RMJTIIW :: Volume #9

#871: On the field sees the true facts

Hehe, Li Feiyu! Cannot think that your boy is very aware, knows must come out to lead.” Knife Scar is pointing at the nose of Han Li, shouted sternly. “嘿嘿,厉飞雨!想不到你小子还挺自觉,知道要出来领死。”刀疤指着韩立的鼻子,厉声喝道。 Han Li is only at a moderate pace walks from the room, regarding the Knife Scar words imitates, if has not heard general, later stopped in front of Poison Dragon. 韩立只是不紧不慢的从屋子内走出来,对于刀疤的话仿若未闻一般,随后停在了毒龙面前。 Snort! Some first date and time calculate your luck, Boss Poison Dragon are injured because of the match, this makes you live on dishonorably to the present, now the boss injury has restored, you have not knelt down to kowtow immediately, contributes all body all profound points, perhaps boss is happy, but can also forgive your poor life.” Knife Scar sees this, the sound is somewhat angry. “哼!前些时日算你运气,毒龙老大因赛受伤,这才让你苟活至现在,如今老大伤势已经恢复,你还不立刻跪下磕头,将身上所有玄点尽数贡献出来,说不定老大心情好,还能饶你一条小命。”刀疤见此,声音有些恼怒起来。 Han Li shot a look at Knife Scar one of the scurrying about, in the pupil seems the ray to flash through, then turned away, calmly looks at Poison Dragon. 韩立瞥了上蹿下跳的刀疤一眼,眸中似有光芒闪过,然后便移开了视线,静静看着毒龙 His tranquil appearance, making the surrounding person of surrounding be first startled, the laughter also stops suddenly. 他这一副平静的样子,让周围围观之人先是一怔,笑声也随之戛然而止。 Knife Scar sees Han Li so to disregard in him, expression one stiff, in the pupil the anger flashes, will say again anything, Poison Dragon actually stared its one fiercely. 刀疤韩立如此无视于他,表情一僵,眸中怒火一闪,正要开口再说些什么,毒龙却猛地瞪了其一眼。 Knife Scar resentful smiles to Poison Dragon, tactful fell back on the one side. 刀疤悻悻的冲毒龙笑了笑,识趣的退到了一旁。 Very good, for a long time without meeting a fellow who has the strength of spirit, you know the matter that I most like what is? That the bone of your fellow, one after another complete crumb!” Poison Dragon is saying unemotionally, two junctions grasp the chest front, pinched cluck makes noise. “很好,好久没有遇到一个有骨气的家伙了,你知道我最喜欢的事情是什么吗?那就是将你这种家伙的骨头,一根一根全部捏碎!”毒龙面无表情的说着,两手交握胸前,捏的咕咕作响。 Your excellency definitely is not no need saying that these words try to vacillate my mental. Then, you are the plan here, finds the place in addition.” Han Li shakes the head, tranquil saying. “阁下完全不必说这些话来试图动摇我的心智。说吧,你是打算在这里,还是另找地方。”韩立摇了摇头,平静的说道。 Courage is big. Then sees the true facts on Profound Fighting Arena on.” The Poison Dragon pupil shrinks suddenly, deeply looked at Han Li one, after leaving behind a few words, turns around to move toward outside. “胆子不小。那就玄斗场上见真章。”毒龙瞳孔骤然一缩,深深看了韩立一眼,留下一句话后,转身走向外面。 Han Li has not spoken, saying a word raises legs to take a step to lead the way, two people go toward the outside line shoulder to shoulder. 韩立没有说话,一言不发的抬腿迈步前行,两人并肩朝着外面行去。 Nearby crowd sees with own eyes this, looks the surprised color in abundance, obviously has not expected Han Li to respond, then does not know who shouted one to walk, with took a look!”, Everyone follows all. 附近的人群眼见此幕,纷纷面露惊讶之色,显然都没料到韩立会如此反应,然后不知谁呼喊了一声“走,跟上去瞧瞧!”,所有人尽数跟上。 Knife Scar cold snort/hum, half step with. 刀疤冷哼一声,也快步跟了上去。 Han Li and Poison Dragon arrived at Exchange Hall quickly, many people in other regions do not know where obtained the news, gathered here unexpectedly, a watching the fun stance. 韩立毒龙很快来到了兑换大厅,其他区域的不少人也不知从哪里得到了消息,竟纷纷聚集在了这里,一副看热闹的架势。 In big Exchange Hall, almost stood at this moment the person. 偌大的兑换大厅内,此刻几乎站满了人。 The aura when first three people lend is huge, is not under Poison Dragon impressively, bountiful interest looks at Han Li and Poison Dragon. 当先的三人散发出的气息庞大,赫然都不在毒龙之下,饶富趣味的看着韩立的和毒龙 Fellow Daoist Gu, Fellow Daoist Tu, Fellow Daoist Sun, how has interest so today, comes to see lively?” Poison Dragon stops the footsteps, looks toward three people, sprinkles however says with a smile. 骨道友,屠道友,孙道友,怎么今日有这般兴致,也来看热闹?”毒龙停下脚步,朝着三人望去,洒然一笑道。 Han Li also sized up one toward three people following the sound. 韩立也循声朝三人打量了一眼。 The person of middle is the yellow jersey female, the flesh fair like the jade, the appearance is quite beautiful. What is rarest, this female gives a calm bearing from inside to outside, vanishes however is aloof outside, always a liking a crane among chickens feeling. 中间之人是个黄衫女子,肌肤白皙如玉,容貌颇为秀丽。最为难得的是,此女由内而外散发出一股从容气度,泯然超脱于外,无时无刻不给人一种鹤立鸡群之感。 This female Gu Qianxun, but had previously seen that purple robe female stands. 此女正是骨千寻,而先前见过的那名紫袍女子则站在旁边。 Gu Qianxun left one person is the black robe man, the whole body skin shines dark, was more diminutive compared with Poison Dragon, even slightly was shorter than Han Li, but his hands and feet exceptionally is sturdy, the arm has the Han Li thigh to be thick or thin fully, is equivalent to the waist of Han Li as for the thigh. 骨千寻左边一人是个黑袍汉子,全身皮肤黝黑发亮,比起毒龙矮小了许多,甚至比韩立还略微矮了一丝,但其手脚却异常粗壮,手臂足有韩立大腿粗细,至于大腿则相当于韩立的腰肢。 The diminutive height, the sturdy hands and feet, enabling this black robe man to seem like very unharmonious, his whole body does not have one is not full of the explosive strength. 矮小的身高,粗壮的手脚,使得这黑袍汉子看起来很不和谐,却其全身无一处不充满了爆炸性的力量。 Right Gu Qianxun person, is the blue skin youth, the appearance is quite handsome, but on his whole body skin appears earthworm patterns, sends out the dense chill in the air. 骨千寻右边之人,则是个蓝肤青年,容貌颇为英俊,但其全身皮肤上浮现出一道道蚯蚓般的花纹,散发出森森寒意。 Is Gu Qianxun of first area, she also comes to see this liveliness unexpectedly.” “是第一区的骨千寻,她竟然也来看这个热闹。” Seat of honor profound warrior Dark-faced Evil God Tu Gang of fourth area, Ice Sovereign Fist Sun Binghe of Sixieme, they also came unexpectedly.” “第四区的首席玄斗士黑面煞神屠刚,还有第六区的冰皇拳孙冰河,他们竟然也来了。” The profound warriors in ninth area see three people, humming sound discussion. 第九区的玄斗士们看到三人,嗡嗡议论。 Han Li looked at other two people of one, vision another revolution returned to Gu Qianxun. 韩立看了其他二人一眼,目光又一转的回到了骨千寻身上。 The Gu Qianxun vision also looked, two people of lines of sight bump, in Han Li heart one cold, only thought that the opposite party vision seemed like the strange strengths to infiltrate. 骨千寻目光也望了过来,二人视线相碰,韩立心中一凛,只觉得对方目光似乎有一股奇异的力量渗透了过来。 His Divinity Cultivation Technique automatic performance, in the mind the Lilong of huge divine sense flows prosperously, that strange feeling looked like immediately is shattered generally, vanished without the trace. 他的炼神术自动运转,脑海中庞大的神识之力隆隆流淌,那种奇异之感顿时像被冲垮了一般,消失无踪。 In the Gu Qianxun eye pupil seems the ray to flash through, along with even turns away, looks to Poison Dragon. 骨千寻眼眸中似有光芒闪过,随即便移开视线,望向毒龙 Fellow Daoist Poison Dragon you are also a seat of honor profound warrior in area, so to be why earnest with a new person.” Gu Qianxun light saying. 毒龙道友你好歹也是一区的首席玄斗士,何必跟一个新来的人如此较真。”骨千寻淡淡的说道。 If there is an rookie not to know the immensity of heaven and earth, offends the Fellow Daoist Gu dignity, will Fellow Daoist Gu be so calm?” The Poison Dragon complexion transfers coldly, asked slowly. “若是有新人不知天高地厚,冒犯到骨道友的威严,骨道友还会如此心平气和吗?”毒龙面色转冷,缓缓反问道。 Gu Qianxun shows neither approval nor disapproval ease smiles, has not opened the mouth again. 骨千寻不置可否的悠然一笑,没再开口。 Three fellow daoist, first I must say good bye now. When I twist this boy head, comes and three again talks about old days.” Poison Dragon slightly cups one hand in the other across the chest toward three people, during the spoken languages does not place in Han Li the eye. “三位道友,先失陪了。等我将这小子头颅拧下来,再来和三位叙旧。”毒龙朝着三人略一拱手,言语之间丝毫不将韩立放在眼中。 The voice falls, his lunch is first stepping taking big strides, walks in the following Profound Fighting Arena direction. 话音一落,他便当先迈着阔步,朝着下面的玄斗场方向走去。 In Han Li surface tranquil such as beginning, does not seem to hear Poison Dragon general, nods toward Gu Qianxun slightly, was thanks this female previously to raise one's head to reduce and solve him and good intention of Poison Dragon gratitude and grudges, then took a step to go toward below line. 韩立面上平静如初,似乎没有听到毒龙的话一般,朝着骨千寻略微点了点头,算是感谢此女先前想要出头化解他和毒龙恩怨的好意,然后迈步朝着下面行去。 Waits for.” Gu Qianxun opens the mouth suddenly stopped by calling out Han Li. “等一下。”骨千寻忽的开口叫住了韩立 Han Li heard that the sound stops the footsteps, looked. 韩立闻声停下脚步,看了过来。 Gu Qianxun looked at purple robe female one eyes, on the purple robe female face some are not willing, but arrives at the Han Li body , before. 骨千寻看了身旁的紫袍女子一眼,紫袍女子脸上有些不甘愿,不过还是走到韩立身前。 This female squint looked at Han Li one, in the nose snort/hum, turned the hand to take out a white jade bottle to hand over. 此女斜眼看了韩立一眼,鼻中哼了一声,翻手取出一个白色玉瓶递了过来。 You and Poison Dragon gratitude and grudges, although has nothing to do with me, but the Poison Dragon strength strong you are too many, in the bottle is Extreme Dragon Pill, can enhance the strength of your mortal body in a short time, can pull closer power gap between you and Poison Dragon. Naturally, there is a certain side effect, afterward spends 1-2 months to restore, was all right.” Gu Qianxun says. “你和毒龙的恩怨,虽然和我无关,不过毒龙实力强过你太多,瓶中是一枚亢龙丹,可以短时间内提升你的肉身之力,可以拉近你和毒龙之间的实力差距。当然,也有一定的副作用,事后花个1-2月恢复,也就没事了。”骨千寻开口说道。 Extreme Dragon Pill, Fellow Daoist Gu is actually natural.” Tu Gang hey, said. 亢龙丹,骨道友倒是大方。”屠刚嘿了一声,说道。 Sun Binghe has not spoken, among the facial expressions also flashes through surprised. 孙冰河没有说话,神情间也闪过一丝惊讶。 The Han Li brow tip moves, looks at two people of responses, this Extreme Dragon Pill seems like the appearance of no small matter, this pill and Shi Pokong grant their Blood Tide Pill effect similar, does not only know that two that effect is better. 韩立眉梢一动,看二人的反应,这亢龙丹好像非同小可的样子,此丹和石破空赐予他们的血潮丹功效相仿,只不知二者那个功效更好。 Snort! Strength weak in a complete mess, really does not know which point obviously the elder sister settles on your, puts out Extreme Dragon Pill unexpectedly to you, not quickly then!” The purple robe female as if with giving Han Li Extreme Dragon Pill is quite discontented, order saying. “哼!明明实力弱的一塌糊涂,真不知道姐姐看中你的哪一点,竟然拿出一枚亢龙丹给你,还不快接着!”紫袍女子似乎对给韩立一枚亢龙丹极为不满,命令般的说道。 In the Han Li eye cold Mangwei flashes, turns around to say to Gu Qianxun: Many thanks Fellow Daoist Gu good intention, but I and Fellow Daoist Poison Dragon, since decided that solves the gratitude and grudges with the competition, that lunch conducts fairly, if I accept your excellency presenting, unfair, the this Li shame does not dare to receive.” 韩立眼中冷芒微闪,转身对骨千寻道:“多谢骨道友的好意,不过我和毒龙道友既然决定用比赛解决恩怨,那便当公平进行,我若接受阁下的馈赠,有失公允,厉某愧不敢受。” Said that this words, his taking a step stand forth, has not then paid attention to that purple robe female slightly. 说完此话,他便迈步向前走去,丝毫也没有理会那紫袍女子。 Is unappreciative, without Extreme Dragon Pill, feared that is Poison Dragon one move cannot even receive.” On the purple robe female face reveals the color of bashful anger, was saying to Han Li back low roar. “不识抬举,没有亢龙丹,怕是连毒龙的一招也接不下。”紫袍女子脸上露出羞怒之色,对着韩立的背影低喝道。 A Han Li footsteps stop, the words that does not seem to hear the purple robe female, the form has not vanished in passageway downward quickly. 韩立脚步没有一丝停顿,似乎没有听到紫袍女子的话语,身影很快消失在往下的通道内。 The purple robe female sees with own eyes this scenery, on the face the angry look is heavier, stamps the feet ruthlessly, turns around. 紫袍女子眼见此景,脸上怒色更重,狠狠跺了跺脚,转身走了回来。 Hehe, this Fellow Daoist Lì very interesting person, does not know actually, the life is hard?” Tu Gang takes back the vision from the Han Li back, looked at Gu Qianxun one, hehe said with a smile. “呵呵,这位厉道友倒是个很有趣的人,就是不知道,命硬不硬?”屠刚韩立背影上收回目光,看了骨千寻一眼,呵呵一笑道。 In the Gu Qianxun eye the ray flashes, the facial expression non- good omen anger, does not know that is thinking anything. 骨千寻眼中光芒闪动,神情不见喜怒,不知在想些什么。 ...... …… Han Li following downward passageway, goes to below dark hall quickly. 韩立顺着向下的通道,很快来到下方的暗厅。 Poison Dragon and one-horned big guy stood here shoulder to shoulder, is discussing anything, saw Han Li to appear, the latter lifted the head. 毒龙独角大汉并肩站在了此处,正在商量着什么,看到韩立出现,后者抬起了头。 You and Poison Dragon matter, I had heard, can arrange you to mount the stage the solution gratitude and grudges, but must wait for one, currently three ringsides are using.” one-horned big guy said to Han Li. “你和毒龙的事情,我已经听说了,可以安排你们二人登台解决恩怨,不过要等待一阵,现在三个赛台都在使用。”独角大汉韩立说道。 Han Li hears word nods, arrived by the dark hall to sit down, closed the eye, from beginning to end has not gone to look at Poison Dragon one. 韩立闻言点了点头,自顾自的走到了暗厅旁边坐下,闭上了眼睛,自始至终都没去看毒龙一眼。 Poison Dragon saw that Han Li is calm, the brow slightly wrinkle, sneers immediately secretly, sits down in another place. 毒龙看到韩立如此镇定,眉头微皱,随即暗自冷笑一声,在另一个地方坐下。 The less than half double-hour passes by, corner/horn on a ringside fought eventually ended. 小半个时辰过去,一个赛台上的角斗终于结束。 Han Li and Poison Dragon almost stood simultaneously, under the arrangement of one-horned big guy, was on the ringside. 韩立毒龙几乎同时站了起来,在独角大汉的安排下,登上了赛台。 When announced the beginning, one-horned big guy has not concealed, Han Li and Poison Dragon two people with the aid of the competition, solved individual gratitude and grudges the situation to announce in the presence of everyone. 宣布开场之时,独角大汉也没有隐瞒,将韩立毒龙二人借助比试,解决个人恩怨的情况当众宣布而出。 Poison Dragon and Han Li are Profound Fighting Arena man of the hour, Poison Dragon are in the ninth area profound warrior nominal boss, Han Li, although is a rising star, but was almost ever-victorious recently, the crest of wave is very healthy. 毒龙韩立都算是玄斗场的风云人物,毒龙更是第九区玄斗士中名义上的老大,韩立虽然是新秀,但最近几乎是百战百胜,风头实在很健。 The two solve individual gratitude and grudges on the ringside, is to make nearby audience excited, in the mouth is shouting Poison Dragon and Li Feiyu name. 二者在赛台上解决个人恩怨,更是让附近观众大为兴奋,口中呼喊着毒龙厉飞雨的名字。 Suddenly arena ebullition, sound of noise cheering. 一时间赛场沸腾,欢呼之声喧嚣而起。 On betting desk also announced the gambling fight of odds of two this war at this moment, 1 : 2. 赌斗台上此刻也公布出了二者此战的赌斗赔率,一比二。 Hehe, cannot think, your boy also has the popularity. Felt well this atmosphere, quick cannot feel.” Poison Dragon listens to the surrounding cheers, on the face to show a pondering smile. “嘿嘿,想不到,你小子还颇有人气。好好感受一下这种氛围,很快就感受不到了。”毒龙听着周围的欢呼声,脸上露出一丝玩味的笑容。 Han Li calmly stands beyond several feet, the dangling eyelid, without the speech, seems beyond the patrolling thing general. 韩立静静站在十几丈外,垂下眼睑,没有说话,好似在神游物外一般。 His is not coquettish, only from stepping the ringside starts, on Poison Dragon then sends out a huge killing intent, oppresses unceasingly. 他这样并非故作姿态,只从踏上赛台开始,毒龙身上便散发出一股庞大的杀意,一波波不断压迫而来。 This kills intent to be strong, like the dreadful angry wave, he is indistinct in Poison Dragon sees the blood red land behind, mountain peak that the innumerable white bones piles become. 这股杀意浓烈无比,如同滔天怒浪,他隐约在毒龙身后看到血红的大地,无数白骨堆成的山峰。 The blood dyes the mountains and rivers, Heaven and Earth is all red. Han Li ponders has also killed countless enemies, murderous aura and compared with Poison Dragon at this moment that but he has, feels dwarfed simply, the opposite party does not owe is the seat of honor profound warrior in ninth area, obviously does not know that fights with all might after many years. 血染山河,天地皆红。韩立自忖也杀过无数敌人,但他拥有的杀气和此刻的毒龙相比,简直是小巫见大巫,对方不亏是第九区的首席玄斗士,显然也是不知经过多少岁月拼杀出来的。 He condenses the mind, strongly not by opposite party's murderous aura influence. 他凝聚心神,竭力不被对方的杀气影响。 Poison Dragon sees Han Li as if is not affected by oneself, the look deep place also flashes through a surprise. 毒龙韩立似乎不受自己影响,眼神深处也不禁闪过一丝诧异。 The Exchange Hall entrance, Gu Qianxun, Tu Gang, Sun Binghe and the others gather in this all, occupying a commanding position looks at the ringside. 兑换大厅门口,骨千寻,屠刚,孙冰河等人尽数聚集于此,居高临下的看着赛台。 Three people of nearby people compared with were just short, most profound warriors welled up betting desk there at this moment. 三人附近的人比刚刚少了许多,大多数玄斗士此刻都涌到了赌斗台那里。 Looks at like this, this Li Feiyu mental is quite firm, does not fear Poison Dragon unexpectedly slightly Asura Slaughter Realm.” Tu Gang eyebrow raise, in the pupil seems the ray to flash through, said. “看这样子,这厉飞羽心智颇为坚定,竟然丝毫也不惧毒龙的‘修罗杀境’。”屠刚眉梢一挑,眸中似有光芒闪过,说道。 The Gu Qianxun complexion is indifferent, without the speech, by her the purple robe female was actually snort/hum one that disdained. 骨千寻面色淡然,没有说话,她旁边的紫袍女子却是不屑的哼了一声。 Sun Binghe look indifferent looks below ringside, has not spoken. 孙冰河眼神冷漠的看着下方的赛台,也没有说话。
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