RP :: Volume #30

#15: Sorcerer ability

The bright moonlight hangs, Su Xiao leaps from the roof of stone building, but on the front street, is standing three Sorcerer. 明月高悬,苏晓从石楼的屋顶跃下,而在前方的街道上,则站着三名巫师 After this is Su Xiao Promotion Sixth Order, in the plot character battle with Sixth Order world, by his Sensor, can certainly judge that for the first time these three people are Secret Law Sorcerer. 这是苏晓晋升六阶后,首次与六阶世界内的剧情人物交战,以他的感知,当然能判断出这三人都是秘法巫师 The invade/ Incursio revelation, making Su Xiao obtain the huge resources, these resources transform after the strength completely, although he in Arena hit many fields, but still has not determined a matter, is his strength is what degree in Sixth Order. 入侵天启,让苏晓获得大量资源,将这些资源全部转化为实力后,他虽然在竞技场打了很多场,但依然没确定一件事,就是他的实力在六阶内达到什么程度。 Although Sorceror's World is Su Xiao experience first world, but here is not Sixth Order low Difficulty world, but these three Sorcerer, the big probability in Sixth Order are to belong to small elite. 巫师世界虽然是苏晓经历的首个世界,但这里并非是六阶的低难度世界,而这三名巫师,在六阶内大概率是属于小精英 Hallow City night very strange, without shine of moonlight, this city obviously is not dark, although construction several hundred meters away cannot see clearly the appearance, but the nearby can actually look is very clear, naturally, this gradually the powerful physical quality is also related with Su Xiao. 赫鲁城的夜晚很奇异,纵使没有月光的映照,这座城也不显黑暗,几百米外的建筑虽然看不清模样,但附近却能看的很清楚,当然,这也与苏晓逐渐强大的身体素质有关。 Zheng ~ 铮~ The long blade comes out of the sheath, the scabbard vanishes in the Su Xiao hand, stores in the storage space. 长刀出鞘,刀鞘在苏晓手中消失,存入储存空间内。 This fellow is very difficult to deal with, Delphi, blocks his meeting, Ell Sha, interferes with his soul.” “这家伙很难对付,德尔,挡住他一会,埃尔,干涉他的灵魂。” Moen extends the right hand index finger, the fingertip on index finger is gradually sharp, delimits a wound in the left hand heart. 摩恩迪伸出右手食指,食指上的指尖逐渐尖利,在左手心划出一道伤口。 The blood stays behind following the Moen left hand on, just dropped in the place, on circular Array Chart of manifestation distortions, locates Array Chart every time, only then fist size, each other is connected, gathers bigger Array Chart. 鲜血顺着摩恩迪的左手上留下,刚滴落在地,就形成一道道扭曲的圆形阵图,每处阵图只有拳头大小,彼此相连,汇聚成更大的阵图 suo suo Atha( unknown language).” “嗦嗦阿萨(未知语言)。” The expression on Moen face is somewhat painful, the blood vessel under his body surface surges, as if will break the body momentarily. 摩恩迪脸上的表情有些痛苦,他体表下的血管涌动,仿佛随时都会破体而出。 Stature emaciated Delphi lifts the step to keep off before the Moen body, under shine of moonlight, in the hand that he exposes full is the black scale, the hand claw is sharp, that pair of pupil also turns into the vertical pupil. 身材瘦弱一些的德尔抬步挡在摩恩迪身前,在月光的映照下,他裸露出的手上满是黑色鳞片,手爪尖利,那双眸子也变成竖瞳。 Burns.” “燃。” Delphi's hand gets hold, one that shouted, the quiet green flame emerged in the Su Xiao body surface, without Judgement, even without the fluctuation of energy, this suddenly presented the green flame. 德尔的手握紧,呼的一声,幽绿色火焰在苏晓体表涌现,没有判定,甚至没有能量波动,就这样突然出现绿焰。 Pulls... him, the soul, is very difficult!” “扯出…他的,灵魂,很难!” Ell Sha situated in final side holds their palms together, on the face sees the perspiration, hears her words, Delphi's complexion is not attractive, without the ability coordination of Ell Sha, the lethality of withered flame will reduce. 位于最后方的埃尔双手合十,脸上已是见汗,听到她的话,德尔的脸色不算好看,没有埃尔的能力配合,枯萎焰的杀伤力会削减很多。 Delle, Erre Sha, Moen, these three people are the strongest combinations of Moen family, particularly in coping with a situation of enemy. 德尔,埃尔,摩恩迪,这三人是摩恩家族的最强组合,尤其是在对付一名敌人的情况下。 Ell Sha is responsible for pulling the soul, Delphi's withered flame can burn down the soul, and while burning down enemy soul, lets the enemy ** was also greatly injured. 埃尔负责扯出灵魂,德尔的枯萎焰则是能焚烧灵魂,并在焚烧敌人灵魂的同时,让敌人的**也受到巨大伤害。 As for Moen, the matter that he must do is very simple, before is rushes, and enemy Close Combat. 至于摩恩迪,他要做的事很简单,就是冲上前与敌人近战 These three people of combinations, do not know that removed many with Moen family's hostile Sorcerer, powerful Sorcerer is quite mostly eccentric, the side will not have friend one kind, to these three people of natural disadvantages. 这三人的组合,不知除掉了多少与摩恩家族敌对的巫师,强大的巫师大多比较孤僻,身边不会有朋友一类,对上这三人天然劣势。 Moreover, because of the demon medicine and dark dual corrosion, the Sorcerer soul is scarred, once were pulled by Ell Sha, later by withered flame burning down, was fought in one puts in an appearance possibly finished. 不仅如此,因魔药与黑暗的双重侵蚀,巫师们的灵魂都伤痕累累,一旦被埃尔扯出,之后再被枯萎焰焚烧,战斗在一个照面就可能结束。 The quiet green flame ascends on Su Xiao, he lifts the right arm that holds the blade, looked at green flame on the hand, looks to the Moen three people. 幽绿的火焰在苏晓身上升腾,他抬起持刀的右臂,看了眼手上的绿焰,又看向摩恩迪三人。 This...... impossible.” “这……不可能吧。” Delphi somewhat looks to stare, was so been calm by the withered flame combustion, Su Xiao absolutely is first. 德尔都有些看愣,被枯萎焰燃烧还这么淡定,苏晓绝对是第一个。 Su Xiao will certainly not have the too big response, he can feel at this time, because of the flame combustion of body surface, his blood in the transpiration, soon, he will be slowly weak because of the excessive loss of blood, even died. 苏晓当然不会有太大反应,他此时能感觉到,因体表的火焰燃烧,他的鲜血在缓缓蒸腾,用不了多久,他就会因失血过多而虚弱,甚至身亡。 The side effect is indeed big, but this type of flame can for soul heating, this warm feeling, he experience all over the body for the first time. 副作用的确不小,但这种火焰能为灵魂‘取暖’,这种通体暖洋洋的感觉,他还是首次体验到。 This?” “就这样?” Su Xiao mumbled in a low voice, eye of reveal doubts looks at three Sorcerer, Sixth Order small elite somewhat disappoints him, this anything nonsense ability, after entered the stage, oneself let blood, but also without starting, complexion on palely to with ghost. 苏晓低声嘟哝一声,目露疑惑的看着三名巫师,六阶的小精英有些让他失望,这都什么狗屁能力,一个出场后就自己放血,还没开打,脸色就苍白到和鬼似的。 Another playing with fire also not much, Su Xiao even felt, opposite party in giving on him buff mode, his soul after feeling warm feeling, the Sensor strength is obviously keener, comprehension of Su Xiao to green flame is, buff mode of combustion blood. 另一个玩火的也不怎么样,苏晓甚至感觉,对方是在给他上增益状态,他的灵魂在感觉到温热感后,感知力明显更敏锐,苏晓对绿焰的理解是,一种会燃烧血液的增益状态 As for that quite rare female Sorcerer, from the fight from the beginning, holds their palms together in that whole body trembles, that type was often towed to entrain the feeling, indeed makes Su Xiao somewhat bothersome. 至于那名比较罕见的女巫师,从战斗一开始,就双手合十在那全身哆嗦,那种不时被拖拽一下的感觉,的确让苏晓有些烦。 „Are you...... Old God?” “你是……旧神?” Moen fixes the eyes on Su Xiao, in the eye some are not daring to believe. 摩恩迪紧盯着苏晓,眼中有些不敢置信。 „......” “……” Su Xiao has not spoken, but in the heart decided, this remains to kill finally . Moreover the ability characteristics that by the opposite party, remain to cope finally very suitably. 苏晓没说话,但心中决定,这个留到最后杀,而且以对方的能力特性,留到最后对付很适合。 Ka ~ 咔吧~ The close crack spreads in the Su Xiao under foot, bang, he disappears in same place, leaves behind together the shallow holes on the flagging in ground. 细密龟裂在苏晓脚下蔓延,轰的一声,他消失在原地,在地面的石板路上留下一道浅坑。 Right.” “右。” Moen lifts the right arm, is almost instantaneous, Delphi and Erre Sha move sideways to arrive at right rear Moen. 摩恩迪抬起右臂,几乎是瞬间,德尔与埃尔就闪身来到摩恩迪右后方。 Spirit turns over.” “灵归。” Thump ~ 咚~ A strange fluctuation emerges, at the same time, the bright as snow blade edge appears in Ell Sha body side, cuts the throat. 一股奇异的波动涌现,与此同时,雪亮的刀锋出现在埃尔身侧,直斩喉咙。 The instance that the fluctuation spreads, Ell Sha vanishes, Moen appears in her position, right arm horizontally before the nape of the neck. 波动扩散的瞬间,埃尔消失,摩恩迪出现在她的位置上,右臂横在脖颈前。 Cutting of blade edge no impediment operates the Moen sleeve cuff, takes advantage of opportunity to cut to break his skin. 刀锋毫无阻隔的斩开摩恩迪的袖口,顺势斩破他的皮肤。 , The long blade stops suddenly, blade edge clear recited. 陡然间,长刀停下,刀锋清吟。 After Su Xiao jumps leaps, at the same time that side evades one group of black green energies, falls to the ground steadily. 苏晓纵身后跃,侧头躲过一团黑绿色能量的同时,平稳落地。 Transmits stirs up one, on wall that group black green energy pats in a house, the wall was corroded at the visible speed, in a flash, nearby five stone building corrodes the residual, the civilians who inside is occupied by have not sent out the pitiful yell, was perished together with the building. 身后传来噗激一声,那团黑绿色能量拍在一栋房屋的墙壁上,墙体以肉眼可见的速度被腐蚀,转瞬间,附近的五栋石楼就腐蚀成残渣,里面居住的平民连惨叫都没发出,就连同建筑被腐蚀掉。 The blood drips following the Su Xiao's right arm, his big arm place has a wound, cut to injure the instance of Moen arm a moment ago, on the Su Xiao's arm also has the same injury. 鲜血顺着苏晓的右臂淌下,他大臂处有一道伤口,刚才斩伤摩恩迪手臂的瞬间,苏晓的手臂上也出现相同伤势。 The ability of enemy is more troublesome than the imagination, cannot be headstrong, the ability of this exchange position is somewhat thorny, once Su Xiao cuts the Moen head, the sewer will capsize. 敌人的能力比想象中更麻烦,不能莽着来,这种互换位置的能力有些棘手,而一旦苏晓斩下摩恩迪的头颅,就会阴沟翻船。 Delle, Erre Sha, finds the opportunity to remove, my ability exposed.” “德尔,埃尔,找机会撤,我的能力暴露了。” Moen is narrowing the pupil, he does not believe the enemy to look through his ability instantaneously ; first, in the family had/left the rebel ; second, the enemy through other channels, knew his ability. 摩恩迪眯着眸子,他不信敌人瞬间就看破他的能力,一是家族内出了叛徒,二是敌人通过其他渠道,知晓了他的能力。 I can constrain him, 10 seconds......” “我能拖住他,十秒……” Ell Sha just opened the mouth, points out frankly the wind sound/rumor to raid from the front. 埃尔刚开口,一道破风声就从前方袭来。 Su Xiao appears before the Moen body suddenly, just finished the space penetrating, making him appear unusual is sudden. 苏晓陡然出现在摩恩迪身前,刚结束空间穿透,让他出现的非常突然。 Moen lifts the right arm again, he has judged, the terrifying place of enemy in that blade on, so long as makes the enemy lose the arm, they have a big odds of success. 摩恩迪再次抬起右臂,他已经判断出,敌人的恐怖之处就在那把刀上,只要让敌人失去手臂,他们有不小的胜算。 ‚When Blade of Blades.’ 刃道刀时。’ Thump, the surrounding air becomes viscous, the Moen speed is suddenly slow. 咚的一声,周围的空气变得粘稠,摩恩迪的速度陡然慢下来。 Blade of Blades Azure Fiend.’ 刃道刀青鬼。’ Azure blue Blade Aura cuts, almost sticks to by the Moen ear to cut, Moen lifts the hand to welcome to Blade Aura, attempt makes Blade Aura cut on his arm, does to his speed to be reduced, in addition Azure Fiend is the Su Xiao speed quickest Swordplay style. 青蓝色刀芒斩出,几乎紧贴着摩恩迪耳旁斩过,摩恩迪抬手迎向刀芒,试图让刀芒斩在他手臂上,奈何他的速度被削减,外加青鬼苏晓速度最快的刀术招式。 Bang, Delphi holds on the side waist of Ell Sha, the Sorcerer reaction speed are too quickly more than imagination, their abilities are many and varied, Close Combat similarly is also the thing that they excel. 砰的一声,德尔一脚揣在埃尔的侧腰上,巫师的反应速度比想象中快太多,他们的能力多种多样,近战同样也是他们所擅长的东西。 Azure Fiend has cut from the shoulder of Erre Sha, the tip blood splash, the rags flutter together in the midair, the shoulder of Erre Sha was cut the same place, is injured not heavily. 青鬼从埃尔的肩头斩过,点滴鲜血飞溅,一块碎布飘在半空中,埃尔的肩头被斩下一块,受伤不重。 In fact, Su Xiao this blade has not thought can kill the enemy, he must constrain that female Sorcerer, contains the ability of opposite party that exchange position by this, copes with Sorcerer unable the only strong military force, but must think. 实际上,苏晓这刀也没想过能杀敌,他只是要拖住那名女巫师,以此遏制对方那种互换位置的能力,对付巫师不能单凭强大的武力,还要动脑子。 A hand grasps to the Su Xiao's surface gate, Su Xiao withdraws half at the same time, before a foot, tramples. 一只手向苏晓的面门抓来,苏晓后撤半步的同时,一脚前踹。 Thump! 咚! Moen breaks through an air wave, flies directly backward, in the high-speed flight, Moen discovered very much surprisedly, he was trampled a lower abdomen of foot to pain. 摩恩迪冲破一层气浪,直接向后飞去,高速飞行中,摩恩迪很惊奇的发现,他被直踹一脚的小腹只是隐隐作痛而已。 Su Xiao will certainly not make too heavy, the ability of opposite party Moen injures is quite shameless, for example Su Xiao has the blade to cut Moen, he in the injury that the opposite party that creates, can enlarge several times of scopes, affects on he himself. 苏晓当然不会让摩恩迪伤的太重,对方的能力比较无耻,例如苏晓出刀去斩摩恩迪,他在对方那造成的伤势,会以放大几倍的幅度,作用在他自己身上。 Moen flies the end of block directly, vanishes in the line of sight of Delphi and in Erre Sha, two people look at each other one, escapes separately to the street. 摩恩迪直接飞到街区的尽头,消失在德尔与埃尔的视线中,两人对视一眼,分头向街道两侧逃去。 Ka ~ 咔哒~ Delphi's footsteps stop, his clear feeling, oneself step on to anything, and has triggered. 德尔的脚步停住,他清晰的感觉到,自己踩到什么东西,并已经触发。 Absent-minded of moment, decides the victory and defeat sufficiently. 片刻的失神,就足以决定胜负。 Tittering. 噗嗤。 The long blade has cut, the blade edge pulls off the bloodstain, draws together the blood-color arc in the midair, a whole face stunned head flies, the headless corpse goes to the one side but actually. 长刀斩过,刀锋拖出血迹,在半空中划出一道血色弧线,一颗满脸错愕的头颅飞起,无头尸体向一旁倒去。 Delphi just about to falls down, in the Su Xiao hand under the long blade punctures, the activated magnetic storm hunter was forced to interrupt by him, in order to avoid wastes. 德尔刚要栽倒,苏晓手中长刀下刺,已激活的磁暴猎手被他强制中断,以免浪费。
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