RTW :: Volume #13

#1274: Ambition

Since red mist falls in torrents after the hopeless situation summit, the world myriad things probably were covered a tissue. Marvin Parker thinks own resembles will place in the mine that the dust flies upwards like that uncomfortable, what accident/surprise is the body has not felt any ill. 自从红雾从绝境山巅上倾泻下来后,世间万物就好像被蒙上了一层薄纱。马维恩.派克原以为自己会像身处尘土飞扬的矿山中那般难受,但意外的是身体并没有感到任何不适。 If makes an effort to inspire, even can also feel one to be moist and cool. According to the view of Devil command, these mist implication lives are succinct, not only will not cause any damage to human, instead also has the nutritious advantage. Only has specially with witch that they oppose, by fatally backlash. 倘若用力吸气的话,甚至还能感受到一丝潮湿与清凉。按照魔鬼统帅的说法,这些雾气蕴含生命精粹,不仅不会对人类造成任何伤害,反而还有滋补的好处。唯有专门和它们作对的女巫,才会受到致命的反噬 This words somewhat confidence level not to mention, but currently speaking besides slightly affects the line of sight, pours does not have other fault. One month later, he has been used to the life in red mist basically. 此话有几分可信度暂且不说,不过目前来看除了略微影响视线外,倒也没有别的坏处。一个月下来,他已基本习惯了红雾中的生活。 Sir Duke, Vault of Heaven Lord your excellency sent.” At this moment, personal guard entered the study room, „the present is in garden medium you.” 公爵大人,天穹之主阁下派人来了。”就在这时,一名亲卫走进了书房,“现在正在庭院中等您。” Marvin nods calmly, invited it same place in later, my this in the past.” 马维恩不动声色地点点头,“请它在原地稍后,我这就过去。” Yes.” “是。” After personal guard covers visits, Marvin cannot bear show the happy expression. 亲卫掩上门后,马维恩才忍不住露出了笑意。 Right, Duke. Regardless of believes repeatedly, can make him ecstatic. One month ago when Devil kills Brightsnow Castle across dangerous places, he thinks that is Judgement Day in hearsay, has not thought that the opposite party has let off him finally unexpectedly. 没错,公爵。无论听上多次,都能让他心花怒放。一个月前当魔鬼穿过冰渊杀进雪映堡时,他以为那就是传闻中的末日,没想到对方最后竟放过了他。 But after rejection inherent prejudice, Marvin discovered that said is Vault of Heaven Lord Devil has not imagined being hard communication, to a certain extent, it is even better than will have to do at least the former not rashly the noble territory to change into the nihility the Greycastle person. 而在“摒弃”固有的偏见之后,马维恩发现那名自称为天穹之主魔鬼并没有想象中的难以沟通,从某种程度上来说,它甚至比灰堡人更好打交道至少前者不会不由分说的就将贵族的领地化为虚无。 Devil does not levy taxes, does not snatch, does not seize power, so long as they take an oath to give loyalty, can guarantee existing all, and also has the opportunity to obtain, except method slightly obviously crude, poured does not have other fault. Especially after Vault of Heaven Lord also one and gives the Brightsnow Castle peripheral three cities he manages, he thinks this perhaps also good. 魔鬼不抽税、不抢地、不夺权,只要他们宣誓效忠,就能保下现有的一切,并且还有机会得到更多,除开手段稍显粗暴了点,倒也没有别的坏处了。特别是天穹之主雪映堡周边的三座城市也一并交给他管理后,他更是觉得这样或许也不错。 The Brightsnow Castle shape such as the isolated island and easily guarded, hard to attack, others are hard to threaten his territory, he is also hard to develop. Is thinking Earl this title estimated must put on for a lifetime, has not thought when Judgement Day approaches, made great strides forward on the contrary largely one step. 雪映堡形如孤岛、易守难攻,别人难以威胁到他的领地,他亦难以开拓出去。本想着伯爵这个头衔估计要戴上一辈子,没想到在末日来临时,反倒大幅迈进了一步。 Presides the Kingdom of Eternal Winter entire north region, he is northern region Duke that deserves. 统辖永冬王国整个北部区域,他已是当之无愧的北境公爵 Marvin with the hand holding down corners of the mouth, makes the happy expression subside with great difficulty. He closes the window, turns around to walk toward downstairs. 马维恩用手按住嘴角,好不容易才让笑意平息。他关上窗户,转身向楼下走去。 Right, when Devil storms into the city, truly has killed dozens guards and several hundred citizen, but war where has the truth of non- deceased person? The territory boundary between noble, does not decide through the war. Now his hand grasps four cities, the guard team not only has not shrunk, instead doubles, citizen say nothing, so long as there are has the grain to make them live, several years have always been able to make up. 没错,魔鬼攻入城中时,确实杀死了数十名侍卫和好几百个领民,但战争哪有不死人的道理?贵族之间的领地分界线,不也是通过战争决定的么。现在他手握四城,侍卫队伍不但没有缩水,反而翻了一番,领民就更不用说了,只要有地有粮让他们生,过个几年总能补回来。 As for these in the back discussed that he because of being afraid to choose to submit to the Devil fellow, should on hanging post be right. 至于那些在背后议论他是因为害怕而选择臣服于魔鬼的家伙,都应该上绞刑架才对。 Entered the garden, Marvin first then saw envoy that Vault of Heaven Lord sent, as well as lay in its side giant monster. To be honest, he is unable to distinguish these fellows to have anything differently to be different from Hykezord from appearance, they both ugly and thick semifinished product, did not understand that what the politeness and education are. If did not look in share that in the demon army command, he does not want to do with this group of wild animals. 进入庭院,马维恩第一眼便看到了天穹之主派来的使者,以及趴在它身边的巨大怪物。老实说,他根本无法从外貌上分辨这些家伙有什么不同和海克佐德不同,它们既丑陋又粗坯,丝毫不懂得礼貌与教养为何物。如果不是看在魔军统帅的份上,他一点儿也不想和这帮野兽打交道。 Does not know that Vault of Heaven Lord your excellency does have what instruction?” “不知天穹之主阁下有何吩咐?” The opposite party pulls out a stone to hand in front of him from the mount travel bag, then opens the big mouth, said with the inferior intonation, you. Listens!” 对方从坐骑行囊里掏出一块石头递到他面前,接着张开血盆大口,用蹩脚的语调说道,“你。听!” Also is magic power passes message...... 又是魔力传音么…… Feels the fishy smell that in the envoy mouth heads on, after Marvin cannot bear slightly supinely, depresses bottom of heart the sentiment of loathing diligently, I am listening.” 感受到使者嘴中扑面而来的腥气,马维恩忍不住微微后仰,努力压下心底的厌恶之情,“我听着呢。” The stone glitters two, the quick familiar sound resounds baseless. 石头闪烁两下,很快一个熟悉的声音凭空响起。 How holds the post of a boundary the main feeling? We hope that you have not forgotten your commitment, Mr. feudal lord.” “担任一境之主的感觉如何?希望你还没有忘记自己的承诺,领主先生。” Naturally does not have, your excellency,” Marvin returns to say hastily, I have been preparing to work for you.” “当然没有,阁下,”马维恩连忙回道,“我一直都在准备着为您效力。” Is very good, believes one month has made your people be used to our existence, the present was the time I have needed you to convene a team, assisting us to construct camp, not in Eternal Winter, but in Kingdom of Wolf Heart. The population at least wants 2000, naturally...... The more better.” “很好,相信一个月的时间已经让你的人民习惯了我们的存在,现在是时候了我需要你召集一支队伍,协助我们建设营地,不是在永冬,而是在狼心王国。人数至少要2000,当然……越多越好。” Is this coolie who needs to work? Marvin has supposed, collects these people not to be difficult to achieve from four cities, wraps on me, your excellency.” 这是需要干活的苦力?马维恩估摸了下,从四个城市凑出这么些人不难做到,“包在我身上,阁下。” I have not really elected wrong person.” In Vault of Heaven Lord sound were many a satisfaction, other, how did I give your weapon to study before? Can your person imitate?” “我果然没有选错人。”天穹之主的声音里多了一份满意,“另外,我之前交给你的那些武器研究得怎么样了?你的人能仿制吗?” This......” Marvin looks the difficult color, uses not to have any issue but actually, the words that but wants to imitate perhaps also need the date and time...... I built up the northern region best blacksmith, making their be responsible for building a part, the progress is not quite ideal. I think that this is perhaps related with witch, after all the blacksmith reported to me, these parts likely are not the ordinary manpower behaviors.” “这……”马维恩面露难色道,“用起来倒没什么问题,但想仿制的话恐怕还需要时日……我集结了北境最好的铁匠,让他们一人负责打造一个部件,进度却不太理想。我想这恐怕跟女巫有关,毕竟铁匠向我反映,那些部件不像是普通人力所为。” I want also to be.” Fortunately, in the Vault of Heaven Lord words any meaning of blaming, even so, you should not also be able to counterattack the Greycastle person with it. This is I gives your second order, sends for preventing Greycastle to plunder Wolf Heart citizen, I also one and give you weapon that other will seize.” “我想也是。”幸运的是,天穹之主的话语里并没有任何怪罪之意,“不过即使如此,你们应该也能用它来反制灰堡人。这是我给你的第二个命令,派人去阻止灰堡掠夺狼心领民,我会把其他缴获的武器也一并交给你。” But I hand/subordinate already not enough Knight “可我手下已经没有足够的骑士了” That recruits!” The Vault of Heaven Lord interruption said, your human most doesn't like using this set to expand the subordinate? Enfeoffs own territory, wins over these able people to come for oneself to handle matters. Do not give up the initial price, if this matter can complete, making you work as king of the Eternal Winter is not the difficult problem.” “那就去征召!”天穹之主打断道,“你们人类不是最喜欢用这一套来扩充手下吗?把自己的领地分封出去,拉拢那些有能力的人来为自己办事。不要舍不得开价,这件事若能做好,让你当个永冬之王也不是什么难题。” The Marvin whole body trembles...... The king of Eternal Winter, this once he only dares in the given name that in the dream touches, now arrived at itself in front of unexpectedly in this manner? He represses suddenly heartbeat of acceleration, controls own intonation to return to say strongly, As you bid, your excellency, I will do my best complete.” 马维恩浑身一颤……永冬之王,这个曾经他只敢在梦里触及的名号,现在竟以这样的方式来到了自己面前?他按捺住陡然加速的心跳,竭力控制着自己的声调回道,“遵命,阁下,我会尽我所能去完成。” Makes the best use of the time, I want to see the actual effect as soon as possible.” “抓紧时间,我想要尽快看到实效。” I will not disappoint you.” “我不会让您失望的。” The ray of stone vanished. 石头的光芒消失了。 I, one week, come again.” “我,一周,再来。” envoy said, climbs up the meat wing monster directly, both hands raises, immediately soars. The latter exudes one to cry out strangely, flaps the wing to fly to the city, vanishes in the field of vision quickly. 使者说完后直接爬上肉翼怪物,双手一扬,随即腾空而起。后者发出一声怪叫,扑扇着翅膀向城外飞去,很快消失在视野中。 But Marvin had been covered a face by dust of flying upwards. 马维恩则被飞扬的尘土盖了一脸。 Damn! He cough while muses, if this group of Devil conduct speeches look like Firmament Lord that appearance, it is estimated that will not be passed on the monster from hell superficially. 该死的!他一边咳嗽一边暗想,如果这帮魔鬼行事说话都像苍穹之主那副模样,估计也不会被泛泛传成来自地狱的怪物了。 Returns to the castle, he calls the old Scholar opposite party previous performance quite unable to withstand immediately freely, withstood/top to frighten to urinate directly the pants in the city wall, but he a short time did not have the person of more reliable supplying ideas. 回到城堡,他立刻叫来了老学士尽管对方上一次的表现颇为不堪,直接在城墙顶上吓尿了裤子,但他一时半会也没更可靠的出谋划策之人了。 After the request of Vault of Heaven Lord repeats, Marvin asks, how do you think?” 天穹之主的要求复述一遍后,马维恩问道,“你觉得如何?” Sir, this is once in a thousand years opportunity!” Old Scholar grips his hand excitedly, since your father that generation, I serves Parker Family, develops the desire that the influence Brightsnow Castle is he often has said that now you have achieved incessantly the first step, the opportunity aspires to seize Eternal Winter, in any event must grasp to be good!” “大人,这可是千载难逢的机会啊!”老学士激动地握住他的手,“从您父亲那一代起,我就服务于派克家族,将势力拓展出雪映堡一直是他常挂在嘴边的愿望,如今您不止做到了第一步,还有机会问鼎永冬,无论如何都要把握住才行!” I also believe that but...... You thought that we look for some Knight to come, really can win the Greycastle person?” Marvin said the bottom of heart anxiety, „the exquisite degrees of these snow powder crossbow arrows you also saw, imitation basically not possibly. But was the quantity that Devil seizes surely limited, what to do fires off should?” “我也这么认为,但……你觉得我们找些骑士来,就真能打赢灰堡人吗?”马维恩道出了心底的疑虑,“那些雪粉弩矢的精妙程度你也看到了,仿制基本没有可能。而魔鬼缴获的数量必定有限,打完了该怎么办?” No, Sir, we do not need to meet the tough head-on with toughness with the Greycastle's army,” old Scholar shakes the head saying that Vault of Heaven Lord your excellency does not have this plan, its original words are " prevent to plunder " as far as I know, the team of Greycastle person disperses very fiercely, so long as weapon quite, we instead can take the lead by the strategy! If can defeat several plundering squads successfully, their definitely hands tied feet tied. In fact, just listened you narrated, I have thought of an excellent strategy.” “不,大人,我们并不需要和灰堡的军队硬碰硬,”老学士摇头道,“天穹之主阁下也没有这个打算,它的原话是「阻止掠夺」据我所知,灰堡人的队伍分散得十分厉害,只要武器相当,我们反而能凭借策略占据主动!若能成功击破几支掠夺小队,他们必然会束手束脚。事实上,刚听您讲述的时候,我就想到了一条绝妙的计策。” Oh? mentioned listens.” 哦?说来听听。” Old Scholar attaches by the Duke ear, said own idea carefully. 学士附到公爵耳旁,将自己的主意细细说出。 On the Marvin face has revealed happy expression immediately. 马维恩脸上顿时露出了喜色。 Should be feasible!” He layer on layer/heavily nodded, then, our inferiority but actually became the superiority. According to the office that you said!” “应该可行!”他重重点了点头,“如此一来,我们的劣势倒成优势了。就按你说的办!” Recommendation metropolis big God old uses/gives new book: 推荐都市大神老施新书:
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