RMJTIIW :: Volume #9

#872: The gambling makes

Fellow Daoist Gu, how do you to this fight see?” Tu Gang not, because no one pays attention to be awkward, looks to Gu Qianxun, asked with a smile. 骨道友,你对这一战是如何看的?”屠刚并未因为无人理会而尴尬,看向骨千寻,笑着问道。 If by the superficial strength, naturally is Poison Dragon gets the advantage, but the factor of influence victory and defeat are too many, Li Feiyu does not have the chance.” Gu Qianxun opens the mouth to say slowly. “若以表面实力来看,自然是毒龙占优势,不过影响胜负的因素太多,厉飞雨也并非毫无胜机。”骨千寻缓缓开口道。 Listens to Fellow Daoist Gu this words the meaning, is it possible that thinks that this Li Feiyu will explode the big unexpected winner?” On the Tu Gang face the happy expression is thicker. “听骨道友此话的意思,莫非认为这厉飞雨会爆大冷门?”屠刚脸上笑意更浓。 Gu Qianxun is light smiles, an impartial appearance. 骨千寻却淡淡一笑,一副不置可否的样子。 Fellow Daoist Gu the vision is always sinister, especially is skilled in sentences the victory and defeat in advance, does not have nothing, this I actually think otherwise time, how do we bet one game?” In the Tu Gang eye the crystal glittering, said slowly. 骨道友向来目光毒辣,尤其精于预判胜负,无有不中,这一次我却不以为然,我们赌一局如何?”屠刚眼中晶光闪烁,缓缓说道。 What does Fellow Daoist Tu want to bet?” The Gu Qianxun corners of the mouth curl upwards slightly, asking of faint smile. 屠道友想赌什么?”骨千寻嘴角微微一翘,似笑非笑的问道。 Such remarks, on the purple robe female face of its side shows the unbelievable facial expression, on other side faces also somewhat changes countenance slightly. 此言一出,其身旁的紫袍女子脸上露出难以置信的神情,旁边其他人脸上也微微有些动容。 I a few years ago, obtained a Earth rank Black-marked Scale Turtle tortoise shell by chance, does not know that this thing Fellow Daoist Gu can also be have a liking for the eye?” Tu Gang unhurriedly saying. “我前些年在一个偶然的机会下,得到了一头地级黑纹鳞龟龟壳,不知此物骨道友可还看得上眼?”屠刚不慌不忙的说道。 It seems like Fellow Daoist Tu comes prepared, the Earth rank Black-marked Scale Turtle tortoise shell truly is the rare treasure, I just need this thing. Then, what you did have a liking for on me?” Gu Qianxun hears this words, the tranquil eye pupil exudes a fluctuation, said. “看来屠道友是有备而来,地级黑纹鳞龟龟壳确实是罕见之宝,我正需要此物。说吧,你看上了我身上的何物?”骨千寻听闻此话,平静的眼眸泛起一丝波动,说道。 Hears in the Fellow Daoist Gu hand to have Phoenix Blood Jade together, does not know that can once use up?” Tu Gang licked the lip, said. “听闻骨道友手中有一块凤凰血玉,不知可曾用掉?”屠刚舔了舔嘴唇,说道。 I said why Fellow Daoist Tu comes to watch this competition today suddenly, originally wants taking advantage of this competition, to scheme my Phoenix Blood Jade. Your luck correct/good, this thing now also in my hands.” Gu Qianxun managed beautiful hair of temple, said. “我说屠道友今日为何突然过来观看这场比试,原来是想借着这场比试,图谋我的凤凰血玉。你运气不错,此物现在还在我手中。”骨千寻理了理鬓角的秀发,说道。 Does not know that Fellow Daoist Gu does dare to bet this game?” The Tu Gang double pupil is bright, saying every single word or phrase. “不知骨道友敢不敢赌这一局?”屠刚双眸晶亮,一字一句的说道。 Since Fellow Daoist Tu spoke in this, I naturally cannot sweep the interest of fellow daoist. Good, I bet.” Gu Qianxun nods, tranquil saying. “既然屠道友都说到这份上了,我自然不会扫了道友的兴致。好,我赌了。”骨千寻点了点头,平静的说道。 Good, that said it and meant it!” In the Tu Gang eye the happy expression flashes. “好,那一言为定!”屠刚眼中喜色一闪。 Elder sister, do you really have confidence?” Purple robe female saying of slow. “姐姐,你真的有把握吗?”紫袍女子呐呐的说道。 Gu Qianxun has not spoken, the corners of the mouth reveal one to smile again pale. 骨千寻没有说话,嘴角再次露出一丝淡笑。 Tu Gang looks at the smile on Gu Qianxun face, in the heart always feels some not steadfast feeling, but bets has about achieved, he also no longer thinks, after all that Poison Dragon becomes famous in this Profound Fighting Arena for a long time, Li Feiyu the fame, is mortal body cultivation base, compared with Poison Dragon differed by a large margin. 屠刚看着骨千寻脸上的笑容,心中总觉得有些不踏实之感,不过赌约已经达成,他也不再多想,毕竟那毒龙在这玄斗场成名已久,厉飞雨则无论是名气,还是肉身修为,都较毒龙差了一大截 „Can Fellow Daoist Sun be interested in also participating?” Tu Gang transfers to look to another side Sun Binghe, asked. 孙道友可有兴趣也参与进来?”屠刚转首看向另一边的孙冰河,问道。 Has no interest.” The Sun Binghe whole person lends ice-cold aura, said the words indifferently also like the ice. “没兴趣。”孙冰河整个人散发出一股冰冷气息,说出话也冷漠如冰。 Tu Gang smiles, has not cared, the vision looks toward the ringside. 屠刚一笑,也没有在意,目光朝着赛台望去。 Han Li above ringside, the vision is staring at front Poison Dragon stubbornly, naturally does not know own and others' life and death duel, has become others' gambling to make. 赛台之上的韩立,目光死死盯着前方的毒龙,自然不知道自己与别人的一场生死决斗,已然成为了别人的赌约。 Poison Dragon both hands hold the chest, unemotional is looking at Han Li, the vision ice is cold, just like was looking that a deceased person is the same. 毒龙双手抱胸,面无表情的望着韩立,目光冰寒,犹如在看一个死人一样。 As one-horned big guy orders, the Han Li pupil shrinks fiercely, the body, body figure such as the electricity swoops in a flash, almost snatches the Poison Dragon body side instantaneously, a fist pounds to its rib, first launched the attack. 随着独角大汉一声令下,韩立瞳孔猛地一缩,身子一晃之下,身形如电飞扑而出,几乎瞬间抢到毒龙身侧,一拳捣向其肋下,抢先发动了攻击。 His strength was smaller and weaker compared with Poison Dragon, if makes the opposite party occupy takes the initiative, he was really unable to save the situation. 他的实力较之毒龙本就弱小很多,若是让对方占得先机,他就真的回天无力了。 Matter of Poison Dragon to the Han Li assaulting was actually unresponsive, both arms. 毒龙韩立抢攻之事竟然毫无反应,双臂一张。 Bang! His nearby air twists instantaneously all, exudes the transparent fluctuation, erupts from his body like the sea profound huge aura suddenly. 轰隆!他附近的空气瞬间尽数扭曲,泛起透明的波动,一股如同大海般深邃庞大的气息骤然从其身上爆发。 His body murderous aura also with this huge aura fusion in one, formed one, if had the essence pressure, toward oppressed in all directions suddenly. 其身上杀气也和这股庞大气息融合在了一起,形成一股如有实质般的压力,朝着四面八方猛然压迫而来。 The Han Li fist has not bumped into Poison Dragon, the whole person such as is then hit hard, especially in the mind was similar to by a sledgehammer is shelled ruthlessly, the complexion cannot help but one white, the fist could not rumble again, person also cannot help but in the future will draw back continually several steps. 韩立拳头没碰到毒龙,整个人便如遭重击,尤其脑海中如同被一柄大锤狠狠轰击了一下,面色不由得一白,拳头再也轰不出去,人还不由自主的往后连退了几步。 The Poison Dragon corners of the mouth one, then only listens to bang one, the ringside ground to blast out a big hole, the innumerable crushed stones four shoot the splash. 毒龙嘴角一咧,然后只听“轰隆”一声,赛台地面炸开一个大坑,无数碎石四射飞溅。 But Poison Dragon huge body figure vanishes in instantaneously same place, next moment, a black long leg emerges out of thin air before the Han Li body, a leg sweeps away. 毒龙庞大的身形瞬间消失在原地,下一刻,一条黑色长腿凭空出现在韩立身前,一腿横扫。 A grating wailing sound crack! 一阵刺耳的尖啸声炸响! The black long leg place visited, exudes the faint trace naked eye obvious ripples void impressively, kicks ruthlessly toward the Han Li head. 黑色长腿所过之处,虚空赫然泛起丝丝肉眼可见的涟漪,朝着韩立脑袋狠狠踢来。 The long leg , the swift and fierce sharp wind has almost not cut the skin on his face. 长腿未至,凌厉的锐风几乎将他脸上的皮肤划破。 The crucial moment, the Han Li strength shows with nothing left, 43 profound aperture shine all, especially seven profound aperture on leg are the ray puts greatly, the both feet treads the ground fiercely. 生死关头,韩立实力展现无遗,身上四十三处玄窍尽数亮起,尤其腿上的七处玄窍更是光芒大放,双脚猛地一踏地面。 Bang, his ground was also trod a big hole, the whole person changes into a shadow to shoot toward behind, making Poison Dragon this leg sweep spatial. “轰隆”一声,他脚下的地面也被踏出一个大坑,整个人化为一道黑影朝着后面射去,让毒龙这一腿扫了个空。 In the Poison Dragon surface reveals surprised, the under foot in a flash. 毒龙面上露出一丝惊讶,脚下一晃。 Only listens to the ground bang to shake again, his body also changes into a shadow sharply to pursue instantaneously to Han Li. 只听地面再次“轰隆”一震,他的身体也瞬间化为一道黑影急追向韩立 The two speed is similar, if in other places, Han Li can also make a getaway but actually, but they above the ringside, are at this moment cramped, two people then chased the ringside edge quickly, the advance were roadless. 二者速度相仿,若在其他地方,韩立倒也能逃之夭夭,但此刻他们在赛台之上,空间有限,两人很快便追逃到了赛台边缘,前进无路。 Poison Dragon lowers roars, the whole person dialed instantaneously high about half, the whole body appeared the point profound aperture star light, 71, mainly distributed above the chest and belly and right leg fully. 毒龙低吼一声,整个人瞬间拨高了近半,全身浮现出点点玄窍星光,足有七十一个之多,主要分布在胸腹和右腿之上。 profound aperture on right leg is dense and numerous, has 30 - 40 fully, fuzzy, changes into the 7 - 8 leg shadow suddenly, treads toward Han Li ruthlessly under. 右腿上的玄窍密密麻麻,足有三四十个,一个模糊之下,骤然化为七八条腿影,朝着韩立狠狠一踏而下。 Void crack, exudes the grating wailing sound, the entire ringside as if somewhat cannot withstand the prestige of Poison Dragon this leg, gently tremor. 虚空炸响,发出刺耳的尖啸声,整个赛台似乎有些承受不住毒龙这一腿之威,轻轻颤动。 But in the Han Li surface has not revealed the startled color, the footsteps one wrong, the body instantaneous about rocks, as if the willow catkin in strong winds, does not know how to graze from the 7 - 8 leg shadow. 韩立面上并未露出惊慌之色,脚步一错,身体瞬间左右晃动,仿佛狂风中的柳絮,不知怎么就从七八条腿影中飞掠了出去。 The Poison Dragon pupil shrinks, in the pupil shows the shocking expression. 毒龙瞳孔一缩,眸中透出震惊的表情。 Well, what is this movement technique?” Gu Qianxun of distant place sees with own eyes this scenery, on the face also reveals the surprised color. “咦,这是什么身法?”远处的骨千寻眼见此景,脸上也露出惊讶之色。 The purple robe female lip moves, on the face shows the complex facial expression. 紫袍女子嘴唇动了动,脸上露出复杂的神情。 Information contains errors, this boy unexpectedly 43 profound aperture, for this competition, will not take the thing that anything harmed the vitality.” Tu Gang touches the chin, muttered. “情报有误啊,这小子竟有四十三个玄窍了,不会是为了这次比试,服用了什么有损元气的东西了吧。”屠刚摸了摸下巴,喃喃自语道。 Others are also the look vary, some are startled, some knit the brows. 其他人也是神色各异,有的吃惊,有的皱眉。 On Profound Fighting Arena. 玄斗场上。 Although Han Li is relying on «Soaring to Heaven Technique» evaded the attack of Poison Dragon ingeniously, but Poison Dragon this strikes the might extremely to be really fierce, his body withstood the attacks of many complementary waves, a complexion blanch. 韩立虽然凭借着《羽化飞升功》巧妙避过了毒龙的攻击,但毒龙此击威力实在太过厉害,他身体还是承受了不少余波的攻击,面色一阵发白。 His eye narrows the eyes, has not escaped, the right hand two fingers pierce suddenly, the fierce point approached the chest heart of Poison Dragon. 他眼睛一眯,并未逃开,右手二指突然洞穿而出,猛的点向了毒龙的胸口心脏。 Above two fingers the ray flashes, the finger becomes the shining white instantaneously like the jade, sends out Chī chī sharp whistle, swift and fierce. 二指之上光芒一闪,手指瞬间变得莹白如玉,散发嗤嗤锐啸之声,凌厉之极。 In the Poison Dragon surface the startled color flashes then receives, cried loud and long suddenly, in the hand lifted fiercely, taking the form of tiger claw, swift and violent incomparable patted toward the Han Li arm under. 毒龙面上惊色一闪便收,豁然长啸一声,手上猛地抬起,形似虎爪,迅猛无比的朝着韩立手臂一拍而下。 Air Pī Li Pā Lā crack, as if hit stuffy thunder -like. 空气噼里啪啦炸响,仿佛打了一个闷雷般。 Although in his hand has not opened profound aperture, this strikes is extremely also powerful, if patted, perhaps the arm of Han Li will be hit a smashing immediately. 他手上虽然没有打开玄窍,这一击也极其有力,如果拍实了,韩立的手臂恐怕立刻会被打个粉碎。 But at this moment, the Han Li finger castrates fiercely changes, is changed by, thorn to the Poison Dragon lower abdomen dantian. 但就在此刻,韩立手指去势猛地一变,由上变下,刺向了毒龙的小腹丹田。 This accident is sudden, Poison Dragon also resists without enough time, can only low roar, the body profound aperture star light one bright, on the whole body floats down to appear one/1st level/layer , if there is clear light membrane of essence, keeps off before the Han Li finger, is True Extreme Membrane. 这一下变故突然,毒龙也来不及抵挡,只能低喝一声,身上玄窍星光一亮,全身上下浮现出一层如有实质的晶莹光膜,挡在韩立手指前,正是真极之膜 With Chī la a resounding! 随着“嗤啦”一声脆响! The Han Li two fingers pricked in True Extreme Membrane unexpectedly, with irresistible force presses up to the Poison Dragon dantian. 韩立二指竟然刺入了真极之膜中,势如破竹的直逼毒龙丹田。 The Poison Dragon facial expression finally changes, the right leg treads the ground fiercely. 毒龙神情终于一变,右腿猛地一踏地面。 Bang a loud sound! “轰隆”一声巨响! The entire arena rocks violently, the ground of Han Li under foot turned into the spring suddenly, a great strength erupts from the under foot, shoots upwardly his body, the finger that punctures also stopped. 整个擂台猛烈晃动,韩立脚下的地面突然变成了弹簧,一股巨力从脚下爆发,将他的身体向上弹去,刺出的手指也停了下来。 In the Han Li eye flashes through a startled anger, this series of several dodge the attack to be seemingly simple, is actually he acts full power, was then broken by Poison Dragon unexpectedly easily. 韩立眼中闪过一丝惊怒,这一连串的几下躲闪攻击看似简单,其实已经是他全力施为,竟然被毒龙轻而易举便破掉。 Although he has conceived the power gap between two, has not thought that the real situation estimates compared with him is also larger. 他虽然早已设想过二者之间的实力差距,没想到真实情况比他预想的还要大的多。 Poison Dragon shakes Han Li, the body immediately the turning round revolution, lifts a leg then to sweep away. 毒龙一脚震起韩立,身体立刻滴溜溜一转,抬起一腿便横扫而出。 A thunder great strength moves mountains to raid air-splitting, the air rumble blasts out, raises the high sea air wave, as if must one be torn. 一股雷霆般的巨力排山倒海般破空袭来,空气轰隆隆炸开,掀起怒涛般的气浪,似乎要被一下撕裂。 The Han Li person in the midair, nowhere taking advantage of the strength avoidance, must roar lowly, body all profound aperture rays put all greatly, the double fist pounds suddenly. 韩立人在半空,无处借力躲避,只得低吼一声,身上所有玄窍尽数光芒大放,双拳猛然一捣而出。 Result bang a loud sound! 结果“砰”的一声巨响! The wild great strength that is inconceivable one wells up to come from the opposite, was bigger than Chen Yang the strength of that arm initially. 一股难以想象的狂暴巨力从对面一涌而来,比当初晨阳的那条手臂之力更大。 The Han Li both arms severe pain, a whole person sandbag flies horizontally, pounds ruthlessly in the ground. 韩立双臂剧痛,整个人一下沙袋般横飞出去,狠狠砸在地面上。 Also is a loud sound, the ground was made a big hole, the crushed stone splash. 又是一声巨响,地面被打出一个大坑,碎石飞溅。 Hehe, this disparity somewhat is really big. Seeming like, this made a bet is I wins.” Before Exchange Hall, Tu Gang sees this, immediately eye one bright, haha said with a smile. “嘿嘿,这差距实在有些大。看起来,这场打赌是我赢了。”兑换大厅前,屠刚看到这一幕,顿时眼睛一亮,哈哈笑道。 Now said that the victory and defeat is also too early to say.” The Gu Qianxun complexion is slightly invariable, said lightly. “现在说胜负还言之尚早。”骨千寻面色丝毫不变,淡淡说道。 That is the eye waits, I must have a look but actually, will have what miracle to happen.” Tu Gang looked at Gu Qianxun one, said. “那就是目以待吧,我倒要看看,会有什么奇迹发生。”屠刚看了骨千寻一眼,如此说道。 In the big hole, the Han Li head one feels dizzy intermittently, in the mouth eye nose is the blood, the both arms are the tearing severe pain. 大坑之中,韩立脑袋一阵阵发昏,嘴巴眼睛鼻子里全是鲜血,双臂更是撕裂般剧痛。 He shakes fiercely, rouses the spirit, turns over/stands up jumps from the pit. 他猛地甩了甩头,强直振奋精神,翻身从坑内跃起。 But Han Li just raised the head, saw that Poison Dragon such as the electricity threw the vicinity again, was a leg strikes horizontally, swept ruthlessly to his chest. 韩立刚一抬头,就看到毒龙再次如电扑到了近处,又是一腿横击而出,狠狠扫向他的胸口。 However is good because of him has been in the ground at this moment, the both feet treads the ground fiercely, displays «Soaring to Heaven Technique», probably willow catkin shoot to move aside toward behind, the danger evaded this leg. 不过好在此刻他已经身在地面,双脚猛地一踏地面,施展《羽化飞升功》,好像一片柳絮般朝着后面倒射躲闪,险险避过了这一腿。 Poison Dragon sneers, a body figure again revolution, right leg suddenly changes sweeps for the point, as if a lance, rapid incomparable thorn to the chest of Han Li. 毒龙冷笑一声,身形再次一转,右腿忽的变扫为点,仿佛一根长矛,迅疾无比的刺向韩立的胸口。 Dozens profound aperture rays on his leg bloom, in each profound aperture spout a great strength, breaks the waterfall high sea to well up crazily. 他腿上的数十点玄窍光芒绽放,每一点玄窍中都喷涌出一股巨力,断瀑怒涛般狂涌而来。 Han Li has done utmost at this moment, in pupil immediately one cold, the forehead crystal light flash moves, appears indistinctly together clear sword image, then must display Divine Thought Sword to fight to the death. 韩立此刻已经竭尽全力,眸中顿时一冷,眉心处晶光闪动,隐约浮现出一道晶莹剑影,便要施展神念之剑决一死战。 At this moment, his vision suddenly flashes, clear sword image of forehead suddenly hidden, the under foot even/including selects the ground, shifts to move aside toward side. 就在此刻,他目光忽的一闪,眉心的晶莹剑影突然隐去,脚下连点地面,朝着旁边横移躲闪。 Meanwhile, his arm wields, the palm place exudes one group of clear rays. 与此同时,其手臂一挥,掌心处泛起一团晶莹光芒。
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