RLM :: Volume #5 高达08MS小队

#288: Encounters the tiger king?!

small mountain village situated in tropical rain forest stood aloof from the world, but under the war raging tide that Guionn starts, actually cannot escape by luck. 位于热带雨林的小山村本来与世无争,但在吉翁掀起的战争狂潮之下,却未能幸免。 At this time, is welcomed a fierce fight by small mountain village that Guionn seizes forcefully. 此时,被吉翁强行占领的小山村迎来了一场激烈的战斗。 ms. ms。 The new weapon that this subverted the entire battle field situation becomes lead at this moment. 这个颠覆了整个战场态势的新型兵器成为了此刻的主角。 Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” On the summit, that all trades fort toward, that had been built small mountain village of frontline foothold to launch the attack toward this by Guionn army unceasingly jointly two ground warfare reaches as high as rumbles an intermittent intense firepower. 山顶上,那一门门炮台不断地朝着下方,那联手朝着这个已经被吉翁军打造成前线据点的小山村发起进攻的两架陆战高达轰出了一阵阵猛烈的火力。 Intensity far ultra Jim's words that the ground warfare reaches as high as, perhaps had been rumbled in this intermittent fierce fire cannot move. 要不是陆战高达的强度远超吉姆的话,恐怕早已经在这阵阵猛烈的炮火当中被轰得动弹不得。 But this fierce fire is the vast momentum that build ups, the tranquility of the rain forest tears unceasingly, passes to a farther place that here tactical situation. 而这猛烈的炮火更是造成的浩大的声势,不断地撕裂的这片雨林的宁静,将那这边的战况传到更远的地方。 This sound makes very greatly.” “这动静可是闹得很大。” Above the hillside of somewhere not far away, just arrived at the nearby sixth squad carefully to observe this stretch of battlefield that through the powerful telescope falls into the fierce combat. 不远处的某处山坡之上,刚刚到达附近的第六小队正通过高倍望远镜仔细地观察着这片陷入激战的战场。 Deals with has not appeared.” “扎古还没有出现。” Looks over the overall situation, although this fight hits the momentum to be violent, but as the lead of Guionn side, once brought the sign that enormous frightened MS deals with II actually still not to set out to federal army. 纵观全局,这场战斗虽然打得声势猛烈,但作为吉翁方的主角,曾给联邦军带来极大恐惧的MS扎古II却依然迟迟没有出动的迹象。 In the Rey Mingkai's powerful telescope has stared in hiding on mountain village that several high Nacu. 而在雷明凯的高倍望远镜一直都盯在隐藏在山村背后的那几个高高的格纳库上面。 Possibly is wants when the situation appears changes will use!” The Rey Haute's powerful telescope also moved, observes that side battlefield with Rey Mingkai. “可能是想要等到局势出现变化时才会使用吧!”欧特的高倍望远镜也移了过来,和雷明凯一起观察那边的战场。 No. Changed. Is the summit.” “不。变化出来了。是山顶。” Unexpectedly, in the Rey Haute's vision just fell, when Nacu, on the summit then appeared made the battlefield change the fight sufficiently. 不料,在欧特的目光刚落在了格纳库的时候,山顶上便出现了足以让战场发生变化的战斗。 Is he? Chief Tenda of eighth squad. Hehe. Really accidental/surprised.” “是他?第八小队的天田队长。呵呵。真是让人意外。” Under the sixth squad everyone's gaze, the No. 1 ground warfare of eighth squad reaches as high as jumps from the back of mountain suddenly high, and with the help of backpack propeller, successfully conducts some time staying in the air. 在第六小队所有人的注视下,第八小队的1号陆战高达突然从山的背后高高跃起,并在背包推进器的帮助下,成功地进行一段时间的滞空。 Therefore, the opportunity came. 于是,机会来了。 When concentrates on attacking Callian and Sandars under their Guionn army mountain have not responded, then by Tenda Shiro piloting his ground warfare is reaching as high as the made barrage tearing into shreds. 专注于攻击山下的卡莲和桑达斯她们的吉翁军还没有反应过来之际,便被天田士郎驾驶着他的陆战高达所打出的弹幕给撕碎了。 Pit-a-pat pit-a-pat!” “突突突突!” the 100 mm machine gun is whooshing sky over the summit crazily, the bullet of that wailing becomes Guionn Armed forces' nightmare at this moment. 100mm机枪在山顶上空疯狂地嘶吼着,那一颗颗尖啸的子弹成为了吉翁军此刻的噩梦。 Just now made Callian, the foothold position that Sandars they suffers loss ripping open a big opening by Tenda Shiro of dropping from the clouds. 方才让卡莲,桑达斯他们吃尽苦头的据点阵地就被从天而降的天田士郎给撕开了一道大口子。 Is facing sudden reversal, guards Guionn army in this mountain village naturally unable to sit by and do nothing. 面对着突然出现的逆转局面,驻守在这处山村的吉翁军自然不会坐视不理。 Deals with II, sent out. 扎古II,出动了。 Meanwhile, in another side of mountain, ten combat helicopters also departs in the agitation sound of propeller, the intention joins the battlefield. 同时,在山的另外一边,十架战斗直升机也在螺旋桨的搅动声中飞出,意图加入战场。 Looks at that side quickly! Helicopter!” “快看那边!直升机!” In the ground warfare reaches as high as in the middle of cockpit Qi Qi, the deep place finger points at again and again is circling in the above combat helicopter. 待在陆战高达驾驶舱当中的琪琪,深处手指连连指着盘旋在上空的战斗直升机。 I saw!” “我看到了!” Tenda Shiro clenches teeth, the both feet steps on, his ground warfare reaches as high as then under advancing the help of backpack, soars again. 天田士郎一咬牙,双脚一踩,他的陆战高达便在推进背包的帮助下,再次一飞冲天。 Pit-a-pat pit-a-pat!” “突突突突!” While the ground warfare reaches as high as rushes to the sky, the barrage that the 100 mm machine gun in its hand hits almost closed off the routes of these ten combat helicopters, and successfully flies high to hit to explode with its about two combat helicopters the lead aircraft of drivehead. 在陆战高达冲上天空的同时,它手中的100mm机枪所打出来的弹幕几乎封锁了这十架战斗直升机的航线,并成功地将打头的领航机与其左右的两架战斗直升机凌空打爆。 Compels the remaining combat helicopters immediately to separate two groups, tries to detour from the both sides. 逼得剩下的战斗直升机立刻分开两拨,试图从两侧绕行。 Do not want to run.” “别想跑。” Tenda Shiro when his ground warfare reaches as high as falls while the ground, immediately controls the plane to lift the 100 mm machine gun again burst in hand. 天田士郎在他的陆战高达落在地面的同时,马上操控座机抬起手中的100mm机枪再度点射。 But, is shocked by the effect that Tenda Shiro that jump surprise attack hit a moment ago, the surplus combat helicopters have not approached the ground warfare reach as high as, but adopted divided forces again, diverted Amada Shiro in 322 formations, Callian as well as Sandars they. 但,在被天田士郎刚才那一出跳跃突袭所打出来的效果所震撼,剩余的战斗直升机并没有过于靠近陆战高达,而是采取了再度分兵,以322的队形去牵制天田士郎,卡莲以及桑达斯他们。 Goal, clearly. 目的,很明显。 Then delays the time as far as possible, lets treats in Nacu deal with II to obtain the time of sending out. 便是尽可能地拖延时间,让待在格纳库当中的扎古II得到出动的时间。 dá dá dá dá!” 哒哒哒哒!” The bullet attacks unceasingly, in the ground warfare reaches as high as above that thick armor, but is actually not able to create to injure above sufficiently to the scar that the ground warfare reaches as high as. 子弹不断地冲击在陆战高达那厚实的装甲之上,但却无法在上面创造出足以伤害到陆战高达的伤痕。 Hey! Shiro! Has not gotten rid of these annoying flies quickly! These dealt with must come!” “喂!士郎!还不快摆脱这些烦人的苍蝇!那些扎古就要来了!” Qi Qi who closely supports the piloting place shouts again and again loudly. 紧紧地扶住驾驶座的琪琪连连大声地喊道。 I know!! However “我知道!!但是・・・” Tenda Shiro's vision is walking randomly everywhere, tries to catch to siege the flaw between own that three combat helicopters, but is unable to catch the best attack moment promptly. 天田士郎的目光四处游走着,试图捕捉到正在围困自己的那三架战斗直升机之间的破绽,但无法及时捕捉到最佳的攻击时机。 After all, the opposite party also tries to delay his time, is not running risks, reaches as high as the ground warfare hitting to explode. 毕竟,对方也只是试图拖延他的时间,并非冒着风险,将陆战高达给打爆。 At this moment, sieges three helicopters that the ground warfare reaches as high as to disperse suddenly. 就在这时,围困陆战高达的三架直升机突然散开。 Deals with? Came!” “扎古?来了!” Under of combat helicopter, a giant human form weapon that has the green painting arrives at the front that the ground warfare reached as high as slowly. 在战斗直升机的下方,一架有着绿色涂装的巨大人形兵器缓缓地来到了陆战高达的面前。 This, is the main force weapon of Guionn army, deals with II. 这,正是吉翁军的主力兵器,扎古II。 Dealt with sends out! Also should be we enters the stage!” “扎古出动了!也该是我们出场的时候了!” When arrival that deals with not only lets in the front furiously Guionn armament of combat encouraged, is the bulletin is being the arrival of sixth squad arrival time. 扎古的登场不但让正在战线上奋力作战的吉翁军备受鼓舞时,更是告示着是第六小队登场时机的到来。 „The sixth squad! Was the time! We cannot make the eighth squad they wait for a long time!” “第六小队!是时候了!我们可不能让第八小队他们久等了!” Puts down the powerful telescope in hand conveniently, the Rey Haute's voice also resounds in the middle of the communication frequency. 随手放下手中的高倍望远镜,欧特的声音也在通讯频道当中响起。 Yes!!” “是!!” Rey Haute orders, three ground warfare including Rey Mingkai reaches as high as immediately the starting to walk footsteps, toward has hit the bustling battlefields to rush over. 欧特一声令下,包括雷明凯在内的三架陆战高达马上迈开脚步,朝着已经打得热火朝天的战场冲了过去。 black ink, you with Callian who I support the eighth squad. Rey Mingkai, you go to the summit.” “墨涅丝,你跟我去支援第八小队的卡莲。雷明凯,你去山顶。” Understood!” “明白!” After Rey Mingkai responded to a Rey Haute's order, he piloting No. 3 ground warfare reached as high as then turns around to be separated from the formation of sixth squad, sped up rushing over toward the summit. 雷明凯回应了一声欧特的命令后,他所驾驶的三号陆战高达便转身脱离了第六小队的队形,加快朝着山顶冲了过去。 Although the position of sixth squad does not approach the battlefield center at this moment, when three ground warfare reach as high as the rapid traverse the sound that produces, let circle all of a sudden in this piece of battlefield above combat helicopter gives the discovery. 虽然此刻第六小队的位置并不是太靠近战场的中心,但三架陆战高达快速移动时所产生的动静,一下子就让盘旋在这片战场上空的战斗直升机给发现了。 Therefore, is pestering Sandars's two helicopters to branch out one directly, reaches as high as toward the Rey Mingkai's No. 3 ground warfare directly soars. 于是,正在纠缠桑达斯的两架直升机直接分出了一架,朝着雷明凯的三号陆战高达直奔而来。 Fly came.” “苍蝇来了。” A Rey Mingkai brow wrinkle, the under foot steps on immediately. 雷明凯眉头一皱,脚下顿时一踩。 Is reaching as high as the trees that under a stepping that decays fiercely dry in No. 3 ground warfare that runs fast, if then soared to the heavens the flying arrow to jump the midair. 正在快速奔跑的三号陆战高达猛地一踏脚下那枯朽的树木,便如冲天飞箭般跳到了半空。 immediately after, No. 3 ground warfare reached as high as opened the both arms, will install in the left chest spot fire god artillery revealing. 紧接着,三号陆战高达张开了双臂,将安装在左胸部位的火神炮给露了出来。 dá dá dá dá dá dá!” 哒哒哒哒哒哒!” The instance that the next second, Rey Mingkai without hesitation the combat helicopter that flies to lock the front surface in the accurate heart, touched off the trigger. 下一秒,雷明凯毫不犹豫地在准心将迎面飞来的战斗直升机锁定的瞬间,扣动了扳机。 Ding bang!” “叮叮・・・轰!” Once again, 又一次, These just the combat helicopter that fortunately survived from Amada Shiro that set of attack, unexpectedly again hitting to explode by the same attack. 这些刚刚才从天田士郎那一套攻击之下幸存下来的战斗直升机,竟再次被相同的攻击给打爆了。 bang!” ・・・轰!” Although without providing the ground warfare reaches as high as the commonly used armed backpack, but this moment No. 3 ground warfare reaches as high as in the hand to have the heavy meteor hammer, therefore, more than 60 tons huge machineries then pounded a big hole in the middle of this rain forest layer on layer/heavily. 尽管没有配备陆战高达常用的武装背包,但此刻三号陆战高达手上却有着沉重的流星锤,因此,这60多吨的庞大机械便重重地在这片雨林当中砸出了一个大坑。 Rumble “轰隆隆・・・” But falls behind, is the combat helicopter that frame that No. 3 ground warfare in ground reaches as high as was shot down to explode in the sky. 而落在地面上的三号陆战高达的身后,则是那架被当空打爆的战斗直升机。 Suddenly, receives an electric shock the feeling does not have the indication to flash through in the Rey Mingkai's brain. 突然间,一阵触电般的感觉毫无征兆地在雷明凯的脑中闪过。 Meanwhile, had not responded with enough time the Rey Mingkai instinct that draws the operating lever, the under foot steps on fiercely. 同时,还没有来得及反应过来的雷明凯本能地一拉操作杆,脚下猛地一踩。 No. 3 ground warfare that runs forward reached as high as stopped the figure actually, then completed in an instant under squatted, movement of retreat. 向前奔跑的三号陆战高达硬是止住了身形,便在转眼间完成了下蹲,后退的动作。 !” “呼!” The instant time, the shining light arc scratches the body that No. 3 ground warfare is reaching as high as to plunder together. 只是刹那间的功夫,一道明晃晃的光弧擦着三号陆战高达的身躯一掠而过。 Deals with?!” “扎古?!” Retrocedes again and again several steps, in No. 3 ground warfare reaches as high as holds up the small-scale shield on left arm, when protects the body, Rey Mingkai also saw in the front that gloomy tropical rain forest, shone one to make people feel cold millet silently the bright. 连连后退几步,在三号陆战高达举起左臂上的小型盾,护住身躯之时,雷明凯也看到了在前方的那片阴暗的热带雨林当中,悄然无声地亮起了一道让人感觉到一股寒粟的亮光。 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” The mechanical bellow resounds slowly, that serious sound also in simultaneously, reaches as high as toward No. 3 ground warfare approaches unceasingly, is bright the bright to appear from the gloomy place of tropical rain forest since until that say/way completely when Rey Mingkai at present, its appearance/portrait then also presented. 机械的轰鸣声缓缓地响起,那一声声沉重的声音也在同时,不断地朝着三号陆战高达靠近,直到那道从热带雨林的阴暗处亮起的亮光完全出现在雷明凯眼前之时,它的真容便随之呈现了。 Deals with!” “扎古!” The Rey Mingkai eyes narrow the eyes slightly. 雷明凯双眼微微眯起。 The present enemy is deals with II without doubt, but makes him who the ground forces of Guionn army use what care, appears at present deals with II the feeling of taking to his feeling not that mixed soldier, but seems like a fierce tiger who waits for an opportunity to bite the person is like that fearful. 眼前的敌人无疑是吉翁军的地面部队所使用的扎古II,但让他在意的是,出现在眼前的扎古II所带给他的感觉并不是那种杂兵的感觉,而是像是一头伺机噬人的猛虎那般可怕。 Tiger?” “老虎?” Thinks this words and expressions, in the middle of the Rey Mingkai's mind in horse appeared a name. 一想到这个词语,雷明凯的脑海当中马上浮现出了一个名字。 Knollys Card. 诺里斯・巴卡德。 This is a man who has excellent MS piloting technique/technology. 这是一名有着高超MS驾驶技术的男人。 Once by one's effort, making the eighth squad fall into struggles hard. Finally, fights among the death with EZ8, to successfully strike to fall can threaten the victories of three mass production section tanks the spaceship launched, died in Tenda Shiro's hand. 曾经以一己之力,让第八小队陷入苦战。最终,在和EZ8之间的死斗当中,以成功击坠了能够威胁到飞船发射的三架量产型钢坦克的战果,死在了天田士郎的手上。 This without doubt is a man who has the charisma. Moreover, in certain reaches as high as in the middle of the powder , he Knollys Card also launched one with Rall ripping that takes tiger king this title as the victory and defeat compels the war. 这无疑是一名极具人格魅力的男人。而且,在某些高达粉当中,他,诺里斯・巴卡德还与兰巴・拉尔之间展开了一场以“虎王”这个称号为胜负的撕逼大战。 Un 嗯・・・ This rips to compel the war, finally how. 这场撕逼大战,结果如何。 Rey Mingkai is not clear. 雷明凯已经记不清楚了。 But at this moment appears at present deals with II, takes to the Rey Mingkai's pressure feeling, actually that clear, that powerful. 但此刻出现在眼前的扎古II,带给雷明凯的威压感,却是那么地清晰,那么地强大。 Wēng!” !” On Rey Mingkai the movement moves, No. 3 ground warfare reaches as high as the right hand, whatever the meteor hammer hung in the midair, the left hand draw lifted the small-scale shield, pulled open piloting that prepared to attack. 雷明凯手上动作一动,三号陆战高达右手任由流星锤吊在了半空中,左手平举小型盾,拉开了准备攻击的驾驶 dá dá dá dá !” 哒哒哒哒哒!” Dealt with II attacks. 扎古II攻击了。 The bullet that however the 120 mm machine gun in its hand makes has not attacked to No. 3 ground warfare reaches as high as, but strafes at will in the surroundings that No. 3 ground warfare reaches as high as. 但是它手中的120mm机枪所打出的子弹并没有攻向三号陆战高达,而是随意地扫射在三号陆战高达的周围。 This scene, seems like not the attack, but seems like declaring something. 这副景象,看上去并不是攻击,而是像是在宣示着某种事情。 Clatter, clatter, clatter!” “嗒,嗒,嗒!” It is not able to hit, no, should say that has not reached as high as regards No. 3 ground warfare the fire of goal, in the magazine emptied in the sent out insignificant sound finished. 一通根本无法命中,不,应该说并没有将三号陆战高达当成目标的射击在弹匣清空所发出的无意义响声中结束了。 immediately after, this operation goal unclear dealt with II the hand to empty the 120 mm machine gun of ammunition to lose in conveniently on the ground, lifted the hand to put out the thermal energy axe, reached as high as general with No. 3 ground warfare, pulls open stance that the wrestle fought. 紧接着,这行动目的不明的扎古II随手将手中清空弹药的120mm机枪丢在了地上,抬手拿出了热能斧,与三号陆战高达一般,拉开了格斗战的架势。 Can fight the wrestle war with me? Sits who in this does deal in II is?” “要和我打格斗战?坐在这架扎古II里面的到底是谁?” Although in the middle of the mind question braves unceasingly, but Rey Mingkai is focuses on at present. 尽管脑海当中的疑问不断地冒出来,但雷明凯是将注意力放在了眼前。 The distant place, that intense shot as if promoted several times. Evidently, the sixth squad and eighth squad have completed the convergence. 远方,那阵激烈的枪炮声似乎提升了好几倍。看样子,第六小队和第八小队已经完成了汇合。 Bang!” “轰!” Suddenly, 骤然间, Converged two squads compel the combat helicopter that flees to the wilderness to fly to the instance of region No. 3 ground warfare reaches as high as and deals with II to confront, made into one group of fireballs. 一架被汇合后的两只小队逼得落荒而逃的战斗直升机在飞临三号陆战高达和扎古II对峙的区域的瞬间,被打成了一团火球。 Meanwhile, ray that this combat helicopter blooms, becomes at this moment, No. 3 ground warfare reaches as high as and deals with the signal that between II the fight fires. 同时,这架战斗直升机所绽放出来的光芒,也成为了此刻,三号陆战高达与扎古II之间的战斗打响的信号。 bang!” ・・・轰!” Advancement backpacks of both sides also start, in advancing the bellow of flame, No. 3 ground warfare reaches as high as and deals with II one to lift the step, then ran out of beyond dozens meters. 双方的推进背包同时启动,在推进火焰的轰鸣声,三号陆战高达和扎古II一抬步,便冲出了数十米之外。 On Rey Mingkai moves, drags to reach as high as behind meteor hammer to blow out one group of bright flame at No. 3 ground warfare loudly, and in the instance that this group of flame erupt, rushes to the midair, shield that record/native place No. 3 ground warfare is reaching as high as, reaches as high as from No. 3 ground warfare circles behind left side, directly soars deals with II waists. 雷明凯手上一动,拖在三号陆战高达身后的流星锤轰然爆出一团明亮的火焰,并在这团火焰爆发的瞬间,冲上半空中,籍着三号陆战高达的掩护,从三号陆战高达的身后绕到左侧,直奔扎古II的腰间。 Relieves. “纾。 The giant sound that gold/metal Tiejiao strikes reverberates unceasingly in the middle of the rain forest, represented the meteor hammer that No. 3 ground warfare is reaching as high as to keep off. 金铁交击的巨大响声不断地回荡在雨林当中,也代表着三号陆战高达的流星锤被挡下了。 But Rey Mingkai has not prolonged contact, even in dealing with thermal energy axe of II by hand keeps off the instance of meteor hammer, transforms the rocket-propelled device operation mode on meteor hammer immediately, making the meteor hammer be separated from the blade of thermal energy axe promptly. 雷明凯没有恋战,甚至在扎古II以手中的热能斧挡下流星锤的瞬间,就马上将流星锤上的火箭推进器运作模式变换,让流星锤及时地从热能斧的刀刃下脱离。 However, 然而, Even the Rey Mingkai's operation was very prompt, deals with thermal energy axes in II hand in the semblance of meteor hammer to leave a trace of cauterization. 就算是雷明凯的操作很及时,扎古II手中的热能斧还是在流星锤的外表上留下了一道烧灼的痕迹。 The meteor hammer retreats, deals with II to take advantage to win the pursuit immediately. 流星锤一退却,扎古II马上趁胜追击。 Sees only its under foot to tread fiercely, the huge steel body launches the impact again. 只见它脚下猛地一踏地,庞大的钢铁身躯再次发起冲击。 First attacks to does not deal with thermal energy axes that in II hand No. 3 ground warfare reaches as high as, but is its shoulder shield. 首先攻向三号陆战高达的并非扎古II手中的热能斧,而是它的肩盾。 Dashing?” “冲撞吗?” Rey Mingkai sees that sneers. 雷明凯见状,冷笑一声。 No. 3 ground warfare reaches as high as the under foot to move, retroceded fast several steps, and meteor hammer attacks again, record/native place is dealing with the movement that II rushes on own initiative, the meteor hammer that No. 3 ground warfare reaches as high as closely pastes in the ground, such as sways from side to side the body like lightning, broke in rapidly dealt with II visual dead angles. 三号陆战高达脚下一动,快速后退了几步,并且流星锤再度出击,籍着扎古II主动冲上去的动作,三号陆战高达的流星锤紧紧地贴在地面上,如闪电般扭动身躯,迅速地冲入了扎古II的视觉死角。 Bang!” “轰!” Bumped into. 相撞了。 Deals with II sprint speeds to be quick. No. 3 ground warfare reaches as high as has not withdrawn several steps, was caught up by it, and hit ruthlessly in one. 扎古II的冲刺速度很快。三号陆战高达还没有退后几步,就被其追上,并狠狠地撞在了一起。 Deals with II shoulder shields, 扎古II的肩盾, No. 3 ground warfare reached as high as the small-scale shield on left arm closely to paste at this moment in one. 三号陆战高达左臂上的小型盾在此刻紧紧地贴在了一起。 The components of two robot were also exuding an intermittent low and deep calling out in grief sound at this moment, seemed protesting behavior that both pilots act sloppily. 两架机体的零件也在此刻发出了一阵阵低沉的悲鸣声,仿佛是在抗议双方机师胡来的行为。 In dealing with II and No. 3 ground warfare reach as high as under the great strength that contends with unceasingly, the spot that both sides shield contacts also bursts out a faint trace spark gradually. 在扎古II和三号陆战高达不断抗衡的巨力之下,两面盾牌所接触的部位也渐渐地迸发出一丝丝火花。 Looks at this situation, refuses to compromise? 看这情况,是僵持不下? No. 不。 The Rey Mingkai left hand moves gently, before ambushed to deal with II field of vision dead angles the meteor hammer to start fiercely. 雷明凯左手轻轻一动,之前潜伏到扎古II视野死角的流星锤猛地发动。 Bang!” “轰!” Erupted the strong flame in the rocket-propelled device of meteor hammer the instance, the meteor hammer then rushes dealt with sky over II top of the heads, started must kill strikes. 在流星锤的火箭推进器爆发出强劲的火焰的瞬间,流星锤便冲到了扎古II头顶上空,发动了必杀一击。 However, 然而, In reaches as high as mutual test of strength deals with II after No. 3 ground warfare seems the brain is growing eye. 正在和三号陆战高达互相角力的扎古II仿佛是脑后长了眼睛似的。 In instance that the meteor hammer drops from the clouds, suddenly withdraws, makes No. 3 ground warfare reach as high as unexpectedly forcefully strives excessively fiercely, unable to stop the leans forward for a while the body, completely exposes under the attack of meteor hammer. 在流星锤从天而降的瞬间,突然后撤,竟硬生生地让三号陆战高达一时出力过猛,根本无法止住前倾的身躯,完全暴露在流星锤的攻击之下。 in the next moment, the meteor hammer of dropping from the clouds will then fall on the head that No. 3 ground warfare reached as high as. 下一刻,从天而降的流星锤便会落在了三号陆战高达的头上。
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