RTW :: Volume #13

#1215: Legend present world

The discovery that straw of Farina accident/surprise also. 法琳娜意外的发现那根稻草还在。 …… …… Although it only has several chi (0.33 m) distance to oneself, but has not pressed throughout. 尽管它离自己只有数尺距离,但始终没有压下来。 magic movie story background and in Taqila ancient witch mouth history is almost the same, but overall has not denied Church, when saw when the dramatis personae to strive to turn the tide, the enemy of resistance hell does not hesitate to carry on the back so the heavy burden, she even felt that within the body surged already has not felt for a long time the heat flow. 魔影的故事背景和塔其拉女巫口中的“历史”相差无几,不过却并没有将教会全盘否定,当看到剧中人为了力挽狂澜、对抗地狱之敌而不惜背上如此重担时,她甚至感到体内涌起了一股已许久未曾感受过的热流。 When magic movie Hermes most mortal high level plots a rebellion suddenly, she has closely pressed firmly between the fingers the fist, wishes one could to punch to fall them to the ground one by one. 以至于魔影赫尔梅斯大半个凡人高层突然谋反之际,她紧紧捏住了拳头,恨不得上去将他们挨个揍倒在地。 These people, causing Church to put behind the tenable original intention, from by the need, was turned into the giant beast of backlash people. 正是这些人,导致教会忘却了成立的初衷,从被人需要,变成了反噬人们的巨兽。 What is most hateful, these know high-rank of inside story keeps one's mouth shut to existence of Devil, actually teaches the numerous this to make innumerable by reading of training salvation the soldier like Sir Tucker Thor, harbored the lofty belief dead, did not have to realize oneself acted as them to control the authority the tool. 最可恨的是,那些知晓内情的上位者一面对魔鬼的存在守口如瓶,一面却又以救世之念培养教众这使得无数像塔克.托尔大人这样的战士,怀着崇高的信仰死去,却没意识到自己只是充当了他们掌控权力的工具。 She gives loyalty to should not be such Hermes is right. 她效忠的不应该是这样的赫尔梅斯才对。 The issue is, why King of Greycastle must reveal Church's this side...... He did not plan infiltrates the abyss Church really while this opportunity thoroughly? 问题是,灰堡之王为什么要将教会的这一面表露出来……难道他真的不打算趁此机会把教会彻底打入深渊吗? Said, he simply hasn't cared these? 还是说,他根本没有把这些放在心上? When the Farina mood turbulence, the pursuing troops who Hermes sent out has brought to her attention. 就在法琳娜情绪动荡之时,赫尔梅斯派出的追兵引起了她的注意。 Even if several quarters, she will not have any response again in the morning regarding despair, regardless of peripheral has any accident, has had nothing to do with her. But now, in her heart had the mighty waves, in the past strength as if came back a little. 哪怕再早上几刻钟,她都不会有任何反应对于绝望者来说,无论周边发生什么变故,都已和她无关。但现在,她心中却有了波澜,往昔的力量仿佛又回来了那么一点。 Farina is in itself elite in Judgement Army, this point change enough she has then discovered the difference. 法琳娜本身便是审判军中的精锐,这一点变化已足够她发现异样。 The ground trembles slightly. 地面微微震颤起来。 When this is Judgement Army progresses to rush to the line sound. 这正是审判军策马奔行时的声音。 She has treated for 56 years in Hermes, was quite already familiar with this kind of sound, even without the eye, she can also judge the population and distance. 她在赫尔梅斯待了56年,早已对此类动静极为熟悉,即使不用眼睛,她也能判断出来者的人数和距离。 16 ride, two squad and present pursuit population leave like a wheel track. 16骑,两个小队和眼前的追击人数出如一辙。 If the touch exists from the beginning, she may neglect. But magic movie is only the illusion that one fictionalizes, even if displays again, is unable to substitute, for example lowers the head unable to see own body, moves still depends on the peripheral environment wait/etc....... Because of this, the feeling of suddenly coming out especially is obvious. 如果触感从一开始就存在,她或许会忽略掉。可魔影只是一场虚构出来的幻象,哪怕表现再真实,也无法取代真实,比如低头看不见自己的身体,碰触依然取决于周边的环境等等……正因为如此,突然多出来的感觉才格外明显。 She realized, had any thing changes! 她意识到,有什么东西变了! As this thought emits, Farina saw own body. 随着这个念头冒出,法琳娜看到了自己的身体。 This is...... What situation? 这到底是……什么情况 However more inconceivable also in behind. 然而更不可思议的还在后面。 Surrounding watching movie also one by one appears in her at present. 周围的观影者也一一出现在她眼前。 Qiao is no exception either. 乔亦不例外。 Farina, our is......” he bewildered turns the head. 法琳娜,我们这是……”他一脸茫然地转过头来。 Not wonderful feeling well ups an extremely, Farina grasps fiercely backward, but anything has not bumped into the chair that from the beginning also sits, already not. 一股极为不妙的感觉涌上心头,法琳娜猛地向后一抓,但什么也没有碰到一开始还坐着的椅子,已经不在了。 Please help us, asked you!” The protectors and witch also had as if discovered their existence, cannot choose the exact way because of flurry run to the crowd. “请帮帮我们,求你了!”守护者和女巫似乎也发现了他们的存在,慌不择路地向人群跑来。 Defector there, takes them!” “叛逃者在那里,拿下他们!” Resister all regards as the same party members, executes summarily!” “反抗者一律视为同党,格杀勿论!” The crossbow bolt flies, shoots to fall front several people to the ground. 弩箭飞来,将前排的几人射倒在地。 watching movie mostly is the chamber of commerce directors and aristocratic family powerful officials, has almost not kissed the experience that fights, faced with so sudden accident, completely in same place. 观影者大多是商会理事和世家权贵,几乎没有亲临阵战的经历,面临如此突然的变故,全部愣在了原地。 Damn!” Farina cursed one in a low voice, actually these witch are up to mischief, is this also the illusion? If before, she already shouted loudly this is being the evil trap that witch sets up, everybody with my coming up stable will of the people. Bears the subconscious impulsion, she shoves open Qiao, before rushing to the crowd quickly, halts! I am Judgement Army Vanguard Battalion Captain Farina, who you are!” “该死!”法琳娜低声咒骂了一句,那些女巫究竟在搞什么鬼,这还算是幻象吗?若是以前,她早就高喊着这是女巫设下的邪恶陷阱,大家跟我上来稳定人心了。忍住下意识的冲动,她一把推开乔,快步冲到人群前,“站住!我是审判军先锋营队长法琳娜,你们是什么人!” This unexpected big drinking made the pursuing troops restrain the horses, Vanguard Battalion? How haven't I heard this team?” 这声出乎意料的大喝让追兵勒住了马匹,“先锋营?我怎么从没听说过这支队伍?” Hey, who is your commander?” “喂,你的指挥官是谁?” Pivot shaft dense mechanism officiates greatly, Sir Tayfun.” Farina makes up wild stories said that at the same time, her back of the hand arrives behind, compares has given me weapon the hand signal toward the protector of rebel. “枢密机关大主祭,泰弗伦大人。”法琳娜胡诌道,于此同时,她手背到身后,朝叛逃的守护者比了个“给我把武器”的手势。 What......?” Heard this answer, the warrior of leading has revealed Yu color/look. “什……么?”听到这个回答,带队的武士露出了豫色。 Really, as personal guard of rebellion chief instigator has heard pivot shaft dense mechanism name. Any high level that can involve the Church core secret, should have not the small influence in Church, but she is also clear, this can only let the opposite party hesitant moment at most, is actually not able to make its change thought rebellion already succeed now, even if officiates again the position high weight greatly, compared with has coronated new Pope. 果然,身为叛乱主谋的亲卫听说过枢密机关这个名字。凡是能涉及教会核心秘密的高层,在教会都应该有着不小的影响力,但她也清楚,这顶多只能让对方犹豫片刻,却无法令其改变念头叛乱如今已然成功,就算大主祭再位高权重,也比不过加冕了的新任教皇。 She must take the favorable position, takes action! 她必须抢占先机,率先出手 What a pity the protector cannot fully understand her hand signal, but lifted the sword to stand cautiously side her. 可惜守护者并没能充分理解她的手势,只是小心翼翼地举剑站到了她身边。 Why haven't you worn the Judgement Army armor?” Has made the decision probably, the pursuing troops leader turns over/stands up dismount, brings hand/subordinate slowly to surround. “你为什么没有穿着审判军的盔甲?”大概是做出了决定,追兵头领翻身下马,带着手下缓缓围拢上来。 Because is carrying out the special mission.” Farina returns to say tranquilly. “因为在执行特殊任务。”法琳娜平静地回道。 Sorry, as a result of defector important, I must bring back to Hermes him, this is the order of Your Excellency. Moreover, your person should also follow one that Sir Tayfun certainly me to understand Your Excellency decree.” “抱歉,由于叛逃者过于重要,我必须将他带回赫尔梅斯,这是冕下的命令。另外,你的人最好也跟我走一趟那位泰弗伦大人一定能理解冕下旨意。” Can so?” “非要如此么?” Right.” The hand of opposite party built on sword hilt. “没错。”对方的手搭在了剑柄上。 Ok, I walk one with you,” Farina sighed, as for Sir Tayfun he......” “行,那我就同你走一趟吧,”法琳娜叹了口气,“至于泰弗伦大人他……” He how?” “他怎么了?” Died speech at the same time, she quickly, has pulled out the spare short-sword of protector waist, and has inserted in it the helmet slit of team leader, „more than 300 years later.” “已经死了”说话的同时,她以迅雷不及掩耳之势,抽出了守护者腰间的备用短剑,并将其插入了领队的头盔缝隙中,“在300多年后。” The blood has spurted her face immediately. 鲜血顿时喷了她一脸。 Team and Captain!” “队、队长!” Massacres them!” “杀掉他们!” Farina has seized weapon of team leader, fights one group with the pursuing troops, at this time the protector was also as if awakening from a dream wields a sword to go forward, joining fight. 法琳娜夺过领队的武器,和追兵战成一团,这时守护者也如梦初醒般挥剑上前,加入了战斗。 This woman is good and very powerful!” “这女人好、好强!” Damn, crossbow? Quick top chord!” “见鬼,弩呢?快上弦!” Do not let escape witch!” “别放跑了女巫!” A scene confusion, once for a while some people stuffy snort/hum dropping down, but other audiences fell into the delay condition, all stands in same place does not dare the springing. 现场一片混乱,时不时有人闷哼着倒下,而其余观众已陷入呆滞状态,悉数立在原地不敢弹动。 Regarding Farina, this is one does not have the fight of odds of success, wears armor to causes her without armor, even if can strike down the opposite party, is very difficult to supplement the fatal injury, in addition 16 : 2 population disparities, she was cut down by the chaotic sword is sooner or later matter. 对于法琳娜来说,这是一场毫无胜算的战斗,披甲对无甲使得她即便能击倒对方,也很难追加致命的伤害,加上16比二的人数差距,她被乱剑砍倒是迟早的事。 After several rounds fight, her body many have been wounded, but the burning pain has not made the slow movement, instead makes her fight intent to be getting more and more soaring. 几轮交手后,她的身上已多处负伤,但火辣辣的痛感并没有令动作迟缓下来,反而让她战意越来越高昂。 Farina felt satisfaction. 法琳娜感到了久违的满足。 You dare with Church for enemy!” Pursuit personal guard roared. “你竟敢与教会为敌!”追击的亲卫咆哮道。 Church? No...... You do not match to mention this name!” Her shoot fire, it should not be like this, was you have ruined it personally! You have disappointed too many person!” 教会?不……你们根本不配提这个名字!”她怒目相对,“它本不应该是这样子,是你们亲手毁掉了它!你们辜负了太多人的期望!” Right, she engages in a decisive battle dead quickly here, but Farina discovered that this most suits own result on the contrary. Even if only the short moment, she finally became that person who oneself want into. 没错,她很快会战死在这里,但法琳娜发现这反倒是最适合自己的结局。哪怕只是短短的一刻,她终于成为了自己想要成为的那种人。 However the death has not come in time. 不过死亡并没有如期而至。 The rapid gunshot broke the sword to hand over the engine knock, she has turned head, discovered that defended the black-clothed person outside garden does not know when appeared in magic movie. Their reinforcement made the situation have the reversal enemy as if also to be scared by the reinforcements that these came to baseless, they threw down the corpse of companion, turned around to start to escape, and vanished in mountain ridge quickly. 急促的枪响打破了刀剑交击声,她回过头去,才发现原本守在庭院外的黑衣人不知何时出现在魔影中。他们的增援令局势发生了逆转敌人似乎也被这几个凭空现身的援兵吓破了胆,他们纷纷丢下同伴的尸体,转身上马逃跑,并很快消失在山岭之中。 Thank you......” whole body is the wound protector arrives in front of Farina under supporting by the arm of witch, I think that Church completely had been controlled by the father, has not thought that can also meet like you honest warrior.” “谢谢你……”浑身是伤的守护者在女巫的搀扶下走到法琳娜面前,“我以为教会已经完全被父亲控制,没想到还能遇到像你这样的正直武士。” I think that is hopeless, but gods as if has not given up us.” On the witch face was still hanging teardrops, at this moment actually smiles through tears saying that you save is our entire human race owes you incessantly a sentiment.” “我本以为再无希望,但神明似乎还没有放弃我们。”女巫脸上仍挂着泪珠,此刻却破涕为笑道,“你拯救的不止是我们全人类都欠你一份情。” I......” Farina opened mouth, actually does not know that should say any good. “我……”法琳娜张了张嘴,却不知道该说什么好。 We then must go to Greycastle, told King the accident on Hermes plateau, hoped all also with enough time.” The protector serious say/way, you are also quick, do not return to Holy City again. If day of Church can return to the stock rail, I think that we will also say goodbye. Takes care, friend.” “我们接下来要前往灰堡,将赫尔梅斯高原上的变故告诉国王,希望一切还来得及。”守护者郑重道,“你们也快走吧,不要再回圣城了。若有一天教会能回到正轨,我想我们还会再见的。保重,朋友。” After visual two people are leaving slowly, the field of vision is dim. 目视着两人缓缓离开后,视野昏暗下来。 Waits for the ray to return to normal, she discovered that she still sat in the watching movie room, the back chair is as before sturdy. 等光线恢复正常,她发现自己仍坐在观影室中,背后的座椅依旧牢靠。 Even including the wound in the fight receiving, vanishes does not see. 甚至连战斗中受的伤,也都消失不见。 Therefore...... These that saw a moment ago, is really only the illusion? 所以……刚才所看到的那些,真的只是幻觉? Oh...... This was also too good!” This moment audience recovers finally, in the watching movie room erupted the deafening murmur immediately. “天哪……这也太棒了吧!”此刻观众终于回过神来,观影室中顿时爆发出了震耳欲聋的赞叹声。 Oh Three Gods, I think me in the change history......” 三神在上,我觉得我在改变历史……” Worthily is the play Grandmaster, can have a liking for this kind of magic movie, let alone was 50 gold royal, 100 values!” “不愧是戏剧大师,能看上这样一场魔影,别说是50枚金龙了,100枚都值!” You rush scared to death me, had a false alarm fortunately,” Qiao strikes one's chest saying that can find out such scene, became the dramatis personae living, simply inconceivable......” “你冲上去的时候吓死我了,还好只是虚惊一场,”乔拍着胸脯道,“能想出这样的场景,把剧中人变得活生生的一样,简直不可思议……” Farina has not said that she notes these black-clothed person face tense appearances, is ready with the rifle firing looks around in all directions, did not arrange the good showing completely likely in advance. Two theater personnel crashed in the backstage directly, the facial expression has been astonished flustered. 法琳娜却没有接话,她注意到那些黑衣人一脸紧张的模样,端着枪四处张望,完全不像是事前安排好的表现。还有两名剧院人员更是直接冲进了后台,神情慌张而讶异。 After this really likely is not a performance attains to be successful greatly the performance. 这实在不像是一场演出大获成功后的表现。 When she holds one's breath the congealing breath, further catches these details, suddenly heard the indistinct explosive sound, probably transmits from very far place general. Meanwhile, person calls out in alarm, weeping sound and imprecations also off and on resounding, but appears not worthy of mentioning in indoor lingering on faintly discussion and commendation sound. 当她屏气凝息、进一步捕捉那些细节时,忽然听到了隐约的爆炸声,就好像从很远的地方传来一般。同时,人的惊叫声、哭声与咒骂声也断断续续的响起,只是在室内的不绝于耳的议论与称赞声中显得微不足道。 This does not suit 这不对劲 Farina realized where had has problems. 法琳娜意识到,有哪里出问题了。 She stands up fiercely, does not give a thought to Qiao Jingya vision, crosses the top of the head of back row audience, runs toward watching movie outside. 她猛地站起身,不顾乔惊讶的目光,越过后排观众的头顶,朝观影室外跑去。 Halts! You...... Wait/Etc.!” Notes this black-clothed person to prevent her, but obviously late one step. “站住!你……等等!”注意到这一幕的黑衣人想要阻止她,但显然晚了一步。 Farina passes through the hall, runs garden, afterward by meeting. 法琳娜穿过大厅,跑出庭院,随后愣在接道旁。 Neverwinter City fell into a confusion, everywhere some people in running and yelling, in the residential district several place thick smokes are billowing, had the fire likely. But in the industrial district direction, has the explosive sound to transmit unceasingly, the entire city as if lost the control. 无冬城已经陷入了一片混乱之中,到处都有人在奔跑、喊叫,住宅小区里好几处地方浓烟滚滚,像是发生了火灾。而在工业区方向,更是不断有爆炸声传来,整个城市仿佛失去了控制。 But compares all these more fearful, came from the top of the head. 而比这一切更可怕的,则来自于头顶。 The bright sky at this moment appears dim gloomy, Sun also vanishes without a trace, displaces, is round huge Red Moon, it hangs in airborne, occupied the Farina most field of vision, opens the big eye that just like the vault of heaven. 明亮的天空此刻显得昏暗阴沉,太阳也消失得无影无踪,取而代之的,是一轮巨大的红月,它高悬于空中,占据了法琳娜的大半个视野,宛如苍穹中睁开的大眼。
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