RTW :: Volume #13

#1214: magic movie

Two days later, the time that Victor most anticipates arrives finally. 两天后,维克多最期待的时刻终于到来。 «The Dust of first showing Annihilation» was decided at 3 : 00 pm starts, he early arrives at the theater entrance, was waiting for checking enters the arena. One year does not see, this fed specially the magic movie construction the theater to expand, not only has added several watching movie rooms newly, but also additionally built outside waited for the hall and garden. Although he shifts to an earlier time one hour to arrive, but in the hall still gathered many people. 《湮灭之尘》的首映被定在下午三时开始,他早早来到戏剧院门口,等待着检票进场。一年不见,这座专供魔影修建的剧院又扩大了许多,不仅新添了几个观影室,还在外面增设了等候大厅和庭院。尽管他提早半个时辰到达,但大厅里依然聚集起了不少人。 This is Mr. Gamore of Crescent Moon Bay chamber of commerce, fortunate meeting fortunate meeting.” “这位就是弦月湾商会的加摩尔先生吧,幸会幸会。” Where where, has not thought that can see the Dawn big merchant here, later the business also please much look.” “哪里哪里,没想到能在这儿见到晨曦的大商人,以后生意还请多关照。” Stands in that side isn't the Cajin theatrical troupe principal player? Does not know that can see Grandmaster.” “站在那边的不是卡金剧团的台柱吗?不知道能不能见到大师本人。” If you know, but also under please help me recommend.” “若您认识的话,还请帮我引荐下。” Naturally does not have the issue.” “当然没问题。” Enclosing of people in twos and threes in the same place, was chitchatting mutually the relations. Just like he expects like that can pay dozens gold royal prices, basically is the upper celebrities, but this is also one of the first showing ticket hidden values. 众人三三两两的围起在一起,相互攀谈着关系。正如他所预料的那般,付得起几十枚金龙票价的,基本都是上层名流,而这也是首映票暗藏的价值之一。 Yo, isn't this Mr. Victor? Heard that you did change professions no longer to do the jewelry business?” In the crowd, occasionally also some people will recognize him. “哟,这不是维克多先生吗?听说你已经转行不再做珠宝生意了?”人群之中,偶尔也会有人认出他来。 Still is doing, was only was not quite recently booming.” “还在做呢,只是最近不太景气而已。” That model of bed that your chamber of commerce is new was liked by me very much, after the inn exchanges, repeat customers were many much, I also want to subscribe 100 sets to come again.” “你们商会新出的那款床被我很喜欢,旅店换上后回头客都多了不少,我还想再订100套来着。” Many thanks your affirmation, after looking at magic movie, we can approximately a place speak in detail.” “多谢您的肯定,看完魔影后我们可以约个地方详谈。” Ok, that settled.” “行,那就说定了。” Nearby hears to be flabbergasted exquisite, probably regarding her, spoke thoughtlessly then achieves the transactions of dozens over a hundred gold royal is really the matter that was hard to imagine. When with great difficulty nobody talked, quietly has drawn the Victor lower hem corner, „did mister, these people come to see magic movie or discusses the business? Moreover I saw before many people and you, did not know, you did not fear they do deceive you?” 一旁的玲珑听得咋舌不已,大概对于她而言,随口便达成数十上百枚金龙的交易实在是件难以想象的事情。好不容易等到没人搭话时,才悄悄拉了拉维克多的衣角,“先生,这些人到底是来看魔影还是来谈生意的?而且我看到不少人和你之前并不认识,你就不怕他们骗你吗?” Relax, regarding the merchant this is the routine matters, the custom is good.” Victor smiled, merchant who after all gives up the purchase first showing ticket, is in itself a strength, once after stepping into this circle, then can obtain other people's approval to a great extent. magic movie is not a material object, looked, anything will not stay behind, therefore in some sense, be more persuasive than the whole body jewellery ornaments necklace. “放心,对于商人来说这都是常事而已,习惯就好。”维克多笑了笑,毕竟舍得购买首映票的商人,本身就是一种实力,一旦踏入这个圈子后,便能在很大程度上获得他人的认同。魔影并非实物,看完后什么都不会留下,因此从某种意义上来说,要比满身的珠宝首饰项链更具说服力。 When he walks when explanation, suddenly hit with the person of process in one. 就在他边走边解释时,忽然和身边经过的人撞在了一起。 "Ah...... Sorry, ” Victor notes the opposite party is the famous female, was sorry, when sees the appearance of hit person, cannot help but was actually shocked. “啊……抱歉,”维克多注意到对方是名女性,率先表示了歉意,不过看到被撞人的模样时,却不由得愣住了。 That is a face of lacking any spark of life, is not only bad on the facial features, if under the appearance, should also probably slightly above exquisite. But the pale facial expression and empty look have almost ruined all these, making the person unable to bear give birth to loathing being far away to feel the-- so gloomy facial expression, really and atmosphere in hall appears is incompatible. 那是一张毫无生气的面孔,单就五官来说并不算差,如果稍微打扮下的话,应该还要在玲珑之上。但苍白的气色和空洞的眼神几乎毁掉了这一切,让人忍不住生出厌恶远离之感——如此阴沉的神情,实在和大厅里的气氛显得格格不入。 The female anything words had not said, looked at his one eyes merely , to continue unemotionally stand forth. 女子什么话也没说,仅仅是看了他一眼,继续面无表情地向前走去。 Really is an odd person...... Victor whispered secretly. 真是个怪人……维克多暗自嘀咕道。 Sir!” Has not noted this completely grabs his hand to shout exquisite, magic movie was about to start, we went in!” “先生!”完全没有注意到这一幕的玲珑抓着他的手嚷道,“魔影快开始了,我们进去吧!” "Ah...... Yeah. ” Victor shakes the head, after this does not throw to the brain quickly, exquisite toward the watching movie room walks. “啊……。”维克多摇摇头,将这点不快抛至脑后,跟着玲珑朝观影室走去。 ...... …… A moment ago what happened?” Qiao worried that looks to Farina. “刚才发生了什么事?”乔担心地望向法琳娜 What,” Farina had not said in a low voice, some people do not have the attention road. Walks, since has brought here me, do not gawk outside.” “没什么,”法琳娜低声道,“不过是有人没注意路罢了。走吧,既然把我带来了这里,就不要在外面愣着了。” Said and also says is,” Qiao Youyu is wanting to hold her hand, finally actually throughout cannot extend, do not forget, no matter at any time, I side you.” “说、说得也是,”乔犹豫着想要牵起她的手,最后却始终未能伸出去,“别忘了不管任何时候,我都在你身边。” Farina has not said that arrived here along with him then already the biggest repayment that is she can give. 法琳娜没有接话,随他来到这里便已是她可以给出的最大回报。 Arrives at Neverwinter City to have six months, these said that has not lied in more than 400 years ago ancient witch, her injury was cured little, from definitely is unable to move to the present can walk independently. Although whip wound and brand mark exist as before, Farina does not have any complaint, if she falls witch in Church hand, the fate can only achieve like this compared with this miserable more than ten million times of-- for the enemy, what does she have to say? 来到无冬城已有近半年时间,那些自称来自于400多年前的古女巫并没有说谎,她的伤势一点点被治愈,从完全无法动弹到现在可以自主行走。虽然身上的鞭伤和烙痕依旧存在,法琳娜却没有任何怨言,如果她是落在教会手中的女巫,下场只会比这惨上千万倍——可以为敌人做到这样子,她还有什么好说的? However the trial in expectation has not arrived, even King of Greycastle has not seen one side her, but sent for inquiring after her dozens issues, then again did not have as follows. Some issues she lay intentionally, wants to initiate the anger of opposite party, but trades is actually the vague ridicule. 然而预想中的审判迟迟没有到来,甚至灰堡之王都没有见她一面,而是派人询问了她好几十个问题后便再无下文。有些问题她故意撒了谎,想要引发对方的愤怒,但换来的却是若有若无的讥笑。 Was put after the jail, a Qiao Maixia house settles her. Different with her, once was noble Qiao Henkuai some had gotten a work in the administrative hall, and quickly adapted to new status-- or him should not be a Church member. But this has not brought favorable turn to Farina, on the contrary is suffering. Because waits for a long time, the understanding to this city to be deeper in Neverwinter, her more realized that Church's is wrong. witch is not connected with hell Devil, they having magic power, usually with average person not different. But has used Roland Wimbledon of strength of witch, has not become his city such as the devil's lair is ordinary, even if the blind person, is unable to deny here prosperous scene. 从监牢里被放出来后,乔买下一间房屋将她安顿下来。和她不同,曾是贵族的乔很快在行政厅某得了一份工作,并迅速适应了新的身份——或者说,他本来就不应该是一名教会成员。但这并未给法琳娜带来转机,相反还是一种折磨。因为在无冬待得越久、对这座城市的认识越深,她就越意识到教会的错误。女巫跟地狱魔鬼毫无关联,她们除了拥有魔力外,平常就和普通人无异。而利用了女巫之力的罗兰.温布顿,也没有把他的城市变得如魔窟一般,哪怕是瞎子,都无法否认这里欣欣向荣的景象。 Side was she has given loyalty to Church of half a lifetime, side was makes all denials to her, two trains of thought conflicted alternately, make the Farina pain extremely. Perhaps this is in itself a trial, sometimes even compared with torturing suffering. If not Qiao also needs her, she only feared that already chose mediates. 一边是她效忠了半生的教会,一边是对她所做一切的否定,两种思绪交替冲突,令法琳娜痛苦万分。也许这本身就是一种审判,有些时候甚至比严刑拷打更为煎熬。如果不是乔还需要她,她只怕早已选择自我了断。 For all this, Farina does not know how long oneself can also support, she thought faintly, these two tickets that Star Flower Theatrical Group sends perhaps then crush oneself last straw. Cajin Fez was entrusted by Roland inevitably, writes this script, its goal reverses the common people without doubt thoroughly to the Church's view, further throne of consolidated Wimbledon family. 尽管如此,法琳娜不知道自己还能支撑多久,她隐隐觉得,星花剧团送来的这两张票恐怕便是压倒自己的最后一根稻草。卡金.菲斯必然是受到了罗兰的委托,才写下这个剧本,其目的无疑是彻底扭转世人对教会的看法,进一步巩固温布顿家族的王位。 She has been able to imagine, hence, Church becomes the object who everybody spurns, Sir Tucker Thor the final effort...... Innumerable such sacrificed Judgement Army in city wall to him, is only a joke. 她已经能想象到,至此以后,教会将成为人人唾弃的对象,塔克.托尔大人最后的努力……还有无数向他那样牺牲在城墙上的审判军们,都只是一个笑话罢了。 Farina does not want to see this moment arrival, but she complied with Qiao's invitation. 法琳娜不想看到这一刻的到来,但她还是答应了乔的邀请。 Despises the Church high level that these escape on such as her, may still accept their request, stands to stabilize the Hermes order to be the same. 就如她蔑视那些逃跑的教会高层,可仍接受了他们的委托,站出来稳定赫尔梅斯的秩序一样。 Only because of her by Qiao need. 只因为她被乔需要着。 However...... Perhaps this was also last that she can make reports back. 不过……这恐怕也是她能做的最后一件回报了。 Lights dimming. 灯光渐暗。 When covers the entire watching movie room dark, magic movie started. 当黑暗笼罩整个观影室时,魔影开始了。 ...... …… The story opening occurred the Hermes plateaus more than 300 years ago, new Holy City is stones, the picture passed over gently and swiftly from the steep mountain wall, after leaping a stretch of boundless snowy area, the Impassable Mountain Range big opening gets a panoramic view. 故事开头发生在300多年以前的赫尔梅斯高原,新圣城还是一块块石头,画面从陡峭的山壁上掠过,飞跃一片茫茫的雪地后,将绝境山脉大豁口尽收眼底。 Although had had watched the experience of magic movie several times, when but the scene of this type of bird's eye view earth presents in the eye, Victor still felt trembling of direct link mind. 尽管已经有过数次观看魔影的体验,但当这种俯瞰大地的景象呈现于眼中时,维克多依然感受到了直达心灵的震颤。 In the big opening opposite, he noticed that numerous believers are constructing their new city busily, resembles this is really the 300 years ago world is ordinary. 在大豁口对面,他看到众多教徒正在忙碌地修建着他们的新城市,就好像这真是300年前的世界一般。 A moment later, picture once more to the earth, and vertical has crashed into a giant gulf-- under the introduction of aside, Victor first time heard Church core organization " pivot shaft dense mechanism " this name. The whispering sound that resounds from the surroundings may know, the feeling of other people also with him almost. From the unknown secret, itself is the most attractive topic, in addition in propaganda in the past only then the royal family had history that the qualifications knew, has encouraged the interest of audience largely. Quick, the Victor attention completely was then attracted by the story. 片刻之后,画面再次拉向大地,并垂直坠入了一处巨大的深坑中——在旁白的介绍下,维克多头一次听到了教会核心机构「枢密机关」这个名字。从周围响起的交头接耳声可知,其他人的感受也和他差不多。从不为人知的秘密入手,本就是最具吸引力的话题,加上宣传上的“往昔只有王室才有资格知晓的历史”,更是大幅助长了观众的兴趣。很快,维克多的注意力便完全被故事吸引住了。 Hands down every other for 400 years, the world will then welcome a disaster hardship, at the appointed time huge Red Moon will overhang airborne, the enemy who gushes out from the hell will swallow the human innumerably the kingdom. In order to survive, witch hoping to entrust in the Exceptional strength, it needs to fuse the blood and warrior soul of witch, to cast did not fear magic power, not to know the ache steel body-- God Punishment Warrior. 相传每隔400年,世界便会迎来一次灾厄,届时巨大的红月将高挂空中,无数从地狱涌出的敌人将吞噬人类的王国。为了生存下去,女巫把希望托付在了一种超凡的力量上,它需要融合女巫之血与武士之魂,以铸成不畏魔力、亦不知疼痛的钢铁身躯——神罚武士 In order to guarantee the implementation of plan, witch has established Church, and starts to screen, training to have the capital qualitative candidate. But the protagonist of story, is witch, is the Church's next Pope. Another important role, is the Pope's protector and Commander Judgement Army. 为了保证计划的实施,女巫成立了教会,并开始筛选、培养有资质的人选。而故事的主角,便是一名女巫,也是教会的下一任教皇。另一位重要角色,则是教皇的守护者、审判军团长。 With most play such, two people passes through some time being together, from despises, to approving the opposite party, to mutually each other falls in love again, gradually turned into pair of a sweetheart of always being together. witch and protector even made the promise, after finding the new Pope reliver, two people must accept the God Punishment Army transformation ceremony together, becomes Symbiote Body that will never separate. 就和大多数戏剧那样,两人经过一段时间的相处,从互相轻视、到认可对方、再到彼此相爱,渐渐变成了一对形影不离的情人。女巫和守护者甚至许下诺言,当找到新的教皇接替者后,两人要一同接受神罚军转化仪式,成为永不分离的共生体 This sentiment was gracefully said by Cajin Fez, the expression means that the actor lines, can be said as the accomplishment of collection dozens years of skill. In addition the splendid performance of Star Flower Theatrical Group, making all audiences immerse in the touching atmosphere, exquisite cried to make noise gently for two people promises. 这一段感情被卡金.菲斯婉婉道来,无论是表现手法、还是演员台词,都可以说是集数十年功力之大成。加上星花剧团的出色演出,令所有观众都沉浸在感人至深的气氛中,玲珑更是为两人的诺言轻轻哭出声来。 However the plot hence develops rapidly after a sudden turn, the father of protector because was enticed by the authority, the design has framed the current Pope, and wore the royal crown on oneself. As witch of successor, naturally became in his next eye punctures, he ordered the son to turn in the head of opposite party, categorically was actually rejected by the protector. 然而剧情至此急转直下,守护者的父亲因受到权力的诱惑,设计陷害了现任教皇,并将冠冕戴在了自己头上。作为继任者的女巫,自然成为了他的下一个眼中刺,他勒令儿子将对方的头颅交上,却被守护者断然拒绝。 This rebels against the plan for a long time, when the traitor lifts the act drop, all have not been able to recall. Under has no way out, two people choose to flee Hermes, tries to take to King under plateau the news. But the father of protector has also torn to pieces the last worry, sending out own soldier halfway to intercept two people, obviously no longer plans to give them the means of livelihood. 这场反叛策划已久,当叛乱者掀开大幕时,一切都已无法挽回。走投无路之下,两人选择逃离赫尔梅斯,试图将消息带给高原下的国王。而守护者的父亲也撕破了最后一丝顾虑,派出亲兵半途拦截两人,显然不再打算给他们活路。 Final high tide at the Greycastle Cold Wind Ridge performance. 最后的高潮在灰堡寒风岭上演。 One team of Judgement Army overtook witch and protector quickly, under population disparity disparate situation, two people perishes in pairs seemed a foregone conclusion. 一队审判军很快追上了女巫和守护者,在人数差距悬殊的情况下,两人双双殒命似乎成了定局。 When Victor almost not endures to look again, the inconceivable matter had-- 就在维克多几乎不忍再看下去的时候,不可思议的事情发生了—— Please help us, asked you!” The protector of breathing heavily has turned round suddenly, put out a hand to hold his arm, the fingernail hardly and penetrates the clothes coldly, clear transmission on Victor. That flash, indescribable trembling raises from his, welled up the whole body instantaneously! “请帮帮我们,求你了!”喘着粗气的守护者忽然回过身,伸手抓住了他的胳膊,手甲的坚硬与寒冷透过衣服,清晰的传递到了维克多身上。那一刹那,一股无法形容的颤栗从他脚下升起,瞬间涌遍了全身! He cannot suppress calls out in alarm! 他抑制不住的惊叫出来! In there, takes them!” “在那里,拿下他们!” Resister all regards as the same party members, executes summarily!” Pursuing troops is shouting, while has held up the hand crossbow. “反抗者一律视为同党,格杀勿论!”追兵们一边纷纷大喊着,一边举起了手弩。 I and I are not......” Victor only thought that in the throat becomes dry, quite a while cannot speak completely these words, but opposite Judgement Warrior has deducted the trigger. “我、我不是……”维克多只觉得嗓子里发干,半天也没能将这段话说完整,而对面的审判武士已经扣下了扳机。 A round of crossbow bolt almost pastes his cheeks to fly! 一发弩箭几乎贴着他的脸颊飞过! Meanwhile transmits, is a slight stabbing pain. 于此同时传来的,是一阵轻微的刺痛。 Victor shiver traces the cheeks, puts the finger at present. 维克多颤抖地摸了摸脸颊,将手指放到眼前。 Above saw only has left behind one scarlet. 只见上面留下了一道浅浅的猩红。
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