RTW :: Volume #10

#975: Wild night

If flew to note the back accident when forefront Devil at this time, an opportunity evaded the staring test fire of god of death Andrea once noted, if the target were a dying thing, balloon that for example fluttered with the wind and so on, then almost did not have the accident/surprise, but there is a life body of independent consciousness to be different. 如果飞在最前面的魔鬼这时候注意到背后的变故,还有一丝机会躲过死神的凝视试射时安德莉亚就曾注意到,如果靶子是一个死物,例如随风飘动的气球之类,那么几乎不存在意外,但有自主意识的生命体则不一样。 Realized oneself are possibly in danger, changes the living creature of moving line fiercely not in the measuring range of ability. Still was those words, so long as opened fire, then the bullet certainly will fall on some place \; Once she deducts the trigger, the point of descent of correspondence has then been doomed, because if some subjective factor made the goal leave the scheduled superposition place, can avoid this to die struck. 意识到自己可能处于危险之中,剧烈改变运动路线的活物并不在能力的测定范围内。仍是那句话只要开枪,那么子弹就一定会落在某个地方\;一旦她扣下扳机,对应的落点便已注定,如果因为某种主观因素使得目标离开了预定重合的地点,就能躲开这必死的一击。 Before from the fire occurred to the hit in the electric light flint, therefore she has never let slip, after the distance expanded to five kilometers, this process then appeared some too long. 之前从射击到命中都发生在电光火石之内,因此她从未失手过,不过当距离扩展至五公里后,该段过程便显得有些太“漫长”了。 Andrea is not to such situation surprised, after all her ability chooses that inevitably upward coin, but does not smudge the glue water under the coin, if some people pull out to the bottom rug fiercely, or moves the coin with the finger, it will drop down. 安德莉亚对这样的情况并不感到意外,毕竟她的能力是挑选那枚必然向上的硬币,而不是在硬币下面涂抹胶水,如果有人猛地抽离底部的地毯,又或者用手指触碰硬币,它还是会倒下的。 Flight group protection this result. 飞行组防备的正是此种结果。 Devil is what a pity aloof. 可惜魔鬼无动于衷。 Cannot blame its insufficient vigilance, even if treats in several hundred meters upper air, the howling wind sound/rumor made one be hard to talk, let alone Dread Beast still against the wind was flying. At the beginning of this point Lightning in the plan formulates then repeatedly has tested, the conclusion that finally draws is, so long as both are separated by beyond ten meters, the bullet penetrates the physical body the sound then chirp completely to be covered by the wind. 不能怪它不够警觉,哪怕只是待在数百米的高空,呼啸的风声都令人难以交谈,更何况恐兽还在迎风飞行。这一点闪电在方案制定之初便反复测试过,最后得出的结论是,只要两者相隔十米之外,子弹贯入肉体的声音即可被风噪完全遮盖。 This is also Andrea first aims at the last Devil reason. 这也是安德莉亚优先瞄准最后一只魔鬼的缘由。 Sneaked in the heavy-caliber bullet of Dread Beast within the body thoroughly to destroy its internal organs from the abdomen, simultaneously the diagonal flank attack made its belly burst, not only made the internal organs release to be spatial, made it lose the ability of pitiful yell. 从腹部钻进恐兽体内的大口径子弹彻底摧毁了它的脏器,同时斜向的侧击令它的肚子破裂开来,不仅使得内脏一泄而空,也让它失去了惨叫的能力。 Without realizing unusual Devil just misses on the escaping opportunity that this and only saves slightly. 没有察觉到丝毫异样的魔鬼就这样与仅存的逃生机会失之交臂。 After counting breaths, a warhead of dropping from the clouds crushed its chest cavity, then has broken the spine of mount. 数息之后,一颗从天而降的弹头击碎了它的胸腔,接着又打断了坐骑的脊骨。 Among teams loaded on a pack animal Dread Beast to detect not the place of suiting finally, but by its intelligence quotient is unable to understand all that at present has, under the instinct trend, it have turned around merely, flew in the Taqila's direction. 位于队伍中间的驮负恐兽终于发觉到了不对劲之处,但以它的智商根本无法理解眼前所发生的一切,在本能的趋势下,它仅仅是转过身来,朝着塔其拉的方向飞去。 This in the Andrea eye already and dying thing not different. 这在安德莉亚眼中已和死物无异。 She ejected the coin of third standing erect. 她抛出了第三枚竖立的硬币。 ...... …… At dusk, the ark emerges ground once more. 傍晚时分,方舟再次浮出地面。 According to the map of Exploration Club plan, ambushed squad one line to arrive in lower level a pit hole of rest foothold natural collapse safely. 根据探险团绘制的地图,狙击小队一行人安然抵达了休息据点一处天然塌陷的石洞下层。 „Does here have seasoning Bird Mouth Mushroom unexpectedly?” Amy surprised say/way. “这里居然还有晒干的鸟吻菇?”艾米惊奇道。 gu that I collect!” Macy while convenient dug several glass jars from a stone, baked with continually the spice had!” “我收集的咕!”麦茜顺带从一块石头下刨出了几个玻璃瓶子,“连烧烤用的香料都有哦!” „Won't you have hidden these things in each foothold?” “你们不会在每个据点都藏了这些东西吧?” That naturally,” the Lightning favorite say/way, this has calculated crudely, " food estimate that if the foothold pavilion in " forest, inside deposits can support a banquet!” “那当然,”闪电得意道,“这已经算简陋的了,如果落脚点在「林中阁」,里面存放的食物估计能支撑起一场宴会!” In forest pavilion?” Sharon asked curiously, that?” “林中阁?”雪伦好奇地问,“那是哪?” Approaches Impassable Mountain Range great tree gu, the tree trunk has almost the castle to be so thick,” the Macy gesture said, we asked Leaf to build a roof above, but also opened one piece to air-dry the field, specifically was used for dried meat gu that dried in the sun the system unable to finish eating.” “一颗靠近绝境山脉的巨树咕,树干差不多有城堡那么粗,”麦茜比划道,“我们拜托叶子在上面搭了个屋顶,还开辟出了一片晾晒场,专门用来晾制吃不完的肉干咕。” Perhaps also only then Your Majesty Roland can tolerate you to steal with his refined salt and spice,” Speer Earl has rubbed the forehead, „is only these bottles of estimates on value several gold royal, placed other territory, feudal lord must cook you.” “恐怕也只有罗兰陛下能容忍你们偷拿他的精盐和香料了,”斯佩尔伯爵揉了揉额头,“光是这几瓶估计就值好几枚金龙,放在别的领地,领主非把你们炖了不可。” Sleeping Island Chief Housekeeper deeply has the same feeling to nod. 沉睡岛大管家深有同感地点了点头。 I secretly have not taken!” Macy protested, these spices gu that picked from the ground!” “我才没有偷拿!”麦茜抗议道,“那些香料都是从地上捡来的咕!” Picks?” A Speer face suspicion. “捡?”斯佩尔一脸怀疑。 „The pail association that in kitchen installs the spice leaks comes out, I collect them.” “厨房里装香料的桶子总会漏些出来啊,我只是把它们收集起来而已。” Said again we are not white take,” Lightning adds, in the fjord, any explorer can trade the rich reward with the nautical chart that they draw up, I give Your Majesty picture over many maps.” “再说我们也不是白拿,”闪电跟着补充道,“在峡湾,任何一名探险家都能用他们绘制的海图换到丰厚的报酬,我都给陛下画过好多地图啦。” Actually evacuates the kitchen, Your Majesty will not blame your,” Silvie interrupted worn out, collected estimates anything fragrant, I saw Nightingale one week to run to go to the kitchen six times, sweeps away syrup dried fish that the chef completed completely. Moreover incessantly is dried fish, in Your Majesty study room......” “其实就算是把厨房搬空,陛下也不会怪你们的,”希尔维有气无力地插嘴道,“收集香料算什么,我可是见过夜莺一周跑去厨房六次,把厨师做好的蜜汁鱼干全部一扫而空的。而且不止是鱼干,就连陛下书房里的……” The atmosphere is suddenly dignified. 现场的气氛突然凝重起来。 What in room?” “房间里的什么?” At this time Silvie recovered, „, did not have anything...... I have been awfully hungry, hurries to light a fire to prepare food!” 这时希尔维才回过神来,“啊不,没什么……我只是饿坏了,赶紧生火做饭吧!” But the refined language of Andrea timely rain fire fighting has also cancelled the curiosity of people. 安德莉亚一句及时雨般的救火之辞也打消了众人的好奇。 On the other hand...... Do you want to inquire the Nightingale secret really?” “话说回来……你们真的想打探夜莺的秘密吗?” Therefore everybody pinches out the question in abundance in the mind, bustles about separately. 于是大家纷纷把疑问掐灭在脑海之中,分头忙碌起来。 The Sharon electricity spark lit fuel pile and Amy hands and feet to cut the mushroom, Felice and Ash deftly carries a wild boar and Speer Percy still in the seasickness...... Before long, the attractive fragrance then spreads in the pit hole. 雪伦用电火花点燃了柴火堆、艾米手脚麻利地切好了蘑菇、菲丽丝灰烬背回了一只野猪、斯佩尔.帕西则依然在晕船中……不一会儿,诱人的香味便在石洞里蔓延开来。 Although has been short of many emaciated looks compared with the castle banquet, wheat pancake and dry/does loaf that but often eats regarding the open country, this is the rare delicacy delicacies. 尽管比起城堡宴会少了许多菜色,但对于野外常吃的烙饼和干肉条来说,这已经是难得的美味佳肴。 Especially when under the Ash use wild boar belly that few fat fries the fat, when scatters to again the semi-coke mushroom sliced meat roasts on the string, all people cannot help but drip the saliva. 特别是当灰烬利用野猪肚皮下那为数不多的肥肉煎出油脂,再撒到半焦的蘑菇肉片烤串上时,所有人都不由自主地淌出了口水。 Finally the wild boar was eaten cleanly, has not let off including the hoof. 最终野猪被吃得干干净净,连蹄子都没放过。 After filling the belly, rushed about day of people to go off quickly, only left behind energy most abundant Exceed and God Punishment Witches they are responsible for standing night watch. 填饱肚子后,奔波了一天的众人很快睡去,只留下精力最充沛的超凡者神罚女巫两人负责守夜。 I defend before midnight,” Ash has filled in two firewoods toward the fire of high-piled firewood, listened to Your Highness Tilly saying that although your sleep time were short, the words that but not full rested, affected the average person are much bigger.” “我来守上半夜吧,”灰烬往火堆里填了两根木柴,“听提莉殿下说,你们的睡眠时间虽然较短,但没有得到充分休息的话,影响比一般人要大得多。” If serious will even make this body lose the control,” Felice acknowledged confidently, now also early, later again rests might also as well.” “严重的话甚至会令这具身体失去控制,”菲丽丝坦然地承认道,“不过现在还早,待会再睡也无妨。” Ash nods, no longer spoke she is not the many words person, even if in front of Tilly, she more also listened attentively and shares. 灰烬点点头,不再说话她本身就不是多话的人,即使在提莉面前,她更多的也只是倾听与分享。 In cavern for a while only remaining flame flip-flop crack, as well as witches slight breathing. 洞穴里一时只剩下火苗的噼啪炸响,以及女巫们轻微的呼吸声。 Their sentiments are really good,” Felice looks at the little girl who one side is sleeping soundly twittering saying that perhaps in the Taqila time, could not discover to look like they such close partner.” “她们的感情还真好,”菲丽丝望着一旁熟睡的小姑娘呢喃道,“在塔其拉时代,恐怕已经找不出像她们这么亲密的伙伴了。” Ash looks following the vision of opposite party, sees only Lightning to be sprawled lies down on an animal skin, on the belly lies is shrinking the volume Macy, the latter and white hair of place scatters in all directions, was covered like the silk generally on two people bodies, looks like warm incomparable. 灰烬循着对方的目光望去,只见闪电四仰八叉地躺在一块兽皮上,肚子上则趴着缩卷的麦茜,后者及地的白发四散开来,像丝被一般盖在两人的身上,看起来暖和无比。 She cannot help but smiled, this fellow is not from the beginning is this. Before had not been admitted by witch, she almost regarded herself a pigeon alone to live the several years time, almost lost the ability of speech. At that time let alone was intimate with the person, the casual sound can make her be panic-stricken.” 她不由得笑了笑,“这家伙也不是一开始就是这样的。在未被女巫接纳前,她几乎把自己当成一只鸽子独自生活了数年时间,也差点失去了说话的能力。那时候别说和人亲近了,随便一点响动就能让她惊慌失措。” Does not know like this after is intimate, whether can also see...... Felice dangling eyelid again, hopes that this War of Divine Will will change.” “只是不知道这样的亲密以后是否还能再看到……”菲丽丝垂下眼睑,“希望这一次神意之战会有所改变。” Why said?” Ash selects the eyebrow saying that although she does not want to ask many, but these words still made her unable to bear open the mouth, common enemy will not make everybody closely unite?” “为什么这么说?”灰烬挑眉道,虽然她不想问得太多,但这句话仍让她忍不住开了口,“共同的敌人不会更让大家紧密团结在一起吗?” Indeed so,” Felice sighed, „, but gradually will also change witch this community you not to discover, magic power influence incessantly was our abilities?” “的确如此,”菲丽丝叹了口气,“但也会逐渐改变女巫这个群体你没发现,魔力影响的不止是我们的能力吗?”
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