RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1535: And Barn

The ghosts cut, is in all foundation Skill the strongest style. But here strongest, refers to the destructive power merely. If conducts the quality synthetic evaluation, no matter what occupation will choose crack wave to cut this fluctuation is Skill. 鬼斩,是所有基础技能中最强的招式。但这里的最强,仅仅指的是破坏力。若进行综合评价的话,不管是什么职业都会选择裂波斩这个波动系技能 Even if no swordsman of talent to the fluctuation again, will be clenching teeth to crack wave to cut this Skill to grasp. This Skill, then has such value. 哪怕是对波动再没有天赋的剑士,也会咬着牙将裂波斩这个技能掌握住。这个技能,便是拥有如此的价值。 Specifically is used to conduct broken move of crack wave to cut, the ghost of powerful force cut to, between both who wins who defeats, is actually not absolute. If the ghost cuts first, crack wave cuts naturally cannot have the effect. 专门用来进行破招的裂波斩,对上了威力强大的鬼斩,两者之间到底谁胜谁败,其实并没有那么绝对。倘若鬼斩先到,裂波斩自然不会起效。 But by then situation, the ghost who Ryder took cuts will first hit Kirito without a doubt. But is actually the Kirito crack wave cuts in fact, breaks open the ghost who Ryder took to cut. 而以当时的情况来看,莱德拿的鬼斩毫无疑问会先击中桐人。可事实上却是桐人的裂波斩,破开了莱德拿的鬼斩。 Including Kirito, somewhat is actually bewildered. Then he, staked everything on a single throw of the dice, exhausted own full power. 包括桐人自己在内,其实都有些莫名其妙的。当时的他,也只是孤注一掷,竭尽自己的全力而已。 Ha .... Ha .... Ha ..... “哈啊....哈啊....哈啊.....” Is puffing, the wooden sword in Kirito hand changed into the stretch after stretch of fragments. In the eye has the doubts, has the pleasant surprise. 喘着粗气,桐人手中的木剑化为了一段一段的碎片。眼里有着疑惑,也有着惊喜。 Practice knights who the teachers as well as observe, similarly is the whole face is unbelievable. 教官们以及观战的见习骑士们,同样是满脸难以置信。 Only has Sellers and Barn, these two awakened powerhouses, saw the end. Saw Kirito when use crack wave cuts, extends the empty shadow that from the sword point of wooden sword. The disruption of recombination wooden sword, the answer has actually come out. 唯有塞勒斯和巴恩,这两名已经觉醒的强者,看出了端。看到了桐人在使用裂波斩时,从木剑的剑尖上延伸出的虚影。再结合木剑的碎裂,其实答案已经出来了。 Barn had not forgotten, at that time when oneself will soon be transferring the duty for the sword soul, his sword technique teacher to that words that he spoke. 巴恩一直没有忘记,当时自己在即将转职为剑魂时,他的剑术老师对他说的那番话。 Sword soul, not to the swordsman who the destiny submits. The heart lacks a leg weakly, they will not submit under any condition, march forward courageously, approach oneself specific goal advance.” “剑魂,是不向命运屈服的剑士。无论是心脏虚弱还是缺少一只腿,他们在任何条件下都不会屈服,勇往直前,向自己特定的目标前进。” Weapon, displays the pinnacle it at fingertips, reverses hopeless situation resistance destiny. Only then such person, truly has the qualifications to be called the sword soul.” “相信手中的武器,将其发挥到极致,来逆转绝境反抗命运。只有这样的人,才真正有资格被称为剑魂。” But just Kirito, is then believing itself, is believing weapon in the hand, initiated the resistance toward the aspect that must defeat. But in his hand that ordinary incomparable wooden sword, responded to the mood of holder. 而刚刚的桐人,便是相信着自己,相信着自己手中的武器,向着必败的局面发起了反抗。而他手中那把平凡无比的木剑,也回应了持有者的心情。 Therefore, he held the victory. 因此,他抓住了胜利。 Sword soul Skill: Broken extremely pointed weapons. 剑魂技能:破极兵刃。 This is the truth that Kirito turns defeat into victory, the nature that but, he uses is not the complete broken extremely pointed weapons, the result of merely when pouring into to weapon the mistakes arising out of chance circumstances obtains Magic Power/Charm. 这就是桐人反败为胜的真相,不过,他使用出来的自然不是完整的破极兵刃,仅仅是将魔力灌入到武器中时阴错阳差得到的结果。 But said no matter how, several facts will not change. 但不管怎么说,有几个事实是不会改变的。 He was defeated had the ghost hand, and does not have any Ryder of turning on the water took, proved own strength, proved own talent. 他打败了拥有鬼手,且没有任何放水的莱德拿,证明了自己的实力,也证明了自己的天赋。 Kirito that looks and rushes to Fiona and Leafa who clap one after another, before Barn takes the wooden sword slowly trend . 看着和赶到的菲欧娜和莉法相继拍手的桐人,巴恩拿着木剑缓缓走向前。 That, continue.” “那么,继续吧。” Yeah?” “哎?” Hears Barn's words, three people stare instantaneously. Continue, what continues? 听到巴恩的话,三人瞬间一愣。继续,什么继续? I should say before, this inspection inspects you by me.” Barn's light saying: Your internal strife is your things, with official inspection irrelevant.” “我之前应该说过,这次的考核是由我对你们进行考核。”巴恩淡淡的说道:“你们内讧是你们的事情,和正式的考核无关。” Naturally, you , to forfeit, I do not have the opinion.” “当然,你们要是想弃权的话,我也没有意见。” ........ “........” Cracks a joke. 开什么玩笑啊。 This is in this time three people of mind, only idea. 这是此时三人的脑海中,唯一的想法。 No matter Kirito, is Leafa or Fiona, the physical strength and Magic Power/Charm have soon been close to the limit. Especially Kirito, even if the mistakes arising out of chance circumstances, but he was also the success uses only to have the broken extremely pointed weapons that the sword soul can grasp. 不管是桐人,还是莉法或菲欧娜,体力和魔力都已经快要接近极限。尤其是桐人,哪怕是阴错阳差,但他也是成功使用出了唯有剑魂才能掌握的破极兵刃。 No doubt, this makes him successfully beat Ryder to take. But, this made him lose again the strength of war thoroughly. Now is standing merely, he felt that the both legs a little become tender, the muscle of both arms seems calling out in grief. 固然,这让他成功击败莱德拿。但,这让他已经彻底失去了再战之力。现在仅仅是站着,他都感觉双腿有点发软,双臂的肌肉仿佛在悲鸣。 Let alone fought, takes up weapon difficulty very continually. 别说战斗了,连拿起武器都十分的困难。 However he also can only choose the fight. 但是他也只能选择战斗。 Is clenching teeth, slowly stoops, in the hand that since Ryder takes took up is corroded by the strength of ghosts and gods, the surface covered entirely the wooden sword of dark purple spot, was saying to two young girls. 咬着牙,缓缓的弯下身子,从莱德拿的手中拿起了被鬼神之力侵蚀,表面布满了黑紫色斑点的木剑,对着身旁的两位少女说道。 Right, this is the custom that from the beginning sets. Also invited Sir Barn, was liberal to grant instruction.” “没错,这是一开始就定下的规矩。还请巴恩大人,不吝赐教。” ........... “...........“ Leafa both hands got hold of the wooden sword, 莉法双手握紧了木剑, Fiona sighed, entered the battle condition again. Regarding three people that spunks up, Barn said one lightly. 菲欧娜则是叹了口气,再次进入了战斗状态。对于强打起精神的三人,巴恩淡淡的说了一句。 Attacks.” “攻过来吧。” ----- ----- The Kirito three people with Barn's fight, have no matter that is worth raising. The rookies who just entered occupation, with have awakened fight between some time sword Saints, had something to raise? 桐人三人和巴恩的战斗,根本没有任何值得提起的事情。刚入职业者的菜鸟,和已经觉醒了一段时间的剑圣之间的战斗,有什么可提的? After letting them showed own skill heartily, Barn then pats a sword on the body of everyone, sends them to the dreamland. 在让他们尽情的展现了自己的技巧后,巴恩便在每个人的身体上拍上一剑,送他们进入到梦乡。 Afterward, announced the inspection result. 随后,宣布了考核结果。 Obtains the qualifications a total of five people: Kirito, Leafa, Laney, Fiona, as well as Ryder take. 获得资格的总共五人:桐人莉法、雷尼、菲欧娜,以及莱德拿。 Lyon emperor gives him this duty, he naturally must seek some of his interests to be good in inside. Like Kirito and Leafa, is he prepares to bring to look for Agan left and Luke child in such an arrangement. 里昂皇帝将这个任务交给他,他自然要在里面谋取些自己的利益才行。像桐人莉法,就是他准备带着去找阿甘左和卢克西的拖油瓶。 But Laney, Fiona and Ryder take, is he under the pretext of duty, ahead of time for the good seedling that own knight group snatches. 而雷尼、菲欧娜和莱德拿,则是他以任务为借口,提前为自家骑士团抢来的好苗子。 The knights who after all if according to the normal custom, train from the training battalion of imperial capital, will conduct the discussion after each knight regimental commander will assign. Robs the matters of three good seedlings like Barn this type directly, other knight groups are absolutely impossible to permit. 毕竟若是按照正常规矩,从帝都的训练营训练出来的骑士们,都会由各个骑士团长进行讨论后才会分配。像巴恩这种直接抢走三个好苗子的事,其他骑士团是绝对不可能允许的。 However, Barn will not do goes too far, otherwise he will add Burma to snatch continually. 不过,巴恩也不会做的太过分,否则他连加西都会抢过来。 Now, makes others snatch western Canada. Can snatch Laney, Fiona and Ryder takes three people, he is well satisfied. 现在嘛,就让其他人去抢加西吧。能抢到雷尼、菲欧娜和莱德拿三人,他已经非常心满意足了。 Elizabeth and Sellers naturally saw Barn's attempt, but has not said anything. The knights roll, even if expands again strongly, that is still the knight group of empire. 伊丽莎白和塞勒斯自然是看出了巴恩的企图,不过也没有多说什么。骑士团就算再壮大再强,那也是帝国的骑士团。 Among these things as for knight groups, so long as is not noisy no one to care too in a big way. After all, only then struggles to promote the growth and progress. 至于骑士团之间的那些事情,只要不闹太大没有人会去在意。毕竟,只有斗争才能促进成长和进步。 But Kirito and Leafa, if they are willing to join to the iron wolf knight group, then Barn naturally is welcome. But in his opinion, these two are not work as the good clothing material of knight, they are more suitable to do like Agan left vagabond. 桐人莉法,若是他们愿意加入到铁狼骑士团,那么巴恩自然是欢迎。但在他看来,这两人并不是当骑士的好料子,他们更适合做像阿甘左那样的浪人。 The empire knight, first needs is to the loyalty of empire. But on them, Barn cannot feel this. 帝国骑士,首先需要的便是对帝国的忠诚。而在他们身上,巴恩感受不到这点。 Let alone, they are Ellis predicted that will pursue the adventurer of disaster. In other words, they have potential that can defeat the apostle. 何况,他们是艾丽丝预言中将会驱逐灾难的冒险家。也就是说,他们有着可以打败使徒的潜力。 The emperor's attitude to adventurer, wins over as far as possible, avoids hostilely. Then Barn naturally can comply with the meaning of emperor, conducts to win over and put a person under obligation. 皇帝对冒险家的态度,也是尽量拉拢,避免敌对。那么巴恩自然会遵从皇帝的意思,进行拉拢和卖人情。 Before being ready, throws them to the iron wolf knight group, making the assistant regimental commander conduct the field training to them, takes the same place with Laney, Fiona and Ryder. Makes their five people conclude the sentiment of ally as far as possible mutually, perhaps which day of this sentiment will send to use greatly. 在做好出发的准备之前,就把他们丢到铁狼骑士团当中,让副团长对他们进行战斗训练,和雷尼、菲欧娜和莱德拿一起。尽量让他们五人互相缔结战友之情,说不定哪一天这份感情会派上大用。 Was pondering various things , before he arrived at a house, imperceptibly. 思考着各种事情,在不知不觉中,他走到了一栋房屋前。 This is his family/home, he and wife Emily's family/home. 这是他的家,他和妻子艾米丽的家。 ........ “........” Stood a while in main house gate, Barn shoves open the door finally: Emily, I came back.” 在家门口站了一会儿,巴恩最终还是推开房门:“艾米丽,我回来了。” However, replied his is not gentle was laborious or Welcome back, but rests the scream of bottom. 但是,回答他的并不是温柔的‘辛苦了’或者‘欢迎回来’,而是歇斯里底的尖叫。 „!!!!!!!” “啊啊啊啊!!!!!!!” Emily! Emily! Emily of being all right.” “艾米丽!艾米丽!没事的艾米丽。” Nearby the woman of silver-gray long hair closely grasped the sepia long hair woman of going crazy, incomparably gentle saying: You look, is not others, is Barn? Barn.” 一旁银灰色长发的女人紧紧抱住了发狂的棕褐色长发女人,无比温柔的说道:“你看,不是其他人,是巴恩哦?巴恩。” Barn ..... “巴恩.....” Yes, is Barn. You should know his, right?” “是的,是巴恩。你应该认识他的,对吧?” Barn .... Is Barn, is Barn .... “巴恩....是巴恩,是巴恩啊....” The hysteric facial expression returns to normal slowly, but in the pupil still has the light dislike and fearing: Happy... Welcome back, Barn .... 歇斯底里的神情缓缓平复,但瞳孔中依然有着淡淡的厌恶和惧怕:“欢...欢迎回来,巴恩....” Un, I came back, Emily.” “嗯,我回来了,艾米丽。” The eyeground flows some unable with the mood that the spoken language described, Barn is maintaining the distance, smiled to Emily was saying. 眼底流淌着一些无法用言语来形容的情绪,巴恩保持着距离,对艾米丽微笑着说道。 I .... I can the room, Elder Sister.” “我....我会房间了,琳恩姐姐。” Works loose from the arms, Emily ran up to the building hurriedly. As if, is not willing to stay for one second with Barn. No .... Should say that is not willing to stay for one second with the man. 从琳恩的怀抱中挣脱开,艾米丽匆匆忙忙的跑上了楼。似乎,不愿意和巴恩一起多呆一秒。不....应该说是不愿意和男人多呆一秒吧。 Emily ..... “艾米丽.....” Is listening to the sound of footsteps in building and layer on layer/heavily closed door sound, Barn took down the saber and coat, hangs before the front door clothes rack and on the sword frame. 听着楼上的脚步声和被重重关上的房门声,巴恩将佩剑和外衣取下,挂在了大门前的衣架和剑架上。 Today troubles you .” “今天又麻烦你了,琳恩。” Is polite anything with my you.” “和我你还客气什么啊。” Smiles, starts to tidy up the Magic book on table: Dinner I and Emily have eaten, kept your share. Now can eat?” 琳恩笑了笑,开始收拾桌子上的魔法书:“晚饭我和艾米丽已经吃过了,留了你的份。现在要吃吗?” Un.” “嗯。” Good, I help you be hot now.” “好的,我现在就帮你热热。” Looks entered the slender back of kitchen, Barn's sitting silently before the table. 看着琳恩走进厨房的窈窕背影,巴恩默默的坐到了餐桌前。 Today goes to the imperial palace to have an audience with your majesty, what happened?” “今天去皇宫觐见陛下,发生了什么事情吗?” Un, your majesty assigned the duty to me. Let me choose several practice knights, brings to look for Agan left and Luke, the matter of inquiry day of valance giant beast.” “嗯,陛下给我分配了任务。让我挑选几名见习骑士,带着去找阿甘左和卢克西,询问天帷巨兽的事情。” Agan left and Luke, was really has not seen them for a long time.” “阿甘左和卢克西,真是好久没见他们了啊。” Hot dish, while said: But, why can lead the practice knight?” 一边热菜,琳恩一边说道:“不过,为什么要带着见习骑士?” „The prediction of Sir Ellis, you should also hear in the Demonic Path school.” “艾丽丝大人的预言,你在魔道学院应该也听说了吧。” Adventurer?” “冒险家?” Un.” “嗯。” Barn nods: While convenient, choosing some good seedlings to join to the iron wolf.” 巴恩点了点头:“顺便,选些好苗子加入到铁狼。” This ..... “这样啊.....” Is carrying the hot good stew and braves the steam the cooked rice to put in front of Barn, careful for on Barn one cup of warm tea, sat Barn's opposite but actually. 端着热好的炖菜和冒着热气的白米饭放到了巴恩面前,细心的又为巴恩倒上一杯温茶,琳恩坐到了巴恩的对面。 In other words, on the day valance giant beast, can have the apostle very much?” “也就是说,天帷巨兽上,很有可能有使徒?” Perhaps is ..... “恐怕是.....” Drank warm tea, Barn's light saying: After all, the prediction of Sir Ellis, has not missed.” 喝了一口温茶,巴恩淡淡的说道:“毕竟,艾丽丝大人的预言,没有错过。” ......... “.........” Speaking of the apostle, is not only Barn, will also recall that kept off the black hair youth before calling out in grief cavern, takes their despair. She and Barn are different, she was the true feeling killing intent of that frozen penetrating marrow. 提起使徒,不仅仅是巴恩,琳恩同样也会回想起那个挡在悲鸣洞穴前的黑发青年,所带给他们的绝望。她和巴恩不同,她可是真正的感受到了那冻彻骨髓的杀意。 The shadow, has not diverged until now. 阴影,直到现在也没有散去。 Therefore gave up the opportunity of joining to the imperial family Magic division, entered the empire Demonic Path school, becomes a researcher and teacher. The strength is progressing similarly, but had not actually traced to the movie screen of awakening. 所以琳恩放弃了加入到皇室魔法师团的机会,进入到了帝国魔道学院,成为了一名研究者和老师。实力同样在进步,可却一直没有摸到觉醒的障壁。 The reason she is also clear, because of then shadow. 原因她自己也清楚,因为当时的阴影。 „, Do how many practice knights give your feeling how? Made you see the own initial shadow?” “那么,那几名见习骑士给你的感觉怎么样?有没有让你看到自己当初的影子?” Knows that this topic will make two people recall not the happy memory, therefore quickly changed the topic. 知道这个话题会让两人回想起不愉快的记忆,所以琳恩急忙转换了话题。 Yes .... What that two adventurers is really very good seedling ..... “是呢....那两名冒险家的确是非常好的苗子.....” Sometimes, Barn will have the misconception. Her wife is not Emily, but is. Every day prepares food for him, chats with him, dispels melancholy for him. For his payout, he is unlikely hard to pay off for a lifetime. 有时候,巴恩会产生错觉。自己的妻子并不是艾米丽,而是琳恩。每天为他做饭,陪他聊天,为他解忧。琳恩为他的付出,他恐怕一辈子都难以还清。 At that time rescued the severe wound own, is. Looks after own, similarly is also. Her sentiment, Barn is not does not know. 当时救了重伤的自己的,是琳恩。照顾自己的,同样也是琳恩。她的感情,巴恩不是不知道。 He also repeatedly rejected, said oneself cannot respond to her sentiment. Oneself, have Emily this fiancee. Ten points excessively very unfeeling that even several times, he said intentionally. 他也多次拒绝了琳恩,说自己回应不了她的感情。自己,已经有了艾米丽这个未婚妻。甚至有几次,他都故意说的十分过分十分绝情。 However, the response actually smiles merely, then continues to accompany in his side. 然而,琳恩的反应却仅仅是笑了笑,然后继续陪伴在他的身边。 When two people return to the empire time, to be honest, Barn relaxes. He is afraid himself to vacillate, he will be afraid himself to disappoint Emily. Therefore, when sees Emily, he excitedly, happily and felt relieved. 等到两人回到帝国的时候,说心里话,巴恩松了一口气。他害怕自己动摇,他害怕自己会辜负艾米丽。所以,在重新见到艾米丽的时候,他激动、开心、且放下心来。 He was afraid like before is close to him accompanying him, but has not done that. She joined the Demonic Path school, immersed with single-hearted devotion the sea of Demonic Path. 他本来害怕琳恩会像之前一样的接近他陪伴他,但琳恩并没有这么做。她加入到了魔道学院,专心沉浸到了魔道的海洋。 Then were, what mood? Even if Barn, is very difficult to describe. 当时的自己,是什么样的心情?哪怕是巴恩自己,都很难形容。 Guilty? Anxious? Relieved? That little doesn't abandon? 愧疚?不安?安心?还有那一点点不舍? But these mood are seeing Emily, was after all thrown the brain, by him. 但这些情绪在见到艾米丽,便全被他丢到了脑后。 Although has not succeeded to crusade against apostle Shillock, because awakens for the sword Saint, the emperor still granted his knight status, and helped him obtain the title, becomes the Baron. 虽然没有成功讨伐使徒希洛克,但因为觉醒为了剑圣,皇帝陛下依然赐予了他骑士身份,并且让他获得了爵位,成为了男爵。 He is terrified, pleasant surprise , if crazy, earliest possible time and lover shares joy in the heart. Comes from him of civilians, finally can justifiable marries to pass through the gate aristocrat's daughter Emily. 他惶恐,又惊喜若狂,第一时间的和爱人分享自己心中的喜悦。出身于平民的他,终于可以名正言顺的将贵族之女艾米丽娶进门来。 Therefore, on that day after finishing matter on hand, he hurries to a small city that Emily was at immediately. Because Emily wants with the friend, introduced itself. 所以,那天在忙完手头的事情后,他立马赶去了艾米丽所在的一座小城市。因为艾米丽想要和朋友,介绍自己。 But after rushing, he sees, is not Emily that lovable facial features, but ignites the flaming flame the house. 但赶到后他看到的,不是艾米丽那可爱的面容,而是燃起熊熊火焰的房子。 He ignored the stop of security guard to clash, anxious is inquiring about lover's form everywhere. May find in the study room, actually pours three people in pool of blood, as well as bloodstained silver makeup blade. 他不顾警卫的阻拦冲了进去,焦急的到处探寻着爱人的身影。可在书房中找到的,却是倒在血泊中的三人,以及染血的银妆刀。 The security guard in house, black clothes odd person of wearing a mask, as well as .... 房子的警卫,蒙面的黑衣怪人,以及.... Emily!!!” “艾米丽!!!” .............. .............. Emily has not died, this makes Barn relax. However, was attacked by the man to her brought the trauma, lets her mental aberration. She does not remember anybody, does not remember that own parents, do not remember the friend, does not remember him, even do not remember. 艾米丽并没有死,这让巴恩松了口气。然而,被男人袭击给她带来了心理阴影,让她精神失常。她不记得任何人,不记得自己的父母,不记得朋友,不记得他,甚至连自己都不记得。 Loathes the male extremely, even the 5,6-year-old young boys are not good. So long as sees the male, she will then work on all things, loses toward the opposite party. 极度厌恶男性,甚至连5,6岁的小男孩都不行。只要见到男性,她便会抓起身边的一切东西,朝着对方丢过去。 This condition, let alone married, the normal life is unable to achieve. Emily's parents, marquis Kruger urged him to break an engagement several times, but was actually rejected by Barn. 这种状态,别说结婚了,就连正常生活都无法做到。艾米丽的父母,克鲁格侯爵一家几次劝他退婚,但却都被巴恩拒绝。 If he does not manage, what to do Emily should? 要是他都不管了,艾米丽该怎么办? The aristocratic family may have no kinship, some are only the benefits. The daughter who lost the value will have what fate, it goes without saying. 贵族家庭可没有什么亲情,有的只是利益。一个失去了价值的女儿会有什么下场,不言而喻。 Let alone, under empire law, only then the bridegroom and bride read the pledge of marriage stemming from oneself wish together, can be authorized as the couple. 更何况,按照帝国法律,只有新郎和新娘出于本人的意愿共同念出婚姻的誓约,才能被认可为夫妻。 Therefore fight that wants Barn only to go all out, demonstrates own value in front of the emperor and Emily's parents, maintains this betrothed pair's relations. Letting Emily can continue, safe lives in home. 所以想要巴恩只能拼命的战斗,在皇帝和艾米丽的父母面前展现自己的价值,维持住这未婚夫妇的关系。让艾米丽能够继续,平安的在家中生活。 But at this moment, knew that Barn difficult position, went out of the Demonic Path school, returned to side Barn. 而就在这时,得知巴恩困境的琳恩,走出了魔道学院,回到了巴恩身边。 Why ..... “为什么.....” I have said that I will be accompanying you.” “我说过,我会陪着你的。” That does not have the gentle smile of change, keeping Barn from dismissing from mind. 琳恩那没有变化的温柔笑容,让巴恩至今无法忘怀。
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