too terrifying. 楚风听他这样一说,心头剧跳,涉及到异荒人族,那就太恐怖了。 This place don't tell me compared with astonishment that also he does imagine? His doubt, his present strength is not what a pity good, does not have the means getting down careful investigation. 这个地方难道比他想象的还惊人?他一阵狐疑,可惜他现在实力不行,没有办法下去仔细探查。 The old men also said: Only the useful that carved stone chart law of record can reveal this place truth, performs the good fortune and an official position.” 老者又道:“唯有用那副石刻图上的记载之法才能揭开此地真相,尽得福禄。” Chu Feng acts with constraint, said: „The secret of this place, my Sect completely knows, had the place of Lord, you depart.” 楚风矜持,道:“此地之秘,我师门尽知,已是有主之地,你还是离去吧。” How possible, you may know underground have a vine, has not broken dry, but artificially was actually camouflaged.” The old men disclosed a wisp of truth. “怎么可能,你可知地下有一根藤,并未枯断,不过却被人为遮蔽。”老者透露出一缕真相。 This makes the Chu Feng heart imposing, the so-called good fortune and an official position has the special bottle gourd topography, is only Earth Vein nourishes, spirit essence irrigation. 这让楚风心头凛然,所谓的福禄地结出特殊的葫芦地势,也只是地脉滋养,灵粹浇灌而成。 Once this place dries up, is impossible to leave behind the cane. 一旦此地枯竭,根本不可能留下藤。 If cane, that is really extraordinary, previously judged him is more astonishing, it is estimated that this is day bottle-gourd, in the end can raise Heavenly Venerate. 若是“地藤”还在,那实在了不得,比他早先的判断还要惊人,估计这是“天葫”,到头来可以养出一个天尊 If speculates for , the nutritious place that he must seek for had the whereabouts, formerly imagined him was more astonishing. 如果推测为真,他要寻找的滋补之地有着落了,远比他从前想象的还要惊人。 Chu Feng shocks secretly, worthily is the Mutant Desolation Human Race's record, by a topography, might raise Heavenly Venerate! 楚风暗自震撼,不愧是异荒人族的记载,凭借一处地势,有可能会养出一个天尊 Even if the actual result is not strong, gets several booklets, raised oneself body to be also enough. 即便实际效果没那么强,打上几折,藉此地养己身也足够了。 However, are words that this old man spoke credible? 不过,这老头说的话可信吗? A Chu Feng face calm color, said: This place for the day bottle-gourd topography, once the cane, altogether tied three flowers, the say/way lives one, Three gave birth to Myriad Things, it goes against heaven's will, therefore was not accommodated by world. And a chou becomes golden purple bottle gourd, escapes into beyond 33 days. The second flower long creates shade deep bottle gourd, sinks to Nine Nether. The third flower forms young bottle-gourd at the present, but also is immature.” 楚风一脸镇定之色,道:“此地为天葫地势,曾有一株藤,共结三朵花,正所谓道生一,三生万物,它过于逆天,因此不被世间所容。其中一朵花结成紫金葫芦,遁入33层天外。第二朵花长成阴冥葫芦,沉入九幽。第三朵花而今结成幼葫,还未成熟。” He said is very serious, at first is making up wild stories, but spoke of afterward, Chu Feng were startled, the record of that page silver paper because left behind according to Holy Master about Domain, might form the so violent topography. 他说的很郑重,起初是在胡诌,可是说到后来,楚风自己都吃惊了,因为按照圣师留下的那页关于场域的银色纸张的记载,真有可能形成如此极端地势。 The old men are dumbstruck, this child's does Sect also really understand? Compared with his knows also many, he was fooled. 老者发懵,这个孩子的师门还真懂?比他知道的还多,他被唬住了。 After the moment, he raised the question, said: But, here is only the topography, the so-called bottle gourd cane is also only the Earth Vein spirit essence, but the non- material object, you said that it forms bottle gourd, but can also flying through the skies or escaping through the ground?” 片刻后,他提出疑问,道:“可是,这里只是地势,所谓的葫芦藤也只是地脉灵粹,而非实物,你说它结成葫芦,还能飞天遁地?” "Um, after my Sect research, the day bottle-gourd topography may change from, becomes rule bottle gourd. ” “嗯,经过我师门研究,天葫地势可化形,成为规则葫芦。” „Is that Celestial Artifact?” The old men more make a vow to be startled. “那是天器?”老者越发心惊。 He believes firmly, this should be the research of opposite party Sect, could not understand these many by a kid. 他确信,这应该是对方师门的研究,凭借一个小屁孩懂不了这么多。 Chu Feng is very serious, said: Principle, Order congeals, day bottle-gourd that grows, natural no small matter. May be called as the Celestial Artifact words, is unqualified.” 楚风很严肃,道:“法则所化,秩序凝结,衍生出的天葫,自然非同小可。可称作天器的话,还是不够格。” It seems like, this place indeed was studied by little friend Sect thoroughly.” The old men said, unknowingly called with little friend, has not beaten this damned child thought. “看来,此地的确被小友师门研究透彻了。”老者道,不知不觉用小友这个称呼了,没有殴打这死孩子的念头了。 Because, Chu Feng said that in some small records with that carved stone chart tallies. 因为,楚风所说跟那石刻图中的小部分记载相符合。 Also not complete, my Sect also slightly has the scruples, since the old zhang (3.33 m) peep thoroughly Heavenly Mystery in the Mutant Desolation Human Race ruins, not, if equals with us together.” “也不尽然,我师门对此地也略有顾忌,既然老丈在异荒人族遗址中窥透天机,不若与我们共同合计一番。” Chu Feng said modestly. 楚风谦虚地说道。 This old fogy is too astute, one hear understands, but can also discuss the cooperation! 这老家伙太精明,一听就明白,还能谈合作! Or, looks for your family elder first, then we get down to search together.” The old men said. “要不,先去找你家长辈,然后我们一同下去探一探。”老者道。 The Chu Feng smile, said: First makes me look at venerable's method, when the time comes also good to report to my family elder.” 楚风微笑,道:“先让我看一看老先生的手段,到时候也好向我家长辈禀告。” He urges the old man to lead him to go to bottom of heavenly pit, reveals two to look to him. 他撺掇老者带他去天坑底部,露两手给他看一看。 The old men nod, in the eye the light beam is very abundant, said: Also good, this place camouflages Heavenly Mystery, I attempted to reveal an corner/horn truth.” 老者点头,眼中光束很盛,道:“也好,此地遮蔽天机,我去尝试揭开一角真相。” Whiz! 嗖! He brings Chu Feng to descend, whistling creates an incident, goes to bottom of heavenly pit, was really too deep, under jet black like Abyss. 他带着楚风降落,呼呼生风,前往天坑底部,真是太深了,下方漆黑如深渊 Arrived!” Stands in the bottom, old man xue touches, then mumbled, recites some ancient incantation, and in underground delimited to carve various mysterious symbols. “到了!”站在底部,老者一番踅摸,而后念念有词,吟诵某种古咒语,并且在地下划刻各种神秘符号。 This is some records in Mutant Desolation Human Race ruins. 这是异荒人族遗址内的部分记载。 Hu! 呼! Shortly , the heavenly pit bottom had change, leaps a large area of black fog, the cold air/Qi whiz whiz. 不久后,天坑底部起了变化,腾起大面积的黑雾,冷气嗖嗖。 The flash, Chu Feng and old man fine body hair but is actually vertical, felt that this place is a little strange. 一刹那,楚风与老者都寒毛倒竖,感觉此地有点怪异。 On Chu Feng had goosebumps, the woods were too cold, particularly the next quarter, he felt that has an ice-cold hand to place on his latter nape of the neck. 楚风身上起了一层鸡皮疙瘩,太森寒了,尤其是下一刻,他感觉到有一只冰冷的手放在他的后脖颈上。 old man, why you touch my neck, wants to frighten me?!” Chu Feng asked discontentedly. “老头,你摸我脖子干吗,想吓我吗?!”楚风不满地问道。 „Does old man, here, how could touch you? Well, the boy, you are playing a dirty trick, dares to play tricks on the old man?!” Old man body tightens, felt that the situation is not right. “老夫,在这边,何曾摸你?咦,小子,你在使坏吗,敢戏弄老夫?!”老者肌体绷紧,感觉情况不对。 Because, the ice-cold hands touched on his buttocks! 因为,有一只冰冷的手摸到了他的屁股上! Whiz!” “嗖!” This old fogy frightened rabbit, is likely quicker than anything, jumps to run directly, soars to the heavens to go, just Chu Feng throwing here, him did not have the shadow. 这老家伙像受惊的兔子似的,比什么都快,直接跳起来就跑,冲天而去,将将楚风给扔在这里,他自己没影了。 This old bastard! Chu Feng cursed, saw the situation not to be right, oneself ran, threw him here. 这老混蛋!楚风诅咒,见情况不对,自己跑了,将他丢在这里。 Old zhang (3.33 m), you also wanted your medicament, but also wants to discuss the cooperation, hurried to take away me.” Chu Feng shouts, even more periphery feeling ice-cold, the cold air is piercing. “老丈,你还要不要你的药剂了,还想谈合作吗,赶紧将我带走。”楚风喊道,越发感觉周围冰冷,寒气刺骨。 Little friend should not be worried, the old man comes!” The old men shout, however, actually rubbed gently was very long, observed and inquired into the place above unceasingly, until believes firmly finally any danger, he once more has not descended, held Chu Feng, soared to go. “小友别担心,老夫来也!”老者喊道,然而,却是磨蹭了很久,在上方不断观察与探究,直到最后确信没什么危险,他才再次降落,一把抓住楚风,飞腾而去。 Chu Feng is slanting the eye to visit him, if a moment ago had the danger, this old bastard, will not be definitely unreliable. 楚风斜着眼睛看他,刚才要是有危险的话,这老混蛋肯定不会下来,太靠不住了。 Goes to your Sect.” The old men said. “去你的师门吧。”老者道。 Also good!” Chu Feng nods. “也好!”楚风点头。 At this time, the weather got dark, the sunset glow vanished. 此时,天色黑了下来,晚霞已经消失。 The old men beckon, shouted that doll, took two child flying through the skies or escaping through the ground, directed according to Chu Feng's, charges into the Ji Clan tribe. 老者一招手,将那女娃喊来,带上两个孩子飞天遁地,按照楚风的指点,冲向姬族部落。 „Is here is your entrances?” The old men are really surprised, because this short mountain is too common, temple that only then declining. “这里是就是你们的山门?”老者甚是惊讶,因为这矮山太不起眼,而且只有一座破落的神庙。 Dong Qing goes out, is staring at the old man. 冬青走出,盯着老者。 Has seen this brave soldier.” The old men are smiling greeting. “见过这位壮士。”老者微笑着打招呼。 Chu Feng said: „The Dong Qing elder sister, this cannot endure, how can you also beat his several bones?” 楚风道:“冬青姐,这不能忍啊,怎么着你也得捶断他几根骨头吧?” The old men are dumbfounded, this powerful looking brave soldier...... Is a female? 老者目瞪口呆,这彪形壮士……是个女子? Dong Qing twists the mouth sidewise the big mouth, asked that Chu Feng said: How to bring to come back the bystander?” 冬青咧开血盆大口,问楚风道:“怎么带回来外人?” A little situation.” Chu Feng waves, making the old man to the mountain inferior. “有点情况。”楚风一挥手,让老头子到山下等着。 Dong Qing brings Chu Feng to enter the temple, in palace leaps light immediately, covers this place, isolates with the outside. 冬青楚风进入神庙,殿宇内顿时腾起一片光,覆盖此地,跟外界隔绝起来。 „The Dong Qing elder sister, we discovered that good fortune and an official position place, can accomplish Heavenly Venerate......” Chu Feng to inform the special details rapidly. 冬青姐,我们发现一处福禄地,能造就出天尊……”楚风迅速告知具体情况。 You said that old man does want to seek the Small Heavenly Pill exchange?” Dong Qing asked that this was the medicament that old man hoped. “你说那老者想求取小天丹交换?”冬青问道,这就是老者希冀的药剂。 Yes.” Chu Feng nods. “是。”楚风点头。 You may know Small Heavenly Pill to be precious, is actually what?” Dong Qing asked. “你可知小天丹多么珍贵,究竟是什么?”冬青问道。 Not knows.” “不知道。” Steams your minerals, fuses in together, 100 times dosage may boil Small Heavenly Pill.” “就是蒸煮你的那些矿物,融合在一起,100次的剂量可熬出一枚小天丹。” This...... Should be the rare big medicine?!” Chu Feng is surprised. “这……应该算是稀珍大药吧?!”楚风惊讶。 Is precious, these minerals are very difficult to search, quickly dug completely.” Dong Qing nods. “非常珍贵,那些矿物很难寻觅,都快挖尽了。”冬青点头。 The Chu Feng small hand wields, is very heroic, said: That first gives him 1% Small Heavenly Pill, steams the dosage that my time needs.” 楚风小手一挥,很豪迈,道:“那就先给他1的小天丹,也就是蒸煮我一次所需的剂量。” You are actually natural, such dosage also invaluable and priceless.” Dong Qing rolls the eyes, is not charming, is somewhat fierce. “你倒是大方,这样的剂量也价值连城。”冬青翻白眼,一点也不妩媚,有些凶猛。 No, I mean, I have used today these, steam my mineral residual not to throw, one will give that old man to get down, does not waste.” “不,我的意思是,今天我用过的那些,蒸煮过我的矿物残渣不是还没扔吗,一会给那老头子下去,一点也不浪费。” Dong Qing is speechless, for a long time said: „Do you like this damage? Furthermore, that inside property remains are not many.” 冬青无语,好长时间才道:“你怎么这样损?再者,那里面药性残留不多了。” Chu Feng muttered: Who asked him to threaten me, but also wants to beat me, finally saw somebody in danger and did nothing, threw me in heavenly pit.” 楚风咕哝道:“谁叫他恐吓我,还想殴打我,最后更是见死不救,将我扔在天坑中。” Finally, his another color adding: „The Dong Qing elder sister, that heavenly pit is not simple, has the possibility really to raise Heavenly Venerate, looks.” 最后,他又一脸严肃之色的补充道:“冬青姐,那天坑不简单,有可能真的可以养出天尊,得去看一看。” His present strength is not good, but must need to draw support from fairy maiden in Dong Qing and temple, otherwise inquire into and that's the end. 他现在的实力不行,还得需要借助冬青、神庙中的仙子,不然的话自己去探究就是了。 After being traced a moment ago the nape of the neck, he thought that place too monster, had the unusual fearsome place. 刚才被摸了后脖颈,他觉得那地方太妖,有非同寻常的可怖之处。 Dong Qing nods, said: That line, I accompany you to step onto, looks at that so-called heavenly pit outcome.” 冬青点头,道:“那行,我陪你去走上一遭,看一看那所谓的天坑的究竟。” Shortly, Chu Feng and Dong Qing go out of the temple together, shouted the old man. 不久后,楚风冬青一起走出神庙,将老者喊了上来。 „, This is Small Heavenly Pill, to express sincerity, gives you one.” Chu Feng said, is carrying a tray, inside has a head/number of people that big pill. “喏,这就是小天丹,为了表示诚意,给你一颗。”楚风说道,端着一个盘子,里面有一颗人头那么大的丹。 The eye that the old men look was straight, is this Small Heavenly Pill? Even if has moistened a day character, is insufficient to be so big? 老者看的眼睛都直了,这就是小天丹?即便沾了一个天字,也不至于这么大吧? Head/Number of people big pill, hears something never heard of before simply, moreover is dark, the appearance was also too ugly. 人头大的丹,简直是闻所未闻,而且还黑乎乎,卖相也太难看了。 Doesn't want? That!” Chu Feng carries the tray to the temple walk. “不要?那就算了!”楚风端着盘子就要向神庙里走。 Wants!” The old men hurry to shout, Small Heavenly Pill is too big to his use, can patch the soul, nutritious innate. “要!”老者慌忙喊道,小天丹对他用处太大,可以修补灵魂,滋补先天。 But, this pill rather Pang eminent.” The old men are supposing, this pill most at least also three jin (0.5 kg), this is the most conservative estimate. “可是,这丹未免过于庞硕。”老者估摸着,这一颗丹最起码也有三斤重,这还是最保守的估计。 Chu Feng said: Is content, from the Mutant Desolation time to the present, many years passed, died including some Paramount characters, cut off the innumerable time including some inheritance, Small Heavenly Pill Pill recipe several times was also lost, can return to original state to this step, is the narrow escape.” 楚风道:“知足吧,从异荒时代到现在,多少岁月过去了,连一些究极人物都死光了,连一些传承都断绝无数个时代,小天丹丹方也数次失传,能够还原到这一步,已经算是天幸。” Dong Qing nods, this actually truth. 冬青点头,这倒是实情。 Some materials vanished, can only look for the substitute, uses the quantity of mineral to increase, therefore each time must boil out now many, with had no way to compare in years past. 有些材料都绝迹了,只能找替代品,所用矿物的量大增,所以现在每次都要熬煮很多,跟昔年没法比。 Good, many thanks, this certain cooperation is very happy.” The old men nod, received that head/number of people big pill very much seriously, must take in the space jade pot. “那好,多谢,这次一定合作很愉快。”老者点头,很郑重地接过那颗人头大的丹,就要收进空间玉罐中。 Chu Feng is staring at him seriously, said: Do not blame me not to remind you, after Pill recipe slightly has the change, this Small Heavenly Pill cannot for a long time save, after refining, must eat as soon as possible, otherwise the drug efficacy will pass seriously.” 楚风严肃地盯着他,道:“别怪我没提醒你,丹方略有改变后,这小天丹不能久存,炼制出来后必须尽快吃掉,不然药效会流逝严重。” The old men intertwine, are carrying the tray, the nose opening and closing, heard carefully heard, although such gigantic Medicinal Pill is dark, but drifts the special chestnut flower fragrance, with being without change of legend. 老者纠结,端着盘子,鼻子翕动,仔细闻了又闻,这么硕大的丹药虽然黑乎乎,但是飘漾出特殊的栗花香,跟传说的一般无二。 He thought, should be the real thing, but he is too puzzled, said: „A such big grain of pill, has a food also to measure in a big way compared with the common mature man, a little being hard deglutition.” 他觉得,应该是真品,可他还是太纠结,道:“这么大的一粒丹,比寻常壮年男子吃一顿饭还要量大,有点难以下咽啊。” That as you like, does not eat gives back to me.” Chu Feng said. “那随你,不吃就还给我。”楚风道。 In fact, he waits for old man to eat, once eats, then told the old man, like such big pill...... Most at least must eat over 100 to be perfect, can be as good as true Small Heavenly Pill! 事实上,他就等着老者吃呢,一旦吃下去,便告诉老者,像这么大的丹……最起码要吃100颗以上才算完满,抵得上一颗真正的小天丹 Good, the old man eats!” The old men clench teeth, decision...... When the food eats. “好,老夫吃!”老者一咬牙,决定……当饭吃下去。
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