RS :: Volume #4 北冥钓鲲

#831: The snowball assumes an awe-inspiring pose!

Chapter 830 and snowball assume an awe-inspiring pose! 第830章、雪球发威! Space underground, I am only supreme. 天上地下,唯我至尊。 Has absolute power over somebody, takes responsibility by me. 生杀予夺,由我作主。 This is the domain strength. 这便是领域的力量。 If seriously real swords and spears hits, Li Muyang added on Heart of Weak Water saying that did not permit to give that Kunpeng with. Let alone also soon red moon/month Wolf King of congealment entity will plunder in side. 倘若当真真刀真枪的打起来,李牧羊加上一个弱水之心说不准就把那鲲鹏给拿下来。更何况还有一头即将凝结实体的红月狼王在旁边掠阵。 But, their planted in the domain of that enormous legendary fish beast. 可是,偏偏他们一头栽进了那鲲兽的领域之中。 It can be said that this giant northern ocean is the back garden that the enormous legendary fish beast transforms, or is its beast palm ----- Slaughter in this and it, 可以说,这巨大的北溟就是鲲兽幻化出来的后花园,或者说是它的兽掌心-----在这里面和其厮杀, Is a how difficult matter? 是多么艰难的一桩事情? Your strength was fettered, is hard to display completely. But the Lord of that domain can actually want the wind to must the wind the rain to result in the rain is wants 100,000 god soldiers is also a thought revolution of matter. So long as that 100,000 god soldiers to its useful, but its cultivating to can support this giant Yuan god to consume. 你的实力受到束缚,难以完全发挥。而那领域之主却可以要风得风要雨得雨就是想要100000神兵也不过是意念一转的事情。只要那100000神兵对其有用而它本身的修为又能够支撑这一场巨大的元神消耗。 Yes, supports this huge domain fantasy to need the formidable elementary force foundation. 是的,支撑这巨大的领域幻想是需要强大的元力基础的。 It looks like you raises the families singing girl stage to need many gold coin truth. 就像是你养着一家老小歌女戏台需要很多金币一个道理。 The body of Li Muyang was covered by that snow and ice, thick cold ice its package solid. Li Muyang goes all out to struggle, but the body is getting more and more stiff. Dragon Qi leaks, the whole body is glowing red, looked like must burn 李牧羊的身体被那冰雪覆盖,厚实的寒冰将其包裹的严严实实。李牧羊拼命挣扎,但是身体却越来越僵硬。龙气外泄,全身红通通的,就像是要烧着了 Generally, wants to use the firepower of dragon to give the melting this ice layer. 一般,想要使用龙之火力将这冰层给融化。 What has not thought that the speed that the ice layer congeals wants on not to have the several fold compared with the melted speed quickly. Suddenly the time, the Li Muyang location position then presented an iceberg. 没想到的是,冰层凝结的速度比融化速度要快上无数倍。眨眼功夫,李牧羊所在的位置便已经出现了一座冰山。 The giant iceberg in sea level, stands erect the iceberg that does not fall in the midair. 海面上的巨大冰山,屹立在半空不坠的冰山。 Li Muyang looks like heart of iceberg, it places oneself in that iceberg most, the hand cannot lift, body unable to be moved and hair given the model by the snow and ice, hangs loose, long dragging there with broom. 李牧羊就像是冰山之心似的,它置身在那冰山的最中间,手不能抬、身不能动、就连头发都被冰雪给塑型,披散开来,长长的拖在那里跟一根扫帚似的。 It looks like trillion years ago in an amber cockroach, lifelike, actually lost the life. 就像是亿万年前琥珀里面的一只蟑螂,栩栩如生,却已失去生命。 If ordinary Human race, receives so suffering of strength of domain, withstands coldly so frozen, feared that was dying already. 若是普通人族的话,受到这般领域之力的折磨,承受这般的寒冻,怕是早就已经死翘翘了。 Li Muyang is also living. 李牧羊还活着。 In within the body the air/Qi of that dragon is sheltering him, making him retain the last sobriety. 是体内的那股龙之气在庇护着他,让他保留着最后一丝的清醒。 Whole body active has the eyeball, Li Muyang wants to turn around, wants to have a liking for Qiandu one again ---- What a pity, this is not the matter that is possible to achieve. 全身能动的只有眼球,李牧羊想要转过身去,想要再去看上千度一眼----可惜,这已经是不可能做到的事情。 His look is sad, guilty until death. 他的眼神悲伤,愧疚至死。 His lip creeping motion, wants to open mouth the speech, does not have the means to make any sound. 他的嘴唇蠕动,想要张嘴说话,却也没办法发出任何声音。 Probably, he wants to say goodbye with Qiandu ----- Or sorry. 大概,他想要和千度道别-----或者说一声对不起。 Is he brings Qiandu to here, does not have the ability to go back her perfect belt. Li Muyang is extremely at heart uncomfortable. This made him die was uncomfortable. 是他将千度带到这里,却没有能力将她完好无损的带回去。李牧羊的心里极度难受。这比让他死了还要难受。 Qiandu ------ Li Muyang was crying out at heart. Only can shout her name with such way, although she is like this impossible to hear. Qiandu ------ 千度------”李牧羊在心里呐喊。只能用这样的方式才能呼喊出她的名字,虽然这样她根本就不可能听见。“千度------” Two lines of clear tears fall following the cheeks. 两行清泪顺着脸颊滑落。 The sons have the tears non- light shell, but has not arrived at the hopeless situation place. 男儿有泪不轻弹,只是未到绝境处。 Cried?” The enormous legendary fish beast transforms " Li Muyang that " becomes to look at the waterdrop of Li Muyang corner of the eye, laughs, asked: „Is this tears? Also is really the huge joke ----- Originally that keeps aloof Dragon race that is insufferably arrogant also to cry ------ “哭了?”鲲兽幻化而成的「李牧羊」看着李牧羊眼角的泪滴,哈哈大笑起来,问道:“这是眼泪吗?还真是天大的笑话-----原来那高高在上不可一世的龙族也会哭啊------” Cuts off **, can become an immortal. No wonder your Dragon race is unable to be members of the Hanlin Academy ------ Is because your Dragon race corrupt # obscene lascivious, is attached to the Human race female not to be willing to discard these useless sentiments ------ 斩断**,方能登仙。难怪你们龙族一直无法位列仙班------就是因为你们龙族贪#淫好色,眷恋人族女子不愿舍弃那些无用的感情------” I am different ------ I not want heartlessly, do not have any worrying ------ Enormous legendary fish beast face excited saying: Matter that since your Dragon race cannot achieve, that then makes me complete ------- My Dapeng clan will definitely surmount Dragon race, becomes the genuine god clan ----- “我不一样------我无情无欲,无任何牵挂------”鲲兽一脸激动的说道:“既然你们龙族做不到的事情,那便让我来完成吧-------我大鹏族必然会超越龙族,成为真正的神族-----” ------- ------- ------ He looks appearance that Li Muyang cannot withstand weakly, some saying of exclusion: I am curious to the world, borrows your Pi Nang to use, first goes to Human race to step onto one ------ Since society has my existence, you are then unnecessary ----- “不过------”他看着李牧羊虚弱不堪的模样,有些嫌弃的说道:“我对人间非常好奇,就借你皮馕一用,先去人族走上一遭吧------既然世间有我的存在,那么,你便是多余的-----” The enormous legendary fish beast extends the right hand, then makes a fist slowly. 鲲兽伸出右手,然后缓缓握拳。 Every time tightens some fists, that giant iceberg then makes the sound that makes noise, but reduction that the volume of iceberg also keeping. 每收紧一些拳头,那巨大的冰山便发出咔嚓咔嚓作响的声音,而冰山的体积也在不停的缩小。 He controls the mountain by the fist, prepares pinching the body of Li Muyang in the palm. 他以拳控山,准备将李牧羊的身体给捏死在手掌之中。 ------- 咔嚓------- His fist tightens, that iceberg once more reduces some. 他的拳头收紧一些,那冰山又再次缩小一些。 ------ 咔嚓------ ------ 咔嚓------ The sound that the iceberg keeps, can hear that iceberg to pile up mutually, then combines to turn into a density bigger physique smaller iceberg. 冰山不停的响动,能够听到那冰山内部互相积压,然后重新组合变成密度更大体格更小的冰山。 The body of Li Muyang changes in occurrence that in the iceberg also keeps, his body by the distortion of ice piece extrusion, the head left deviation, the arm was been curving, the body makes noise, can hear oneself bone disruption the sound ------ 李牧羊的身体在冰山之中也不停的发生变化,他的身体被冰块挤压的变形,脑袋左倾,胳膊弯曲,身体咯嘣咯嘣作响,能够听到自己骨头碎裂的声音------ When reduces to that iceberg to certain degree, Li Muyang will be piled up the meat patty or the mud, with that iceberg forever fuses in together, tearing does not open again. 待到那冰山缩小到一定的程度,李牧羊就会被积压成肉饼或者烂泥,与那冰山永远的融合在一起,再也撕裂不开了。 Li Muyang ------ Wolf King has gotten angry, whooshes makes noise. It is shouldering remaining unconscious Qiandu, transformed " Li Muyang that " became to throw toward the enormous legendary fish beast on own initiative. 李牧羊------”狼王怒了,嘶吼出声。它背负着昏迷不醒的千度,主动朝着鲲兽幻化而成的「李牧羊」扑了过去。 Roar ------- 吼------- It opens the big mouth, " Li Muyang " spouts one group of purple-red raging fire toward that fiercely. 它张开大嘴,猛地朝着那「李牧羊」喷出一团紫红色的烈火。 Red moon/month Wolf King ------ Overreaches oneself.” The enormous legendary fish beast sleeves fling, then pulling out to fly the body of red moon/month Wolf King. “红月狼王------不自量力。”鲲兽衣袖一甩,便将红月狼王的身体给抽飞了出去。 The body of red moon/month Wolf King tumbles in midair, then difficult stop. 红月狼王的身体在半空之中翻滚,然后艰难的停顿下来。 It will fall soon into the northern ocean sea Qiandu grasping, flings oneself to carry on the back it again, then threw toward Li Muyang again ------ 它一把将即将落入北溟海的千度给抓了起来,重新将它甩到自己背上,然后再一次朝着李牧羊扑了过去------ Its these time has fired into true Li Muyang, has fired into that the iceberg that Li Muyang wraps. 它这一次冲向了真正的李牧羊,冲向了那座将李牧羊包裹的冰山。 It opens the big mouth, is putting out the raging flame to that iceberg. 它张开大嘴,然后对着那冰山吐出熊熊烈火。 It must consume really the Yuan, does not hesitate to exhaust the strength of own red moon/month, must give the melting in within the body raging fire this iceberg. 它要耗费真元,不惜耗尽自己的红月之力,也要用体内烈火将这冰山给融化。 Stupid ------ Enormous legendary fish beast transforms the Li Muyang corners of the mouth that becomes to reappear wipes the taunt. I have said that here is my domain ------ This snow and ice, I want many then many. How do you possibly melt the iceberg?” “愚蠢之极------”鲲兽幻化而成的李牧羊嘴角浮现一抹嘲讽。“我说过,这里是我的领域------这冰雪,我要多少便有多少。你又怎么可能将冰山融化呢?” Shouted ------- “呼-------” Wolf King disregards, still went all out to that iceberg blowout raging flame. 狼王不管不顾,仍然拼命的对着那冰山喷出熊熊烈火。 It does not believe that it must this iceberg melting. 它不信,它一定要将这冰山融化。 ------- “噗-------” The snowball flushed from Black Sea, saw that Li Muyang this time appearance exudes the sound of calling out in grief. 雪球从黑海之中冲了出来,看到李牧羊此时的模样发出悲鸣之声。 It flies the iceberg border, soars several around the giant iceberg. Brandishes the claw to pat broken iceberg, but, that cold ice is firm, if the iron stone, so is can it be that easy to pat broken? 它飞到冰山边沿,绕着巨大的冰山飞翔数圈。挥舞着爪子想要拍碎冰山,但是,那寒冰坚若铁石,岂是那么容易就拍碎的? Moreover, just patted the broken same place, has more ice layers to grow, the spread is unceasing. 而且,刚刚拍碎一块,就有更多的冰层生长出来,蔓延不绝。 Looked like remembers anything to resemble suddenly, swelling that its body keeping, swelled. 就像是突然间想起了什么似的,它的身体在不停的胀大,胀大。 Greatly, serious offense that iceberg, serious offense that Black Sea, even must be bigger than that northern ocean. 越来越大,大过那冰山,大过那黑海,甚至要大过那北溟。 Blots out the sky, sees only the form of that white airedale. 铺天盖地,只见那一只白色大狗的身影。 The enormous legendary fish beast transforms " Li Muyang that " becomes complexion to be dignified, in the eye presented the panic-stricken color. 鲲兽幻化而成的「李牧羊」脸色凝重,眼里出现了惊恐之色。 Here belongs to its domain, belongs to its kingdom, it is this northern ocean unique god. 这里属于它的领域,属于它的王国,它是这北溟独一无二的神。 But, it must support such domain, needs to consume the massive really Yuan strength. Is trillion years of bit by bit transforming. 可是,它要支撑这样的领域,是需要耗费大量的真元之力的。是亿万年的时间一点一点儿的幻化而成的。 The northern ocean is bigger, it must consume the Yuan then are also really more. 北溟越大,它所要消耗的真元便也越多。 But matter that the snowball wants to handle now is ------ The northern ocean supporting greatly. 而雪球现在想要做的事情就是------将北溟给撑得更大。 It is Heart of Weak Water, is the mothers of ten thousand water. Is the flood peaks in society all water. 它是弱水之心,是万水之母。是世间所有水的水头。 It can assemble Wan Shuiwei its to use, including the water of this northern ocean. So long as there is a flood peak, then, its body can inexhaustible growing up. 它能够调集万水为其所用,包括这北溟之水。只要有水头,那么,它的身体就可以无穷尽的长大。 Day, water. 天、地、水。 It can as big as Ge Tian, big to obstructing, is big ----- Floods the divine land nine countries as well as the High Mountain plains and so on entire spaces. 它可以大到盖天,大到遮地,大到-----充斥神州九国以及高山平原等等整个空间。 What is most fatal, enormous legendary fish beast discovered one did not have the means to prevent Heart of Weak Water. 最致命的是,鲲兽发现自己还没办法阻挡弱水之心 Because Heart of Weak Water compares its godship to be high, high half step ----- Others are true not god of death clan. 因为弱水之心比它的神格高,高了半阶-----人家是真正的不死神族。 Really, when the enormous legendary fish beast has not prevented with enough time, the sea water of northern ocean sea also starts toward the upper air to fly. 果然,在鲲兽还没来得及阻挡的时候,北溟海的海水也开始朝着高空飞去。 That only stands erect the snowball in upper air looks like a giant monster, wants to give a suck dry this water of Black Sea. 那只屹立在高空之中的雪球就像是一只巨大的怪兽,想要将这黑海之水给一口吸干。 As the water of that magnanimous Black Sea was swallowed by it, its body also becomes more and more greatly, is getting bigger and bigger ----- 随着那海量的黑海之水被它吞噬,它的身体也变得越来越大,越来越大----- Bang -------- 轰隆隆-------- Sea everything may become vulnerable, the northern ocean creakies. 大海地动山摇,北溟摇摇欲坠。 The enormous legendary fish beast looks deathly pale. 鲲兽脸色惨白。 This scoundrel ------ Animal ------ 这个混账------禽兽------ It wants the brace to explode her domain. 它想要撑爆自己的领域。 If do not want the domain to be supported to explode, can only go all out uses the Yuan to maintain the stability of domain, becoming greatly is bigger the domain ------- 如果自己不想要领域被撑爆,就只能拼命的去用真元去维持领域的稳固,将领域给变得更大更大------- In other words, now he soon must with Heart of Weak Water compared with big. 也就是说,现在他即将要和弱水之心比大。 Because of that snowball the inflation of rapidly, northern ocean turbulent is more intense. 因为那只雪球的急速膨胀,北溟动荡的更加激烈。 Some volcanos are erupting, have Tsunami to ferment. 有火山在喷发,有海啸在酝酿。 Water of counter potential Black Sea, crazy emerges in that Heart of Weak Water huge mouth, becomes the nutrient of its rapid growth. 黑海之水逆势而起,疯狂的涌入那弱水之心的巨口之中,成为它迅速成长的养分。 The enormous legendary fish beast felt that the danger, he knows, if not carry on the revolt, this northern ocean ------ One the northern ocean that uses trillion time to build becomes will vanish into thin air. 鲲兽感觉到了危险,他知道,倘若再不进行反抗的话,这北溟------自己用亿万时间打造而成的北溟将会烟消云散。 At that time, the domain was destroyed, oneself will also withstand domain the strength of making a false counter-accusation ------ 那个时候,领域被毁,自己也将承受领域的反噬之力------ Now, even if he wants to give up not being good. 现在,就算他想要放弃也不行了。 Enormous legendary fish beast both hands lift up high, one group of blue ball of light appear in the top of the head. 鲲兽双手高举,一团蓝色的光球出现在头顶。 Along with that blue ball of light keeps increasing, the ray that blue ball of light sends out also flows swiftly to go toward the entire northern ocean shop. 随着那只蓝色光球的不停变大,那蓝色光球散发出来的光芒也朝着整个北溟铺泻而去。 In end that naked eye cannot see, expansion that spread that outward the boundary of northern ocean starts to keep, the depth of northern ocean also keeping. 在那肉眼见不到的尽头,北溟的边界开始不停的向外蔓延,北溟的深度也在不停的扩张。 This is enormous legendary fish beast the strength of domain, it only has the domain becoming deeply is bigger, can the splendid attire under Heart of Weak Water, be able to maintain the domain broken. 这是鲲兽的领域之力,它唯有将领域给变得更深更大,才能够盛装得下弱水之心,才能够维持领域不破。 The snowball is increasing, the northern ocean is also increasing ------- 雪球在变大,北溟也在变大------- The blowout flame that Wolf King originally also keeping wanted to melt the iceberg, spurts is spurting the discovery situation to have the change. 狼王原本还在不停的喷出火焰想要将冰山融化,喷着喷着发现局势发生了变化。 The iceberg no longer reduced, moreover ice piece starts the fast melting. 冰山不再缩小了,而且冰块开始快速的融化。 Its seeds of Chinese sweetgum open the eyes, is mystified 它狼眼远睁,一脸迷惑 Has turned around, gained ground, has discovered then the acting crazy snowball ------ 的转过身去,又抬起头来,然后就发现了发飙雪球------ This time snowball ------ Looks like is red moon/month Wolf King also to want power and prestige overbearing a lot of times compared with him. 这个时候的雪球------看起来比他红月狼王还要威风霸道千百倍。 Excelling at snowball opens is the instinct, so long as there is a water, can natural was transformed into part of body by it. 雪球的擅张是本能,只要有水,就能够自然的被它幻化成为躯体的一部分。 However, enormous legendary fish beast actually transforms into domain part the itself really Yuan, what dependence is cultivating is the strength. 但是,鲲兽却是将本身真元转化成为领域的一部份,依靠的是本身的修为力量。 What a side relies on is the strength of nature, what a side draws support is cultivates for it strength. High under stands sentences. 一方凭借的是自然之力,一方借助的是修为之力。高下立判。 The enormous legendary fish beast transforms into " Li Muyang " complexion even more embarrassed, the forehead sweats profusely. 鲲兽幻化成为的「李牧羊」脸色越发的难堪,额头大汗淋漓。 He felt that strenuous, and is getting more and more strenuous. 他感觉到了吃力,而且越来越吃力。 Half step ------ 半阶啊------ The clan and god clan half god differ half step, but, these half step actually just likes the natural moat, Dragon race as well as enormous legendary fish beast preventing beside Heavenly Dao. 半神之族和神族只是相差半阶,可是,这半阶却犹如天堑,将龙族以及鲲兽给阻挡在天道之外。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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