RTW :: Volume #10

#921: Train time

Neverwinter City, Northern Slope Mining area. 无冬城,北坡矿区 Is connecting the new-style path in ore dump site and furnace area is making the final cleaning. 一条连接着矿石堆场与炉窑区的新式道路正在做最后的清扫。 It in these package of ironwood axles with mine tunnel is different, is not only separated is bigger, the loading end was also more generous. Especially two tracks cast for all steel, is only looks that can imagine leaves it to be heavy. If trades to make other feudal lord, certainly for such waste will feel that inconceivable-- so much iron material, how many wraps builds the armor and sword should be? Even if conservative estimate, arms a scale not small Knight group to come sufficiently. Now is actually buried, whatever its wind and rain and corrosion flee the capital, simply is the procedure of black sheep of the family. 它与矿洞里的那些包铁木轨不同,不仅间隔更大,承载面也宽厚了许多。特别是两条轨道为全钢铸成,光是看着就能想象出它有多么沉重。如果换做其他领主,一定会为这样的浪费而感到不可思议——如此多的铁料,打造成盔甲和刀剑该是多少套?即使保守估计,也足以武装出一个规模不小的骑士团来。现在却被埋进地里,任由其风吹雨打、锈蚀蒙尘,简直是败家子的做法。 When Roland brings the participants are entering the dump site, in the crowd has resounded a tumult of rustling sound. It is not the long and short of the story of each department clear new-style path, especially came from the Longsong region official, has opened the mouth surprisedly, the vision is unable to move out of the way-- to have the railway rail of uniform characteristics again always from the track of setting up in an array to give one silent strength inborn, even if not understand its function, will be subdued by this strength. 罗兰带着与会人员走进堆场时,人群中响起了一阵悉悉索索的骚动。不是每一个部门都清楚新式道路的来龙去脉,特别是来自长歌区的官员,更是惊讶地张大了嘴,目光再也无法从一字排开的轨道上挪开——天生就具有整齐划一特性的铁轨总是能给人以一种沉默的力量,即使不明白它的作用,也会被这股力量所折服。 Passed through for several years shock tempering, they are insufficient to think that but actually oneself King can be a black sheep of the family, but so the procedure still made most people in attendance palpitations. Casting the good steel bar shop on the ground, at first sight and paves the way anything not to distinguish with gold royal. 经过了数年的“震惊磨炼”,他们倒不至于认为自己的国王会是一个败家子,但如此做法仍令大多数与会者心悸不已。把铸好的钢条铺在地上,乍看起来和用金龙铺路没什么区别。 That is the good material, so long as transports, can receive in exchange the big money in any city. 那可是上好的材料啊,只要运出去,在任何一个城市都能换回大把钱币。 In fact, only then Neverwinter City can bear such consumption. 事实上,也只有无冬城才负担得起这样的消耗。 Since the iron making and BOF steel-making investment produce officially, the cornerstone-- steel smeltings of all industries eventually to a certain extent realized escaped witch. Although the latter needs Anna to come ignition start, but compares initial " Iron Star " , this set of technique of production could be called in this time is the miracle. 自从高炉炼铁和转炉炼钢投入正式生产后,一切工业的基石——钢铁冶炼终于在一定程度上实现了“脱女巫化”。虽说后者需要安娜来“点火”启动,不过比起最初的「钢铁之星」,这套生产工艺在该时代已称得上是奇迹。 In addition, the transformation to Northern Slope Mine was makes the smelting industry obtain has further promoted. Under the bold the coordination of plan as well as Lotus of Ministry of Construction, the blasting operation had blasted out the vault of shallow layer mine tunnel several times, making some mining site turn into the open-air mineral lode, but iron ore was producing area biggest one. 除此之外,对北坡矿山的改造更是让冶炼产业得到了进一步提升。在建设部的大胆策划以及的配合下,数次爆破作业炸开了浅层矿洞的穹顶,令部分矿区变成了露天矿脉,而铁矿则是开采面积最大的一处。 Since the last year, the Neverwinter City steel output obtained the leaping breakthrough, steel of one month of completion adds more than the total quantity of other Greycastle cities. 正是从上一年开始,无冬城的钢产量获得了飞跃性的突破,一个月出炉的钢铁比灰堡其他城市的总量加起来还要多。 It looks like in Roland, this is natural matter--, if the industrial production could not crush these be repeatedly tempered by the blacksmith steel products, he tossed about these things not to have the significance. 只是在罗兰看来,这都是理所当然之事——如果工业化生产还不能碾压那些靠铁匠千锤百炼出来的“钢材”,他折腾这些东西也没了意义。 As for the present track, is in the original design picking mining site part of experiment railroad and smelting areas and dock three places connect. 至于眼前的轨道,则是原设计中把采矿区、冶炼区与码头三地连接起来的实验铁路的一部分。 Because the broad gauge and narrow gauge do not have the remarkable difference in the consumable and carrying capacity, he used one meter five to take the railroad spacing standard specially, the digit was good to record did not say, two tracks added the roadbed the width also basically in the Lotus ability area of influence. The railroad tie truncates to cut for the log, the fragments stone is from the disintegrating slag after mine demolition, if not look to deliver the vehicles, these railway rails are just the same as the modern track simply. 由于宽轨和窄轨在耗材与载重能力上没有显著区别,他特意采用了一米五作为铁路间距标准,数字好记不说,两条轨道加路基的宽度也基本在的能力影响范围之内。轨枕为原木削切而成,砟石取自矿山爆破后的碎渣,倘若不看运载车辆的话,这些铁轨简直跟近代轨道一模一样。 However afterward opened along with the reunification war, the construction work also temporarily interrupts. The thing that after all he wants to make was still at the laboratory stage, impossible has not finalized then to put up a factory the production, therefore the railway rail processing installs, was completed by Anna one, did not have the black fire, the latter half range path naturally is unable to mention. 不过后来随着统一战争开启,修建工作也暂时中断下来。毕竟他想要做的东西仍处于实验阶段,不可能还未定型便建厂生产,因此无论是铁轨加工还是安装,都由安娜一手完成,没了黑火,后半程道路自然无从说起。 Naturally, is these new-style paths cannot satisfy the curiosity of people merely, under the instruction of Roland, the workers opened one to be located in the orbital end the sail tent. After covering entirely the canvas of dust and fallen leaf falls to the ground, car(riage) of the swarthy steel appears before the people. 当然,仅仅是这些新式道路并不能满足众人的好奇心,在罗兰的指示下,工人们揭开了一座位于轨道尽头的帆布棚。当布满尘土和落叶的帆布落地后,一台黝黑的钢铁之车出现在众人面前。 Your Majesty, this is...... Steam wheeler?” Longsong region governor Petrov surprised say/way. 陛下,这是……蒸汽轮车?”长歌区执政官培罗惊讶道。 Also no wonder he believes, as the principal part of vehicles, that frame set up tubbish Steam engine above steel girder to capture the attention of all people immediately. As more and more Steam engine are operational in Neverwinter City, the officials seem like to this type clumsy incomparable, the body have the machine of infinite strength to be familiar gradually, even the traditional domain that needs a huge amount of manpower to complete, they on own initiative will also consider that uses Steam engine to achieve goal-- for example the field irrigation and dock to remove stage makeup and costume wait/etc.. 也难怪他会这么认为,作为车辆的主体部分,那个架立在钢梁之上的桶状蒸汽机立刻吸引了所有人的目光。随着越来越多的蒸汽机无冬城投入使用,官员们对这种看似笨拙无比、却身具无穷之力的机器已逐渐熟悉,甚至在一些需要大量人力才能完成的传统领域,他们也会主动考虑使用蒸汽机来达成目标——例如农田灌溉、码头卸装等等。 It can be said that from the beginning the manufacturing works of Steam engine and related supplementary equipment will only receive the production instruction that Roland issues, now they occasionally also will be the City Hall demand will produce the special machine. Even if with same gear, support and transmission rod, the combination then can obtain the entirely different effect slightly. 可以说,一开始蒸汽机及相关配套设备的制造工厂只会接到罗兰发出的生产指令,现在他们偶尔也会为市政厅的需求而生产特殊的机器。哪怕是用同样的齿轮、支架与传动杆,稍加组合便能得到截然不同的效果。 This is an extremely good indication, it means that the people from the passive production, start to transform to the initiative creation. 这是一个极为良好的征兆,它意味着人们从被动生产,开始向主动创造转变。 But regarding Petrov, in the river course Steam engine with the concrete boat that actuates is called the steam Stream Ship words, then this car(riage) called the steam wheeler is also very reasonable. 而对于培罗来说,河道里用蒸汽机驱动的水泥船被称作蒸汽明轮船的话,那么该车叫蒸汽轮车也是十分合理的了。 Roland naturally is not willing to look on that name power is lost other people. 罗兰自然不愿坐视命名权旁落他人。 Must know, this is an epoch-making transportation vehicle. 要知道,这可是一件划时代的交通工具。 Since that day that since it is born, the world then welcomed a drastic change, although the speed might as well carriage of model machine, although, it was changed to various strange appearances, has replaced including the power supply several times, but the initial name deeply was still inscribed in the development of the human race history. 自从它诞生的那天起,世界便迎来了一场剧变,尽管原型机的速度还不如马车,尽管之后它被改成了各种稀奇古怪的模样,连动力源都更换过数次,但最初的名字依然被深深铭刻在人类发展史之中。 Train,” Roland investigates correct path, it is solves the transportation problem the key.” “火车,”罗兰纠正道,“它便是解决运输问题的关键。” You want to construct a such track in the prairie, then supplies...... Train use?” The Barov tongue-twister read this to fabricate the word, „did the Devil attack worker, by some chance what to do obstruct the track to lay down?” “您想在大草原上建设一条这样的轨道,然后供……火车使用?”巴罗夫绕口地念出这个生造词,“万一魔鬼袭击工人,阻扰轨道铺设怎么办?” First the railway rail at least must have two, can simultaneously guarantee round trip unimpeded. Next I do not plan to pass through the prairie, but from Hidden Forest set off, to being apart from the Taqila ruins recent position, advances to the east side again.” Roland says plan that in the heart draws up, then, even if Months of Demons approaches, Leaf can also protect the track not to be destroyed by Evil Beast. As for Devil...... This is in itself the contest of a lance and shield, the position by no means only then, but is the railroad cultivates, cannon then puts up. Even if they can go against the fire to demolish the railroad, so long as we constructed quicker then it will be alright.” “首先铁轨至少要有两条,可以同时保证来去畅通。其次我不打算穿越草原,而是从迷藏森林出发,一直到距塔其拉遗迹最近的位置,再向东边推进。”罗兰将心中拟定的方案说出,“如此一来,即使邪月来临,叶子也能保护轨道不受邪兽破坏。至于魔鬼……这本身就是一场矛与盾的较量,阵地并非只有一处,而是铁路修到哪,火炮便架到哪。即使它们能顶着炮火拆毁铁路,只要我们建得更快就行了。” This point he before returning to Neverwinter had discussed with Adviser Department, the Hidden Forest route seems like the prairie route is farther, but on construction speed instead quick many. Make most development project headaches will eliminate the mixed clear table link not to have the-- weed and vine basically will make way automatically, and will form the natural lyophobic slope. But can also transport the construction material by the forest of Leaf direction on own initiative, can lighten the burden of Hummingbird greatly. 这一点他在返回无冬之前已和参谋部讨论过,迷藏森林路线看似比草原路线要远,但修建速度反而会快上许多。让大多数开拓工程头痛不已的除杂清表环节基本没有——杂草和藤蔓会自动让开,并形成天然的疏水坡。而受叶子指挥的森林还能主动搬运施工材料,可以大大减轻蜂鸟的负担。 Later by the Lotus smooth roadbed, Ministry of Construction lays the fragments stone, railroad tie and railway rail again, Anna is responsible for welding seamlessly, the words of three working procedure advancements, may before the winter ended the railway rail cultivate/repair to the pre-calculated position alternately greatly. At the appointed time, entire Taqila ruins will put in the attack range of stronghold artillery. 之后再由平整路基,建设部铺设砟石、枕木与铁轨,安娜负责无缝焊接,三道工序交替推进的话,大可在冬天结束前将铁轨修至预定位置。届时,整个塔其拉遗迹都将置于要塞炮的打击范围之内。
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