RMJTIIW :: Volume #9

#873: Hidden danger

Only listens to a " Chī " light sound. 只听“嗤”的一声轻响。 The translucent clear chains flies to shoot from the Han Li palm together, is divine thought chain, a last volume lived in the Poison Dragon right leg, to nearby flings fiercely. 一道半透明的晶莹锁链从韩立掌心飞射而出,正是神念之链,一下卷住了毒龙右腿,向旁边猛地一甩。 The chains peak ray flashes, by realification empty, flashed across True Extreme Membrane, submerged on his leg somewhere. 锁链顶端光芒一闪,由实化虚,一闪穿过了真极之膜,没入了其腿上某处。 Poison Dragon right leg movement suddenly one stiff, then by the Divine Thought Chains belt/bring leaning direction, scratched the body of Han Li to fly. 毒龙右腿动作忽的一僵,然后被神念锁链带偏了方向,擦着韩立的身体飞了过去。 Immediately bang, his whole person pounded in the ground, had a loud sound. 随即“轰隆”一声,他整个人砸在了地面,发出一声巨响。 But Han Li body figure in a flash, draws back several feet distance toward side again, in the pupil flashes through light/only. 韩立身形一晃,朝着旁边再次退开十几丈距离,眸中闪过一丝奇光。 Sees with own eyes this series of accidents, the people on the scene are all startled, the scene was peaceful immediately. 眼见这一连串的变故,在场众人俱是一怔,现场顿时安静了下来。 What's the matter?” The Tu Gang eye stares in a big way, unbelievable blurts to say. “怎么回事?”屠刚眼睛瞪大,难以置信的脱口说道。 On the Sun Binghe indifferent face also reveals the surprised color. 孙冰河冷漠的脸上也露出惊奇之色。 The purple robe female vision straightens, sandalwood mouth slightly, almost must call out in alarm makes noise. 紫袍女子目光发直,檀口微张,几乎要惊呼出声。 Chen Lin stands in Gu Qianxun at this moment behind, looks on the stage the scene, the words that recollection suddenly Gu Qianxun previously spoke, the vision moves, as if thought of anything. 陈林此刻站在骨千寻身后,看着台上情景,忽的回想起骨千寻先前所说的话,目光一动,似乎想到了什么。 Only the Gu Qianxun corners of the mouth show a smile, nods slightly, as if had expected that this situation is ordinary. 只有骨千寻嘴角露出一丝笑容,微微颔首,似乎早已预料到这个情况一般。 Above the ringside, the Poison Dragon body pounds on the ground, has not been injured, the palm claps the ground, bang in the loud sound sound, rises with a spring with the strength. 赛台之上,毒龙身体砸在地上,并没有受伤,手掌一拍地面,轰隆巨响声中,借力一跃而起。 He transfers to look angrily at Han Li, in the pupil has unusual look indistinctly, angrily roars, body figure moves. 他转首怒视韩立,眸中隐约有着一丝异色,怒吼一声,身形一动。 Bang! 轰! The Poison Dragon under foot ground explodes a big hole, body figure vanishes again, next moment appears in the Han Li body side, the right leg like a giant chopper, has a remnant shadow, the speed was just faster, cut ruthlessly to the Han Li waist. 毒龙脚下地面炸出一个大坑,身形再次消失,下一刻出现在韩立身侧,右腿如同一柄巨大砍刀,带着道道残影,速度比刚刚更快了许多,狠狠斩向韩立腰间。 The leg shadow place visited, sends out the grating wailing void. 腿影所过之处,虚空发出刺耳的尖啸。 The Han Li double pupil concentrates, the form moves aside toward side in a flash, simultaneously divine thought chain projects from his palm, tied down the Poison Dragon right leg like lightning, the chains punctures state-of-art again in Poison Dragon right leg that place. 韩立双眸一凝,身影一晃朝着旁边躲闪,同时神念之链从其掌心射出,闪电般缠住毒龙右腿,锁链尖端再次刺在了毒龙右腿那个地方。 There is profound aperture is. 那里正是一处玄窍所在。 Was stabbed by divine thought chain, star light suddenly fierce disorder that profound aperture sends out, nearby True Extreme Membrane also one became thin. 神念之链刺中,玄窍散发出的星光陡然剧烈紊乱,附近的真极之膜也一下变得稀薄了很多。 But the Poison Dragon right leg movement stagnates again, the whole person, falls down in a flash again. 毒龙右腿动作再次一滞,整个人一晃之下,再次摔倒在地。 Under the Han Li corners of the mouth show a smile, the arm move, divine thought chain vanishes to be hidden instantaneously. 韩立嘴角露出一丝笑容,手臂一动之下,神念之链瞬间消失隐没。 Above nearby stand starts to spread the surprised sound, on the audience face full is unbelievable. 附近看台之上开始传出惊讶的声音,观众脸上满是难以置信。 The strength occupies superior Poison Dragon, the previous quarter is also in the upper hand greatly, in an instant the situation then develops rapidly after a sudden turn. 实力占优的毒龙,前一刻还大占上风,转眼间情况便急转直下。 Han Li two people a series of movements quickly like the lightning, divine thought chain are the translucent shapes, the nearby people except for a few, others have not seen clearly what's the matter, only saw that Han Li wields, the fuzzy white shadow flashes through together, Poison Dragon then throws down again. 韩立两人一连串的动作都快如闪电,神念之链又是半透明状,附近众人除了少数几个,其他人都没有看清楚怎么回事,只看到韩立手一挥,一道模糊白影闪过,毒龙便再次摔倒。 Outside Exchange Hall. 兑换大厅外。 „Have you looked?” The Tu Gang complexion sinks, transfers to look to Gu Qianxun, asked. “你早就看出来了?”屠刚面色微沉,转首看向骨千寻,问道。 „Do you feel?” Gu Qianxun smiles in a soft voice. “你觉得呢?”骨千寻轻声一笑。 „The Fellow Daoist Gu vision is wise, the this Tu pats the horse is less, willingly acknowledge defeat, that Black-marked Scale Turtle tortoise shell I will send people to deliver to there, said goodbye.” Tu Gang cold snort/hum, a being cheated badly appearance, turns around to leave unexpectedly. 骨道友目光高明,屠某拍马不及,甘拜下风,那黑纹鳞龟龟壳我会派人送到那里,告辞。”屠刚冷哼一声,一副上了大当的样子,竟然转身离开。 The Sun Binghe vision flashes, turns around to leave. 孙冰河目光一闪,也转身离开。 How they walked, although Li Feiyu seems like in the upper hand, but Poison Dragon simply by what mortal wound, the victory and defeat had not been divided.” Purple robe female surprised saying. “他们怎么都走了,厉飞雨虽然看起来好像占了上风,但毒龙根本没受什么致命伤,胜负还没有分出来啊。”紫袍女子惊讶的说道。 Victory and defeat already result.” Gu Qianxun said lightly. “胜负早已分晓。”骨千寻淡淡说道。 Purple robe female hears word is startled. 紫袍女子闻言一怔。 Yao Li, your year of strengths, although strives much, but the vision somewhat is defective, in the future will have opportunity multi-direction that Li Feiyu to ask for advice, is of great advantage to you, must make the weak action not again.” Gu Qianxun said one, turns around to walk toward the hall. 姚璃,你这些年实力虽然精进不少,但目光还有些欠缺,日后有机会多向那厉飞雨讨教一下,对你大有好处,莫要再做出幼稚的举动。”骨千寻说了一声,也转身朝着厅内走去。 Yes.” In the Yao Li pupil flashes through a bashful anger, seemed insulted generally, in the mouth replied respectfully. “是。”姚璃眸中闪过一丝羞怒,似乎被侮辱了一般,口中却恭敬答道。 Chen Lin to a Yao Li slightly nod, took a step to follow in Gu Qianxun behind. 陈林姚璃略一点头,迈步跟在了骨千寻身后。 Two people of forms disappear in the hall quickly, Yao Li transfers has looked to the following ringside, in the eye the cold glow flashes. 二人的身影很快消失在厅内,姚璃转过看向下面的赛台,眼中冷芒闪动。 A person's shadow stands in the distant place, is Knife Scar. 一个人影站在远处,正是刀疤 He looks in the Gu Qianxun distant place direction, complexion pale one piece, in the eye full is the panic-stricken color. 他朝着骨千寻远处方向望去,面色惨白一片,眼中满是惊恐之色。 Immediately Knife Scar stamps the feet , the half step walks toward the hall. 随即刀疤一跺脚,也快步朝着厅内走去。 Above the ringside, Poison Dragon stands immediately again, the startled anger happened simultaneously looks at Han Li, but has not actually attacked again. 赛台之上,毒龙立刻再次站了起来,惊怒交加的看着韩立,但却没有再次攻上去。 Fellow Daoist Poison Dragon, but can also continue to hit?” Han Li cracks into a smile, voice transmission said. 毒龙道友,还要继续打下去吗?”韩立咧嘴一笑,传音说道。 How do you discover?” Poison Dragon sees the Han Li voice transmission exchange, the speaker outside, the color of startled anger has not reduced slightly, voice transmission cold sound asked. “你怎么发现的?”毒龙韩立传音交流,并未扬声于外,惊怒之色稍减,也传音冷声问道。 I naturally have my method, on your excellency leg that locates the profound aperture hidden danger to be large, only needs the external force to be slightly exciting, then can twist your whole body vitality that makes to scurry about. Your excellency strength excels, by this, although could not have injured your basis, but we fight again several rounds, perhaps the vision wise person on the scene, can guess correctly your situation.” Han Li smiles voice transmission pale. “我自然有我的方法,阁下腿上那处玄窍隐患颇大,只需用外力稍加刺激,便能绞弄的你全身气血乱窜。阁下实力高强,凭借这个虽然还伤不了你的根本,但我们再多交手几个回合,在场眼光高明的人,恐怕也都能猜到你身上的情况了。”韩立淡笑传音 Poison Dragon hears word, the complexion is pale. 毒龙闻言,面色铁青。 His cultivation building up body technique concentrates on the temperance right leg, is extremely fierce cultivation technique, is only this cultivation technique some not entire, he finished in a hast long ago, profound aperture on the leg refining up the wound, left a big hidden danger. 修炼的炼体术专注锤炼右腿,乃是一门极其厉害的功法,只是此功法有些不全,他早年又急于求成,将腿上一处玄窍炼伤,留下了不小的隐患。 Afterward he sought in every way, made up strongly, although slightly had little to become, externally was certainly difficult to see profound aperture to have different, but restored such as beginning, after all cannot. 后来他多方求索,竭力弥补,虽然略有小成,从外观上绝难看出玄窍有异,可是恢复如初,终归不能。 This weakness has been protected by him carefully, moreover usually and person fights, when he originally reputation outside, confrontation can forestall opponent by a show of strength, can touch the person of his body to be very few, therefore these year of this secrets had not been found, cannot think at this moment was actually seen through by Han Li one. 这个弱点一直被他小心保护,而且平日和人交手,他本就声名在外,交锋时又能先声夺人,能碰触到他身体的人少之又少,所以这些年这个秘密一直没有被人发现,想不到此刻却被韩立一眼看穿。 In addition, just Han Li attacked his hidden danger that two, average person perhaps unable to discern, but Gu Qianxun, Tu Gang, the Sun Binghe three people of affirmations had detected. 不但如此,刚刚韩立攻击他隐患的那两下,一般人或许看不出来,但骨千寻,屠刚,孙冰河三人肯定已经察觉。 The strength achieves their realm, the small errors then decide the life and death sufficiently, let alone such big weakness. 实力达到他们这个境界,一点小小的错漏便足以决定生死,更别说这么大一个弱点了。 with this thought, Poison Dragon is utterly confused immediately. 一念及此,毒龙登时心乱如麻。 Han Li looks at the facial expression change of Poison Dragon, the vision flashes slightly. 韩立看着毒龙的神情变化,目光微微闪动。 He can discover that Poison Dragon hidden danger profound aperture, is really by luck, this hidden danger profound aperture, with «Soaring to Heaven Technique» on profound aperture is the same. 他能发现毒龙的隐患玄窍,实属侥幸之极,这处隐患玄窍,和《羽化飞升功》上的一处玄窍乃是同一个。 He just made a connection with here profound aperture, to all sorts of changes of this profound aperture is in the most sensitive time, in addition the strength of his divine sense is powerful, this can discover Poison Dragon the weakness. 他刚刚将此处玄窍打通,对这玄窍的种种变化正处于最为敏感的时候,加之他的神识之力强大无比,这才能发现毒龙的这个弱点。 However only depends on this non- mortal wound the weakness, to exceed the opposite party truly, is not easy, if the opposite party throws actually by the scruples that others see through, acts full power, oneself feared that also not necessarily is the opponent. 不过仅凭这一处非致命伤的弱点,要想真正胜过对方,却也并不容易,若是对方抛却被其他人看穿的顾忌,全力施为,自己怕也未必是对手。 Fellow Daoist Poison Dragon, you do not need so to worry, I know a method can help you restore here profound aperture.” In the Han Li heart a thought revolution, voice transmission said. 毒龙道友,你也不必如此担心,我知道一个方法可以帮你修复此处玄窍。”韩立心中念头一转,传音说道。 Poison Dragon hears this words, such as hears Xianyin, excited saying: What you said is really?” 毒龙听闻此话,如闻仙音,激动的说道:“你说的可是真的?” Excited, he forgot voice transmission, says directly, the sound somewhat trembles. 心情激动之下,他忘记了传音,直接开口说道,声音都有些发颤。 I am expert in thigh profound aperture cultivation, otherwise could not discover your issue.” Han Li said. “我专精于腿部玄窍修炼,否则也发现不了你的问题。”韩立如此说道。 He does not talk big, by " Soaring to Heaven Technique » on correct opening here profound aperture method, in addition the assistance of strength of powerful divine sense, he has 70% assurances to restore Poison Dragon the profound aperture. 他并非说大话,凭借《羽化飞升功》上正确开启此处玄窍的方法,再加上强大神识之力的辅助,他有70%把握可以修复毒龙的这处玄窍 If you can help me solve this problem, our previous gratitude and grudges write off, moreover you have anything to request, raises freely.” Poison Dragon looks at Han Li, depth suddenly inspired, bows good a ritual. “如果你能助我解决这个问题,我们先前的一点恩怨就此一笔勾销,而且你有什么要求,尽管提。”毒龙看着韩立,忽的深吸一口气,躬身行了一礼。 Nearby people see with own eyes this scenery, the surprise is incomparable, does not know that what matter had. 附近众人眼见此景,都诧异无比,不知道发生了何事。 Fellow Daoist Poison Dragon does not need to be polite, we find a place to discuss this matter.” Han Li shows a faint smile. 毒龙道友不必客气,我们找个地方相谈此事。”韩立微微一笑。 Poison Dragon nods, the revolutions head without delay, to nearby exclusive guy announced oneself admit defeat. 毒龙点点头,二话不说的转首,对附近的独家大汉宣布自己认输。 The exclusive guy at this time is also surprised, but Poison Dragon forfeit, he also has to announce. 独家大汉此时也是一脸惊讶,不过毒龙自己弃权,他也只好如此宣布。 Nearby Poison Dragon does not pay attention to the stand that makes noise, bringing Han Li to go down the ringside under the people surprise vision directly, returned to the ninth area quickly. 毒龙不理会附近喧闹起来的看台,带着韩立在众人诧异的目光下径直走下了赛台,很快回到了第九区。 Two people arrive at Room Poison Dragon entrance speechless. 两人一路无言的来到毒龙门口。 Poison Dragon lifts the palm, was in the gate pressed, a white light flashed from the slit of disciple slightly, stone door in one rumble in the sound, hit slowly. 毒龙抬起手掌,在是门上按动了一下,一阵白光从门下的缝隙中微微一闪,石门才在一阵隆隆之声中,缓缓打了开来。 Indoor enters, Han Li discovered Poison Dragon room compared with him and Chen Lin wants on a big way many, even also came out some such as the arrangement of stone platform animal skin. 进入室内,韩立发现毒龙的房间比他和陈林的都要大上不少,甚至还多出来了一些诸如石台兽皮的陈设。 Fellow Daoist Lì, please sit down.” Poison Dragon one palms, made a posture of invitation. 厉道友,请坐。”毒龙一摊手掌,做了一个请的姿势。 Han Li then sat down naturally at the stone table, is awaiting calmly the Poison Dragon opens the mouth. 韩立便大方落坐在了石桌旁,静待着毒龙开口。 „Has this concealed worry puzzled my many years, Fellow Daoist Lì you have the means solution seriously?” Really, Poison Dragon just sat down, cannot bear ask. “这一隐忧已经困扰我多年,厉道友你当真有办法解决?”果然,毒龙刚一坐下,就忍不住问道。 Fellow Daoist Poison Dragon, you will actually leave such hidden troubles, not only and is you exercises martial arts worries to be the result cherished, according to my estimation, is possibly related with your cultivation cultivation technique.” After Han Li slightly hesitates, said. 毒龙道友,其实你之所以会埋下这样一个隐患,并不仅仅是你练功心切着急所致,据我猜测,可能与你修炼功法也不无关系。”韩立略一沉吟后,如此说道。 This...... only feared that was Fellow Daoist Lì considered thoroughly, although my cultivation cultivation technique was not profound mysterious secret book, but also was the legitimate ancient book that in the clan handed down from generation to generation, definitely will not have the issue. A Poison Dragon brow wrinkle, beckons with the hand to say. “这个……只怕就是厉道友多虑了,我修炼功法虽然不是什么高深玄妙的秘典,但也是族中传下来的正统典籍,绝对不会有问题。毒龙眉头一皱,摆了摆手说道。 Might as well, I do not need you to inform all cultivation technique cultivation contents, you only need relate in detail to straighten out on content with me about cultivation technique then.” Han Li said at will. “无妨,我也无需你告知所有功法修炼内容,你只需与我详述一下关于功法开窍上的内容即可。”韩立随意说道。 After Poison Dragon hesitant moment, opens the mouth to straighten out the incident cultivation technique, full details told to Han Li, even some exquisite places of hidden, has not harbored. 毒龙犹豫片刻后,还是开口将功法开窍一事,一五一十地告诉给了韩立,甚至连一些隐藏的精妙之处,也没有私藏。 Really so. Fellow Daoist Poison Dragon, your handed down in the family «Profound Origin Divine Travel Art» cultivation technique, although the potential of cultivation overbearing fast, the both legs straighten out the speed to be quick, but actually fell the low grade at the firm foundation incident. Believes after you, has noticed this issue, deliberately slows the tempo, this hidden danger only centralized at that point, otherwise now the issue are more.” Han Li nods, said. “果然如此。毒龙道友,你们家传的这部《玄元神行诀功法,虽然修炼之势霸道迅捷,双腿开窍速度较快,但是却在稳固根基一事上落了下乘。相信你之后也已经注意到了这个问题,刻意放慢了速度,这才将这隐患只集中于那一点,否则现在问题就更多了。”韩立点了点头,说道。 Fellow Daoist Lì hits, admires below. Also asked Fellow Daoist Lì to help me solve this trouble, in the future I must have the generous reward.” The Poison Dragon look slightly changes, does obeisance to Han Li again respectfully, said. 厉道友一语中的,在下佩服。还请厉道友助我解决此患,日后我必有厚报。”毒龙神色微微一变,再次冲韩立恭敬一拜,说道。 If saves you, with me, the price is also big, this......” Han Li does intentionally to hesitate to say. “若要救你,与我而言,代价同样不小,这……”韩立故作犹疑道。 Fellow Daoist Lì pledges the condition by all means that if I can accomplish, did not shift responsibility onto others.” The Poison Dragon vision concentrates, says. 厉道友只管开出条件,我若能办到,绝不推诿。”毒龙目光微凝,开口说道。
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