RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#80: Mysterious air bubble( Yuan pill joyful)

Vision institute and place, colorful turbulent light streams, wild, but disorder is surging, gathers tremendous flood tide that blots out the sky, each other rewinds dashing, has the deafening loud sound! 目光所及之处,五颜六色的汹涌光流,狂暴而无序的涌动着,汇聚成铺天盖地的巨大洪流,彼此倒卷冲撞,发出震耳欲聋的巨响! Often has the spoken parts misty together space crack to emerge in light streams, and spreads the astonishing suction, makes wū wū the sound. 不时有一道道白濛濛的空间裂缝在光流中涌现而出,并从中传出惊人的吸力,发出呜呜的声音。 high rank monster beast that even if cultivation base exceedingly high Great Ascension Stage cultivator, or the mortal body almost does not extinguish, in this, divine soul entirely to extinguish, the opportunity of reincarnation samsara will even lose even the slightest misstep. 哪怕修为通天的大乘期修士,亦或是肉身几近不灭的高阶妖兽,在此稍有不慎,都将神魂俱灭,连转世轮回的机会都将失去。 Here is the world/interface gap! 这里便是界面间隙! The person who this time Han Li, as if cannot swim, was thrown in uncertain boundless difficult situations suddenly. 此时的韩立,就仿佛一个不会水的人,突然被扔到了一片渺茫无边的惊涛骇浪中。 Although he in the degree of hazard to world/interface gap had expected, knows it is impossible to be good to pass, but has not thought that is the present so scene. 他虽然对界面间隙中的危险程度有所预料,知道其不可能好通过,但没想到是眼下这般情景。 Floods all around space storm, compared with him initially from human world ascended to Spirit World through the space storm fierce did not know many times, if not his present mortal body has cast the body of true pole, and swallows excessively causes spirit material cultivation technique that the mortal body is reborn with cultivation countless, perhaps is entering this place the instance, will then be stirred crushes. 充斥四周的空间风暴,比他当初从人界飞升灵界通过的空间风暴厉害了不知多少倍,若非他如今的肉身已铸就真极之躯,且吞服和修炼过数不尽使肉身脱胎换骨的灵材功法,恐怕在进入此地的瞬间,便会被搅得粉碎。 His whole body had been covered by rustically shaped white bone armor, under is that collection Spirit Domain World many days of material treasures in eight precious ingredients exquisite bone armor, the body pulls in periphery huge suction continuously, appears somewhat sways erratically. 他全身上下早已被一件造型古朴的白色骨甲所覆盖,正是那件集灵寰界诸多天材地宝于一身的八宝玲珑骨甲,身躯在周围此起彼伏的巨大吸力拉扯下,显得有些飘摇不定。 He deeply inspires, bone armor blooms the dazzling incomparable white light, above valuable umbrella, shield, ** and other design rays put all greatly, exude the Chī chī sharp howl, then flies to shoot from bone armor all, changes into the white treasure umbrella, the shield, moves all round around Han Li. 他深吸一口气,骨甲绽放出耀眼无比的白光,上面的宝伞,盾牌,**等图案尽数光芒大放,发出嗤嗤的锐啸声,然后尽数从骨甲上飞射而出,化为一个个白色宝伞,盾牌,围绕着韩立团团旋转起来。 These thing turning round revolutions, fuse together immediately impressively, change into one/1st level/layer to just like the congealing thick guard/shield of essence, covered his body, is sending out the eye-catching white light, had to plant to isolate the effect of surrounding space fluctuation unexpectedly unclearly. 这些东西滴溜溜一转,随即赫然融为一体,化为一层犹如实质的凝厚护罩,笼罩住了他的身体,散发着夺目的白光,竟隐然有种隔绝周围空间波动之效。 Han Li body figure then stabilized several points. 韩立身形这才稳定了几分。 He looks at bone armor, satisfied nod. 他看着身上的骨甲,满意的点了点头。 Initially refined this eight precious ingredients exquisite bone armor, to deal with the space storm in world/interface gap, the material chose specially, several types of main materials materials, for example that eight precious ingredients exquisite jade contained the space attribute, now looks like, really has not made him disappointed. 当初炼制这八宝玲珑骨甲,就是为了应对界面间隙中的空间风暴,所用的材料都是特意挑选的,有几样主材料,比如那八宝玲珑玉都蕴含空间属性,如今看来,果然没有令他失望。 After his blue glow flashes several next, this urges the escaping light flies toward the front. 他目中蓝芒闪动几下后,这才一催遁光的朝着前方飞去。 Surrounding space storm wells up, but was blocked by eight precious ingredients exquisite bone armor. 周围的空间风暴一波波涌来,但都被八宝玲珑骨甲挡住。 Finally after an incense stick of time, his brow wrinkled again. 结果一炷香过后,他眉头再次皱了起来。 Had valuable armor to protect the body, although seemed like temporarily unobstructive, but shuttled back and forth in these storms, the speed was actually extremely slow, perhaps from coming to the present, only departs only hundred li (0.5 km). 有了宝甲护体,虽看起来暂时无碍,但在这些风暴中穿梭,速度却是极慢,恐怕从进来到现在,只飞出区区百里而已。 If only the consumption time also has nothing, here after all is two within weak space nodes, slowly the advance, can arrive in Immortal World one day, but he can obviously feel, after valuable armor is withstanding a storm bombardment, the spirit strength of implication is consuming fast. 若只是消耗时间倒也没什么,这里毕竟是两界间的薄弱空间节点,慢慢前进,总有一天能抵达仙界,但他能明显感觉到,宝甲承受着一波波的风暴轰击后,其中蕴含的灵力在飞快消耗。 Originally also wants to keep some physical strength to deal with the sudden danger, at present seems like is not good.” Han Li slightly hesitated, muttered. “本来还想留些气力应付突发危险,眼下看来是不行了。”韩立略一沉吟,喃喃自语了一句。 next moment, his whole body sends out seven color rays suddenly, just like the scorching sun is dazzling. 下一刻,他全身上下突然散发出七彩光芒,恍如骄阳般刺目耀眼。 A phoenix cry sound of direct impact clouds gets up, its turning round revolution, changes into a headage ten zhang (3.33 m) huge giant bird impressively. 一声直冲云霄的凤鸣声响起,其滴溜溜一转下,赫然化为一头数十丈长的庞然巨鸟。 Heavenly Phoenix in Insects Awakening Twelve Transformation changes the body! 正是惊蛰十二变中的天凤变身! The eight precious ingredients exquisite bone armor autodecomposition, changes into blades, pastes in various Heavenly Phoenix body places, the white light cover is affected slightly. 八宝玲珑骨甲自动分解开来,化为一块块骨片,贴在天凤身体各处,白色光罩丝毫没有受到影响。 A Heavenly Phoenix both wings show/unfolds, changes into together seven color illusory images, rapid incomparable goes toward front fly, the speed was faster than previously did not know many. 天凤双翅一展,化为一道七彩幻影,迅疾无比的朝着前方飞遁而去,速度比先前快了不知多少。 Surrounding space storm raids, but touches the Heavenly Phoenix body, immediately seven color rays erupt from his body, these storms then slide immediately automatically. 周围的一波波空间风暴袭来,不过一触及天凤身体,顿时一股七彩光芒从其身上爆发开来,那些风暴立刻便自动滑了过去。 Heavenly Phoenix True Spirit has the magical powers of strength of control space, flies in this space storm like a fish in water. 天凤真灵有操控空间之力的神通,在这空间风暴中飞行正是如鱼得水。 A Han Li eye of reveal excitement, in the mouth a long and loud cry, the speed is raised suddenly again, shuttles back and forth in the endless space storm, fast going forward. 韩立目露一丝兴奋,口中一声长啸,速度陡然再次提升,在无尽的空间风暴中穿梭而过,飞快前进着。 Time points pasts, in the world/interface gap did not have to change day and night, but he estimated that had passed almost/the same one day. 时间一点点过去,界面间隙中没有日夜变化,不过他估计已经过去了差不多一日。 On this day, he frequently hard and dangerous, is simply longer than one year. 这一日里,他频遭艰险,简直比一年时间还漫长。 In world/interface gap incessantly only then space storm, but also ambushes the danger that other are unable to know in advance, even some strange lives occupy, several times launched the attack to him. 界面间隙中不止只有空间风暴,还潜伏着其他无法预知的危险,甚至还有一些稀奇古怪的生灵盘踞,数次向他发动袭击。 Fortunately in his Bright Clear Spirit Eye ahead of time under the investigation, in addition Heavenly Phoenix the strength of space control, pass that was shocking but not dangerous finally. 所幸在他明清灵目提前探查下,加上天凤的空间操控之力,总算有惊无险的度过了。 At this time, the seven color rays of Heavenly Phoenix body week compared with it from the beginning, are gloomier, in the eye also hidden brings exhausted. 此时,天凤身周的七彩光芒比之一开始,已经暗淡了很多,眼中也隐带着一丝疲惫。 For a long time maintains to change the body, consumes big to the strength of mortal body, but this is next, what Han Li is worried is the valuable armor. 长时间维持变身,对肉身之力消耗不小,不过这还是其次,韩立担心的是身上的这件宝甲。 The armor surface has reappeared cracks, the white guard/shield that the surroundings form also only has light one/1st level/layer, but also is less than 1/3 of Peak period. 铠甲表面已浮现出一道道裂纹,周围形成的白色护罩也只剩下薄薄一层,还不及巅峰时期的三分之一。 One had only known, might as well some expenditure date and time, refined a treasure much again much......” “早知如此,还不如多花费些时日,再多炼制一件宝物了……” In the Han Li heart smiles bitterly, wiped out this thought eventually, after all what is done cannot be undone, said at this moment anything is late. 韩立心中苦笑一声,终究将此念头打掉了,毕竟开弓没有回头箭,此刻说什么都已经迟了。 He deeply inspires, body surface seven color ray hold, the fly speed promote again. 他深吸一口气,体表七彩光芒一盛,飞遁速度再次提升。 The result proceeded fly less than the moment time, his eye suddenly one bright, light well. 结果往前飞遁了不到片刻工夫,他眼睛忽的一亮,轻咦了一声。 Sees only in the front space storm, presented a white light indistinctly, although is weak, however firm appearance in space storm. 只见前方的空间风暴中,隐约出现了一点白光,虽然微弱,但是坚定的出现在空间风暴中。 „......” “难道……” Han Li is startled, in the heart emitted a possibility unconsciously, the stimulation of movement escaping light speed is raised unconsciously again, sets out toward the white light fast. 韩立一怔,心中不觉间冒出了一个可能性,不觉催动遁光速度再次提升,飞快朝着白光进发。 Is the advance, the white light is getting more and more brighter, inexplicable and noble aura sends out from inside, as if there is the innumerable world/interface sacred place, keeps aloof, remote cannot climb. 越是前进,白光越来越亮,一股莫名而高贵的气息从里面散发而出,仿佛那里是无数界面的圣地,高高在上,遥不可攀。 This type of aura he remembers indistinctly, is the Immortal World aura! 这种气息他隐约记得,正是仙界的气息! Finally......” in Han Li heart excited, long relaxes. “终于……”韩立心中激动,也长长松了口气。 The luck is not finally bad, once otherwise the eight precious ingredients exquisite bone armor disruption, is only he himself, today perhaps really must ruin in this world/interface gap. 运气总算不差,否则一旦八宝玲珑骨甲碎裂,单凭他自己,今日恐怕真的要葬送在这界面间隙里了。 Although the mortal body is quite exhausted, but the present scene makes his spirit shake. 虽然肉身已颇为疲惫,但眼前的景象还是使他精神一震。 So long as can return to Immortal World, he naturally has the means to discover to issue a warrant for arrest his huge organization, then followed up a clue to find the past years amnesia severe wound truth. 只要能够返回仙界,他自然有办法找出通缉自己的那个庞大组织,然后顺藤摸瓜找到自己当年失忆重伤的真相。 Well!” “咦!” Toward the forward flight a distance, Han Li was startled slightly, fly body figure slow. 往前飞了一段距离,韩立微微一怔,飞遁身形缓慢了下来。 Sees only in the space turbulent flow of front not far away, is floating a giant yellow thing impressively, has several hundred li (0.5 km) fully, the plump, as if a giant air bubble is at first sight ordinary. 只见前方不远处的空间乱流中,赫然漂浮着一个巨大的黄色事物,足有数百里大小,圆滚滚,乍一看仿佛一个巨大气泡一般。 The space storm of surrounding tumbling bumps into the giant air bubble, immediately is separated, cannot damage its slightest unexpectedly. 周围的翻滚的空间风暴一碰到巨大气泡,立刻被弹开,竟然不能损伤其分毫。 But in this mysterious air bubble is not empty, can see anything indistinctly. 而这神秘的气泡之中并非空无一物,隐约能看到什么。 In the Han Li eye appears the one/1st level/layer blue glow, looks with rapt attention, the quick complexion sinks slightly. 韩立眼中浮现出一层蓝芒,凝神望去,很快脸色微微一沉。 His Bright Clear Spirit Eye cannot completely understand the air bubble unexpectedly, inside has a strange strength, isolated his line of sight! 他的明清灵目竟然也看不透气泡,里面有一股诡异的力量,隔绝了他的视线! In the Han Li heart exudes a curiosity, but quick shakes the head. 韩立心中泛起一丝好奇,不过很快又摇了摇头。 This air bubble is quite strange, now his situation is not good, does not want the multi- causing trouble end, arrives in Immortal World as soon as possible is proper. 这气泡颇为诡异,现在他的情况并不好,还是不要多生事端,尽快抵达仙界才是正经。 with this thought, Han Li melts a Heavenly Phoenix both wings show/unfolds, circled curved, fly from yellow air bubble. 一念及此,韩立所化天凤双翅一展,绕了一个弯,从黄色气泡旁边飞遁而过。 At this moment, the space storm of his body week suddenly surges fiercely. 就在此刻,他身周的空间风暴忽的剧烈激荡起来。 Bang! 轰! A tremendous strength shows, ruthlessly hit in him on Heavenly Phoenix. 一股巨大的力量从中透出,狠狠撞击在他所化的天凤身上。 Any thing!” In the Han Li heart is startled. “什么东西!”韩立心中一惊。 This strength is tremendous, under is not at he himself to strike full power. 这股力量巨大无比,决不在他自己全力一击之下。 The Heavenly Phoenix body was hit to fly up at angle immediately, involuntary collision on yellow air bubble. 天凤的身躯顿时被撞得斜飞了出去,身不由己的撞在了黄色气泡上。 Can easily separate the space storm the yellow air bubble, after touching Heavenly Phoenix, not only its separating, instead Pū chī a light sound , without made his body submerge directly. 能够轻易弹开空间风暴的黄色气泡,在碰触到天凤之后非但没有将其弹开,反而“噗嗤”一声轻响,使其身体直接没入其中。 Han Li only thinks a dizziness, but after then the both wings fan several suddenly continually next, this stood firm body figure reluctantly. 韩立只觉一阵天旋地转,但接着双翅猛然连扇动几下后,这才勉强稳住了身形 That hits, although the strength is enormous, but to his present mortal body, but also is unable to make him receive what wound. 那一撞虽然力道极大,不过对他如今的肉身而言,还无法使其受到什么伤。 Finally when his vision four sweep, immediately is startled. 结果当他目光四下一扫下,顿时一怔。 Here is a tranquil incomparable yellow world, the outside turbulent incomparable space turbulent flow vanishes at this moment all, in the air is filling the yellow ray, but under impressively float together several hundred li (0.5 km) land, as if islands are ordinary. 这里是一个平静无比的黄色世界,外面汹涌无比的空间乱流此刻尽数消失,空气中弥漫着黄色光芒,而下方赫然悬浮着一块数百里大小的陆地,仿佛一座岛屿一般。 The Heaven and Earth spiritual energy here yellow space is quite rich, compared with Spirit Domain World best also wants strong over a hundred times spirit, above the islands full is the green and luxuriant forest, each big tree looks has over a thousand years of tree age at least. 此处黄色空间内的天地灵气极为浓郁,比起灵寰界最好的灵地还要强上百倍,岛屿之上满是郁郁葱葱的森林,每棵大树看起来起码都有上千年的树龄。 In the forest various types of spirit materials are extremely numerous . Moreover the year is several thousand years, over ten thousand years of spirit grass are also many, majority are the varieties that he does not recognize. 森林中各种灵材极多,而且年份都是数千年,上万年的灵草也不少,大多数都是他不认得的品种。 This islands, simply everywhere are the treasure. 这一座岛屿,简直到处都是宝。 After Han Li slightly hesitates, seven color rays dodge, changed the human form condition, turned the hand to take out under a bright blue medicine pill clothing/taking. 韩立略一沉吟后,身上七彩光芒一闪,变回了人形状态,翻手取出一枚蓝莹莹的丹药服下。 This medicine pill named day star pill, is Boundary Origin Dao Temple secret system medicine pill, may absorb the strange spirit grass refinements of some power of stars with several types, to cultivation Little Dipper Essence Technique him, is best restoration medicine pill. 丹药名为天星丹,乃是境元观的秘制丹药,用数种可吸纳部分星辰之力的奇异灵草炼制而成,对修炼小北斗星元功的他来说,是最好的恢复丹药了。 Day star pill changes into a warm current, changes the whole body quickly. 天星丹化为一股暖流,很快流变全身。 The exhausted body as if puts a powerful vitality, fast restoration. 疲惫的身躯仿佛注入一股强大生机,飞快恢复。 A Han Li complexion loosen, has not fallen to the ground rashly, stimulates to movement Bright Clear Spirit Eye to size up carefully toward the surroundings. 韩立面色一松,没有贸然落地,催动明清灵目朝着周围细细打量起来。 Just that he always felt some fishy, seemed like some people deliberately. 刚刚那一下,他总觉得有些蹊跷,似乎是有人蓄意为之。 Finally in the meantime, acoustic shock ten thousand li (0.5 km) roaring of transmits from under. 结果就在此时,一声声震万里的咆哮从下方传来。 The entire islands rumble shake, since giant incomparable yellow clouds leap from the forest, such as the electricity swoops to come toward Han Li of midair, in an instant before throwing its . 整个岛屿隆隆一抖,一片巨大无比的黄云从森林中腾起,朝着半空的韩立如电飞扑而来,转眼间扑到了其身前。 Indistinct can see in the yellow cloud to have a dim huge form, seems like a giant. 隐约能看到黄云之中有一个朦胧的巨大身影,似乎是一个巨人。 Bang! 轰! A giant yellow fist from yellow finds out in the clouds, the superficial skin is sallow, as if the tree root is common, rough. 一只巨大黄色拳头从黄云中探出,表面皮肤焦黄干枯,仿佛树根一般,粗糙之极。 A side emergence, then carries the fearsome great strength that is unable to explain, the bang to Han Li. 其方一出现,便携带着一股无法言喻的可怖巨力,轰向韩立 Fist not, nearby void drastic fluctuation. 拳头未至,附近虚空已经剧烈波动起来。 The Han Li pupil shrinks, low roar, on the lower abdomen 7 blue light hold, Little Dipper Essence Technique transports/fortunes suddenly greatly full power. 韩立瞳孔一缩,低喝一声,小腹上七点蓝光骤然大盛,小北斗星元功全力运起。 His whole body sends out the stars to be glorious faintly, seven thick star light windings on the body, the same boxing leave. 他全身隐隐散发出星辰光辉,七道粗大星光缠绕在身上,同样一拳击出。 Bang! 轰! Around him void blasts open suddenly, erupts naked eyes to fluctuate obviously. 他周围的虚空陡然炸裂开来,爆发出一圈圈肉眼可见波动。 After Little Dipper Essence Technique is complete, even if he has not changed the body, the great strength of this fist implication has been possible to compare favorably with the beforehand yellow turbans giant fully. 小北斗星元功圆满后,他即便没有变身,这一拳蕴含的巨力已足可和之前的黄巾巨人相媲美了。 Two fists hit in one. 两只拳头撞在了一起。 A heaven-shaking, earth-shattering loud sound, surrounding twisted void fiercely, then erupts air waves suddenly, forms white hurricanes to fly to shoot toward the surroundings instantaneously. 一声惊天动地的巨响,周围的虚空猛地扭曲了一下,然后陡然爆发出一圈圈的气浪,瞬间形成一道道白色飓风朝着周围飞射开来。 Han Li was shaken to fly by a great strength impressively directly, has departed the number hundred zhang (333 m), stopped reluctantly. 韩立赫然被一股巨力直接震飞了出去,一直飞出了数百丈,才勉强停了下来。 The yellow giant body in the clouds also obviously shakes, move backwards two steps, this coming to a stop body. 黄云中的巨人身躯也是明显一震,往后退了两步,这才站稳身体。 Giant surrounding yellow cloud was swept across by the hurricane washes out, revealed inside form. 紧接着,巨人周围的黄云被飓风席卷冲散,露出了里面的身影。 ( Forgets language to wish fellow fellow daoist, holiday is joyful!) (忘语祝各位道友,节日快乐哦!)
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