RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#84: Statue

In jungle, ancient wooden quiet and beautiful, green and luxuriant. 密林之中,古木清幽,郁郁葱葱。 Han Li shuttles back and forth in the forests, by his present experience story, in the heart also raises unexpectedly a feeling eyes cannot take it all. 韩立在林间穿梭,以他如今的见识阅历,心中竟也升起一种目不暇接之感。 The place of seeing, is growing many strange flowers and grass, even some in the past Spirit World, is hundred years of rare top grade spirit material, now actually finds at everywhere, and year was not mostly short, many were the millenniums above, even minority over ten thousand years. 入目之处,生长着许许多多的奇花异草,其中甚至有一些在当年的灵界中,是属于百年难得一见的极品灵材,如今却是随处可见,且大都年份不短,多数都是千年以上,甚至还有少数万年以上。 In addition some spirits plant, although he does not recognize, but mostly the implication astonishing spirit strength or the smell outward appearance are unusual, in he naturally all altogether received into pouch unrestrained/no trace of politeness. 另外还有一些灵植,他虽然并不认得,不过大都蕴含惊人灵力或气味外观奇特,他自然毫不客气的全都一股脑收入囊中。 In he just stepped into this mysterious air bubble space, then with divine sense thickly has swept, but under the personal witness, was still makes in his heart exclaim now, rejoiced secretly oneself have not just now walked away. 虽然在他刚刚踏入这处神秘气泡空间时,便用神识粗粗扫过了一遍,但如今切身目睹之下,仍是让其心中惊叹不已,暗自庆幸自己方才没有就此一走了之。 Roughly after most double-hour, the Han Li form stopped in the forest a stretch of quite open region, here forest was sparse, no spirit medicine grew, seemed somewhat desolated. 约莫大半个时辰后,韩立的身影停在了森林中一片较为开阔的地带,这里林木稀疏,也没有什么灵药生长,显得有些荒芜。 In his body first more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) place, is a width passes the hundred zhang (333 m) the great large cave/hole hole, looks like a giant gunnysack to be the same, is opening the pitch-dark opening toward him. 在他身前百余丈处,是一个宽逾百丈的巨大洞穴,就像是一个巨型的麻袋一样,朝他张着黑漆漆的口子。 Han Li in same place standing firm, four slightly sizes up, after confirming and has nothing exceptionally, before this arrives at the cavern, looks toward inside. 韩立在原地站定后,四下略一打量,确认并无什么异常后,这才走到洞穴前,朝里面望去。 This cavern not vertical downward, but is slanting is extending toward the place bottom, inside hears unceasingly wū wū wind sound/rumor. 这处洞穴并非垂直往下,而是斜着朝地底延伸下去,里面不断传来“呜呜”的风声。 In the Han Li eye the blue light flashes, the stride steps, then toward hole ** walked. 韩立眼中蓝光闪动,大步一跨,便朝着洞**走了进去。 In hole dimly and somewhat moist, the hole withstand/top with the both sides dikes on has the sound that the water drop drops, the ground steps on is also very soft. 洞内昏暗且有些潮湿,洞顶和两侧岩壁上都有水珠滴落的声响,地面踩上去也是十分松软。 He downward, after walking roughly the quarter of an hour, the cavern trend sudden revolution, extended to another side, and in the hole wall all around rock, starts to mix with present to send out the lonely luminous white crystal stone. 他一路向下,走了约莫一刻钟后,洞穴走势突然一转,向另一边延伸了下去,并且洞壁四周岩石中,开始夹杂出现一块块散发着冷清光亮的白色晶石。 Just started somewhat sparsely, but more walked downward, the crystal stone was dense, will put in order passageway to illuminate gradually translucently. 刚开始有些稀疏,可越往下走,晶石就越是稠密,渐渐将整条通道照得透亮。 So after walked the quarter of an hour, he arrived at the end of cavern finally, a surrounding area number hundred zhang (333 m) giant underground culvert. 如此又走了一刻钟后,他终于来到了洞穴的尽头,一处方圆数百丈的巨大地下涵洞。 Top the culvert, inlaid completely the innumerable white crystal stones densely and numerously, the chilly ray that above showed that reflected completely the entire cavern space. 涵洞顶部,密密麻麻地嵌满了无数白色晶石,上面透出的清冷光芒,映满整个洞穴空间。 But its bottom, then there is sound of clear transmitting purl, the underground river puts on the class/flow unexpectedly, here accumulated a small-scale lake, around the lake was the sand that a piece of yellow crystal sand composed. 而其底部,则有潺潺流水之声清晰的传来,竟是有一条地下河穿流而过,在这里积成了一片小型湖泊,湖泊周围则是一片黄色晶沙组成的沙地。 The water surface of white sparkling stone light and fluctuation enhances one another's beauty, screens the clear wave light around the hole wall, seems like unexpectedly but actually the somewhat strange aesthetic sense. 白色的莹光与波动的水面交相辉映,在洞壁四周映出粼粼波光,看上去竟然倒有几分奇异的美感。 Han Li at this time actually and had no interest in appreciate here beautiful scene, the vision solidly locks in the culvert midpoint, on giant rock that protruded the water surface. 韩立此时却并无心欣赏此处美景,目光牢牢锁定在了涵洞正中央,一块凸出水面的巨大岩石上。 On that size approximately more than 30 zhang (3.33 m) lands, is growing high approximately ten zhang (3.33 m) strange trees. 那块大小约三十余丈的陆地上,生长着一棵高约十丈的奇异树木。 The tree trunk and common custom common walnut tree are somewhat similar, actually all over the body bare, half leaf has not grown, on the branch, is only hanging the fruits of walnut appearances. 树身与世俗常见的核桃树有几分相似,却通体光秃秃的,没有半片树叶生长,只在树枝上,挂着一枚枚核桃模样的果实。 Han Li body figure leaps, then jumped down under the tree, sized up carefully up and down toward this tree. 韩立身形一跃,便跳落到了树下,仔细朝此树上下打量起来。 Under this looks, actually above the discovery tree trunk distributes one type has never been seeing the mysterious trace, seems like does not engrave artificially, but probably naturally grows. 这一看之下,却发现树身之上分布着一种从未见过的玄妙纹路,看上去并非是人为镌刻,而像是自然生长出来的。 On the tree is hanging walnut fruit, is more unusual, the superficial trace is crowded, actually twists, seeming like unexpectedly seems strange faces, some probably 80-year-old senior, some probably newborn baby, some actually seem like the middle-aged woman, is not completely same. 树上挂着的核桃果实,则更为奇特,表面纹路密集,却十分扭曲,看上去竟仿佛是一张张古怪人脸,有的像是耄耋老人,有的像是新生婴儿,有的却像是中年妇人,并不完全相同。 No matter above the trace how, these human faced walnut fruits without exception, are all sending out the astonishing earth attribute vitality. 然而不管其上纹路如何,这些人面核桃果实无一例外,全都散发着惊人的土属性元气。 He before was because discovered this vitality, was attracted here. 他之前便是因为发现了这股元气,才被吸引到了这里。 Han Li touches the chin, on the face flashes through a color looking pensive, in the heart had a fuzzy guess faintly. 韩立摸了摸下巴,脸上闪过一丝若有所思之色,心中隐隐有了一个模糊的猜测。 This mysterious air bubble space should belong to that one-eyed giant, but that centaur unusual animals for the strange walnut tree in space, but does not hesitate with a it life and death war. 这处神秘气泡空间本来应该是属于那独目巨人,而那只半人马异兽就是为了空间内的这株奇异核桃树,而不惜与之生死一战的。 Although he is unable to recognize the origins of this trees and above these walnut fruits, but one thing is certain, can cause two cultivation base to endure compared with the monster of True Immortal rank contends, will not be ordinary, should also be some not well-known Heaven and Earth spirit treasure. 虽然他无法认出此树和上面的这些核桃果实的来历,但有一点可以肯定,能够引起两只修为堪比真仙级别的怪兽相争,绝不会一般,应该也是某种不知名的天地灵宝 However this is unimportant, now here all, all belong to his all. 不过这已经不重要了,现在这里的一切,全都归他一人所有了。 ...... …… Immortal World. 仙界 Sky over not a well-known continuous mountain range, the lead cloud camouflage, the strong winds howl, coerce everywhere flying snow to fall gently unceasingly, the trim sky seems dusky. 一片不知名的连绵山脉上空,铅云遮蔽,狂风呼啸,裹挟着漫天飞雪不断飘落,整片天空都显得灰蒙蒙的。 Dozens mountain peaks above mountain range, the half way up the mountain following region can also see fragmentarily some by the trees that the thick snow deposit bends, again upward is completely snow white, completely frozen. 山脉之上的数十座山峰,山腰以下区域还能零星见到些许被厚厚的雪层压弯的树木,再往上就完全是一片雪白,完全冰封了。 Among Heaven and Earth, except for the sound of cold wind roaring, is the sound that the snowflake rustle falls to the ground, in addition then again other sounds, cannot see any living creature trail. 天地之间,除了阴风怒号之声,便是雪片簌簌落地的声音,除此之外便再其他动静,也更看不到任何活物踪迹。 However in the meantime, in the mountain range a mid-hill deep place of biggest icy peak, suddenly has together the sharp female voice, across the snow curtain, was not affected to pass on by the strong winds layer upon layer: 然而就在此时,山脉中最为高大的一座冰峰的山腹深处,却忽然有一道尖利的女子声音,穿过层层雪幕,丝毫不受狂风影响地传了出来: Who is? Is who was so brave, dares to kill my spirit pet? Anyone, I must look for you come out to tear to shreds, extracts the divine soul suppression again under my heavy Yin peak, making you always not probably the samsara!” “是谁?是谁这么胆大,竟敢杀了我的灵宠?不论是谁,我都要找将你出来碎尸万段,再抽出神魂镇压在我这重阴峰下,让你永世不得轮回!” The sound full is the angry, long biography swings in the strong wind and heavy snow, shakes the entire snowy peak to tremble. 其声音满是愤怒,悠悠传荡在狂风暴雪之中,直震得整座雪峰都为之一颤。 Innumerable does not know that accumulated the huge snow blocks of many years to break, fell from the cliff, pushes to coerce more snows, attacked to go toward the mountain under enormously and powerful, resounds the battle drum struck rumble the sound. 无数不知积累了多少岁月的巨大雪块断裂开来,从峭壁之上滑落,推挤裹挟着更多的积雪,浩浩荡荡地朝着山下冲击而去,响起战鼓擂动般的“隆隆”之声。 ...... …… Northern Cold Immortal Territory, in a deep blue sea area. 北寒仙域,一片蔚蓝海域中。 A round of scorching sun is hanging the vault of heaven, like clear sky that in the laundering crosses, is fluttering continuously light white cloud Xu, above the sea level breeze blow, surges unceasingly the intermittent small tide. 一轮骄阳正挂天穹,如同水洗过的晴空上,飘着缕缕淡薄的白色云絮,海面之上微风吹拂,不断涌起阵阵小幅的浪潮。 In the rippling blue waters of sea level, the surrounding area several thousand li (0.5 km) black islands, edge by innumerable grotesque black reef surrounding, seeming like not extremely neat, if since the upper air overlooks, its shape is similar to a giant incomparable leaf. 碧波荡漾的海面上,有一座方圆数千里的黑色岛屿,边缘处被无数奇形怪状的黑色礁石包围,看起来极不规整,若从高空俯瞰,其形状就如同一片巨大无比的树叶。 North in an islands harbor, is anchoring at this moment many ships, above is empty, no one. 岛屿北边的一个港口上,此刻停泊着许多船只,上面却空荡荡的,没有一个人。 But from the harbor place toward the island , the spacious blue stone path, has extended in the jungle on island. 而从港口处往岛内去,有一条宽敞的青石道路,一直延伸进了岛上的密林之中。 In the end of path, a building-filled plain village, complements among towering ancient wood. 在道路的尽头,一个建筑密集的古朴村落,就掩映在参天古木之间。 At this moment, the village internal heat light rises from all directions, braves the billowing thick smoke everywhere, a series of heavenshaking killing shouts transmit from various places unceasingly, the magical treasure rays of light continuously, in the air are also filling thick bloody aura. 此刻,村落内火光四起,到处冒着滚滚浓烟,一连串震天的杀喊声不断从各处传来,法宝毫光此起彼伏,空气中也弥漫着一股浓浓的血腥气息。 In remnants of destroyed buildings in confusion, about thousand cultivator are slaughtering chaotic, the faint minute makes two camps, both sides seemingly differs not in a big way. 在一片狼藉的残垣断壁中,近千名修士正在混乱厮杀,隐隐分作两个阵营,双方人数看起来相差不大。 And side cultivator seems not human race, is tall, the azure skin fang, mostly grasps some hammer stick classes the magical treasure pointed weapons, on the body surface is all covering the one/1st level/layer light white colored light glow. 其中一方修士似乎并非人族,一个个身材高大,青肤獠牙,大多手持一些锤棒类的法宝兵刃,体表上全都覆盖着一层浅白色光芒。 In these alien race cultivator, but also mixes with section clone to put on the yellow armor, big soldier who grasps the wolf fang big stick, is only all over the body wax yellow, does not seem like the living person, pouring seems the wax figure that can move. 在这些异族修士中,还夹杂着部分身穿黄色铠甲,手持狼牙大棒的高大战士,只是通体蜡黄,看起来不似活人,倒仿佛是一座座可以活动的蜡像。 With other side cultivator that it battles, then mostly is human race, as well as wears the strange soldier of blood red armor. 与之交战的另一方修士,则大多是人族,以及一些身穿血红铠甲的古怪士兵。 The skin color of these blood armor soldiers are like the mail-armor and helmet, on the face the facial expression is simple-hearted, does not have the slight expression when the battle charge, seeming like seems puppets. 这些血甲士兵的肤色与甲胄一样,脸上神情木讷,在交战冲锋时也没有丝毫表情,看起来就仿佛是一具具傀儡。 On a high ground, a blood armor soldier who grasps the blood red lance jumps to jump down, in the hand lance, is facing forward the wax yellow soldier fierce thorn that to one dashes about wildly under. 一处高地上,一名手持血红长矛的血甲士兵纵身一跃而下,手中长矛一挺,冲一名正朝前狂奔的蜡黄战士猛刺而下。 Has not fallen, blood lance lance sharp one group of blood-color vortex explode suddenly, the innumerable blood glow sweep across under. 尚未落下,血矛矛尖一团血色漩涡骤然爆开,无数血芒席卷而下。 Bang a sound. “轰”的一声响。 That wax yellow soldier chest place blasted out a hole of water jar size, inside dripped unceasingly the yellow wax juice, body figure backed up several steps. 那名蜡黄战士胸膛处被炸开了一个水缸大小的窟窿,里面不断淌出黄色的蜡汁,身形不由倒退了几步。 But next moment, its both legs bow, body figure rises with a spring like the electricity, in the hand the spiked club wields suddenly, the innumerable good shades appear layer upon layer, changes into yellow misty hurricane, directly soars blood armor soldier one volume of falling to the ground under. 下一刻,其双腿一弓,身形如电般一跃而起,手中狼牙棒猛然一挥,无数棒影层层浮现而出,化为一股黄濛濛飓风,直奔堪堪落地的血甲士兵一卷而下。 Bang! “砰”的一声! The blood armor soldier is less against , the head explodes immediately, but actually at the last minute, in the lance the hand throws fiercely, changes into together the blood shadow pierced the wax yellow soldier head directly. 血甲士兵不及防下,脑袋顿时爆裂开来,但却在最后一刻,将手中长矛猛地投掷而出,化为一道血影的径直刺穿了蜡黄战士头颅。 Two people almost also fall to the ground, changed to one bloody water, another turned into one group of wax juice. 两人几乎同时倒地,一个化作了一摊血水,另一个则变成了一团蜡汁。 Another side, a short and stout old man form lightens from an interruption wall suddenly strangely, in the hand holds up a blood-color jade bottle, the bottle mouth is reversing, points to beyond the front dozens zhang (3.33 m), is chasing down others 's alien race cultivator. 另一边,一名矮胖老者身影突然从一截断墙后方诡异闪出,手中擎着一只血色玉瓶,瓶口倒转,直指前方数十丈外,一名正在追杀他人的异族修士 The old man palm pats bottle of bottoms, the bottle mouth blood light flashes, dense and numerous blood threads spraying, interweave to twine together the blood-color light beam, directly soars the alien race back of the body to shoot silently. 老者掌心轻拍瓶底,瓶口血光一闪,密密麻麻的血丝喷射而出,交织缠绕成一道血色光柱,无声无息的直奔异族后心射去。 Strange appeared! 诡异的一幕出现了! The blood-color light beam touches that matter white light of alien race body surface slightly, anxiously the potential of flushing immediately one slow, although had not been counter-balanced completely, but might actually as if instantaneous buckle three points. 血色光柱稍一触及异族体表的那层白光,急冲之势顿时一缓,虽未被完全抵消,可威力却似乎瞬间折损了三分。 Bang! “砰”的一声! Although the alien race was hit one to fall qiang, in the mouth the blood spurts crazily, has not actually injured and basis, instead turns around, angrily roars is flushing away toward the old man. 那异族虽被打得一个跌跄,口中鲜血狂喷,却并未伤及根本,反而一个转身,怒吼着朝老者冲去。 Similar scene, various places in the village is often performing. 类似的情景,在村内各处不时上演着。 When the wax yellow soldier or the blood armor soldier, slaughters exceptionally, has fiercely greatly fierce does not fear the dead jade entirely burn imposing manner, because the quantity is similar, the strength is also almost the same, is not naturally able to control the war. 不论是蜡黄战士还是血甲士兵,厮杀起来时都勇猛异常,大有悍不畏死玉石俱焚的气势,不过由于数量相仿,实力也相差无几,自然无法左右战局。 However because Alien race cultivator strange white light asylum, any magical treasure magic arts fall on the body, power will weaken three points, quick is in the upper hand in the battlefield, forces to withdraw human race cultivator unceasingly, goes toward the village center accumulation. 然而异族一方修士由于身上的诡异白光庇护,以至于任何法宝法术落在身上,威能都会减弱三分,在战场上很快就占了上风,将人族修士逼迫得不断后撤,朝着村落中心聚集而去。 Meanwhile, in a village center Bai Shi (white stone) square, dozens person who wears the black robe is surrounding a giant statue to sit cross-legged to sit, in the mouth is reciting strangely the incantation that is difficult to be bright silently. 与此同时,在村落中心的一片白石广场上,数十名身穿黑袍的人正环绕着一座巨大雕像盘膝而坐,口中默默吟诵着古怪难明的咒语。 In these people everybody all have, the complexion seems somewhat pale, is pulling the sleeve, searches the left arm before the body. 这些人中男女老幼皆有,面色都显得有些苍白,一个个正挽着袖子,将左臂探在身前。 In each wrist/skill, draws together the slender blood line, a little bit dark red blood from flows, drops in the ground before body. 在他们每个的手腕上,都划有一道纤细的血线,一滴滴殷红的血液正从其中流淌而出,滴落在身前的地面上。 Above the ground, portrays half finger/refers of deep trenches, each other involvement collected a quite complicated array chart mark, the link approached that statue of midpoint place. 地面之上,刻画着一道道半指深的沟槽,彼此勾连汇集成了一片颇为繁复的阵法图纹,联通向了正中央处的那座雕像。 Statue high approximately ten zhang (3.33 m), what carving is a youth Confucian scholar image, it wears the black silk ribbon turban, grasps the books, does to raise eyes to look into the shape of distant place. 雕像高约十丈,雕刻的是一个青年儒生形象,其头戴纶巾,手持书卷,作举目眺望远方之状。 If Han Li here, will discover with amazement, this youth Confucian scholar facial features appearances, really have three points to look like with him, if looks at the physique proportion, Han Li must be bigger. 若是韩立在此,会惊讶的发现,这青年儒生五官面貌,竟然与他有三分酷似,只是若看体格比例的话,韩立则明显要更为高大一些。 Before the statue, the white hair old man who wears the gray long gown, both hands intersect grasps own shoulders devotionally, the whole face to the statue to implore: 雕像前,一名身着灰色长袍的白发老者,双手交叉着抱住自己的双肩,满脸虔诚的向雕像祈求道: Great ancestor god! Please listen respectfully to the loyal summon of your bloodlines, arrives!” “伟大的祖神啊!请聆听您血脉的忠诚召唤,降临吧!”
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