RTW :: Volume #9

#890: Isabella...... Your Excellency

When sees this familiar city once more, Isabella somewhat is sigh with emotion. 当再次看到这座熟悉的城市时,伊莎贝拉不禁有些感慨。 Has not thought that merely more than one year of time, Church defeats the only hope of Devil from human, turned into the War of Divine Will interrupter. 没想到仅仅一年多的时间,教会就从人类战胜魔鬼的唯一希望,变成了神意之战的阻碍者。 Although she lived here a long time, but to Church not many sentiments. Profound Ryan Your Excellency day after day guidance makes her understand, finally forever compared with process important, if unable to block Devil, all successes and failures are meaningless. 尽管她在这里生活了很长一段时间,但对教会并没有多少感情。奥博莱恩冕下日复一日的教导让她明白,结果永远比过程重要,若无法挡住魔鬼,一切得失都毫无意义。 She has implemented this instruction, has chosen compared with Mayne Archbishop more hopeful Zero, after Zero suffers defeat offers services to Roland Wimbledon. If there are compared with a Roland more potential leader, she will still make the similar choice. 她贯彻了这则教诲,选择了比梅恩大主教更有希望的洁萝,又在洁萝败北后投效于罗兰.温布顿。如果有比罗兰更具潜力的领导者,她依然会做出相似的选择。 Because this is the principle of righteousness. 因为这是大义。 Compared with individual benefit, she has placed the first extension inheritance of human. 比起个人的利益,她将人类的延续传承放在了第一位。 However although the words said that the regret that in the Isabella heart somewhat was still hard to get over an emotion is only she does not ravel for a while, where had problems. Until returns old Holy City, she understands. 不过话虽这么说,伊莎贝拉心中仍有些难以释怀的遗憾只是她自己一时也弄不明白,到底是哪里出了问题。直到重新回到旧圣城,她才明白过来。 She is Zero feels to regret. 她在为洁萝而感到惋惜。 The Zero achievement experienced Pure One of long years, should be separated by the gap with her \; Also many Pure One had complained secretly seizes being subject to changing moods of heart, what accident/surprise is, she thought that opposite party inexplicable good being together, to blend other demands compared with these respective intention selfish motives and in War of Divine Will Pure One, the idea of Zero not covers up simply, moreover its faith is far from other people can. 洁萝作为经历了漫长岁月的纯洁者,理应与她相隔鸿沟\;也有不少纯洁者暗地里抱怨过夺心者的喜怒无常,但意外的是,她却觉得对方莫名的好相处,比起那些各自心怀私念、在神意之战中参杂其他诉求的纯洁者,洁萝的想法简直不加掩饰,而且其信念远非他人能及。 Isabella detected, in fact Zero and she too has not distinguished, the only difference is, she is familiar with in stands in the position of assistance, but Zero is actually a guide. 伊莎贝拉发觉,实际上洁萝和她并没有太多区别,唯一的不同是,她更习惯于站在辅佐者的位置,而洁萝却是领路人。 Perhaps this point also has nothing to do with the instinct, but was the opposite party lived more than 200 years later inevitable choices. 这一点恐怕也与天性无关,只不过是对方活了200多年后的必然选择。 If can early ten years meet Roland, Holy City should be insufficient to turn into today's appearance. 如果能早十年遇上罗兰,圣城应该不至于变成今天的模样。 What a pity all occurred too lately. 可惜一切都发生得太迟了点。 After two circle, Macy fell in camp outside city steadily. 经过两圈盘旋,麦茜稳稳地落在了城外的营地里。 We arrived, gets down,” back Agatha said. “我们到了,下去吧,”背后的爱葛莎说道。 Isabella nods, turns over/stands up jumps down from the giant beast, peripheral some soldiers welcomed immediately, Lady Edith waited in the account, please two come with me.” 伊莎贝拉点点头,翻身从巨兽身上跳下,周边立刻有士兵迎了过来,“伊蒂丝大人已经在帐中等候了,请两位跟我来。” This line besides her, Your Majesty Roland also called Macy to give a ride ice witch, and told her straightforwardly at present still in prison term, needs to move under the surveillance of other witch. Isabella to so straightforward the view does not care, she has already not worn God Punishment Lock, the hands and feet does not have the shackles, is brand-new including the clothes, this is she gives favored treatment unexpected. 此行除了她之外,罗兰陛下还叫麦茜捎上了冰女巫,并直截了当地告诉她目前仍在“服刑期”,需要在其他女巫的监视下行动。伊莎贝拉对如此“直白”的说法一点儿也不在意,她既没有佩戴神罚之锁,手脚也无镣铐,连衣服都是崭新的,这已是她所预想不到的优待了。 Enters the tent, a female stands up after the table with a smile, I am Edith Kant, the Ministry of Defense member, to temporary head of Holy City combat.” 走进帐篷,一名女子笑着从桌后站起身来,“我是伊蒂丝.康德,防卫部成员,也是对圣城作战的暂时负责人。” An appearance outstanding mortal, Isabella thought. I think that you will control the Hermes plateau first, then under the west receives to restore old ways Holy City.” 一名容貌出众的凡人,伊莎贝拉心想。“我以为你们会先控制赫尔梅斯高原,再西下收复旧圣城。” Plan is this, just the Dawn person came quickly.” Edith narrated the situation approximately, „the Your Majesty's order is ensure the security of monastery, this point is not a problem but actually, how difficult on difficult to shift safely orderly inside orphan, if I have not remembered incorrectly, they have the Church education to grow up? If drives away forcefully, only feared that will play the counter-effect, therefore I think that you could have the means. After all before going to battle, the Your Majesty designation has given you this duty.” “计划本是这样,只不过晨曦的人来得太快了点。”伊蒂丝将局势大致讲述了一遍,“陛下的命令是确保修道院的安全,这一点倒不成问题,难就难在如何稳妥有序地将里面的孤儿转移出来如果我没记错的话,她们都是接受教会教育长大的吧?如果强行驱赶,只怕会起到反效果,所以我想你或许能有办法。毕竟在出征前,陛下指名将这个任务交给了你。” Isabella frowned, wait/etc....... Do you come from the ladder in the clouds?” 伊莎贝拉不禁皱起眉头,“等等……你们是从云中梯过来的?” What's wrong, what has not to be right?” “怎么,有什么不对吗?” There is Church stares at against important highway with emphasis, illuminates the truth should not the unmanned guard to be right.” “那里是教会重点盯防的要道,照道理不该无人看守才对。” Is this?” Edith also sinks the sound to come, may the merchant think that is one secret passage that rarely has the person to know, Silvie has not discovered any difference.” “是这样么?”伊蒂丝也沉下声来,“可商人认为那是一条鲜有人知的秘密通道,希尔维也没有发现任何异样。” Church has managed for several hundred years in this place, a grass stone touches clearly, how possibly lets off such one not by the track of city wall control.” Isabella shakes the head, „, whatever smuggles merchant to pass through is only that group of people intentionally for it, it to cope with the Four Great Kingdoms Months of Demons allied armies prepares, its sentry post point establishes in the natural hole in hills **, was neglected is also very normal.” 教会在此地经营了数百年,一草一石都摸得清清楚楚,怎么可能放过这样一条不受城墙控制的小道。”伊莎贝拉摇摇头,“任由走私商人通行只是那帮人故意为之,它原本是为了对付四大王国邪月联军而准备的,其哨点都设置在群山间的天然洞**,被忽略也很正常。” Can be reason that because the Holy City order collapses?” “会不会是因为圣城秩序崩溃的缘故?” „The security foreword position of ladder above the barbican wall, is very in the clouds difficult to present such situation according to the truth,” Isabella feels the accident/surprise at heart, this where likely is the order collapse? Simply with abandoning the city fled similarly. If possible, had better be able make me go to Hermes to look personally.” “云中梯的警戒序位尚在外城墙之上,按道理很难出现这样的情况,”伊莎贝拉心里颇觉意外,这哪里像是秩序崩溃?简直跟弃城逃离差不多了。“如果可以的话,最好能让我亲自去赫尔梅斯看一看。” First solves the matter of monastery,” the Agatha reminder said, from airborne should be able to see situation in institute?” “先解决掉修道院的事吧,”爱葛莎提醒道,“从空中应该能看到院里的情况吧?” Indeed, Miss Lightning examined three main monasteries, and had discovered troubled inside orphan as if to be organized greatly, prepared for likely has clung to tenaciously yard, this was we consistently has not adopted one of motion reasons.” Edith lets go saying that I do not hope soldier sends without the wound routs the Dawn army, finally actually loses here.” “的确,闪电小姐已经将三座主要的修道院都查看了一遍,并且发现了一个大麻烦里面的孤儿似乎被人组织了起来,像是做好了死守大院的准备,这也是我们始终未采取行动的原因之一。”伊蒂丝摊手道,“我可不希望士兵毫发无伤地击溃晨曦大军,最后却损失在这里。” Some person of organizations?” Isabella has hesitated the moment, makes me go in them chats.” “有人组织?”伊莎贝拉沉吟了片刻,“让我进去和她们谈谈。” You alone?” “你一个人?” She wants saying that a person has sufficed, had words on the tip of the tongue actually to receive, „, Agatha cannot along with me together.” 她本想说一个人就够了,话到嘴边却又收了回来,“不,爱葛莎会随我一起。” ...... …… he/she and Lady Isabella!” Sees Isabella, Maggie stands immediately straightly, the right hand pressed the chest front subconsciously. “伊、伊莎贝拉大人!”见到伊莎贝拉,玛姬立刻站得笔直,右手下意识地按到了胸前。 Had said many times, does not use the polite name, called name then it will be alright directly,” she unemotionally saying that we no longer were Pure One.” “说过好多次了,不用加尊称,直接叫名字就行,”她面无表情道,“我们已不再是纯洁者了。” Yes, Sir!” Maggie hurries to nod to say. “是,大人!”玛姬慌忙点头道。 Isabella sighed secretly, although Your Majesty had stipulated her sphere of action, has not actually restrained Maggie, Vanilla and the others. They occasionally also will run afterward the diplomatic building to look for her, chats the new unusual happening in Witch Union while convenient. But they are having the custom in monastery as before, had not changed completely...... Good Agatha does not mind these details. 伊莎贝拉暗地里叹了口气,陛下虽然规定了她的行动范围,却没有约束玛姬香草等人。后来她们偶尔也会跑来外交楼找她,顺便聊聊女巫联盟里的新奇事。只不过她们依旧带着修道院里的习惯,至今仍未完全改过来……还好爱葛莎并不介意这些细节。 Leads us to go.” She has referred to not far away city. “带我们进去吧。”她指了指不远处的城市。 „Doesn't First Army go?” Maggie summoned the magic power ark, looks Edith that the eye has after death seen off. 第一军不去吗?”玛姬召唤出魔力方舟,望了眼身后送行的伊蒂丝 Before has not ensured the security, they will not enter old Holy City.” “在没有确保安全前,他们是不会进驻旧圣城的。” The ark sinks quickly underground, only leaves behind a piece of insightful ceiling by the soil layer of top of the head, can see that from the sky directs the direction Lightning. 方舟很快沉入地下,只留下一片通透的天花板透过头顶的土层,可以看到在空中指引方向的闪电 Although in old Holy City four monasteries, in fact greatly may be equal to one. They construct regarding the inverted image church, underground has the channel to be connected, and in a pivot shaft dense temple by secret passage direct link mountain, mainly for convenient transports new witch to the transformed ceremony. However since the Exceed awakening event causes a monastery is forced to burn down, the interface channel is then sealed up. 圣城里虽说有四座修道院,实际上大可等同于一座。它们围绕倒影教堂而建,地底有通道相连,并由一条密道直达山中的枢密圣殿,主要是为了方便向转化仪式输送新的女巫。不过自从超凡者觉醒事件导致一座修道院被迫焚毁后,连接通道便被封闭起来。 The magic power ark is quietly the West district Monastery that submerged most approached the outer ring, such that just like Lightning said that in the big garden the nobody left, the great hall entrance was standing two emaciated girls, in the hand was leaning on the long spear/gun compared with their high. 魔力方舟悄无声息地潜入了最靠近外圈的西区修道院,正如闪电所说的那样,偌大的庭院里空无一人,大堂门口站着两名面黄肌瘦的女孩,手中拄着的长枪比她们个头都高。 Floats, delivers to here then it will be alright.” Isabella opens the mouth to say. “浮上去吧,送到这里就行。”伊莎贝拉开口道。 Doesn't need to dive to have a look first?” Maggie is astonished asked. “不用先潜进去看看吗?”玛姬讶异地问。 Inside hidden God stone are too many, does not need to take risk.” Monastery such important place will often lay aside giant God stone, the coverage scope can achieve over hundred steps, has gone beyond her elimination range. “里面暗藏的神石太多,没必要冒这个险。”修道院这样的要地往往会放置巨型神石,覆盖范围能够达到百步以上,远超出了她的消除范围。 The ark leaps the ground quickly, has caused one of the watchman startled in their eyes, two people almost suddenly present general in garden. 方舟很快跃出地面,引起了看守者的一阵惊慌在她们眼里,两人几乎是突然出现在庭院里的一般。 The sharp whistling sound has made a sound immediately, the windows and doors that shuts tightly lift, one group of orphans swarm under several nuns' leadership, lifts the sword wooden shield and short bowman crossbow to clash to two people. In the Agatha hand has congealed the cold ice, so long as the opposite party puts the arrow, she momentarily can wrap Isabella. 尖锐的哨声立刻响了起来,紧闭的门窗纷纷掀开,一群孤儿在十几名修女的带领下蜂拥而出,举着刀剑木盾、短弓手弩向两人冲来。爱葛莎手中已凝出寒冰,只要对方放箭,她随时都能将伊莎贝拉包裹其中。 „, Wait/Etc.! Stops!” Suddenly, the nun of lead yells. “等、等等!都停下!”忽然,带头的修女大声喊叫起来。 You...... You are side His Excellency the Pope...... Lady Isabella?” Another nun flutters to ask. “您……您是教皇冕下身边的……伊莎贝拉大人吗?”另一名修女颤声问道。 Along with this question, all people have stopped the footsteps immediately. 随着这句问话,所有人顿时止住了脚步。 Is I.” Isabella nodded tranquilly. “是我。”伊莎贝拉平静地点了点头。 It seems like they have not forgotten themselves, the duty that then, Your Majesty assigns should also be able quite successfully to be accomplished. 看来她们并没有忘记自己,如此一来,陛下所交代的任务应该也能比较圆满的完成了。 However the following people's response made her somewhat be caught off guard. 然而接下来众人的反应令她有些措手不及。 Really is Lady Isabella! Good, we could be saved!” “真的是伊莎贝拉大人!太好了,我们有救了!” No...... Is Isabella Your Excellency! Your Excellency, asking you to save us!” “不……是伊莎贝拉冕下冕下,求您救救我们!” His Excellency the Pope! Please do not throw down us!” 教皇冕下!请别丢下我们!” The increasing number of people throw down weapon, kneel down earnestly, the Your Excellency call suddenly resounds through the yard. 越来越多的人丢下武器,埋头跪倒在地,冕下的呼声一时间响彻大院。
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