RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1534: The ghost hand and ghost cut and fluctuate

Enters the sheepfold to describe that with the wolf the following tactical situation, does not have the slight excess. Kirito and Leafa, the itself/Ben is in the practice knight on the scene fights to experience many. Although the body intensity and Magic Power/Charm have not caught up, but hits these small rookies not issues. 用狼入羊圈来形容接下来的战况,没有丝毫的过分。桐人莉法,本就是在场的见习骑士中战斗经验最多的。虽然身体强度和魔力还没有赶上,但打这些小菜鸟没有一点问题。 If comes to arrange this group of practice knights with all -round strength, then the Kirigaya brother and sister will be without a doubt first second. After that is western Canada, Laney, Fiona. 倘若用综合实力来对这批见习骑士进行排列,那么桐谷兄妹将会是毫无疑问的第一第二。在那之后才是加西,雷尼、菲欧娜。 Therefore on one-on-one, Kirito these four people of groups is strongest squad without a doubt. Naturally, in the normal condition words disparity so will not be big. 所以在单对单上,桐人这四人小组是毫无疑问的最强小队。当然,正常情况下的话差距并不会这么大。 But, this time Villain/enemy have become confused. Self-confident they have not thought that 11 people hit 4 people, unexpectedly will project on now this condition. 可是,此时的敌人们已经慌了手脚。自信满满的他们从来没有想过,11个人打四个人,居然会打到现在这种状况。 In addition Kirito several people indeed in do not count the fight of consumption, to guarantee with the quickest speed and shortest time, routs Villain/enemy, does not make Villain/enemy have the respite time of regrouping after a defeat. 再加上桐人几人的确是在不计消耗的战斗,就是为了保证用最快的速度和最短的时间,击溃敌人,不让敌人有重整旗鼓的喘息时间。 Above the imposing manner, Kirito they fiercely compete and successfully compete, but other practice knights are more war more are bad. 在气势之上,桐人他们越战越勇,而其他见习骑士则是越战越孬。 Four people after have consumed half of physical strengths and Magic Power/Charm, finally reduced 5 people 11 people. Even if Barn has not thought that war unexpectedly so one-sided. 四人在已经耗费了一半的体力和魔力后,终于将11个人缩减到了五人。哪怕是巴恩也没有想到,战局居然会如此的一边倒。 Thus it can be seen, Laney's words have not in some sense spoken incorrectly. 由此可见,雷尼的话在某种意义上没有说错。 This group of fellows are really one crowd of gangs of lowlifes. 这群家伙真的是一群臭鱼烂虾。 Then ..... “接下来.....” Has hit excitedly Laney vision swept, finally locked on a complexion a little gloomy youngster. His name is Ryder takes, is a common fellow. 已经打兴奋了的雷尼目光扫了过去,最终锁定在了一个脸色有点阴沉的少年身上。他的名字是莱德拿,是个不起眼的家伙。 The ordinary training is also good, attended class, he has been fair, seemingly also has no friend, has come and gone freely. Big summer also wears the long sleeve, does not dislike the heat. 平常的训练也好,上课也罢,他一直都是中规中矩的,貌似也没什么朋友,一直独来独往。大夏天的还穿着长袖,也不嫌热。 Such person, basically neglected object. In the member who this time was chosen has him, Laney is also very surprised. 这样的人,基本上都是被忽略的对象。这次被挑选出来的成员中有他,雷尼也十分惊讶。 Although the young girls are arrogant, is careless, is loud, the extremely single line. But this did not mean that she is the fool who anything will not think. The person who can be chosen, definitely has the professional skill. 少女虽然傲慢,性格大大咧咧,嗓门大,极为单线条。可这并不是说她就是什么都不会想的傻子。能够被挑选出来的人,肯定是有着一技之长的。 Has like her is enduring compared with the masculine great power, and has very keen feeling. Fiona has the splendid observation capability and analysis capability. 像她就是拥有着堪比男性的强大力量,且拥有非常敏锐的感觉。菲欧娜则是有着出色的观察能力和分析能力。 Therefore, Ryder with body, definitely has to hide, surpasses the special skills of other practice knights is. 所以,莱德拿身上,也肯定有着隐藏着的,超出其他见习骑士的特长在才是。 „, Making me experience.” “那么,让我见识见识吧。” Gives a loud shout, Laney soars, the wooden sword in hand cuts ruthlessly. 大喝一声,雷尼腾空而起,手中的木剑狠狠斩下。 Reason that you can be chosen!” “你能被挑选出来的理由!” ....... “.......” Ryder took in the brown pupil to flash through a hesitation, but after the split vision saw Isabella and Barn who observed, hesitant became, helpless with mean. He knows, oneself must stand. 莱德拿褐色的瞳孔中闪过了一丝犹豫,但在余光看到一旁观战的伊莎贝拉和巴恩后,犹豫变为了无奈和阴狠。他知道,自己必须要站出来了。 11 people hit 4 people to make into now this, the face had been lost completely. The so-called union, has been not meaningful. 11个人打四个人打成现在这样,脸已经被丢光。所谓的同盟,已经没有任何意义。 But in those present, can overturn this rotten bureau, perhaps only then oneself. Moreover as the aristocrat, cannot sit on somebody's back by the civilians! 而在场的人中,能够翻盘这烂局的,恐怕就只有自己。而且身为贵族,绝不能被平民骑在头上! Pays the price for your being incapable, outcastes.” “为你的无力付出代价吧,贱民。” The visible gloomy ghost air/Qi on the left arm that since Ryder takes emits crazily, such mutation, naturally brought to everyone's attention. 肉眼可见的阴森鬼气从莱德拿的左臂上疯狂冒出,这样的异变,自然引起了所有人的注意。 Laney!” “雷尼!” Be careful! Miss Laney!” “小心!雷尼小姐!” Fiona and Kirito make noise to shout simultaneously, but already without enough time. 菲欧娜和桐人同时出声喊道,但已经来不及了。 The bare hill strikes the itself/Ben is fastidious about imposing manner the style, causes that is unprecedented, is impossible to interrupt. Even if therefore Laney knows the situation is not right, but she also can only clench teeth anti- to get down 崩山击本就是讲究气势的招式,使出来那就是一往无前,不可能中断。所以哪怕雷尼知道情况不对劲,但她也只能咬着牙抗下去 Come!!!” “来啊!!!” „.” “呵。” Sneered, Ryder gripped the wooden sword with unhurriedly both hands, its frame behind. The sleeves of left arm were mad rupturing of impact by the ghost, revealed that to tie up the scarlet arm of iron chain and bracelet. 冷笑了一声,莱德拿不慌不忙的双手握住了木剑,将其架在身后。左臂的衣袖被鬼气冲击的爆裂,露出了那捆绑着铁链和臂环的猩红手臂。 Ghost hand!” “鬼手!” Except for known the circumstances of the matter some teacher and Barn and the others, the remaining everyone pupils contract instantaneously. Since has the ghost hand, then his stance is ..... 除了已经知情的部分教官和巴恩等人,剩下的所有人瞳孔瞬间收缩。既然有着鬼手,那么他那个架势是..... Laney!!!!” “雷尼!!!!” Late. “晚了。 Ghost was mad has twined above the wooden sword, from the sky delimited the purple black light to brush together, welcomed Laney's bare hill to strike directly. ”鬼气已经缠绕在了木剑之上,在空中划出一道紫黑色的光刷,正面迎上了雷尼的崩山击。 Ghost hand: The ghosts cut! 鬼手:鬼斩! Bang!” “嘭!” Crack, twined in strength of ghosts and gods the weapon of wooden sword to cut the broken, innumerable sawdust splinter Laney hand directly inserts in Laney's body. But, this starts merely. 一声炸响,缠绕着鬼神之力的木剑将雷尼手中的武器直接斩碎,无数的木屑木刺插入到了雷尼的身体中。但,这仅仅是开始。 The might that the ghosts cut, weakened merely was less than 1/4. This way, the ghosts of 3/4 might cut the head of direct hit young girl. 鬼斩的威力,仅仅削弱了不到四分之一。这样下去,还有四分之三威力的鬼斩会直接命中少女的脑袋。 Must die. 中,就必死。 But at this time, when stood Barn in distant place does not know, had arrived at Laney behind. Holds on Laney gently after leads, then leads her floating backward. 而就在这个时候,原本站在远处的巴恩不知何时,已经来到了雷尼的身后。轻轻拉住雷尼的后领,便带着她飘然向后。 ....... “.......” Sir Barn .... “巴恩大人....” You continue.” “你们继续。” Barn Laney loses in the hand is carrying to the teacher of running over, was saying to him lightly: Brings the person who is injured with the stupor gets down the wrap treatment, after finishing, returns here.” 巴恩将手中拎着的雷尼丢给了跑过来的教官,对着他淡淡说道:“带着受伤和昏迷的人下去包扎治疗,结束后重新回到这里。” Yes.” “是。” Saw that Barn has not stopped oneself idea, Ryder to take in the heart to relax. Afterward, the mean vision looked to the surplus three people. 见到巴恩没有阻拦自己的想法,莱德拿心中松了口气。随后,阴狠的目光看向了剩余三人。 Ryder takes .... “莱德拿....” Snort.” “哼。” Looks other four people that self-centered encircles, Ryder with sneering: Union had finished, how you love how. However, I must teach these civilians today well, anything is called the aristocrat is not possible to offend.” 看着以自己为中心围过来的其余四人,莱德拿冷笑一声:“同盟已经结束,你们爱怎么样就怎么样。但是,我今天要好好教教这些平民,什么叫做贵族不可冒犯。” Ryder takes, we also help you!” “莱德拿,我们也来帮你!” Yes!” “是啊!” Must teach this crowd of outcastes well!!” “必须好好教训这群贱民!!” Other four people echo, presented the energy at heart. 其他四人应和着,心里出现了底气。 „......” “......” With regrouped after a defeat aristocrat young master team, Kirito is exceptionally dignified. Matter of ghost hand, he had naturally understood. It can be said that before the revolution duty, has the ghost hand to represent the absolute strength. 和已经重整旗鼓的贵族少爷队,桐人这边则是异常凝重。鬼手的事情,他自然已经了解。可以说,在没有转职之前,拥有鬼手就代表着绝对的实力。 Although this strength, with death and crazy danger. 虽然这个实力,是用死亡和疯狂的危险还来的。 Laney .... “雷尼....” Fiona bites the lip, depressed in the heart forcefully to the worry of good friend, looked to Kirito: What to do, to hit?” 菲欧娜咬了咬嘴唇,强行压下了心中对好友的担心,看向了桐人:“怎么办,还有打吗?” Elder Brother...” “哥哥...” Hits, must hit.” “打,必须打。” Kirito got hold of the weapon in hand, categorical saying: Now flinches, just all become not studious, wasted Laney's sacrifice. Ryder takes, gives me to cope.” 桐人握紧了手中的武器,斩钉截铁的说道:“现在退缩,刚刚的一切都成为了无用功,也浪费了雷尼的牺牲。莱德拿,交给我来对付。” Leafa you and Miss Fiona together, deal with other four people, Ok?” 莉法你和菲欧娜小姐一起,对付其他的四人,可以吗?” .... Un, I understood.” “....嗯,我明白了。” After silent several seconds, nod of Leafa makes an effort: „Does Miss Fiona, you want to continue to fight? Words that does not think, we will not stop you.” 沉默了几秒后,莉法用力的点了点头:“菲欧娜小姐,你想继续战斗下去吗?不想的话,我们不会阻拦你。” ....... Kirito, do you have to defeat odds of success that Ryder takes?” “.......桐人,你有战胜莱德拿的胜算吗?” No.” “没有。” But .... Kirito showed the fight posture: Sometimes, without odds of success, must do.” “但是....”桐人摆出了战斗姿势:“有些时候,并不是没有胜算,就可以不去做的。” Good.” “好吧。” Fiona is very simple, similarly showed the stance. 菲欧娜十分干脆,同样摆出了架势。 We will solve other four people as soon as possible , helping your. Therefore before that you are careful.” “我们会尽快解决其他四人,过来帮你的。所以在那之前,你要小心。” Elder Brother, be careful.” “哥哥,小心。” Un, my meeting.” “嗯,我会的。” Kirito nods, shouts loudly: Ryder takes, you think that has the ghost hand, are you invincible? Careful do not lose the control, but the violent walks. Perhaps otherwise, Sir Barn must endure suffering to cut your head!” 桐人点了点头,大声喊道:“莱德拿,你以为拥有鬼手,你就已经无敌了吗?小心不要失去控制,而暴走啊。不然,巴恩大人恐怕要忍痛斩下你的头颅了!” ..... You , look and die!” “.....你、在、找、死!” In silent a moment later, in the pupil that Ryder takes flashes through together scarlet, saying one word at a time. 在沉默了片刻之后,莱德拿的瞳孔中闪过一道猩红,一字一顿的说道。 Has the person of ghost hand, very easily in strength of influence ghosts and gods by ghost hand, control, thus the violent walks. Even if be at the control and seal condition, the strength of ghosts and gods will also affect the personality of ghost hand holder. 拥有鬼手的人,很容易被鬼手中的鬼神之力影响,操控,从而暴走。哪怕处于控制、封印状态,鬼神之力也会影响鬼手持有者的性情。 Like temper that Luke that point explodes, is the best proof. 像卢克西那一点就炸的性子,便是最好的证明。 To avoid this, Ryder with meets, avoids contacting with others as far as possible, avoids exposing own ghost hand as far as possible. 所以为了避免这点,莱德拿才会自己一人,尽量避免和别人接触,也尽量避免暴露自己的鬼手。 He is afraid, then after is the violent walks, was executed. 他害怕的,便是暴走后被处决。 Therefore Kirito this time words, sprinkle the salt water in his wound without a doubt. Even if knows that this is the Villain/enemy strategy, on his also meeting little darling wraps. 所以桐人此时的话语,毫无疑问是在他的伤口上洒盐水。哪怕知道这是敌人计策,他也会乖乖上套。 After all, in his opinion, has him of ghost hand definitely to solve this civilians simply. When the time comes, even if other four waste were solved, remaining two female before him is also only the motley crew. 毕竟,在他看来,拥有鬼手的他肯定能简单的解决这个平民。到时候,哪怕其他四个废物被解决,剩下的两个女的在他面前也都只是乌合之众而已。 Therefore not hesitant, Ryder with keeping up with the Kirito footsteps, was separated from other four aristocrat young masters. 所以没有犹豫,莱德拿跟上了桐人的脚步,脱离了其他四名贵族少爷。 „...” “等...” Ryder takes you!” “莱德拿你!” Did not have Ryder to take, looked like did not have the pillar. Wants with coming up, but actually blocked by the silver and black two short hair young girls in the way. 没了莱德拿,就像是没了主心骨。想要跟上去,但却被银色和黑色的两名短发少女拦在了去路上。 Will not make you disturb Kirito.” “不会让你们去打扰桐人的。” This road, does not pass.” “此路,不通。” .... Bastards!!!!!” “....混蛋!!!!!” The breathless four people hold up the wooden sword, charged into Leafa and Fiona. 气急败坏的四人举起木剑,冲向了莉法和菲欧娜两人。 Another side, Kirito feels the ghost air/Qi that behind is close to fast, is very at heart dignified. Had strength of in addition ghosts and gods to hold, Ryder with has become most powerhouse in practice knight. 另一边,桐人感受到后面飞快接近的鬼气,心里无比凝重。有了鬼神之力加持,莱德拿已经一跃成为了见习骑士中的最强者。 No matter the body intensity or Magic Power/Charm, with them are not existence of rank. 不管是身体强度还是魔力,已经和他们不是一个级别的存在。 But, Kirito also has own advantage. 但,桐人也有着自己的优势。 Fight experience and sword technique. 战斗经验和剑术。 Although Xie Ming gives Asuna to give the private lesson frequently, but each Xie Ming gets online, Kirito definitely will be drawing Xie Ming brazen-faced and shameless and he first compares notes several. Therefore, he also learned many things. 虽然谢铭经常给亚丝娜开小灶,但每一次谢铭上线,桐人必然会死皮赖脸的拉着谢铭和他先切磋个几回。因此,他同样也学到了不少东西。 Moreover, the ghost cuts, although in office entrepreneur level can be the strongest style, but does not have the weakness. 而且,鬼斩虽然在职业者这层次可以算是最强的招式,但并不是没有弱点。 The movement scope is big, and is fixed and stiff. In fights on, actually without is so easy-to-use. 动作幅度大,且固定又僵硬。在对人战斗上,其实没有那么好用。 If just Laney knows ahead of time, or uses is not the bare hill strikes this type the move to be easy to receive move of difficult sword technique Skill, he is impossible is so easy to solve Laney. 要是刚刚雷尼提前知道,或者用的不是崩山击这种出招容易收招难的剑术技能的话,他也不可能那么容易解决雷尼。 Therefore do not think the opposite party has the ghost hand, is invincible. In this world, does not have the invincible person. Oneself and his strength, has not pulled open the situation that is hard to span because of the appearance of ghost hand. 所以不要想着对方拥有鬼手,是不可战胜的。这个世界上,没有不可战胜的人。自己和他的实力,并没有因为鬼手的出现而拉开到难以跨越的地步。 So long as, looked for right the method, he then can defeat Ryder to take. 只要,找对了方法,他便可以战胜莱德拿。 Thinks of here, Kirito stopped the step instantaneously, the wooden sword has delimited the ground, splashed backward a piece of dust. 想到这里,桐人瞬间停下了步伐,木剑划过地面,向后溅起了一片灰尘。 Bastard!!” “混蛋!!” Ryder who has not thought of completely takes, was hit to be caught off guard directly. The dust enters to the eye and nostril, his nasal mucus tears directing current of stimulation. 完全没有想到的莱德拿,直接被打了个措手不及。灰尘进入到眼睛和鼻孔中,刺激的他鼻涕眼泪直流。 Your this must become the person of knight!?” “你这也是要成为骑士的人吗!?” Knights? 骑士? Cracks a joke, but here spelling life. Moreover now fights, does not compare notes, who spoke what sportsmanship to you. 开什么玩笑,这里可是拼上性命的啊。而且现在是战斗,不是切磋,谁给你讲什么运动精神啊。 The innermost feelings complained several, Kirito had not answered. Aimed at Ryder with running out of that moment of dust is a sword cut, the aiming place, was the calf. 内心吐槽了几句,桐人并没有回话。瞄准莱德拿冲出灰尘的那一刻便是一剑斩了上去,瞄准的地方,是小腿。 Really Yin.” “真阴。” Sees the Kirito forms of defensive action, Barn who the one side observes cannot help but sucked under the mouth. This forms of combat, but he ate in the actual combat owed much learns. Has not thought that the present youngster, does not have the lower limit. 看到桐人的攻击方式,一旁观战的巴恩不由得咂了下嘴巴。这种战斗方式,可是他在实战中吃了不少亏才学会的。没想到眼前的少年,已经这么无下限了。 However, Ryder with does not have to that degree weakly. The strength of ghosts and gods takes to him is the promotion in entire aspect, inside package has the sense of hearing and crisis sensation. 不过,莱德拿也没有弱到那种程度。鬼神之力带给他的是全方面的提升,里面包含着听觉和危机感知。 Although could not judge where this damn civilians attack oneself, but he apparently does not have the means to deal now. The best choice, naturally evades the point temporarily. 虽然判断不出这个该死的平民到底是攻击自己哪里,但他现在显然是没办法应对的。最好的选择,自然就是暂避锋芒。 The calf makes an effort slightly, after the body soars shortly, falls to the ground backward. 小腿微微用力,身体短暂腾空后向后落地。 Foundation general Skill: Latter jumps. 基础通用技能:后跳。 Has not achieved the effect that oneself want, Kirito but actually not extremely dejectedly. Instead bold continues to be close, melts cuts for the thorn, the point to the lower abdomen that Ryder took. 没有达到自己想要的效果,桐人倒也没有太过沮丧。反而大胆的继续接近,化斩为刺,点向了莱德拿的小腹。 even/including Tuci. 连突刺。 Your this outcastes!!!!” “你这贱民!!!!” Opened forcefully also keeps the tears eye, after seeing the Kirito target, the anger that Ryder took has achieved the pinnacle. The wooden sword has delimited a blood-color cross in the front, welcomed to the attack of Kirito. 强行睁开了还留着眼泪的眼睛,看到了桐人的攻击目标后,莱德拿的愤怒已经达到了极致。木剑在面前划过一个血色十字,迎向了桐人的攻击。 The cross cuts. 十字斩。 Has the person of ghost hand, the sword technique talent exceptionally high. Therefore, Ryder him reports with sword technique Skill that can use must be much more. Besides two Skill, other all foundation Skill he has grasped. 拥有鬼手的人,剑术天赋都会异常的高。因此,莱德拿会使用的剑术技能比他报出来的要多得多。除了两个技能外,其他的所有基础技能他都已经掌握了。 Kirito even/including Tuci selects in the center that the cross cut, fights to a draw. Kirito is unable to continue to press in temporarily forward, Ryder seized the opportunity of panting for breath. 桐人的连突刺点在了十字斩的中心,打了个平手。桐人暂时无法继续向前压进,莱德拿获得了喘息的机会。 After just crisis, Ryder took the outcastes of ten distinct before the eyes is how hard to deal with despicable. Therefore, he must let its realize with the absolute disparity, anything is called desperately. 经过刚刚的危机,莱德拿已经十分明白眼前的贱民是多么难缠卑劣。所以,他更要用绝对的差距让其认识到,什么叫做绝望。 Buzz “嗡” The ghost hand extends forward, the strength of ghosts and gods gushes out. As if burning together the empty shadow of flame along with the bright red strategy, oneself and opponent package. Ryder in within the body, therefore gushed out a more powerful strength. 鬼手向前伸展,鬼神之力涌出。一道仿佛燃烧着火焰的虚影伴随着鲜红的阵法,将自己和对手包裹在内。莱德拿体内,也因此涌出了更加强大的力量。 The Kazan of blade soul. 刀魂之卡赞。 Outcastes, pay the price for your despicable!!” “贱民,为你的卑劣付出代价吧!!” Angrily roars, the form that Ryder takes cuts to strike with two is close fast before the Kirito body, cuts to strike finally. 怒吼一声,莱德拿的身影随着两道斩击快速接近到桐人身前,斩下最后一击。 Three cut! 三段斩! Because the Kazan's of blade soul in addition holds, Kirito even/including Gedang do not even have the means to put forth, only after can use, jumps at the same time, keeps off the weapon in the front. 因为刀魂之卡赞的加持,桐人甚至连格挡都没有办法使出,只能使用后跳的同时,将武器挡在面前。 „!!!” “啪!!!” Because after having, jumps to unload the strength, three cutting might and ghosts cut again in addition at all are not a level, therefore the wooden sword in Kirito hand has not therefore broken off. After he flew backward, maintains the physical balance to fall to the ground diligently, later turns around runs. 因为有着后跳卸力,再加上三段斩的威力和鬼斩根本不是一个层次的,所以桐人手中的木剑并没有因此折断。他向后飞了一段后,努力维持着身体平衡落地,随后掉头就跑。 With having the person of ghost hand hits in ghost, that is pure silly X. 和拥有鬼手的人在鬼阵里打,那是纯粹的傻X。 Do not want to run!!” “别想跑!!” Ryder with is naturally impossible to make Kirito work, both legs effort tread taking off, the sword aimed at Kirito later sharp downward behind, fell to the ground loudly. 莱德拿自然不可能让桐人得逞,双腿用力蹬地起跳,随后剑尖向下瞄准了桐人身后,轰然落地。 The silver light falls the blade! 银光落刃! square keeps off! 格挡! Bang!!” “轰!!” The prompt response lets Kirito not, because the silver light falls the impact of blade to fall to the ground, may also make his both feet skid backward, suddenly is unable to respond. But Ryder takes, did not have so many limits. 及时的反应让桐人没有因为银光落刃的冲击而倒地,可也让他双脚向后滑动,一时间无法反应过来。可莱德拿,就没有这么多局限了。 The ghost air/Qi, twines the wooden sword again. 鬼气,再次缠绕上木剑。 Finished! Outcastes!!” “结束了!贱民!!” The purple black crazy class/flow was almost full of the line of sight of Kirito, Yu Guangzhong, he saw catches up with Leafa and Fiona who toward here. 紫黑色的狂流几乎充满了桐人的视线,余光中,他看到了朝着这边赶来的莉法和菲欧娜。 Finished? 结束了? Not. How possibly .... 并没有。怎么可能.... How possibly to finish!” “怎么可能就这么结束啊!” To the ghost air/Qi that is raiding, Kirito does not draw back instead enters, bellows was picking up the weapon in hand, delimited a clear sound air-splitting in the midair. On the sword point, presented some indistinct extending. 对着袭来的鬼气,桐人不退反进,大吼着挑出了手中的武器,在半空中划出了一道清脆的破空之声。剑尖上,出现了些许隐约的延伸。 Feeling, is right! 感觉,是对的! Then, can succeed! 那么,就能成功! The crazy class/flow was cut by the swift and fierce sword light, in the pupil that Ryder takes was full of the unbelievable look, was flown by high selecting in in the air. As in Kirito hand weapon below cuts, eight pieces of fluctuation bits surround him to start to cut. 狂流被凌厉的剑光斩开,莱德拿的瞳孔中充满了难以置信的神色,被高高的挑飞在空中。而随着桐人手中武器的下斩,八片波动刀片环绕着他开始切割。 Crack wave cuts!! 裂波斩!!
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