RTW :: Volume #13

#1280: Camouflage

When Yuwan crossed the rugged summit, the present field of vision becomes suddenly sees the light. 鱼丸翻过崎岖的山顶时,眼前的视野变得豁然开朗。 The orange yellow wild flower blooms everywhere is, had formed the striking contrast with formerly the bare ravine track. When the autumn wind has blown, in sea of flowers will then turn intermittent wave, the beautiful scene that this type of nature accomplishes, can always make the exhausted traveller spirit inspire. 橙黄色的野花开得满地都是,和先前光秃秃的山间小道形成了鲜明对比。秋风吹过之际,花海中便会翻起一阵阵波浪,这种自然造就的美景,总是能让疲惫的旅行者精神为之一振。 But small town that sea of flowers center may distinguish faintly, is this line of destination Frostwind Town. 而花海中央隐隐可辨的小镇,便是此行的目的地风霜镇 This is his sixth time passes through the mountain valley. 这已是他第六次穿越山谷。 What although Yuwan holds the post is the class leader of high machine teams and groups, but he similarly is also a First Army soldier, accelerates to disperse issuing of order along with above, has the soldier like him, invested to rescue urgently. 尽管鱼丸担任的是高机班组的班长,但他同样也是一名第一军战士,随着上头加速疏散命令的下达,有许多像他这样的士兵,也投入到了紧急援救中。 Since dispersal, this route had not been attacked by Devil, perhaps is because is far from red mist too, or Devil cannot have a liking for the refugee of this escaping. But no matter how, always leads a person to return to Neverwinter, Neverwinter can many strength. 疏散至今,他这条路线还没有被魔鬼袭击过,或许是因为离红雾太远,又或者魔鬼根本看不上这点逃跑的难民。但不管如何,每多带一个人回无冬,无冬就能多一份力量。 But he has taken away for the rear area one after another thousand people. 而他陆陆续续已经为后方带去了近千人。 According to the convention, this team will be stationed outside the town, then sends for and stay in this's refugee negotiation, leads them to evacuate again in turn. In first time comes, First Army had warned the resident, the front journey danger, should better not arbitrarily southbound. So long as on several days in the town, the Greycastle army will escort them to leave. 依照惯例,这支队伍会在镇外驻扎下来,然后派人去和逗留于此的难民交涉,再分批带他们撤离。早在第一次来时,第一军就已经告诫过居民,前方路途危险,最好不要擅自南进。只要在镇里等上几天,灰堡军队就会护送他们离开。 Naturally, is not everyone believes that such words, Yuwan on several times has bumped into refugee in an extremely difficult situation in the halfway in fact, either food exhausts completely, either must have no way out by the wild animal chase. However this is the quite lucky fate, but bad luck these, death that is quietly in mountain valley. 当然,不是每个人都会相信这样的话,事实上鱼丸就好几次在半途上碰到过狼狈不堪的逃难者,要么食物全部耗尽,要么被野兽追逐得走投无路。不过这已是比较幸运的下场,而更倒霉的那些,则悄无声息的死在山谷中。 This time, Yuwan noted some different places. 只是这一次,鱼丸注意到了些许不一样的地方。 Looks from Banpo, before this sparsely inhabited Frostwind Town, had been many now many person's shadows. 从半坡望去,此前一直人烟稀少的风霜镇,如今却多了许多人影。 This is which place big city collapsed?” Detection Hansen with team has blown a whistling, short ten in days were many these many refugees, then we may have are busy.” “这是哪座大城市崩溃了么?”同队的侦查手汉森吹了声口哨,“短短十来天里就多了这么多难民,接下来我们可有得忙了啊。” Yuwan is quite similarly inspired, before rushed about for 1-2 months also about thousand people, this chapter one possibly sufficiently tied and even surpasses formerly achievement. 鱼丸同样颇为振奋,之前奔波了一两个月也才近千人,这回一趟可能就足以追平、甚至超过先前的成果了。 Why although his not clear these refugees do not choose the important highway that other are better, but is gathers this to be located in mountain valley bottom small town to come, so long as came, First Army has the duty to bring them to the safe place. 尽管他不清楚这些难民为何不选择其他更好走的要道,而是汇聚到这座位于山谷底部的小镇来,但只要来了,第一军就有义务将他们带到安全的地方去。 Thinks of this, everybody's footsteps sped up. 一想到这点,大家的脚步都不禁加快了许多。 Downhill compared with uphill relaxed, after a half hour, the squad arrived in Frostwind Town to grip the camp point. The refugee in town also noted their arrival. Many people well up the street, gathers a stream of people quickly, rushes direction that they are. 下坡远比上坡轻松,半个多小时后,小队已抵达风霜镇营地点。镇子里的难民也注意到了他们的到来。许多人涌上街头,很快汇聚成一股人流,奔向他们所在的方向。 These people...... Also was too rather anxious.” Some people teased. “这些人……未免也太急切了吧。”有人打趣道。 Had not said makes them wait well in the town?” “不是说过让他们在镇里等着就好么?” Can be the grain has eaten to eat all one's food, hopes that can ask for the point to eat from here?” “会不会是粮食吃光了,希望能从我们这儿讨点吃的?” These words obtained most people's approval. 这句话获得了大部分人的认同。 If were really some nearby city had the collapsibility disaster, has not brought is very normal, Yuwan that sufficed to eat has made the decision quickly, „, but like this did not favor us taking inventory the population and keeps the order, must block them. Comes ten people and I sets up the card, other people are responsible for alerting.” “如果真是附近某座城市发生了崩溃性的灾难,没带够吃的也很正常,”鱼丸很快做出了决定,“但这样子并不利于我们清点人数和维持秩序,还是得把他们拦下来。来十个人和我设卡,其他人负责戒备。” He fully realizes fearfulness after tide of people out-of-control, if cannot block the refugee, begs to turn raids, these people will not have too the difference with the robber bandit. 他深知人潮失控后的可怕,如果不能挡住难民,讨要变成哄抢的话,这些人不会和强盗土匪有太多区别。 In most of the time, these two kinds of humanities only has separation. 在大多数时候,这两类人本就只有一线之隔。 Yes!” “是!” The soldiers disperse quickly, grasps the back guns in the hand. 士兵们很快分散开来,将背后的枪支握在手中。 Along with both sides distance unceasing close, the form of refugee is also getting more and more clear. 随着双方距离的不断接近,难民的身影也越来越清晰。 Yuwan holds up the loudspeaker, transfers to the maximum volume to shout, here is Greycastle First Army rescues the squad, asking everybody to don't be upset, immediately stops the footsteps, remained obeys the next instruction same place. We have sufficient food and drugs, but provides to need coordination! Duplicates, stops the footsteps, otherwise we will adopt the compulsory method!” 鱼丸举起扩音器,调至最大的音量喊道,“这里是灰堡第一军援救小队,请大家不要慌乱,立刻停下脚步,留在原地听从下一步指示。我们有充足的食物和药品,不过发放需要各位的配合!重复一遍,停下脚步,否则我们将采取强制性手段!” The crowd presented hesitant slightly, but quick runs once more, probably behind was being promoted by anything generally. 人群稍稍出现了迟疑,但很快再次奔跑起来,就好像背后被什么推动着一般。 Yuwan frowned, making the teammate aim at the sky muzzle, prepares to fire the warning shot. 鱼丸皱起眉头,让队友将枪口对准天空,准备鸣枪示警。 At this moment, Hansen exuded one to shout lightly. 就在此刻,汉森发出了一声轻呼。 Well?” “咦?” How?” Yuwan asked. “怎么了?”鱼丸问道。 Class leader, their attire a little seem to be strange......” Hansen with telescope observes while said that you saw refugee to bring one volume of cloth strips along?” “班长,他们的装束似乎有点奇怪……”汉森一边用瞭望镜观察一边说道,“你有见过逃难者随身带着一卷布条的吗?” Cloth strip?” Yuwan somewhat is immediately bewildered, he snatches telescope to look to crowd two sides distance also 300 meters, telescope has almost been able to see clearly the clothing and personal adornments of opposite party approximately and thing of carrying. From the appearance, this truly is the fugitive who one group goes down in the world cannot withstand, but such that just like detection said that on most people one or the long or short cloth strip, some backs in the back, some hang in the waist, sees thinks strange. “布条?”鱼丸顿时有些莫名其妙,他一把抢过瞭望镜望向人群此刻两边的距离差不多还有300米,瞭望镜已可以大致看清对方的衣饰和所携带之物。从打扮上来看,这确实是一帮落魄不堪的逃亡者,可正如侦查手所说的那样,大部分人身上都有一根或长或短的布条,有的背在背后,有的挂在腰间,怎么看都觉得奇怪。 The refugees will take the property that all can take before fleeing from calamity, this is the way things should be. First Army will usually request them to get rid of travel bag, to start off with light packs, but will not migrate brings the troublesome and inconvenient thing, for example gold royal, then did not interfere. These two months of Yuwan have also seen much strange family property, the cloth strip actually first one sees. 难民在逃难前会带上一切可以带上的财产,这是人之常情。第一军通常会要求他们抛弃行囊、轻装上路,但不会给迁移带来麻烦与不便的东西,例如金龙,则原则上不进行干涉。这两个月鱼丸也见过不少稀奇古怪的“家财”,布条却还是头一回见到。 However more examines carefully, he then even more thought that does not suit. 不过越是细看,他便越发觉得不对劲。 This group of refugees seem like put on tattered, the under foot is treading the shoes unexpectedly. Moreover these rotten clothes obviously are not old, general that the reversed image destroys recently. 这群难民看似穿得破破烂烂,脚下竟都踏着鞋子。而且那些烂衣服一点儿也不显旧,倒像是近期内破坏的一般。 The two sides distances have pulled closer to 200 meters. 两边的距离已拉近到200米内。 ping “呯” The teammates sent out have fired warning shot. 队友发出了鸣枪警告。 The tide of people the bang disperses immediately, making one of the Yuwan blood coagulation appear to be startled probably by the sound of gunfire, the several people of platoon guide have lifted the cloth strip flustered, but under the cloth strip impressively was the standard rifle that First Army used! 人潮顿时轰散开来,令鱼丸血液凝固的一幕出现了大概是被枪声所惊到,排头的好几个人慌慌张张掀开了布条,而布条下赫然是第一军所使用的制式步枪! This action as if has started mighty waves in the crowd, other people comply, cloth strip that these lengths vary, is used to hide the weapon method unexpectedly, wraps its below the thing from the saber to the long halberd, it may be said that has everything expected to find. 这一举动仿佛在人群中掀起了一阵波澜,其他人纷纷照做,那些长短不一的布条,竟然都是用来隐藏武器的手段,包裹其下的东西从佩剑到长戟,可谓应有尽有。 He realized suddenly, this is a trap! 他猛然意识到,这是一个陷阱! Returns camp!” Yuwan shouts toward the teammate greatly, runs!” “退回营地!”鱼丸朝队友大喊道,“快跑!” The voice has not fallen, that side has transmitted an intensive gunshot! 话音未落,那边已传来了一阵密集的枪响! Yuwan even heard the bullet flies to come to one's ear the bank the pinging sound, the surrounding lawn splashes once for a while strings of soils, other nine people also responded, turned around to bent toward camp in abundance flushes away 鱼丸甚至听到了子弹飞过耳畔的咻咻声,周围的草地时不时溅起一串串泥土,其他九人也反应过来,纷纷掉头猫着腰朝营地冲去 The squad once had pitched camp there several times, although does not have the blockhouse trench, but simple sand and crushed stone battalion base exists as before. It to resist possible Devil, but piles to suppose, now actually has become on the spacious hillside only covering up. 小队曾在那儿扎营过数次,虽然没有碉堡壕沟,但简易的砂石营垒依旧存在。它原本是为了抗击可能出现的魔鬼而堆设,现在却成了空旷山坡上唯一的遮掩。 When the Yuwan crawling belt runs to turn continually the camp builds, in the location has not been standing the teammate, compares in the sound of gunfire that the opposite keeps ringing, counterattack in camp appears very scattered compared with supposing nine people of card, more than 40 people of teams obviously are more striking goals, thinks that they likely under situation that did not guard against the bitter experience concentrated fire, the heart of Yuwan then mentioned the throat. 鱼丸连爬带跑翻进营垒时,场地中已没有一个站着的队友,相较于对面响个不停的枪声,营地中的还击显得十分零散比起设卡的九人,40多人的队伍显然是更醒目的目标,一想到他们很可能在毫无防备的情况下遭遇攒射,鱼丸的心便提到了嗓子眼。 He one has caught Hansen, quick, has a look everybody's situation!” 他一把抓过汉森,“快,去看看大家的情况!” After the opposite party bends down lowly the body is running off, he rifle rack, has also aimed at these refugee who” from encircles in all directions. 等对方低伏着身子跑开后,他也将枪架了起来,瞄准了那些从四面八方围上来的“难民”。 No...... They are far from the genuine refugees, but was very possible to offer services to Devil noble! 不……他们绝非真正的难民,而很可能是投效了魔鬼贵族 Also only has Devil, might obtain these many First Army weapon! 也只有魔鬼,才有可能得到这么多第一军武器了! Damn, Yuwan thinks bitterly, he has not expected similar to suppose this trap them using the refugee unclear unexpectedly, are actually oneself working as whose accomplice? 该死的,鱼丸恨恨地想,他万万没料到同类居然会利用难民设下这种陷阱难道他们就一点不明白,自己究竟在当谁的帮凶吗? Class leader,” Hansen comes back to imagine him is quicker, counts breaths the time, everybody is good, only has a person of minor wound, has wrapped up, does not hinder to fight basically.” “班长,”汉森回来得比他想象得还要快,前后不过数息时间,“大家都好着呢,只有一人轻伤,已经包扎好了,基本不妨碍战斗。” Yuwan cannot help but stares, „, only then injured?” The spear's/gun's body was coming obviously intensely. 鱼丸不由得一愣,“只有一人受伤?”刚才的枪身明明那么激烈来着。 Yes,” Hansen also likely relaxed, luck as if temporarily stands this side us. Now everybody has divided to defend the position, we will certainly persevere at the last minute!” “是,”汉森也像是松了口气,“运气似乎暂时站在我们这一边。现在大家已经分好了守备位置,我们必将坚守到最后一刻!”
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