RTW :: Volume #10

#923: The blood-color announced

When everybody revolves the train looks right and left, the west side has suddenly resounded the sad and shrill alarm sound! 就在大家围绕着火车左看右看时,西边突然响起了凄厉的警报声! ------------------” “呜—————————呜—————————” All people cannot help but in-situ. 所有人不由得愣在原地。 Unexpectedly is the storozhevoy of maximum degree! 竟然又是最高程度的警戒号! Wendy first responded, Your Majesty, please immediately return to the castle to take refuge from danger!” 温蒂第一个反应过来,“陛下,请您立刻回城堡避险!” But slightly those who made Roland feel the accident/surprise was, Tilly and Ash also quickly closed up to him side, Exceed kept off two people after behind, but Tilly held his wrist/skill. 而令罗兰稍感意外的是,提莉灰烬也很快靠拢到他身边,其中超凡者将两人挡在身后,而提莉则抓住了他的手腕。 In the wrists has transmitted the ice-cold metal touch immediately. 腕间顿时传来了冰冷的金属触感。 He lowered the head, sees only the ring on Tilly finger to past the blue light of full, so long as obviously situation has not to be right, under she will then lead to non-stop fly mining site. 他低下头,只见提莉手指上的戒指已流转起充盈的蓝光,显然只要情况有所不对,她便会带着自己直飞下矿区 Why does not know, obviously in this crisis moment, he thought somewhat absent-mindedly, many attention instead falls on the master of this hand. 不知为何,明明在这危机关头,他却觉得有些心不在焉,更多的注意力反而落在了这只手的主人身上。 Different with the trust that Nightingale is outspoken, his clear Tilly has not treated as the Elder Brother him truly. 夜莺毫无保留的信任不同,他清楚提莉并没有真正把他当做哥哥。 lie is always very difficult to hide the truth from the seven orifices exquisite person. 谎言总是很难瞒过七窍玲珑之人。 Even if she such will call herself face to face, maintains the procedure of existing relations. 即使她会当面这么称呼自己,也不过是维持现有关系的做法。 In fact, two people relations like hoodwinking a tissue, are blurring are hard to limit, not to mention Ash with him did not relate to enemies that he neither cold nor hot in the-- royal palace has become freely, but this is unjustly discredited, even to explain that is also unable to mention. Because he deceives in first, pours does not feel better requests anything, currently has the feeling that a dust fell to the ground. 事实上,两人的关系一直就像蒙着一层薄纱,模糊得难以界定,更别提灰烬一直对他不冷不热了——尽管王宫里结下的梁子跟他毫无关系,但这口黑锅哪怕想解释亦无从说起。由于他欺骗在先,倒也不好过多要求什么,现在却不禁有了种尘埃落地的感觉。 Perhaps regarding Tilly, even if not the person of blood relationship, takes the ally purely, enough was regarded as positive trusting. 或许对于提莉而言,就算不是血缘之人,单纯作为盟友,也足够值得信赖与肯定了吧。 Right, here leaves border city wall to be too near, but also asked you quickly to leave!” “没错,这里离边境城墙太近,还请您赶快离开!” Guard, where is the guard at?” “卫兵,卫兵在哪?” Comes is the Your Majesty opening!” At this time other people also responded, shouted loudly. “都过来为陛下开路!”此时其他人也反应过来,纷纷大声嚷道。 Warning that coordinates in the midair to reverberate, the scene for a while appears quite chaotic. 配合着半空中回响的警报,现场一时显得颇为混乱。 Receives the infection of people tense atmosphere, Roland also recovers finally, he frowned...... Have the garrison army discovered the Devil trail? 受到众人紧张气氛的感染,罗兰终于也回过神来,他不禁皱起眉头……难道卫戍军发现了魔鬼的踪迹? Now what he looks-- to Northern Slope Mine is responsible for alerting is Silvie, appears the possibility that reported mistakenly to be very low, can make the border forces sound the highest warning, should be most likely Devil right. But they do not lack red mist, is at the dormant state? Said that Taqila ruins has shipped in the new supplies? 他望向北坡矿山以西——如今负责戒备的是希尔维,出现误报的可能性很低,能让边防部队拉响最高警报的,十有八九应该是魔鬼没错了。可它们不是缺乏红雾,处于休眠状态么?还是说塔其拉遗迹又运来了新的补给? Although wants to go to the city wall to look very much personally, but Nightingale is not at now, the First Army main force was still in the homeward journey, not increase the burden of garrison troops to well. 虽然很想亲自去城墙上看一看,不过如今夜莺不在,第一军主力仍处于归途之中,还是不要增加守军的负担为好。 On the way of descends the mountain, he called the Wendy instruction saying that „, regardless of that side the city wall has met any situation, had the news to tell me immediately.” 下山途中,他叫来温蒂吩咐道,“无论城墙那边遇到了什么情况,有消息了立即告诉我。” Yes,” the latter dignified should say. “是,”后者神情凝重的应道。 ...... …… Silvie gazed at more and more near enemy, in the palm cannot help but is secreting the thin perspiration. 希尔维注视着越来越近的敌人,手心中不由得泌出了细汗。 This is not her first time sees Devil, but the opposite party takes to her constriction always to be closely associated. 这不是她第一次见到魔鬼,但对方带给她的压迫感却始终如影随形。 First, two, three, four, five and six-- altogether six Dread Beast set up in an array, plunders toward Neverwinter City from the prairie direction. Under the observation of Magic Eye, each detail of enemy is clear. Such that just like Elicia mentioned, was not each Dread Beast is carrying wild demon, two carried on the back to bundle one pile of mound of earth bone system vessels, just like specially was responsible for carrying the pack horse. 一、二、三、四、五、六——一共六只恐兽一字排开,从草原方向朝无冬城掠来。在魔力之眼的观察下,敌人的每一个细节都清晰可辨。正如埃尔暇所提到的那样,不是每一只恐兽都搭载着狂魔,其中两只背上捆着一摞土包般的骨制容器,犹如专门负责载物的驮马。 If enlarges some again, can see red mist that in the vessel surges. 若是再放大一些,便可看到容器中涌动的红雾 Obviously they through carrying the gas tank of sufficiency, implements this long-distance raid. 显然它们正是通过携带足量的储气罐,来实施这次长途奔袭的。 But...... Will Devil so quickly launch why the attack? 但……为什么魔鬼会如此快就发动攻击? They should not defend around the ruins God stone mineral lode, waits for arrival of Red Moon? 它们不应该守在遗迹神石矿脉周围,等待红月的降临么? Slightly those who make Silvie relieved is, after hearing the warning, First Army made the response quickly, cannon in city wall has slipped off the artillery clothes, several teams of soldiers also entered have met head-on the region. If the enemy suddenly does not change the direction, both sides will encounter after half quarter. 稍稍让希尔维安心的是,听到警报后第一军很快做出了反应,城墙上的火炮褪下了炮衣,数队士兵也进入了迎战区域。如果敌人不突然改变方向的话,双方将在半刻钟后遭遇。 Miss Silvie, that side person asked that if the enemy plans to invade in the city, you can speculate block that they possibly pass through?” personal guard that is responsible for contacting said. 希尔维小姐,那边的人问,如果敌人打算入侵城内,你能推测出它们可能经过的街区吗?”负责联络的亲卫说道。 For the convenience transmission enemy intelligence, Roland moved in the hand operated telephone model machine in Northern Slope Mountain backyard the city wall, except going directly to Longsong Stronghold that special line, this was also in Neverwinter City the telephone of first investment practical application. Long was made by the line, another end telephone can only put up in the Border Town No.3 entrance, therefore Silvie besides having special liaison officer, but also arranged two God Punishment Witches to focus on protecting. 为了方便传递敌情,罗兰北坡山后院里的手摇电话原型机挪到了城墙上,除开直达长歌要塞的那条专线,这也是无冬城中第一台投入实际应用的电话。只是受线长所制,另一端电话只能架在第三边陲城的入口处,因此希尔维除了配有专门的联络员外,还安排了两名神罚女巫进行重点保护。 5 th road or 9 th road,” Silvie has wiped the sweat on hand, they may also go toward the square, there people have not dispersed completely cleanly.” “五号路或九号路,”希尔维擦了擦手上的汗水,“不过它们也有可能朝着广场而去,那里的民众还未完全疏散干净。” If makes Dread Beast break in the rural fair, the consequence is simply dreadful. 如果让恐兽冲入集市之中,后果简直不堪设想。 I understood,” personal guard has been duplicating to the microphone. “我明白了,”亲卫对着话筒重复了一遍。 Wait/Etc.!” The Silvie sound suddenly changes, they climb altitude!” “等等!”希尔维的声音忽然一变,“它们正在爬升高度!” Is the plan must cross the city wall?” personal guard is also anxious. “是打算要越过城墙吗?”亲卫也紧张起来。 But the Dread Beast speed is also dropping, this in person from city wall should be able to see them directly!” “但恐兽的速度也在下降,这个距离城墙上的人应该能直接看到它们了!” The voice has not fallen, in the receiver has heard the sound of gunfire indistinctly. 话音未落,听筒中已隐约传来了枪声。 Mounts the soldier who the city wall battles without doubt is elite in First Army, has participated in the tour of snowy mountain exploration basically, when faces Devil truly has not revealed the flurried color/look. Several squads open fire in turn, and simultaneously placed low fire speed, has not projected the bullet in hand altogether completely. 登上城墙作战的士兵无疑是第一军中的精锐,基本都参与过雪山探索之行,真正面对魔鬼时并没有露出慌乱之色。几个小队轮流开火,且同时维持在较低的射击速度,并没有一股脑将手中的子弹全部射出。 But Silvie has discovered the issue quickly. 希尔维很快发现了问题。 That must hit an airborne goal, striking down a front surface comes again is much more difficult than Evil Beast or God Punishment Army that. 那就是要命中一个空中的目标,比击倒一只迎面重来的邪兽神罚军要困难得多。 Does not have the point of descent sign to cause the soldier not to know how should adjust the angle, after several rounds fires, Dread Beast sends without the wound, and approached to arrive to the city wall about 150 meters distance. 没有落点迹象导致士兵根本不知道该如何调整角度,几轮射击后恐兽毫发无伤,并已逼近到离城墙150米左右的距离。 But their altitudes also rose over hundred meters, the First Army soldier must result in raises high gun to aim at the enemy, although the sound of gunfire was stormier, may still unable to obtain any victory. 而它们的高度也攀升到了百米以上,第一军士兵必须得高抬枪杆才能对准敌人,尽管枪声密集了许多,可依然没能取得任何战果。 At this moment, Dread Beast stopped the advance, such as a giant bat hovering in airborne. 就在这时,恐兽停止了前进,如一只巨型蝙蝠般悬停于空中。 The arm of wild demon also fast inflates. 狂魔的手臂也快速膨胀起来。 No!” Silvie exudes one to call out in alarm, makes them evacuate the city wall quickly!” “不!”希尔维不禁发出一声惊呼,“快让他们撤离城墙!” What?” personal guard is startled, evacuation?” “什么?”亲卫一怔,“撤离?” However is too late, Devil has projected the bone lance in hand instantaneously, four spoken parts shades drop from the clouds, suddenly then passes through soldier-- that in the top has not covered, once the attack came from airborne, the dirt wall that Lotus raises then lost the significance. 然而为时已晚,魔鬼瞬间投出了手中的骨矛,四道白影从天而降,眨眼便贯穿了墙头上毫无遮挡的士兵——一旦打击来自空中,升起的土墙便失去了意义。 Unexpectedly, after the enemy has not continued to initiate attacks the-- arm to wither wild demon to send out one after another cries out strangely, after and drops out several animal skin, when turns around always the prairie to fly. 出乎意料的是,敌人并没有继续发起攻击——手臂萎缩后的狂魔发出一连串怪叫,并抛下几张兽皮后,掉头向来时的草原飞去。 Attacks quickly, finished also quickly, before long, the Devil form then disappears under the horizon. 袭击来得快,结束得也快,不一会儿,魔鬼的身影便消失在天际线之下。 Silvie does not endure to go to the city wall the vision, did not have the life sign by the soldier of bone lance direct hit, how regardless of the surrounding ally sways them, their eyes cannot open throughout again, the blood that the chest drips formed a beach dark-red blood to be hollow under the body gradually. 希尔维不忍地将目光投向城墙,被骨矛直接命中的士兵已没了生命的迹象,无论周围的战友如何摇晃他们,他们的眼睛始终没能再睁开,胸口淌出的鲜血渐渐在身下形成了一滩暗红色的血洼。 The animal skin falls gently slowly, above is not empty, but is drawing several coarse designs. 兽皮缓缓飘落,上面并非空无一物,而是画着几个粗陋的图案。 And is most striking, is a giant wolf. 其中最醒目的,是一只巨大的狼。
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