RTW :: Volume #13

#1216: Chain-like changes

Sees this astonishing more than Neverwinter City people. 看到这惊人一幕的远不止无冬城民。 …… …… Early time, Margery is standing in the H.M.S. Snow Wind ship bow, when looks into ocean waves ten thousand miles sea end this is being the fleet crosses Sea Line the 66 th day, the mighty waves forever surges in they come the direction, the wave is sometimes high sometimes low, the Hidden Shadow sea area tide gap outside change frequency and thousand li (500 km) basically agrees, as if these sea water came from a place. 更早一些的时候,玛格丽正在站在雪风号舰艏,眺望着碧波万里的大海尽头这已是船队越过海线的第66天,波涛永远朝着他们来时的方向涌动,浪头时高时低,变化频率和千里之外的幽影海域潮汐间隔基本一致,仿佛这些海水都是来自一个地方。 If the whirlpool sea has the source, then certainly is in history the greatest discovery. 如果旋涡海真有源头,那么一定是有史以来最伟大的发现。 Made the female merchant confident, besides the ocean waves of direction direction, another point was H.M.S. Snow Wind. 令女商人充满信心的,除了指引方向的海浪外,另一点便是雪风号 It does not rely on body that the sail promotes to enable it to go through not to need to be worried in the strong winds rough seas to throw off, the huge carrying capacity can also for other ships supplement fresh water and food, first time arrives so is far away from the land the place, does not have a sea boat to fall behind, depends is the ship of steel this expenditure large sum of money builds. 它不依赖风帆推动的身躯使其可以在狂风大浪中穿行而不用担心被掀翻,庞大的载重还能为其他船只补充淡水和食物,头一次来到如此远离陆地的地方,却没有一艘海船掉队,靠的便是这艘花费重金打造的钢铁之船。 She has the reason to believe, Thunder this line will certainly not return empty-handed. 她有理由相信,雷霆此行一定不会空手而归。 What discovered?” Has broadcast familiar sound suddenly. “发现什么了吗?”身后忽然传来了熟悉的声音。 Margery has turned head with a smile, „, if has any thing, informs first your also certainly is the looking hand on mast, therefore you should ask that they are right.” 玛格丽笑着回过头去,“如果真有什么东西,最先通知你的也一定是桅杆上的望手,所以你应该去问他们才对。” Team leader of opposite party fleet, Thunder. 对方正是船队的领队者,雷霆 Not necessarily,” his frank say/way, „perhaps they already discovered that because actually shocked saying that turned into the mute or the cripple.” “未必,”他爽朗道,“他们也许早已发现,却因为过于震惊而说变成了哑巴或瘸子。” Tittered......” Margery to cover is quiet, bore laughing of destruction image. The opposite party said the scene of then when being passes through Sea Line has, when the sea level is similar to the wall plate that vertical raises presents when the fleet front, even if the experience rich sailors because this inconceivable is dumb as a wooden chicken. When surmounts officially, some people because of suddenly environment of inversion, but the both feet becomes tender and fall the watchtower. “噗嗤……”玛格丽掩住嘴,才忍住破坏形象的大笑。对方说的便是穿越海线时发生的情景当海平面如同一堵垂直升起的墙板呈现在船队面前时,哪怕是经验再丰富的水手都因为这不可思议的一幕而呆若木鸡。等到正式翻越时,更是有人因陡然颠倒的环境而双脚发软、摔下望楼。 Usually even if these experts in violent storm, can the cable and mast of tight post like the gecko on, this time actually loses footing to drop under uneventful situation, Sea Line takes to their shock fully obviously. 平时这些老手哪怕是在狂风暴雨中,也能像壁虎一样紧紧贴在缆绳和桅杆上,此次却在风平浪静的情况下失足跌落,足可见海线带给他们的震惊。 Thunder shrugs, as far as I know, later several chambers of commerce changed the vision best looking hand, change into the courage to be biggest. After all this matter said that really lost face.” 雷霆耸耸肩,“据我所知,之后几个商会都把视力最好的望手换下,换成了胆子最大的。毕竟这事说出去实在太丢脸了。” Such a matter......” Margery reluctantly shakes the head, „after experiences to so the marvelous sight, I think them, regardless of discovers anything again, not like before rude.” “还有这么回事吗……”玛格丽无奈地摇摇头,“不过见识到如此奇景之后,我想他们无论再发现什么,都不会像之前那样失态了吧。” Who knows.” Thunder has patted her shoulder calm, the sound suddenly several points, felt relieved that the fine jade will certainly be all right.” “谁知道呢。”雷霆拍了拍她的肩膀,声音忽然沉稳了几分,“放心吧,琼一定会没事的。” Margery also received the smiling face, made an effort to nod saying that Yeah, the sea was her world, I think that she will have a reunion with us in some place finally.” 玛格丽也收起了笑容,用力点头道,“,大海才是她的天下,我想她终会在某个地方与我们重逢。” Navigates in the limitless sea, the optimistic mentality is related to the thing of important, compared with meaningless worry, cheers up to continue to the goal sets out is the mature dealing method, Margery naturally is well aware. 在漫无边际的大海上航行,乐观的心态是事关重要之物,比起毫无意义的担忧,振作精神继续向目标进发才是成熟的应对方法,玛格丽自然对此心知肚明。 Was right, I look for you am because the navigation conference must start.” After two people silent moment, Thunder hints saying that other captains have arrived in full, we return to the cabin.” “对了,我来找你是因为航行会议就要开始了。”两人缄默片刻后,雷霆偏头示意道,“其他舰长都已到齐,我们回船舱吧。” Yeah, I knew.” ,我知道了。” The navigation conference is each captain in fleet gathers on the flagship, to following the route formulation, the ships condition and natural resource situation carries on the report and communication, generally every other 34 days will convene one time, are guarantee the fleet overall health the key tool. 航行会议是船队中的每位船长汇聚到旗舰上,对接下来的航线制定、船只状态、资源情况进行汇报和沟通,一般每隔34天就会召开一次,也是保证船队整体健康的关键手段。 They had just turned around not to walk several steps, then saw that in the deep blue sea level reflected to wipe the strange red suddenly. 两人刚转过身没走几步,便看到碧蓝的海面上突然倒映出了一抹诡异的红色。 The sailors on deck all are shocked, the eye looks to the same direction, saw likely any unthinkable thing is common. 甲板上的水手们也悉数愣住,眼睛望向同一个方向,像是看到了什么匪夷所思的事物一般。 But is farther place, several people fall from the mast tops of three mast sea boats, pounds to fall when the crowd of looking at dumbly all as if crosses the Sea Line scene to reappear, making Margery be surprised. 而更远一些的地方,有好几人从三桅海船的杆顶摔下,砸落在呆立的人群中一切就仿佛越过海线时的景象重现,令玛格丽感到惊讶不已。 Did not say...... This group of people changed into brave? 不是说……这帮人已经换成最胆大的了吗? The female merchant has turned head slowly, immediately felt the whole body blood solidified/coagulated. 女商人缓缓回过头去,顿时感到浑身的血液都凝固住了。 Saw only ten thousand miles non- cloud in the blue sky to present a giant heavenly body, its outline all over the body was perfectly round and bright red, wanted on big dozens times compared with Sun. But before counting breaths, there anything does not have obviously! 只见万里无云的碧空中出现了一个巨大的天体,它轮廓浑圆、通体鲜红,比太阳还要大上几十倍。而在数息之前,那里明明什么都没有! Three Gods...... Blesses,” she muttered, this was Your Majesty says...... Red Moon?” 三神……保佑,”她不禁喃喃道,“这就是陛下所说的……红月吗?” But Margery has not gotten any response, this scene is so strange and terrifying, the bonus is Thunder cannot speak. 玛格丽没有得到任何回应,这景象是如此诡异和恐怖,饶是雷霆也说不出话来。 wū wū 呜呜 At this moment, H.M.S. Snow Wind has sounded whistle. 就在这时,雪风号拉响了汽笛 Incisive buzz the whining noise broke the deathly stillness in scene, making all people recover fiercely. 尖锐的嗡鸣声打破了现场的死寂,令所有人猛地回过神来。 whistle shrill cry, means that has the enemy to approach! 汽笛长鸣,意味着有敌人逼近! They look at each other one, runs as if by prior agreement toward the bridge. 两人对视一眼,不约而同地朝舰桥跑去。 Exactly what happened!” Runs into the command post, Thunder shouts loudly. “到底发生了什么事!”冲进指挥室,雷霆大声喝道。 Has...... Has...... The ship,” first mate stutters saying that southeastern direction...... Is driving to us......” “有……有……船,”大副结结巴巴道,“东南方向……正在向我们驶来……” What did you say?” Thunder has seized the looking mirror in his hand, aims position that the first mate said. “你说什么?”雷霆一把夺过他手中的望镜,对准大副所说的方位。 The heart of Margery also one sinks, they have been distanced now several thousand miles with the Hidden Shadow sea area, let alone people, the bird was rare, to meet how possibly the sea boat? 玛格丽的心也随之一沉,他们如今已和幽影海域相距数千里,别说人了,就连鸟儿都罕见,怎么可能会遇上海船? Must know that here is human has never stepped in the new sea area! 要知道这里是人类从未涉足过的新海域啊! She asked that another adjutant wants to look at the mirror, looks following the Thunder vision 她问另一名副官要过望镜,循着雷霆的目光望去 My God......” “我的天哪……” The female merchant has held breath a cold air, sees only in the sea level of distant place truly to flutter two groups of shadows, they do not have the sail similarly, actually at riding line. However this is also not most frightened, shadow surrounding sea water just like falling into boiling, is the school of fish that is hard to count is following them to go forward likely general. 女商人倒吸了口凉气,只见远处的海面上确实飘着两团阴影,它们同样没有风帆,却在乘波而行。不过这还不是最惊悚的,阴影周围的海水宛若陷入了沸腾,像是难以计数的鱼群在伴随它们前进一般。 However she then discovered quickly, the thing that these surge is not the school of fish, but is the thing that the marine merchant and explorer most do not want to see. 不过她很快便发现,那些涌动的东西并不是鱼群,而是海上商人和探险家最不想见到的东西。 sea ghost. 海鬼 Their back fish fins appear and disappear from time to time, occasionally also will leap the water surface, the spray that leaps reflects the difference when Red Moon the gloss, this made Margery remember the shark to fight for food scene. 它们背后的鱼鳍时隐时现,偶尔也会跃出水面,腾起的浪花在红月下折射出异样的光泽,这令玛格丽不禁想起了鲨鱼争抢食物时的场景。 Passes on my instruction, making all ships full rudders change!” Thunder loudly exclaimed, pulled up sail, full speed advance! Other people get ready for action!” “传我指令,让所有船只满舵转向!”雷霆大吼道,“拉起风帆,全速前进!其余人做好战斗准备!” Yes!” “是!” We had to trouble......” the tuna number captain to swallow a saliva. “我们有麻烦了……”金枪鱼号的船长咽了口唾沫。 Wish the sea god to bless,” other captains prayed. “愿海神保佑,”其余船长纷纷祈祷道。 Any fjord person knows, only if the underloading quick boat, or the full wind is afloat, usually the sea boat runs sea ghost. This means the opposite party, if comes to them, was overtaken is sooner or later matter. 任何一名峡湾人都知道,除非是轻载快舟,或是满风顺流,通常来说海船是跑不过海鬼的。这意味着对方若是冲他们而来,被追上是迟早的事。 But situation obviously to more awful side worsening. 情况显然正在向更糟糕的一面恶化。 Along with pulling closer of distance, Margery sees clearly two groups of shadow true appearances finally their half like the ship, half by the flesh stack, rip the external skin likely, only the monster of remaining internal organs and skeleton, often only then in the most fearful nightmare, will present so creation. When wraps the upper half rib to open, they start to fleet blowout bunch of dark green objects, this distance has more than ten miles remote fully! 随着距离的拉近,玛格丽终于看清两团阴影真正的模样它们一半像船,一半由血肉堆积而成,像是剥去表皮,只剩下内脏与骨架的怪物,往往只有在最可怕的噩梦里,才会出现如此这样的造物。当包裹上半部分的肋骨张开,它们开始向船队喷出一团团墨绿色的物体,这个距离足有十余里之遥! The object falls into water column that the sea arouses to make all people fearful and apprehensive, although did not have a sea boat to be hit, but everyone is willing to try without doubt that is any thing. 物体落入大海所激起的水柱令所有人都心惊胆战,虽然还没有一艘海船被击中,但无疑谁也愿意去尝试一下那到底是什么东西。 The Thunder surface sinks to the water, has issued the second instruction, gets rid of all food and exploration commodities, only retains half fresh water...... No, 30% also good! Makes the fleet speed raise as soon as possible!” 雷霆面沉入水,下达了第二道指令,“抛弃所有食物和探险物资,只保留一半淡水……不,三成也行!尽快让船队速度提起来!” Margery has gawked staring, as the matter stands, we had no way to go forward to a deeper sea area again.” 玛格丽愣了愣,“这样一来,我们就没法再向更深的海域前进了。” Moreover only remains such selects fresh water, perhaps only the return trip also......” first mate looks reluctant to say. “而且只留这么点淡水,单是回程恐怕也……”大副面有难色道。 Eats can fish from, can wait to rain, Thunder take a deep breath that drinks, if, but runs does not win water ghost and that damn monster, will bet an opportunity not to have the exploration to finish, the present goal only has one...... That goes on living!” “吃的可以从海里钓,喝的可以等待下雨,”雷霆深吸了口气,“但要是跑不赢水鬼和那该死的怪物,连赌一把的机会都不会有探险已经结束了,现在的目的只有一个……那就是活下去!”
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