RTW :: Volume #11

#1070: Wing of (First Part) hovering

After the group leave the training room, sets out to south along the cement road. 一行人离开训练室后,沿着水泥路向南进发。 On the road everywhere is the brand-new red brick houses, had just to construct,-- that also there is construct according to the view of Finkin, here one year ago was also only one piece approaches wasteland of sea, besides several alone boughs, anything did not have. But now, the constructional force turned into here in city”. 路上到处都是崭新的红砖房子,有刚建好的,也有正在建的——芬金的说法,这儿一年前还只是一片靠近大海的荒地,除了几根孤零零的树干外,什么也没有。可现在,施工队已经将这里变成了一座“城中城”。 It has fence--, although is not high, but separates sufficiently with the outside this place, but on the wall is brushing warning slogan " refuses to surmount, the offender kills " can also let the thought that these busybodies cancel pass in and out secretly. 它有围墙——虽然不高,但足以将此地与外界分隔开来,而墙上刷着的警示标语「严禁翻越,违者击毙」也能让那些好事者打消偷偷进出的念头。 The wall model of domestic virtue constructs the dormitory, cafeteria, drill ground, training room, classroom wait/etc....... Moreover more than one. Gourd spent day of time to ravel at the first meanings of these strange words and expressions, simply speaking, was the food and clothing lives on campus can complete in the fence, the enclosed management that the teacher said probably was also this meaning. 墙内则建有宿舍、食堂、操场、训练室、教室等等……而且还不止一处。古德最初花了一天时间才弄明白这些古怪词语的意思,简单来说,就是吃穿住学都可以在围墙内完成,教官所说的封闭式管理大概也是这个意思。 Last point was this place big specially-- comes here several weeks, where he has not seen the corner of fence. Naturally, this is also restricted with the student sphere of action. If no special permission, they most can only communicate in the dormitory and drill ground two places. 最后一点便是此地特别大——来这儿好几周了,他还没有见过围墙的转角在哪里。当然,这也跟学员活动范围受限有关。若无特殊许可,他们最多只能来往于宿舍和操场两地。 But this all, in braves in one year. 而这所有的一切,都是在一年时间里冒出来的。 Moves regarding the winter to Western Region's Gourd, although will listen to the person to raise Neverwinter City the rate of construction to be well-known frequently astonishingly, but does not have what direct-viewing feeling. Until after entering this in city”, he understands that what is quick. 对于冬天才迁到西境的古德来说,尽管常常会听人提起无冬城以建设速度惊人而闻名,但并没有什么直观的感受。直到进入这座“城中城”后,他才明白什么叫快。 South drill ground that one week ago is empty, now has built a red shining one-story house. 一周前还是空无一物的操场南端,如今已经盖出了一片红灿灿的平房。 Places other cities, this efficiency can describe with unthinkable simply. 放在其他城市,这效率简直可以用匪夷所思来形容。 After drill ground courtyard wall, in team flood a discussion sound. 穿过操场院墙后,队伍里泛起了一阵议论声。 Here is they usually the place that prohibits from entering. 这里是他们平时禁止进入的地方。 Today the people can observe this place complete-- that are together the extremely open flat land, the eyesight institute and place do not block, the deep blue sky and cloud layer occupied the most field of vision, is farther is the limitless whirlpool sea. The sea breeze front surface of chill in the air caresses, making the Gourd mood inspire immediately. 今天众人才得以一观此地的全貌——那是一块极为开阔的平地,目力所及之处毫无遮拦,蔚蓝的碧空与云层占据了大半个视野,再远一些便是无边无际的旋涡海。略带寒意的海风迎面抚来,令古德的心情顿时为之一振。 Has saying that when got used to seeing the front red brick room forest, suddenly sees such scene, felt that the entire world has relaxed generally. 不得不说,当看惯了前面的红砖屋林,突然见到这样的场景,感觉整个世界都放宽了一般。 Strange...... I also think that what serious thing here will have,” the Heinz low voice whisper said, isn't the block open area?” “奇怪……我还以为这边会有什么不得了的东西呢,”海因兹小声嘀咕道,“不就是块空地吗?” Right, the open area, passes through the east and west besides several, seems compared with the Neverwinter City main street also wants outside the broad Blackstone road surface, does not have again conspicuously any other constructed. 没错,空地,除了几条贯穿东西、看上去比无冬城的主街道还要宽阔的黑石路面外,再无其他任何显眼的建筑了。 Divides into the forbidden area really somewhat unable to feel the brains it. 将其划为禁区实在让人有些摸不着头脑。 Perhaps was worried that here scenery is good, feared we look fascinated lose footing to drop the sea.” Finkin grins saying that I thought but actually, if moves the classroom to here comes, the enthusiasm that I study at least must rise 30%.” “或许是担心这里的风景太好,怕我们看得入迷失足跌落大海吧。”芬金咧嘴道,“不过我倒觉得,若是把教室挪到这里来,我学习的热情至少要上涨三成。” You were said that zero was multiplied by three still to be equal to zero?” Some people ridiculed. “你是说零乘以三仍然等于零么?”身边有人嘲笑道。 Hou, are you are challenging to me?” Finkin stares, „, or everywhere inspects the result?” “嚯,你这是在向我挑战咯?”芬金瞪眼回去,“要不比比考核成绩?” First let alone this, you looked there,” Gourd has selected the eyebrow, some people arrived first.” “先别说这个了,你们看那里,”古德挑了挑眉,“已经有人先到了。” Was other classes and grades......” the Heinz words lets the entire team instantaneous peaceful many. Although does not have the direct contact, but they have not been short from the teacher mouth have listened to the opposite party outstandingly, any day completes all practices and evenings also voluntarily to request in addition to practice, anything spits the whole body unable to insist the swivel chair...... In brief is both firm and resolute and assiduous, but their probably one crowd wasted the fool of talent to be ordinary, to be why bad compared with the opposite party the half. “是其他班级……”海因兹的话让整个队伍瞬间安静了不少。虽然没有直接接触过,但他们没少从教官口中听过对方有多优秀,什么一天完成所有练习、晚上还主动要求加练啦,什么吐得满身都是还坚持不下转椅啦……总之就是既坚毅又刻苦,而他们就好像一群浪费了天赋的傻瓜一般,干啥都比对方差半截。 This also made their subconsciousness regard as the enemy the opposite party. 这也使得他们下意识将对方视作了敌人。 raised head comes.” “都抬起头来。” Do not open the line of sight, opened loses!” “可别偏开视线,偏开就输了!” Everybody rouses the gas channel/angrily said in abundance. 大家纷纷鼓气道。 But where the facial expressions of these people do not have to go well. 而那些人的神情也没有好到哪里去。 Sees them to come, first arriving put on a serious face, is staring at their group indifferently, absolutely does not have the determination of outstanding student. 看到他们过来,先到者纷纷板起脸,冷眼盯着他们一行人,完全没有优秀学员的自觉。 Arrow pull Nuzhang confrontation separated to two teams finished. 箭拔弩张的对峙一直到两队分开才结束。 Was good, here.” After Hawk Face everybody brought, stopped the footsteps to the Blackstone main road near, „, but must remember, regardless of later saw anything, can not leave the home position. His Majesty The King and Princess Tilly will arrive, any action of rash action will all be regarded as the danger to move, the fate is anything, you should be very clear.” “行了,就在这儿等吧。”鹰面将大家带到黑石大道边后停下了脚步,“但要记住,待会无论看到了什么,都不得离开原位。国王陛下提莉公主都会到场,任何妄动之举皆会被视作危险行动,下场是什么,你们应该很清楚了。” King...... Also will come? 国王……也会来吗? No, he should arrive. Before Gourd notes open area one side greenhouse room, encircled completely the First Army soldier and police, obviously only then the King of Greycastle royal cart arrived to let these two big departments simultaneously the acting guard. 不,他应该已经到了。古德注意到空地一侧的大棚房前围满了第一军士兵和警察,显然只有灰堡之王御驾亲临才能让这两大部门同时出面护卫。 It seems like Aerial Knight is really out of the ordinary. 看来空骑士果然非同凡响。 Gourd cannot help but has filled with the anticipation to the following development. 古德不由得对接下来的发展充满了期待。 As for Hawk Face meaningful sneering, after for a while had been thrown into the brain, by him finally. 至于鹰面最后意味深长的冷笑,则被他一时抛到了脑后。 ...... …… The hangar model of domestic virtue is another scene. 机库内则是另一番景象。 First large-scale glider Sea gull has completed all fitting out work, when starts set off. 第一架大型滑翔机“海鸥”号已完成所有整备工作,正待启程出发 After this is also Tilly grasps all operational procedures of testing machine, beginning manned version of official manufacture number machine. When compared with test flight the crude frame and frail pair of wings that appears externally, it not only has a huge body and a more generous wing, but also has wrapped up the outer covering in the frame outsourcing, after and increased such as the porthole and chair, supporting facility that the open air-tight door helped travelling by. In brief, The Seagull finally likely was a complete airplane. 这也是提莉掌握试验机的所有操作流程后,正式制造的载人版初号机。比起试飞时那外露的简陋框架与单薄双翼,它不仅拥有更庞大的身躯和更宽厚的翅膀,还在框架外包裹上了蒙皮,并添加了诸如舷窗、座椅、后开式气密门等便于搭乘的辅助设备。总而言之,海鸥号终于像是一架完整的飞机了。 In the history once had presented glider mostly as the supplement that the transport aircraft is insufficient, basically is a penny saved , a penny earned, the wood/blockhead skeleton and canvas outer covering is the routine matters, the broken hole does not affect to fly in any case. But compared with senior who these manufacture in a rough way, the manufacture of The Seagull completely is another extreme-- aluminum alloy and high-strength steel products is only the foundation, each major assembly can truncate with the whole cuts does not use the bolt or welds \; On the non- structure module is the densely covered eyelet, to reduce weight as far as possible \; The magic power coating can guarantee when external Qi differential pressure is big will not have the air leakage phenomenon \; Bottom of the underbelly is also equipped with lands armor, so long as the jitter does not tumble, even if the crash personnel can also be safe and sound. 历史上曾出现过的滑翔机大多是作为运输机不足的补充,基本是能省则省,木头骨架和帆布蒙皮都是常事,反正破个洞也不影响飞行。而比起那些粗制滥造的前辈,海鸥号的制造完全是另一个极端——铝合金和高强度钢材只是基础,每个大部件能用整体削切就不用螺栓或焊接\;非结构组件上全是密布的小孔,以尽可能减轻重量\;魔力涂层能保证内外气压差较大时也不会发生漏气现象\;机腹底部还加装有迫降装甲,只要不失稳翻滚,即使坠毁人员也能安然无恙。 The object who after all it carries is witch. 毕竟它搭载的对象是女巫 As will only produce an only type, stressed again safe is not overrated. 作为只会生产一架的唯一机型,再强调安全也不为过。 That...... I boarded craft.” Kiss of Anna near the Roland cheeks, tomorrow sees gently.” “那么……我登机了。”安娜罗兰脸颊边轻轻一吻,“明天见。” Must be careful surely, do not show off power.” Roland urged earnestly, „, if met Devil, remembers that must shield first.” “千万要当心,别逞强。”罗兰认真叮嘱道,“如果遇到魔鬼,记得一定先要掩护。” She shows a faint smile, knows that you said dozens.” 她微微一笑,“知道啦,你都说了好几十遍了。” Please feel relieved, I will protect her.” God Punishment Witches Felice serious say/way. “请您放心,我会保护好她的。”神罚女巫菲丽丝郑重道。 Roland some little time had loosened the hand of Anna, nodded slowly, goes, I wait for you to come back here.” 罗兰过了好一会儿才松开安娜的手,缓缓点了点头,“去吧,我在这里等你们回来。” After railway rail construction to the inflection point in plan, First Army first then in the forest edge developed a flat land to use the-- more than 500 kilometers distances to cause all transportation methods as the airport excluding Macy, is unable to achieve the same day to reach, therefore importance of glider then highlighted. 铁轨修建至计划中的拐点后,第一军首先便在森林边缘开拓出了一块平地作为机场使用——500多公里的距离使得除麦茜外的所有输送手段,都无法做到当天即达,因此滑翔机的重要性便凸显出来。 The The Seagull design carrying is 20 people, except necessary pilot Tilly and Wendy, but can also carry 18 people again, or one ton commodity( after disassembling chair). The flying speed depends on Wendy magic power, even if by 200 kilometers low speed calculates, can travel in one day in Neverwinter and frontline battlefield two times, regarding this time, this is the efficiency highest delivering method. 海鸥号设计载员为20人,除去必要的驾驶员提莉温蒂,还能再搭载18人,或一吨物资(拆卸座椅后)。飞行速度取决于温蒂魔力,但即使以200公里的“低速”来计算,也能在一天内往返于无冬和前线战场两次之多,对于该时代来说,这已是效率最高的投送手段。
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