RLM :: Volume #5 高达08MS小队

#289: Confrontation tiger king

Colonel Knollys. Federal army of attack foothold is MS of two squad scales. Moreover having a face machine!” “诺里斯上校。进攻据点的联邦军是两支小队规模的MS。而且还有脸机!” In the communication broadcasts Massad's voice that the responsible here foothold manages. From the background sound of communication, his side tactical situation is intense. 通讯中传来负责此处据点管理的马萨德的声音。从通讯的背景声音来看,他那边的战况非常激烈。 Having a face machine? Hey. Happen to me also having a face machine.” Wears the middle-aged man of silver alone corner/horn helmet to smile, the vision looks sharply rotates the steel giant of meteor hammer slowly. “有脸机?嘿。正好我这边也有一架有脸机。”头戴着银色独角头盔的中年男人嘿嘿一笑,目光犀利地看着缓缓转动流星锤的钢铁巨人。 That is since Char Aznable after the new weapon of SIDE7 No. 1 colony discovery federal army, just like new weapon that mushroom growth braves. 那是自从夏亚・阿兹纳布尔在SIDE7一号殖民地发现联邦军的新型兵器之后,犹如雨后春笋般冒出来的新型兵器。 But in the middle of these new weapons certain mass production models, as ACE of Guionn army, Knollys have seen much, even piloting is also dealing with solves one personally in large numbers. 而这些新型兵器当中的某些量产型号,作为吉翁军的ACE,诺里斯早已经见过不少,甚至还驾驶着扎古亲手解决一大批。 Now with that he fights having a face machine is actually first sight . Moreover, the meteor hammer that in its hand brandishes is also Knollys has seen in the middle of MS, is alone existence. 只是,如今与他交手的这架“有脸机”却是第一次见到,而且,它手中所挥舞的流星锤也算是诺里斯所见过的MS当中,更算是独一份的存在。 If, does not make Odessa that side noisily reaches as high as calculates. 如果,不将敖德萨那边闹得沸沸扬扬的高达算在其中的话。 This weapon is really unconventional.” “这武器真是别出心裁。” Knollys's vision has not left that in having a face machine under swing, threatening meteor hammer. Even if Knollys now piloting deals with thermal energy axes in II hand to the meteor hammer to pose very big threat, but under, will actually come to strike to hit hard by this meteor hammer for a while carelessly solidly. 诺里斯的目光从来没有离开过那在“有脸机”的挥舞下,极具威胁的流星锤。哪怕诺里斯现在所驾驶的扎古II手中的热能斧能够对流星锤造成很大的威胁,但却会在一时不慎之下,会被这流星锤扎扎实实地来了一击重击。 Especially in the middle of that short fight, Knollys found out this meteor hammer a moment ago, should say that is promoting the meteor hammer, made a series of unthinkable, virtually impossible to guard against attack repertoires the truth. 尤其在刚才那短暂的交手当中,诺里斯可谓是摸清楚这流星锤,应该说是推动着流星锤,做出一连串匪夷所思,防不胜防的攻击套路的真相。 Hehe! Come! Let me experience your strength again.” “嘿嘿!来吧!让我再见识一下你的实力。” The so strange weapon, that has not been lower than the pilot of strength, making Knollys have a competitive determination. Just 如此诡异的武器,还有那不低于自己实力的机师,让诺里斯产生了一股不服输的决心。只不过・・・ Colonel Knollys! I discovered the new situation!!” “诺里斯上校!我发现了新情况!!” Massad's voice resounds once again. 马萨德的声音又一次响起。 But Knollys simply does not have the time to reply him. 但诺里斯根本没有时间去回复他。 Because, at this moment, Knollys piloting dealt with II and that puts up having a face machine that” in their mouth called to fight in one. 因为,此刻,诺里斯所驾驶的扎古II和那架他们口中所称呼的“有脸机”战在了一块。 Interesting! Really interesting! Has not thought that federal army here also has ACE to exist!” “有意思!真有意思!没想到在这里的联邦军也有ACE存在!” Several rounds get down, Knollys discovered own deals with II not to ask for what advantage. Naturally, that frame having a face machine is also so. 数个回合下来,诺里斯发现自己的扎古II并没有讨到什么好处。当然,那架有脸机也是如此。 After found out the strange repertoire of that meteor hammer gradually, Knollys's attack were also getting more and more, but actually does not represent Knollys has to defeat to have a face machine the means. 在渐渐摸清楚了那流星锤的诡异套路之后,诺里斯的进攻也越来越多了,但却不代表着诺里斯有战胜有脸机的办法。 From fighting to start, opposite party also like oneself general, uses the fist and near body weapon, as if both sides the warrior who walks from the abattoir are common, coming on a near body to fight hand-to-hand. 从交手开始,对方也如同自己一般,都只是使用拳头和近身武器,仿佛双方都是从角斗场走出来的斗士一般,来上一场近身肉搏。 Massad. What matter?” “马萨德。什么事?” While dealing with II to lift the right leg to kick to strike, after the having a face machine will compel, Knollys opens the mouth to ask. 趁着扎古II抬起右腿踢出一击,将有脸机逼开后,诺里斯开口问道。 Colonel! You responded to me finally! Now has ambushed in this nearby militant as if federal army collaborates. In our footholds the present was being attacked by a large numbers of militant. Our defense lines have been close to collapse.” “上校!你终于回应我了!现在一直潜伏在这附近的武装分子似乎和联邦军联手了。我们的据点里面现在正在被一大批武装分子进攻。我们的防线已经接近崩溃了。” When Massad's voice resounds, Knollys detected keenly when the background sound is some semi-automatic rifles opens fire unexpectedly the sound of gunfire. 在马萨德的声音响起之际,诺里斯敏锐地发觉到了背景声竟然是一些半自动步枪开枪时的枪声。 „Did militants and federal armies collaborate? Did not have the means. In that case, here must fall to the enemy sooner or later! Prepares to retreat! Massad. Here gives me! Your concentration of effort breaks through!” Takes the bull by the horns, Knollys does not hesitate to the success and failure of that foothold, issued very much decisively retreated the order. “武装分子和联邦军联手了吗?没办法了。那样的话,这里迟早要沦陷了!准备撤退吧!马萨德。这边就交给我!你们集中兵力突围吧!”当机立断,诺里斯并没有对那个据点的得失而犹豫,很是果断地下达了撤退命令。 But issuing that this retreats the order, makes Massad relax secretly. 而这个撤退命令的下达,则让马萨德暗暗地松了一口气。 After all, today was Colonel Knollys arrived here tests to scratch specially day, had/left such matter, oneself will be held responsible by that technique/technology Major General Guinea Yaaz unavoidably. 毕竟,今天是诺里斯上校来到这边的特别考擦日,出了这样的事情,自己难免会被那个技术少将基尼亚斯追究责任。 The powerhouse but who if Knollys this will soon join Sakhalin family spoke, then, the loss brought negative impact of this foothold was also short. 但如果诺里斯这位即将加入萨哈林家族的强者代为说话的话,那么,这个据点的丢失所带来的负面影响也就少了很多。 First did not say is depressed, how is also Massad who rejoices, puts Knollys and has a face machine in the middle of the vision the showdown again. 先不说即是沮丧,又是庆幸的马萨德如何,把目光再次放到诺里斯和有脸机的对决当中。 Really is hard to deal with.” “真是难缠。” Having a face machine, is the pilot who No. 3 ground warfare reaches as high as, the Rey Mingkai vision is somewhat dignified. 有脸机,也就是三号陆战高达的机师,雷明凯目光有些凝重。 Deals with II, no, should say that this ground warfare of design and manufacture deals with II performance for the Southeast Asia battlefield at present, although and on the ground warfare does not reach as high as, but its pilot is always a trouble. 扎古II,不,应该说是眼前这为东南亚战场而设计制造的陆战型扎古II的性能虽然及不上陆战高达,但它的机师始终是一个麻烦。 Knollys Card. Really is you?” “诺里斯・巴卡德。真的是你吗?” No. 3 ground warfare reached as high as the meteor hammer in hand to move rapidly, curled up the intermittent wind sound/rumor. 三号陆战高达手中的流星锤急速甩动,卷起了阵阵风声。 The next second, No. 3 ground warfare reaches as high as the left leg to tread fiercely forward, the right hand is takes advantage of opportunity to fling simultaneously. 下一秒,三号陆战高达左脚猛地向前一踏,右手同时更是顺势甩出。 Bang!” “轰!” Potential energy that record/native place the right hand has, the rocket-propelled device full meteor hammer changes into together the remnant shadow, breaks open the expansive sky, flies to deal with II to ground warfare straightly. 籍着右手所带起的势能,火箭推进器全开的流星锤化为一道残影,破开长空,笔直地飞向陆战型扎古II。 Comes well!” “来得好!” The meteor hammer that broken raids shortly, Knollys showed a fierce smile, but Knollys does not have hardly to the hard plan. 眼看破空袭来的流星锤,诺里斯露出了一丝狰狞微笑,但是诺里斯却没有硬对硬的打算。 That threatening meteor hammer, whatever who looked, then knows eats this to have the meteor hammer of powerful blow strength hardly, will not have the good fruit to eat, even may also be killed violently at the scene. 那来势汹汹的流星锤,任凭谁一看,便知道硬吃这个已经具备强大冲击力的流星锤的话,都不会有好果子吃,甚至还有可能当场毙命。 Therefore, Knollys both feet steps on alternately, ground warfare deals with II under feet one wrong, was sideways to evade the long jab of meteor hammer unexpectedly, then held up the thermal energy axe in hand fiercely, directly soared to go toward the iron chain of meteor hammer. 于是,诺里斯双脚交替踩下,陆战型扎古II脚下一错,竟侧身躲过了流星锤的直击,然后猛地举起手中的热能斧,朝着流星锤的铁链直奔而去。 Knollys knows, no matter the forms of defensive action of this meteor hammer have how strangely, so long as cuts off its chain, the strange meteor hammer will also only fall on the ground, acts as the useless scrap. 诺里斯知道,不管这个流星锤的攻击方式有多么地诡异,只要将它的链子斩断,再诡异的流星锤也只会落在地上,充当毫无用处的废品。 However, the thermal energy axe that next chops suddenly actually threw spatial. 但是,猛然下劈的热能斧却扑了一个空。 During Knollys conceives, the iron chain cuts off, turns into the scrap the meteor hammer not to appear, appears, in his present is still No. 3 ground warfare reaches as high as the meteor hammer that in hand moves unceasingly. 在诺里斯设想当中,铁链所斩断,变成废品的流星锤并没有出现,出现在他的眼前的依然是三号陆战高达手中的那不断甩动的流星锤。 Originally, when under the thermal energy axe divided a moment ago, the rocket-propelled device on meteor hammer under the Rey Mingkai's control, instantaneously completes several got to the adjustment. 原来,在刚才热能斧下劈的时候,流星锤上的火箭推进器在雷明凯的控制下,瞬间完成了数个变向调整。 A dexterous curve, makes the chain of meteor hammer under the destiny that can from be divided escape. 只是一个轻巧的转弯,就让流星锤的链子得以从被劈断的命运下逃脱。 Ha! Interesting! Interesting!!” “哈哈哈哈哈!有意思!有意思!!” Knollys stares, immediately laughed. 诺里斯一愣,顿时哈哈大笑了起来。 Meanwhile, he in the laughter, started the next step action decisively. 同时,他更在笑声当中,果断地开始了下一步的行动。 Facing so strange meteor hammer, again the pulled open the distance words, without doubt are the behavior of courting death. 面对如此诡异的流星锤,再拉开距离的话,无疑就是找死的行为。 If the ordinary pilot is facing this strange meteor hammer, perhaps had died many times. 若是普通机师在面对这个诡异的流星锤的话,恐怕早已经死了好多次了。 Knollys so wants to say. 诺里斯如此地想道。 Was strictly controlled in this commodity, the experiment also marches into the most crucial time gradually, as main force deals with II to present the loss again the words, then served as the secret research by Guionn army the base, perhaps wanted disaster is imminent. 在这个物资被严格控制,实验也渐渐步入最为关键的时刻,作为主力的扎古II再出现损失的话,那被被吉翁军用作秘密研究的基地,恐怕就要大祸临头了。 Clash/To! 冲! Clash/To! 冲! Clash/To! 冲! Grasps the thermal energy axe, ground warfare deals with II under Knollys's control, lowers the head the sinking waist, has shoulder armor of sharp thorn to aim at No. 3 ground warfare left shoulder that reaches as high as. 手持热能斧,陆战型扎古II在诺里斯的控制下,低头沉腰,将左肩那有着尖刺的肩甲对准三号陆战高达。 This, 这, Also is dashing. 又是一次冲撞。 Rey Mingkai's deals flings the meteor hammer as before, deals with II to launch the attack toward ground warfare again from top to bottom. 雷明凯的应对依旧是甩出流星锤,再度从上至下地朝着陆战型扎古II发起攻击。 But, deals with II soon to hit No. 3 ground warfare when ground warfare reaches as high as, the meteor hammer will soon pound, in ground warfare dealt with II heads, ground warfare deals with II figure suddenly one short, unexpectedly the by football player sliding tackle side the movement that makes reaches as high as one to slide from No. 3 ground warfare all of a sudden. 但,在陆战型扎古II即将撞到三号陆战高达,流星锤即将砸在了陆战型扎古II的头上时,陆战型扎古II的身形突然一矮,竟以足球运动员铲球时所做出的动作一下子从三号陆战高达旁边一滑而过。 Bang!” “轰!” The bottom-up meteor hammer smashed in the ground layer on layer/heavily. But should be pounded ground warfare to deal with II actually to slide a big section distance by the meteor hammer, touched the woods edge of that cover. 从上至下的流星锤重重地砸了地面上。但本应该被流星锤砸中的陆战型扎古II却已经滑了一大段距离,堪堪地摸到了那片茂密的树林边缘。 scoffs!” “噗・・・嗤!” Responded Rey Mingkai that controls No. 3 ground warfare immediately is reaching as high as turns around to pursue, actually dealt with the thick smoke that II releases suddenly to block the way by ground warfare. 反应过来的雷明凯立刻控制着三号陆战高达转身去追,却被陆战型扎古II突然释放出来的浓烟挡住了去路。 Hahahaha! Federal pilot!! Among us showdown on leaving next time!” “哈哈哈哈!联邦的机师!!我们之间的对决就留给下一次吧!” In the middle of the billowing thick smoke, is that strange sound through the message that the international emergency channel sends. 滚滚浓烟当中,是那个陌生的声音通过国际应急频道发来的留言。 Knollys Card.” “诺里斯・巴卡德。” Listens to this to be strange, actually the somewhat familiar sound, the doubts in Rey Mingkai heart also understood gradually. 听着这个即是陌生,却又有些熟悉的声音,雷明凯心中的疑惑也渐渐地明了了。 A moment ago with Guionn pilot who he fought perhaps is really Knollys Card. 刚才与他战斗的吉翁机师恐怕真的是诺里斯・巴卡德。 Unexpectedly in this manner with this legend in tiger king meet. 没想到,竟会以这样的方式与这位传说中的“虎王”相遇。 Only what is a pity, this tiger king as if one has not fought determination. 唯一可惜的是,这位“虎王”似乎并没有一战到底的决心。 Really is that side influence?” “果然是那边的影响吗?” Looks that gradually the thick smoke of dissipation and appeared in the present cover jungle again, Rey Mingkai sweeps one to be shocking from the arms, gradually turned transmits the foothold of sound of gunfire once for a while, sighs secretly. 看着渐渐消散的浓烟和再次出现在眼前的茂密丛林,雷明凯扫了一眼已经从枪炮震天,渐渐地变成时不时传来枪声的据点,暗暗叹了一口气。 This showdown, although is accidental/surprised, but was unable to enjoy oneself to the full. 这场对决,虽然意外,但始终还没能尽兴。 After observed the surrounding a while silently, confirmed neighbor did not have enemy intelligence Rey Mingkai to control No. 3 ground warfare again is reaching as high as moved the past toward the foothold again. 默默地观察了周围一会儿后,确认了附近再没敌情的雷明凯控制着三号陆战高达再次朝着据点移动了过去。 On the way, Rey Mingkai also received the communication from Rey Haute. 途中,雷明凯还收到了来自欧特的通讯。 Junior lieutenant. Where is your present position at?” “少尉。你现在的位置在哪?” Just accepted a fight. Very likely ACE of enemy, but pitifully, the opposite party ran.” Rey Mingkai read a map. I now in the southeast of foothold, after five minutes, enters the foothold. Team leader your side situation how?” “刚刚接受了一场战斗。很有可能是敌人的ACE,但可惜,对方跑了。”雷明凯看了一眼地图。“我现在正在据点的东南方,五分钟后进入据点。队长你那边的情况如何?” Fortunately! Now is sweeping the leeway. Person who militants extremely at impulsion. You come time, as far as possible carefully.” “还好!现在正在扫荡余地。只是武装分子的人太过于冲动。你来的时候,尽量小心点。” Yes!” “是!” The meaning in Rey Haute words, Rey Mingkai is very clear. 欧特话中的意思,雷明凯很明白。 Own the words that butts in horizontally, do not say that now the militants are impulsive, but said that they are robbing Guionn's commodity, even the federal 74 type air cushion trucks will not let off. 要不是自己的横插一脚的话,现在就不是说武装分子过于冲动,而是说他们都在抢夺吉翁的物资,甚至连联邦的74式气垫卡车也不会放过。 After five minutes, when the Rey Mingkai's No. 3 ground warfare reaches as high as just entered also remained the strong gunsmoke flavor foothold, then saw that Qi Qi Lokey is drawing that preparation is being the militant team member who Rey Mingkai guides admonishes unceasingly. 五分钟后,雷明凯的三号陆战高达刚进入还残留了浓烈硝烟味道的据点时,便看到琪琪・洛基塔正拉着那名准备为雷明凯带路的武装分子队员不断地训话。 What happened?” “发生了什么事情?” The Rey Mingkai doubts went down No. 3 ground warfare reached as high as, arrived at Qi Qi's front. 雷明凯疑惑地走下了三号陆战高达,来到了琪琪的面前。 „! The reporter you came! The following duty, I come to guide for you! I know a quicker alley.” “啊!记者你来了!接下来的任务,我来替你带路吧!我知道一条更加快捷的小路。” Sees Rey Mingkai's to appear, Qi Qi throws down that team member who immediately is responsible for guiding, jumps makes the self- recommendation shape to Rey Mingkai in front. 一看到雷明凯的出现,琪琪马上丢下那个负责带路的队员,跳到雷明凯面前作自我推荐状。 What is strange, when Qi Qi spoke, her small look seemed like fluttering the direction that was at subconsciously to Amada Shiro. 但奇怪的是,在琪琪说话的时候,她的小眼神似乎是在下意识地飘向天田士郎所在的方向。 Miss Qi Qi. The following duty perhaps is only a detection duty, does not need so many manpower to go. Therefore, so long as I he guided am OK.” “琪琪小姐。接下来的任务恐怕只是一个侦查任务,并不需要那么多人手前往。所以,我只要他带路就可以了。” Knew in the heart what's the matter Rey Mingkai shows a faint smile, raised the hand referred to the militant team member in a dilemma. 心知是怎么回事的雷明凯微微一笑,抬手指了指正在左右为难的武装分子队员。 Regarding this pitiful team member, no matter Lokey, is this Miss Qi Qi, makes him in a dilemma sufficiently. 对于这可怜的队员来说,不管是洛基塔,还是这位琪琪小姐,都足以让他左右为难。 „It is not right! Where aren't your following duties go to that? I know the road.” “不对啊!你们接下来的任务不就是去那个什么地方吗?我是知道路的。” Qi Qi is patting the chest, is vouching for complacently. 琪琪拍着胸膛,洋洋得意地打着包票。 hears word, the Rey Mingkai eyelid jumped jumping. 闻言,雷明凯眼皮跳了跳。 Will the detection duty when this he carries out turn into the squad duty? 什么时候这个只有他去执行的侦查任务会变成了小队任务了? in the next moment, Rey Haute who walked from nearby 74 type air cushion trucks is Rey Mingkai solved the doubts. 下一刻,从一旁的74式气垫卡车上走下来的欧特为雷明凯解开了疑惑。 Junior lieutenant. The chief sent in the new duty. After letting our two squad same place recuperation 12 hours, changes over to the next duty. The goal, is you information goal of their obtaining.” “少尉。大队长发来了新任务。让我们两只小队原地休整12小时后,转入下一个任务。目标,就是你从他们那里得到的情报目标。” „Has chief known?” “大队长已经知道了?” Rey Mingkai stares, were the movements of heart these people too rather quick? Here fires off, set the next duty immediately? 雷明凯一愣,心道这些人的动作未免太快了吧?这边才打完,就马上定下了下一个任务? Un. In fact, is detailed information that Qi Qi provides on own initiative. Junior lieutenant, now starts to conduct the recuperation. Prepares!” “嗯。实际上,是琪琪主动提供的详细情报。少尉,现在开始进行休整。多做准备吧!” Yes!” “是!” Then looks, is Qi Qi that complacent face. 回头望去,便是琪琪那张得意洋洋的脸孔。 Regarding this, Rey Mingkai sighed secretly. 对此,雷明凯不由地暗叹。 Own that batch of giving commodities, but also insufficient somebody brushes face really to come a time. 自己那批给出的物资,还不够某人刷一次脸来得实在。 Really, person, exasperating! 真是,人比人,气死人! Tropical rain forest deep place. 热带雨林的深处。 Knollys from hanging all over remnant fallen leaf dealt with on II, raised the head the temporary camp that while convenient looks all around one he to place now. 诺里斯从挂满了残枝落叶的扎古II上走了下来,顺便抬头环顾了一圈现在他所身处的临时营地。 Colonel Knollys! Please here come. Our senior officials had waited there for some time.” “诺里斯上校!请过来这边。我们的长官已经等候多时了。” Under guard's leadership that in greets, Knollys saw the right hand arm to tie the arms thick, was actually broken by the Massad's his right hand small arm of bright red blood incarnadine bandage. 在过来迎接的卫兵的带领下,诺里斯见过了右手臂上绑着厚厚,却又被嫣红的鲜血染红的绑带的马萨德他的右手小臂断了。 Massad. Are you?!” Knollys revealed surprised. “马萨德。你这是?!”诺里斯露出了一丝惊讶。 As a result of the excessive loss of blood, the facial color is pale, but was actually still insisting Massad lifts the left hand, makes an effort to seize Knollys's arm. 由于失血过多,面色非常苍白,但却依然坚持着的马萨德抬起左手,用力地捉住诺里斯的手臂。 This has good luck ever. An arm trades a life, was the value! Colonel Knollys, this temporary camp gives you now! Please must, in the X3 engine transports from here before the base, defends here.” “这算是命大。一条手臂换一条命,算是值了!诺里斯上校,现在这个临时营地就交给你了!请务必在X3引擎从这里转运到基地之前,守住这里。” X3 engine? What thing is that?” Knollys stares, asked subconsciously. “X3引擎?那是什么东西?”诺里斯一愣,下意识地反问道。 Colonel Knollys. The federation robs, but is some shams! The genuine X3 engine, is catching up toward here! Hahahaha! Whatever the federation wants to break the head, does not think that these have the installment of strong energy power, can be some shams unexpectedly!” “诺里斯上校。联邦抢走的,只不过是一些赝品罢了!真正的X3引擎,正在往这边赶!哈哈哈哈!任凭联邦想破脑袋,都不会想到那些有着强劲能源动力的装置,竟然会是一些赝品!”
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