RTW :: Volume #9

#843: The conduct criterion of loyal minister

Prius has not listened to this name, Border Town the place of residence that builds because of the mine, does not build with the word " city " completely above, let alone also arranged No. 3? Before Your Majesty comes Western Region, here can be called is a city, only has Longsong Stronghold one. 普瑞斯并未听过这个名字,边陲镇只是因为矿山而建立的居住地,和「城」一词完全搭不上边,更何况还排到了第三号?在陛下西境之前,这儿能称得上是城的,也只有长歌要塞一处罢了。 But when the group enter the tunnel of Northern Slope Mountain under foot, he understands what Your Majesty finger/refers is where. 但当一行人进入北坡山脚下的地洞时,他才明白过来陛下指的是哪里。 He has been very curious before, why Ministry of Construction must construct construction-- this of one similar fortress also too to be rather strange by the First Army guarding important place position in Neverwinter City, backs on the Northern Slope Mountain lineage/vein, the east and west leave the border to have very long distance, saw that likely is not used to defend the foreign enemy, as for defending the Your Majesty's castle cannot say. 他之前一直很好奇,为什么建设部要在无冬城内修建一座类似堡垒的建筑——这座由第一军看守的要地位置未免也太怪异了点,背靠北坡山脉,东西两侧都离边境有很长一段距离,怎么看都不像是用来防御外敌的,至于保卫陛下的城堡就更说不上了。 He once had also asked some City Hall colleagues, answer do not know, but also some people said, is directly has jurisdiction by minister Sir Karl including the construction team of that place, other people have no right to question. Arrived this step, Prius also no longer talked too much, itself spoke thoughtlessly raises, he does not want to annoy to trouble to himself. 他也曾问过一些市政厅的同行,回答都是不知道,还有人说,连那块地方的施工队伍都是由部长卡尔大人直接管辖,其他人无权过问。到了这一步,普瑞斯也就不再多嘴了,本身只是随口一提而已,他可不想给自己惹上麻烦。 Has not thought that he has visits one day of this military important place personally. 没想到他却有亲自踏足这块军事要地的一天。 When saw that obviously is the underground channel that by opens cutting artificially, when as well as big cavern group, Prius is almost surprised closes up the non- chin. 当看到明显是由人工开凿的地底通道,以及偌大的洞穴群时,普瑞斯惊讶得几乎合拢不下巴。 Does this dig? 这到底是怎么挖出来的? One year ago this place anything did not have, now as if has actually made a connection with generally, the so vast underground space the entire mountain massif, said that is one city is not overrated, but...... This is the manpower can achieve? 一年前此地还什么都没有,现在却仿佛把整个山体都打通了一般,如此宽旷的地下空间,说是一座城市也毫不为过,但……这是人力能做到的吗? He looked at Your Majesty one secretly, the heart respectful fear in deepened a point. 他偷偷望了陛下一眼,心中的敬畏之情又加深了一分。 Duke Ryan has truly found fault the match. 莱恩公爵确实挑错了对手。 Although the lion wields in the Western Region's more than ten years various forcing respected families, the place of barren border will manage like the monolithic bloc, the wrist/skill and strength are impeccable, but...... His eventually person. 尽管雄狮执掌西境的十多年里力压各大家族,将贫瘠的边境之地经营得有如铁板一块,手腕和实力都无可挑剔,可……他终究还是人呐。 However made Elk Knight more shocking also in behind. 然而令麋鹿骑士更为震惊的还在后头。 After riding the trailer arrives in a smooth open main hall, the person who two warriors dress up surrounds-- , since First Army popular flintlock, has been very rare so the guard of appearance. 乘坐拖车抵达一座平坦开阔的大殿后,两名武士打扮的人围拢过来——自从第一军普及火枪后,就很少见过这般模样的侍卫了。 One of them has hit his two eyes up and down, turns the head to say to Your Majesty, this really?” 其中一人上下打了他两眼,才转头向陛下说道,“这样真的好吗?” My citizen sooner or later knows that this matter, conceals with it constantly, might as well accept slowly,” Roland returns saying that first started from the City Hall official.” “我的领民迟早会知道这件事,与其一味隐瞒,不如慢慢接受,”罗兰回道,“就先从市政厅的官员开始好了。” Good......” that person sighed reluctantly, raised the head waved toward the vault. Then a shadow drops from the clouds, is quietly falls before the people. “那好吧……”那人无奈地叹了口气,抬头朝穹顶挥了挥手。接着一道黑影从天而降,悄无声息地落在众人面前。 The heart of Prius is fierce leaps up, has almost not screamed! 普瑞斯的心猛得一蹿,差点没叫出声来! Is gods on, what thing this? 神明在上,这到底是个什么玩意? Looks is being covered with the tentacles sarcoma monster at present, he felt that the back sends coolly, even if came from the hell abyss Devil, generally also on this appearance! Knight wants to retrocede two steps, actually the discovery both feet did not listen to direct, supports him not to drop down only immediately, probably was still self-poise His Majesty The King. 望着眼前长满触须的肉瘤怪物,他感到背脊发凉,就算是来自地狱深渊的魔鬼,大抵也就这副模样了吧!骑士想要后退两步,却发现双脚已经不听使唤,唯一支撑着他没有立刻倒下的,大概便是依然镇定自若的国王陛下了。 Then he listening to a sound. 然后他“听”到了一个声音。 The gentle female voice does not come near the ear, but is resounds in the mind directly, " Esteemed Your Majesty, hello. " 柔和的女声并非来耳边,而是直接在脑海中响起,「尊敬的陛下,您好。」 Hello, Parsha,” Roland said with a smile, insects how?” “你好,帕莎,”罗兰微笑道,“虫子们怎么样了?” " Quantity grew much, so long as the mushroom is sufficient, they as if have eaten. " 「数量增长了不少,只要蘑菇充足,它们似乎就会一直吃下去。」 It seems like very well raises.” “看来挺好养的。” " Actually this matter you can definitely give us. " 「其实这件事您完全可以交给我们。」 Waits till the war same place, you cannot branch out these many manpower to come, moreover I must raise also more than a lot, earlier make them be familiar well.” “等到大战一起,你们分不出这么多人手来,而且我要养的也不止千百只,早点让他们熟悉也好。” Prius looks dumbfoundedly Your Majesty and that monster talked and laughed merrily, like is ordinary with the ordinary subject conversation, but the manner that monster showed was also quite respectful, completely not Devil aggressive--, if the ghost in book such talked, was insufficient to make one be panic at the news. 普瑞斯目瞪口呆地看着陛下和那怪物谈笑风生,就像在和普通臣民交谈一般,而那怪物所展现出来的态度也颇为恭敬,完全不似魔鬼般咄咄逼人——如果书中的鬼怪都是这么交谈的话,也不至于令人闻风丧胆了吧。 He deeply has attracted two tones, made the heartbeat return to normal with great difficulty slightly. 他深吸了两口气,好不容易令心跳稍稍平复了一些。 However Your Majesty as if planned that what makes him raise to come? Insect? 不过陛下似乎打算让他养什么来着?虫子? ...... Is this big secret that the opposite party urged? In the Northern Slope Mine under foot, is hiding this kind of shocking inhuman different type? 还有……这就是对方叮嘱的大秘密么?在北坡矿山脚下,隐藏着这样一只耸人听闻的非人异类 Your Majesty has as if seen through his idea, patted his shoulder saying that this...... Ms. Parsha, once was also illustrious feudal lord, although was planted the curse by Devil, turned into present this appearance, but the innermost feelings were still human, you did not need to be afraid.” 陛下仿佛看穿了他的想法,拍了拍他的肩膀道,“这位……帕莎女士,曾经也是一名赫赫有名的领主,虽然被魔鬼种下诅咒,变成了现在这模样,但内心仍然是人类,你无需害怕。” Lead(er) and feudal lord?” Prius gawked under has recovered. “领、领主?”普瑞斯愣了下才回过神来。 Right,” King sighed, walked while said.” “没错,”国王叹了口气,“边走边说吧。” Then he heard an inconceivable story, monster also more than one like Parsha, 400 years ago they once lived in wasteland, but also established own cities, but cannot the enemy cross the dual attacks of Evil Beast and Devil finally. Most people die in the wilderness, only then ran away few Western Region. The curse made them turn into the monster, and eternal life did not die, must shoulder the pain to go on living. Now Roland Wimbledon admitted this group of survivors, they resist the Devil ally, is citizen that Greycastle governs. 然后他听到了一个不可思议的故事,像帕莎这样的怪物还不止一个,400年前她们曾经生活在蛮荒地,还建立起了自己的城镇,但最终没能敌过邪兽魔鬼的双重侵袭。大部分人都死在荒野之中,只有极少数逃到了西境。诅咒让她们变成了怪物,并且永生不死,一直得背负着痛苦活下去。如今罗兰.温布顿接纳了这群幸存者,她们既是对抗魔鬼的盟友,也是灰堡治下的领民 Originally...... Unexpectedly is such a matter,” Prius muttered. “原来……竟是这么回事,”普瑞斯喃喃道。 However you also saw, their contours are very easy to remind not the good thing, therefore this matter can only arrange in order the position top secret temporarily, at present only some people know.” The Roland stop moment, the vision concentrates, „, if reveals, you should know the consequence.” “然而你也看到了,她们的外形很容易让人联想到不好的东西,所以这件事暂时只能列位最高机密,目前仅有极少数人知道。”罗兰停顿片刻,目光一凝,“如果泄露出去的话,你应该知道后果。” Feudal official will keep one's mouth shut absolutely, Your Majesty!” Prius emphasized hastily. Although these frightened stories of this fantastic story in compared with grandma mouth is unthinkable, but he does not want to haggle over at this time inside has many are real, many is false. Your Majesty said that is anything is anything, this is the loyal minister basically conduct criterion. “臣绝对会守口如瓶的,陛下!”普瑞斯连忙强调道。尽管这段奇闻比老奶奶口中的那些惊悚故事还要匪夷所思,但此时他根本不想去计较里面有多少是真的,有多少是假的。陛下说是什么就是什么,这是忠臣最基本的行事准则。 You understand well,” Your Majesty nods. “你明白就好,”陛下点点头。 Sarcoma monster...... It is not right, after is ancient feudal lord Lady Parsha led everybody to pass through a long channel, turns round saying that " we arrived. " 肉瘤怪物……不对,是古代领主帕莎大人带着大家穿过一条长长的通道后,回身说道,「我们到了。」 Shows in front of Knight is a huge cavern, bare underground suddenly becomes full of vitality, first did not say the plant and underground landscape that is unprecedented, light in the giant insect that in the mushroom clump crawls, enough made him look at steadily. 展现在骑士面前的又是一个庞大的洞穴,光秃秃的地底陡然变得生机勃勃起来,先不说前所未见的植物和地下景观,光是在蘑菇丛中爬来爬去的巨大虫子,就足够令他目不转睛了。 Suddenly receives stimulation too many reasons probably, Prius discovered oneself instead that have not been afraid. 大概是一时间受到刺激太多的缘故,普瑞斯发现自己反而没那么害怕了。 This is...... Does your wish let thing that I raise?” “这就是……您想要让我养的东西吗?” His Majesty The King as if has been paying attention to his facial expression, at this moment finally nodded satisfied, good, it called the rubber insect, can secrete one use extremely broad industrial materials, its significance was not inferior to the poultry meat egg food. The exploring party has discovered it in the Great Snow Mountain deep place, therefore had this new species, what a pity it can only survive in underground, therefore then by living manages temporarily in the Border Town No.3 survivor.” Here opposite party topic one revolution, I heard you to raise the chicken duck, has raised many earthworms specially?” 国王陛下似乎一直在注意他的神情,此刻终于满意地点了点头,“不错,它叫橡胶虫,可以分泌一种用途极广的工业材料,其意义不亚于禽肉蛋食。探险队在大雪山深处发现了它,于是把这种新物种带了回来,可惜它只能存活于地底,因此便由居住在第三边陲城的幸存者暂管起来。”说到这儿对方将话题一转,“我听说你为了饲养鸡鸭,专门养了不少蚯蚓是吧?” „...... Yes,” Prius follows the Your Majesty's mentality good long while, this can reduce their looking for food regions, on speed also quick many of poultry long head.” “呃……是,”普瑞斯好半天才跟上陛下的思路,“这样可以缩小它们的觅食区域,家禽长个头的速度也会快上许多。” However raises these insects not to distinguish-- I not to mean the raising method with earthworm anything, but refers to the essence,” Roland lifts the foot to kick to turn one to lie to bend down the rubber insect when mushroom, the latter falls to the ground some response, having towed the gigantic belly to climb the thick patch of grass deep place, they do not have the aggressivity, food that likes is these mushrooms, although the build is big, actually timid incomparable, you do not need to worry that it will nip your one, only uses slime in time collection their belly to be good.” “而养这些虫子跟蚯蚓没什么区别——我不是说饲养方法,而是指本质,”罗兰抬脚踢翻一只趴伏在蘑菇上的橡胶虫,后者倒地时才有了反应,拖着硕大的肚皮爬进了草丛深处,“它们没有攻击性,喜好的食物就是这些蘑菇,体形虽大,却胆小无比,你不必担心它会咬你一口,只用定时采集它们肚子里的粘液就好。” Sticks...... Fluid?” “粘……液?” Has seen the cow? The cow is not the key point, the key point is the thing that it delivers.” “见过奶牛没?牛不是重点,重点是它产出的东西。” You meant, pushes?” “您是说,挤出来吗?” If you can find the method of pushing, that naturally should, but,” Roland silent smiled, just like I said that the insect is not the key point, massacres takes again instead is sometimes quicker. They multiplied to in any case compared with the chicken duck cow quickly.” “如果你能找到挤的方法,那自然最好不过,”罗兰无声地笑了笑,“不过正如我所说的,虫子并不是重点,杀掉再取有时候反而更快。反正它们繁衍得要比鸡鸭奶牛快多了。” Why does not know, Prius hit to tremble suddenly, he felt faintly, Your Majesty did not like these to closing the important insect to the industry. 不知为何,普瑞斯忽然打了个寒颤,他隐隐感到,陛下并不喜欢这些对工业至关重要的虫子。 This feeling flashes past, the opposite party restored the ordinary tone suddenly, in this book records some habits of rubber insect,” he hands over one to wrap the booklet of hard cow hide title page, you can compare under the research, then has a look to have any method to make them grow rapidly, facilitates the collection. I hope to see achievement this month.” 只是这个感觉一闪而过,对方眨眼间又恢复了平常的语气,“这个本子上记载着橡胶虫的一些习性,”他递过来一个包裹着硬牛皮封面的小册子,“你可以对照着研究下,然后看看有什么法子能让它们快速成长,方便采集。我希望这个月就能看到成果。” Yes, Your Majesty,” Prius swallows the end opening saliva, received the book, „, but only then my words......” “是,陛下,”普瑞斯咽下口唾沫,接过册子,“可是只有我一个人的话……” Is stationed in this's First Army will assist your,” Roland says with a smile, does well, at this year's awarding a decoration ceremony will have your one.” “驻扎于此的第一军会协助你的,”罗兰微笑道,“好好干,今年的授勋典礼上将会有你的一席。”
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