RTW :: Volume #13

#1255: Greycastle „Yuan”

Under this provision, but also has supplemented a declaration type table. 在这则条款下方,还附带了一份申报样表。 Above besides the basic information that must fill in the merchant, as if must mark the cargo sale situation. Victor examines carefully several, in mind flashes through together the electric light suddenly. 上面除了要填写商人的基本信息外,似乎还得标明货物的售卖情况维克多仔细查看数遍,脑海中忽然闪过一道电光。 So that's it! His vision fast moves in fourth and fifth, gradually caught these two regular intention-- tax revenues! 原来如此!他的目光快速在第四和第五条上移动,逐渐捕捉到了这两条规则的用意——税收! Like most cities, Neverwinter City on has not avoided the business tax outwardly, but actual situation does not have the tax to give. Since he has paid taxes according to reality, but in the merchant, stole the tax evasion the phenomenon saying that is common, like him instead was different type. 和大多数城市一样,无冬城明面上没有免除商税,可实际的情况却并不是有税必缴。他一直以来都是按实缴税,但在商人之中,偷漏税的现象可以说再常见不过,像他这样的反而是异类 These buy the merchant also symbolic payment part of funds of fixed shop front, rents peddler that the shop or walks randomly basically not to pull out the slightest. Compares also to extort and eat with the patrol leader who the card wants, Neverwinter City stabilizes the loose environment regarding the small-scale merchant same zero tax revenue the Golden Harvest City, Eagle City and other trading city not any differences, even must better-- this condition, enabling new Kingdom Capital in a short time to develop the prosperous market. 那些买下固定店面的商人还象征性的缴纳一部分款项,租用店铺或游走的行商则基本是不掏分毫。相比过去还有敲诈勒索、吃拿卡要的巡逻队,无冬城稳定宽松的环境对于小商人而言同零税收的金穗城雄鹰城等贸易城市没有任何区别,甚至还要更好——正是这一条件,使得新王都在极短的时间内就发展出了繁盛的市场。 However looks like this aspect has not continued. 不过看来这个局面不会一直持续下去。 The declaration no doubt can remit the handling charge, but also one and presents own source of income, if the administrative hall deducts tax according to this, appoint everyone is speechless. 申报固然能免除手续费,但也得将自己的收入来源一并呈上,如果行政厅按此扣税的话,任谁都无话可说。 The method of then not having avoided? 那么就没有避免的方法了吗? Obviously has. So long as does not receive in exchange gold royal new currency, with obtained buys the Neverwinter City cargo directly, draws to other places again sells, can make up for this partial loss. 显然还是有的。只要不将新币换回金龙,直接用所得购入无冬城的货物,再拉到其他地方去卖,就能弥补这部分损失。 But this is also only makes up. 但这也只是弥补而已。 Victor is familiar with this situation, nobody can guarantee that the income and disbursement can be exactly equal, wish makes the business maintain, new currency will be generally more than old currency on some. They either go to the administrative hall to exchange gold royal, either saves, when will use next time. 维克多对这一情况再熟悉不过,没有人能保证收入和支出可以恰好相等,想要让生意维持下去,新币一般都会比旧币多上一些。它们要么去行政厅兑换成金龙,要么存起来等到下次使用。 When was separated steadily, then gradually will turn into such aspect: In many merchant hands will have the certain amount paper money, since it truly can buy the thing, carries is also convenient, among the merchants will carry sooner or later also on to exchange-- equally to exchange gold royal from the beginning, but purchases the cargo to behind with it directly also perhaps. 时间隔得长了,便会渐渐变成这样的局面:许多商人手中都会持有一定量的纸币,既然它确实能买到东西,携带又方便,商人之间早晚也会进行互换——一开始只是等价兑换金龙,但到后面直接拿它购买货物也说不定。 This also means that which choice regardless of the merchant makes, is favorable for Neverwinter! 这也意味着,无论商人做出哪种选择,都对无冬有利! However the key point is, wanted to achieve this point not to be difficult, gives dual attention to the feeling of merchant is very difficult. In the past passed feudal lord that killed to lift counts extremely, but these policy not substantive damages of Neverwinter benefit of peddler. 然而重点是,想要做到此点不难,兼顾到商人的感受就很难了。过去通杀的领主举不胜数,可无冬的这些政策并未实质损害到行商者的利益。 The registration reported that can provide tax revenue for the city, thus provides better trade environment, considered that the legal dealer often obtains giving favored treatment in policy, generally speaking will not owe. 注册申报能为城市提供税收,从而营造更好的贸易环境,考虑到合法经营者常得到政策上的优待,总体来说也不会太亏。 But has had the merchant of paper money unable to feel the too big difference with the past, they can still avoid the tax revenue, simultaneously spreads the paper money to a farther place in disguised form. So long as the Neverwinter City cargo is irreplaceable, new currency little will be in the gold royal position, even if not turn over to the region that King of Greycastle has jurisdiction over to be also same! 而一直持有纸币的商人则跟过去感受不到太大的差别,他们依然可以躲避税收,同时变相将纸币扩散到更远的地方。只要无冬城的货物无可取代,新币就会一点点占据金龙的位置,哪怕是不归灰堡之王管辖的地域也一样! Victor notes, in fact is final two, the new deal article was disclosing incessantly a gentle flavor, is influenced subtly is it most major characteristics. 维克多注意到,事实上不止是最后两条,新政通篇都透露着一种和缓的味道,默化潜移便是它最大的特点。 So long as without a doubt, King of Greycastle was controlling the grain transaction of territory on the 1st, new currency surely was valuable, factor that even if many policies promoted, may the main reason still be Neverwinter that general market. 毫无疑问,只要灰堡之王一日掌控着领地的粮食交易,新币就必定具有价值,即使不乏政策推动的因素,可最主要的原因仍是无冬那广大的市场。 The merchant of fleeing simply has not perhaps thought fear of meaning-- of these provisions because to the monetary reform to give up so having the potential market, can only say that is the action of superficiality. 出逃的商人恐怕根本没有深思熟虑过这些条款的含义——因为对货币改革的畏惧而放弃如此有潜力的市场,只能说是短视之举。 Dream of a fool that he thought before, now looks like unthinkable that has not actually expected, so long as controls appropriately, perhaps Roland Wimbledon Your Majesty also really can complete this matter. 他之前以为的痴人说梦,现在看来却并没有预想的那么匪夷所思,只要控制得当,罗兰.温布顿陛下说不定还真能把此事办成。 Ponders following this mentality, Victor could not bear hit to tremble. 顺着该思路细想下去,维克多忍不住打了个寒颤。 Substitutes for gold royal merely is only a start...... 取代金龙仅仅只是个开始…… Once all people accepted the new currency, Your Majesty quite in having infinite wealth, any commercial program in comparison, appears is nothing to speak. 一旦所有人都接受了新货币的话,陛下就相当于拥有了无限的财富,任何商业计划与之相比,都显得不值一提。 If the news passes to Kingdom of Dawn, only feared that these to be good at peddler, but proud big noble can startled fall down close to. 若是消息传到晨曦王国,只怕那些以擅长行商而自豪的大贵族都会惊掉下巴吧。 Now the only issue, is other people whether to imitate the Your Majesty's new currency. 如今唯一的问题,便是其他人能否仿制陛下的新货币了。 When two days later provides the salary the day, Victor first makes exquisite by 1.5 times of prices, sufficed one set of paper money from the resident hand. 等到两天后发放薪酬的日子,维克多第一时间让玲珑以1.5倍的价格,从居民手中够回了一套纸币。 Sees its first, the jewelry merchant suspected that then thoroughly vanishes without a trace. 看到它的第一眼,珠宝商人心里的怀疑便彻底消失得无影无踪。 These slips of paper...... Quite attractive.” Is holding appreciatively a brand-new paper money exquisite with dead keeness, continuously to praise to sigh. “这些纸片……好漂亮啊。”玲珑爱不释手地把玩着一张崭新的纸币,不住赞叹道。 Really,” Victor deeply has the same feeling. The new currency seems on the value not poor, differs enormously with paper money that” in his heart expects, with in the hand strokes gently soft and tough, obviously is not the effect that the common paper can achieve. “确实,”维克多深有同感。新货币看上去就价值不菲,和他心中预想的“纸币”相差极大,拿在手中摩挲时柔软而富有韧性,显然不是一般纸张能够达到的效果。 But what is most special is its above pattern and design. 而最特别的是它上面的花纹与图案。 The paper money altogether is divided into six types, face value from 1000 to ten, biggest being equal to gold royal, this point can also look from its golden trace. Remaining separately is 500, 100, 50, 20 and ten, Your Majesty Yuan has substituted for the original division with new unit unified. According to the difference of currency value, its color respectively is different from the design, for example 1000 Yuan upfront is printing King and Queen head picture, looks like lifelike. Under has the inscription of Greycastle royal family bank, although has only occupied very small place, the outline is very clear. 纸币一共分为六种,面值从1000到十不等,最大的等同于金龙,这一点也可以从它金色的纹路上看出来。剩下的分别是500、100、50、20和十,陛下统一用新单位“元”取代了原先的划分。根据面额的不同,其颜色和图案也各不一样,比如1000元正面印着的正是国王王后的头像,看上去显得栩栩如生。下方则标有灰堡王室银行的字样,虽然只占了很小一块地方,轮廓却十分清晰。 Has pulled closer looking, will then discover that handwriting or head picture, some innumerable tiny stripe splicing, these traces even are thinner than hair, among 22 does not have one to be contaminated or the trace of adhesion, the light is this point then sufficiently cuts off the thought that other people imitate. 拉近了瞧,便会发现无论是字迹还是头像,都是有无数细小的条纹拼接而成,那些纹路甚至比头发丝还细,22之间却没有一丝浸染或粘连的痕迹,光是这一点便足以断绝其他人仿制的念头。 Victor is sizing up other new currency in turn, what 500 Yuan are printing is witch Federation, 100 are the factory and worker, remaining is the Neverwinter City new thing, for example miracle building, train wait/etc....... But the back unification is the Greycastle coat of arms of high tower dual spears/pistols. He could not bear raise the corners of the mouth, obviously the design on new currency, and has considered after the careful design repeatedly, the light looked from the semblance, it already and common artware not different, even if did not have the value of currency, thinks that some fjord collectors are also willing to spend to collect them. 维克多依次打量着其他新币,500元印着的是女巫联合会,100是工厂和工人,剩下的都是无冬城的新玩意,比如奇迹大楼、火车等等……而背面统一是高塔双枪的灰堡纹章。他忍不住扬起了嘴角,显然新币上的图案都是经过精心设计、并反复考量过的,光从外表上看,它已和一般的艺术品无异,就算不具备货币的价值,想必一些峡湾收藏家也愿意花钱收藏它们。 This is a very intelligent procedure, the print so is really gorgeous the variegated paper money to increase the cost without doubt, but will also heighten the confidence of people in the subconscious. If only an ordinary slip of paper, said that it can substitute for gold royal, perhaps no one can believe easily, but changes into is an attractive thing, even if on effect good many-- they will not have the essential difference. 这着实是一种很聪明的做法,印制如此绚丽斑斓的纸币无疑会增加成本,但也会在潜意识里增强民众的信心。如果只是一张普普通通的纸片,说它能取代金龙,恐怕谁都不敢轻易相信,但换成是一件光鲜之物,效果则会好上很多——即使它们并没有本质区别。 Victor puts down the paper money, released a long breath. 维克多放下纸币,长出了一口气 How?” Asked exquisite curiously. “怎么了?”玲珑好奇地问道。 „The entire business circle must change.” He returns to say in a low voice. “整个商界要大变了。”他低声回道。
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