RTW :: Volume #11

#1068: Operation Torch

After the games ended the next morning, Roland enters the receiving callers hall, an official who already here waited for has stood neatly. 运动会结束后的次日早晨,罗兰走进会客大厅时,早已在此等候的一众官员齐刷刷地站了起来。 Sits down.” He arrives by the seat of honor, observes the situation for one week, the clear and resonant voice said, thinks everybody knew me to convene your reason-- war hence to start!” “都坐下吧。”他走到主座旁,环视一周,朗声说道,“想必各位已经知晓我召集你们至此的原因——战争已经开始了!” This solely is not the matter of army, starting from this moment, I requests the superintendent of kingdom each organization and administrative hall each department, can the situation and trend of war has the most basic understanding, and plays own role positively, should together to this expedition!” He every single word or phrase said that „since Neverwinter City establishes, everybody has no doubt made the proud progress, but before the divine will crisis, all these such as pavilion-- on floating ice does not take the Taqila ruins, red mist has the possibility absorb entire mainland anytime, by that time Devil will not have the stop again. Therefore this war permits Sheng, cannot only defeat!” “这不单单是军队的事情,从这一刻开始,我要求王国每个机构、行政厅每个部门的管理者,都能对战争的局势与走向有一个最基本的了解,并积极发挥自己的作用,共同应对此次远征!”他一字一句地说道,“无冬城建立至今,大家固然取得了傲人的成绩,但在神意危机前,这一切都如浮冰上的楼阁——不拿下塔其拉废墟,红雾随时有可能吞没整个大陆,到那时魔鬼将再无阻拦。所以此战只许胜,不许败!” Yes, Your Majesty!” Barov and the others said with one voice. “是,陛下!”巴罗夫等人异口同声道。 Is very good,” Roland looks to Edith, then under concrete strategic direction by the Ministry of General Staff explanation.” “很好,”罗兰望向伊蒂丝,“接下来就由总参部讲解下具体的战略方向。” Yes,” Pearl of the Northern Lands stands up, caresses the chest to say gracefully, please allow me to use the big map to illustrate.” “是,”北地珍珠站起身,优雅地抚胸道,“请允许我使用大地图进行解说。” She arrives at the Roland body side, has knocked multiple revision and supplement of Western Region map-- on background wall, this map almost the most wild unpopulated area will include, Neverwinter City from the beginning was also turned into an edge not worthy of mentioning dot by the central place. Anybody wants sweeping, will realize that narrow and small of human inhabit region, but this is also one of the Roland original intentions. 她走到罗兰身侧,敲了敲背景墙上的西境地图——经过多次修改和补充后,这幅地图几乎将大半个蛮荒无人区囊括在内,无冬城也由一开始的中心位置变成了边缘一处微不足道的小点。任何人只要扫上一眼,都会意识到人类聚居地的狭小,而这亦是罗兰的初衷之一。 He hopes that own minister and official can put the vision are farther, but does not wallow in the existing that benefit all day. 他希望自己的大臣、官员能将眼界放得再远一些,而不是整天沉迷于现有的那点利益。 What must first determine, this Northern Expedition and we pass situation that experiences not to be the same, it will continue period of long time.” Edith comes straight to the point saying that I hope everybody to understand, this weaponry we had no way to fight a battle to force a quick decision.” “首先要确定的是,这场北伐战争和我们过去经历的情况都不相同,它将持续一段较长的时间。”伊蒂丝开门见山道,“我希望大家明白,这一仗我们没法速战速决了。” The wartime of Northern Slope once had used the field of vision camouflage tactic, impossible comes second-- Hidden Forest and distance of Taqila ruins surely again is much greater than the destroyed former outpost, lays down the time of railroad at least to calculate by the moon/month, wish makes Devil not realize that inevitably is the impossible matter. 北坡之战时曾使用过的视野遮蔽战术,必定不可能再来第二次——迷藏森林塔其拉废墟的距离远大于被摧毁的前哨站,铺设铁路的时间至少以月计算,想要让魔鬼毫无察觉必然是不可能的事。 On broad Fertile Plain, enemy has the absolute mobile superiority, therefore Roland from the beginning then the fantasy that gives up the surprise attack winning, plans to put in the superior force, the upfront and Devil launches the showdown. 在广阔的沃土平原上,敌人拥有绝对的机动优势,因此罗兰一开始便放弃了奇袭致胜的幻想,打算投入优势兵力,正面与魔鬼展开对决。 Without a doubt, this is the contest of a lance and shield. 毫无疑问,这将是一场矛与盾的较量。 This plan is also the matter that all people already knew, therefore nobody appears the accident/surprise. 该方案也是所有人早就知晓的事情,因此没人显得意外。 Only then Barov asked that „did you have the time of estimate?” 只有巴罗夫问道,“那么你们有预估的时间吗?” This depends on the intensity of Devil counter-attack.” The Edith unhurriedly say/way, Ministry of General Staff entrusted Taqila witch to develop the multiple simulation, supposed that enemy each attack scale and war of Northern Slope was similar, separates for one week a time, in three months we can the stronghold punmetals mounting to the face of opposite party on.” “这取决于魔鬼反击的强度。”伊蒂丝不慌不忙道,“总参部委托塔其拉女巫进行了多次模拟,假设敌人每一次袭击规模都和北坡之战相似,隔一周来一次的话,三个月内我们就能把要塞炮架到对方的脸上。” But they are not the fools, impossible makes same mistakes over again and again.” “但它们不是傻子,不可能一而再、再而三地重蹈覆辙。” Right, I think that Devil will note the function of railroad quickly, even is located in rear Hidden Forest. Naturally we are not do not prepare-- because just the war is full of variables, therefore I hope that the administrative hall can mix natural resource by the worst plan.” “没错,我想魔鬼很快会注意到铁路的作用,甚至是位于后方的迷藏森林。当然我们也不是毫无准备——正因为战局充满变数,所以我希望行政厅能以最坏的打算来调配资源。” „The worst plan is......” Barov knits the brows to say. “最坏的打算是……”巴罗夫皱眉道。 Projects on the winter from the spring, arrives until new round Months of Demons.” Edith confident answer. “从春天打到冬天,直到新一轮邪月降临。”伊蒂丝坦然回答 „Isn't that equal to being defeated?” Old Prime Minister grinning, this has not met the Your Majesty's requirement.” “那不就等于失败么?”老总管咧了咧嘴,“这可不符合陛下的要求。” So long as does not withdraw troops, the fight had not ended, most is called as refuses to compromise.” Pearl of the Northern Lands shows a faint smile, waits till second year snow, then again hits is.” Sees the administrative hall ministers to look the embarrassment, she had supplemented, has this situation the possibility not to be big, after all the Devil multiplication speed compared with the bullet output, I also provides against contingencies.” “只要不撤军,战斗就没有结束,最多称作僵持罢了。”北地珍珠微微一笑,“等到第二年雪化,接着再打就是。”见行政厅众部长面露难色,她又补充了一句,“不过出现这种局势的可能性并不大,毕竟魔鬼的繁衍速度比不过子弹产量,我也只是以防万一而已。” Barov has hesitated the moment, such being the case, I need to assemble the grain achievement to stockpile the-- Golden No. 2 seed to distribute across from other territories the kingdom, if no accident/surprise, this year the crop should have many extras. Words that they capture, can satisfy First Army one year of institute to need basically.” 巴罗夫沉吟了片刻,“既然如此,我需要从其他领地调集粮食作为储备——黄金二号种子已经分发到王国各地,如果不出意外,今年收成应该有不少富余。把它们都收缴过来的话,基本能满足第一军一年所需。” This does not have the issue,” Minister of Agriculture Seney Darley should say, I later write a letter to inform regional City Hall.” “这没问题,”农业部长塞尼.达利应道,“我待会就写信通知各地市政厅。” „The work of Ministry of Chemistry must make the adjustment,” Barov then said, produces enough many gunpowder and blasting explosive as far as possible.” 化工部的工作也要做出调整,”巴罗夫接着说道,“尽可能生产足够多的火药和炸药。” Manpower that many, only if reduces production some perfumes and soap.” Minister of Chemistry Cam Schuire spreads out the hand. “人手就那么多,除非减产一部分香水和肥皂。”化工部长凯莫.斯垂尔摊开手。 Perhaps we can rent a group of alchemist apprentices to support Greycastle...... he to look from the neighboring country to Roland, I hear Dawn also several alchemical workshop, although not in Shining Light City, the words that but is acted by Your Majesty, that Lord of Dawn should try to coordinate, moreover definitely the accountant does not compare with the time of restore. Moreover...... Are the First Army more than 100 people of people also stationed in the Cage Mountain region, Wolf Heart and Eternal Winter alchemist can also try under the consideration?” “或许我们可以从邻国租借一批炼金师学徒支援灰堡……”他望向罗兰,“我听说晨曦也有好几个炼金工坊,虽然都不在辉光城,但由陛下出面的话,那位晨曦之主应该会尽全力配合,而且肯定不会计较归还之期。另外……第一军还有100人多人驻扎在笼山区域,狼心永冬炼金师也可以试着考虑下?” In principle does not have the issue,” Roland nods satisfied, according to your idea row of plans.” “原则上没问题,”罗兰满意地点点头,“按你的想法列个方案吧。” The performance of opposite party really made him be overjoyed. 对方的表现实在令他倍感欣喜。 At the beginning of a series kingdom, he once has thought the new regime probably needs two to three years of wearing, can play its proper role. After all change inherent thought is one quite difficult matter-- for dozens years, these people have been accustomed to the territory matters concerned all turn over to feudal lord and feudal lord the mutual non-interference common custom rule, suddenly requests them to let loose the vision, regards as to be possible for part of obligation rather other territories to force someone to do something against his will. 在一统王国之初,他曾想过新的政体可能需要两到三年的磨合,才能发挥其应有的作用。毕竟改变固有思维是一件颇为困难的事情——数十年来,这些人都已习惯于领地事宜皆归领主领主之间互不干涉的世俗规则,突然要求他们将眼光放开,把其他领地也视作可供驱使的一部分未免太强人所难。 However he discovered that oneself has underestimated the charm of authority. 然而他发现自己低估了权力的魅力。 After the authority in hand expanded the several fold suddenly, even if cannot realize its change the essence, will try to start to use it, Barov is display most splendid one. 当手中的权力骤然扩大了数倍后,哪怕意识不到其变化的本质,也会试着开始使用它,巴罗夫便是表现最出色的一位。 He not only saw Kingdom of Dawn, even has thought exerts the influence with the army, thus seizes the natural resource possibility from a farther place. 他不仅看到了晨曦王国,甚至想到了用军队来施加影响力,从而从更远的地方来攫取资源的可能。 When the people discussed, Edith continued saying that destroyed the Devil station to be insufficient directly, for some reasons, we must eliminate the enemy as far as possible completely. This requests before final general attack initiates, we need to interrupt the Devil escape route, including sky and ground, but this point only then witch can achieve.” 等众人讨论完毕,伊蒂丝继续说道,“不过正面摧毁魔鬼驻地还不够,由于某些原因,我们必须尽可能将敌人全部消灭。这就要求在最后的总攻发起前,我们需要截断魔鬼的退路,包括天空和地面,而这一点只有女巫能做到。” Certain...... Reason?” Rear area the Barov puzzled say/way, does detour to make their risks increase?” “某些……原因?”巴罗夫不解道,“绕道后方会让她们的风险大增吧?” Because cursed.” Roland continued, in enemy has high rank Devil, can the long-distance range exert the incantation of magic power, its mechanism was still not clear, but is likely similar to Church witch Black Veil. If makes it run away, even if First Army wins can also be the hard victory.” “因为诅咒。”罗兰接过话题,“敌人中存在一名高阶魔鬼,能远距离施加魔力之咒,其作用原理尚不明确,不过很可能同教会女巫黑纱相似。如果让它逃走的话,第一军即使胜利也会是惨胜。” In the hall has resounded an inspiration sound immediately. 大厅里顿时响起了一片吸气声。 Only then kills people by the look contact, put in an appearance then makes First Army sacrifice more than 700 people, after being possible be called formed an army, biggest casualties, that service made all people remember Black Veil this name. 仅靠眼神接触即可杀人,一个照面便让第一军牺牲700余人,堪称成军后最大的伤亡,那一役让所有人都记住了黑纱这个名字。 If Devil can also exert the curse through the vision, then first rooted out then has become the natural choice. 如果魔鬼也能通过目光施加诅咒,那么优先斩除便成了理所当然的选择。 Roland looked at eye long table terminal to bury Lightning one of the chest, secretly sighed. 罗兰望了眼长桌末端把头埋进胸口的闪电一眼,不禁暗自叹了口气。 He can definitely guess correctly the mood of opposite party. 他完全能猜到对方的心情。 Let the sisters take this risk for her, even if everybody does not have the complaint, perhaps she also will feel guilty incomparable. 让姐妹们为了她而冒此风险,哪怕大家毫无怨言,她恐怕也会感到愧疚无比。 But now already not better choice. 但如今已没有更好的选择。 Roland stands up from the seat of honor, in brief, before War of Divine Will arrives completely eliminates the threat of obelisk, simultaneously weakens the Devil war-making potential, is the goal of this expedition. The motion code name is " torch " , it destroys enemy the ray of hope , is also illuminates the entire Fertile Plain primary to leave the fire. Invited to use fully, was Greycastle develops the new territory!” 罗兰从主座上站起,“总而言之,在神意之战到来前彻底消除方尖碑的威胁,同时削弱魔鬼的战争潜力,便是此次远征的目的。行动代号为「火炬」,它既是摧毁敌人的希望之光,也是照亮整个沃土平原的原初离火。请诸位倾尽全力,为灰堡开拓新的疆土!” All people stand up, caress the chest to bend the waist. 所有人跟着起立,抚胸弯下腰去。 As you bid, Your Majesty!” 遵命,陛下!”
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