RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#83: Thinking quickly in emergencies

Broken!” “破!” The golden hair Giant Ape opens the mouth spouts a share of Qingxia, flashes in the friendly nightfall blue light ball that passes, making its superficial miraculous glow one bright, appears innumerable every large or small black blue two color rune, and a turning round fast revolution. 金毛巨猿张口喷出一股青霞,一闪即逝的融入黑蓝光球中,使其表面灵光一亮,浮现出无数大大小小的黑蓝两色符文,并滴溜溜的飞快一转。 Buzz! “嗡”的一声! Black blue gassed threads spray from the light ball, toward flies to shoot to open in all directions, interweaves instantaneously a black blue great net, covered a surrounding area several li (0.5 km) range. 一道道黑蓝色光丝从光球中喷射而出,朝着四面八方飞射而开,瞬间交织成一张黑蓝巨网,笼罩了方圆数里范围。 Before this is Han Li, one that accidentally comprehends is used the magical powers Bright Clear Spirit Eye and Break-and-Destroy Magical Eye, but this technique puts forth, its within the body magical power was almost drained instantaneously. 这是韩立以前偶然参悟出的一种将明清灵目破灭法目结合使用的神通,只是此术一使出,其体内法力几乎瞬间被抽干。 A black blue great net side formation, then trembles somewhere suddenly, becomes some distortions, as if touched anything. 黑蓝巨网方一形成,某处便陡然一颤,变得有些扭曲,似乎触碰到了什么东西。 Giant Ape body figure in a flash change gold/metal shadow, casts off azure wind dragon immediately together, swoops to go like the electricity toward there. 巨猿顿时身形一晃的化为一道金影,甩开身上的青色风龙,朝着那里如电般飞扑而去。 The azure wind dragon angrily roars, pursues Giant Ape that the body suspends to go tightly. 青色风龙怒吼一声,身躯一摆的紧追巨猿而去。 Giant Ape body figure like the wind, almost then appeared in the great net suddenly presented exceptionally the place, has not waited for the following wind dragon to catch up, greatly palm golden light put one searched to the front, patted ruthlessly. 巨猿身形如风,几乎眨眼间便出现在了巨网出现异常之处,未等后面的风龙追上,一只手掌金光大放的冲前方一探而出,狠狠拍了下去。 Void loud sound, drastic fluctuation. 虚空一声巨响,剧烈波动起来。 Big piece black rune appears, is also defeated and dispersed, a huge person's shadow falls qiang, is that centaur unusual animals, on a head face that only remains full is the alarmed and afraid expression. 大片黑色符文浮现而出,然后同时溃散,一个巨大人影跌跄而出,正是那只半人马异兽,仅剩的一颗头颅脸上满是惊惧之极的表情。 Not and makes anything to respond, the furry great fist that another golden light wraps pounds to fall under! 未及其做出什么反应,另一只金光包裹的毛茸茸巨拳砸落而下! The centaur unusual animals movement still slow incomparable, hurried under both arms interlocked, wants to protect the head. 半人马异兽动作仍旧迟缓无比,匆忙下双臂一个交错,想要护住头颅。 In the meantime, cold snort/hum spreads from the Giant Ape mouth. 就在此时,一声冷哼从巨猿口中传出。 The unusual animals only think that the mind seemed drilled by the awl ruthlessly, in the mouth sent out a pitiful yell stiffly, the movement immediately one. 异兽只觉脑海仿佛被锥子狠狠锥了一下,口中发出一声惨叫,动作顿时一僵。 The golden fist passes through from the unusual animals both arms gap instantaneously, strikes on head that in it only saves. 金色拳头瞬间从异兽双臂间隙中穿过,击在其仅存的头颅上。 Bang! 砰! This beast last head like watermelon rupturing, the huge body twitched immediately, falls toward the ground, tags along after Giant Ape, but to the azure wind dragon prepares with the top of the head sharp corner/horn thorn to the Giant Ape heart, at this time after also a wail, body cuns (2.5 cm) are defeated and dispersed. 此兽最后一颗头颅顿时如西瓜般爆裂开来,巨大身躯抽搐了一下,朝着地面落下,尾随巨猿而至的青色风龙堪堪准备用头顶尖角刺向巨猿心脏,此时也一声哀鸣后,身躯寸寸溃散开来。 Pū chī, one group of azure shades clash from the unusual animals headless corpse. 噗嗤”一声,一团青影从异兽无头尸体内一冲而出。 Well!” “咦!” Han Li melts the Giant Ape vision to flash, in mouth light. 韩立所化巨猿目光一闪,口中一声轻咦。 This azure shadow impressively is one by the mini centaur that the azure tornado wraps, similarly is growing three heads, seems like already the congealing solid formation, is not what divine soul, but is similar cultivator Nascent Soul general existence. 这青影赫然是一只被青色旋风包裹的迷你半人马,同样长着三颗头颅,看起来已凝实成型,并非是什么神魂,而是类似修士元婴一般的存在。 A mini centaur head flashes black light, the whole body rises black light, brings connected remnant shadow submerging to be void unexpectedly, is missing. 迷你半人马其中一只头颅黑光一闪,周身黑光一涨下,竟带着连串残影的没入虚空,不见了踪影。 In the Giant Ape mouth low roar, in the foreheads black light flashes, Break-and-Destroy Magical Eye transforms, moves slightly, projects together the slender black silk, one submerges void. 巨猿口中一声低喝,眉宇间黑光一闪,破灭法目幻化而出,微微一动下,从中射出一道纤细黑丝,一下没入虚空中。 Beyond more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) void trembles, revealing true colors that mini centaur falls qiang, on three faces, is the panic-stricken color. 百余丈外的虚空一颤,迷你半人马一个跌跄的现形而出,三张脸孔上,皆是惊骇之色。 Suddenly, its surrounding silver light flashes, spreading across silver steel for flint appear, forms a giant silver flame belt of fire instantaneously, and one tightens toward the middle. 突然间,其周围银光一闪,一道道纵横交错的银色火链浮现而出,瞬间形成一张巨大银焰火网,并朝着中间一收紧。 Finally left the mini centaur the head azure light flashes, the azure tornado turning round revolution of winding body, changes into a azure wind column, protects to be one of them body figure, keeping the silver flame belt of fire at once unexpectedly from closing up. 结果迷你半人马左边头颅青光一闪,缠绕身躯的青色旋风滴溜溜一转下,化为一股青色风柱,将身形护在其中,使得银焰火网一时之间竟无法合拢。 However this moment time, Giant Ape body figure already steps steps to air-splitting, the arm sends out ka-beng thick of explosive suddenly, the single-handed fist strikes like lightning to the azure wind column. 不过这片刻工夫,巨猿身形已一个踏步的破空迈至,手臂蓦发出嘎嘣爆响的粗大一圈,单手一拳向青色风柱闪电般击去。 Bang! “轰”的一声! But a fearsome fist vigor air-splitting , the azure wind column easily accomplished is defeated and dispersed instantaneously, in which mini centaur sends out a sad and shrill pitiful yell, then bang, as if the egg was ground generally. 一股可怖拳劲破空而至,青色风柱瞬间摧枯拉朽般溃散,其中的迷你半人马发出一声凄厉惨叫,接着“砰”的一声,仿佛鸡蛋一般被碾碎。 This time golden hair Giant Ape whole body is bathed in blood, most body almost incarnadine, suddenly but its body figure a revolution, does not stay to not far away lies down one-eyed giant throws. 此时的金毛巨猿全身浴血,大半身躯几乎被染红,但其身形蓦然一转,毫不停留的冲不远处躺倒在地的独目巨人扑去。 The giant heart spot is pierced by thunder halberd who the centaur unusual animals condense, is injured heavily, but its vitality is tenacious, unexpectedly not fallen. 巨人心脏部位被半人马异兽所凝聚的雷戟洞穿,受伤极重,不过其生命力强韧无比,竟并未陨落 The blood hole of this moment its chest place was blocked by the one/1st level/layer close yellow crystal sand again, aura still feeble incomparable, goes into action as if there is issue. 此刻其胸口处的血洞再次被一层细密的黄色晶沙堵上,气息仍然衰弱无比,行动起来似乎都有问题。 Saw with own eyes that golden hair Giant Ape swoops to come, on the great face reveals the panic-stricken 0/10000 colors, in the mouth a loud shout, all around big piece yellow crystal sand rapid toward changes into a sand boat that under its concentrates, forces toward the distant place that its body holds to fly, simultaneously its forehead one eye shines the white light again. 眼见金毛巨猿飞扑而来,巨人脸上露出惊恐万分之色,口中一声大喝,四周大片黄色晶沙迅速朝其身下一凝的化为一艘沙舟,勉强将其身躯一托的朝着远处飞去,同时其额头独目再次亮起白光。 Whiz! “嗖”的一声! White light beam projects, directly soars the golden hair Giant Ape head to go. 一道白色光束从中射出,直奔金毛巨猿头颅而去。 Han Li melts in the Giant Ape heart one cold, although does not know that this white light is anything attacks, but recalled that after the beforehand centaur unusual animals by it hits the situation, knows that this thing cannot contaminate absolutely. 韩立所化巨猿心中一凛,虽不知道这白光是什么攻击,不过回想之前半人马异兽被其击中后的情况,知道此物绝对沾染不得。 During the consideration, its golden light flashes, body figure reduces suddenly fast, changed the human form. 思量间,其身上金光一闪,身形骤然间飞快缩小,变回了人形。 The one-eyed giant corners of the mouth one, in one eye the white light flashes. 独目巨人嘴角一咧,独目中白光微闪。 The white light beam trembles, unexpectedly just like a living creature direction downward revolution , to continue to shoot toward Han Li, speed quick astonishment. 白色光束一颤,竟恍如活物般方向往下一转,继续朝着韩立射去,速度快的惊人。 In the Han Li heart startles greatly, wants to shift to move aside, but already without enough time. 韩立心中大骇,想要横移躲闪,但已经来不及了。 Will soon touch his previous quarter in the ray, under he thinks quickly in emergencies, in the brain the miraculous glow flashes suddenly, puts out a hand to tear off Heaven-Wielding Bottle in neck, toward shooting the white light beam throws. 就在光线即将触及他的前一刻,他急中生智下,脑中忽然灵光一闪,伸手将脖子中的掌天瓶一把扯下,朝着射来的白色光束一抛。 Unexpected appeared! 出人意料的一幕出现了! The white ray side touches Heaven-Wielding Bottle, submerging in which that flashes directly, like the clay ox entering the sea, the small bottle surface responded unexpectedly slightly does not have. 白色光线方一触及掌天瓶,直接一闪的没入其中,竟如同泥牛入海般,小瓶表面丝毫反应都没有。 Han Li sees this situation, mouth slightly, subsequently showed the pleasantly surprised expression, single-handed move received the small bottle, cannot attend to continuation that examines carefully flushing away toward one-eyed giant. 韩立见此情形,嘴巴微张,继而又露出了惊喜的表情,单手一招的将小瓶收了回来,顾不得细看的继续朝独目巨人所在冲去。 Perfectly round that this time giant one eye stares, does not have Deity Manifestation letter/believes present one completely, but immediately recover his wits urges within the body only to save magical power, making under the body yellow crystal sand boat yellow Mangda abundant, flying speed increases flies rapidly toward the distant place. 此时的巨人一颗独目瞪的滚圆,完全无法相信眼前的一幕,但立刻回过神来的一催体内仅存法力,使身下黄晶沙舟黄芒大盛,遁速大增的朝远处急速飞去。 Finally Han Li in halfway, actually again incarnation golden hair Giant Ape, big mouth fiercely. 结果韩立在半途中,却再次化身一只金毛巨猿,大口猛地一张。 Roar! 吼! Roaring of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering erupts from its! 一声惊天动地的咆哮从其口中爆发! Immediately white misty wave wells up crazily, the place visited, for it twist deformation, covered the front number hundred zhang (333 m) range void instantaneously. 顿时一股白濛濛的波浪狂涌而出,所过之处,虚空为之扭曲变形起来,瞬间笼罩了前方数百丈范围。 This sound wave distance such far, is not naturally able to create to skin coarse meat thick one-eyed giant too injures, but causes under its originally not reliable sand boat, breaks loudly. 这股音波距离如此之远,自然无法对皮糙肉厚的独目巨人造成太多伤害,但却使其身下本就不怎么牢固的沙舟,轰然震碎。 one-eyed giant huge body immediately not steady from in the air whip under. 独目巨人庞大身躯顿时一个不稳的从空中急坠而下。 At this time its under golden light flashes, golden hair Giant Ape flying figure, but , a fist pounds toward the above suddenly ruthlessly, pounded above the giant head. 此时其下方金光一闪,金毛巨猿飞身而至,猛然一拳朝上方狠狠一捣而出,直直砸在了巨人头颅之上。 Bang! “砰”的一声! The giant head cracks, changes into a splash of thing of big red-white. 巨人脑袋崩裂,化为一大片红白之物的飞溅开来。 Whiz! 嗖! One group of somewhat dim yellow rays fly to shoot from its within the body, impressively one-eyed giant Nascent Soul. 一团有些黯淡的黄色光芒从其体内飞射而出,赫然正是独目巨人元婴 Finally its side emergence, above silver light flashes, a silver belt of fire cover, receives directly again fiercely, then its package. 结果其方一出现,上方银光一闪,一张银色火网迎头一罩而下,再猛地一收,便将其包裹其中。 Innumerable silver rune fly to shoot, sticks to Nascent Soul, in an instant formed a silver seal, makes float in midair that it cannot move. 无数银色符文从中飞射而出,紧贴在元婴身上,转眼间形成了一个银色封印,使其丝毫动弹不得的悬浮在了半空。 All these movements such as the electric light flint is common, this one-eyed giant Nascent Soul has not used any method with enough time, then fell into ling I. 这一切动作如电光火石一般,这独目巨人元婴还没来得及施展任何手段,便身陷囹吾了。 What it has not thought that because Han Li had learning from another's mistakes, therefore then emitted Flame Essence Fire Bird beforehand, waits for it to walk into a trap. 其没想到的是,韩立因为有了前车之鉴,故而事先便放出了精炎火鸟,就等着它自投罗网呢。 Bang! “砰”的一声! After the giant body crash ground, finally the whole body spirit mark one is layer on layer gloomy, the huge body changed into the rock of air-drying general unexpectedly, with ka ka a resounding, changed into the innumerable tiny incomparable yellow crystal sands. 巨人尸体重重坠落地上,结果全身灵纹一黯过后,庞大身躯竟化为了风干的岩石一般,随着“咔咔”一阵脆响,化为了无数细小无比的黄色晶沙。 However that dusky one eye, remained, rumble tumbled several on the ground. 不过那颗灰蒙蒙的独目,却残留了下来,咕噜噜的在地上翻滚了几下。 Not far away, the azure form falls together floating, changed Han Li of human form. 不远处,一道青色身影飘然落下,正是变回了人形的韩立 He is looking down the green small bottle in hand at this moment, the look twinkle is uncertain, seems considering anything. 他此刻正低头看着手中的绿色小瓶,眼神闪烁不定,似乎在思量着什么。 But after long time, he raised the head, one waves to the front, that grey one eye attracts in a suction under one volume, steady falling succeeds in obtaining. 但半晌后,他一抬头,冲前方一挥手,那枚灰色独目吸在一股吸力一卷下,稳稳的落到了手中。 This eyeball now seems like, as if ordinary stone bead is ordinary, the aura has not sent out slightly, but it can project that ray that has power of Time Principle, obviously is not the common thing. 此眼球如今看起来,就仿佛一颗普通石珠一般,没有丝毫气息散发出来,但其既能射出那种带有一丝时间法则之力的光线,显然不是寻常之物。 In the Han Li heart moves, Ghost Officer god bad touched Heaven-Wielding Bottle one eye gently. 韩立心中一动下,鬼使神差的将独目轻轻碰触了一下掌天瓶 Clang a resounding. “铛”的一声脆响。 Finally no matter one eye, is Heaven-Wielding Little Bottle, not slightly abnormal change. 结果不管是独目,还是掌天小瓶,都没有丝毫异变 He sees this situation, is actually shakes the head smiles, does not immediately have to think anything again, the green small bottle hangs again after the nape of the neck puts away personal, takes out an aquamarine jade box conveniently, one eye cautious putting in received. 他见此情形,却是摇头一笑,当即也没再多想什么,重新将绿色小瓶挂在脖颈贴身放好后,随手取出一只碧绿色玉盒,将独目小心翼翼的放入其中收了起来。 At this time, before that group sealed up the giant Nascent Soul silver flame to fly its, smart. 此时,那团封住巨人元婴的银焰灵性十足的飞到了其身前。 Han Li looked up one-eyed giant Nascent Soul, on the face revealed color of the hesitation. 韩立抬头望了一眼独目巨人元婴,脸上露出了一丝沉吟之色。 This cultivation base far surpass Great Ascension, actually endures compared with monster Nascent Soul that True Immortal has what use, he was unable to determine at once, what is a little certain, even if this thing in Immortal World, should treasures exceptionally the thing. 这种修为远超大乘,堪比真仙存在的怪兽元婴究竟有何用途,他一时之间还无法确定,但有一点可以肯定的是,此物哪怕在仙界,也应是珍惜异常之物。 However now he may not have the time to consider this matter, under the sleeve robe shakes, after giant Nascent Soul pancrea several talisman, this took back Flame Essence Fire Bird, puts in Nascent Soul a wooden chest, received. 不过如今他可没时间多考虑此事,袖袍一抖之下,在巨人元婴身上一连贴了数张符箓后,这才收回精炎火鸟,将元婴放入一只木匣之中,收了起来。 Afterward he outside the corpse of that centaur unusual animals toward the number hundred zhang (333 m) walks, followed a set pattern threw into it storage bracelet directly. 随后他朝着数百丈外那具半人马异兽的尸体走去,如法炮制的将其直接扔进了储物镯中。 After completing all these, he grows the one breath. 做完这一切后,他才长出一口气。 This fierce combat, may make its more tired really much, is good to be shocking but not dangerous, received mostly is some body wounds, and is not affected much. 这一番激战,可着实让其累得不轻,好在有惊无险,受的大多是一些皮肉伤,并无大碍。 Under he looks around, discovered that after this service, this island is sores all over the eye, innumerable ancient wood breaks, the detritus residual covered entirely the bumpy land. 他举目四望下,发现经此一役,这座小岛已是满目疮痍,无数古木断裂,碎屑残渣布满了坑坑洼洼的大地。 Only is farther the place, had not been fought to affect, is maintaining several points of original appearance reluctantly. 只有更远一些地方,没有受到战斗波及,才勉强保持着几分原本的模样。 Han Li both eyes shut, let loose divine sense, the flash entire covered this land. 韩立双目微闭,放开神识,一瞬间就将这块陆地整个笼罩了进去。 A moment later, his eyebrow slightly raise, in the eye flashes through a being astonished look. 片刻之后,他眉头微挑,眼中闪过一丝讶异神色。 He in same place slightly hesitates, on toward the jungle deep place that body figure moves plunders the body to go. 他在原地略一沉吟之后,就身形一动的朝着密林深处掠身而去。
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