RTW :: Volume #13

#1218: Judgement Day (Last Part)

This fellow...... Unexpectedly will speak the logical expression! 这家伙……居然会说人话! When Earl was held by personal guard, only thought that on face dry and hot, facial color quite ugly-- the plan under front showed the power and prestige, to other noble standing erect confidence, has not thought that was actually frightened by a roar in the place, those who make the person unable to hang is, the opposite party only has one person merely. 伯爵亲卫扶起来时,只觉得脸上燥热,面色颇为难看——本打算在手下面前彰显威风,同时也是给其他贵族竖立信心,没想到却被一句吼声吓倒在地,更让人挂不住的是,对方仅仅只有一人而已。 Damn, I must kill this Bastard thing! 该死的,我要杀了这混账东西 Marvin raises the hand with clenched jaws, when issues the fire order, old Scholar pulled him suddenly, and made an effort to blink, the shape of the mouth put out two character-- " calmly " . 马维恩咬牙切齿地举起手,正待下达射击命令之际,老学士忽然挽住了他,并用力眨了眨眼,口型吐出两字——「冷静」。 Earl has gawked the moment, immediately responded. Since indeed, the opposite party will speak, has the possibility of exchange. If can exchange, then means transaction and consultation. Now the situation was still not clear, necessity that first has not begun. Oneself really came under the influence of Greycastle person, has regarded the enemy of being unable to co-exist the opposite party first impressions are most lasting. 伯爵愣了片刻,随即反应过来。的确,对方既然会说话,就有着交流的可能。若能交流,则意味着交易和协商。如今局势尚不明朗,实在没有抢先动手的必要。自己果然还是受到了灰堡人的影响,先入为主地将对方当成了势不两立的敌人。 Thinks carefully, no matter it is Devil, perhaps the single person comes itself then to represent one manner, like the ambassador of human. 仔细一想,不管它是不是魔鬼,独身一人前来或许本身便代表着一种态度,就像人类的大使一样。 Why otherwise it has not acted, but chose to horizontally view the place of city wall specially to stand motionless? 要不然它为何迟迟没有动作,而是特意选了个能平视城墙的地方站着不动? If opposite party eternal truth Greycastle said that cruel fierce and brutal, already should plunder to kill recklessly has been possible not to have the dangerous places crevice and city wall to-- peripheral village small town protects. 如果对方真如灰堡所说的那么残忍凶暴,早就应该肆意掠杀了才对——周边的村庄小镇可没有冰渊裂隙和城墙保护。 Marvin more wants more to think in principle, if homicide envoy, first with so-called Devil becomes enemies, to have been just right for intent of Greycastle person? 马维恩越想越觉得在理,万一他杀了使者,先跟所谓的“魔鬼”结仇,岂不是正合了灰堡人的意? However also vowed solemnly a moment ago wants the opposite party to kneel to obey itself, now actually must with the exchange of opposite party equality, this face Earl also really be for a while hard to lag behind. 不过刚才还信誓旦旦地要对方跪下来服从自己,现在却要和对方平等的交流,这个脸面伯爵一时还真难以拉下。 Was good saw his hesitation because of the senior scholar, stood one step to say on own initiative, „was really the impolite disciple! Since understands the criticism, should indicate the status and purpose in coming from the beginning! Fortunately feudal lord your excellency is benevolent, is willing an opportunity to make a fresh start-- you to come here to you, so-called what matter?” 好在老学者看出了他的犹豫,主动站出一步说道,“真是无礼之徒!既然懂得人言,就应该一开始表明身份和来意!所幸领主阁下仁慈,愿意给你一个机会重新开始——你来到这里,到底所谓何事?” Does well, Marvin said at heart secretly, worthily the steward who lures from Kingdom Capital, ten gold royal salaries have not given for nothing. 干得好,马维恩心里暗赞道,不愧是从王都挖来的管事,十枚金龙的薪酬没有白给。 Before then, I want to ask first your matter,” the Devil sound restored the normal size, you on human with Fertile Plain...... Is what relates?” “在此之前,我想先问你们一件事情,”魔鬼的声音恢复了正常大小,“你们跟沃土平原上的人类……是什么关系?” Fertile Plain? Where is that? One group of people you have a look at me and I to have a look at you, the bewilderment of whole face. 沃土平原?那是哪里?一群人你看看我、我看看你,满脸的莫名其妙。 However this words also let Marvin confident-- this monster are really envoy. 不过此话也让马维恩有了底——这怪物果然是个使者 I do not know Fertile Plain that you said which place refers,” senior scholar opens the mouth to say once more, is just like with land, north north is called, to be called is the same. In addition in a kingdom so, let alone your my two clans. Only then brings the map, I can give you accurate answer.” “我不知道你说的沃土平原是指哪个地方,”老学者再次开口道,“就好比同一块土地,北人称南、南人称北一样。一个王国里都尚且如此,更何况你我两族。只有拿来地图,我才能给你一个准确的回答。” No, that is the name that your human gives, I continued to use.” The opposite party shook the head slightly, originally is such a matter...... You unexpectedly still several hundred years ago is the same, divides the city to stand, just like in a state of disunity, therefore responded that so will be slow. I was also anticipating in vain your helplessness, panic-stricken extremely, was shouting loudly this impossible, while actually to " destiny " the arrival was helpless.” “不,那是你们人类起的名字,我只是沿用了而已。”对方微微摇了摇头,“原来是这么回事……你们竟然仍和数百年前一样,分城而立,犹如一盘散沙,所以反应才会如此迟钝。枉我还期待着你们的手足无措、惊恐万分,一边高喊着这不可能,一边却对「命运」的到来无能为力。” Is this saying What does it mean? Word usage with acting in a play same...... Earl frowned, that instantaneous, he as if caught a disappointment from opposite party that strange face. 这话是什么意思?用词就跟演戏一样……伯爵不禁皱起了眉头,有那么瞬间,他似乎从对方那张古怪的面孔上捕捉到了一丝失望。 Is it possible...... What you refer to is the Greycastle person?” Chief Knight asked suddenly. 难不成……你指的是灰堡人?”首席骑士突然问道。 Yeah?” Devil looks to him. ?”魔鬼望向他。 They have been saying, when Red Moon arrives, Devil will appear from the hell. Now they also indeed frighten flee to the wilderness, early ran does not have the shade.” Knight disdains saying that naturally, perhaps if your foot journey Goukuai, goes to the east harbor also to be able, see above one side them.” “他们一直在说,红月降临之际,魔鬼就会从地狱中出现。现在他们也的确吓得落荒而逃,老早就跑得没影了。”骑士不屑道,“当然,若是你脚程够快的话,去东边的海港或许还能见上他们一面。” Right?” It looked at east the eye, moves back the line of sight, I will go, but is not now. Since you know nothing about Fertile Plain, then I made a long story short.” “是吗?”它望了眼东方,又移回视线,“我会去的,但不是现在。既然你们对沃土平原一无所知,那么我就长话短说了。” I am Vault of Heaven Lord, the command of Western Front Army. A lot of years ago, your my two clans once signed the asylum contract, resists witch and their squire together. You present my clan are the Lord, under and other direction battles in me, the feedback that obtains is to govern the authority and wealth of human territory. This contract does not have the time ended, will not arrive to perish will not finish--, but you as inheritance of human, should continue for my clan potency.” The Devil sound once more becomes loud and clear incomparable, as if entire city can hear its sound to be ordinary, now, I request you to offer this city following the contract, and devotes life to for me immediately!” “我是天穹之主,西线军的统帅。在千百年之前,你我两族曾签下庇护契约,共同对抗女巫和她们的扈从。你们奉我族为主,在我等的指挥下作战,所得到的回馈则是掌管人类领地的权力和财富。这份契约没有终止时间,不到灭亡不会结束——而你们作为人类的传承者,理应继续为我族效力。”魔鬼的声音再次变得洪亮无比,仿佛整个城市都能听到它的声音一般,“现在,我要求你们遵照契约献上此城,并立刻为我效命!” This fellow feared that was not insane...... Marvin Earl hears dumbfoundedly, making of any millennium, 1-2 years of contract can deny, a lot of years ago matters who manages you. The Western Front Army command, which feudal lord has not sent envoy to talk first, the alone person goes to under his city to spout rhetoric, talks nonsense must have a limit! 这家伙怕不是疯了……马维恩伯爵听得目瞪口呆,什么千年之约,一两年的契约都能抵赖,千百年前的事谁管你啊。还西线军统帅,哪个领主不是先派使者交谈的,孤零零一人跑到他的城下大放厥词,胡扯也要有个限度吧! If I don't comply?” This opinion is extremely impolite, his some are not really able to endure. “如果我不答应呢?”这番言论太过无礼,他实在有些无法忍受了。 Death can make you submit.” Said that is Vault of Heaven Lord Devil raised head, looks, that is the destiny.” “死亡会令你们屈服的。”自称为天穹之主魔鬼抬起头,“看,那就是命运。” Earl raised head, sees only the hills of distant place not to know when inundated mist. On Impassable Mountain Range the haze is not rare, but this fog actually looks like the blood to be common, is red makes one feel timid. He does not know that under that is Red Moon shines upon the misconception, the fog is in itself having the color. 伯爵抬起头,只见远处的群山不知何时漫起了一层薄雾。绝境山脉上起雾并不少见,但这雾却像鲜血一般,红得令人发怵。他不知道那到底是红月映照下的错觉,还是雾本身就带着颜色。 Another strange place lies, crosses the cliff red mist not to float in the midair, but drips slowly from the mountain peaks, has formed one dimly waterfall. 另一个诡异之处在于,越过峭壁的红雾并没有漂浮在半空中,而是从山峰之间缓缓淌下,形成了一道朦胧的“瀑布”。 Before it, had not acted, to wait for this opportunity? 难道它之前一直没动作,就是为了等待这个时机? Marvin felt indistinctly some restless, looks subordinate who a face tight, was talking in whispers, he knows that did not begin, the will of the people are not steady. 马维恩隐约感到了些许不安,望着一脸紧张、窃窃私语的手下,他知道再不动手,人心就不稳了。 Depends on your one?” Earl clenches teeth, lifts hand to wield fiercely, I have given you opportunity, puts the arrow!” “就凭你一个?”伯爵咬咬牙,猛地抬手一挥,“我已经给过你机会了,放箭!” Knight and guard were startled have counted breaths suddenly recover, depressed the trigger and crow bar in abundance, the crossbow bolt that more than ten sizes varied buzz soared, went to-- toward the Devil straightly shoots 骑士和卫兵怔了数息才猛然回过神来,纷纷压下扳机和撬棍,十余支大小不一的弩箭嗡的一声腾空而起,朝着魔鬼直射而去—— But all arrow failed. 但所有箭支都落了个空。 The people almost cannot believe that at present has, sees only it across a black cavity, vanishes above stone pillar baseless. 众人几乎不敢相信眼前发生的这一幕,只见它穿过一个黑色的空洞,凭空消失在石柱之上。 Damn, that is the magic power effect,” Chief Knight whispered, they and witch anything has not distinguished!” “该死,那是魔力的效果,”首席骑士沉声道,“它们和女巫没什么区别!” Do not fear, we wear God Punishment Stone, magic power cannot injure our slightest!” Marvin gets hold of hanging of chest to fall, found it, then massacres it!” “不要怕,我们都戴着神罚之石,魔力伤不了我们分毫!”马维恩握紧胸口的吊坠,“找到它,然后杀掉它!” Demon and Devil there!” A guard shouts greatly. “魔、魔鬼在那儿!”一名侍卫大喊道。 The short flash, it crossed the dangerous places and movie screen of city wall constitution, is quietly appears in the long street after wall. 短短一瞬之间,它已越过了冰渊和城墙构成的障壁,悄无声息地出现在墙后的长街中。 Actually can one step cross the natural defenses, Earl has sounded the alarm at heart immediately, so dangerous monster, whether or not envoy, it must die the-- after all opposite party to have a person here. Prepares the arrow of God stone, it, when witch copes! Massacres its person, enjoys gold royal hundred!” 竟然能够一步越过天险,伯爵心里顿时敲响了警钟,如此危险的怪物,不管是不是使者,它都得死在这里——毕竟对方只有一个人而已。“准备神石之箭,把它当女巫来对付!杀掉它的人,赏金龙百枚!” In Knight and guard from well up in all directions to it, Devil has held up both arms-- slowly 就在骑士和卫兵从四面八方向它涌去时,魔鬼缓缓举起了双臂—— moments later, together fully dozens zhang (3.33 m) wide behind-the-scenes plotting behind splits from it presently, interrupts the street and both sides house around the middle, at first sight came up suddenly to be as if many not to have the wall of thickness on the street on. 下一刻,一道足有数十丈宽的“黑幕”从它身后绽现,将街道和两旁的房屋拦腰截断,乍看上去就仿佛街上突然多了一道没有厚度的墙。 Does it actually want to do? Some Earl doubts, like the attack is not the defense, is it possible that it planned that hides itself with this ability? 它到底想干什么?伯爵不禁有些疑惑,既不像攻击也不是防御,莫非它打算用这能力隐藏住自己吗? However was quick he then to get answer. 不过很快他便得到了答案。 Thick thick red mist spouts from the behind-the-scenes plotting, just like stream bank of burst! Monster of one crowd of unprecedented howled is running out of the behind-the-scenes plotting, Knight that with encircling hit not to have any influence in same place-- God stone ruthlessly, the Knight mouth spits the blood to be hit to fly far away, the chest hollow under bulk, could not live shortly. 浓稠的红雾从黑幕中喷出,宛如决口的河堤!紧接着一群前所未见的怪物吼叫着冲出黑幕,同围上来的骑士狠狠撞在一起——神石并没有造成任何影响,骑士口吐鲜血被撞飞出去老远,胸口凹陷下大块,眼看是活不成了。 But this did not finish by far, but is the start of nightmare. 但这远远不是结束,而是噩梦的开始。 In the behind-the-scenes plotting has the monster to appear unceasingly, will seem will never stop general, they will lower the head to salute to Vault of Heaven Lord first, afterward joining to this will slaughter, a strength, this crowd of monsters above the average man, quick then rushed to the top by the overwhelming strength. The tangled warfare turned into the slaughter, the guard who the will collapsed is ripped the fragment by them, the blood and stump residual limb sprinkled everywhere are. 黑幕中不断有怪物出现,好似永远不会中止一般,它们先向天穹之主低头行礼,随后加入到这场厮杀中,无论是个头还是力量,这群怪物都远在常人之上,很快便以压倒性的实力冲上了城头。混战变成了屠杀,意志崩溃的卫兵一个个被它们撕成碎片,鲜血和残肢洒得到处都是。 Less than half quarter, in the city full is painful wailing and praying for rescue sound. Also living the person cannot choose the exact way because of flurry flees from calamity to the city, is actually not able to bridge over deeply does not see the bottom the dangerous places. 半刻钟不到,城市中已满是痛苦哀嚎与求救声。还活着的人慌不择路地向城外逃难,却无法跨过深不见底的冰渊。 Marvin only feels the both legs to become tender, sways two to sit falls down, but this time also nobody held him again. 马维恩只感到双腿发软,摇晃两下坐倒在地上,不过这一次再也没人来扶他了。 personal guard had been killed front enemy to tear in half. 亲卫已经被杀到面前的敌人撕成了两半。 His proud Brightsnow Castle, the territory that inherits from grandfather's grandfather there, merely one puts in an appearance then announces the downcast. 他引以为豪的雪映堡、从祖父的祖父那里继承下来的领地,仅仅一个照面便宣告陷落。 Floods smell of blood red mist to blot out the sky, turned into a living hell this place. 充斥着血腥味的红雾铺天盖地,将此地变成了一座活生生的地狱。 By the mist, Red Moon of space appears is even more fierce and fearsome. 透过雾气,天上的红月显得越发狰狞和可怖。 Originally this is the Judgement Day scene, Earl finally thinks. 原来这就是末日的景象,伯爵最后想。 …… …… The War of Judgement Day volume ends 末日之战卷完
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