RTW :: Volume #9

#871: Is above the common sense „cannon”

City both sides leapt black grey thick smoke immediately, one after the other two bangs made the floor of watchtower slightly tremble. After bellow, city wall under transmitted one to cheer, obviously was before enemy takes action to the morale is not a small promotion. 城池两端顿时腾起了一股黑灰色的浓烟,一前一后两声巨响让望楼的地板都轻微震颤起来。轰鸣声过后,城墙下方传来了一阵欢呼,显然先于敌人出手对士气来说是个不小的提升。 However William understood the first run fire at heart also that is all. 不过威利恩心里明白首轮射击也仅此而已了。 Really, after counting breaths, in farmland leapt two groups of flying mud, not only did not have one round to pound the enemy, is not small when with formerly drilled the preinstall point of descent deviation. After the shell falls to the ground, then shoots, tumbled little segment to be away from forward, the plow in the battlefield of mud left a three zhang (3.33 m) gutter. 果然,数息之后,田地中腾起了两团泥花,不仅没有一发砸中敌人,跟先前操练时预设的落点都偏差不小。炮弹落地后接着弹起,向前翻滚了一小段距离,在泥泞的战场里犁出了一道三丈长的浅沟。 Today was not one calm date, this means giant stone artillery need many test fires to be able the hit target. 今天并不是一个无风日,这意味着巨石炮需要更多的试射才能命中目标。 He is very clear, the long control artillery that the cannon and Roland that Golden Harvest City expenditure large amount of money makes use is far from, even among the disparity compared with flintlocks is big. 他十分清楚,金穗城花费巨资建造出来的大炮和罗兰所使用的长管炮相差甚远,甚至比火枪之间的差距还要大。 A most obvious point is, the giant stone artillery is unable to move freely. 最明显的一点便是,巨石炮无法自由移动。 In order to prevent the barrel explodes, the artisans almost melted in the city all bronze household utensils, ancient bell in clock tower have not let off. Crashes any carriage after the end product that many experiments make sufficiently, chest cavity wall roughly one arm is thick, can only erect in the artillery building of special masonry and building, the angle of pitch and faces all controls by the hangman's rope, the fire at least needs the quarter of an hour to load each time. 为了防止炮身爆炸,工匠们几乎融掉了城市里所有的青铜器皿,就连钟塔上的古钟都没放过。经多番实验制造出来的成品足以压垮任何马车,膛壁约莫一臂厚,只能架设在专门砌筑的炮楼上,俯仰角和朝向皆由绞索控制,每次射击至少需要一刻钟来装填。 When the spheroidal shell that moreover it fires by the granite stone polish, is unable to look like Roland shells Kingdom Capital like that has the fierce explosion. William also attempts to wrap the snow powder hollow shell, but used not to stabilize extremely did not say, the output became because of the iron outer covering very low-- he did not think clearly, actually Roland where got so far as that many raw materials. 另外它发射的球型炮弹由花岗石打磨而成,无法像罗兰轰击王都时那般产生剧烈的爆炸。威利恩也尝试过能包裹雪粉的空心炮弹,但使用起来极不稳定不说,产量也因铁质外壳而变得十分低下——他一直想不明白,罗兰究竟是从哪里弄到那么多原料的。 Therefore from the beginning, the Duke defensive strategy then as far as possible limits the cannon display of opposite party. 因此从一开始,公爵的防守策略便是尽可能限制对方的火炮发挥。 So long as forces the enemy close city combat, then his giant stone artillery always has to pound on the match moment. 只要迫使敌人接近城池作战,那么他的巨石炮总有砸到对手头上的一刻。 After a round fire, the Roland army stopped the advance beyond expectation, seemed frightened by the attack of this accident/surprise, starts to retreat unexpectedly backward, from shell point of descent about hundred stops. 经过一轮射击后,罗兰的军队出乎意料地中止了前进,似乎被这意外的攻击所震慑,竟开始向后撤退,距离炮弹落点近百步时才停顿下来。 What is their this is making?” The Kalina doubts asked. “他们这是在做什么?”格琳娜疑惑地问。 William holds up telescope, notes that hundred person already the appliance that slips off shoulders, excavates earth-- to come up same place at first sight, they plan to clean up a flat land in farmland likely. 威利恩举起瞭望镜,注意到那百来号人已褪下身上背负的器具,原地挖起土来——乍看上去,他们像是打算在田地里清理出一块平地。 Has been afraid probably, wants to adjust the team, fights a protracted war,” claps hands to say with the viscount who observes in the watchtower, heard Roland Wimbledon has gotten rid of Knight completely, in the army is one crowd of not many experiences country countrymen, before closed right up against the high-quality firearm to win, has not come across any setback basically. Now needs to withstand/top our attack to capture the city wall, quite hesitates at heart. This move of earth does for mud is really attractive, Sir.” “大概是害怕了,想要调整队伍,打一场持久战吧,”一名同在望楼上观战的子爵抚掌道,“听说罗兰.温布顿完全抛弃了骑士,军队里全是一群没多少见识的乡野村夫,之前靠着优质火器一路取胜,基本没遇到过什么挫折。现在需要顶着我们的进攻夺取城墙,心里也颇为犹豫吧。这一招化土为泥干得真是漂亮啊,大人。” But our income and squire have also been short,” another person knits the brows saying that this year's Months of Demons ran away many citizen, half workshop has left uncultivated, if possible, was quite good with the Roland Wimbledon peace talks.” “但我们的收入和扈从也少了很多,”另一人皱眉道,“今年邪月逃走了不少领民,一半作坊都已荒废,如果可以的话,还是同罗兰.温布顿和谈比较好。” „The coordinated condition, which has not come the foundation of peace talks, how must win next to say again.” “没有对等的条件,哪来和谈的基础,怎么样也得赢下一场再说。” Shuts up to me,” the William disgruntled say/way, I absolutely to murdering the King will surrender, if you will rather discard the noble status also to betray Timothy Your Majesty, I will force in you cave first, will keep company with the people of that group of riot.” “都给我闭嘴,”威利恩不悦道,“我绝对不会向弑王者投降,如果你们宁愿舍弃贵族的身份也要背叛提费科陛下,我会先把你们塞进地窖里,和那堆暴乱之人做伴。” The scene lost the sound immediately. 现场顿时失了声音。 In order to prepare this defensive war, Golden Harvest City has indeed paid very big price, not only turned into stronghold from the commercial center, he also makes the helpless action that some have not been willing to make at first. But in the Duke eye, all these is worth. If Fourth Prince is wins over noble to control Greycastle from the beginning, then he early should be defeated, but the opposite party has chosen road of the treason and heresy, that is attempts to overthrow the entire noble system, resists into the authority the bosom entirely. 为了准备这场防御战,金穗城的确付出了很大的代价,不仅从商贸中心变成了一座要塞,他还做出了一些最初不愿意去做的无奈之举。但在公爵眼中,这一切都是值得的。如果四王子一开始便是拉拢贵族来控制灰堡,那么他早该失败了,可对方偏偏选择了一条大逆不道之路,那就是妄图推翻整个贵族体系,将权力统统攘入怀中。 So long as he can frustrate the attack of Roland here, other people then can change the beforehand mentality, then supports him to continue to wield eastern region, Greycastle will also emerge more opponent-- saying that he resists Roland for Timothy Your Majesty, to maintain the traditional noble system fights. 只要他能在这里挫败罗兰的进攻,其他人便会一改之前的心态,转而支持他继续执掌东境,灰堡也会涌现出更多反对者——可以说,他既是为了提费科陛下对抗罗兰,亦是为了维护传统的贵族体系而战。 Sir, the giant stone artillery loads!” A attendants report said. “大人,巨石炮装填完毕!”一名侍从汇报道。 Wants the intermittent firing?” Kalina asked. “要继续射击吗?”格琳娜问。 No, waits again...... Only if installs snow powder, otherwise we are very difficult to project on that position.” William shakes the head, he somewhat regretted to order to fire quickly, is thinking sooner opened fire then can a morning point complete the calibration, has not actually expected the opposite party to stop going forward because of a fire. Now looks that group of people are in muddy land busy to keep, in his heart has one to be restless faintly. “不,再等等……除非加装雪粉,否则我们很难打到那个位置。”威利恩摇摇头,他有些后悔那么快下令射击了,本想着早些开火便能早一点完成校准,却没料到对方会因为一次射击而停止前进。现在看着那伙人在泥地里忙碌个不停,他心中隐隐生出一丝不安来。 The flat land that shovels can only stand for two people merely, is not to pitch camp to prepare likely, hundred person is divided into more than ten groups, after cleaning up the ground, manipulates these green long tubes. 铲出来的平地仅仅只能供两人站立,并不像是在为扎营做准备,百余号人分成十多个小组,清理完地面后又摆弄起那些绿色的长筒来。 Under telescope, their movements take in everything at a glance the-- long tube as if are only a part, its under sets up a foot rest, end is also fronting together the hollow sheet iron, initially beside this, on the cylinder was also inserted several strange sticks. These things formerly shouldered on people, temporarily pieces together the same place only used the quarter of an hour to be the time, fully obviously the exquisiteness of design. 瞭望镜下,他们的动作一览无遗——长筒似乎只是一个部件,它的下方立有一个脚架,尾端还垫着一块凹陷的铁板,初此之外,筒体上也被插上了数根奇怪的棍子。这些东西先前都背负在众人身上,临时拼凑到一起只用了一刻钟不到的时间,足可见设计之精妙。 However moments later, Duke almost cannot believe own eye! 然而下一刻,公爵几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛! Sees only the opposite party to squeeze in the tube a spindle jar, then the tube withstood/top has spouted white smoke-- rapidly 只见对方将一个纺锤型的罐子塞入筒中,接着筒顶飞速喷出了一股白烟—— In noble still when wondering this thing is anything, more than ten groups of dark-red fireballs split open inside and outside the city wall suddenly, is a series of slating crack! 就在贵族们还在纳闷这玩意到底是什么时,十余团暗红色的火球骤然在城墙内外绽开,接着是一连串雷鸣般的炸响! Because approaches inside the city wall house to be demolished, only remaining all kinds of traps and barriers, therefore has not caused many personnel to damage but actually, shock that but produces to William is beyond description! 由于靠近城墙内侧的房屋都已被拆除,只剩下各式各样的陷阱和障碍,因此倒没有造成多少人员损伤,但对威利恩产生的震撼却难以形容! That flash, in his head only remaining sounds. 那一刹那,他脑袋里只剩下一个声音。 Is that unexpectedly an artillery? 那居然是炮? But it possibly is an artillery!? 但它怎么可能是炮!? Although Duke does not have personally to see the Roland cannon army, may also repeatedly listen to the person to describe-- they to be divided into two kinds according to the barrel length differently, the former can install in four wheeler accompanies the armed forces to move, the latter must transport by the ships, any type, is not the manpower can shoulder. 公爵虽然没有亲眼见过罗兰火炮部队,可也多次听人描述过——它们按炮管长度不同分成两类,前者可以装在四轮车架上随军行动,后者则必须由船只来运输,无论是哪种,都不是人力所能背负的。 Uses Golden Harvest City all artisans and raw materials, spends for two years, the casting leaves such two reluctantly serviceable cannon, this is the insufficiency in technique and experience, but by theory the firearm with Roland does not have the essential difference. He believes that gives the craftsmen several years time again, certainly can make similar weapon. 倾尽金穗城所有工匠和原料,花费两年时间,才铸造出这样两门勉强堪用的大炮,这是技艺与经验上的不足,而在原理上同罗兰的火器并没有本质区别。他相信再给匠人们数年时间,一定能做出类似的武器 But present thoroughly has actually subverted his idea. 但眼前的这一幕却彻底颠覆了他的想法。 When the thin pipe, how haunches the snow powder explosion tremendous pressure that has? 那么薄的管子,是如何撑起雪粉爆炸时产生的巨大压力的? This does not gather the common sense! 这根本不合常理! Takes out the marbles, adds half package of snow powder again!” Duke turns around to exclaim toward attendants loudly, „after installing, immediately fires, so long as in hitting a person, I enjoy his ten gold royal!” “取出石弹,再加半包雪粉!”公爵转身朝侍从大吼道,“装好后立刻射击,只要打中一人,我赏他十枚金龙!” The latter looks hesitant, half package? Sir, such may damage barrel-- 后者面露迟疑,“半包?大人,那样有可能损坏炮身—— Whatever if they attack city wall like this, the giant stone artillery remained is also being useless!” William holds his collar saying that according to doing that I said! Now!” “如果任由他们这样攻击城墙,巨石炮留着也没用了!”威利恩一把抓住他的衣领道,“按我说的做!现在!” But when ordering, the position front once more has hiked up the white smoke. 而就在下令之际,阵地前方再次飘起了白烟。 The gap unexpectedly is less than ten breaths! 前后间隔竟不到十息! This, William heard slightly buzz cry, likely is the workman, when just likes the arrows from out of the blue whistling tone. 这一回,威利恩听到了轻微的嗡鸣,像是鸟叫,又恍如箭矢破空时的哨音。 ---- “咻———— moments later, city wall peak leapt several dazzling fireballs, the scalding hot air wave to turning the bonfire and oil tray, the top turned into a sea of fire suddenly. 下一刻,城墙顶端腾起了数个耀眼的火球,灼热的气浪冲翻了篝火与油盆,眨眼之间,墙头变成了一片火海。
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