RTW :: Volume #10

#924: Devil method

„Is this What does it mean?” Roland unemotionally looks at the several animal skin of booth on table, the sinking sound is asking. “这是什么意思?”罗兰面无表情地望着摊在桌上的几块兽皮,沉声问道。 At this time his in heart angry incomparable, Devil not only after launching the attack swaggers away, but also has left behind the retaliatory manifesto, this simply is to the Neverwinter City naked provocation. But was at this time, he knows that more must restrain itself. 此时他的心中愤怒无比,魔鬼不仅在发起攻击后扬长而去,还留下了报复性的宣言,这简直是对无冬城赤裸裸的挑衅。但越是这种时候,他知道越是要克制自己。 The officials look at each other in blank dismay, nobody dares answer. 官员们面面相觑,没有一个人敢回答 Besides does not hope facing the King anger, on the animal skin the meaning of cartography case obvious is also the primary cause. 除了不愿面对国王的怒意外,兽皮上所绘图案的意思昭然若揭也是主要原因。 The giant wolf shape lifeform is to refer to Logia without a doubt. 巨大的狼形生物毫无疑问是指洛嘉 But several other distinguish picture to have human and bundle of kneeling down witch and combustion city wall, as well as the skeleton and ruins. 而另外几张则分别画有跪下的人类、捆绑的女巫、燃烧的城墙、以及尸骸与废墟。 Although its line is crude, may be linked to each other looked that is very easy to understand. 尽管其线条简陋无比,可连在一起看却十分易懂。 This is one with the threat letter that the design expressed. 这是一封用图案来表达的威胁信。 -- hands over the wolf female, to put down the weapon surrender to live, harbors the murderer, to insist on resisting dead. ——交出狼女、放下武器投降生,包庇凶手、执意抵抗死。 Roland one by one has swept the official in hall, deeply exhales the tone, makes the state of mind tranquil strongly. Although is not the expression that everyone will show does not give up, even there are individually also to reveal timid intent, but in nobody proposed that gave the suggestion of Devil well witch. 罗兰一一扫过大厅中的官员,深深呼出口气,竭力让心绪平静下来。虽然不是每一个人都会露出绝不善罢甘休的表情,甚至有个别还显露出了怯意,但好在没有一个人提出把女巫交给魔鬼的建议。 " The meaning that Your Majesty, the opposite party wants to transmit is not the pure threat or inducing somebody to capitulate, but is a trap! " In this depressing silence, together the light screen launches on the wall, the Parsha sound reached in his mind, " the process of matter I knew from Silvie, please do not believe each few words that Devil spoke, this is their consistent procedures! " 陛下,对方想要传达的意思并非单纯的恐吓或劝降,而是一个陷阱!」就在这份压抑的沉默中,一道光幕于墙上展开,帕莎的声音传进了他的脑海中,「事情的经过我已经从希尔维那儿知晓,请不要相信魔鬼所说的每一句话,这是它们的一贯做法!」 Her urgent, seemed worried that he makes the wrong choice. 她的语气略显急迫,似乎在担心他做出错误的选择。 But Roland also listened to some fishy. 罗兰也听出了一些蹊跷。 „Had you come across such matter before?” “你们以前遇到过这样的事情?” " Exactly said, was once mortal kingdom. " Parsha dignified say/way, during " the first divine will war, Devil is uses this way to split up the relation between mortal and witch, and nibbles Land of the Dawn step by step. " 「确切的说,是曾经的凡人王国。」帕莎凝重道,「第一次神意大战期间,魔鬼便是利用这种方式来分化凡人与女巫间的联系,并一步步蚕食曙光境的。」 Along with the narration of ancient witch, Roland understood trap quickly the meaning. 随着古女巫的叙述,罗兰很快明白了“陷阱”的意思。 In age that ordinary human and witch altogether govern, Devil besides battlefield in aggressive, will exert pressure to the match from one side, for example hands over witch to postpone the attack and so on. Regardless of when witch compares the average person is minority, has not hidden the ability the necessity, therefore was screened very much easily. 在那个普通人类和女巫共治的年代,魔鬼除了战场上咄咄逼人外,也会从侧面向对手施压,譬如交出女巫就暂缓进攻之类。女巫无论何时相较普通人来说都是少数,也没有隐藏能力的必要,因此很容易被甄别出来。 For maintaining life, these witch occupy the weak position city, often will choose to act accordingly, therefore some witch just still fought a bloody battle with Devil in the battlefield, returning to camp then to be captured or killed by the person on one's own side. Under such situation, the barrier that between witch and average person had intensifies gradually, but causes this situation to further worsen, is an inhuman betrayal. 为了保命,那些女巫占据弱势地位的城市,往往会选择照办,于是一些女巫刚还在战场上与魔鬼浴血奋战,回到营地便被自己人俘虏或杀死。在这样的局势下,女巫和普通人之间本就存在的隔阂逐渐加剧,而导致该情况进一步恶化的,是一次毫无人性的背叛。 In the War of Divine Will intermediate stage, feudal lord of two central big cities form the allied armies jointly to resist Devil, the difference of army is only is leads by witch, but another completely comprised of the average person. In an intense battle, average person feudal lord suddenly has reversed to Devil, will be in retreats the witch army on the way to interrupt around the middle, and has used God Punishment Stone weapon. Lost more than half witches that and is utterly exhausted has made the final resistance freely, but is still annihilated, his leader was beheaded and posted the severed head as a warning to others, but living witch gives Devil besides few parts, remaining degenerated into the slave. 神意之战中期,两座中部大城的领主组建联军共同抗击魔鬼,军队的区别仅在于一支是由女巫主导,而另一支则完全由普通人组成。就在一场激烈的会战中,普通人领主突然倒向了魔鬼,将处于撤退途中的女巫军拦腰截断,并使用了神罚之石武器。已经损失过半且疲惫不堪的女巫们尽管做出了最后的抵抗,但依然全军覆没,其领导者被枭首示众,而活着的女巫除了少部分交给魔鬼外,剩下的都沦为了奴隶。 This time betrayed by afterward Federation is called as " evening date to break off " , and regarded him to remember with eternal gratitude lesson, was from that date, human split up two ethnic groups gradually. 这次背叛被后来的联合会称作「暮日决裂」,并视其为刻骨铭心的教训,也就是从那一天起,人类渐渐分化成了两个族群。 However has not had how long to the city that Devil surrenders, hands over witch is only a start, before the enemy , when the outpost constantly advances, puts out a hand can touch these feudal lord lands, they without hesitation razes it. Mobilized human Grand Duke of evening date breaking off to be no exception, he constructed Mist Storage Tower under pulling strings of Devil in the city, but also sent for helping the enemy construct the outpost, to provide the information...... Even so, he also cannot settle enjoys the old age. Has the rumor he to be imprisoned by Devil in the feudal lord castle starves to death while still alive, some people said that after he knew Devil wanted to exterminate human, to escape from the territory, was actually killed by revenge witch...... In brief, as War of Divine Will comes to the end, human also lost the control to Land of the Dawn, the majority of territories have become the insurmountable forbidden area, occupies in red mist of horizon is the nightmare that all fleeing can hardly be removed. 不过向魔鬼投降的城市并没有存在多久,交出女巫只是一个开始,当敌人前哨站不断推进,伸手便可触及那些领主的土地时,它们会毫不犹豫的将其夷为平地。发动暮日决裂的人类大公也不例外,他在魔鬼的指使下于城中建造起了储雾塔,还派人帮助敌军修建哨站、提供情报……即使如此,他亦没能安享晚年。有传言他被魔鬼囚禁在领主城堡中活活饿死,也有人说他知晓魔鬼想要灭绝人类后逃出了领地,却被复仇女巫杀死……总之,随着神意之战告一段落,人类也失去了对曙光境的控制,大部分领地成了不可逾越的禁区,盘踞于天际线的红雾则是所有逃离者挥之不去的噩梦。 The war of this collapsing completely, has facilitated the birth of Federation, and final evolution is huge political entities, has ruled the Fertile Plain several hundred years. 正是这场一败涂地的战争,促成了联合会的诞生,并最终演变为一个庞大的政治实体,统治了沃土平原数百年。 In final of narration, Roland also heard a shocking hearsay from the Parsha mouth. 在叙述的最后,罗兰还从帕莎口中听到了一个令人震惊的传闻。 " This matter not practical record, but spreads secret-- Devil a threat of upper level Federation and estranges the technique, although shoddy incomparable, actually studied from human there in the past. " 「这件事并没有切实记载,只是流传于联合会上层的一则秘闻——魔鬼的威胁与离间手法虽然拙劣无比,却是从人类那里学过去的。」 What did you say?” A words exit|to speak, he then realized that the opposite party these words said listens alone to oneself. “你说什么?”话一出口,他便意识到对方这番话是单独说给自己听的。 Sure enough, the officials in hall appear somewhat are astonished, was feeling strange why likely he asked this issue suddenly. 果不其然,大厅里的官员们显得有些讶异,像是在奇怪他为何突然问出这个问题似的。 " Before rumor first War of Divine Will has not opened,...... No, should say earlier time, some people have contacted Devil-- at that time they and wild animals not different, was a human teaches the knowledge to them. " Parsha said in a low voice, " small number of people believes that perhaps this was afterward high rank Devil tends to the human form reason. However three seats thinks that this radically is nonsensical talk, and forbids the people to discuss in private, therefore also only then upper witch has heard this rumor. " 「传言第一次神意之战还未开启之前……不,应该说更早的时候,就有人接触过魔鬼——那时候它们和野兽无异,是一名人类将知识传授给了它们。」帕莎低声道,「少数人认为,这也许是后来的高阶魔鬼趋向于人形的原因。不过三席认为这根本是无稽之谈,并禁止民众私下讨论,因此也只有上层女巫听说过该传言。」 Roland turns very quiet, is attempting communicates with the spiritual and ancient witch, " do you believe? " 罗兰屏住呼吸,尝试着用精神与古女巫沟通,「你相信吗?」 " I do not know, " Parsha accident/surprise has not given to determine answer, " , if it real, can only prove and Devil communication is no different courts destruction. " 「我不知道,」帕莎意外的没有给出确定回答,「如果它是真的,只能证明和魔鬼沟通无异于自取灭亡。」 Roland has thought deeply about the moment, asked in this story the part of obvious flaw, " that human in hearsay...... Is witch or the average person? " 罗兰思索了片刻,问出了该故事中明显缺失的部分,「传闻里的那位人类……是女巫还是普通人?」 The latter sighed lightly, " two views both once had spread. " 后者轻叹了口气,「两种说法都曾流传过。」 It seems like also is really an irresponsible rumor. 看来还真是一个不负责任的传言。 Moreover Federation three seats procedure but actually also indisputable, no matter how Devil turns into the enemy, since their goals are demise human, the method of then corresponding only has to tit for fat. He has changed a topic, „, if the threatened kingdom is aloof, how Devil will do?” 另外联合会三席的做法倒也无可厚非,不管魔鬼是怎样变成敌人的,既然它们的目的是灭亡人类,那么对应的方法唯有以牙还牙而已。他换了个话题,“如果被威胁的王国无动于衷,魔鬼会怎么做?” " Attack can continue, submits to until feudal lord, or the army threatens the border. " Parsha answer said, " this set is effective to these strength weak small cities. " 「袭击会继续,直到领主臣服,或大军压境。」帕莎回答道,「这一套对那些实力薄弱的小城镇非常有效。」 In other words, they will again also come, right?” Roland sneers two, Barov.” “也就是说,它们还会再来,对吧?”罗兰冷笑两声,“巴罗夫。” Feudal official in!” Prime Minister has stood immediately. “臣在!”总管立刻站了出来。 Completes the comforting and aiding a bereaved family work, what has not made the blood of enemy hold a memorial service to sacrifice the soldier better propaganda way,” he every single word or phrase said that as for trap? I will make Devil know, now is not first War of Divine Will time.” “做好抚恤工作,没有什么比让敌人的血来祭奠牺牲战士更好的宣传方式了,”他一字一句说道,“至于陷阱?我会让魔鬼知道,如今已不是第一次神意之战的时候了。”
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