RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#82: Confrontation

After one-eyed giant feels the centaur unusual animals bad vision, immediately cannot attend to goes to manage Han Li again, in one eye the cold light flashes, the body partly squatted, exhibited potential of the entire god alert. 独目巨人感受到半人马异兽不善的目光后,当下也顾不得再去管韩立,独目中寒光一闪,身子半蹲,摆出了一副全神戒备之势。 In the middle of the centaur unusual animals head both eyes electricity glow flashes, on the whole body azure scale the thunder and lightning trace shines in abundance, blue electric arc ejections, surround its entire body, then both hands previous stroke in the body. 半人马异兽当中一颗头颅双目电芒闪动,周身青色鳞片上雷电纹路纷纷亮起,一道道蓝色电弧弹射而出,将其整个身躯都环绕起来,接着双手在身前一捋。 Chī la! 嗤啦”一声! Almost appeared with his body contour thunder and lightning long halberd in the hand together, the halberd body electric arc winding, was condenses by the thunder and lightning obviously, but above the electric light congealing reality, and attached many strange traces, seemed like just like power strange big real magical treasure general unexpectedly, was far from the previous thunder and lightning lance may compare. 一道几乎与他身体等高的雷电长戟就出现在了手中,戟身电弧缠绕,显然也是由雷电凝聚而成,但其上电光凝实,并附有许多奇异纹路,看起来竟犹如一件威能奇大的真实法宝一般,远非之前的雷电长矛可比。 In his hand thunder halberd, after two , the hoof in a ground tread, body figure fast shoots like thunder Banben fiercely, charges into one-eyed giant directly. 其手中雷戟一挺,两只后蹄在地面猛地一蹬,身形迅捷如雷般奔射而出,径直冲向独目巨人 body figure , the hand in thunder halberd has not shaken, go into seclusion dense and numerous reappearing, and first its one step shoots to go to the one-eyed giant illness/quick. 身形未至,手中雷戟一抖,一道道戟影密密麻麻的浮现而出,并先其一步纷纷向独目巨人疾射而去。 Giant low roar, a sole lifts suddenly, stamps in the ground layer on layer/heavily, the land shakes immediately, the big piece mist and dust mixes with the innumerable yellow crystal sands to fly, revolves like yellow sand dragon scroll together generally is flying into his hand, Hwang Gwang-il concentrates, then changes to nearly hundred zhang (333 m) the giant length stick. 巨人一声低喝,一只脚掌猛然抬起,在地面重重一跺,大地顿时为之一震,大片烟尘夹杂着无数黄色晶沙飞起,如同一道黄沙龙卷一般旋转着飞入其手中,黄光一凝,便化作一根近乎百丈的巨型长棍。 His both hands grasp the long stick, the stick body exude a piece of misty yellow light immediately, the stride step forward forward, welcome the thunder and lightning that is flying to shoot to come to go into seclusion a stick to sweep off. 其双手一握长棍,棍身立即泛起一片濛濛黄光,大步向前跨出,迎着飞射而来的雷电戟影一棍扫去。 In a twinkling, indistinctly, a piece camouflages half void like the mountain everywhere stick shadow, went into seclusion to cover the thunder and lightning directly. 霎时间,影影绰绰,一片如同山岳般的漫天棍影遮蔽半片虚空,径直将雷电戟影笼罩了进去。 Rumbling “轰轰轰” The sounds of a series of fulmination get up, the thunder and lightning of threatening goes into seclusion in the stick shadow disrupts, changes into blue shining electricity glow, gradually dissipates. 一连串爆鸣之声响起,气势汹汹的雷电戟影在棍影中纷纷碎裂,化为一片蓝灿灿电芒,逐渐消散开来。 At this moment, like the snowflake crowded stick shadow, breaks open an opening generally suddenly, a blue thunder halberd punctures suddenly, straight thrust giant throat. 就在这时,如同雪片一般密集的棍影之中,突然破开一道口子,一杆蓝色雷戟从中突刺而出,直刺巨人咽喉。 one-eyed giant is expected, in the hand the long stick receives, everywhere stick shadow takes back the stick body overlapped, selects toward side, bang opens out the thunder and lightning long halberd. 独目巨人早有所料般,手中长棍一收,漫天棍影重重叠叠收回棍身,朝旁一挑,“砰”的一声将雷电长戟拨开。 thunder halberd has from the sky drawn an arc, subsequently a spear head revolution, aims at the giant. 雷戟在空中划过一道弧线,继而枪头一转,又重新指向巨人。 The centaur unusual animals both arms provoke unceasingly, in the hand thunder halberd vibrates immediately before the body in such as roaming dragon-like, the innumerable blue color go into seclusion to blot out the sky toward the giant to press. 半人马异兽双臂不断挑动,手中雷戟立即在如游龙般在身前抖动起来,无数蓝色戟影铺天盖地朝巨人压去。 During sees only goes into seclusion boundlessly, slight electric arcs jump unceasingly, in the air starts to fill a burn the sharp aroma. 只见茫茫戟影之中,一道道细微电弧不断跳跃,就连空气中都开始弥漫起一股烧焦的刺鼻气味。 In the one-eyed giant hand the long stick has at one's command changes into a misty yellow shadow, launches the great wing like yellow Roc, went into seclusion to throw toward the blue color. 独目巨人则手中长棍如臂使指的化为一片濛濛黄影,如同一只黄色鲲鹏般展开巨翅,朝着蓝色戟影扑了过去。 Suddenly Pī pā the sound is continuous, the yellow light electricity glow interweaves a piece, presents the potential of deadlock unexpectedly for a while. 一时间“噼啪”之声络绎不绝,黄光电芒交织一片,竟一时呈现僵持不下之势。 In the midair, often erupts bangs, is not together the yellow light suddenly disintegration, is one group of electricity glow blasts open loudly, during giant air waves toward take away as many things as possible in all directions, cause to be void a distortion to shake. 半空中,不时爆发一声声巨响,不是一道黄光骤然崩碎,就是一团电芒轰然炸裂,一圈圈巨大气浪向着四面八方席卷而去,引得虚空之中一阵扭曲震荡。 Covers the giant air bubble of this side region, under this these two's fierce struggle, the sea level that also sweeps across like the strong winds is common, the surface exudes an intermittent drastic fluctuation, as if may collapse anytime destroys general. 笼罩这一方区域的巨大气泡,在这这两者的激斗之下,也如同狂风席卷的海面一般,表面泛起一阵阵剧烈波动,似乎随时都有可能崩毁一般。 Under the Han Li body figure concealment, has seized the chance to appear was away from two colossi have the 4 - 5 hundred zhang (333 m) fully the remote place, looking at steadily is staring at the present fierce combat. 韩立身形隐匿下,早已经趁机出现在了距离两只庞然大物足有四五百丈之遥处,目不转睛的盯着眼前的这场激战。 He is the plan fought to flee while both quietly, leaves this mysterious air bubble region to go to Immortal World as soon as possible, but this, makes in his eye flash through color of the hesitation at present. 原本他是打算趁着两者相斗下悄悄遁走,离开这神秘气泡区域尽快前往仙界的,可眼下这一幕,却让他眼中闪过一丝犹疑之色。 After his complexion changed a while Yin clearly, finally made the resolution, has not left immediately. 他脸色阴晴变化了一会儿后,终于还是做出了决断,没有立即离开。 One thunders the vibration not to know how long intermittently continued, the light shadow that in the upper air shared half and half, finally started to have a change. 一阵阵轰鸣震动不知持续了多久,高空中原本平分秋色的光影,终于开始出现了一丝变化。 one-eyed giant seems like because of the beforehand injury influence, the physical strength somewhat was gradually weak, brandishes the speed of long stick gradually to be slow several points. 独目巨人似乎是因为之前的伤势影响,体力渐渐有些不支,挥舞长棍的速度逐渐慢了几分。 With it relative, the centaur unusual animals actually fiercely compete and successfully compete, the dense and numerous blue color go into seclusion start to take the lead, engages in factional strife toward the stick shadow. 与之相对,半人马异兽却是越战越勇,密密麻麻的蓝色戟影开始占据主动,朝着棍影这边倾轧过来。 Sees only in the chaotic light shadow, above one-eyed giant both feet, suddenly has the earth yellow halo to shine together. 只见混乱光影之中,独目巨人双足之上,忽然有一道土黄光晕亮起。 In the sends out explosive roar suddenly, the ground of under foot immediately the strenuous vibration, the billowing crystal sand from the ground crazy volume, changes to a number hundred zhang (333 m) high dreadful desert immediately, the direct impact upper air. 其口中骤然发出一声爆喝,脚下的地面顿时剧烈震动起来,滚滚晶沙从地面狂卷而起,立即就化作一片数百丈高的滔天沙幕,直冲高空。 Sees only everywhere to go into seclusion under the impact in this desert, is defeated and dispersed instantaneously, but centaur unusual animals that grasps thunder halberd also unexpected, was cut off another side of the desert. 只见漫天戟影在这层沙幕的冲击之下,瞬间溃散开来,而手持雷戟的半人马异兽也猝不及防下,被阻隔在了沙幕另一边。 one-eyed giant sees that a body figure revolution flees to go toward the rear area. 独目巨人见状,身形一转的朝着后方奔逃而去。 The desert surface dazzling Huang Guangda puts simultaneously, becomes really concentrates incomparable! 紧接着,沙幕表面同时刺目黄光大放,变得凝实无比! Above the centaur unusual animals three human form faces reveals one to despise simultaneously, then the left side head deflects slightly, looks with the vision of center head together to the front. 半人马异兽三张人形面孔之上同时露出一丝鄙夷,接着左侧头颅微微偏转,与正中头颅的目光一起看向前方。 In two pairs of eyeballs glitters respectively the blue two color rays, the place of line of sight connection, void has an intense fluctuation immediately. 两对眼珠中分别闪烁起青蓝两色光芒,视线交汇之处,虚空中顿时生出一股强烈波动。 Blue electricity glow flashes before continuously baseless, azure wind edges still give birth, the mutual involvement, the intercoagulation, then condensed one to have 7 - 8 zhang (3.33 m) great azure blue two color thunder ball quickly fully. 一缕缕蓝色电芒凭空闪现,一道道青色风刃犹自生出,彼此之间相互勾连,相互凝结,很快便凝聚成了一个足有七八丈之巨的青蓝两色雷球。 Under two color thunder ball dodge in void, pounded suddenly to the yellow desert. 两色雷球在虚空中一闪之下,就骤然砸向了黄色沙幕。 Center the desert was entered by thunder Qiuza, immediately blows up a large package backward, unexpectedly is not suddenly stave, will prevent. 沙幕被雷球砸入正中,顿时向后鼓起一个大包,一时间竟未破碎,将之阻挡了下来。 But at this moment, above the thunder ball sends out together the radiant ray, explodes loudly. 可就在这时,雷球之上发出一道璀璨光芒,轰然爆裂开来。 A heaven-shaking loud sound! 一声惊天巨响! Blue electric arcs bounce the shuttle, walks randomly the uncertain tiny flood dragon like a leader, the body is coercing the sharp incomparable azure wind blade, attacks to go to all around crazily, the yellow deserts ripped several zhang (3.33 m) large cave/hole in instantaneously. 一道道蓝色电弧弹跳穿梭,如同一头头游走不定的细小蛟龙,身上裹挟着锋锐无比的青色风刃,疯狂向四周冲击而去,瞬间就将黄色沙幕中间撕出了一个数十丈大小的大洞 Centaur unusual animals body figure, then puts from desert large cave/hole in a flash, faces forward to pursue directly, the rapidness of speed, just like the electric light flint, suddenly then rushes to remote of number hundred zhang (333 m). 半人马异兽身形一晃之下,便从沙幕大洞中一穿而过,径直朝前追去,速度之快,犹如电光火石,眨眼间便奔出数百丈之遥。 Finally next moment, it is startled slightly, does the front vast stretch of flat land, where have the one-eyed giant form? 结果下一刻,其微微一怔,前方一马平川,哪里有独目巨人的身影? But at this time, behind the misty crystal sand somewhere, just like a round scorching sun raises suddenly, sent out the eye-catching ray, the one-eyed giant form, immediately appeared, some aura deterioration, on the ugly face revealed a fierceness. 可就在这个时候,濛濛晶沙后方某处,忽然恍如一轮骄阳升起,从中发出夺目光芒,独目巨人的身影,随即重新浮现出来,气息有些衰败,丑陋的脸孔上露出一丝狰狞。 He has not run away unexpectedly, but collects the breath to hide in the desert, waits for the centaur unusual animals to come to pursue. 他竟然根本未逃,而是敛息藏匿于沙幕之中,等着半人马异兽前来追击。 But at this moment blossoms in radiant splendor, is that originally dusky one eye above his head. 而此刻大放光明的,正是其头颅之上的那颗原本灰蒙蒙的独目 The centaur unusual animals suddenly feel wonderfully, one do not turn around suddenly, blue thunder halberd who in the hand brilliant rays erupted, will grip tightly throws fiercely, shoots to go toward the giant hiding-place illness/quick. 半人马异兽顿觉不妙,猛然一个转身,手中光芒大作,将紧握的蓝色雷戟猛地一掷,朝着巨人藏匿处疾射而去。 Almost at the same time, giant that one eye is also the ray flashes, projected sturdy white ray. 几乎同一时间,巨人那颗独目也是光芒一闪,从中射出了一道粗壮的白色光线。 thunder halberd before touching white ray, suddenly fuzzy, submerges vanishes void does not see, next moment, appears before the one-eyed giant body towering, one pricks from its chest place, and bang blasts open, the innumerable electric arc ejections, explode a big blood hole his chest, its body figure will go loudly in the future but actually. 雷戟在触及白色光线前,陡然间一阵模糊下,没入虚空消失不见,下一刻,又突兀地出现在独目巨人身前,一下从其心口处刺入,并“轰”的一声炸裂开来,无数电弧弹射而出,将其胸口炸出一个大血洞,其身形轰然往后倒去。 But almost simultaneously, that white ray also flashes, but, hits on centaur unusual animals that in evading was less. 而几乎同时,那道白色光线也一闪而至,打在了避之不及的半人马异兽身上。 The body is similar to by a strange fluctuation is covered immediately, the whole body becomes stiff incomparable, regardless of the movement or within the body magical power revolves, was impressively slower than before hundred times! 其身躯顿时如同被一股奇异波动笼罩般,全身变得僵硬无比,无论动作还是体内法力运转,赫然比之前迟缓了百倍! Under his heart is greatly anxious, goes all out to stimulate to movement within the body magical power, tries to break through this strange fluctuation. 他心中大急之下,拼命催动体内法力,试图冲破这股诡异波动。 Pitifully this fluctuation seemingly is only weak, but is quite strange, is unable to shock it by its vast such as magical power of deep pool. 只可惜此波动看似微弱,但却颇为诡异,以其浩瀚如渊的法力都无法将其震破。 At this moment, it is void behind flashes, golden hair Giant Ape sharply leaps, on two fists golden light star glow hold, pounds greatly with lightning speed generally, strikes respectively to his two heads. 就在此刻,其身后虚空一闪,一只金毛巨猿从中急跃而出,两只拳头上金光星芒大盛,风驰电掣一般捣出,分别击向其两颗头颅。 The centaur unusual animals in great surprise, two heads shrink subconsciously, try to move aside. 半人马异兽大惊,两颗头颅下意识一缩,试图躲闪。 Simultaneously covers the azure tornado broadminded exsomatize of body surface, changes into a lifelike deep azure wind dragon, the head concentrates a sharp corner/horn, throws toward golden hair Giant Ape. 同时笼罩体表的青色旋风豁然离体而起,化为成一条栩栩如生的深青色风龙,头上凝出一只尖角,朝着金毛巨猿扑去。 However Giant Ape does not have the meaning of moving aside, the whole body one/1st level/layer satin film to reappear, the superficial pale silver ray circulation, two fists fall loudly. 不过巨猿丝毫没有躲闪之意,周身一层半透明薄膜浮现,表面淡银色光芒流转,两只拳头轰然落下。 Two rupturing resounding! 两声爆裂脆响! Because the centaur unusual animals the slow movement are too many, under is less to dodge, the left and middle two heads were hit by the fist, disrupts, white brain fluid mixed blood splash. 半人马异兽由于动作迟缓太多,不及闪避下,左边与中间两颗头颅被拳头击中,“噗”的一声碎裂开来,白色脑浆混杂着鲜血飞溅。 At this time, before that azure wind dragon also threw the golden hair Giant Ape body, top of the head that sharp corner/horn suddenly became dazzling dazzling, innumerable azure rune emerged. 此时,那青色风龙也扑到了金毛巨猿身前,头顶那只尖角骤然变得刺目耀眼,无数青色符文涌现而出。 Chī la! 嗤啦”一声! That matter satin film was torn unexpectedly by the sharp corner/horn, the Giant Ape chest was delimited a long wound immediately, the blood swarms. 那层半透明薄膜竟被尖角撕裂开来,巨猿胸口顿时被划出一道长长的伤口,鲜血蜂拥而出。 Giant Ape somewhat painful low roar, one side of body figure, protects the chest with a hand, another big hand still flushed the centaur unusual animals' third head to pat like lightning. 巨猿一声有些痛苦的低喝,身形一侧,用一只手护住胸口,另一只大手仍冲半人马异兽第三颗头颅闪电般拍去。 The centaur unusual animals only save in the head eye to reappear the panic-stricken color, both eyes dodge black light, innumerable black rune appears, regarding his body turning round tumbling. 半人马异兽仅存头颅眼中浮现出惊恐之色,双目黑光一闪,数不清的黑色符文浮现而出,围绕着他的身体滴溜溜翻滚。 Strange appeared! 诡异的一幕出现了! This unusual animals body figure neglects, from same place vanishes impressively baseless. 此异兽身形一闪下,赫然从原地凭空消失。 Han Li melts the golden big hand of Giant Ape one to get nothing for one's effort, but hesitates no intention to move slightly, huge incomparable divine sense spreads, simultaneously both eyes appear the one/1st level/layer blue light, sweeps toward the surroundings fast. 韩立所化巨猿的金色大手一把抓了个空,但丝毫迟疑没有的心念一动,庞大无比的神识扩散开来,同时双目浮现出一层蓝光,朝着周围飞快一扫。 Finally under his divine sense and Bright Clear Spirit Eye display simultaneously, is unable to find the centaur unusual animals trail unexpectedly, as if really vanished baseless generally. 结果他神识明清灵目同时施展下,竟还是无法找到半人马异兽踪迹,仿佛真的凭空消失了一般。 But that azure wind dragon took advantage this opportunity non-stop in its whole body high and low fluttering, top of the head that sharp corner/horn goes smoothly everywhere unexpectedly, added several wounds in its whole body. 而那条青色风龙则趁此机会在其周身上下翻飞不停,头顶那尖角竟无往不利,在其全身上下添了好几处伤口。 The golden hair Giant Ape both arms dance, protected the whole body strategic point, the both eyes blue glow flashed, simultaneously the forehead split, transforming that the black air/Qi welled up was jet black monster eye. 金毛巨猿双臂狂舞,护住了周身要害,双目蓝芒一闪,同时眉心裂开,黑气一涌的幻化为一只漆黑妖目 Break-and-Destroy Magical Eye. 正是破灭法目 Bright Clear Spirit Eye and Break-and-Destroy Magical Eye ray hold, projects two blue black three miraculous glows simultaneously greatly. 明清灵目破灭法目同时光芒大盛,射出两蓝一黑三道灵光。 Three miraculous glows dodge the gathering that passes to fuse together in the midair, change into the light ball that black interweaves blue. 三道灵光在半空中一闪即逝的汇聚融为一体,化为一只黑蓝交织的光球。 Photosphere fist big or small, glittering and translucent carving, seems quite unusual. 光球拳头大小,晶莹剔透,显得颇为奇特。
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