RS :: Volume #4 北冥钓鲲

#833: Is snowing the sound!

Chapter 832, is snowing the sound! 第832章、落雪有声! Looked like is stepped the cat of tail, Ying Boyan had not nearly borne probably jump. 就像是一只被踩住了尾巴的猫,赢伯言差点儿没有忍住要跳起来。 You hate him, actually does not want to kill him ---- “你只是恨他,却并不想杀他----” You listen, you listen, what this young miss said is what words? 你听听,你听听,这小姑娘到底说的是什么话? This words were heard by the bystander, will others think Ying Boyan? 这种话被外人听到,别人会怎么想自己赢伯言 Really is the joke. He is a evil dragon, everybody sees, but slaughter it, I what Chang do not think that Dragon Slaying does rid the people of an evil?” Ying Boyan sneers again and again, the clear and resonant voice said: Said again that he harms my daughter, causing the Qiandu life and death not to know that the trail is unclear ----- I wish one could raw food its meat, drinks his blood thirstily, how possibly doesn't want to kill him? I compare in society any person to kill him.” “真是笑话。他是一头恶龙,人人见而屠之,我又何偿不想屠龙为民除害?”赢伯言冷笑连连,朗声说道:“再说,他害我女儿,致使千度生死不知,踪迹不明-----我恨不得生食其肉,渴饮其血,怎么可能不想杀他?我比世间任何一个人都更想杀他。” „Did you speak do do loudly?” The small female celestial is staring the eye of round, puzzled looks at Ying Boyan to ask. Is because I said that your concern, you worried the Peacock Empire civil and military hundred officers and common people on the scene do suspect your standpoint? Therefore such is careful explained with them?” “你讲话那么大声干什么?”小仙女瞪着圆溜溜的眼睛,一脸疑惑的看着赢伯言问道。“是因为我说中了你的心事,你担心孔雀王朝文武百官和在场百姓怀疑你的立场吗?所以这么小心谨慎的与他们解释?” Really is laughable, I why ------ “真是可笑之极,我为什么------” Why is afraid others to suspect your standpoint?” The small female celestial interrupts the Peacock King Ying Boyan words, makes noise to ask back. “为什么害怕别人怀疑你的立场?”小仙女打断孔雀王赢伯言的话,出声反问。 ------- “-------” All person one faces shocking looks at this white clothing floating small female celestial, many years, no person has dared to interrupt the Peacock King Ying Boyan speech ------ 所有人都一脸震惊的看着这个白衣飘飘的小仙女,多少年了,从来都没有人敢打断孔雀王赢伯言说话------ Depending on this, she enough impressive meeting. 就凭这一项,她就足够的让人刮目相见。 Naturally, the premise is she can also live. 当然,前提是她还能够活着。 The Peacock King Ying Boyan also one types are stunned are the amazed feelings, he has not thought that this small girl dares to break itself to speak, this feeling is really ---- Very fresh. 就连孔雀王赢伯言自己也有一种即是错愕又是惊诧的感觉,他没想到这个小丫头胆敢打断自己说话,这种感觉真是----很新鲜。 Moreover, heart of hearts, faint thought she said really has the little truth. 另外,内心深处,隐隐的觉得她说的竟然有一点点道理。 Yes, why do oneself want such loud speech? Why must that earnest explained to the surrounding these people? 是啊,自己为何要那样大声说话?为何要那么认真的向周围这些人解释? Keeping aloof Peacock King Ying Boyan ----- Also with caring about others' vision? 难道说,高高在上的孔雀王赢伯言-----还用在意别人的眼光? If cares, he will not lead 1 million lions to go on an expedition seven countries ----- 若是在意的话,他也不会率领1000000雄狮征战七国了----- You have a look, was said by me? Was speechless?” “你看看,被我说中了吧?无话可说了吧?” Utter nonsense.” “一派胡言。” You are clear Dragon race and your Ying Clan origin, your Ying Clan had the remorse to Dragon race, otherwise, on chapter of nine country Dragon Slaying, why only then your Peacock Empire dispatches troops not to strive ------ “你心里清楚龙族和你们赢氏的渊源,你们赢氏一族龙族原本就存有愧疚之心,不然的话,上一回九国屠龙,为何偏偏只有你们孔雀王朝出兵不出力------” Nonsense! On the Dragon Slaying incident, my does Peacock Empire with other Communist Party and Nationalist Party onset and retreat, how could dispatch troops not to strive?” “胡说八道!在屠龙一事上面,我孔雀王朝与其它诸国共进退,何曾出兵不出力过?” Do not violate own conscience!” A small female celestial face consoles earnestly was saying, I completely for your good appearance. „Isn't this matter of humiliation? Moreover, your innermost feelings should be clear, my brother is impossible to injure Qiandu ------ On first has not injured your Ying Clan female, this will not injure your Ying Clan female ------ “不要违背自己的本心!”小仙女一脸认真的劝慰着说道,一幅我完全是为了你好的模样。“这又不是什么丢脸的事情?而且,你内心应该清楚,我哥哥是不可能伤害千度的------上一世没有伤害过你们赢氏的女子,这一世更不会伤害你们赢氏的女子------” The small female celestial referred to above punishment stage kneeling to bend down in place Yan Xiangma, said: This major drama developed, could make me carry off him?” 小仙女指了指刑台之上跪伏在地的燕相马,说道:“这出大戏演完了,是不是可以让我把他带走了?” Absurd!” The Ying Boyan anger cannot use up. You do not have the joke! Since I said three day, must chop his head, today then must chop his head. In armed forces account, how could child's play? Also, he was enemy vanguard, killed my general, tribulation my grain, depended on this to commit the crime of decapitation. Why do I want to give you to carry off him?” “荒唐!”赢伯言怒不可竭。“君无戏言!既然我说三日之后要砍了他的脑袋,今日便一定要砍了他的脑袋。军帐之中,岂能儿戏?再说,他是敌国前锋,杀我将军,劫我粮食,就凭这个就犯下了杀头之罪。我为何要把他交给你带走?” You think ----- If Sister Qiandu is not my brother kidnaps?” “你想想-----万一千度姐姐不是我哥哥劫持走的呢?” This words what intent?” “此话何意?” If ----- I meant, if ----- Is Sister Qiandu must leave with my brother on own initiative?” A small female celestial appearance looking pensive, said with a smile. “假如-----我是说假如-----千度姐姐是主动要和我哥哥一起离开呢?”小仙女一幅若有所思的模样,笑着说道。 Elope! 私奔! In her words is containing such two large characters: Elope! 她话中蕴含着这样两个大字:私奔! This is impossible!” Ying Boyan wishing one could makes the person seal up the mouth of this ignorant girl. Qiandu usually intelligent atmosphere, sense of responsibility. Let alone she shoulders the heavy responsibility at this time, is armed forces commands, how possibly at will to leave with the person? Li Sinian, I cannot you insult Qiandu to be pure.” “这不可能!”赢伯言恨不得让人封住这个无知丫头的嘴巴。“千度素来聪明大气,责任心强。更何况她此时担当重任,是一军统帅,怎么可能随意与人离开?李思念,朕不许你侮辱千度清白。” Your this saying said also is really funny.” The smiling face on small female celestial face also becomes ice-cold, sound clear delightful actually such as knife edge general sharpness, said: Well-known [say / way], Sister Qiandu and my brother Li Muyang relates closely, is lover who everybody envies ----- The men and women matter between of sentiment, is not your sentiment I hopes. Now they disappeared together, you said that was my brother turns Sister Qiandu. I said that Sister Qiandu is driving and my brother leaves together, had not said is Sister Qiandu turns my brother ----- Couldn't you bear?” “你这话说的还真是好笑。”小仙女脸上的笑容也变得冰冷,声音清脆甜美却如刀刃一般的锋利,说道:“世人皆知道,千度姐姐与我哥哥李牧羊关系密切,是人人羡慕的情侣-----男女之间的感情之事,不就是你情我愿嘛。现在他们俩人一起消失了,你却偏说是我哥哥拐走了千度姐姐。我只是说千度姐姐主动和我哥哥一起离开,还没说过是千度姐姐拐走我哥哥呢-----你就受不了了?” You ------ Ying Boyan glowers, is doubtable he to hold to pat to silence a witness of crime to settle the Li Sinian life by this. “你------”赢伯言怒目而视,让人怀疑他会不会一掌拍下去以此来杀人灭口了结李思念的性命。 Peacock King Ying Boyan wants to kill Yan Xiangma, one is daughter Qiandu revenges . Moreover, also there are to cut to kill the enemy the meaning. Moreover, his daughter Ying Qiandu is also armed forces commands, this matter in any event is the national affairs. 孔雀王赢伯言欲杀燕相马,一为女儿千度报仇,另外,也有斩杀敌将的意思。而且,他的女儿赢千度也是一军统帅,这桩事情无论如何都是国事。 But, is such mixed by the small girl who this braves suddenly, then has become the matter of housework. Emperor Wang Jia's housework, everybody loves ----- You quarrelled your, we sat on the small backless stool eat the oil cake to knock the melon seed to watch the fun well. 可是,被这个突然间冒出来的小丫头这么一搅和,便成了家务之事。帝王家的家务事,大家还是喜闻乐见的-----你们吵你们的,我们坐在小板凳上面吃着油饼磕着瓜子看看热闹就好。 Moreover, those who most make Peacock King Ying Boyan be hard to contact, this small girl actually said that Qiandu is the lover relates with his elder brother Li Muyang, added that this is a matter of well-known [say / way] ------ 而且,最让孔雀王赢伯言难以接触的是,这个小丫头竟然说千度与他的哥哥李牧羊是情侣关系,还说这是一桩世人皆知道的事情------ Truly, Peacock Empire sister of the emperor Ying Qiandu liked a evil dragon, this matter truly passed on the divine land nine countries noisily. 确实,孔雀王朝的长公主赢千度喜欢上了一头恶龙,这件事情确实在神州九国传得沸沸扬扬。 However, no person dares in Ying Boyan in front of me saying that mentioned this matter. 但是,从来都没有人敢在赢伯言本人面前说提起这件事情。 This looks like a king always the clothes that likes wear one not having goes out, the entire city common people know that he naked, he also knows ------ 这就像是一个帝王总喜欢穿着一条不存在的衣服出门,全城百姓都知道他是裸体的,就连他自己也知道------ Nobody divulged, nobody dares to divulge. 没有人说破,也没有人敢说破。 Child of not knowing good from bad said the truth, said: He has not worn the clothes. 偏偏有一个不知好歹的小孩儿说出了真相,说:他根本就没有穿衣服。 Li Sinian was that said that emperor has not put on the child of clothes. 李思念就是那个说皇帝没有穿衣服的小孩儿。 Since my brother is impossible to injure Sister Qiandu, you have not killed the reason of Yan Xiangma ------ Li Sinian smiling saying: Not, if, has given me him? You take a number of people of reducing not to have the use.” “既然我哥哥不可能伤害千度姐姐,你也就没有杀死燕相马的理由------”李思念一脸笑意的说道:“不若,就将他给了我吧?你要一颗砍掉的人头也无用处。” Before I had not determined Qiandu security, he cannot leave ------ Ying Boyan face darken, points at Li Sinian saying: You cannot leave.” “在我没有确定千度的安全之前,他不能离开------”赢伯言脸色阴沉,指着李思念说道:“你也不能离开。” I, if can walk?” “我若是一定要走呢?” That completely can try.” Ying Boyan face proud intent saying: If links young dolls unable to intercept, my Peacock Empire also discussed that what can go on an expedition the world?” “那便尽可一试。”赢伯言一脸傲意的说道:“倘若连一个小女娃都拦截不住,我孔雀王朝还谈什么要征战天下?” Oh ----- Small female celestial heavy sigh, said: Your men, care about the face. All day kills, what significance has? You clearly know that like this disputes not to have a result, and ----- How even if struggled to win? How struggled to lose? Has won, can Sister Qiandu come back? Lost, couldn't Sister Qiandu certainly live?” “唉-----”小仙女沉沉叹息,说道:“你们男人啊,就是太在乎面子。整天打打杀杀的,有什么意义呢?你明知道这样争执下去不会有一个结果,而且-----就算争赢了如何?争输了又如何?赢了,千度姐姐就能回来了?输了,千度姐姐就一定活不下来了?” -------- “--------” One are Monarch of the country, most has Starry Sky overlords in possibility series divine land nine countries', now reduces to unexpectedly must by a young small girl lesson ------- 自己为一国之君,是最有可能一统神州九国的星空霸主,现在竟然沦落到要被一个年纪轻轻的小丫头教训------- This feeling also is really very exciting! 这种感觉还真是很刺激! Therefore, whatever such you do take away him? Kills my senior general, to plunder my grain and monarchy promise to disregard?” Ying Boyan slightly shook the head by this unexpectedly for amusing. “所以,就这么任由你将他带走?杀我大将、劫我粮食、君主诺言都不管不顾?”赢伯言竟然被这个小摇头给逗乐了。 Was not mad has smiled, he will not be angry for this minor matter. 不是被气笑了,他并不会为了这点儿小事而生气。 He thought that really this young miss is specially interesting, exhibits an appearance of young Sir, then a face earnest how said you to with you ----- This type felt that he has not experienced for a long time. Qiandu also small time, often so will speak with him. Is older along with her, the thorough guidance of palace etiquette, Qiandu becomes more and more graceful atmosphere, has the emperor female style more and more. 他是真的觉得这个小姑娘特别有意思,摆出一幅小大人的模样,然后一脸认真的和你说你应当如何如何-----这种感觉他好久没有经历过了。千度还小的时候,时常会这般和他说话。只是随着她年纪越来越大,宫廷礼仪的深入教导,千度变得越来越雍容大气,也越来越有皇女风范。 The communication method that between that father and daughter but, he cherishes also vanished. 可是,他所钟爱的那种父女之间的沟通方式也消失了。 Qiandu was too sensible, has been obedient, conformed to oneself anticipation to the future throne successor. 千度太懂事了,太听话了,太符合自己对未来皇位继承人的期待了。 This instead makes him feel ----- Lost many proper precious special characteristics. 这样反而让他觉得-----失去了许多应有的宝贵特质。 Right.” Small female celestial Li Sinian face earnest shaking the head, said: Why he must kill your senior general, tribulations your grain and fodder? Also is not because you lead army to attack the westerly wind ------ When every westerly wind subjects all revolt courageously, let alone is the westerly wind general. Does the matter that he handles, what have not to be right?” “对啊。”小仙女李思念一脸认真的摇头,说道:“他为什么要杀你大将,劫你粮草?还不是因为你率领大军攻伐西风------凡是西风子民皆当奋勇反抗,更何况是西风将军。他所做的事情,有什么不对吗?” Dissolute!” “放肆!” Has killed this seductively attractive girl ------. “杀了此妖女------”.. Spreads rumors and misleads the people!” “妖言惑众!” -------- -------- Ying Boyan has not spoken, protected starts to act crazy in peripheral General Peacock Empire. 赢伯言还没有说话,守护在周边的孔雀王朝大将们都开始发飙了。 They lead 1 million lions to attack seven countries, hits naturally is just, other peace, brings the name that is good to live for countries. 他们率领1000000雄狮攻伐七国,打得自然是正义的、和平的、为其它国家带来更好生活的名义进行的。 I am not with no reason at must hit you, I hit you am because ----- You should hit. Is because I must bring a more stable happy life to your country common people. 我不是无缘无故的要打你,我打你是因为-----你该打。是因为我要给贵国百姓带来更安定幸福的生活。 The fact how, you know me to know as we all know. 事实如何,你知我知大家都知道。 But, small female celestial Li Sinian this accuses the sweeps across the war activities of nine countries' in the presence of everyone Peacock King Ying Boyan brings, that belongs to the vacillation to be basic, misleads the popular sentiment. 可是,小仙女李思念这样当众指责孔雀王赢伯言带来的这场席卷九国的战争行为,那就属于动摇根本,蛊惑民心。 When the crime executes! 其罪当诛! If others, feared that was already by these military officers hewing the muddy flesh, Peacock King Ying Boyan very much had the patience appearance to this young miss ------ 若是别人,怕是早就被这些将领给砍成肉泥了,偏偏孔雀王赢伯言对这个小姑娘很有耐心的模样------ I also have not spoken incorrectly anything.” Li Sinian righteous faces directly this Peacock Empire civil and military hundred officers, cold sound was saying: Isn't the war that you start? Isn't you leads the army to attack other countries? Isn't you falls into the vast sea of fire this vast divine land? Now accuses these were invaded the resister when unexpectedly, must these hero for the good of the people and country massacring ------ Won't your consciences be painful?” “我又没说错什么。”李思念理直气壮的直面着这孔雀王朝的文武百官,冷声说道:“难道不是你们率先发起的战争?难道不是你们率领大军攻伐其它的国家?不是你们将这浩瀚神州陷入汪洋火海?现在竟然指责那些受到侵略时的反抗者,要将那些为国为民的英雄给杀掉------你们的良心不会痛吗?” -------- “--------” Li Sinian, you know that what you are making?” The Ying Boyan look like the hawk, the corners of the mouth reappears wipes the cruel happy expression, makes noise to ask. 李思念,你知道你在做什么吗?”赢伯言眼神如鹰,嘴角浮现一抹残忍的笑意,出声问道。 Choke! 呛! With the change of peacock Ying Boyan manner, as well as the issue of this issue leaves, the long blade of ghost dancing regiments uniform pulling waist. 随着孔雀赢伯言态度的变化,以及这个问题的问题出,身边的鬼舞军团们整齐划一的拔出腰间的长刀。 Several thousand people also draw a sword, several thousand people simultaneously make the attack the stance. 数千人同时拔刀,数千人同时做出攻击的姿态。 Only when Peacock King issues an order, they then rush cutting the fragment the small girl of that mouthful nonsense. 只待孔雀王一声令下,他们便冲上去将那个满嘴胡言的小丫头给斩成碎片。 Even if she looks like very adorable, but, in society adorable young miss are many. Nobody dares so disobedient 即使她看起来很可爱,但是,世间可爱的小姑娘多了。没有人敢如此忤逆自己 King. 的君王。 The instantaneous, entire city fell into died the general dreariness. 瞬间,整座城市陷入了死一般的沉寂。 Everyone on the scene, as if can hear the sound of snowslide. 在场的每一个人,仿佛都能够听到雪落的声音。
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