RTW :: Volume #13

#1279: Seeks

Duke your excellency, front was Frostwind Town.” 公爵阁下,前面就是风霜镇了。” A Knight report said. 一名骑士汇报道。 Marvin Parker holds up telescope, is observing southwest intersection point of trend place in town situated in Eternal Winter and Wolf Heart, all around is the hillside, stands in any high spot, can look at a purity situation of town. Because the topography is hard to defend and easy to attack, therefore for hundred years Frostwind Town has not expanded is a castle. 马维恩.派克举起瞭望镜,观察着镇中的动向此地位于永冬狼心的西南交界处,四周都是山坡,站在任何一个高点,都能将镇子的情况看个一清二楚。由于地势易攻难守,因此百年来风霜镇也没有扩建为城堡。 Such small town has many on the border lines of two kingdoms, not any special place, if Marvin will usually not look at its two, but currently, it had the unique significance. 这样的小镇在两个王国的边境线上有不少,并没有什么特别之处,若是平时马维恩根本不会多瞧它两眼,但现在,它却有了独特的意义。 „Did the person who goes to inquire the information have the news?” “前去打探情报的人有消息了没?” Asked, has only spent several silver royal, these townspeoples all said.” The Knight favorite say/way, „the squad of here truly Greycastle person is moving, the quantity are not many, 40-50 people, will almost separate the time period to present one time.” “问到了,只花了几枚银狼,那些镇民就全说出来了。”骑士得意道,“这里确实有一支灰堡人的小队在活动,数量不多,也就四五十人,差不多隔阵子就会出现一次。” Why aren't they stationed here?” “为何他们不驻扎在这里?” After the border is mountain roads, moreover heard that the common wild wolf appears and disappears, the words that nobody escorts, these refugees only feared that cannot pass.” “穿过边境之后都是山路,而且听说常有野狼出没,没人护送的话,那些难民只怕一个都过不去。” Marvin is at heart confident immediately. 马维恩心里顿时有了底。 The proliferation of red mist does not take the border as the standard, the reversed image is the semicircle that expands unceasingly, this makes red mist of most distant place cross area Wolf Heart Kingdom Capital, but recent still in Eternal Winter. Compared with going to the neighboring country, makes him feel at ease at the kingdom interior combat obviously. 红雾的扩散并不是以边境为准,倒像是一个不断扩大的半圆,这使得最远处的红雾已经越过狼心王城一带,而最近的仍在永冬境内。比起远赴邻国,显然在王国内部作战更让他心安。 But Frostwind Town not just meets this request, because also the position is remote, causing these to be stuck to faint the fellow of brains little to enter Wolf Heart by the Greycastle person from here. Compared with several transportation convenient big cities, Frostwind Town almost same is not noticeable with the mosquito leg. 风霜镇不单满足这个要求,还因为位置偏僻,导致那些被灰堡人糊晕了头脑的家伙很少会从这里进入狼心。比起几座交通便捷的大城,风霜镇几乎就和蚊子腿一样不引人注目。 Marvin wants is person are exactly few. 马维恩要的恰恰就是人少。 The people little mean that Greycastle extremely will not pay attention to this place, but the scout inquired the information that has verified this point without doubt. 人少意味着灰堡也不会太过注意此地,而探子打听到的情报无疑印证了这一点。 Just like the senior scholar said that the bone that these are difficult to gnaw has Devil to cope, he must do, then ruthlessly bites one in the opposite party frail place. So long as this matter passed on, regardless of the victory were greatly is small, can make the opposite party be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt. 正如老学者所说的一样,那些难啃的骨头自有魔鬼去对付,他要做的,便是在对方的脆弱之处狠狠咬上一口。这种事情只要传去了,无论战果是大是小,都能让对方投鼠忌器。 Naturally, the scheme of senior scholar is not only so, behind also has a more ruthless spicy move of technique to wait for the Greycastle person, if can come successfully such 2-3 times, he believes that the plundering motion of opposite party will certainly be greatly frustrated, Vault of Heaven Lord your excellency also will perhaps have a high opinion to him. 当然,老学者的计谋不仅仅是如此,后面还有更狠辣的招术在等着灰堡人,倘若能成功来上那么两三次,他相信对方的掠夺行动必将大受挫折,天穹之主阁下或许也会对他更为倚重。 Goes back, this and everybody chatted well.” “回去吧,该和大家好好谈谈了。” ...... …… The flower the distance hurried back to recent cities in the morning, Marvin entered the original feudal lord mansion high-spirited. Here was a legal proceeding Baron, but some time ago actually approached red mist and Devil hearsay frightened flees to the wilderness, saved the times of his many negotiation actually. 花上半天路程赶回最近的城镇,马维恩意气风发地走进了原领主的府邸。这里原本属于一名籍籍无名的男爵,但不久前却被逼近的红雾魔鬼传闻吓得落荒而逃,倒是省下他不少交涉的功夫。 This lands currently indeed were not him, after all his real power is only restricted in the northern region four cities temporarily, but Marvin believes that the expansion of Parker Family cannot in light of this till. 这片土地目前诚然还不属于他,毕竟他的实权暂时只限于北境四城,不过马维恩相信,派克家族的扩张绝不会就此为止。 Quick, one group of noble that he convenes are then assemble, was waiting for he opens the mouth. 很快,他召集起来的一帮贵族便齐聚一堂,等待着他开口。 Duke looks all around, takes down the facial features and facial expression of everyone silently. In the room altogether sits 45 job applicant, they majority are Knight, there are such several barons, but status highest is original Northernmost Harbor feudal lord, Viscount Nanors. These people either were forced to lose oneself territory, either had been robbed all people by the Greycastle person, under granting of fief reward, they hired oneself without hesitation his subordinates, the guard, trusted subordinate and squire who if was counted bringing again, the available operational population of this team reached over 300 much. 公爵环顾一圈,默默记下每个人的面容与神情。房间里一共坐着45个应招者,他们大部分是骑士,也有那么几个男爵,而身份最高的则是原极北港领主,拿诺斯子爵。这些人要么被迫失去了自己的领地,要么被灰堡人抢走了所有子民,在封地奖赏的允诺下,他们毫不犹豫地投靠到了他的麾下,如果再算上自带的侍卫、亲信和扈从,这支队伍的可用作战人数已多达300以上。 Has to do mental arithmetic to have no interest, population also to have the superiority, this obviously is an extremely good opportunity. Most critically, their first time did not have the disparity on weapon with the match. In the past Eternal Winter noble was hit does not have the strength of resisting, lay in the firearm of Greycastle person is really fierce, its rate of fire and distance were not snow powder weapon that they imitated can compare. If no Vault of Heaven Lord the batch to seize the support, let alone 300 people, even if rises again two times, will not have noble to be willing to assist him to go to and Greycastle person goes all out. 有心算无心、人数又占据优势,这显然是一次极好的机会。更关键的是,他们第一次和对手没有了武器上的差距。过去永冬贵族被打得毫无招架之力,就在于灰堡人的火器实在凶猛,其射速和距离远不是他们仿制的雪粉武器所能比。若没有天穹之主的这批缴获支援,别说300人了,就算再翻上两倍,也不会有贵族愿意协助他去和灰堡人拼命。 Does not know how everybody did prepare?” Marvin settles the throat clear, I think these firearm, should your people touch ripe?” “不知各位都准备得怎么样了?”马维恩清了清喉咙,“我想那些火器,你们的人应该已经摸熟了吧?” Does not load the bore of gun the bullet, then aims at the target to deduct the trigger,” Viscount Nanors the whole face indignation did not say, the thing that these mountains and plains farmers can cause, does not have the truth we actually unable to use. That several fellow of capture must the severe sentence confess, the tone is afraid to say a word, the non- sentiment not to hope, when I have anything to be great!” “不就是将子弹装入枪膛,然后对准目标扣下扳机么,”拿诺斯子爵满脸不忿道,“那些山野农夫都会使的玩意,没道理我们却用不来。那几个被俘的家伙非得上重刑才交代,语气还吞吞吐吐、不情不愿,我当有什么了不起的!” Right, must say that it manufactures, us to be hard not to hope to attain exquisitely false, but uses, may be easier than the sword.” Knight echoes saying that I have also interrogated the Greycastle person, their joining army until now is about two years, general one month can learn the firearm fire, but I was only practice the sword to spend for five years.” “没错,要说它制作精妙、我们难以企及不假,但用起来嘛,比刀剑可容易多了。”一名骑士附和道,“我也审问过灰堡人,他们加入军队至今不过两年,一般一个月就能学会火器射击,而我光是练剑就花了五年的时间。” One month is because these outcastes are too dull-witted, trades to be me, three days suffice.” Another person of speech caused one to laugh. “一个月是因为这些贱民太愚钝,换作我,三天就够啦。”另一人的发言引起了一阵哄笑。 I must make them know, did not have the firearm their anything is not!” “我要让他们知道,没有了火器他们什么也不是!” „Hasn't firearm done obeisance witch to bestow? I looked that King of Greycastle drilled Church to sweep Eternal Winter and Wolf Heart neutral gear.” “火器还不是拜女巫所赐?我看灰堡之王不过是钻了教会扫荡永冬狼心的空档罢了。” Will of the people available! Marvin realized, these noble have suppressed a lot of fires, was already ready to fight to wait to retaliate that group of Greycastle people. Although this mix team one week ago pieces together, some inside people mutually cannot even name the character, but everybody at least harbors the similar goal, each one is sporty. 人心可用!马维恩意识到,这些贵族已经憋了一肚子火,早就摩拳擦掌等着报复那群灰堡人了。虽然这支混合队伍一周前才拼凑出来,里面一些人甚至相互叫不出名字,但大家至少都怀着同样的目标,个个劲头十足。 That type the crossbow arrow quantity of being called the bullet is limited, divides to everyone on were less.” Before followed his Knight to let go saying that if possible, I hope everybody can save the point to use, the equidistance near has opened fire again.” “不过那种被称为子弹的弩矢数量有限,分到每个人头上的就更少了。”之前跟随他的那名骑士摊手道,“如果可以的话,我希望大家能省着点用,等距离近了再开火。” Marvin applause looked at opposite party several, this person of name called Voller, the Western Region native, before this led him also to settle on his resourcefulness. Can know from these words, Voller caught the victory and defeat key, if can find an opportunity, received him for the person on one's own side is good. 马维恩赞许的多看了对方几眼,此人名叫弗勒,西境本地人,此前带着他也是看中了他的机敏。从这番话便可知,弗勒已经抓到了胜负的关键,若能找个机会,将他收为自己人就好了。 Relax,” the Duke heart has the bamboo saying that „the bullet of Greycastle person are not similarly many. Wolf Heart northwest multi- mountainous regions, this point has limited their carrying a heavy load. Moreover...... They will make us approach, escorts refugee to leave the dangerous situation, is not just the slogan that they propagandize?” “放心,”公爵心有成竹道,“灰堡人的子弹同样不多。狼心西北多山地,这一点限制了他们的负重。另外……他们会让我们靠近的,护送逃难者离开险境,不正是他们宣传的口号吗?” The people also sneer. 众人也跟着冷笑起来。 Right, so long as the opposite party to plunder the population comes, will inevitably not give up this wave extremely easy to obtain lamb. But as everyone knows, the pack of wolves also will sometimes be hidden. In this world, becomes from the hunter prey often is matter in a flash, when they discover cheats, perhaps oneself already got sucked into the prisoner's cage. 没错,只要对方是为了掠夺人口而来,就必然不会放弃这波唾手可得的“羔羊”。但殊不知,狼群有时也会隐没于其中。在这个世界上,从猎人变为猎物往往不过是转瞬间的事,等到他们发现有诈时,恐怕自身早已深陷囚笼。 Later so long as camouflages the appearance of opposite party again, turns round to loot cities along the way, the propaganda of Greycastle person to collapse of itself inevitably. Comes repeatedly on several times, they do not want to carry off one person from here again. 之后只要再伪装成对方的模样,回身去洗劫一番沿途的城镇,灰堡人的宣传必然不攻自破。反复来上几次,他们就别想再从这边拉走一人了。 I have spread the news, believes that side Greycastle quick will have an action to perform, when the time comes everybody may display greatly heartily, obtained seizes also all belongs to you!” Marvin setting out summarized, this was not only your revenge good opportunities, was grips takes the opportunity of territory and wealth! So long as achieves the goal, I must not go back on word! Let the Greycastle person a debt of blood must be paid in blood time to!” “我已经放出了消息,相信灰堡那边很快会有所动作,到时候各位大可尽情发挥,所得缴获也悉数归你们所有!”马维恩起身总结道,“这既是你们的复仇良机,也是攥取领地与财富的机会!只要达成目的,我必不会食言!诸位,让灰堡血债血偿的时刻到了!”
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