RTW :: Volume #10

#974: Kills (Last Part) beyond line of sight

From? 距离? 12 kilometers. 12公里。 Other directions? 其他方向呢? Safe. 安全。 In the mind resonance condition, two people exchange processes were simplified, so long as Andrea emits a question, can obtain answer-- even to say immediately, answer her is not Silvie, but is she. 在心灵共鸣状态下,两人的交流过程被简化了,安德莉亚只要冒出一个疑问,就能立刻得到答案——甚至可以说,回答她的不是希尔维,而是她自己。 After getting rid of the initial illness, remaining then all was free and carefree-- she has liked this feeling, an item of thousand li (500 km) line of sight, blended with the consciousness of Silvie, made her sensation become broader, as if the world was bright. 摆脱最初的不适后,剩下的便全是自由与畅快——她已经喜欢上了这种感觉,无论是一目千里的视线,还是与希尔维的意识交融,都令她的感知变得更为宽广,仿佛连带着世界都鲜活起来。 Does not know that with Your Highness Tilly the resonance can be what kind of feeling? 不知道和提莉殿下共鸣又会是怎样的感受? Flight group communication, here is Lightning. The ark group, can you see me?” At this time, in another pair of Listening Sigil has broadcast the Lightning sound. “飞行组通讯,这里是闪电。方舟组,你们能看到我吗?”这时,另一对聆听符印中传来了闪电的声音。 The Andrea restraining spirit, pulls back the field of vision, found you.” 安德莉亚收敛精神,将视野拉回,“找到你们了。” This altitude how?” “这个高度如何?” Should not have the issue, so long as looks for the partial clouds level to hide then it will be alright.” “应该没问题,只要找片云层躲起来就行。” Understanding.” “了解。” gu.” “咕。” In the entire ambush combat, Lightning and Macy will hold the post of the final recovery work, once cannot obtain strikes to kill effectively, or the enemy quantity has surpassed anticipated, they from the top of the head dive of enemy , the short distance will then complete strike finally. When little girl full speed dive, speed is almost Dread Beast three times, in addition Macy unexpected changes the body ability, the success ratio is almost 100%. 在整个狙击作战中,闪电麦茜将担任起最后的补救工作,一旦未能取得有效击杀,或是敌人数量超过了预期,她们便会从敌人的头顶俯冲而下,近距离完成最后一击。当小姑娘全速俯冲时,速度差不多是恐兽的三倍,加上麦茜出其不意的变身能力,成功率几乎是100。 But this move can only use one time. 但这招只能用一次。 If in the field also has other Devil to exist, they can only choose to retreat. 若场上还有其他魔鬼存在,她们就只能选择撤退了。 Naturally, Andrea had not considered lets their takes action. 当然,安德莉亚根本没考虑过让她们出手 She has enough confidence to oneself ability. 她对自己的能力有着足够的信心。 Every shot hits the target, this is she as the pride of archer, crushes the Ash trump card depending on strength of the. 百发百中,这是她身为射手的骄傲,也是凭一己之力压倒灰烬的王牌。 She must make this group of little girls experience, anything is called the true specialty. 她要让这群小姑娘见识到,什么才叫做真正的专业。 Six kilometers. 六公里。 The Silvie sound resounds once more. 希尔维的声音再次响起。 I aimed at it. 啊,我瞄准它了。 Andrea closes the eye, making own field of vision completely vanish, the attention all will have placed afterward on the first goal. 安德莉亚闭上眼睛,令自己的视野完全消失,随后将注意力悉数放在了首个目标身上。 Five kilometers are not the limits on firing distance, is not the limit of ability, but is her limit-- wants theoretically in the kill zone of bullet, sees then hits, but the magic power upper limit has restricted her display, she is unable truly to realize this. 五公里并非射程上的极限,也不是能力的极限,而是她个人的极限——理论上只要在子弹的杀伤范围内,见到即可命中,但魔力的上限制约了她的发挥,以至于她无法真正实现这点。 If exhausts magic power one time, witch will also fall into to the faint. 若是一次性将魔力耗尽,女巫也会陷入到昏厥当中。 Five kilometers can be said as the optimal solutions that tests to obtain repeatedly. 五公里可以说是反复测试得到的最优解。 Along with the actuation of thought that magic power in within the body gushes out crazily, wraps her whole person, the inlet line that fictionalizes appears quickly, and with the Dread Beast connection that did not realize in one. 随着意念的驱动,体内的魔力疯狂涌出,将她整个人都包裹起来,虚构的引导线很快出现,并同毫无察觉的恐兽连接在了一起。 Looks at this silver thread fine lace only, perhaps is very difficult and Orbit of bullet links-- it really twists too exaggerates, first is similar to the arched bridge high peak gets up together, points to being empty horizon, then turned into a fluctuating uncertain broken line along with the growth of distance. 单看这条银丝般的细线,恐怕很难和子弹的轨迹联系在一起——它实在扭曲得太夸张,先是如同一道拱桥高高耸起,直指向空无一物的天际,然后随距离的增长变成了一道起伏不定的折线。 Right, broken line, this is since Andrea attains the anti- Dread Beast sniper's rifle, Orbit that the experience arrives, and it is changing the shape frequently, the center-section almost flutters with the wind, like wisp of a spider's silk of disjunction. The only difference is only, the Orbit terminal forever fixes in the goal. 没错,折线,这是自打安德莉亚拿到反恐兽狙击枪之后才见识到的轨迹,并且它时刻都在改变着形态,中段几乎是随风飘动,像极了一缕折断的蛛丝。唯一的区别只在于,轨迹的末端永远都固定在目标上。 She once had asked Your Majesty Roland, but Your Majesty's answer somewhat is unexpected. 她曾问过罗兰陛下,而陛下的回答则有些出乎意料。 He said that this ability cannot be the aiming, because aims unable to survey these to occur, matter that but has not arrived . The speed of bullet after leaving the chest cavity will drop unceasingly, will be been also getting bigger and bigger by the influence of external environment, for example crosswind can the point of descent of bullet deviate over several hundred meters, therefore accurate telescopic sights, is unable to make the archer achieve every shot hits the target. 他说这种能力根本不能算是瞄准,因为瞄准无法测算那些已经发生、但尚未到来的事。子弹在出膛后速度会不断下降,受外界环境的影响也会越来越大,比如一阵横风就能子弹的落点偏离数百米以上,因此再精准的瞄准镜,也无法让射手做到百发百中。 But after enlarging to five kilometers, hundred rounds in one have become the extravagant demands. 而拉大到五公里后,百发一中都成了奢求。 " What is my ability? " At that time she asked. 「那我的能力是什么?」当时她问。 " Guesses the coin. " The opposite party as if already she such asked, although somewhat does intentionally the mystery the suspicion, but she is not repugnant, " , if the ambient condition is completely consistent, then the result also meets is fixed, thinks to look, so long as you open fire, then the bullet certainly will fall on some place, how then can make it fall above the enemy? This upcast a coin like the bygone days, but you can actually select that to stand ahead of time was the same. " 「是猜硬币。」对方似乎早就在等她这么问,虽然有些故作玄虚的嫌疑,不过她并不讨厌,「如果外界条件完全一致,那么结果也会是固定的,想想看,只要你开枪,那么子弹就一定会落在某个地方,那么如何才能让它落在敌人头上?这就像往天上抛起了一把硬币,而你却能提前选出那枚立起来的一样。」 " Did you determine? When I play cards obviously always cannot trace the sign that oneself want...... " 「您确定?可我明明打牌时总是摸不到自己想要的牌……」 " cough cough, these two are not a matter. In brief, do you want to become stronger? The discipline could the enormous amplification your ability also perhaps. " 咳咳,这两者并不是一回事。总之,你想变得更强吗?有一门学科或许能极大增幅你的能力也说不定。」 " Really? Is what? " 「真的?是什么?」 Your Majesty smiled, " theory of probability. " 陛下笑了笑,「概率论。」 If conditional probability in joint effect of analysis dissimilar condition on result, but your ability then turns into the constant these conditions, or simply cancels them, such ability has the infinite potential, so long as you can grasp its-- until now Andrea still clearly to remember that thoroughly Your Majesty smiles is giving her scene the books. 如果说条件概率是在分析不同条件对结果的联合影响,而你的能力便是将这些条件一个个变成常数,或是干脆抹去它们,这样的能力可谓拥有无限潜力,只要你能彻底掌握它——直到现在安德莉亚还清晰地记得陛下微笑着将书本递给她的情景。 But she also quite the feeling was at that time encouraged, as if an unsurpassed level road is launching in front of her slowly, dominates Transcendent in the present! 而她当时也颇感振奋,仿佛一条无上坦途正在她面前缓缓展开,凌驾超凡之上就在今朝! However such feeling only continues merely in the evening, after she opens that «Theory of probability». 然而这样的感觉仅仅只持续到晚上,她翻开那本《概率论》之后。 What! 什么嘛! This at all is not the thing that the normal person can understand! 这根本不是正常人能看懂的东西好吗! Ka-- “咔—— Integrated the world background in the silver wire that moment, Andrea has deducted the trigger. 就在银线融入世界背景的那一刻,安德莉亚扣下了扳机。 Surpasses the bolt action rifle bellow almost to look like the hammer to pound generally in her chest, the flame flashes passes, what simultaneously arrives with the air current is the huge impulse. The butt is unable to suppress retreats backward, then hits in the shoulder, but held the specially-made multi-channel flexible cushion coating to help her remove the majority of strengths, but will bring the rifle rack of cushion seat back cushion to further attack to disperse the whole body. Has not waited for the dust to fall to the ground, she has been ready that second time has fired. 远超过栓动步枪的轰鸣声几乎像锤子一般砸在她的胸口,火焰一闪即逝,与气流同时抵达的是巨大的冲击力。枪托无法抑制地向后退却,然后撞在肩头,不过托尾特制的多道柔性缓冲涂层帮她卸去了大部分力道,而带坐垫靠背的枪架更是进一步将冲击分散到全身。还未等尘埃落地,她已经做好了第二次射击的准备。 Afterward strange magic power flooded into Andrea within the body. 随后陌生的魔力涌入了安德莉亚的体内。 When all like drilling such that arranges, except the ambush must outside witch and Maggie, other people may provide magic power to complete the fire for her, holds the post of combat witch of responsibility of protection to be no exception. 一切就像演练时安排的那样,除开狙击所必须的女巫玛姬外,其他人都可为她提供魔力来完成射击,担任保护之责的战斗女巫也不例外。 What kind, hit?” A people face asked kindly. “怎么样,打中了吗?”众人一脸关切地问。 After all this strikes will decide this duty the success or failure. 毕竟这一击将决定此次任务的成败。 Bullet must flying a while, Andrea return to say again confidently, it has hit.” “子弹还要再飞一会儿,”安德莉亚信心满满地回道,“不过它已经命中了。” Right, like such that Your Majesty said. 没错,就像陛下说的那样。 She has selected that inevitably upward lucky coin in thousands of coins. 她已经在千万枚硬币中选出了那枚必然向上的幸运币。 Even if the Silvie also method catches this bullet, after she can still say silently its life-- flies four kilometers, the altitude of warhead has been lower than the Devil flight altitude, although its speed still has the fearful lethality, the accurate aim actually deviated were too many, this way, it will only throw into the muddy land. 即便希尔维也法捕捉到这颗子弹,她依然可以默默道出它的一生——飞行四公里后,弹头的高度已经低于魔鬼的飞行高度,尽管其速度依然具有可怕的杀伤力,准头却偏离了太多,照这样下去,它只会一头扎进泥地里。 But the fierce winning side will change all these together, it like riding the wind, but the bird, or touches and goes the water surface the tile, holds up the head to soar once more, and has drawn an arc along the wind direction, bypasses two after Devil, from one side drills into the belly of Dread Beast. 但一道剧烈的上风会改变这一切,它就像乘风而起的鸟儿,或是擦过水面的瓦片,再次昂首高飞,并沿着风向划过一道弧线,绕过两只在前的魔鬼后,从侧面钻入恐兽的肚皮。 After Andrea starts out the second spear/gun, not anxiously preparation next fire, but aims at the vision Dread Beast-- her first goal situated in team terminal. 安德莉亚开出第二枪后,并没有急着准备下一次射击,而是将目光对准的位于队伍末端的恐兽——她的首个目标。 Bang,” then she in a soft voice said. “嘭,”然后她轻声说道。 moments later, saw only Dread Beast to tremble fiercely, carries on the back has raised one group of blood fog accordingly, big group internal organs smooth bore, belly at naked eye obvious speed shrivelled. But Devil that rides succeeded in giving up two sections directly, the upper part is thrown high, the mist in jar sprayed everywhere is. 下一刻,只见恐兽猛地一颤,背上应声掀起了一团血雾,大团内脏滑膛而出,肚子以肉眼可见的速度瘪了下去。而骑乘的魔鬼更是直接断成了两截,上半身被高高抛起,罐子里的雾气喷洒得到处都是。 In sky just like splitting open flower of the blood. 天空中宛若绽开了一朵血之花。
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