RTW :: Volume #13

#1272: Under flame

When hearing the first explosion, the squad that Jodah is at followed the instruction, one by one from hiding place one after another. 在听到第一声爆炸时,裘达所在的小队就遵循了指令,挨个从藏身之地鱼贯而出。 But has not run several steps, the north side transmitted heaven-shaking to move the place once more loud sound! Big of sound even aroused the dust on ruins, ground violent rocking has made the people almost fall down. 但还未跑出数步,北边再次传来了一声惊天动地的巨响!声音之大甚至激起了废墟上的尘土,地面猛烈的晃动让众人差点摔倒在地。 Jodah stands firm the body, looks surprisedly to the Fang City direction, because situated in the low potential, he can only see that one group of orange fireballs mix with the billowing smog to ascend unceasingly, wields just like one to the fist of sky. Around the flame, red mist was reflected well-illuminated, as if the horizon is burning. 裘达稳住身子,惊讶地向獠牙城方向望去由于位于低势,他只能看到一团橘黄色的火球夹杂着滚滚烟雾不断升腾,宛如一只挥向天空的拳头。在火焰周围,红雾被映得通亮,仿佛天际都在燃烧。 In the Sandpeople eye has shown the alarmed and afraid facial expression. 沙民们眼中露出了惊惧的神情。 This momentum...... Only feared that can describe with the anger of Three Gods! 这声势……只怕能用三神之怒来形容了! Do not fear!” Jodah clenches teeth, raises the arm to shout loudly, that is the method that Great Chief causes, is used to deal with the enemy! What this fear is these Devil is right!” “不要怕!”裘达咬咬牙,振臂高呼道,“那是大酋长使出来的手段,是用来对付敌人的!该畏惧的是那些魔鬼才对!” His words make everybody recover. 他的话让大家回过神来。 Right, this is the day fire that Great Chief lowers!” “没错,这是大酋长降下的天火!” Do not stop , to continue to go forward!” “别停下来,继续前进!” The squad of stagnation runs, in wall seam, window registered permanent address and collapse house corner...... Some people emit unceasingly, one and converges to the team of attack. Quick, this common stream of people quickly turned into a noticeable tide, flushes away toward Fang City. 停滞的小队重新奔跑起来,墙缝里、窗户口、倒塌的房屋角落……不断有人冒出,一并汇入到进攻的队伍中。很快,这支不起眼的人流很快变成了一股不可忽视的浪潮,直朝獠牙城冲去。 Jodah ran in first. 裘达跑在了第一位。 Although he already felt a heartfelt admiration to Great Chief, but thinks throughout Sandpeople is more suitable than to fight the north person, especially came like him from the barren oasis and from childhood then and small Clan military of death struggle. Not is only bow and arrow sickle, even if changes into the flintlock to be also same. After undergoing the training of Brian, he has even brought forth a unique skill, not only the fixed target practice is outstanding, in jogging fires also has the good hit probability. 虽然他早已对大酋长心悦诚服,但始终认为沙民比北国人更适合战斗,特别是像他这样出身于贫瘠绿洲、从小便和死亡斗争的小氏族武者。不光是弓箭弯刀,就算换成火枪也一样。接受布莱恩的训练后,他甚至练出了一手绝活,不光固定打靶出众,在跑步中射击也有不俗的命中率。 But now without doubt then proves own time. 而现在无疑便是证明自己的时刻。 He not only wants first to break in city, but must obtain the first victory of army. 他不仅要首个冲入城内,还要取得军队的第一个战果。 He must make Jodah this Mojin name make a sound the army! 他要让裘达这个莫金名字响遍全军! When the army is upward following the gentle slope, just when can see the Fang City city wall, a formidable heat wave front surface sweeps across, but has flash that Jodah almost thinks oneself returned to Extreme Southern Region, moreover midsummer noontime sand dune peak. 然而当部队顺着缓坡一路向上,刚刚能看到獠牙城的城墙时,一股令人生畏的热浪迎面席卷而来有那么一瞬间,裘达差点以为自己又回到了极南境,而且还是盛夏午时的沙丘顶端。 The boiling hot air roasts is burning skin, making his eyes be hard to open. 滚烫的空气烤灼着皮肤,让他连眼睛都难以睁开。 Where the following person also very to goes. 后面的人也好不到哪里去。 The entire team as if hit on an invisible wall, the rate of progression slowed down immediately, even flushed distressedly to run before the north person, the squatting lower part of the body under the slopeway, as if such did can avoid this suddenly scalding hot general. 整个队伍仿佛撞在了一道无形的墙上,前进速度顿时放缓下来,甚至一些冲得靠前的北国人又狼狈地跑了回去,在坡道下方蹲下身来,似乎那样做就能避开这突如其来的灼热一般。 Jodah was supporting dozens steps, even more thought that did not suit. 裘达强撑着走了数十步,越发觉得不对劲。 Climbs to the airborne fireball to extinguish, only remaining one still in the smoke group of proliferation, red mist that blotted out the sky arrived here flaw, probably was gnawed one by only the giant beast. The surrounding mist has not filled immediately, but has formed a blank of big arc. 升至空中的火球已经熄灭,只剩下一圈仍在扩散的烟团,原本铺天盖地的红雾到这里缺失了一块,就好像被只巨兽啃下来一口似的。周围的雾气并没有立刻填充过来,而是形成了一大片弧形的空白。 By opening wide city gate, he sees in the city the ground as if heat wave surges, the construction outline becomes the distortion is incomparable, especially was exploded the wooden house that shatters, the scattered about burned black column just like the evil clutches that from underground stretches out. But the enemy has already not flushed to stop them, has not run away he not to find any Devil trace startled in fact from the start. 透过敞开的城门,他看到城内地面仿佛热浪翻腾,建筑的轮廓都变得扭曲无比,特别是被爆炸冲垮的木制房屋,七零八落的焦黑立柱犹如从地下伸出的魔爪。而敌人既没有冲过来阻拦他们,也没有惊慌逃窜事实上他压根就没有找到任何魔鬼的踪影。 Meanwhile, Jodah feels the chest not to gasp for breath, the surroundings turn the heat flow that wells up to make him not dare to open mouth the inspiration, the body also look like in the resistance continue, every step heavy like mountain. 与此同时,裘达感到胸口喘不过气来,周围翻涌的热流让他根本不敢张嘴吸气,身体也像在抗拒继续前行,每一步都沉重如山。 Damn...... Were oneself so when frail? 该死的……自己什么时候这么脆弱了? The city wall in not far away, he thought obviously the whole body lost the strength, the field of vision also blurred. 明明城墙就在不远处,他却觉得浑身都失去了力气,视野也跟着模糊起来。 Jodah staggered two, falls down on the ground. 裘达踉跄了两下,扑倒在地上。 The face when the final scene that he sees, Fala drags to entrain him a face shuts out. 他所看到的最后景象,正是法菈拖拽他时一脸嫌弃的脸。 ...... …… The trend of this blocking action has surpassed the expectation of Iron Axe and Adviser Department completely. 这场阻击战的走向完全超出了铁斧参谋部的预想。 In the original plan, the most outer city area will change to a sea of fire regarding the combustion barrel that north Wolf Heart Kingdom Capital dispels, the roaring flame of flaming surges will not only swallow these flammable houses, but also inside and outside city red mist burning down completely. This will make Fang City temporarily isolated island, but these have not carried Devil of respiration apparatus definitely to fall into to be chaotic and scared. 在原定计划里,围绕着狼心王城北面排开的燃烧桶会将大半个外城区化作一片火海,熊熊翻腾的烈焰不仅将吞噬那些易燃的房屋,还会将城内外的红雾焚烧殆尽。这将使得獠牙城暂时成为一座“孤岛”,而那些没有携带呼吸装置的魔鬼必然会陷入混乱与恐慌。 Finally gives the final word, then while issuing ambush army of attack he, although the concrete quantity of not clear opposite party, but from the past information, how much Devil will act according to accounts for the population to mix the manpower. Fang City was dispersed the matter definitely to fall into the tout eye of enemy side, therefore red mist covers initial several days, will enter the enemies in city should not over 500 numbers. In other words, the population or the imposing manner, First Army will have the overwhelming superiority. 最后一锤定音的,则是趁乱发起袭击的伏击部队他虽然不清楚对方的具体数量,但从以往的情报来看,魔鬼会根据所占人口的多寡来调配人手。獠牙城被疏散一空之事必然会落入敌方的侦查者眼中,因此红雾覆盖的最初几天,入城的敌人应该不会超过500之数。换句话说,无论是人数还是气势,第一军都将占到绝对优势。 As for can annihilate many enemies finally, that is not the key point of this war, after all to avoid the detection of Dread Beast, the soldier can only hide in the secretly thought and ruins beforehand, all heavy weapon cannot apply. Only suppresses the enemy not to be difficult by the rifle and anti- Devil high explosive shell, wants to nip in behind chases down the match to be impracticable. 至于最后能歼灭多少敌人,那并不是此战的重点,毕竟为了避开恐兽的侦查,士兵只能事先隐藏在暗道和废墟中,所有重武器都派不上用场。单靠步枪和反魔鬼榴弹压制敌人不难,想一路咬在后面追杀对手却难以实现。 The main purpose of this war is to puncture the Devil attack arrogance. So long as makes them realize, retreats human to have the ability of counter-attack as before, can then slow down dispersal team pressure. 此战的主要目的是打击魔鬼的进攻气焰。只要让它们意识到,撤退中的人类依旧有着反击的能力,就能进而减缓疏散队伍身上的压力。 But the combat only carries on detonation stage then to stop suddenly. 但作战只进行到“起爆”阶段便戛然而止。 The firewall in tentative plan has not appeared, but turned into heaven-shaking to move the explosion of place, the roaring flame has swept away Kingdom Capital turned into place of banning, ambushed the army unable to bridge over including the city gate mouth, was compelled to draw back by the heat wave, and several people also appeared burnt with the faint symptom. Hence, the following attack possibly again has not carried obviously out. 设想中的火墙并没有出现,而是变成了惊天动地的爆炸,烈焰横扫过的王城变成了一片禁入之地,伏击部队连城门口都没能跨过,就被热浪逼退回来,并且好几个人还出现了灼伤与昏厥症状。至此,后续的进攻显然已没可能再执行下去。 Naturally, this does not mean that the blocking action failure, outside the city wall can feel the burning hot the air, in the city is any situation, he closes one's eyes to imagine. 当然,这并不意味着阻击战失败,城墙外都能感受到炙热的空气,城内是什么情况,他闭着眼都能想象出来。 Any proof had not indicated that Devil compared with human ability fever. 从来没有任何证明表明,魔鬼比人类能耐烧。 Makes Iron Axe think that what is only regrettable, he has no way to go to the battlefield to step onto personally, having a look at the state leader of this blocking action the temperature in city not to know when will fall, but here obviously was not the long-term place. 唯一让铁斧觉得遗憾的是,他没法亲自去战场走上一圈,看看这次阻击战的具体成果了城内的温度不知何时才会降下来,而此处显然不是久留之地。 Sir, all armies withdrew from Broken Tooth Castle, only remaining we.” Brian enters the temporary command headquarters, in the eye full is excited. Regarding has not experienced the new weapon test, but was witnessed this him in the actual combat directly, this war truly was sufficiently always remembers the life-long scene. “大人,所有部队都已退出断牙堡,只剩下我们了。”布莱恩走进临时指挥所,眼睛里满是兴奋。对于没有经历新武器测试,而是直接在实战中目睹了这一幕的他来说,此战确实是个足以铭记终生的场景。 Is very good, we also retreat.” Iron Axe nods, I estimated how long could not want, the enemy will note here, when their pursuit armies arrived, wants to walk again is not easy.” “很好,我们也撤退吧。”铁斧点点头,“我估计要不了多久,敌人就会注意到这里,等到它们的追击部队到达,再想走就没那么容易了。” ...... …… Such that the fact then such as he forecasts, only separates the time that a day was not, a Devil squad then rode Dread Beast to rush to Fang City, its leader Vault of Heaven Lord, Hykezord. 事实便如他预测的那样,仅隔了一天不到的时间,一支魔鬼小队便骑着恐兽赶到了獠牙城,其领头者正是天穹之主,海克佐德 Recommendation metropolis big God old uses/gives new book: 推荐都市大神老施新书:
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