RTW :: Volume #10

#920: The stratagem of war

Until Roland sits down, all talented people bow to take a seat. 直到罗兰坐下,所有人才躬身落座。 Until now the core city of rapid expansion from that remote small town, he became flag-- in people mind in the look of people in attendance, Roland felt this clearly. Stood with the past on elementary school class stage speaks, or explained the plan to be different to Party A, they were listening attentively incessantly, what were more was the preparation. 从那个偏僻的小镇到如今急速扩张的核心城市,他已成为了众人心目中的旗帜——在与会者的眼神中,罗兰清楚地感受到了这点。和过去站在小学课台上发言,或是向甲方讲解方案不同,他们不止是在倾听,更多的是准备。 -- prepares to carry out his following each intention and order. ——准备执行他接下来的每一个意图与命令。 The secondary roles that this is he arrives at this world three years later saves, thinks that most starts in the castle the alone person's shadow, as well as local noble ridicules with the facial expression of ridicule, he then felt that bottom of heart raised heartfelt satisfaction. 这正是他来到这个世界三年后所积攒下来的班底,一想到最开始城堡里孤零零的人影,以及当地贵族奚落与讥笑的神情,他便感到心底升起了一股由衷的满足。 Therefore Roland enters the subject straightforwardly, Neverwinter City cannot ignores Devil take root on Fertile Plain, especially to border such near place--, although the enemy comes a little early, but where our footsteps do not have to go slowly, across Greycastle returned to normal at present basically, we can definitely leap takes action to cope with them with single-hearted devotion.” His paused, looks all around, every single word or phrase said, expels Taqila ruins Devil, is next must goal whole-heartedly. What issue does everybody has?” 因此罗兰直截了当地进入主题,“无冬城绝不能放任魔鬼沃土平原上扎根,特别是在离边境如此之近的地方——虽然敌人来得有点早,但我们的脚步也没有慢到哪里去,灰堡各地目前已基本平复,我们完全可以腾出手来专心对付它们。”他顿了顿,环顾四周,一字一句地说道,“将魔鬼赶出塔其拉遗迹,便是下一个要全力以赴的目标。各位有什么问题吗?” As you bid, Your Majesty!” 遵命,陛下!” The people said with one voice. 众人异口同声道。 Barov that even if to dispatching troops most to worry, had not proposed that the rapid growth of any objection-- Neverwinter City establishes in the stable the confidence of orders and people, the city that a strong Monarch king blesses, together never by the territory that the flames of war attack, these attract the primary factor that the refugee hires oneself. If Devil takes Taqila as the foothold, harasses Neverwinter unceasingly, creates scared to the people even is causes to flee, the later development is then out of the question. Because continuously east and southern two boundaries that struggles the king war to leave uncultivated is the best proof. 即使是对动兵最为顾虑的巴罗夫,也未提出任何异议——无冬城的快速发展建立在稳定的秩序与民众的信心上,一个强大君王庇佑的城市,一块从未被战火侵袭的领地,这些都是吸引流民投靠的主要因素。若魔鬼塔其拉为据点,不断骚扰无冬,给民众造成恐慌甚至是引起出逃,之后的发展便无从谈起。因连续不断的争王战争而荒废的东、南两境就是最好的证明。 Then discussed that the specific plan, various departments have the idea to speak.” “那么谈下具体方案吧,各部门有想法都可以发言。” Your Majesty, I thought what at present most important migrates situated in the north industry as soon as possible,” Barov first sets out saying that „, if Devil invades Western Region, first encounters is these that affects not the people who was protected by the city wall. Even if the new city wall constructs, the cattle that breeds will also disturb your army arrangement, the beforehand entire city security is an example.” Here him to glance Wendy one, as a result of the city gate closure, caused the wheat seed and many forest natural resource transportation is blocked, under the full operation of City Hall, will affect fortunately to reduce to is smallest.” 陛下,我觉得目前最重要的是尽快迁移位于北边的产业,”巴罗夫第一个起身回道,“如果魔鬼入侵西境,首先遭到波及的便是那些不受城墙保护的人们。即使新城墙建设完毕,放养的牛羊也会干扰您的军队布置,之前的全城警戒便是一个例子。”说到这儿他瞟了温蒂一眼,“由于城门关闭,导致小麦种子及多种森林资源运输受阻,还好在市政厅的全力运作下,才将影响缩减到最小。” This matter Roland knew from letter, sees old Prime Minister to mention again, he looks to Wendy, discovered that the latter facial color is gentle, does not have the meaning of arguing, obviously that I take full liability am not angry words. 这件事罗兰已经从信里知晓,见老总管重提,他不禁望向温蒂,发现后者面色平和,丝毫没有争辩之意,显然那句“我负全部责任”并不是一句气话。 „The collections of other wheat seeds, mushrooms and natural resource can through Stream Ship, import in the city from Scarlet Water River, but Northern Slope Mine is unable to migrate, the reconstruction price of furnace area is also too big, therefore cannot be generally spoken.” He thought deeply about the moment to pat the plank road, these places will strengthen defend, so when encountered the Dread Beast surprise attack also had the strength of resistance. Moreover I to admonishing the incident do not have the detail, now under is clear, when the martial law dispersal only aimed at still in the people that street, market and other places drifted away, but was not all resident-- starting today, I requested, regardless of met what situation, the factory can not shut down, until I issued the new instruction.” “麦种、蘑菇和其他资源的采集可以通过明轮船,从赤水河西边运入城内,但北坡矿山无法迁移,炉窑区的重建代价也太大,所以不能一概而论。”他思索了片刻拍板道,“这些地方会加强守备,如此遭遇恐兽突袭时也有抵抗之力。另外我对警戒一事没有详细说明,现在重新明确下,戒严时的疏散只针对仍在街道、市场等地游离的群众,而不是全体居民——从今天起,我要求无论遇到何种情况,工厂都不得停工,直到我下达新的指令。” That...... I count the industry that can migrate to give you to glance again.” Realized probably Roland does not want to hold responsible, Barov changed the rumor immediately. “那……我统计一下可以迁移的产业再交给您过目。”大概意识到罗兰并不想追究责任,巴罗夫立刻改了口风。 Under the new land also plan, Roland knocks has massaged somebody's back by tapping the map while convenient after”, „the threat in Great Snow Mountain removed, west side area can use--, so long as Leaf, Hidden Forest is the left-wing natural barrier.” “顺便把新的用地也规划下,”罗兰敲了敲背后的地图,“大雪山里的威胁已经排除,西边这块地区都可以利用起来——只要叶子在,迷藏森林就是左翼天然的屏障。” On the map, Hidden Forest of cover is similar to a delta, occupied less than half barbarian wasteland. Its apex situated in the Western Region snowy mountain, a border the foot is spreading to north, points to the dragon ridge/spine mountain range, another with the Scarlet Water River partner line, was connected until Neverwinter City border-- these two vertices, constituted a big intermediate area. Simply speaking, if slivers three wasteland, leftmost that is the forest region, but right two are corresponding the Neverwinter prairie and Impassable Mountains separately. 在地图上,茂密的迷藏森林如同一个倒三角形,占据了小半个蛮荒地。它的顶点位于西境雪山,一条边沿着山脚向北蔓延,直指龙脊山脉,另一条则与赤水河伴行,直到无冬城边境——这两个端点相连,构成了一个偌大的缓冲地带。简单来说,如果把蛮荒地切成三份,最左边的那份即是森林区域,而右边两份分别对应着无冬草原与绝境群山 The region that Leaf controls now has covered west entire Scarlet Water River, therefore ships the coal mine or forest natural resource, the security of cement fleet can be safeguarded. 叶子如今所控制的区域已涵盖整个赤水河西段,因此无论是运送煤矿还是森林资源,水泥船队的安全都可以得到保障。 Yes, Your Majesty.” Barov also knows this point, has complied quickly then. “是,陛下。”巴罗夫也知晓这一点,很快便应了下来。 Your Majesty, I thought that the origin about Devil should soon publicize to the people,” Wendy opens the mouth saying that „, otherwise they suddenly appear when everybody front is easy to cause scared. Moreover you often said, the propaganda is in the administration most important one point, if we do not control, might very much by some people of uses harboring evil intentions.” 陛下,我觉得关于魔鬼的来历应早日向民众公开,”温蒂开口道,“否则它们突然出现在大家面前时容易引起恐慌。而且您常说,宣传是施政里最重要的一环,如果我们不去控制,很有可能会被一些居心叵测之人利用。” " I also agreed that this view, " Elicia echoes to say by the light screen, " , although the ability of mortal is very limited, but gathers after is a strength, at least compares has not been better. Also frightened like the whip, often made one dread, brandishes appropriately can actually go forward threateningly. " 「我也同意这个说法,」埃尔暇透过光幕附和道,「虽说凡人的能耐十分有限,但合起来总归是一份力量,至少比没有要好。再说恐惧就像鞭子,时常令人畏惧,挥舞得当却能逼人前进。」 Originally propaganda work after the Greycastle unification and King ascend the throne carries on, but Devil ahead of time appeared has disrupted this plan. Roland one and lost this duty to Barov, propaganda content, propagandized, was drawn up by you. Grasps, must make citizen understand, Devil is the mortal enemy of human, does not arrive to perish we not to give up \; Also must stress that they are the same with Evil Beast, seems like fierce fearsome, does not have anything to distinguish in front of the arms.” 原本宣传工作会在灰堡统一、国王登基后进行,只是魔鬼的提前出现打乱了这个计划。罗兰将此任务一并丢给了巴罗夫,“宣传内容,怎么宣传,由你去拟定。把握好度,既要让领民明白,魔鬼是人类的死敌,不到灭亡我们决不罢休\;又要强调它们跟邪兽一样,看似狰狞可怖,在枪炮面前也没什么区别。” Makes use to pass on the ballad and rebelling as for these,” Roland sneers two, looks to two head-- Vader and Ryan Dmitry of police department, how you should process do not need me to remind again.” “至于那些趁势传谣、作乱者,”罗兰冷笑两声,望向警察部门的两位负责人——维德雷恩.梅德,“你们该怎么处理不用我再提醒了吧。” They lowered the head hastily, naturally, Your Majesty.” 两人连忙低下头,“当然,陛下。” Determined after Neverwinter City wartime order as well as related plan, Parsha mentioned people most issue of concern, " how do you plan to attack Taqila ruins nearby Devil? " 确定完无冬城的战时秩序以及相关预案后,帕莎提到了众人最关心的问题,「您打算如何进攻塔其拉遗迹附近魔鬼?」 „The safest method is to build the bombing position, long-range destruction their red mist supplies installment,” Roland has measured on the map with the finger sketchily, „the stronghold artillery firing distance that the present produces can be over ten kilometers, if improves slightly, but can also hit farther-- not to have red mist, Devil that keeps only has the dead end.” “最稳妥的方法是建立起炮击阵地,远距离摧毁它们的红雾补给装置,”罗兰用手指在地图上粗略丈量了下,“现在生产的要塞炮射程可以达到十公里以上,如果稍加改进,还能打得更远——没有了红雾,留下来的魔鬼只有死路一条。” This is not he boasted, because the first-generation stronghold artillery considered that use and transportation condition, except for the caliber is honorable 152 mms away, other standards with 152 are far from. Even if gun tube, punmetals mounting and other spots do not make the revision, only increases the barrel chamber, and will put in order the load to change into the subpackage ball, immediately can let on a firing distance again stair. 这并非他吹嘘,第一代要塞炮由于考虑到使用与运输条件,除了口径为光荣的152毫米外,其他标准跟152相差甚远。哪怕炮管、炮架等部位都不做修改,只增大药室,并将整装弹换成分装弹,立刻就能让射程再上一个台阶。 " So that's it, Taqila witch is willing to develop this stretch of position for you. " 原来如此,塔其拉女巫愿意为您来开拓这片阵地。」 Without a doubt, in assembly hall to War of Divine Will most positive was the Taqila camp, so long as can defeat Devil, they did not mind to provide leadership. 毫无疑问,会议厅中对神意之战最积极的便是塔其拉阵营了,只要能击败魔鬼,她们并不介意身先士卒。 But wants to realize this point, but also needs to solve several key questions,” Roland shakes the head, „the abundant preparation, we very difficult not to have stood firm under the Devil offensive.” He receives to reach behind the back, in a Northern Slope Mine position gently ball, „, but must first solve, then transports the difficult problem.” “但想要实现这一点,还需要解决几个关键问题,”罗兰摇摇头,“没有充裕的准备,我们很难在魔鬼的攻势下站稳脚跟。”他收回手,在北坡矿山的位置轻轻一弹,“而首先要解决的,便是运输难题。”
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