RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#81: one-eyed giant and centaur

Han Li body figure, covers on that matter satin film of whole body in a flash, the pale silver passes under a slightly circulation, then stood firm body figure. 韩立身形一晃下,覆盖周身的那层半透明薄膜上,淡银色流转微一流转下,便重新稳住了身形 Although the enormous force of opposite party fist implication makes his heart startled, but under the astonishing defense of body of its true pole, pours has not caused anything to injure to the mortal body. 对方这一拳蕴含的巨大力量虽然让他心惊不已,但在其真极之躯的惊人防御下,倒也未对肉身造成什么伤害。 Finally his vision sweeps, the pupil shrinks slightly. 结果他目光扫下,瞳孔微微一缩。 What stands outside counting the hundred zhang (333 m) was a body best pupil has the yellow skin giants of 2-3 hundreds of zhang (333 m), whole body covered entirely the strange spirit mark, the face facial features were ugly, collapsing nose, extravagant mouth, what was most unusual was its does not have both eyes, only had gigantic incomparable standing erect one eye, in the dusky pupil is glittering the muddy ray. 站在数百丈外的是一个身高足有2-3百丈的黄肤巨人,全身上下布满了古怪的灵纹,脸部五官丑陋无比,塌鼻,阔嘴,最为奇特的是其没有双目,只有一个硕大无比的竖立独目,灰蒙蒙的瞳孔中闪烁着混浊的光芒。 This giant seems like an ignorant appearance, but actually faintly to Han Li Desolate Wilderness aura that endures compared with True Immortal, making his corner of the eye sharply jump several. 这巨人看起来一副浑浑噩噩的模样,但却隐隐给韩立一股堪比真仙蛮荒气息,令他眼角不禁急跳几下。 This may be uninterested with the opposite party cultivation base depth, is completely sense/telepathy in his one intuition. 这可和对方修为的深浅毫无关系,完全是他的一种直觉上的感应 After one-eyed giant sees Han Li met his fist, a whole body unexpectedly returning safe and sound appearance, is startled was startled, as if somewhat surprised, then in the mouth exudes one to angrily roar, the body surface appears big piece yellow glow, both feet flies to tread void toward Han Li dashes about wildly to go. 独目巨人韩立接了他一拳后,全身上下竟一副毫发无伤的样子,怔了一怔,似乎有些意外,接着口中发出一声怒吼,体表浮现出大片黄芒,双足飞踏虚空的朝韩立狂奔而去。 Han Li sees this, in the mouth mumbled fast, the body golden light put down to rise to be giant greatly crazily, one changed the body to become more than 20 zhang (3.33 m) high golden hair Giant Ape. 韩立见此,口中飞快念念有词,身上金光大放下狂涨巨大起来,一下变身成了一名二十余丈高的金毛巨猿 On the Giant Ape chest and belly appears seven blue stars designs, the brilliant sparkle, sends out the big piece star light, enhances one another's beauty with the body surface golden light, making its body rise impressively again in a big way several points. 巨猿胸腹上浮现七颗蓝色星辰图案,灼灼闪耀,散发出大片星光,和体表金光交相辉映,使其身躯赫然再次涨大了几分。 Its big hand five fingers make a fist, arm baseless thick, pounds to go toward one-eyed giant that swooping to come void. 它一只大手五指握拳,手臂凭空粗大了一圈,朝着飞扑而来的独目巨人虚空一砸而去。 The front void radical distortion, one group of hill gold/metal misty fist shades appear, is mixing with the faint trace star light, making the fist shadow almost change into the essence. 前方虚空剧烈扭曲,一团小山般的金濛濛拳影浮现而出,其中夹杂着丝丝星光,使拳影几乎化为实质。 Giant angrily roars, the footsteps keep, a great fist wields, welcomed like lightning to the golden fist shadow. 巨人一声怒吼,脚步不停,一只巨拳一挥而起,闪电般迎向了金色拳影。 Bang a loud sound of everything may become vulnerable! “轰隆”一声地动山摇的巨响! This time, one-eyed giant huge body unexpectedly hit flying upside down returns, drops from the clouds like a meteorite, pounded to fall in the islands layer on layer/heavily. 这一次,独目巨人庞然身躯竟被打的倒飞而回,如同一颗陨石般从天而降,重重砸落在了岛屿上。 The entire islands rocked fiercely, was pounded an endocrater, raises everywhere mist and dust. 整个岛屿剧烈晃动了一下,被砸出一个巨坑,掀起漫天烟尘。 Bleached hair Giant Ape body figure in a flash, next moment appears above the endocrater, a two long arms fuzziness, transform the overlapped innumerable golden fist shadow, howls toward under. 金毛巨猿身形一晃,下一刻出现在巨坑上方,两只猿臂一个模糊,幻化出重重叠叠的无数金色拳影,朝着下方呼啸而下。 one-eyed giant turns over/stands up from the ground jumps, seems like has not been injured, but whole face angry color roars lowly, the under foot makes an effort to stamp the ground. 独目巨人堪堪翻身从地上跃起,看起来也没有受伤,不过满脸恼怒之色的低吼一声,脚下用力一跺地面。 His body surface appears impressively strange yellow patterns, sends out a clear yellow ray, and spread rapidly in the surrounding ground. 他体表赫然浮现出一道道诡异的黄色花纹,散发出一股晶莹的黄色光芒,并且迅速蔓延到了周围的地面上。 Ka ka ka! 咔咔咔! Clear yellow glow spreads the place, the soil of nearby ground disrupts immediately, turned into the innumerable yellow crystal sands, such as the spiritual intelligence flying volume, windings on his body, form a tenacious incomparable yellow crystal sand armor on his body suddenly. 晶莹黄芒蔓延之处,附近地面的泥土立刻碎裂开来,变成了无数黄色晶沙,如通灵般飞卷而起,一圈圈的缠绕在他身体上,瞬息间在其身上形成一副坚韧无比的黄晶沙铠甲。 The rain hits the Pī pā bursting sound of Japanese banana to resound suddenly! 雨打芭蕉的噼啪爆裂声骤然响起! The innumerable golden fist shadow falls on one-eyed giant loudly, erupts the dense and numerous golden halos, and disrupts. 无数金色拳影轰然落在独目巨人身上,爆发出密密麻麻的金色光晕,并纷纷碎裂开来。 The one-eyed giant body moves has not moved, crystal sand armor is intact. 独目巨人身体动也没有动一下,身上的晶沙铠甲更是丝毫无损。 Han Li melts golden hair Giant Ape to see this, is startled slightly, under body figure shoots to return hastily. 韩立所化金毛巨猿见此,微微一怔,身形一顿之下连忙倒射而回。 A giant one-eyed ice-cold is looking at Giant Ape in midair, lifts the foot to stamp again on the ground, the yellow spirit mark ray flashes all over the body. 巨人一只独眼冰冷的望着半空中的巨猿,抬脚再次跺在地上,通体黄色灵纹光芒一闪。 Buzz, yellow ripple spread, covered periphery more than ten li (0.5 km) range suddenly. “嗡”的一声,一圈圈黄色波纹扩散开来,瞬息间笼罩了周围十余里范围。 Giant Ape places the halfway, only thinks body suddenly sinks, the surroundings gravity increased several times suddenly, like pulled by an invisible big hand ruthlessly downward, is unable to fall again toward the ground that comes to a stop in the midair. 巨猿身处半途,只觉身子蓦的一沉,周围重力陡然增加了数倍,如同被一只无形大手狠狠往下一拉扯,再也无法在半空站稳的朝着地面坠去。 Control gravity!” In Han Li heart thump. “操控重力!”韩立心中咯噔一下。 But in his heart just raised this thought that its melts Giant Ape to pound to fall on the ground layer on layer/heavily, and sinks downward, both feet falls into ground several feet, innumerable crushed stone splashes. 但他心中刚刚升起这个念头,其所化巨猿已重重砸落在地面,并往下一沉,双足陷入地面数丈,无数碎石飞溅。 Almost is next moment, one-eyed giant body figure but suddenly , a yellow misty great fist has the earth-shaking potential, pounds to Giant Ape that is unable to avoid. 几乎是下一刻,独目巨人身形蓦然而至,一只黄濛濛巨拳带着石破天惊之势,捣向了无法躲避的巨猿 The fist arouses turbulent evil customs, is delimiting giant white mark void. 拳头激起一股汹涌恶风,在虚空划出一道巨大白痕。 The golden hair Giant Ape both arms at one fell swoop, the surface was covered by the dense and numerous golden scales alternately instantaneously. 金毛巨猿双臂交叉一举,表面瞬间被密密麻麻的金色鳞片覆盖。 Bang a loud sound! “砰”的一声巨响! Giant Ape only thinks that a copious great strength passes on following the both arms to the whole body, under the body shook greatly fell again downward the zhang (3.33 m). 巨猿只觉一股沛然巨力顺着双臂传至全身,身躯巨震之下再次往下陷了丈许。 one-eyed giant body figure , a two giant fist fuzziness, the innumerable huge fist shades such as the gust of wind pounds slightly in a flash brashly to Giant Ape. 独目巨人身形微微一晃下,两只巨大拳头一个模糊,无数巨大拳影如疾风骤雨般砸向巨猿 Giant Ape but, has two to brandish again and again, resists strongly, in the heart complained of hardship secretly. 巨猿无奈之下,只得两手连连挥舞,竭力抵挡,心中却不由暗暗叫苦。 Although his present mortal body is tenacious, the fearless enemy attacks, but holds in gravity in addition, is unable break free, body figure to undercut at once unceasingly, now below the waist has almost fallen into the ground. 虽说他如今肉身坚韧,无惧对方攻击,但在重力加持下,一时之间也无法脱困而出,身形不断下陷,如今腰部以下几乎已陷入地面了。 This way, feared that must bury to the opposite party livingly underground. 这样下去,怕是要给对方给活生生埋入地下了。 At this moment, abnormal changes happen suddenly! 就在这时,异变突生 Behind one-eyed giant in void of more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) places space fluctuation same place, first more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) high half -and-a-half people of horse monsters suddenly silent leaps, from top to bottom by one group of azure strong winds packages. 独目巨人后方百余丈处的虚空之中空间波动一起,一头百余丈高的半人半马怪兽突然无声无息的一跃而出,浑身上下被一团青色狂风包裹。 It all over the body purple, lower part and steed not different, is only all over the body not the hair, but is covering the one/1st level/layer thick azure scale, the upper part is actually a grandiose naked man, more surprisingly, above his shoulder, actually carries three exactly the same heads abreast in row. 其通体乌青,下半身与骏马无异,只是通体并无毛发,而是覆盖着一层厚厚的青色鳞片,上半身却是一壮硕的赤身男子,更令人惊奇的是,他的肩膀之上,竟然并排扛着三个一模一样的脑袋。 It just a appearance, body figure also leapt in in the air, a sturdy arm of muscle ballooning has held up high, in the hand is grasping radical ten zhang (3.33 m) blue color thunder lance, toward threw toward the one-eyed giant back of the body place fiercely. 其刚一出现,身形还跃在空中,一条肌肉鼓胀的粗壮手臂就已经高高举起,手中握着一根数十丈长的蓝色雷矛,猛地朝着朝独目巨人后心处投掷了过去。 Above the thunder lance, the blue electric arc like the boiling water crazy jump, flashes in the in the air ray generally, then punctures to one-eyed giant suddenly behind. 雷矛之上,蓝色电弧如同沸水一般疯狂跳跃,在空中光芒一闪,便骤然刺至独目巨人身后。 The great humanities are melting the Giant Ape battle with Han Li with rapt attention, when feels behind the accident, wants to give way to traffic again actually already without enough time. 巨人本正凝神与韩立所化巨猿交战,感受到身后变故时,再想避让却已经来不及了。 Only listens to its explosive roar, the whole body spirit mark Huang Guangda to shine simultaneously, the nearby land in a circumference of several miles shivers immediately suddenly, it the yellow crystal sand above ground flies behind suddenly, under the flying volume interweaves, changed to piece of brown sand Qiangdang behind him. 只听其口中爆喝一声,周身灵纹同时黄光大亮,附近方圆数里的大地顿时猛然颤动起来,其身后地面之上的黄色晶沙突然飞起,飞卷交织下,化作一片褐色沙墙挡在了他背后。 a light sound. “噗”的一声轻响。 The blue thunder lance penetrated sand wall easily, pricked one-eyed giant within the body all of a sudden. 蓝色雷矛轻而易举地穿透了沙墙,一下子刺入了独目巨人的体内。 Then only listens to bang a loud sound! 接着只听“轰”的一声巨响! Above that blue thunder lance brilliant rays erupted, the innumerable electric arc ejections, blast open directly. 那道蓝色雷矛之上光芒大作,无数电弧弹射而出,径直炸裂开来。 In the one-eyed giant mouth exudes one to roar frigidly, in its lower abdomen on position, blasted out large cave/hole impressively, around big piece sorrel blood splashing full wound. 独目巨人口中发出一声惨烈咆哮,在其小腹偏上的位置处,赫然炸开了一个大洞,大片红褐色的血液溅满伤口四周。 The unusual animals of that half -and-a-half people of horse, in the future then body figure will dodge under counting hundred zhang (333 m) extra income, on three faces all shows a joyful look, but was only the moment solidifies. 那半人半马的异兽,则身形往后一闪的在数百丈外落下,三张脸孔上皆是露出一丝欣喜神色,但只是片刻就又凝固住了。 Because he discovered that thunder lance such as he expected, has not pricked the giant heart, but passed through from its abdomen position, even explodes, cannot strike to the opposite party fatally. 因为他发现,那根雷矛并未如他预想的那样,刺入巨人心脏,而是从其腹部偏上位置贯穿了进去,即使爆裂开来,也未能给对方致命一击。 Originally, when the thunder lance punctures sand wall the instance, one-eyed giant already through the control crystal sand, raised several feet the ground, avoided the strategic point. 原来,当雷矛刺破沙墙的瞬间,独目巨人就已经通过控制晶沙,将地面抬高了数丈,堪堪避开了要害。 But even so, the giant was still was injured heavily, this moment corners of the mouth place is dripping the blood, the body big piece adhering to stick cohere crystal sand fell, revealed shape irregular mottling, let its seem like, seemed one delapidated collapsing old wall that experienced hardship to the full the corrosion. 但即使这样,巨人仍是受伤不轻,此刻嘴角处淌着鲜血,身上大片附着的晶沙掉落下来,露出一块块形状不规则的斑块,让其看上去,就仿佛是一面饱经风霜侵蚀的颓圮老墙。 But as a result of this sudden one, covers the surrounding gravitational field is actually a loosen, Han Li melts Giant Ape without delay from the pit jumps suddenly, under several flash, fell outside the number hundred zhang (333 m). 而由于这突如其来的一幕,笼罩周围的重力场却是陡然一松,韩立所化巨猿二话不说的从坑中跃起,几个闪动下,落在了数百丈外。 When his vision has swept that centaur unusual animals, the pupil shrinks slightly. 当他目光扫过那头半人马异兽时,瞳孔微微一缩。 Aura that sends out from the opposite party, unifies this liao the characteristics that is good at going into hiding, oneself were just now banged into this air bubble space, mostly with its related. 从对方身上散发的气息,结合此獠擅长隐匿的特征,方才自己被撞入这气泡空间之中,多半与其有关。 His worry has not acted, but looks with rapt attention before the body these two monsters. 他并未着急动作,而是凝神望向身前这两个怪物。 At this time, the centaur unusual animals four hooves leapt forward, whole body strong winds one volume, body figure charged into one-eyed giant suddenly, in his hand has condensed a thunder and lightning great lance, double grasped is puncturing to go toward the giant back of the body place rapidly suddenly. 这时,半人马异兽四蹄向前一跃,周身狂风一卷,身形骤然冲向独目巨人,其手中已经重新凝聚出了一杆雷电巨矛,双手持着朝巨人后心处急速突刺而去。 In the one-eyed giant eye reveals to wipe the cruel color, in its roared suddenly, above the whole body brilliant rays erupted. 独目巨人眼中流露出一抹暴戾之色,其口中突然咆哮一声,周身之上光芒大作 Floods all around innumerable yellow crystal sand to fill the air, and gathers, in instance that the centaur unusual animals approach, immediately changes to several hundred dark yellow hangnails punctures to go toward it suddenly. 充斥四周的无数黄色晶沙弥漫而起,并纷纷聚拢,在半人马异兽靠近的瞬间,顿时化作数百根暗黄色倒刺的朝其突刺而去。 The sound rings out air-splitting! 破空声大作! In the centaur unusual animals six eyeballs, flashes through color of being astonished, above the whole body azure puts brilliantly, in hand of that thunder and lightning great lance previous toward body horizontal, above the innumerable thunder and lightning gassed thread ejection, changes to a piece of thunder and lightning great network instantaneously, keeps off before the body. 半人马异兽六颗眼珠中,闪过一丝讶异之色,周身之上青光大放,手中那杆雷电巨矛往身前一横,其上无数雷电光丝弹射而出,瞬间化作一片雷电巨网,挡在身前。 Bang bang bang......” “砰砰砰……” The yellow sharp thorn hits unceasingly on the blue electrical network, resounds the sound of a series of collision thundering, the centaur unusual animals by this strength impact , the body backing up hundred zhang (333 m) were been again and again far. 黄色尖刺不断撞击在蓝色电网上,响起一连串碰撞轰鸣之声,半人马异兽被这股力量冲击之下,身躯连连倒退百丈远。 But after this strikes, one-eyed giant actually cannot bear big mouth one, spouts a lipstick brown blood, the angry meaning that in one eye reveals added several points. 但这一击过后,独目巨人却是忍不住大口一张,喷出一口红褐色的鲜血来,独目中流露出的愤怒之意更添了几分。 He looked at another side Han Li to melt golden hair Giant Ape one vigilantly, the huge body reversed slightly, drew back more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) backward, formed the potential of standing like a tripod with Giant Ape and that centaur unusual animals. 他警惕地望了另一边的韩立所化金毛巨猿一眼,庞大身躯稍一扭转,向后退开百余丈,与巨猿和那半人马异兽形成了鼎立之势。 The crack place on his lower abdomen, the brown flowing light vortex appears together slowly, under long revolving, the wound surrounding flesh color is gradually grow darked red, turned into the rock unexpectedly directly, reflects the spooky ray. 在其小腹上的破洞处,一道土黄色的流光漩涡缓缓浮现,悠悠旋转之下,伤口周围的血肉颜色逐渐由红变黑,竟是直接变成了岩石,折射出幽幽光芒。 Moreover, with unceasing revolving of flowing light vortex, the area of wound place rock is getting bigger and bigger, such as the lake surface ices up general, quick sealed off that crack completely. 不仅如此,随着流光漩涡的不断旋转,伤口处岩石的面积越来越大,就如湖面结冰一般,很快就将那处破洞完全封堵了起来。 Han Li sees this, body golden light flashes, body figure reduces immediately suddenly, changed into the human form, under a wrist/skill revolution, double refers to presents purple misty Supreme Clear Transformation Talisman suddenly. 韩立见此,身上金光一闪,身形顿时急剧缩小起来,重新化为了人形,手腕一转之下,双指间蓦然出现一张紫濛濛太一化清符 With purple is together luminous, its body figure unexpectedly gradually becomes slurred, and vanished in later same place. 伴随着一道紫光亮起,其身形竟渐渐变得模糊不清,并随后消失在了原地。 one-eyed giant sees this situation, is startled slightly. 独目巨人见此情形,微微一怔。 The unusual animals of that half -and-a-half people of horse see Han Li suddenly to be missing, six eye turning round revolutions, the same fashion reveals an unusual appearance, but then under its six items of revolution, simultaneous/uniform Qiwang to one-eyed giant, the ominous light flash moved. 那半人半马的异兽见韩立突然失踪,六只眼睛滴溜溜一转下,同时流露出一丝异样神采,但接着其六目一转之下,齐齐望向了独目巨人,凶光闪动起来。
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