RP :: Volume #30

#16: Looks at that side

Su Xiao transfers the vision, looks to Erre Sha, Ell Sha stops the step, in situation that no one shields, turning away from the enemy must die without doubt. 苏晓调转目光,看向埃尔,埃尔停下步伐,没人掩护的情况下,背对敌人必死无疑。 I in some Hallow City place, hid 300,000 silver coins.” “我在赫鲁城某个地方,藏了30万银币。” Ell Sha takes off head hood, but on her clothes below skin, the close fissure gradually spreads, she prepares and Su Xiao perishes together. 埃尔摘下头上的兜帽,而在她衣服下方的皮肤上,细密的裂痕逐渐蔓延,她准备与苏晓同归于尽。 Su Xiao lifts the step to walk toward Erre Sha, without walking two stops, side looks to the sky, this lets Ell Sha at heart thump, her time are not much. 苏晓抬步向埃尔走去,没走两步就停住,侧头看向上空,这让埃尔心里咯噔一声,她的时间已经不多。 What are you looking at?” “你在看什么?” Ell Sha lip angle turns upwards, under the dim light of night, she has a mysterious beautiful feeling. 埃尔的唇角翘起,夜色下,她有种神秘的美艳感。 Su Xiao has not paid attention to Ell Sha, as if the above had anything to attract his attention. 苏晓没理会埃尔,似乎上方有什么东西吸引了他的注意力。 Looks at that side.” “看那边。” In the Su Xiao direction sky some full moons of blushing, this makes Ell Sha have doubts, suddenly, points out frankly the wind sound/rumor to transmit from her behind. 苏晓指向天空中有些发红的圆月,这让埃尔更疑惑,突然间,一道破风声从她身后传来。 Tittered ~ 噗嗤~ The sharp claws prick the nape of Ell Sha, after diving the Baja pair of wings big show/unfolds to Erre Sha brain, makes an effort to pull, pulls apart the spinal column of Ell Sha. 利爪刺入埃尔的后颈,俯冲到埃尔脑后的巴哈双翼大展,用力一扯,将埃尔的脊柱扯断。 Scene that Ell Sha sees finally, is together the bright as snow blade light/only, later is the darkness. 埃尔最后看到的情景,是一道雪亮的刀光,之后就是黑暗。 „The brain of Sorcerer is not really normal.” 巫师的脑子果然不正常。” Realm Cutting Thread springs from the Su Xiao's sleeve cuff, ties down Mythical treasure box, and pulls, was looking at anything as for him a moment ago, that is attracting the attention of enemy, to Baja manufacture opportunity. 界断线苏晓的袖口弹出,缠住一枚史诗级宝箱,并扯回到手中,至于他刚才在看什么,那只是在吸引敌人的注意力,给巴哈制造机会。 Although the Sorcerer ability is not magnificent, but the might is extremely strong, moreover secretive measures not, in Moen and Moen on Ell Sha, Su Xiao felt that the sense of crisis, has the general idea/careless slightly, the possible sewer to capsize that type. 巫师们的能力虽然不华丽,可威力极强,而且诡秘莫测,在摩恩・迪与摩恩・埃尔身上,苏晓都感觉到危机感,稍有大意,就可能阴沟翻船那种。 Naturally, so long as Su Xiao does not expose weaknesses, these three Sorcerer do not have the opportunity to defeat him, like the present. 当然,只要苏晓不露破绽,这三名巫师就没机会战胜他,如同现在般。 Su Xiao thinks that east the block walks, that side has heard the fighting sound. 苏晓想街区东侧走去,那边已经传来打斗声。 Bang! 轰! The form hits together on Bell Tower, as some crushed stones fall on the street. 一道身影撞在钟楼上,随着些许碎石落在街道上。 „......” “咳咳……” Moen shook the head, crawls to set out from the ground, at this time he is the whole face bloodstain. 摩恩・迪晃了晃脑袋,从地上爬起身,此时他已是满脸血迹。 The body best pupil has three meters form to go out from the shadow together, its head bull horn are ascending repeatedly the cold air, was A' Mu arrived, or it has ambushed in the , in order to avoid the Moen family's people escaped. 一道身高足有三米的身影从阴影内走出,它头上的牛角升腾着屡屡寒气,是阿姆到了,或者说,它早就埋伏在附近,以免摩恩家族的人逃掉。 Moen can reflect the injury? A' Mu does not care, it most does not fear takes a beating, most attacks of A' Mu are strike obtusely, the injury of White Walker Bloodline reduces the effect, as well as internal defense of Ice Energy, making the damage that it withstands compared with the imagination in lower. 摩恩・迪能反射伤害?阿姆根本不在乎,它最不怕的就是挨揍,况且阿姆的大部分攻击都是钝击,凛冬血脉的伤害减免效果,以及冰能量的内部防御,让它承受的损伤比想象中低很多。 Su Xiao, A' Mu, Boubo and Baja Moen surrounds, Moen scoffs at one lightly, plunges Boubo directly, because Boubo looks weakest. 苏晓阿姆布布汪巴哈摩恩・迪包围,摩恩・迪轻嗤一声,直接扑向布布汪,因为布布汪看起来最弱。 After two minutes, Moen was planted greatly head down in an alley, Moen is also the unlucky life, whom annoying is not good, does not look for the squad focuses on protecting object Boubo. 两分钟后,摩恩・迪被大头朝下栽在一条小巷内,摩恩・迪也是倒霉命,惹谁不好,非找上小队的重点保护对象布布汪 Hence, the plan of Moen family is shattered, their Caesar surface had not seen, was intercepted. 至此,摩恩家族的计划破灭,他们连凯撒的面都没见到,就被截杀了。 In alley, Moen on is entangling by the chains of cold ice constitution, the ability and Naruto/Hokage of world this fellow Hidan is somewhat similar, what is different from Hidan, he does not have the body of undying, but the ability be more comprehensive than Hidan, does not need to obtain the blood of enemy, who injures him, he can at several times of intensities feed back the injury of withstanding to anyone. 小巷内,摩恩・迪身上缠着由寒冰构成的锁链,这家伙的能力与火影世界飞段有些类似,与飞段不同的是,他没有不死之身,但能力要比飞段全面,无需获得敌人的血,谁伤他,他能将所承受的伤害以几倍强度反馈给谁。 Caesar, is......” 凯撒,是……” Moen words just told only half, A' Mu gave him directly a hammer, this made A' Mu stuffy snort/hum, the chest place like suffer a fist imperceptibly. 摩恩・迪的话刚说到一半,阿姆直接给了他一锤,这让阿姆闷哼一声,胸膛处如同无形中挨了一拳。 Two issues, after replying, you can die.” “两个问题,回答后,你就可以死了。” Su Xiao squats before Moen body, hints A' Mu not to need to continue to act. 苏晓蹲在摩恩・迪身前,示意阿姆不用继续出手。 Ha haha......” “哈哈哈……” Moen gloomy smiles to make noise, he of mouthful blood catches the eye to look to Su Xiao, said: You are questioning the authority of Moen.” 摩恩・迪阴森森的笑出声,满嘴鲜血的他抬眼看向苏晓,说道:“你在质疑摩恩家的权威吗。” Su Xiao takes out Alchemy Raven from the storage space, after the activation, Necklace of Endless Darkness throws to Raven, after Raven transmits the last order, shuts off with the spiritual link of Raven. 苏晓从储存空间内取出一只炼金渡鸦,激活后,将无尽黑暗项圈抛给渡鸦,给渡鸦传达最后一条命令后,切断与渡鸦的精神链接。 Ka ~ 咔~ Necklace of Endless Darkness beats in Moen on nape of the neck, just activated, Su Xiao on crumb Alchemy Raven. 无尽黑暗项圈拷在摩恩・迪的脖颈上,刚激活,苏晓就捏碎炼金渡鸦 Bang, Raven explodes, appears by blood manifestation Array Chart together, gradually evaporates in the air. 砰的一声,渡鸦爆开,一道由鲜血形成阵图出现,逐渐蒸发在空气中。 I, even if dies, cannot......” “我就算是死,也不会……” Necklace of Endless Darkness activates, Moen the appearance in eyes goes pale, the head thump hits in the ground. 无尽黑暗项圈激活,摩恩・迪眼中的神采淡去,头部咚的一声撞在地面上。 After five seconds, Su Xiao relieves Moen Necklace of Endless Darkness on nape of the neck. 五秒后,苏晓解除摩恩・迪脖颈上的无尽黑暗项圈 Ahh! “啊! Moen cries out strangely, sees his facial expression, the Boubo angry face one embarrassed, in the heart the secretly thought ended. 摩恩・迪怪叫一声,看到他的神情,布布汪狗脸一囧,心中暗道完了。 What is Old God?” 旧神是什么?” Su Xiao listens to Old God this name, sorrowful lady to be attached to by Old God more than once, the prestigious store can exchange the Old God bone ash, thus summoned Old God to assist to fight. 苏晓不止一次听过旧神这种称呼,悲伤之女受到旧神的眷恋,声望商店能兑换旧神的骨灰,从而召唤出旧神协助战斗。 From the multiple clue expressions, Old God stands in human and Hallow City this side, they sacrificed themselves, lets fierce Yang Fenshao, thus obtains Sacred Silver that can absorb dark. 从多重线索表情,旧神是站在人类、赫鲁城这方,他们牺牲自己,让烈阳焚烧自身,从而得到能吸收黑暗的圣银 Su Xiao felt, had the appearance of Sacred Silver, lets Ray of Hope Nia had resistance they possibility, although finally Nia losses. 苏晓感觉,正是有了圣银的出现,才让希望之光尼亚有了对抗‘它们’的可能,虽然最终尼亚了。 Old God?” 旧神?” Moen eyeful doubts looks at Su Xiao. 摩恩・迪满眼疑惑的看着苏晓 Right, Old God.” “没错,旧神。” Su Xiao frowns, he felt that Moen some are not right. 苏晓皱起眉头,他感觉摩恩・迪有些不对。 Old God! Old God! Ha, haha, ha haha......” 旧神旧神!哈,哈哈,哈哈哈……” Moen sways from side to side the body, looks at that such, if were not bound by the cold ice lock, he has started the embarrassed dance. 摩恩・迪扭动身体,看那那样,如果不是被寒冰锁绑住,他已经开始尬舞。 „......” “……” After Su Xiao Sensor moment, determined that Moen ability influence has vanished, one fist bang above the opposite party. 苏晓感知片刻后,确定摩恩・迪的能力影响已经消失,就一拳轰在对方头上。 Quite sore, Ignarro, why you hits me!” “好疼,伊格纳缇,你为什么打我!” Moen eyeful angry is staring Su Xiao. Su Xiao this determination, Moen impossible has disclosed any useful information. 摩恩・迪满眼愤怒的瞪着苏晓苏晓这次确定,摩恩・迪已经不可能透露任何有用的情报。 Butchered.” “宰了。” Su Xiao lifts the step to walk toward the alley, A' Mu arrives at Moen before body, a hammer pounds to the head...... 苏晓抬步向小巷外走去,阿姆来到摩恩・迪身前,一锤砸向头部…… Goes out of the alley, the Su Xiao's vision looks all around the surroundings, the sound that just now fights is big, but has not attracted the Sorceror's Meet person, obviously, management of Sorceror's Meet to Hallow City is very lax, so long as does not make the important matter, Sorceror's Meet will not meddle. 走出小巷,苏晓的目光环顾周围,方才战斗的声响不小,但没引来巫师会的人,显然,巫师会赫鲁城的管理很松懈,只要不闹出大事,‘巫师会’不会插手。 Examines Reincarnation Paradise Prompt, strikes to kill three Sorcerer, the grand total obtains 4. 2% World's Origin, this has under the addition of Moen family member title, as for treasure box, only obtains one, Mythical treasure box ( 47% ), quantity, although are few, but Quality is high. 查看轮回乐园提示,击杀三名巫师,总计获得4.2%的世界之源,这还是有摩恩家族成员这个头衔的加成下,至于宝箱,仅获得一枚,史诗级宝箱,数量虽少,但品质较高。 After A' Mu, making Su Xiao no longer feel the manpower to be scarce, therefore he makes Boubo continue the Moen family to stare, that family's member lives in Sorceror's Meet, extinguished that families to be unlikely on own initiative. 阿姆到了后,让苏晓不再感觉人手紧缺,因此他让布布汪继续去摩恩家族盯着,那个家族的成员都居住在巫师会内,主动去灭了那各家族不太可能。 So long as the Moen family sends people to assassinate Caesar, comes one, Su Xiao on interception one, comes one team, kills one team. 只要摩恩家族派人暗杀凯撒,来一个,苏晓就截杀一个,来一队,就杀一队。 After Caesar stokes up the fame, he with the status that Sorceror's Meet receives, sells the demon medicine in Sorceror's Meet, Su Xiao does not believe the Moen family to dare in Sorceror's Meet to begin. 况且,当凯撒打响名气后,他就会用巫师会接待的身份,在巫师会内售卖魔药,苏晓不信摩恩家族敢在巫师会内动手。 A' Mu and Baja are responsible for that side Caesar, this is the double insurance. 阿姆巴哈负责凯撒那边,这是第二重保险。 Returns to the sleeping soundly room, Su Xiao sits under the hanging lamp, he pulls the sleeve cuff of right arm, but killed three Sorcerer, darkness spreads to his small arm place quickly, is good can eliminate darkness because of sorrowful lady. 返回安眠屋,苏晓坐在吊灯下方,他挽起右臂的袖口,只是杀了三名巫师而已,‘黑暗’就快蔓延到他的小臂处,好在悲伤之女能清除‘黑暗’。
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