RTW :: Volume #13

#1217: Judgement Day (First Part)

Kingdom of Eternal Winter, Brightsnow Castle. 永冬王国,雪映堡 Sir and Sir Earl...... The Greycastle army, retreated!” When personal guard breaks in the castle hall in high spirits, announced when news that obtains most newly, all noble vision centralized on his body. “大人、伯爵大人……灰堡军队,撤退了!”当一名亲卫兴冲冲地冲入城堡大厅,宣布最新得到的消息时,所有贵族都将目光集中在了他的身上。 You fixable?” Marvin Earl pats the seat arm rest, stands up fiercely. “你可确定?”马维恩伯爵一拍座椅扶手,猛地站起身来。 Absolutely true, more than one scout said, personal guard nods to say hastily, some people see with one's own eyes their camp one night change spatial, but also has discarded many grain rations!” “千真万确,不止一个探子是这么说,”亲卫连忙点头道,“有人亲眼看到他们的营地一夜变空,还丢弃了不少口粮!” This group of people finally...... Gets the hell out!” Earl fall about, mood also suddenly for a it loosen. One month ago the Greycastle person suddenly appears in the Eternal Winter coastal city in all directions, and to the speed expand extremely quickly. They do not compromise, does not accept the surrender, does not receive the high quality goods, almost sweeps away everywhere one visit population, this plague barbaric act also wants the fearful-- at least latter to communicate compared with Church simply. “这帮人终于……滚蛋啦!”伯爵忍不住大笑起来,心情也陡然为之一松。一个月前灰堡人突然出现在永冬的四处海港城市,并以极快地速度扩张开来。他们毫不妥协,既不接受投降,也不收受贡品,几乎将所到之处的人口一扫而空,这种瘟疫般的野蛮行径简直比教会还要可怕——至少后者能够沟通。 But the reason of Greycastle person was also quite absurd, said that any Red Moon will bring disaster hardship, must leave before then as soon as possible. Joke! This lands are grandfather's grandfather leave his inheritance, anybody cannot win it easily, Church is so, Greycastle is also so! 灰堡人的理由也极为荒谬,说什么红月将带来灾厄,必须在此之前尽快离开。笑话!这片土地是祖父的祖父留给他的遗产,没有任何人能轻易夺走它,教会是如此,灰堡亦是如此! Sir intelligent apprehension,” senile Scholar thinks highly saying that so-called full moon lacks the moon/month and dark moon/month Red Moon, is a celestial phenomenon, once in a while will appear according to the rule. They are willing to believe that this is the omen is their matter, so long as the Sir occupies this place to be motionless, they are at wit's end with you.” “大人明察,”一位老态龙钟的学士恭维道,“所谓的满月缺月、暗月红月,都不过是一种天象,隔段时间就会按规律出现。他们愿意相信这是不祥之兆是他们的事,大人只要占着此地不动,他们拿您就无计可施。” Right, the Brightsnow Castle surrounding precipice is you biggest qualification.” “没错,雪映堡周围的绝壁才是您最大的本钱。” Greycastle person , if willing to negotiate, we are not cannot yield.” 灰堡人要是愿意谈判,我们也不是不能让步。” Church also threatens from the beginning, finally doesn't seal you as a Bishop side?” 教会一开始也是气势汹汹,最后不还是封您为一方主教?” Other people echo to say. 其他人纷纷附和道。 The Marvin Earl confidence is even more calm, he looked at outside the eye piece to hang the airborne strange celestial phenomenon, already did not have the initial fear at heart, even has had sentiment of the appreciation. If not three days ago the mutation, the Greycastle person will push the frontal line over one month to the Kingdom of Eternal Winter median line area, Brightsnow Castle also inevitable was affected. 马维恩伯爵的信心越发沉稳起来,他望了眼窗外高悬空中的诡异天象,心里早已没了最初的害怕,甚至生出了一丝欣赏之情。如果不是三天前的这场异变,灰堡人再过一个多月就会将锋线推至永冬王国中线一带,雪映堡也会不可避免的受到影响。 Although hears that group of barbarian little active threat noble city, so long as does not interfere their motions, they do not pay attention, may plunder the population to be equal to violating the noble property wantonly, where has the truth of letting matters drift. 虽然听说那帮野蛮人很少主动攻击贵族的城市,只要不干涉他们的行动,他们就不予理会,可大肆掠夺人口本就等于侵害了贵族的财产,哪有听之任之的道理。 If the opposite party peripheral sweeps across really the city, when to Months of Demons can meet with a disaster? 如果对方真把城市周边席卷一空,到了邪月时岂不是要遭殃? Truly like such that vassal said that this city itself was he biggest qualification-- it situated in Kingdom Capital north, was situated in a precipice. All around undercuts deeply, has formed naturally land isolated island, the crevice widest place amounts to several miles, but the narrowest place also ten zhang (3.33 m), can only pass through by the rope bridge. But the crevice central area is also enormous, sufficiently placement next several cities. 确实就像封臣们所说的那样,这座城市本身便是他最大的本钱——它位于王都北方向,坐落在一处绝壁之中。四周下陷极深,形成了天然的“陆上孤岛”,裂隙最宽处多达数里,而最窄处也有十来丈,只能靠绳桥通行。而裂隙中央的面积又极大,足以安置下数座城池。 The ancestors settle on this place easily guarded, hard to attack, constructs the feudal lord castle in isolated island above. The fact had also proven this point-- Brightsnow Castle after completion had never been captured, although Hermes Church has in a short time swept away entire Eternal Winter, when attempts to attack Brightsnow Castle only continuously suffers setbacks, then sends out envoy to negotiate with him, claimed, so long as gives loyalty to Church to continue to wield this place. It looks like in Earl, this is the procedure of normal person. 先祖正是看中此地的易守难攻,才将领主城堡建在“孤岛”之上。事实也证明了这一点——雪映堡自建成后从未被攻陷过,赫尔梅斯教会虽在极短的时间内横扫了整个永冬,唯独尝试进攻雪映堡时缕缕受挫,转而派出使者与他谈判,声称只要效忠教会就可继续执掌此地。在伯爵看来,这才是正常人的做法。 He relies on this point, remains silent, is thinking wants a good price from the opposite party hand. 他正是凭借这一点,才一直保持沉默,想着从对方手上要个好价钱。 But the condition of Wimbledon propaganda is unacceptable. 温布顿宣传的条件根本让人无法接受。 Marvin Earl was not worried but actually the Devil in Greycastle person and their mouth storms into here, any ratio ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) cliff has not defended reliably. But the city needs the supplies of peripheral cities similarly, even if under Brightsnow Castle underground is piles up with the commodity everywhere the warehouse, can support for day that the enemy gives up, but once the population was all taken prisoner, natural resource that consumed again had no way to restore. 马维恩伯爵倒不担心灰堡人和他们口中的魔鬼攻入这里,没有什么比万丈峭壁更可靠的防御了。但城市同样需要周边城镇的补给,就算雪映堡地底下到处是堆满物资的仓库,能撑到敌人放弃的一天,可一旦人口全被掳走了,耗费掉的资源就再也没法恢复了。 Fortunately, they were scared by Red Moon. 幸运的是,他们被红月吓破了胆。 Mr. Sack, how then should I do?” Marvin looks to the senior scholar. “萨克先生,接下来我该怎么做?”马维恩望向老学者。 Hehe, on own initiative attacks certainly.” The latter traces the long beard to say. “呵呵呵,当然是主动出击。”后者摸了摸长胡子道。 Earl complexion immediately one stiff, defends Brightsnow Castle and sends out to look for the trouble of opposite party is two matters, if no this natural defenses, does not dare to contend with King of Greycastle taking advantage of his ten courage. 伯爵脸色顿时一僵,防守雪映堡和出动去找对方的麻烦是两回事,若没有这道天险,借他十个胆子也不敢和灰堡之王抗衡。 Do not be afraid, I said is not the Greycastle person, but is these territory-- is thought to look by they have grabbed, scout reported to mention, the enemy were many and scattered, a squad only had hundred people of high and low merely, what such selected the person to carry off?” “别害怕,我说的不是灰堡人,而是那些被他们劫掠过的领地——想想看,探子的报告里提到,敌人多而分散,一个小队仅仅只有百人上下,这么点人能带走什么?” The eye of Marvin has shone, your meaning is......” 马维恩的眼睛亮了起来,“你的意思是……” The senior scholar nods with a smile, „under the person who is taken prisoner will certainly leave behind many things, we searched for the past following the route of Greycastle person along the way, should also be able to pick to leak.” 老学者笑着点点头,“被掳走的人一定会遗留下不少东西,我们循着灰堡人的路线沿途搜过去,应该还能捡个漏。” For example transports extremely not the convenient grain...... 比方说搬运起来极不方便的粮食…… Marvin more is more excited, he draws on oneself Chief Knight, when is preparing to issue the order, another personal guard has crashed in the hall suddenly, big, Sir...... The city external, came Devil......” 马维恩越想越兴奋,他招来自己的首席骑士,正准备下达命令之时,又一名亲卫突然冲进了大厅,“大、大人……城外来、来了一只魔鬼……” What Devil?” Earl stares disgruntledly to him, linked you also to believe that nonsense of Greycastle person?” “什么魔鬼?”伯爵不悦地瞪向他,“连你也信了灰堡人的那番鬼话?” „, Forgives...... Sir, but it......” the personal guard sound becomes rough saying that „, but it truly is not human!” “恕、恕罪……大人,但是它……”亲卫声音发涩道,“但是它确实不是人类啊!” It is not...... Human? 不是……人类? All people cannot help but look at each other in blank dismay. 所有人不由得面面相觑。 Marvin same plop jumps at heart, but as feudal lord, he must display calmly is very good. 马维恩心里同样扑通一跳,但作为领主,他必须要表现得无比镇定才行。 Such being the case, leading me to go to under experience,” Earl depressed restless, putting on a serious face desirably, I want to take a look but actually, in hell was actually occupied by the fellow is any appearance.” “既然如此,带我去见识下好了,”伯爵压下不安,刻意的板起脸来,“我倒想看看,居住在地狱里的家伙究竟是个什么模样。” ...... …… be that as it may, when he steps onto the city wall, has changed the quality best armor, as well as biggest God Punishment Stone. Ten personal guard are accompanied by a retinue, the heavy/thick vertical shield has built one around him shield wall. 话虽如此,等他走上城墙时,已经换上质量最好的盔甲,以及个头最大的神罚之石。十来名亲卫前呼后拥,厚重的立盾在他周围架起了一道“盾墙”。 However when sees that moment of opposite party, Marvin Earl relaxed, under this reaches behind the back not to misread finally, so-called Devil indeed only has one person. 不过当看到对方的那一刻,马维恩伯爵不禁松了口气,这回手下总算没有看错,所谓的“魔鬼”的确只有一人。 The position that it stands is not the crevice narrowest place, is not the weak point of city wall, but is built on together in the bulge rock pillar simply, probably is highly higher than the wall hair, again proceeds, then deeply not to see the bottom the dangerous places. Patrol Knight has directed squire to put up the crossbow bed, finishes attending the string the crossbow bolt to point to the goal. 它站立的位置既不是裂隙最窄处,也不是城墙的薄弱点,而是简简单单立于一块凸起的岩柱上,高度大概比墙头稍高一些,再往前一点,便是深不见底的冰渊。巡逻的骑士已经指挥扈从架好了弩床,上完弦的弩箭直指向目标。 After sizing up the moment carefully, Marvin discovered that the opposite party truly likely is not human, although it also has the both hands both feet, the figure is bigger than the average person, simultaneously the skin is deep azure, but can also see the meridians and blood vessels of sticking out. But most significant difference, is long is wriggling in tentacles-- these earthworm common disgusting thing that its cheeks, lower jaw and elbow place length varies slowly, looks that called in the will of the people scared. 仔细打量片刻后,马维恩发现对方确实不像是人类,尽管它也有双手双脚,身形却比一般人高大许多,同时皮肤为湛青色,还能看到一条条隆起的经络与血管。而最明显的差异,则是长在它脸颊、下颚及手肘处长短不一的触须——那些蚯蚓一般的恶心玩意缓缓蠕动着,看着直叫人心里发毛。 What made his puzzled was, Devil was shutting both eyes at this moment, looked like has fallen asleep, could not feel the threat completely the aura. 令他不解的是,魔鬼此刻正闭着双眼,就像是睡着了似的,完全感受不到威胁的气息。 Did this monster bring by Red Moon really? No...... That is only the Greycastle person is used to threaten the view of ignorant villagers, Earl thought that no matter its background how, and Judgement Day in hearsay hangs does not swallow the bait, so long as on the contrary he orders hand/subordinate to draw the crow bar, this fellow will be shot to pass the heart to be cool by the crossbow bolt. 这怪物真的是被红月引来的?不……那只是灰堡人用来恐吓无知村民的说法,伯爵心想,不管它的来路如何,都和传闻中的末日挂不上钩,相反他只要命令手下拉动撬杆,这家伙就会被弩箭射个透心凉。 Thinks of here, Marvin took a deep breath, shouted loudly, listened, ugly and dirty monster! I am Brightsnow Castle feudal lord, Marvin. Caso! You have encroached upon my territory, to live, kneels down to submit to me is your only choice, otherwise this under foot the deep pool of cold ice, is your burial ground!” 想到这里,马维恩深吸口气,大声喝道,“听好了,丑陋而又肮脏的怪物!我是雪映堡领主,马维恩.卡索!你侵犯了我的领地,若想活下来,跪下臣服于我是你唯一的选择,否则这脚下的寒冰之渊,便是你的葬身之地!” He does not think that the opposite party can understand the words that oneself spoke, the statement of this righteousness words is to warn Devil, rather shows brave and dauntlessness of feudal lord to the subordinate in city wall. 他并不认为对方听得懂自己所说的话,这番义正言辞的陈词与其说是警告魔鬼,倒不如说是向城墙上的手下展现一位领主的勇敢与无畏。 Since the Greycastle person thinks that this is the hell devil, if he can run away in fear or kill one, definitely drastically will promote own prestige. 既然灰堡人认为这就是地狱恶魔,若他能吓跑或杀死一只,必然会大幅提升自己的声望。 I do not have the patience to wait for am too long, now gives you five breaths to make to choose-- finally five and four!” “我没有耐心等待太久,现在给你最后五息来做出选择——五、四!” Was saying, Marvin while has made the hand signal that prepares to fire at to Knight. 一边说着,马维恩一边向骑士做出了准备射击的手势。 Three......” “三……” Devil has opened the eye suddenly, loudly shouted-- to suffice!” 魔鬼突然睁开了眼,大喝一声——“够了!” Its sound is similar to thunderous has rolled sky over Brightsnow Castle generally, shakes the wall in abundance to fall along below ice corner, the summit of hills also reverberated its calling out. Suddenly, Marvin only thinks as if everything may become vulnerable, the ear buzzes. He is startled subconsciously retrocedes two steps, sat the ground. 它的声音如同雷鸣一般滚过雪映堡上空,震得墙沿下的冰棱纷纷坠下,群山之巅也回响起了它的暴喝。一时间,马维恩只觉得仿佛地动山摇,耳朵嗡嗡作响。他惊得下意识后退两步,一屁股坐到了地上。
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