RTW :: Volume #9

#891: The wound of monastery

I was not the Pope, His Excellency the Pope Isabella have just wanted to deny, was actually patted the shoulder to stop by Agatha. “我不是教皇,教皇冕下已经”伊莎贝拉刚想否认,却被爱葛莎拍肩膀制止了。 Duty is important, Your Majesty will not mind.” “任务要紧,陛下不会介意的。” It seems like the words that is not connected, Isabella actually instantaneously understood the meaning of opposite party, she also knows that this law is more convenient, but regarding regarding as important the king of authority, this is really a dangerous signal. 看似毫无关联的话语,伊莎贝拉却瞬间明白了对方的意思,她也知道此法更加方便,但对于看重权力的君王来说,这着实是一个危险的信号。 Recalled that at the Neverwinter City experience, after her hesitant moment, will deny that the refined language received, saves you are What does it mean? Judgement Warrior and God's Officer where?” 回想起自己在无冬城的所见所闻,她犹豫片刻后还是将否认之辞收了回去,“救你们是什么意思审判武士神官又在哪里?” They ran!” “他们跑了!” No, some people were summoned to leave by Holy City!” “不,有些人是被圣城召离的!” We commit the crime, has killed God's Officer......” “我们犯下罪行,杀了神官……” That is not her mistake!” “那不是她的错!” Does not have food, not to have the clothes...... The entire two months have not supplied, did we get rid?” “没有食物、没有衣服……整整两个月没有补给,我们被抛弃了吗?” Spoke any foolish talk, Your Excellency does not come!” “说什么蠢话,冕下不是来了么!” The scene has resounded a talking at once answer sound immediately. 现场顿时响起了一阵七嘴八舌的回答声。 Peacefully!” The Isabella impatient say/way, „a person said then it will be alright.” She has swept the crowd, put out a hand to aim at the nun of that lead, you came first, stood to say.” “都安静点!”伊莎贝拉不耐烦道,“一个人说就行。”她扫过人群,伸手指向了那名带头的修女,“你先来吧,站起来说。” Yes, Your Excellency.” Nuns first respectful touches by, since strenuously crawls from the ground, last time receives the Hermes message, is one month ago matter......” “是,冕下。”修女先恭敬的以头触地,才吃力地从地上爬起,“最后一次收到赫尔梅斯的消息,已是一个多月前的事了……” After one hour, Isabella finally had a general understanding to the matter that here had. 半个时辰之后,伊莎贝拉总算对这边发生的事情有了一个大概的了解。 Since Cold Wind Ridge one post-war, the supplies of monastery become worse and worse, from the beginning is food weight/quantity shrinks, to afterward cut in half including the number of times. Because three yards are the enclosed management, the news depends entirely on the outside to spread, the order is also but actually stable. Clergy and Judgement Warrior of guarding encourage everybody to work diligently the pray, passed this difficult position with the strong manner, and said that situation will change for the better quickly. 自从寒风岭一战后,修道院的供给就每况愈下,一开始是食物分量缩水,到后来连次数都减半了。由于三座大院都是封闭式管理,消息全靠外界传入,秩序倒也还算稳定。驻守的神职人员和审判武士鼓励大家勤做祈祷,以坚强的态度度过这段困境,并称情况很快会好转过来。 But the fact is not true. 可事实并非如此。 The opposite party so-called stop press , was Church reassigns all Judgement Army and God's Officer before a half a month. 对方所谓的最后消息,便是教会在一个半月前抽调走了所有审判军神官 The nuns were not clear they to receive what kind of order, only knows when these not transferred believer came out from the hall the surface, if dying embers, looked like loses the soul to be ordinary. 修女们并不清楚他们接到了怎样的命令,只知道那些没有被调走的教徒从大厅里出来时面若死灰,就像是失去了灵魂一般。 Later the monastery then caused disaster the place of hardship. 之后修道院便成了灾厄之地。 According to makes up for automatically principle, they proclaim as new God's Officer, actually no longer leads the people prayer, does not hope the abstemious system that follows the predecessor to draw up. Not only enjoys in the warehouse few grain in storage, but also has further embezzled the meals of orphan. 根据自动补替的原则,他们自封为新一任神官,却不再带领众人祷告,也不愿遵循前人订下的缩衣节食制度。不仅毫无节制地享用仓库里为数不多的存粮,还进一步克扣了孤儿的伙食。 When the nun goes to negotiate, has learned of an earth-shattering news, is collapsing of Hermes cathedral. 当修女前去交涉时,得知了一个天崩地裂的消息,也就是赫尔梅斯大教堂的坍塌。 When Church arrived at the life and death. 教会已经到了生死存亡之际。 To fight to the death with the enemy, high-level decision gives up old Holy City, all recalls the plateau all regular duty personnel. But leaves the last-minute order of monastery is, the enemy who resists the invasion voluntarily, gives the life to gods, until the last minute. 为了和敌人决一死战,高层决定放弃旧圣城,将所有正职人员全部调回高原。而留给修道院的最后命令则是,自行抵挡入侵的敌人,将生命奉献给神明,直至最终一刻。 Although these accidents sound incredible, but connection inverted image church channel seal has as if confirmed their view. 尽管这些变故听起来令人难以置信,但连接倒影教堂的通道封闭一事仿佛验证了他们的说法。 Facing this sad news, among the nuns also split two schools, few people were thoroughly disappointed, joining „the new God's Officer faction, another part of people were indecisive, does not know that should not know what to do according to the view of leading nun, Church in the past was so formidable, almost does not need to ponder to them formidable, has never considered own destiny...... Because of this, this news almost makes them fall into the confusion completely, probably passes the world avalanche that knows very well to be suddenly ordinary. 面对此噩耗,修女间也分裂成了两派,一部分人彻底失望,加入了“新神官派系”,另一部分人则犹豫不决,不知该如何是好按照带头修女的说法,教会过去是如此强大,强大到她们几乎不需要思考,也从未考虑过自身的命运……正因为如此,该消息几乎让她们完全陷入混乱,就好像过去所熟知的世界陡然崩塌一般。 Breaks this aspect, is intense of new God's Officer. 打破这一局面的,是新神官们的变本加厉。 They are only the floor believers, the status in monastery is only higher than the nun on, usually is responsible for assisting the superintendent to handle in the institute the business, almost does not have the promotion possibly truly to have ability, will not be distributed here to come. Now tasted the benefit of authority with great difficulty, lost the above supervision, naturally once started , it can hardly stop. 他们原本只是底层教徒,在修道院中的地位仅比修女高上一点,平时负责协助管理者打理院中事务,几乎不存在晋升可能真正有能力者,根本不会被分派到这里来。现在好不容易尝到了权力的甜头,又失去了上面的监管,自然一发不可收拾。 For example the choir and teaches the ritual class blessings. 例如唱诗班和教礼班的“赐福”。 In fact this matter is in itself the action of breaking a prohibition, but management of Holy City to the monastery is not strict, when the great person of common special hobby comes this to lead a life of comfort, this in the yard is not the secret. Until causes the Exceed fleeing event, Church strengthened the supervision to this aspect. 事实上这种事本身就是违禁之举,只不过圣城对修道院的管理并不严格,因此时常有特殊爱好的大人物来此享乐一番,这在大院里并不算秘闻。直到引发超凡者出逃事件,教会才加强了对这方面的监管。 However they did not have worry now. 然而他们如今却没了顾虑。 Blessings from alone pull people to the force obedience of entire class, even evolved to trade the transaction of food by the body finally. Not only this has completely violated the Church's law, advanced on the side of the indecisive nun the orphan. “赐福”从单独拉人到整个班的强迫服从,甚至最后演变成了以身体换食物的交易。这不仅完全违背了教会的律令,也把犹豫不决的修女推到了孤儿一边。 Although these girls of different ages plunder to come from Four Great Kingdoms, but teaches them to be literate to read, the custom ritual ode, the time grew did not have the sentiment. In addition the order of Church confession, the nuns start to conflict pulling strings of new God's Officer, and takes apportioned these to be awfully hungry the child the grain in warehouse secretly. 虽说这些年纪不等的女孩都是从四大王国搜刮而来,但教她们识字看书、习礼颂歌,时间长了也不是毫无感情。再加上教会交代的命令,修女们开始抵触新神官的指使,并偷偷将仓库里的粮食取出来分给那些饿坏了的孩子。 But their again how abstemious, impossible baseless changes food. The grain in storage of warehouse is scarce day after day, God's Officer also realized nun revolting, conflicts erupts when smuggling grain, they caught in the act and execute two nuns, this act have intended to deter the people, actually aroused the restlessness of other nuns. The leaders pass through one to plan and connect, fought back on the evening of 1st. Wallows in leading a life of comfort God's Officer is unexpected, was occupied the overwhelming superiority orphan allied armies to collaborate from outside with the inside and catch the whole lot in a dragnet by the population. 只不过她们再怎么缩衣节食,也不可能凭空变出食物来。仓库的存粮日渐稀少,神官亦察觉到了修女的“叛变”,冲突随之爆发在一次偷运粮食时,他们当场抓住并处死了两名修女,此举意在震慑众人,却激起了其余修女的不安。领头人经过一番谋划和串联,于一日夜晚发起了反击。沉迷在享乐中的神官猝不及防,被人数占据绝对优势的孤儿联军里应外合、一网打尽。 Incessantly so, the leader through the said/tunnel relation in another two monasteries, has also solved the believer who these ugly performances have revealed completely with the similar way. 不止如此,领头人还通过地道联系上了另外两座修道院,用同样的方式解决了那些丑态毕露的教徒。 Attempts to detail a representative in everybody, finding the way to jump over the yard tall wall, when the difficult position of this place reported to Hermes, the Kingdom of Dawn army appears in the old Holy City border. 就在大家尝试选派出一名代表,想办法越过大院高墙,将此地的困境报告给赫尔梅斯时,晨曦王国的军队出现在了旧圣城的边境上。 Since were given up, except resists voluntarily outside has no other alternative. Everyone knows, once the enemy captures the monastery, even if they do not revolt, where the fate good to not to go, therefore has that Isabella saw at first. 既然已被放弃,除开自行抵抗外别无他法。每个人都知道,一旦敌人攻下修道院,即使她们不反抗,下场也不会好到哪里去,因此才有了伊莎贝拉最初看到的那一幕。 ...... …… Listened to nun's statement, in the Isabella heart to raise the huge doubts. 听完修女的陈述,伊莎贝拉心中升起了巨大的疑惑。 The vulgar customs in monastery she also heard, after these passengers obtain the authority the rapid putrefication is not strange, making her think what was astonished was Church announces the order that. 修道院里的陋习她也有所耳闻,至于那些无能者得到权力后迅速腐化更是毫不稀奇,令她觉得讶异的是教会宣布的命令。 To fight to the death with the enemy? If is really this, their impossible under falling situation of outer ring city wall neglects the surveillance to the ravine trail, what so do the procedure and hand over to distinguish the first defense line? 为了与敌人决一死战?如果真是这样,他们就不可能在弃守外圈城墙的情况下忽略对山间小径的监视,如此做法和把首道防线拱手相让有什么区别? Even if draws back 10,000 steps, the Holy City really scarce manpower to the degree that the even/including ladder was unable to care about in the clouds, impossible said to give up old Holy City this. 即使退10000步,圣城真紧缺人手到了连云中梯都无法顾及的程度,也不可能说出“放弃旧圣城”这样的话来。 Because most people do not know the Church's secret, but she knows clear new Holy City on plateau, is at the foot of the hill old city, is not the Church's core. The Church true core only then one, that is the deep concealed underground pivot shaft dense mechanism, no matter to mining and research of magic stone of Sigil God stone, or God Punishment Army transformation ceremony, in this constructs in 400 years ago secret organizations carries on. 因为大部分人都不知道教会的秘密,但她知道得一清二楚无论是高原上的新圣城,还是山脚下的老城市,都不是教会的核心。教会真正的核心只有一个,那便是深藏地下的枢密机关,不管是对神石的开采、魔石符印的研究,亦或是神罚军转化仪式,都是在这座建于400年前的隐秘机构中进行的。 But in old Holy City has secret passage to pivot shaft dense temple, even is the main exit|to speak site. So was the important position, how possibly so easily given up? 而旧圣城中就有通往枢密圣殿的密道,甚至是主要出口所在地。如此重要的位置,怎么可能这般轻易被放弃? This order is full of loopholes radically, thorough lie! 这段命令根本是漏洞百出,彻彻底底的谎言
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