RTW :: Volume #9

#844: Information that simultaneously delivers to

Let Ministry of Agriculture raise the rubber insect is not temporary emerging of Roland, as one with the petroleum equally matched important industry, naturally is grasps by oneself is quite good. If were not worried that these insects have the potential threat, he does not want to be located in Border Town No.3 the feed farm. 农业部来饲养橡胶虫并不是罗兰的一时兴起,作为一个和石油不相上下的重要产业,自然是由自己来掌握比较好。如果不是担心这些虫子具有潜在威胁,他都不想把饲养场设在第三边陲城里。 As for meeting misfortune view of feudal lord, then with Barov, Edith and the others discussed that from now on result-- compared with the witch empire of dominant human, female feudal lord and a destruction city-state saying was easier to be accepted. Now knows that War of Divine Will and person of Taqila truth is only restricted in the City Hall high level, as well as some First Army backbones, this regarding propagandizing the forthcoming war is very disadvantageous, but makes a clean breast is also easy to cause scared, therefore disclosed again little after the beautification, to the people some psychological buffer spaces, was a good compromise choice. 至于落难领主的说法,则是同巴罗夫伊蒂丝等人讨论过后的结果——比起统治人类的女巫帝国,女领主与覆灭城邦一说更容易被人接受。如今知道神意之战塔其拉真相的人仅限于市政厅高层,以及部分第一军中坚,这对于宣传即将到来的战争十分不利,但和盘托出又容易引起恐慌,因此经过修饰再一点点透露出去,给众人一些心理上的缓冲空间,算是个不错的折中选择。 In order to guarantee the stability of united front, he even wants forever to bury the black history of witch empire. If human can win when War of Divine Will, when the archaeologist excavates this loses the record, the people should again for the special period in history not intertwine. 为了保证统一战线的稳定,他甚至想将女巫帝国的黑历史永远埋藏下去。倘若人类能在神意之战中获胜,等到考古学家重新发掘到这段失落记录时,人们应该也不会再为历史中的这个特殊时期而纠结了。 Loses Elk Knight in the wormhole, after letting he studies, Roland by Parsha welcome to underground main hall center. 麋鹿骑士丢在虫洞里,让他自个去研究后,罗兰帕莎请到了地下大殿中央。 " They came back, Your Majesty. " 「她们回来了,陛下。」 Who?” Facing this confused a few words, Roland has selected the eyebrow. “谁?”面对这无头无尾的一句话,罗兰不禁挑了挑眉。 Parsha does not have answer, but lifts tentacles, does intentionally aims at one side of the main hall profound channel mystically. 帕莎没有回答,而是抬起触须,故作神秘地指向大殿一侧的幽深通道。 His looks, sees only in the pitch-dark channel to have one to wipe the white shade to rock indistinctly, before long, two build huge Devourer Worm drilled from the cavern, sways from side to side the body to arrive in front of him, opened has covered entirely to cancel the big mouth of tooth. 他偏头望去,只见黑漆漆的通道中隐约有一抹白影在晃动,不一会儿,两只体形巨大的吞噬蠕虫从洞穴中钻了出来,扭动着身躯来到他面前,张开了布满勾齿的血盆大口。 Your Majesty, do you still remember us?” 陛下,您还记得我们吗?” And makes cheerful sound. 其中一只发出欢快的声音。 Roland is startled slightly, Jasmine...... With Leila?” 罗兰微微一怔,“茉莉……和莱拉?” He such will quickly certainly not forget when two people names, that day leaves scene memory is still still new. After said confidently did not regret, mounts went to the Great Snow Mountain concrete boat. Now from their tone sounds, can still feel that invariable determination. 他当然不会这么快忘记两人的名字,那日离别时的景象依然记忆犹新。坦然地说出不后悔之后,登上了前往大雪山的水泥船。现在从她们的语气声中,依然能感受到那股不变的决心。 Yes, you really remember!” “是,您果然记得!” Attention politeness!” Another has pushed under the partner with tail, „the body was different, do not forget us is Taqila's......” “注意礼貌!”另一只用尾巴挤了下伙伴,“就算身体不同了,也别忘了我们是塔其拉的……” Worm?” Jasmine said intentionally. “蠕虫?”茉莉故意道。 witch!” Leila shouted. 女巫!”莱拉嚷了起来。 " They also just arrived in Neverwinter City, because wants to see one side you before the dormancy, I have to make them wait nearby the main hall first, hopes that has not alarmed you. " Parsha dangles main tentacle, " Taqila thanked your help again. " 「她们也是刚刚才抵达无冬城,因为在休眠之前非常想要见您一面,我只好让她们先在大殿一旁等候,希望没有惊扰到您。」帕莎垂下主须,「塔其拉再次感谢您的帮助。」 „, I will not have been waiting for that transforms the successful good news,” Roland beckons with the hand deprecatingly, is only...... Why wants the dormancy?” “不会,我也一直在等待转化成功的好消息,”罗兰不以为意地摆摆手,“只是……为什么要休眠?” Because the consumption of worm carrier was too big, Your Majesty.” The Leila stern say/way, usual excavation, ships work Fran one person to do, does not need simultaneously to maintain three carriers to exist. Before coming to here, even if Fran also frequently is at the dormant state.” “因为蠕虫载体的消耗太大了,陛下。”莱拉正色道,“平时的挖掘、运送工作芙兰一人就能做,没必要同时维持三只载体存在。来这儿之前,就算是芙兰也得经常处于休眠状态。” Before the transformation, she same has the quite lively temper with Jasmine obviously, now actually felt that as if the instance of soul shift, has made her grow maturely truly. 明明在转化前,她和茉莉一样都有着较为活泼的性子,现在却感觉成熟了许多,仿佛灵魂转移的瞬间,亦让她真正成长起来。 Was together with Felice and the others for a long time, Roland knows, was not each Taqila witch passed through the so long years. From the beginning they not only lack the carrier, and does not have God Punishment Warrior shell/exterior/body, either of Eleanor choice and three seats fuses together, either the shift to the soul vessel, entered does not have dying of consciousness. 菲丽丝等人相处久了,罗兰才知晓,并非每一个塔其拉女巫都度过了如此漫长的岁月。一开始她们既缺乏载体,又没有神罚武士躯壳,要么选择和三席之一的埃莉诺融为一体,要么转移至灵魂容器,进入没有知觉的长眠。 It can be said that experienced witch of several hundred years of time to be few completely, when Falling Star City established Church, when for they provided shell/exterior/body, is afterward matter...... Felice has replaced two bodies, maintains the time in sober condition is about 150 years, the period for adaptation of but also being probable vacant and feels helpless except at first that but this is in survivor senior. 可以说,完整经历了数百年时光的女巫屈指可数,等到坠星城建立教会,为她们提供躯壳时,已是后来的事了……菲丽丝更换过两次身躯,保持在清醒状态下的时间也不过150年左右,还得除去最初那段茫然和不知所措的适应期,而这样就已经算是遗民中的“年长者”了。 Jasmine and Leila are youngest one batch, abandons controls beyond the shell/exterior/body time familiar, usually basically is at the deep sleep condition, the physical age and mental age differ are not remote, have such transformation, has to make the Roland heart live sigh with emotion. 茉莉莱拉则算是最为年轻的一批,抛开熟悉操控躯壳的时间外,平常基本都处于沉睡状态,实际年龄和心理年龄相差并不遥远,有这样的蜕变,不得不让罗兰心生感慨。 Moreover what is rarest, they when becoming Devourer Worm , is still maintaining human that strength, this point has only surpassed many people. 而且最为难得的是,她们在成为吞噬蠕虫后,也依然保持着人类时的那股劲头,光这一点就超过了许多人。 Now looks like, Federation can become a strong presence of series mainland, does not have reason-- except the ability, they have the place that is worth praising. 现在看来,联合会能成为一统大陆的强大势力,并非没有缘由——除开能力,她们还有许多值得称道的地方。 Three worm carriers are not many, if must build to defend the barrier Impassable Mountain Range together,” Roland looks to Parsha, makes them awake, the new project will start soon, some Neverwinter City also many places need to rebuild. Does not need to be worried about food issue, City Hall will provide fully.” “三只蠕虫载体并不算多,如果要将绝境山脉打造成一道防御屏障的话,”罗兰望向帕莎,“让她们都醒着吧,新的工程不久就会启动,无冬城也有许多地方需要改建。不用担心食物问题,市政厅会全力提供的。” Really?” Jasmine excited say/way. “真的?”茉莉兴奋道。 Nobody liked always dying, especially-- regarding Taqila witch they have rested too for a long time. 没有人喜欢一直长眠,特别是对于塔其拉女巫来说——她们已经睡得太久了。 So long as does not eat the meat.” He lets go, according to the Fran eating method, is 100 people of capacity for food.” “只要不是顿顿吃肉的话。”他摊手,“按照芙兰的吃法,也就是100来人的饭量罢了。” " Since you are in a planned way, they gave you. " Parsha as if already expected him saying that smiles answer to say. 「既然您有计划,那她们就交给您了。」帕莎似乎早就料到他会这么说,微笑着回答道。 ...... …… After having seen Jasmine and Leila, Roland was inexplicably more relaxed, he returned to the castle, the First Army aspect also to send the recent news. 见过茉莉莱拉后,罗兰的心情莫名轻松了许多,他回到城堡,第一军方面也送来了新消息。 The snowy mountain blasting operation is very successful, underground river emerges the channel of sea to be bombed thoroughly, the estimate of water surface of rise after absorb ruins can continue to the west is mobile. Except that continues to remain behind the snowy mountain, to wait and see the water current to change course outside situation Firearm Battalion, other soldiers will return recently to Neverwinter City. 雪山爆破作业十分成功,暗河涌入大海的通道已被彻底炸塌,上涨的水面在吞没遗迹后预计会继续向西流动。除开一个继续留守雪山、观望水流改道情况火枪营外,其余士兵都会在近日内返回无冬城 This has not stemmed from his expectation but actually, after Taqila witch plunders underground ruins, attains Devourer Worm, the exploration motion then arrived at the last act. 这倒没有出乎他的预料,当塔其拉女巫搜刮完地底遗迹、拿到吞噬蠕虫后,探索行动便到了尾声。 Then, entire Western Region temporarily did not have the extra worries. 如此一来,整个西境就暂时没有后顾之忧了。 However when he disassembles another letter, cannot help but gently well. 不过当他拆开另一封信件时,不由得轻轻咦了一声。 This letter came from Northern Lands, actually does not deliver through the flight messenger, but is the garrison makes Kant Duke send for sending specially, therefore the content is very detailed, has four pages of papers. In the letter described the accident that in Holy City of Hermes had in detail, news that as well as Tower of Babel collapsed. Army director Hawk Face thinks that this is an extremely good attack opportunity, considered that Holy City four periphery has the thick city wall and giant trebuchet, he hopes that Your Majesty can assign one to two cannon teams and groups to reinforce Northern Lands, and is willing to be Your Majesty takes after beginning of the spring the first victory. 这封信来自北地,却不是通过飞行信使送达,而是驻防部队让康德公爵派人专程送来的,因此内容十分详实,足足有四页纸之多。信中详细描述了赫尔梅斯圣城里发生的变故,以及通天塔倒塌的消息。部队指挥鹰面认为这是一个极好的进攻机会,考虑到圣城四周围有厚实的城墙和巨型投石机,他希望陛下能调派一到两个火炮班组增援北地,并愿意为陛下拿下开春后的第一场胜利。 After reading off, Roland some cannot believe that Church that by Federation Falling Star City building, like this did collapse? 读完后罗兰仍有些不敢相信,那个由联合会坠星城一手打造的教会,就这样崩溃了? This is the tempting enemy information that the match emits, really has its matter? 这到底是对手放出的诱敌信息,还是确有其事? After all Church also has certain amount of God Punishment Army, draws in the street fighting mire also to calculate the final struggling way First Army. He planned makes God Punishment Witches participate in this fight, happen to can make up for the shortcoming that the First Army short distance firepower is insufficient \; The new weapon mortar also will be simultaneously operational, further compresses hiding space-- of enemy saying that although Roland going on an expedition the goal decides as the unification nation, but in fact cares only has Church. 毕竟教会还拥有一定数量的神罚军,将第一军拖入巷战泥潭也算最后的挣扎方式。他原本打算让神罚女巫参与这场战斗,正好能弥补第一军近距离火力不足的缺点\;同时新武器迫击炮也会投入使用,进一步压缩敌人的藏身空间——可以说,罗兰虽然把征战目标定为统一全国,但实际上在意的只有教会 However in Holy City the present had the minute to collapse the separation sign? 然而圣城内部如今已有了分崩析离的迹象? When he planned when summons relevant personnel to discuss, the landing window transmitted has tapped the sound. 就在他打算召相关人员过来商量一番时,身后的落地窗户传来了轻敲声。 Has turned head, Nightingale has been away from the glass to haul in the room the bird directly. 回过头,夜莺已经隔着玻璃直接将鸟儿拉进了屋内。 Takes off the confidential letter from bewildered messenger foot, spreads out to flatten with a roller, Roland only swept one then unable to bear stand up. 从一脸茫然的信使脚上摘下密信,摊开碾平,罗兰只扫了一眼便忍不住站起身来。 How does he dare?” “他怎么敢?” On the paper writes a few words merely. 纸条上仅仅写着一句话。 " The Lord of Dawn Anpei premeditation harasses Greycastle eastern region, the Holy City situation is not steady, Otto Loki had been imprisoned. " 晨曦之主安佩因预谋扰乱灰堡东境,圣城局势不稳,奥托.洛西已遭到监禁。」
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