RS :: Volume #4 北冥钓鲲

#832: Domain avalanche!

Chapter 831 and domain avalanche! 第831章、领域崩塌! Landslide Tsunami and prairie fire combustion. 山崩海啸、野火燃烧。 Originally tranquil such as the northern ocean confusion of mirror, this is the indication that the domain will not be steady will soon collapse. 原本平静如镜的北溟一片混乱,这是领域不稳即将崩溃的征兆。 Under the snowball strong pressure, the enormous legendary fish beast does utmost is unable to make one to be able the abundant under Heart of Weak Water domain. 在雪球的强势威压之下,鲲兽竭尽全力也无法制造一个可以盛下弱水之心的领域。 Big of enormous legendary fish, does not know its several thousand li (0.5km). 鲲之大,不知其几千里也。 But if, is the length of snowball bigger than the enormous legendary fish? 可是,倘若雪球的长度比鲲还要大呢? The domain and illusion, sum up to tie the low competion strength, to cultivate, boundary. 领域、幻境,归根结低比拼的还是实力、修为、境界。 Has missed half step merely, the enormous legendary fish beast deals strenuously then so. 仅仅是差了半阶,鲲兽应对起来便如此的吃力。 The northern ocean rocks to collapse, the enormous legendary fish beast transforms " Li Muyang that " becomes also to creaky. 北溟晃动欲塌,鲲兽幻化而成的「李牧羊」也摇摇欲坠。 You ------ Enormous legendary fish beast voice is cloudy, evil report said: You know that what you are making? If ----- The domain is disillusioned, you in dire straits in this domain, vanish into thin air ----- “你们------”鲲兽声音阴沉,恶声说道:“你们知道自己在做什么吗?倘若-----领域破灭,你们都将困死在这领域之中,烟消云散-----” Shouted ------- “呼-------” The snowball disregards, still opened the big mouth to attract the sea water of Black Sea. 雪球不管不顾,仍然张开血盆大口吸呐黑海的海水。 The sea of northern ocean, limitless, as if can never see the end. 北溟之海,无边无际,仿佛永远看不到尽头。 But, now sea water obvious shallow, looks like quick must by the snowball swallowing clean as. 可是,现在海水明显的浅了一层,看起来很快就要被雪球给吞噬干净似的。 The enormous legendary fish beast is clear, when the sea water sees the bottom, the northern ocean is dry, is the domain is disillusioned. 鲲兽清楚,当海水见底,北溟干涸,便是领域破灭的时候。 At that time, the domain vanished, all in this domain will also vanish. 那个时候,领域消失,这领域中的一切也都将消失。 Wolf King felt the danger sensitively, animal to the danger extremely. 狼王感觉到了危险,动物对危险极其的敏感。 It regarding by the iceberg, hissing exclaimed with its old sound: Li Muyang ------ Li Muyang ----- You awake quickly ------ 它围绕在冰山旁边,用它那苍老的声音嘶吼道:“李牧羊------李牧羊-----你快醒醒------” The domain is disillusioned, it and iceberg inside Li Muyang will vanish. 领域破灭,它和冰山里面的李牧羊都会消失。 Feared can live had the snowball, was, the snowball with 250, disregards now, whose words also turned a deaf ear, wholeheartedly wanted to explode to the brace this domain ------ 怕是能够活下来的就只有雪球了,可是,雪球现在跟个250似的,不管不顾,谁的话也听不进去,就是一心想要将这领域给撑爆------ It must awaken Li Muyang, at this moment, only then Li Muyang can prevent the snowball. 它要唤醒李牧羊,此时此刻,只有李牧羊能够阻止雪球了。 Hears the Wolf King sound, fell into the comatose condition Li Muyang to open the eye, pupil inside bloody water ebullition. 听到狼王的声音,已经陷入昏迷状态的李牧羊睁开了眼睛,瞳孔里面血水沸腾。 ------- 啪啪啪------- The body of Li Muyang starts to extend, distortion, distortion and body surface to start to give birth to the white scale, the arm that breaks off also starts to fluctuate into the sharp sharp claws. 李牧羊的身体开始伸展、扭曲、变形、身体表面开始生出白色的鳞片,折断的手臂也开始变幻成为锋利的利爪。 ------- 咔嚓咔嚓------- That closely wraps the ice piece of body to start to fall, melting. 那紧紧包裹着身体的冰块开始掉落,融化。 The body of Li Muyang is getting bigger and bigger, body also in infinite elongation. 李牧羊的身体越来越大,身体也在无限的拉长。 In this iceberg, he is transforming into a white big dragon. 在这冰山之中,他正在幻化成为一头白色的巨龙。 ------ 咔嚓咔嚓------ By big dragon of iceberg freeze. 一块被冰山冻结的巨龙。 The eye of Li Muyang turned into the longan, the head also turned into the main item. 李牧羊的眼睛变成了龙眼,脑袋也变成了龙头。 Quiet! 沉寂! Dies the general dreariness! 死一般的沉寂! Sound that only then that ice piece falls. 只有那冰块掉落的声音。 Recited ------ “吟------” The big dragon face upwards suddenly the long and loud cry. 巨龙突然间仰天长啸。 Bang ------ 砰------ A bang, resounds through the world. 一声巨响,响彻天地。 The entire iceberg explodes, the ice piece of bulk toward splashes in all directions. 整座冰山爆裂开来,大块大块的冰块朝着四处飞溅。 White big dragon hovering upper air, the blood red eye transformed " Li Muyang that " became to look at one toward the enormous legendary fish beast, then " recitation " overran. 白色巨龙翱翔高空,血红色的眼睛朝着鲲兽幻化而成的「李牧羊」看了一眼,然后「吟」地一声冲了过去。 Bang ------ 砰------ The body of enormous legendary fish beast hitting to fly by White Dragon. 鲲兽的身体被白龙给撞飞出去。 White Dragon still does not dispel anger, overtakes the body that enormous legendary fish beast flying upside down goes to at a quicker speed, then lifted up high the dragon claw to pat maliciously. 白龙犹不解恨,以更快的速度追上鲲兽倒飞而去的身体,然后高举龙爪狠狠地拍了过去。 ------- 咔嚓------- The body of enormous legendary fish beast was cranked up in Black Sea. 鲲兽的身体被拍成了黑海之中。 White Dragon face upwards the long and loud cry, the shape, if crazy, planted in Black Sea, threw toward the point of descent of that enormous legendary fish beast. 白龙仰天长啸,状若疯癫,一头栽进了黑海之中,朝着那鲲兽的落点扑了过去。 ------- 嚓------- Its has bitten the ankle of enormous legendary fish beast, then fell toward the upper air maliciously. 它一口咬住了鲲兽的脚腕,然后狠狠地朝着高空摔了过去。 Ascends the sky into, sea deep place. 上天入地,海洋深处。 White Dragon carries on to explode regarding the enormous legendary fish beast hits, a cut-throat appearance of absolutely irreconcilable either you or I alone can exist. 白龙围绕着鲲兽进行爆打,一幅不共戴天有你没我的凶狠模样。 Li Muyang ------- Wolf King makes noise to whoosh again. 李牧羊-------”狼王再一次出声嘶吼。 It was worried very much the snowball has not exploded to the brace the domain, White Dragon that Li Muyang changes to enormous legendary fish beast killing. 它很担心雪球还没有把领域给撑爆,李牧羊化作的白龙就把鲲兽给打死了。 Bang ------- “轰-------” The huge sound transmits, dazzling white light twinkle. 巨大的声响传来,耀眼的白光闪烁。 Then, that northern ocean starts to reduce, starts to overlap. 然后,那北溟开始缩小,开始重叠。 Whiz ------- 嗖------- The entire northern ocean vanishes does not see. 整个北溟消失不见。 --------- --------- ---------- ---------- World static, can move, only then that white clothing female celestial, as well as eye of Yan Xiangma. 天地是静止的,能够活动的只有那个白衣仙女,以及燕相马的眼睛。 Yan Xiangma opens mouth to say, discovery own mouth is stiff, such as that spring breeze winter snow is common, does not have the means creeping motion voice. 燕相马张嘴欲言,却发现自己的嘴巴僵硬,如那春风冬雪一般,根本就没办法蠕动发声。 He blinked, fortunately the eyeball can move. 他眨了眨眼睛,幸运的是眼珠可以动弹的。 Therefore, his then both eyes circle opens the eyes, stubbornly is staring at that white beautiful figure. Wish that he tries hard looks is clearer, the ray that but that small female celestial whole body sends out is too abundant, causes to have one group of golden yellow light groups that his naked eye sees. 于是,他便双眼圆睁,死死的盯着那个白色的倩影。他努力的想要看得更加真切一些,但是那个小仙女周身散发出来的光芒太盛,导致他肉眼所见到的只有一团金黄的光团。 You spoke ------ Small female celestial sees the eye that Yan Xiangma winks, asked: How didn't you speak?” “你说话啊------”小仙女看到燕相马眨动的眼睛,问道:“你怎么不说话?” ------- “-------” Oh, I forgot ------ Small female celestial remembers anything to resemble likely suddenly, she extended the pure white exquisite small hand to hit a sound to refer to the midair. “哎呀,我忘记了------”小仙女像是突然间想起什么似的,她伸出洁白细腻的小手在半空之中打了一个响指。 ----- 啪----- A resounding transmits. 一声脆响传来。 Looked like turned on the switch of magic, the entire world revived suddenly. 就像是打开了魔法的开关,整个世界突然间苏醒过来。 The static wind continues to blow, the snow of stagnation continues to fall. The coagulation expression stretches, the right foot that lifts puts down, turning around also finally recovered normally. 静止的风继续在吹,停滞的雪继续在落。凝固的表情舒展开来,那抬起来的右脚放下,扭转过来的身体也终于恢复了正常。 The Jinjia guys who broadsword that except that will soon chop as well as fences disappeared, all restore the beforehand appearance. 除了那即将砍下的大刀以及操刀的金甲大汉消失了,一切都恢复之前的模样。 Escorts!” “护驾!” Officials called that has massive consecrations and guards overran in the Ying Boyan location direction. 宦官一声吆喝,就有大量的供奉和护卫朝着赢伯言所在的方向冲了过去。 The peacock regiment is with huge crowds of people Ying Boyan surrounding in the middle, does not make people have the slight nearness opportunity. 孔雀军团更是里三层外三层的将赢伯言给围拢在中间,不让人有丝毫的靠近机会。 Ying Boyan my face is actually assured, because of beginning to end, Imperial Teacher Ying Wuyu is maintaining calm. Even if the complete people because of this girl's arrival was framed, he has not had the slight influence. 赢伯言本人倒是一脸笃定,因为由始至终,国师赢无欲都保持着镇定。就算是全部人都因为这个小姑娘的到来而被定格的时候,他也不曾有丝毫的影响。 So long as there is Imperial Teacher, Ying Boyan is then clear, on this day underground, can injure to his person is few. 只要有国师在,赢伯言便清楚,这天上地下,能够伤害到他的人屈指可数。 The entire city common people also all looked at the past toward the punishment stage, was not clear 全城百姓也全都朝着刑台看过去,不明白 That the young miss who walks from ten thousand multi-colored sunlight is any character. However they are thinking at heart, this young miss looks like in the picture walks, certainly is the female celestial of space is. 那个从万道霞光中走出来的小姑娘是什么人物。不过他们在心里想着,这个小姑娘就像是画里面走出来的,一定是天上的仙女才是。 After the small female celestial has relieved " space and time mark " , looks at Yan Xiangma saying: Good, you can speak now.” 小仙女解除了「时空印记」之后,看着燕相马说道:“好啦,现在你可以说话了。” Yan Xiangma blinked once more, sound anxious asking: You are ----- Li Sinian?” 燕相马再次眨了眨眼睛,声音急切的问道:“你是-----李思念?” Yes, couldn't your this young ladies recognize?” Small female celestial sound delightful saying, the corners of the mouth are having the mischievous happy expression. „The Jiangnan old friends did not know that but is really affecting.” “是啊,你连本小姐都认不出来了吗?”小仙女声音甜美的说道,嘴角带着调皮的笑意。“江南旧友都不认识了,可真是让人伤心呢。” „.” Yan Xiangma “没有没有。”燕相马 Shaking the head of going all out. „Are you really Li Sinian? I know that you are Li Sinian, but, I cannot believe my eye ----- Did you come? You --- Received my dream butterfly to send greetings?” 拼命的摇头。“你真的是李思念?我知道你是李思念,但是,我不敢相信自己的眼睛-----你怎么来了呢?你---收到我的梦蝶传音了?” „Does dream butterfly send greetings? When matter is that? I have not received ----- Small female celestial shook the head, makes noise to say. “梦蝶传音?那是什么时候的事情?我不曾收到-----”小仙女摇了摇头,出声说道。 The Yan Xiangma body is instantaneously relaxed, has a difficult word 燕相马身体瞬间轻松,却又有种难言 The losing mood, said with a smile: „ Not good, does not have well ----- I am curious, you how at this time to here, but also has saved me exactly ---- If you late come a breath, my head must be chopped by them ----- 的失落情绪,笑着说道:“没有就好,没有就好-----我就是好奇,你怎么会在这个时候到了这里,还恰好救了我----你要是晚来一息,我的脑袋就要被他们砍下来了----- Um. Since came, will not make them chop your head.” Small female celestial has me in the appearance that should not be afraid. You could rest assured that I will protect your.” “嗯。既然来了,就不会让他们砍你脑袋的。”小仙女一幅有我在你不要害怕的模样。“你放心,我会保护你的。” Missing ------ Yan Xiangma heart affected being unable to restrain oneself. Thank you. Saw you at this time ----- Saw that you are really good.” “思念------”燕相马心头感动的不能自已。“谢谢你。在这个时候见到你-----见到你真好。” Does not use politely.” Li Sinian grinning saying: Because we are the friends. Before you once had also helped me . Moreover, you are my brother's good friend ----- Since I arrived here exactly, did not see that carefully you must be chopped the head. I naturally must help your.” “不用客气。”李思念笑嘻嘻的说道:“因为我们是朋友啊。以前你也曾帮过我,而且,你还是我哥哥的好朋友-----既然我恰好到了这里,又不小心见到你要被人砍脑袋。那我自然要帮助你的。” Yes ----- In Yan Xiangma heart disappointed, joyful stuff that but the heart still met again after a long separation by the good friend. In any event, when I thought this lives hopelessly you appear suddenly ------ The God has delivered my this heavy snow, has sent you, now ----- Even if were chopped head I not to have any complaint by them.” “是啊-----”燕相马心中怅然,但是心头仍然被好友久别重逢的喜悦填满。“无论如何,在我觉得此生无望的时候你突然间出现------老天爷送了我这一场大雪,又送来了你,现在-----就算是被他们砍了脑袋我也没有任何怨言了。” That is not good.” Li Sinian face earnest saying: How can say definitely easily? Which the people, must live well. My brother lives that difficultly, but he still in struggling of going all out, the revolt of going all out, goes all out ---- To live. We are living, therefore, you cannot die.” “那可不行。”李思念一脸认真的说道:“怎么能轻易说死呢?人哪,一定要好好活着。我哥哥活得那么艰难,但是他还在拼命的挣扎,拼命的反抗,拼命的----想要活着。我们都活着,所以,你也不能死。” I do not die, I do not want dead now ----- I thought ------ Saw that you were too happy ----- “我不死,我现在也不想死-----我就是觉得------看到你太高兴了-----” The Li Sinian then again blooming smiling face, said: Then right.” 李思念这才重新绽放笑颜,说道:“这才对嘛。” She catches the eye to size up all around, said: Here probably is not the talking about old days place ----- Is looked by these many people, my some are not comfortable.” 她抬眼打量四周,说道:“这里好像不是叙旧的地方-----被这么多人看着,我有些不自在。” I am actually good ------ Adapted.” Yan Xiangma grinned to smile. Present he is happy, can live happily, sees Li Sinian to be happy. Can with Li Sinian chatting so happy. “我倒是还好------已经适应了。”燕相马咧开嘴笑。现在的他非常开心,能够活着开心,见到李思念开心。能够和李思念这般的说说笑笑更加的开心。 Even if Li Sinian cannot rescue itself, even if a while he must by Peacock King chopping, his heart is also joyful. 就算李思念救不下自己,就算一会儿他还是要被孔雀王给砍了,他的心头也是喜悦的。 Heaven ---- How will such graciousness treat in oneself?” Soon by person of beheading, in the heart unexpectedly will be sent out such sigh. “上天----怎么会如此的恩待于自己呢?”一个即将被砍头的人,心中竟然会发出这样的感叹。 Li Sinian looks all around, makes noise to shout: Hello, who is a chancellor?” 李思念环顾四周,出声喊道:“喂,谁是主事的?” Ying Boyan waved, encircles keeps off scatters in all directions to separate in his front guard immediately. 赢伯言挥了挥手,围挡在他前面的护卫立即四散分开。 Ying Boyan looks that front white clothing floating makings leave the dust such as to exile the immortal common young miss, said: Person who you must find ----- Must be I.” 赢伯言看着面前白衣飘飘气质出尘如谪仙人一般的小姑娘,说道:“你要找的人-----应当是朕吧。” Really? Who is real?” “真?谁是真?” I ----- This king.” “朕-----本王。” „, Your west ribald is nonstandard. Later must pay attention to some.” “哦,你的西风话一点儿也不标准。以后要注意一些。” ------ “------” Naturally, Miss Li Sinian will not pester on others these small issues does not put, she stretches out White Jade slightly pointed at has referred to Yan Xiangma, said: He is I and my brother's friend.” 当然,李思念大小姐是不会在人家的这些小问题上面纠缠不放的,她伸出白玉般的小手指了指燕相马,说道:“他是我和我哥哥的朋友。” „Is your elder brother Li Muyang?” “你哥哥是李牧羊?” Yes. Do you also know my brother?” “是的。你也认识我哥哥?” Turns into the ash also to know.” The Ying Boyan ruthless sound said. To be honest, “化成灰也认识。”赢伯言狠声说道。说实话, Sees this kind of smart adorable young miss, the average person cannot give birth to the heart of slaughtering. However, Li Muyang has charm so ----- Who mentioned him to kill him. 见到这样一个机灵可爱的小姑娘,一般人是生不出杀戮之心的。但是,李牧羊就是有这般的魔力-----谁提起他都想要打死他。 Hee hee ------ Li Sinian cluck-cluck smiles tenderly. “嘻嘻------”李思念咯咯娇笑起来。 What do you smile?” Ying Boyan looks at Li Sinian to ask. Was the answer of replying very laughable? “你笑什么?”赢伯言看着李思念问道。难道自己回答的答案很可笑吗? Many people want to harm my brother ----- Li Sinian crisp saying: But they killed themselves finally.” “很多人都想害我哥哥-----”李思念脆生生的说道:“但是他们最后都把自己害死了。” --------- “---------” But, you are different from them.” Li Sinian said. “不过,你和他们不一样。”李思念说道。 I somewhat am actually curious ----- I with their how different law?” “我倒是有些好奇-----我和他们怎么个不一样法?” You hate him, actually does not want to kill him ------ “你只是恨他,却并不想杀他------” The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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