RTW :: Volume #8

#774: „The boundary of gods”

Roland is sizing up Taqila high rank witch in movement curiously, their tentacles divisions of labor are clear, short just like the snake body sways from side to side, provides the support and walk strength of \; Long unceasingly inserts the soil of top of the head or under foot, for revising some direction-- tentacles obvious lengths is astonishing, from the hall vault altitude, has perhaps exceeded more than hundred meters, moreover can contract freely, is ordinary just like the arm. 罗兰好奇地打量着移动中的塔其拉高阶女巫,她们身上的触须分工明确,短的犹如蛇身般扭动,提供支撑和行走之力\;长的则不断插入头顶或脚下的泥土之中,用于修正方向——有些触须显然长度惊人,从大厅穹顶高度来看,恐怕超过了百余米,而且还能收缩自如,宛如手臂一般。 Can support such long tentacles, perhaps the formidable muscle is helpless, he guessed that is magic power that the sarcoma embodiment contains makes them have the acting on free will strength, obviously surpassed gravity limit giant Evil Beast to be the same with these physiques. 能支撑起这么长的触须,恐怕再强大的肌肉都无能为力,他猜测是肉瘤内蕴含的魔力让她们拥有了自由行动的力量,就跟那些体格明显超过了重力限制的巨型邪兽一样。 Bypasses two Magic Power Core, walked dozens steps, Parsha in one was gem cast in front of the cube stopped likely. 绕过两座魔力核心,走了数十步,帕莎在一个像是宝石铸成般的立方体面前停了下来。 That is God Punishment Stone, I cannot depend on near......” Nightingale to remind in the ear. “那是神罚之石,我不能靠得太近……”夜莺在耳边提醒道。 Nod that Roland maintains composure, asked toward Parsha, relic on attire in this?” 罗兰不动声色的点点头,朝帕莎问道,“遗物就装在这里面?” " Right, only then this can limit its impel range, if periphery absolutely does not have God Punishment Stone to exist, perhaps the residents in your city unknowingly will be affected by the relic. " Parsha stretches out several tentacles, builds on the God stone box, immediately has not actually opened it, " before contacting it, I must explain something first, in order to avoid you have the accident/surprise. " 「没错,只有这样才能限制它的感召范围,如果周围完全没有神罚之石存在,恐怕您城市里的居民都会在不经意间受到遗物的影响。」帕莎伸出数根触须,搭在神石箱子上,却没有立刻打开它,「在接触它之前,我必须先说明一些事情,以免您发生意外。」 This thing...... Has the danger?” Wendy goes forward one step, kept off in front of Roland subconsciously. “这东西……有危险吗?”温蒂上前一步,下意识地挡在了罗兰面前。 " Does not need extremely to be worried, so long as not alone with relic coexistence then it will be alright. " The Celine digression said. 「不用太过担心,只要不单独与遗物共处就行。」塞琳插话道。 What does it mean?” Roland has selected the brow. 什么意思?”罗兰挑了挑眉头。 " Just like before me, such-- that said when opens happily when the relic against, can see some inconceivable scenes, no matter witch or the mortal, can feel this summon. " The Parsha tone became has enforced much, " asked you to remember, the scene that you saw did not fictionalize completely. Different with the illusion instrument, the thing in picture scroll can have the influence to the reality, this is the first point that I want to say that at any time do not accept the impel of gods alone. " 「正如我之前说的那样——当在遗物面前敞开心防时,就能看到一些不可思议的景象,不管是女巫还是凡人,都可以感受到这种召唤。」帕莎的语气变得严肃了不少,「不过请您记住,您看到的景象并不是完全虚构的。和幻象仪器不同,画卷里的东西能对现实产生影响,这就是我想说的第一点,任何时候都不要单独接受神明的感召。」 Can the scene in picture affect the reality? Roland thinks immediately somewhat absolutely terrifiedly, this was not equal to that the loyal child does crawl to be the same from the television? 画中的景象可以影响到现实?罗兰顿时觉得有些毛骨悚然,这不等于贞子从电视里爬出来一样吗? Why didn't many several people have dangerously?” “为何多几个人就没有危险了?” " Once because is trapped in the boundary of gods, the body can present very obvious response, for example the delay, slow, talks during sleep wait/etc....... At this time needed your person to tow you to the area of influence of relic. " Parsha answered, " in history book once had many to contact the relic alone, finally the soul is unable to return to the record of body, but two people, three people contacted in turn can effectively reduce this risk. " 「因为一旦受困于神明之境,身体会出现很明显的反应,例如呆滞、迟钝、呓语等等……这时候就需要您身边的人将您拖离遗物的影响范围。」帕莎解释道,「史书中曾有过许多起单独接触遗物,最后灵魂无法回到躯体的记录,而两人、三人轮流接触则可以有效降低这一风险。」 So that's it,” Roland looked at Taqila witch, in other words, here at least has five people, therefore almost does not have any danger, right?” 原来如此,”罗兰望了眼塔其拉女巫,“换句话说,这里至少有五个人,所以几乎没有任何危险,对吧?” " If not so, we do not dare to make your short distance observe it. " Celine nods. 「如果不是如此,我们也不敢让您近距离观察它。」塞琳点点头。 " As for the second point, was explained by me. " Elicia ices the coldly sound to resound, " you should know, what the huge picture scroll in relic demonstrates is foreigner civilization, if you have the opportunity to see them, they have the possibility...... No, will try certainly to injure you. We can help you be separated from impel forcefully, but cannot help you resist the fear. " Her paused, in the tone has taken a ridicule, " when the time comes frightened the success and failure condition, may let alone I not remind you. " 「至于第二点,就由我来说明吧。」埃尔瑕冷冷的声音响起,「你应该知道,遗物中的巨幅画卷所展示的是异族文明,如果你有机会看到它们,它们有可能……不,是一定会试图伤害你。我们可以帮助你强行脱离感召,但不能帮助你抵御恐惧。」她顿了顿,语气中带上了一丝讥讽,「到时候吓得失了态,可别说我没有提醒你。」 This?” Roland remains unmoved saying that also had other to say?” “就这样?”罗兰不为所动道,“还有其他要说的吗?” " You...... " Elicia have not expected him so not to care at all probably, cannot help but slightly obstructs. 「你……」埃尔瑕大概没料到他会如此满不在乎,不由得微微一窒。 If no opens it.” “没有的话就打开它吧。” Roland was sighing at heart, regarding seeing to the full various monsters and heterogeneous types, the modern people of frightened and terrifying movie, itself has the difference of heaven and earth in the receptivity with the ancient people. If not guard to be frightened is scared out of one's wits, but Elicia these words in some sense have been equal to the high-energy early warning, so long as will not cause the true damage, he does not think oneself will give up exploring the gods mystery because of this degree of threat. 罗兰在心里叹了口气,对于饱览各类怪兽、异型、惊悚、恐怖电影的现代人来说,本身就在接受程度上和古代人有着天壤之别。如果说毫无防备或许会被吓得魂不附体,但埃尔瑕的这番话从某种意义上来说已经相当于高能预警,只要不会造成真正的伤害,他不认为自己会因为这种程度的恐吓而放弃探索神明的奥秘。 " I knew, " Parsha contracts tentacles, pulls open the door leaf of God stone box, reveals inside to assume the red crystal of cambiform. 「我知道了,」帕莎收缩触须,拉开神石箱子的门扇,露出里面呈纺锤状的红色晶体。 After the relic leaves the vessel, floats unexpectedly naturally, is ordinary like these Magic Power Core, static float in taking off about one meter midair. 遗物离开容器后,竟自然而然地漂浮起来,像那些魔力核心一般,静静悬浮在离地一米左右的半空中。 " It cannot leave the God stone limit range, therefore you need to approach it, then relaxes the spirit, then goes to Realm of God. " 「它不能离开神石的限制范围,所以您需要靠近它,然后放松精神,即可前往神明之域。」 Your Majesty......” Wendy somewhat worried that grabbed the hand of Roland. 陛下……”温蒂有些担忧地抓住了罗兰的手。 Relax, some you look, will not have any accident/surprise,” he comfort has patted the back of the hand of red hair witch, I know that I will face anything.” “放心,有你们看着,不会发生什么意外的,”他安慰似地拍了拍红发女巫的手背,“我知道自己会面对什么。” The information that he gains does not come from Taqila witch, recollection of Isabella, he to the inspection of Church Pivotal Secret Temple can verify-- really to have such same thing in the dreamland world mutually, can the person leads into unthinkably „the boundary of gods. 他所获取的信息并非全部来自塔其拉女巫,无论是伊莎贝拉的回忆,还是他在梦境世界中对教会枢秘圣殿的考察都能相互印证——确实有这么一样东西,能把人带入到匪夷所思的“神明之境”中。 Roland arrived by the relic to sit cross-legged to sit down, has closed the eye. 罗兰走到遗物旁盘腿坐下,闭上了眼睛。 ...... …… Meanwhile, Parsha also stretches out tentacles, with another two companions links. 与此同时,帕莎也伸出触须,和另外两名同伴连接在一起。 The consciousness passes in three people fast, words mapping that will want to say in each other mind. 意识快速在三人之间流转,将想要说的话映射在彼此的脑海之中。 " Unexpectedly is so extremely arrogant, I pour want to see him to be frightened the whole body really to shiver, the scared shitless appearance, " Elicia indignants disturbed saying that otherwise " he will not realize what oneself is going to face is the fearful enemy. When was frightened the incontinence at the scene, looked that he also has any words to say. " 「居然如此狂妄,我倒真想见他被吓得浑身颤抖,屁滚尿流的样子,」埃尔瑕忿忿不平道,「否则他根本不会意识到自己将要面对的是何等可怕的敌人。等到被吓得当场失禁,看他还有什么话好说。」 " What advantage then also has to us? " Celine stared her one eyes annoyedly, " mortal high-rank himself very much cares about the dignity and prestige, if makes his face countenance completely lose, only feared that must bear a grudge on us. If loses his support, we must explore the snowy mountain, seeks for Heaven's Chosen One? What is more awful, if he hit bottom of heart to produce to Devil has feared intent, that this world ended! " 「那对我们又有什么好处?」赛琳恼火地瞪了她一眼,「凡人上位者本身就很在意尊严与威望,如果让他颜面尽失,只怕要连带着记恨上我们了。若是失去他的支持,我们要怎么探索雪山,寻找天选者?更糟糕的是,万一他对魔鬼心底产生了惧意,那这个世界就完了!」 " He is not did not fear that I have reminded in any case, can you also block him to be inadequate? " 「他不是什么都不怕嘛,反正我也提醒过了,你还能拦着他不成?」 " Leads him to contact the relic is in itself a mistake, " Celine mumbled, " I did not suggest such to make-- at least to from the beginning wait till the two sides to have the basic trust to say again. " 「带他来接触遗物本身就是个错误,」赛琳嘟囔道,「我从一开始就不建议这么做——至少得等到两边有了基本的信任再说。」 " Then is hiding the truth from him? Perhaps obstructs his close God Relic? Such we can never win his trust. " Parsha sighed lightly, " thinking putting oneself in another's place, you will trust one to decide that the human destiny the essential thing did not hope the ally that made you contact, even if said again of pleasant to hear, the opposite party will not appreciate kindness rendered. Therefore something, must wait for him personally to experience, can understand our sincerity. " 「然后瞒着他?或是阻挠他接近神明遗物?那样我们永远也得不到他的信任。」帕莎轻叹了口气,「设身处地的想,你会信任一个连决定人类命运的关键之物都不愿让你接触的盟友吗,哪怕说得再好听,对方也不会领情。所以有些事情,一定要等他亲身体验过,才能明白我们的诚意。」 " But...... " 「可是……」 " Does not need extremely to be worried, Devil and great eye will not appear each time. " Parsha is comforting Celine likely , is comforting itself likely, " even if, moreover he receives to frighten to be rude, so long as we guarantee to keep one's mouth shut, making this never be known by the common people, he should be able to understand our difficulties. " 「不过也不用太过担心,魔鬼和巨眼并不是每次都会出现。」帕莎像是在安慰赛琳,又像是在安慰自己,「而且即便他受到惊吓而失态,只要我们保证守口如瓶,让这一幕永远不被世人知晓,他应该能理解我们的苦衷。」 That two witch that " he brings? Will they also keep this secret? " Elicia asked maliciously. Without a doubt, in her opinion, can make mortal lose face in front of witch is a quite joyful matter. 「那他带来的那两名女巫呢?她们也会保守住这个秘密吗?」埃尔瑕不怀好意地问道。毫无疑问,在她看来,能让凡人在女巫面前丢脸是一件颇为愉悦的事情。 " That is not we can manage to obtain. " 「那就不是我们能管得到的了。」 ...... …… When Roland opens both eyes once more, discovered oneself have placed oneself in an infinite broad palace. 罗兰再次睁开双眼时,发现自己已经置身于一座无限广阔的殿堂之中。
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