RTW :: Volume #13

#1273: The idea of Devil

Before ten double-hour, it receives the report, said that the Wolf Heart direction presented the abnormal noise and giant fireball, a supplies army is seriously battered, but at that time it still in a Eternal Winter city, accepted giving loyalty to of human feudal lord. 十个时辰之前,它接到报告,称狼心方向出现了异响和巨大的火球,一支补给部队遭受重创,而当时它还在永冬西部的一座城市中,接受人类领主的效忠。 To be honest, Hykezord does not want to pay attention to this sesame seed size the matter, if not report mentioned repeatedly fishy and unusual of destructive power explosion, it did not plan to come personally. 老实说,海克佐德并不想理会这种芝麻大小的事情,如果不是汇报者反复提到爆炸的蹊跷和不同寻常的破坏力,它本不打算亲自前来。 Has to do with human already enough makes it worry, but in entire west line only then it can do. It is not each subordinate looks like Ersluk to be like that intelligent, the association studies some useful useless thing majority of Ascendant to regard as the insect human, not to mention studied their languages. 和人类打交道已经够让它烦心的了,可整个西线里偏偏又只有它能做。并不是每一个手下都像厄斯鲁克那般聪明,总会去学一些有用没用的东西大部分晋升者都把人类视作虫子,更别提去学习他们的语言了。 Its military officer is no exception, to be all loyal and devoted, the ability is indubitable, but also is only restricted in the fight, making these fellows go to negotiate with human, cannot want quite a while, they hot tempered will rip the fragment the opposite party. 它的将领也不例外,个个忠心耿耿,能力无可置疑,但也只限于战斗而已,让这些家伙去跟人类交涉,要不了半天,它们就会暴躁地把对方撕成碎片。 However human is an extremely easy tame living thing, although this ethnic group physique emaciated, the brain is very easy-to-use, at the beginning of the development, they can substitute for the work of many inferior rank body, the complete elimination does not serve the benefit of ethnic group. 然而人类又是一种极为容易驯服的生物,这个族群体格虽然孱弱,脑子却很好使,在开拓初期,他们能取代许多劣等体的工作,全部消灭并不符合族群的利益。 In the final analysis, this is the Vakiris mistake. 说到底,这都是瓦基里丝的错。 It most excelled at this field of endeavor Monarch, now actually still soaked in ephemeral fly pond inside, Hykezord always thinks own patience little close bottom line. 它本来是最擅长此道的大君,现在却仍旧泡在蜉蝣池里,海克佐德总觉得自己的耐心正一点点接近底线。 However when it arrives above Fang City, immediately realized this matter some do not suit. 不过当它飞抵獠牙城上空时,立刻意识到此事有些不对劲。 Float in city appears very thin, as if had been cleaned up by anything generally. But in the city is one piece in confusion, everywhere can see the wooden frame of washed away house and burn. 城市中的浮游显得十分稀薄,似乎被什么清理过了一般。而城内更是一片狼藉,到处都能看到被冲毁的房屋和烧焦的木架。 After the team lowers, Hykezord discovered that ground sends out the warm feeling, the strange taste of irritating the nose is heading on. 队伍降下后,海克佐德发现地面散发着暖意,刺鼻的怪味扑面而来。 It quick had found the origin of flavor. 它很快就找到了味道的来源。 One crowd of appearance strange inferior rank body whole bodies shrink are curling stiffly on the street, their skins have grow darked to fall off, obviously was burnt by the fire. What is strange, around inferior rank body the obvious pyrophorus, except for the bricks and stones has not been the soil, how is very difficult to imagine leaves the flame to burn to them on. 一群模样稀奇古怪的劣等体浑身缩卷着僵在街道上,它们的皮肤已经变黑脱落,显然是被大火烧死的。但奇怪的是,劣等体周围并没有明显的引火物,除了砖石就是泥土,很难想象出火焰是怎么烧到它们身上的。 But such scene also more than one. 而这样的景象还不止一处。 Totolock, you and your subordinate various belt ten people, searches for the trend of human army, if some discoveries, report to me immediately.” 托托洛克,你和你的手下各带十人,去搜寻人类军队的动向,如果有发现,立刻向我汇报。” As you bid master.” 遵命主人。” Ciyasith, investigation clear this what's the matter, looks for also has living the fellow while convenient.” 西亚西斯,调查清楚这到底是怎么回事,顺便找找还有没有活着的家伙。” Yes, Sir.” “是,大人。” Ascendant receives an order to go quickly, Hykezord along the long street, slowly destroys the most serious North area to walk to the city. 晋升者很快领命而去,海克佐德则沿着长街,缓缓向城市破坏最为严重的北区走去。 According to report, what attacked is a inferior rank body supplies team, the pitiful creature who these forever possibly have not promoted is in the ethnic group most bottom, is equal the labor or the slave in human. They were responsible for a number of black shining stones and secondary ephemeral fly ponds at that time import Fang City, with the aim of then building one to be possible in this place for camp that first promotion body or Ascendant rest. 根据报告,遭受袭击的是一支劣等体补给队,这些永远没可能晋升的可怜虫处于族群的最底端,相当于人类之中的劳工或奴隶。它们当时正负责将一批黑耀石和次级蜉蝣池运进獠牙城,以便接下来在此地搭建出一座可供初升体晋升者歇息的营地 Also can see this point from the wreckage of scene, cuts and has been contaminated the obsidian to scatter everywhere is, when part of inferior rank body even were still maintaining the transporting appearance. The sign that has not slaughtered means that human has not contacted with the supplies team directly, the fight erupts very suddenly, finished exceptionally rapidly. 从现场的残骸也能看出这一点,切好并浸染过的黑曜石散落得到处都是,一部分劣等体甚至仍保持着搬运时的模样。没有厮杀的迹象意味着人类并未和补给队正面接触,战斗爆发得十分突然,也结束得异常迅速。 Therefore the reasonable inference was the opposite party has arranged a trap in this place, but not under the eye of Bogle wing beast hid to assemble an army, Totolock this search likely had achieved nothing. 因此合理的推断是对方在此地布置了一个陷阱,而非在博格尔翼兽的眼皮子下集结起了一支大军,托托洛克此次搜寻很可能一无所获。 But more is so, then more makes Vault of Heaven Lord think that the heart is startled. Its rather enemy in groups wells up, such is at least easier to be discovered. Hykezord does not care about the inferior rank body life, but the west line campaign makes no mistake, like the trap, if ran upon by the principal force, the consequence is simply dreadful. 但越是如此,便越让天穹之主觉得心惊。它宁愿敌人成群结队地涌来,那样至少更容易被发现。海克佐德并不在乎劣等体的死活,但西线战役不容有失,像这样的陷阱若是被主力部队撞上,后果简直不堪设想。 Without a doubt, the enemy used fire to get a light from another light as attack method Hykezord is not strange, in the past War of Divine Will, they once had also captured the city of human with the flame. Because life ephemeral fly unhappy high temperature, in the ethnic group few sees. 毫无疑问,敌人使用了“火”作为攻击手段海克佐德对火并不陌生,过去的神意之战中,它们也曾用火焰攻陷过人类的城池。只不过因为生命蜉蝣不喜高温,以至于族群里鲜少见到罢了。 But can separate burns the inferior rank body flame spatially, it first time sees. 可能够隔空烧死劣等体的火焰,它还是第一次见到。 Only if turns into a giant stove the entire city. 除非把整座城市都变成一个巨大的火炉。 But is this possible? 但这怎么可能? If human has such method, that must result in makes the king know, the west line had the danger. 如果人类拥有这样的手段,那就必须得让王知道,西线有危险了。 Wait/Etc....... Flame? 等等……火焰? In the Hykezord mind flashed through a picture that suddenly is when Consciousness World searched Kabladabi memory saw the scene that one group of bright incomparable fireballs split open suddenly, resembled the initial rise Sun to be the same. 海克佐德脑海中忽然闪过了一个画面那是在意识界搜索卡布拉达比记忆时所看到的的景象,一团明亮无比的火球陡然绽开,就好像初升的太阳一样。 ...... At that time Kabladabi saw, then this flame weapon? 难道……当时卡布拉达比所看到的,便正是这种火焰武器 It felt that a chill in the air arises spontaneously. 它不禁感到一股寒意油然而生。 In Vault of Heaven Lord is surprisedly uncertain, the Ciyasith sound has interrupted its train of thought suddenly, Sir, basic situation has verified, this supplies team altogether 350 inferior rank body, meanwhile ten original body are it provides the guard. Has not discovered the survivor, but I think that I have found out the methods of these insects.” 就在天穹之主惊疑不定之际,西亚西斯的声音忽然打断了它的思绪,“大人,基本情况已查明,这支补给队一共有350只劣等体,同时还有十来名原生体为其提供护卫。目前尚未发现幸存者,不过我想我已经摸清楚了那些虫子的手段。” Oh? mentioned listens.” 哦?说来听听。” Please come with me.” “请跟我来。” Hykezord has flown north city wall nearby with Ciyasith, some original body are unearthing anything earnestly, around them, is scattering one pile of jet black metal fragments. But is farther place, several siege vehicle lying this way and that pendulums turn after roadside since more formidable flexible Symbiote Body cultivates is successful, these old style war instruments have become the special hauling equipment. 海克佐德跟着西亚西斯飞到了北边城墙附近,一些原生体正埋头挖掘着什么,在它们周围,散落着一堆漆黑的金属碎片。而更远一些的地方,几台攻城车横七竖八摆地翻在路旁自从更为强大灵活的共生体培育成功后,这些老式的战争器械就成了专门的搬运工具。 You looked, Ciyasith stretches out tentacles, grasps the ground a fragment, the fracture place has the obvious melting trace, „, if puts together them, should be a vessel. But such thing dispels along urban fringe, has almost several hundred. I think that the insects have crowded snow powder and combustible substance in inside probably, plans to supply the team escape route to shut off, then takes advantage to issue the attack.” “您看,”西亚西斯伸出触须,抓起地上的一块碎片,断口处有明显的熔化痕迹,“如果把它们拼起来,应该是一个容器。而这样的东西沿着城市边缘排开,差不多有好几百个。我想虫子们大概在里面塞满了雪粉和可燃物,打算将补给队后路切断,然后再趁乱发起进攻。” Since with human fights, weapon that they use also no longer is naturally strange, in chasing down the process of opposite party, Hykezord also seized much. " Torch " " hot crossbow " , takes the introduction using snow powder this type of conflagration, compared with weapon of magic power actuation, it obviously is more tedious. Also because of this, these weapon structures are very mostly exquisite, this is also 400 years ago the technique of not having seen. 和人类交手至今,他们所使用的武器自然也不再陌生,在追杀对方的过程中,海克佐德还缴获了不少。无论是「火枝」还是「火弩」,都是利用雪粉这种爆燃物来作为引子,比起魔力驱动的武器,它显然要繁琐许多。也正因为如此,那些武器的结构大多都十分精妙,这亦是400年前未曾见到的技艺。 „If only the ordinary flame, how possibly to cause the so big destruction?” “如果只是普通的火焰,怎么可能造成如此大的破坏?” Sir, this flame is not perhaps ordinary, at least the temperature must be higher than the common filariasis, but even so, is unable to separate kills all inferior rank body spatially. I think the key perhaps on these siege vehicle.” “大人,这火焰恐怕并不普通,至少温度要远高于一般的流火,但即使如此,也无法隔空杀死所有劣等体。我想关键之处也许就在那些攻城车上。” What does it mean?” Hykezord pursues asks. Ciyasith is Psionic, Ascendant that this branch evolution comes mostly is having the keen power of observation, this is also the reason that Vault of Heaven Lord sends it to investigate the battlefield. 什么意思?”海克佐德追问道。西亚西斯是一名心灵术士,这个分支进化而来的晋升者大多都拥有着敏锐的观察力,这也是天穹之主派它来调查战场的原因。 „When at that time these snow powder were detonated, likely affected to be used to ship the heavy item through the city gate siege vehicle latter at that time generally, was not the ephemeral fly pond stores up the pot. The high temperature enabled them to have the conflagration, and further intensified disintegration of this place life ephemeral fly.” tentacles of opposite party fast swinging exudes the fizz unceasingly, you know, when temperature as high as certain extent, anything can be lit, including us.” “当时这些雪粉被引爆时,很可能波及到了当时正在通过城门攻城车后者一般多用于运送重物,不是蜉蝣池就是储存罐。高温使得它们发生了爆燃,并进一步加剧了此地生命蜉蝣的瓦解。”对方快速摆动的触须不断发出嘶嘶声,“您知道,当温度高到一定程度,任何东西都能被点燃,包括我们。” The explanation of Ciyasith makes Hykezord relax slightly, regardless of first this large explosion whether has the coincidence ingredient, at least that gigantic iron bucket fragment made it feel at ease much. Needs to install underground in advance massively and momentarily can carry on the projection completely is two concepts, so long as later seriously guards against, this type of trap is very difficult to pose the threat to the large unit of open country. 西亚西斯的解释让海克佐德稍稍松了口气,先不论这场大爆炸是否有巧合的成分,至少那硕大的铁桶碎片就让它安心了不少。需要预先大量埋设和随时都能进行投射完全是两个概念,只要之后严加防范,这种陷阱便很难对野外的大部队造成威胁。 Naturally, it also clearly wants to inspect a human city fast is not an easy matter forbids the ephemeral fly pond and storage pot transports, stack not to be also able completely to eliminate this threat closely, it does not think that depended on these simpleminded original body and inferior rank body can only complete this matter. 当然,它也清楚想要快速检查一座人类城市并不是件容易的事情禁止蜉蝣池和储物罐紧密运输、堆放亦无法彻底消除这一威胁,它不认为单靠那些头脑简单的原生体劣等体就能办妥此事。 Most effective method, profits with human. 最有效的方法,还是得利用人类自己。 Sir, what to do then should we?” “大人,接下来我们该怎么办?” Slows down into the city speed, making human inspect for us,” Hykezord has made the decision quickly, other places have no way to reassign many inferior rank body to come temporarily, this loss makes Brightsnow Castle supplement, I think Marvin Earl is certainly glad to work for me.” “放缓入城速度,让人类替我们去检查,”海克佐德很快做出了决定,“其他地方暂时也没法抽调更多的劣等体过来,这次的损失就让雪映堡来补充,我想马维恩伯爵一定很乐意为我效力。” Moreover, didn't we seize weapon of some enemies?” Vault of Heaven Lord paused, has many noble as if to hate to the marrow of the bones to the Greycastle person, gave them to try.” “另外,我们不是缴获了一些敌人的武器吗?”天穹之主顿了顿,“有不少贵族似乎都对灰堡人恨之入骨,就交给他们去试试好了。”
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