RTW :: Volume #8

#775: Hello, world

Starry sky vault, Red Moon and great picture...... Like such that Parsha described beforehand. 星空穹顶、红月、巨画……就像帕莎事先描述的那样。. Regardless of which same thing, to the feeling of person is great incomparable, only when place, can the heartfelt feeling its vastness, no wonder they will be called the boundary of gods this place. 无论哪一样东西,给人的感觉都是宏大无比,只有当自己身处其中时,才能真切感受到它的浩瀚,也难怪她们会把此地称为神明之境。 Is this transmission technique? The sea of consciousness? 这是传送术?还是意识之海? The Roland squatting down body, strokes floor gently it seems like that the stone polish, but the surface smooth just like the mirror is ordinary, the fingertip has transmitted the ice-cold and hard touch accurately, fantasy that the thing that as if he sees does not fictionalize, but exists. 罗兰蹲下身子,轻轻抚摸地板它看起来像是石头打磨而成,但表面光滑得犹如镜子一般,指尖准确的传来了冰冷、坚硬的触感,仿佛他所看到的东西并非虚构出来的幻想,而是真实存在的。 However after experiencing to the dreamland world of exaggeration clearly, such scene has been hard to frighten him again. 不过经历了逼真到夸张的梦境世界后,这样的场景已经难以再惊吓到他了。 Roland looks up huge Red Moon to the vault is similar to a circular cake covers generally above the great picture, words that looks into with rapt attention, but can also see words that the trace that its surface surges, must be used to describe, that is the sea. It like that intensely bright like Sun, obviously all over the body scarlet-red, may always think that it has not given off heat in the illumination. The red ripple likely is the great waves, likely is the vortex, dense and numerous has covered entirely the entire field of vision. 罗兰抬头向穹顶望去巨大的红月如同一块圆形的饼一般罩在巨画之上,凝神眺望的话,还能看到它表面涌动的纹路,非要用什么来形容的话,那便是大海。它不像太阳那般耀眼夺目,明明通体赤红,可总觉得它并没有在发光发热。红色的波纹像是浪涛,又像是漩涡,密密麻麻的布满了整个视野。 The only issue is, this circle also was too rather round a point. 唯一的问题在于,这个圆未免也太圆了一点。 It simply likely is not a spheroid, but is even shop/spread a great-circle. 它简直不像是一个球体,而是一个平铺的大圈。 Perhaps was Red Moon leaves itself to be too near? 或许是红月离自己太近了? Roland looked at carefully a while carefully, is unable eventually it and astrologer the observed red meteor links not only not like planet not like star, if War of Divine Will is really because of it, how it can arrive in world? 罗兰仔细端详了一会儿,终究无法把它和占星家所观测到的红色飞星联系在一起既不像行星又不像恒星,如果神意之战真是因它而起,它又如何才能降临世间? In his brain has had an idea suddenly. 他脑中忽然冒出了一个想法。 If makes chief astrologer Scattered Star Scholar accept the impel of God Relic, can from vault faint twinkle group star confirm that this thing truly is Red Moon? 若是让首席占星家弥散星学士来接受神明遗物的感召,能不能从穹顶隐隐闪烁的群星中确认这玩意确实就是红月 Naturally, does not remove in a big way possibly is this pitiful old person is frightened the paralysis directly at the scene. 当然,不排除更大的可能是这位可怜的老人直接被吓瘫当场。 Roland shrugs, stands up, looks all around regarding the Red Moon four great pictures. 罗兰耸耸肩,站起身,环顾围绕着红月的四副巨画。 Throne, sea water and behind-the-scenes plotting, as well as he. 王座、海水、黑幕、以及他自己。 Except the scene of Border Town No.3 underground hall, these records have referred to the Pivotal Secret Temple book collection hall, does not have what unique element, the relic probably looks like a recording instrument, can real-time feed back its nearby scene. According to the view of Parsha, that great picture that falls completely black belongs to eliminated Underground Civilization. 除开第三边陲城地下大厅的景象,这些记录都在枢秘圣殿的藏书馆里参看过,并没有什么特殊之处,遗物大概就像是一个记录仪,能实时反馈它附近的景象。按照帕莎的说法,完全黑掉的那一副巨画就属于被淘汰的地底文明 Wendy of Roland and toward picture greeted, latter both did not respond, obviously cannot hear his shout. 罗兰朝画中的自己和温蒂打了个招呼,后两者毫无反应,显然听不到他的呼喊声。 Influence reality of reaching an agreement? 说好的影响现实呢? He approaches the volume of Throne, puts out a hand to trace picture scroll itself its feeling to imitate such as together the mild-mannered smooth cotton material, the quality of material is very close, the above image also merely is only the image, he cannot bridge over the frame, enters the world in picture. 他走近王座之卷,伸手摸了摸画卷本身其感觉仿如一块柔顺光滑的布料,质地十分细密,上面的图像也仅仅只是图像,他并不能跨过边框,进入画中的世界。 After Roland transferred, does not have many recent discoveries, was planning that sets out to the palace surrounding, inquired about that this place whether really boundless unbounded, the back picture scroll has heard the sound sound suddenly. 罗兰转了一圈后也没有更多新发现,正打算向殿堂外围进发,探寻一下这块地方是否真的无边无界时,背后的画卷突然传来了响动声。 In this silent environment, the sound appears especially clear, likely is the mutual friction between steel, likely is the echo of hard object rap ground. 在这寂静的环境中,声音显得格外清晰,像是钢铁之间的相互摩擦,又像是硬物敲击地面的回响。 In an instant he felt the whole body fine body hair has stood! 刹那间他感到浑身的寒毛都立了起来! Damn, nobody had mentioned these great pictures can also make the sound! 见鬼,没人提到过这些巨画还能发出声音的啊! He stops the footsteps, is fierce has turned head. 他停下脚步,猛得回过头。 Sees only showed that in the Throne picture does not know were when many a jet black armor warrior, it is sitting well above Throne, a scarlet eye occupies a commanding position to sweep to him. 只见显示王座的画幅中不知何时多了一位漆黑的盔甲武士,它正端坐在王座之上,一双猩红的眼睛居高临下向他扫来。 But another picture also had the sound. 而另一幅画也有了动静。 The massive air bubbles to upturning to well up along with thump thump the dull thumping sound, then a giant eyeball stretches out from the dark seabed, approaches to the picture edge little, as if wishes one could to find out frame. The eye pupils of three triangular arrays stare to him, initially looked when really somewhat is uncomforting. 大量的气泡伴随着咕咚咕咚的闷响向上翻涌,接着一只巨大的眼球从幽暗海底伸出,一点点逼近到画面边缘,仿佛恨不得探出边框似的。三个三角形排列的眼瞳一齐盯向他,初看时还真有些让人不舒服。 Your this is approximately good? 你们这是约好的么? Roland relaxed, so long as does not hide to play tricks, he does not fear in these two contours not to have the monster of frightened meaning. 罗兰不禁松了口气,只要不躲躲藏藏装神弄鬼,他并不惧怕这两个外形上毫无惊悚之意的怪物。 It is not high rank Devil and unknown civilization relic protector. 不就是高阶魔鬼和未知文明的遗物守护者嘛。 He begins the center that supinely arrives at four great pictures, with two foreigner lifeform looking at each other. 他仰起头走到四副巨画的中央,和两只异族生物对视。 Good afternoon, are you also participate in War of Divine Will?” “下午好,你们也是来参加神意之战的?” „Can this life and death war hit? Can't sit to chat?” “这场你死我活的战争非打不可?就不能坐下来谈谈?” Can understand words that I spoke?” “能听懂我说的话吗?” Cannot understand also squeak one!” “就算听不懂也吱一声啊!” Hey, is it possible that this competes with the game of strength in meditation, who does mental arithmetic first close who loses?” “喂,这莫非是比试定力的游戏,谁先闭眼算谁输?” Roland is trying and them exchanges, has not been responded throughout. 罗兰尝试着和它们交流,却始终没有得到回应。 Does not know is the misconception, he as if thought that fluctuating of Devil chest is getting more and more rapid, but the gigantic eyeball also gradually shivers. 不知道是不是错觉,他似乎觉得魔鬼胸口的起伏越来越急促,而硕大的眼球也渐渐颤抖起来。 Is this staring sequela? They can only look at itself like this eagerly, whose eye then compared with turns sour first? What danger this calculates, even if a person visits this place also without question. 这算是瞪眼后遗症么?难道它们只能这样眼巴巴地看着自己,然后比谁的眼睛先发酸?这算哪门子危险,即使一个人来参观此地也毫无问题啊。 He showed the whites of the eyes, is planning to stop this bored when to taking a look, in the picture scroll suddenly presented one group of black tentacles! 他翻了个白眼,正打算中止这场无聊的对瞅时,画卷中突然出现了一团黑色的触手! They look like the snake generally throw toward Devil and eyeball, has bundled a solidity two people. 它们像蛇一般朝魔鬼和眼球扑去,将两人捆了个结实。 This is...... What ghost? Roland was shocked. 这是……什么鬼?罗兰不由地愣住了。 Devil moves finally, it holds Throne stubbornly, and exudes a series of crying out strangely sounds! Flame and transparent sharp blade in its side for the first time presently, with tentacle dogfight in the same place. But the tentacle quantity is astonishing, moreover reason that only seems like the soft small hand can break off weapon that the opposite party summoned easily. 魔鬼终于动弹起来,它死死抓住王座,并且发出一连串怪叫声!火焰和透明的利刃在它身边乍现,同触手缠斗在一起。但触手数量惊人,而且端头那只看似柔软的小手能轻易折断对方召唤出来的武器 Devil seems to be ordinary with the powerful enemy fight that cannot see, the cry is even more intense, even Roland felt tense meaning in its intonation. As the electric light jumps to shoot from the armor together, the tentacle flinched finally backward one step, loosened to its immobilization. While this opportunity, it sway stands up from the seat, does not return runs the range that the great picture has demonstrated that during was flustered also the hit and sever a Throne section of arm rest. 魔鬼仿佛在和一个看不到的强敌战斗一般,叫声越发激烈,甚至罗兰都感受到了它语调中的紧张之意。随着一道电光从盔甲中迸射而出,触手终于向后退缩了一步,松开了对它的钳制。趁着这个机会,它摇摇晃晃地从座位上站起,头也不回地跑出了巨画所显示的范围,慌张之中还碰断了王座的一截扶手。 But strangely well where the great eye does not have to go, several tentacles have gripped in the eyeball, is only looks that makes people think the fresh pain. The penetration spot has light blue liquid trickle to drip, just like having tears streaming down the face. It has not sent out to cry out strangely like Devil, but projects the dazzling ray from three pupils unceasingly, prevents the majority of tentacles outside. 而巨眼怪也没好到哪里去,有几只触须已经扎进了眼球之中,光是看着就让人觉得生痛。穿透的部位有浅蓝色的液体涓涓淌出,宛如泪流满面。它没有像魔鬼那样发出怪叫,而是从三个瞳孔中不断射出刺目的光线,将大部分触手阻挡在外。 Suddenly, the great eye strange all eye pupils also open, the partly visible ripple is together fierce to clash toward the great picture. Roland felt immediately oneself were full of the rank stink the aura to throw a face by one, cannot help but continually has drawn back several steps, but when tentacles also loosened to the entanglement latter of eyeball rapidly toward coming the direction slid, suddenly then vanished in the darkness. The top of the head flood the sea water of ocean waves also in the fast tarnish, as if the angle of view is sinking simultaneously, before long then the ray could not see. 忽然,巨眼怪的所有眼瞳同时张开,一道若隐若现的波纹猛得朝巨画冲来。罗兰顿时感觉自己被一股饱含腥臭味的气息扑了一脸,不由得连退了几步,而触须也跟着松开了对眼球的纠缠后者迅速朝来时的方向滑去,眨眼便消失在黑暗之中。同时头顶泛着碧波的海水也在快速变暗,似乎视角正在下沉,不一会儿便一点儿光线都看不到了。 „...... Such finished?” “呃……就这么结束了?” Roland looked at the volume of eye everywhere Throne in confusion bewilderedly, sized up one became jet black one sea water picture scrolls, half sound has not recovered. 罗兰莫名其妙地望了眼满地狼藉的王座之卷,又打量了一番已变得漆黑一片的海水画卷,半响都没有回过神来。
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