RP :: Volume #51

#3884 Part 1: Testimony

Chapter 3884 witnesses 第3884章见证 The region that Dusk City was, had been razed to the ground at this moment, is not only because of burning down of solar flame, because of dipping of thunder, all buildings and tall wall changes into the bran, the weal and woe relies on one another, although this big city is nothing left, the darkness that but in this piece of region soil silts up, by the cleanness that the thunder evaporates. 黄昏城原本所在的区域,此刻已被夷为平地,既是因为太阳焰的焚烧,也因界雷的倾落,所有建筑与高墙都化为粉渣,正所谓福祸相依,这座大城虽荡然无存,但这片区域土壤内淤积的黑暗,被界雷蒸发的干干净净。 At this moment newborn Solar raises, for the first time when shining land, the sunlight has the unequalled life to moisten, making this stretch of desolated land give full play to the vitality, gradually overflows the clear water because of the fissure that in the fight spreads across, fills up it, under these moistening of water of life, the flowers and plants bush starts to grow. 此刻初生太阳升起,首次照耀大地时,阳光有着无与伦比的生命滋润,让这片荒芜大地重新焕发生机,因战斗纵横交错的裂痕内逐渐溢出清水,将其填满,在这些生命之水的滋润下,花草灌木开始生长。 Deeply buried in the underground tree seed germinates and takes root, are suitable in the trees that this grows withstand/top the earth shell, just like hugging the Solar rapid-growth, is only one hour, past was grand, but depressing Dusk City vanished does not see, what replaces it is cover tranquil natural environment. 原本深埋在地下的树种发芽、生根,一棵棵适宜在此生长的树木顶开土壳,宛如拥抱太阳般快速生长,只是一个多小时而已,昔日宏伟但压抑的黄昏城消失不见,取而代之的是茂密宁静的自然环境。 What was first attracted is the birds, their arrivals, making the tranquil natural environment have several points of vitality, wants to come to require several days of time, the rodentia or the herbivorous animal will come this, at the appointed time will bring in the carnivora animal. 最先被吸引来的是鸟类,它们的到来,让宁静的自然环境有了几分生机,想来要几天时间,啮齿类或食草类动物才会来此,届时会引来食肉类动物。 Testimony this grade of natural samsara, sits Su Xiao under metal door leaf with own eyes, to the nature, element and Star, had several points of different realizing from experience. 亲眼见证这等自然轮回,坐在金属门扇下的苏晓,对自然、元素、界,有了几分不同的体悟。 Prompt: Your Heart of Meditation ability promotion to Lv.98.】 提示:你的心之冥想能力提升至Lv.98。】 The Heart of Meditation ability raises 1 level, started to Lv.95 from this ability, by not persisting in contemplating can promote, but needs different realizing from experience, but this does not mean, only need realize from experience, can enhance this/should ability, the every day without accumulated over a long period of time persists in contemplating, has to realize from experience only also uselessly, the talent and assiduousness, the two are indispensable. 心之冥想能力提升一级,从这能力到了Lv.95开始,就不是凭借坚持冥想就能够升级的,而是需要不同的体悟,但这不意味着,只需体悟,就能提升该能力,没有日积月累的每天坚持冥想,单有体悟也没用,天赋与勤勉,二者缺一不可。 Has promoted because of the Heart of Meditation ability, the language of nature this/should ability derives the Passive effect has obtained the qualitative change level promotion, you may through touching the way, has the communication with the enough old and ancient department of botany.】 【因心之冥想能力有所提升,该能力所衍生的自然之语・被动效果已获得质变级提升,你可通过触碰的方式,与足够年长、古老的植物系存在沟通。】 This ability is very good, in some situations, even can play the decisive effect. 这能力很不错,在部分情况下,甚至能起到决定性作用。 You have completed Main Mission finally link witness.】 【你已完成主线任务・最终环节・见证者。】 You obtain Primary Essence 1, Primary Nucleus 2.】 【你获得初始源质一份,原初之核二颗。】 『Yes』『No』 finished the rest of resident times, immediately returns to Reincarnation Paradise.】 是/否结束剩余停留时间,立即返回轮回乐园。】 You have chosen to hold in this world, the rest of resident times are 2 day.】 【你已选择暂留在本世界,剩余停留时间为二个自然日。】 ...... …… After injury stability, Su Xiao supports by the arm the behind metal great gate to set out, said, this is Solar Faction final vestige that king city leaves behind, but by this metal great gate, is a tree trunk pitch-black, the leaf blade presents the Light Gold Solar tree. 伤势稳定后,苏晓搀扶着身后的金属巨门起身,说起来,这是太阳阵营・王城留下的最后遗迹,而在这金属巨门旁,是一棵树干乌黑,叶片呈现淡金色太阳树。 This trees vanish for many years, when the Solar Faction peak, is the Solar Faction symbolic plant, what a pity initial period of the 2nd Generation Yuan, all Solar trees starts to dry up, to the 2nd Generation Yuan in the middle period, Blazing Sun Star could not have found a Solar tree, tree seed that only remains surviving. 这种树木绝迹多年,在太阳阵营巅峰时,是太阳阵营的标志性植物,可惜在第二纪元初期,所有太阳树都开始枯竭,到第二纪元中期,烈阳已找不到一棵太阳树,只剩残存的树种。 On Rwandan Siva fights one of the armor internal energy nodes, is a Solar tree tree seed, at present this tree seed takes root to germinate unexpectedly, does not know that coincidence or destiny, half dark silver long spear/gun that Lu Xiwa breaks, by this Solar tree package. 卢西瓦身上战甲内部的能量节点之一,就是一颗太阳树树种,眼下这棵树种竟生根发芽,也不知道巧合还是命定,卢西瓦断裂的半截暗银色长枪,被这棵太阳树包裹。 However do not send to hope that Lu Xiwa will also come back to life one kind, in the final analysis, he does not die of the severe wound, is the excessive destiny knows in advance . 不过别寄希望卢西瓦还会复生一类,归根结底,他不是死于重伤,是过度的命运预知 At this moment, the full silver long hair, wears Delona of black skirt to walk, she is also fluttering behind the human form smog Shadow different demon. 就在这时,满头银色长发,身着黑裙的德洛娜走来,她身后还飘着人形烟雾般的暗影异魔。 Delona pauses before the Solar tree, facial expression tranquil looks, does not have painful or sad, although she seems like the character bracelet, but she grows up in the Dark Moon nightmare since childhood, the innermost feelings are the great strength that others cannot imagine. 德洛娜停步在太阳树前,神情平静的看着,并没痛苦或悲伤,她虽看起来性格跳脱,但她从小在暗月噩梦中长大,内心是旁人想象不到的强大。 White Night, is really interesting, because first our destiny knew in advance that the ability died, unexpectedly is my elder brother, mother thought transmission right, this ability will become our curses.” 白夜,真有趣啊,第一个因为我们命运预知能力死去的,竟然是我的兄长,‘母亲’意念传达的没错,这能力会成为我们的诅咒。” Delona raises head to look at the crown of Solar tree, her these words information quantity big astonishment. 德洛娜仰头看着太阳树的树冠,她这句话信息量大的惊人。 Before believes, Delona and Hayier Sha is abyss dark hotbed incarnation or substitute person and a clone kind, now looks like, they are abyss dark hotbed child. 之前认为,德洛娜与阿耶深渊・黑暗温床的化身或替身、分身一类,现在看来,她们是深渊・黑暗温床的孩子。 Another key question is, abyss dark hotbed multiplies, birth Delona and Hayier Sha this twin sisters, in some with abyss exists, takes the father and one to take mother, in the causes and effects connective way, had this to the twin sisters. 另一个关键问题是,深渊・黑暗温床是自行繁衍,诞生的德洛娜与阿耶这双生姐妹,还是与深渊中的某个存在,一个作为父亲、一个作为母亲,以因果结缔的方式,有了这对双生姐妹。 Exists regarding powerful abyss, multiplies descendant's goal is not to continue the bloodlines, is not breeding that the desire derives, even, exists regarding powerful abyss, has sexual intercourse the birth, disdains the low concept of comprehension. 对于强大的深渊存在来讲,滋生后代的目的绝不是为了延续血脉,更不是欲望所衍生的繁育,甚至于,对于强大深渊存在而言,交欢生育等,是不屑去理解的低等概念。 Powerful abyss has the birth heir, most situations is a side must swallow the other side, but in the process of corrosion, escaped by the other side. 强大深渊存在诞生子嗣,大部分情况是一方要吞噬另一方,但在侵蚀的过程中,被另一方逃脱。 Inescapable that side, invades causes and effects and that energy and destiny another abyss had powerful in the swallowed process, even is rule , because of the rejection, this suffers the heavily damaged abyss to exist, must find the way to strip these times to corrode its causes and effects, energies, destiny. 逃脱的那方,在被吞噬的过程中侵染了另一个深渊强大存在的因果能量命定、甚至是规则,因排异反应,这受到重创的深渊存在,必须得想办法剥离出这些时刻侵蚀它的因果、能量、命定等。 Strips the risk to be oversized directly, but also the peeling is not thorough, first gathers it, without doubt is feasible means that looks like in some crude person abyss scientists, this is abyss exists in breeding, in effect it is not so, this is before peeling gathers . 直接剥离风险过大,还剥离不彻底,先将其聚集起来,无疑是个可行的办法,在一些半吊子深渊学家看来,这是深渊存在在‘孕育’,其实不然,这是剥离前的聚拢 This abyss exists, in gathers in the process, unavoidably by own causes and effects, energies and destiny, with the causes and effects, energies and the destiny fusion corroded side, will have this integration process, will have birth heir aspect. 深渊存在在聚拢过程中,难免会让自身的因果、能量、命定,与侵蚀方的因果、能量、命定融合,正是有这融合过程,才会有诞生子嗣这一局面。 When successfully strips, this stripped part, because of the causes and effects, energies and destiny of having two side abyss having, and these causes and effects, energies and destiny fuse mutually, at least 30% probabilities become the independent individual. 当成功剥离,这被剥离的一部分,因有两方深渊存在的因果、能量、命定,且这些因果、能量、命定互相融合,至少有30%概率成为独立个体。 Why this is also, abyss exists without multiplication concept, the life is extremely long, and does not have the view of love, does not have sexual intercourse desire, but also meets under the birth the heir. 这也是为何,深渊存在在没有繁衍观念,生命极其漫长,且没有爱情观,更没有交欢欲望的情况下,还会诞下子嗣。 The present issue is, Delona and Hayier Sha mother is abyss in dark hotbed situation, who it ‚is father? Is how powerful abyss exists, how many T0 levels will attempt to swallow strongly different to exist does abyss multiply? And, facing this situation, abyss dark hotbed does not seem like the plan of retaliation. 现在的问题是,德洛娜与阿耶的‘母亲’是深渊・黑暗温床的情况下,其‘父亲’是谁?到底是多么强大的深渊存在,才会尝试吞噬几种T0级最强异存在・深渊滋生?以及,面对这种情况,深渊・黑暗温床似乎没有报复的打算。 Otherwise, Delona and Hayier Sha will definitely be regarded the coordinates to consume, now they have not only been consumed, but also by abyss dark hotbed gave the ability, and destiny pays in advance this signature rank ability. 否则的话,德洛娜与阿耶肯定会被当成坐标消耗掉,现在她们不仅没被消耗,还被深渊・黑暗温床赋予了能力,并且还是命定预支这种招牌级别能力。 If not the destiny pays in advance the ability, Su Xiao will regard Delona and Hayier Sha is not abyss dark hotbed incarnation. 若非命定预支能力,苏晓也不会把德洛娜与阿耶当成是深渊・黑暗温床的化身。 The breeze has blown, Solar leaf blown rustle makes noise, under the tree the long hair of young girl has changed into jet black, a white skirt, in that completely jet black eye, the been able to suppress gushing out tears, do not look that Hayier Sha usually slights to anyone, but she is Lu Xiwa looks to grow up, therefore, Hayier Sha will not reject the elder brother Lu Siva's request and desire, even if will go to for this reason. 微风吹过,太阳树叶被吹的沙沙作响,树下少女的长发已化为漆黑,一身白裙,那双完全漆黑的眼睛中,抑制不住的涌出眼泪,别看阿耶平常对谁都冷淡,可她是卢西瓦看着长大的,也因此,阿耶不会拒绝兄长卢西瓦的要求与愿望,哪怕会为此赴死。 In this twin sisters personality filled the contradiction, Delona seems like the bracelet, gluttonous and happy, does not have a half minute of quiet time, but when facing huge grief, she can actually unemotional acceptance, Hayier Sha ordinary be desolate and faint, even is unreasonable, but in the sadness of facing the elder brother passing away, she cries, although silent, the tears quantity of but in the eye gushing out, exaggerating was a bit like the expression wrapping. 这双生姐妹性格中充满了矛盾,德洛娜看上去跳脱、贪吃、欢乐,没半分钟安静的时候,但在面对巨大伤痛时,她却可以面无表情的接受,阿耶平常冷淡、淡漠,甚至不近人情,但在面对兄长过世的悲伤,她哭的虽无声,但眼中涌出的泪水量,夸张的都有点像表情包了。 The ground slightly trembles, a metal train stops, this train overall more than 20 meters, the first half is a front, the entire front seems like after living, monster that a tune horn, the lattern half compartment altogether has four glasses, first three can see inside situation, the last fuzziness, inside is the compartment bedroom. 地面略有震颤,一辆金属列车停下,这辆列车整体20多米长,前半部分是车头,整个车头看起来像一只生有后曲犄角的怪兽,后半部分的车厢共有四个车窗,前三个能看到里面的情况,最后一个模糊,里面是车厢卧室。 Lu Siva Overlord train, This Overlord gift Su Xiao, has said to be predestined friends, this Overlord train is the Extinguishing Law faction blood oath ally, Cilintes Dwarf builds. 正是卢西瓦的【领主列车】,这领主已赠予苏晓,说起来有缘,这辆领主列车是灭法阵营的血誓盟友,思林特斯矮人所打造。 At first is Eternal Light World big Overlord, looks for Cilintes Dwarf ordering the train, the outside of entire train is built by the Cilintes metal, obviously the Eternal Light World peak, there big Overlord has the multi- local tyrants. 最初是一位永光世界的大领主,找思林特斯矮人订制的这辆列车,整辆列车的外部都由思林特斯金属所打造,可见永光世界巅峰时期,那里的大领主有多土豪。 To come is also, suffering extreme distress that First Generation Yuan three being aloof, Solar Faction and Ancient Dragon Faction hit mutually, Eternal Light World , if not do some weapon business, is not true reasonably, by this mentality analysis, Eternal Light World big Overlord is rich, is the natural matter 想来也是,第一纪元的三个超脱之界,太阳阵营古龙阵营互相打的死去活来,永光世界要是不做些武器生意,属实不合理,以这思路分析,永光世界的大领主们富有,是理所当然的事 After the turnover, this train to Blazing Sun Star, was obtained by Rwandan Siva, at present arrives at Su Xiao this. 几经周转,这辆列车到了烈阳,被卢西瓦获得,眼下则到了苏晓这。 The Overlord train opens the door, after Su Xiao steps onto the train, falls Baja on his shoulder said: Hayier Sha......” 领主列车开门,苏晓走上列车后,落在他肩上的巴哈说道:“阿耶……” Baja just opened the mouth, discovered that Hayier Sha beautiful hair has turned into the silver-white color, is the Delona control body, Baja changes a statement: Delona, boards.” 巴哈刚开口,发现阿耶的秀发已变成银白色,是德洛娜接管身体,巴哈改口道:“德洛娜,上车吗。” „, I must leave, goes to...... Ancient Dragon Nation Eber Yath, I want to take a look, hit two epoch world with Solar Faction, is what appearance.” “不了,我要离开了,去……古龙国度埃伯亚思,我想去看看,和太阳阵营打了两个纪元世界,到底是什么样子。” Delona looks at the Solar tree, the vision gradually strengthens, her then grinning sunlight smiled, vitality full saying: I have brother who saved world, therefore I cannot miss.” 德洛娜看着太阳树,目光逐渐坚定,她转而咧嘴阳光的笑了起来,元气满满的说道:“我可是有个拯救了世界的老哥,所以我也不能差。” Then, Delona also gives the thumbs-up, if not suppressing, the tears have welled up, sees this young girl to unable to stretch to cry, Su Xiao makes A' Mu close the compartment gate, the metal card train key, inlays on the compartment most ventral starter. 说完,德洛娜还伸出大拇指,如果不是强忍着,泪水已涌出来了,见这少女已要绷不住大哭,苏晓阿姆关车厢门,金属卡片般的列车钥匙,镶在车厢最前侧的启动装置上。 The train starts, Su Xiao just took a seat, Prompt appears. 列车启动,苏晓刚落座,提示出现。 You Official have obtained the Overlord train, this/should item is the vehicle class equipment.】 【你已正式获得领主列车,该物品为载具类装备。】 Overlord train 领主列车】 Origin : Void Mammon the fifth production workshop. 产地:虚空・玛门莫德・第五生产车间。 Batch number: 001-( 0.7 / completely). 批号:001-(0.7/完全)。 Quality 1: Overlord Level. 品质一:霸主级 Quality 2: Eternal Level. 品质二:永恒级 Prompt: Hunter must in two Equipment Quality systems, choose one type, otherwise Reincarnation Paradise will not continue notarization this/should equipment. 提示:猎杀者需在两种装备品质体系中,选择一种,否则轮回乐园将不会继续公证该装备。 ...... …… Appears are not many in the present material, but information are many, perhaps for example the batch number of this train, the average person cannot understand, but Su Xiao has read Cilintes Dwarf in Spirit Book Warehouse divine creative force user's manual . 出现在眼前的资料不多,但信息不少,比如这列车的批号,一般人或许看不懂,但苏晓灵魂书库阅读过思林特斯矮人・造物使用手册 001-( 0.7 / completely) the interpretation of is, 001 represent this series of vehicles, the Overlord train is first, this makes the value of Overlord train at least turn several times, do not think that this thing does not have the city valuably, so long as contacts the Goblin chamber of commerce, not over a half hour, that side will come to discuss the price. 001-(0.7/完全)的解译是,001代表这系列载具,领主列车是第一辆,这让领主列车的价值至少翻几倍,别认为这东西有价无市,只要联络地精商会,不超半小时,那边就会上门来谈价。 In the void ten thousand boundary/world collection circle, the Cilintes Dwarf divine creative force and 2nd Generation Yuan Alchemy divine creative force and three big legend blacksmith divine creative force, ready ready are the collections of book reservation level. 在虚空万界的收藏圈,思林特斯矮人造物、第二纪炼金造物、三大传说铁匠造物,妥妥是典藏级的珍藏。 As Cilintes Dwarf manufacture first Cilintes metal train , let alone the Overlord train retained certain performance, even if this thing is unopenable, is the train shape scrap iron, Price is still several hundred thousand Soul coin, by present quality 450 ~ 500 ten thousand Soul coin, there is an opportunity to act, wears the panicking-sell words, 300 ten thousand Soul coin are not a problem. 作为思林特斯矮人制造的第一辆思林特斯金属列车,别说领主列车保留了一定的性能,就算这玩意已经不能开,是块列车形状的废铁,价格也得是几十万灵魂钱币,以现在的成色450~500万灵魂钱币,还是有机会出手的,着急卖的话,300万灵魂钱币不成问题。 Su Xiao will not sell out the Overlord train, has this train, can make him more convenient, is safer in mission world, the time that was used to hurry along, can work, using Extinguishing Law Transmission is no doubt fast, but also needs first to open up wasteland to decide the coordinates, blind Transmission of no coordinates, the risk draws full at the same time, but also possibly Transmission to bewildered place. 苏晓不会卖掉领主列车,有这列车,能让他在任务世界内更方便、更安全,原本用来赶路的时间,都可以做事,使用灭法传送固然快速,但也需要先开荒定坐标,无坐标的盲传送,风险拉满的同时,还可能传送到莫名其妙的地方。 In other words, had the Overlord train, a Su Xiao mission world income promoted 30 at least, by him each mission world income scope, sells out the Overlord train to meet the blood to owe now. 也就是说,有了领主列车,苏晓一个任务世界的收益最起码提升30,以他现在每个任务世界收益幅度,卖掉领主列车一定会血亏。 001-( 0.7 / translates completely) is, this is first Cilintes metal train , passed through( Void Tree) notarization, the notarization rank 0.7( seven levels of high step notarization), and is completely notarization. 001-(0.7/完全)翻译过来就是,这是第一辆思林特斯金属列车,经过了(虚空之树)公证,公证等级0.7(七级高梯阶公证),并且是完全公证 In two Equipment Quality systems, Su Xiao hesitated, chooses Overlord Level, the reason is, chooses Eternal Level, is the traditional armament system, the Overlord train will be only the metal vehicle equipment, otherwise, if will choose Overlord Level, the Overlord train can retain the characteristics of a second half metal and half lifeform. 两种装备品质体系中,苏晓沉吟了下,选择霸主级,原因是,选择永恒级,也就是传统装备体系,领主列车将只是件金属载具装备,反之,如果选择霸主级,领主列车会保留眼下半金属、半生物的特性。 A train outer covering is the heavy/thick metal, inside is the metal flesh, various wires, nerves, were wrapping the power core, when that goes high-speed, will gradually flaming the red power core, like a beast of prey heart. 列车头外壳是厚重金属,里面是金属血肉,各类缆线、神经等,包裹着动力核心,那颗高速行驶时,会逐渐炽红的动力核心,就像一颗猛兽心脏般。 The advantage that like this chooses is, the explosive force of Overlord train is strong enough, makes a simple analogy, if chooses the Eternal Level traditional system equipment, the Overlord train will be very stable, the normal speed and limiting velocity are 10. 这样选的好处是,领主列车的爆发力够强,做个简单的比喻,如果选永恒级传统体系装备,领主列车会特别稳定,正常速度与极限速度都是十。 If chooses Overlord Level, as the Overlord train of metal life, the ordinary speed is 8, the eruption speed can achieve 30, the eruption has the time limit, and after completing an eruption travel, the power core will be overheated, needs the low speed, is in the speed 4 ~ 5 situations, goes and rests a meeting, can restore to ordinary speed 8. 如果选择霸主级,作为金属生命的领主列车,平常速度是八,爆发速度能达到30,爆发有时限,且完成一次爆发行驶后,动力核心会过热,需要低速,也就是速度4~5的情况下,行驶与休息一会,才能恢复到平常的速度八。 Overlord train 领主列车】 Origin : Void Mammon the fifth production workshop. 产地:虚空・玛门莫德・第五生产车间。 Quality: Overlord Level. 品质:霸主级 Category: Train / vehicle / large-scale weapon. 类别:列车/载具/大型武器。 durability: 359 / 7200 points. 耐久度:359/7200点。 Equipment requirements: Has train key . 装备需求:持有列车钥匙 Equipment effect 1: Driving mode( core Passive), this/should train has two patterns, is nature driving mode and alternate space driving mode , because of the unique axle round and the suspension system, this/should train may in 9 8. 5 terrain smooth runnings. 装备效果一:行驶模式(核心・被动),该列车拥有两种模式,为自然行驶模式异空间行驶模式,因独特的轨轮与悬挂系统,该列车可在九8.五的地形平稳行驶。 Naturally driving mode: Moving velocity 7. 5. 自然行驶模式:行驶速度7.五。 alternate space driving mode: Moving velocity 8. 6. 异空间行驶模式:行驶速度8.六。 Equipment effect 2: The angry beast burns( core fiercely Passive), this/should train enters the overload to erupt mode, the power core overpressure to 300, the moving velocity increase to 32 , to continue for 45 minutes. 装备效果二:怒兽猛燃(核心・被动),该列车进入过载爆发状态,动力核心压力提升至300,行驶速度提升至32,持续45分钟。 Prompt: If the vehicle commander situated were sieged mode, when summoned the Overlord train, may during the summon activates this mode, the Overlord train will crack-up on the way the barrier, and compartment gate opened to the full, to facilitate the vehicle commander to get on a vehicle quickly, after the vehicle commander got on a vehicle, this/should train may enter deadlocks mode comprehensively, until the vehicle commander relieved this/should mode. 提示:如车长处于被围困状态,召唤领主列车时,可在召唤的同时激活此状态,领主列车将撞碎途中障碍,且车厢门最大限度开启,以方便车长更快登车,当车长登车后,该列车可进入全面锁死状态,直至车长解除该状态为止。 Equipment effect 3: Seven rank notarization( core Passive), therefore equips when the First Generation Yuan, Cilintes Dwarf successfully applied for Void Tree seven rank notarization, after this/should equipment transformation is Hegemony Equipment, loses the corresponding growth way, according to the notarization balance of Reincarnation Paradise, this/should Hegemony Equipment available Hegemony Spirit( especially big) strengthens. 装备效果三:七等级公证(核心・被动),因此装备在第一纪元时,思林特斯矮人成功申请了虚空之树的七等级公证,该装备转变为霸主装备后,失去对应成长方式,根据轮回乐园公证平衡,该霸主装备可用霸主之魂(特大)进行强化。 Strengthens the way: Reincarnation Paradise Equipment Enhancing Hall, has the train key, train key with corresponding Hegemony Spirit especially big puts in Equipment Strengthening Machine, completes the strengthening. 强化方式:轮回乐园装备强化大厅,持有列车钥匙,将列车钥匙与对应霸主之魂・特大放入装备强化机内,完成强化。 Prompt: Therefore the particularity of strengthening, this/should strengthened upper limit is to strengthen + 18. 提示:因此强化的特殊性,该强化上限为强化。 Equips debuff: The mouth of gluttony( Passive), receives abyss energy buff at the same time, this/should equipment appears corresponds debuff, you need every 10 day, provides to the Overlord train enough blood food( the flesh, heart of powerful unusual lifeform wait/etc.). 装备减益:饕餮之口(被动),受到深渊能量增益的同时,该装备出现对应减益,你需每十个自然日,提供给领主列车足够的血食(强大超凡生物的血肉、心脏等)。 Grading: 5860 points( Overlord Level equips Grading is 1 ~ 6000 points). 评分:5860点(霸主级装备评分为1~6000点)。 Synopsis: Because anchors in abyss spread area epoch, this/should train had been corroded, various performance are damaged at the same time, its metallic character has the marvelous change, not only has the hardness and stability of metal, and has the retrieval character of lifeform, after being damaged, so long as makes it swallow the sufficient quantity the unusual flesh, the damage spot then restores. 简介:因停靠在深渊蔓延区一个纪元,该列车已受到侵蚀,各项性能受损的同时,其金属特性出现奇妙的变化,既有金属的坚硬与稳定,又具有生物的恢复特性,受到损伤后,只要让其吞噬足够量的超凡血肉,受损的部位即可恢复。 Price: It is not able to sell. 价格:无法出售。 ...... …… Sees the Overlord train attribute, Su Xiao controls its parking, after getting out, before arriving at the beast of prey front, he takes out a 2 meters in diameter dragon heart, he just showed dragon heart, the beast of prey front launches, reveals inside metal flesh organization, saw chaining advantage tooth. 看到领主列车的属性,苏晓操控其停车,下车后,来到猛兽车头前,他取出一颗直径2米的龙心,他刚拿出龙心,猛兽车头就展开,露出里面的金属血肉组织,还有锯链状利齿。 Su Xiao ejects the dragon heart, several seconds, were sawn the chaining advantage tooth to stir broken, see dragon heart to be swallowed, he takes out the dragon heart. 苏晓将龙心抛出,也就几秒,被锯链状利齿搅碎,见龙心被这么吞食,他又取出颗龙心。 After the Su Xiao overall throws fed 150 dragon hearts, even if he again puts out on dragon Xinwang the beast of prey front to lose, the beast of prey front does not launch, was this eats to the full? No, this eats the brace. 苏晓总体投喂了150颗龙心后,哪怕他再拿出龙心往猛兽车头上丢,猛兽车头也不展开了,这是吃饱了?不,这是吃撑了。 Returns to the train, has not waited for the Su Xiao control to close the door, the train gate is closed, and train is self-starting, what the goal elects is Su Xiao just now establishes the coordinates, it seems like about clearly recognizing big father, the Overlord train is very wise. 回到列车上,没等苏晓操控关门,列车门自行关闭,且列车自行启动,目标选的是苏晓方才设定坐标,看来关于认清大爹这点,领主列车还是挺明智的。 The scenery outside glass flies, both rows of seats in train back on the inner wall or the glass, considering swimming Hunter's Society frequently is thorough no light area, this type can ride the arrangement of more person to be very reasonable, but the use of this train changes now, under must transform, in addition, compartment rear bedroom, needs to transform. 车窗外的景色飞逝,列车内的两排座椅都背靠内壁或车窗,考虑到游猎团经常深入无光区,这种能乘坐更多人的布置很合理,不过现在这列车的用途改了,要改造下,除此之外,车厢尾部的卧室,也需要改造。 Although sees an object and thinks of the owner, these are Lu Xiwa build before death, but Su Xiao does not prepare to retain, Lu Xiwa is completes the faith back dead, when conducting the destiny pays in advance , the opposite party knows the result, the old friend who this achieved mission departs natural , compared to see an object and think of the owner, should when time of quiet, present respectfully glass of good wines. 虽说睹物思人,这些是卢西瓦生前布设,但苏晓不准备保留,卢西瓦是完成自身信念后身死,在进行命定预支时,对方就知道结果,这种达成使命潇洒离去的老友,相比睹物思人,更应在夜深人静时,独自一人敬上杯美酒。
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