RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#79: Stave void

Late at night. 深夜。 Above the jet black vault of heaven, the group star appears dim exceptionally, only the other ring-like distributed Big Dipper, just like a silver purple Sun, shines the wonderful light extraordinary splendor greatly. 漆黑天穹之上,群星显得黯淡异常,只余下环形分布的北斗七星,恍若一轮银紫色的太阳,大放奇光异彩。 Above projects, but below that say/way passes the hundred zhang (333 m) the silver purple light beam to receive thickly suddenly, vanishes does not see. 其上投射而下的那道粗逾百丈的银紫光柱突然间一收,消失不见。 Only listens to bang a loud sound! 只听“轰隆”一声巨响! That say/way covers the spheroidal light screen of entire mountain peak to blast open loudly, the innumerable silver light are similar to innumerable firefly everywhere to dance in the air, reflect completely the most nighttime sky. 那道笼罩着整个山峰的球型光幕轰然炸裂,无数银光如同无数萤火虫漫天飞舞,映满大半夜空。 Looks from afar, seems nine days of Milky Way crashes to the world. 远远望去,就仿佛是九天银河坠落至人间。 However, this beautiful scene has not continued too for a long time, these silver rays seem like receive the summon to be common suddenly, receives suddenly, draws to go toward the snowy peak top rapidly, and all submerges a whole body mapping silver light youth within the body. 然而,这番美景并未持续太长时间,这些银色光芒像是突然受到召唤一般,骤然一收,朝着雪峰顶部急速收拢而去,并悉数没入一名周身映射银光的青年体内。 This person is not others, is Han Li. 此人不是别人,正是韩立 The turbulent silver light wells up one after another crazily, but, Han Li actually maintains pinches finger joints with the thumb the stance throughout, both eyes shuts tightly, motionless. 一波又一波汹涌的银光狂涌而至,韩立却始终保持掐诀姿态,双目紧闭,一动不动。 Has not known how long, his eyelash trembled, the eyes open suddenly, in eye pupil blue glow twinkle, clear incomparable, middle screens myriad stars impressively. 不知过了多久,他睫毛一颤下,双眼蓦然睁开,眼眸中蓝芒闪烁,澄澈无比,当中赫然映出万千星辰。 next moment, in his mouth lightly shouted, a piece sprays like the mist silver ray, after twinkle moment, is gradually hidden in the air vanishes does not see. 下一刻,他口中一声轻喝,一片如同雾气般的银色光芒从中喷洒而出,闪烁片刻后,逐渐隐没在空气中消失不见。 In his chest and belly place, seven blue luminous spot ray sparkles, splendid. 在他的胸腹处,七颗蓝色光点光芒闪耀,熠熠生辉。 Seventh profound aperture, concentrates finally! 第七玄窍,终于凝成! But lingers above his whole body the silver ray, is gradually collecting, beside his body surface flesh, has the one/1st level/layer translucent thin film production, above also has the pale silver class/flow light streams revolutions to keep faintly continuously. 而萦绕在他周身之上银色光芒,也正逐渐敛去,其体表肌肤之外,却有一层半透明的薄膜生成,其上还隐隐有缕缕淡银色流光流转不停。 This is True Extreme Membrane, the symbol of body of true pole! Once the big dipper elementary work is complete, really immediately becomes in light of this body!” “这就是真极之膜,真极之躯的象征!一旦北斗星元功圆满,果然立刻成就此躯!” The Han Li great happiness, lifts the arm, sized up this membrane that light/only wraps the whole body, detected that it does not need to consume magical power to maintain, touching slightly cool, does not have the feeling of foreign matter, seems part of body is the same. 韩立大喜,抬起手臂,打量了一下这层包裹全身的光膜,发觉其并不需要消耗法力维持,触之微凉,也无异物之感,就仿佛是自己身体的一部分一样。 His divine sense moves, this light membrane then contracted immediately, pastes above his skin, after a stars ray flashed through, integrated his within the body unexpectedly, vanished does not see. 神识一动,这层光膜便立即收缩,贴在了他的皮肤之上,一阵星辰般的光芒闪过后,竟融入了他的体内,消失不见。 When his intention urges again, the light membrane passes the body to reappear instantaneously. 当他心念再一催时,光膜又瞬间透体浮现。 After experimenting several times, in Han Li heart joyful, while grasping True Extreme Membrane took and put away freely, he also discovered, the strength of own divine sense, has also restored unexpectedly. 试验几次后,韩立心中欣喜不已,在掌握了真极之膜自如收放的同时,他还发现,自己的神识之力,竟然也已经全部恢复了。 Now the list by the strength of theory divine sense, ordinary True Immortal has been well below him. 如今单以神识之力论,普通真仙已经远远不及他了。 This to will soon return to Immortal World Han Li, without doubt is an excellent news. 这对即将返回仙界韩立来说,无疑是个极好的消息。 Hence, abnormal movement in surrounding area thousand li (500 km), gradually subsided, the volcano of that erupting, gradually stabilized at this time. 至此,方圆千里之内的异动,才逐渐平息了下来,就连那座爆发的火山,此时也逐渐安定了下来。 Only then fire of that spread in mountain forest, was unable to extinguish for a short time. 只有那蔓延在山林中的大火,一时半会儿还无法熄灭。 Beyond several hundred li (0.5 km), float in the air numerous rogue cultivator, all are raises the head to look out, somewhat feels helpless. 数百里之外,悬浮空中的一众散修们,皆是仰首遥望,有些不知所措。 That white robe youth conducts the back is soaked by the sweat, somewhat muttered at a loss: „Was this...... finished?” 那名白袍青年背上已被汗水浸湿,有些茫然地喃喃道:“这是……结束了吗?” Perhaps......” thin old man looks for several points to hesitate, some said indefinitely. “或许吧……”消瘦老者面露几分迟疑,有些不确定地说道。 At this time Han Li on snowy peak, on the face does not have slightly the joyful expression, instead the vision is quiet, the look seems somewhat dignified. 此时雪峰上的韩立,脸上却没有丝毫欣喜表情,反而目光沉静,神色显得有些凝重。 Only then he knows, the true test just started! 只有他知道,真正的考验才刚刚开始! Just now, in the flash of body of his achievement true pole, the repel strength of world/interface has then emerged out of thin air, and closely associated general oppression, but. 方才,就在他成就真极之躯的一刹那,来自界面的排斥之力便已经凭空出现,并如影随形一般的压迫而至了。 Present he, only thought that the surrounding air flows instantaneously becomes sluggish, as if the whole person fell into the morass, becomes some is not smooth the breath. 现在的他,只觉得周围空气流动瞬间变得迟滞起来,仿佛整个人陷入了泥淖之中,连呼吸都变得有些不顺畅起来。 The strength of this repel, he is not strange, when Spirit World ascended, he has had the short feeling, but was busy with dealing with thunder tribulation at that time, extremely has not paid attention. 这股排斥之力,他并不陌生,在灵界飞升之时,他就有过短暂的感受,只是当时忙于应付雷劫,并未对此太过留意。 He deeply inspires, both hands pinch finger joints with the thumb, the lip opens lightly, in the mouth spreads the sound of intermittent recitation incantation. 他深吸了一口气,双手掐诀,嘴唇轻启,口中传出阵阵的吟诵咒语之声。 Buzz a sound. “嗡”的一声响。 Since dozens rays are bright from the surroundings simultaneously, in spirit stones of rich spirit strength stone column peaks flows, on the trace following stone column flows in array in abundance. 数十道光芒同时从周围亮起,一股股浓郁的灵力石柱顶端的灵石中流淌而出,纷纷顺着石柱上的纹路流入阵法之中。 The ground road rune shines the ray with on the surrounding stone column is engraving immediately, quick collects one fine as complicated as pinnacle silver light mark array chart. 地面与周围石柱上镌刻着的道道符文立即亮起光芒,很快就汇集成了一座精致繁复到极致的银色光纹阵图 This named elusive mark, was he in a array old book in Boundary Origin Dao Temple Scriptures Pavilion found space magical array. 此阵名为“界空灵纹阵”,是他在境元观藏经阁中一部阵法古籍中找到一种空间法阵 Although cannot be the shatter void degree, but can actually eliminate some space impediments, regarding present him, is one big helps. 虽然并不能达到破碎虚空的程度,但却能清除部分空间阻隔,对于如今的他来说,也是一大臂助。 Bang a loud sound! “轰”的一声巨响! Dozens silver light beams, shoot up to the sky from the snowy peak simultaneously, pricks in the dark clouds of upper air directly. 数十道银色光柱,同时从雪峰之上冲天而起,径直刺入高空的阴云之中。 The heavy/thick dark clouds in the instance that the light beam pricks, immediately changes to a giant screw, regarding the light beam extreme twist, is driving the surrounding wind and snow simultaneously, follows to roll up and push along crazily. 厚重的阴云在光柱刺入的瞬间,顿时化作一道巨大螺旋,围绕着光柱急速旋转起来,同时带动着周围的风雪,也跟着疯狂卷动起来。 Sturdy thunder and lightning, then like dark blue flood dragons, the surges around the light beam sway from side to side unceasingly, send out one intermittently rumble the depressed sound. 一道道粗壮的雷电,便如同一条条暗蓝色的蛟龙,不断在光柱四周翻腾扭动,发出一阵阵隆隆的沉闷声响。 Distantly the surroundings were still waiting and seeing does rogue cultivator, sees this situation immediately one startled, for fear that also has what phenomenon to give birth, the initiative recession, these departs to the thousand li (500 km) outside in abundance time directly, stopped surprisedly undecidedly. 周围原本还在遥遥观望的一干散修,见此情形顿时一惊,生怕又有什么异象从中生出,纷纷主动退离,这一次直接飞出到千里之外,才惊疑未定的停了下来。 But at this time, Han Li in stood up, the wrist/skill wielded, dozens black light danced in the air from its sleeve immediately, impressively was about hundred Star Moon Treasure Mirror, flew to shoot to go toward all around light beam. 而这时,处在阵中的韩立站起身来,手腕一挥,数十道乌光立即从其袖中飞舞而出,赫然是近百面星月宝镜,朝着四周光柱之中飞射而去。 Before to refine these had Star Moon Treasure Mirror of strength of space, he not only consumes the even-numbered earthly branche stone that in Heavenly Ghost Sect hid, even-numbered earthly branche stone that will obtain from Tong Rene storage bag, exhausted completely. 之前为了炼制这些具有空间之力的星月宝镜,他不仅将天鬼宗内所藏的阴辰石消耗一空,甚至将从童人垩储物袋中得到的阴辰石,也都全部用尽了。 Sees only these Star Moon Treasure Mirror, after flying into the light beam, immediately following the ray direct impact on, submerged in the dark clouds in abundance. 只见这些星月宝镜,飞入光柱之中后,立即顺着光芒直冲而上,纷纷没入了阴云之中。 In the Han Li hand magical formula pinches, after the mouth recited one silently, suddenly in the eye the blue light flashed, in the mouth loudly shouted exploding. 韩立手中法诀掐动,口中默默吟诵一阵之后,突然眼中蓝光一闪,口中大喝一声“爆”。 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” Dozens acoustic shock penetrating Heaven and Earth the sound of fulmination resounds one after another, the innumerable silver star light blast open in the vault of heaven peak, changes to silver light screens, opens one silver light regions in the dark clouds vortex. 数十声震彻天地的爆鸣之声接连响起,无数银色星光在天穹顶端炸裂开来,化作一片银色光幕,在阴云漩涡之中撑开一片银光区域。 At this time, Han Li ray one bright, body figure leapt suddenly, flying figure, flushed toward that region in directly. 这时,韩立身上光芒一亮,身形骤然一跃,径直飞身而起,朝那片区域之中冲了进去。 Vortex internal piece of Primordial Chaos, is flooding the dusky mist everywhere, hundreds and thousands or the long or short iron grey space crevice, the disorderly distribution around the silver light region, appearing is extremely unstable. 漩涡内部一片混沌,到处都充斥着灰蒙蒙的雾气,成百上千道或长或短的灰白色空间裂隙,杂乱的分布在银光区域四周,显得极不稳定。 The Han Li vision has swept, sees in these crevasses once for a while, will have the tiny grayish white colored light blade to depart together. 韩立目光扫过,就见那些裂隙之中时不时的,就会有中一道细小的灰白色光刃飞出。 A surrounding dark clouds contact, will be cut the smashing slightly immediately, even the lightning of not far away, in the instance of flashing before, hit the mark by the light blade together, changes to two sections to dissipate instantaneously. 周围的阴云稍一接触,就会立即被切割成粉碎,甚至连不远处的一道闪电,也在闪现的瞬间,被一道光刃切中,瞬间化作两截消散开来。 The silver light region that as unceasing flashing before of surroundings ash-grey light blade, is opened by the innumerable star light was also corroded, the area reduces unceasingly at the visible speed. 而随着周围灰色光刃的不断闪现,由无数星光撑开的银光区域也遭到侵蚀,面积以肉眼可见的速度不断缩小起来。 Looks at the big piece silver light by dark clouds engulf, Han Li no longer hesitates again, in the mouth sends out a low roar immediately, above the whole body the golden light puts immediately greatly, size rises suddenly crazily, transforms headage ten zhang (3.33 m) high golden color Giant Ape. 看着大片银光重新被阴云吞没,韩立不再迟疑,口中立即发出一声低吼,周身之上顿时金光大放,体型急剧狂涨,幻化成一头数十丈高的金色巨猿 After he deeply inspires, melts in the foreheads of Giant Ape a bloodstain crack to open, one group of black air/Qi are flowed, a black spooky eyeball appears immediately. 他深吸一口气后,所化巨猿的眉宇间一道血痕一裂而开,一团黑气从中一涌而出,一只黑幽幽的眼珠顿时浮现而出。 The eyeball pupil deep place flashes black light, spouts slender black ray. 眼珠瞳孔深处黑光一闪,从中喷出一根纤细的黑色光线。 A heavy line side blowout, trembles after fiercely next, then changed into a bowl mouth thick jet black light beam suddenly, flashes to pass, submerges is missing void. 黑线方一喷出,剧烈一颤下后便骤然化为了一道碗口粗的漆黑光柱,一闪即逝下,没入虚空不见了踪影。 However next moment, the dark clouds vortex deep place transmits one to thunder suddenly. 然而下一刻,阴云漩涡深处忽然传来一阵轰鸣。 The trim sky suddenly is silent, as if entire space was frozen generally, the wind and snow of dark clouds and flying volume that even revolve completely instantaneous static. 紧接着,整片天空都突然寂静下来,仿佛整个空间都被冻结住了一般,连旋转的阴云和飞卷的风雪都全部瞬间静止了。 In that vortex deep place, a surrounding area is about ten zhang (3.33 m), the shape actually extremely irregular grayish white colored light wall, somewhat appears fuzzily in the dark clouds. 在那漩涡深处,一堵方圆不过十丈,形状却极不规则的灰白色光墙,有些模糊地浮现在阴云中。 In the Giant Ape eye the blue glow flashes, the both arms lift, two radiant silver light then shine on its big such as the fist of hill, the fierce gauntlet/glove that a pair lives the white spur appears suddenly, wrapped his entire fist. 巨猿眼中蓝芒一闪,双臂一抬,两道璀璨银光便在其大如山包的拳头上亮起,一对生有根根白色骨刺的狰狞拳套骤然浮现而出,将其整个拳头都包裹了起来。 After a heavenshaking great roar, Giant Ape proposes the entire movement technique strength, has faint trace gold/metal to pass the body from top to bottom immediately, following arm inflow silver gauntlet/glove. 一声震天巨吼之后,巨猿将全身法力一提,浑身上下顿时有丝丝金芒透体而出,顺着手臂流入银色拳套之中。 Above the gauntlet/glove the silver does immediately brilliantly, some not too coordinated rising in a big way one time. 拳套之上顿时银光大作,有些不太协调的涨大了一倍。 Meanwhile, the Han Li chest and belly place, seven groups of blue rays greatly are suddenly bright, the whole body muscle ballooning, two arms are suddenly are again thicker. 与此同时,韩立胸腹处,七团蓝色光芒骤然大亮,浑身肌肉再度鼓胀,两条手臂更是突然粗大一圈。 Sees only him to raise a fist suddenly, pounded toward the grayish white light wall above. 只见其猛然提起一拳,朝着灰白光墙之上砸了过去。 One group of silver light run out of the fist end suddenly, rises in the midair rapidly in a big way, changes to a house size silver flood dragon head virtual image, breaks in the vortex deep place directly. 一团银光猛然冲出拳端,在半空中飞速涨大,化作一个房屋般大小的银色蛟龙头颅虚影,径直冲入漩涡深处。 Rumble a loud sound! “轰隆隆”一声巨响! The trim sky fierce shakes, above the grayish white colored light wall of vortex deep place, makes an intermittent mirror surface shatter sound, splits like the spider web crowded crevice, almost crawled completely the entire wall surface. 整片天空为之剧烈一震,漩涡深处的灰白色光墙之上,发出一阵阵镜面破碎般的声音,从中裂开一道道如同蛛网般密集的裂隙,几乎爬满了整个墙面。 However, the bonus is this, the grayish white light wall had not burst, on the contrary is that silver light regions that before haunched, in this shook the disintegration to come fiercely loudly. 然而,饶是这样,灰白光墙仍是没有破裂开来,反倒是之前撑起的那片银光区域,在这剧烈震荡中轰然崩碎开来。 Originally static the dark clouds roll up and push along again crazily, the innumerable grayish white crevasses gradually expand, gathers toward Giant Ape. 原本静止下来的阴云再次疯狂卷动,无数灰白裂隙逐渐扩大,朝着巨猿这边聚拢过来。 Han Li sees that melts Giant Ape immediately starting to walk step in void, under several flash, then ghost-like appears to the grayish white light wall front. 韩立见状,所化巨猿立即在虚空中迈开步伐,几个闪动下,便鬼魅般出现到灰白光墙前方。 His entire movement technique strength raised again, above the arm the ray circulation, under the golden hair turned Golden Scale, muscle rapid ballooning one time, chest front seven profound aperture brilliant rays erupted, the broken day gauntlet/glove on hand shines the radiant ray piece by piece. 他全身法力再度提起,手臂之上光芒流转,金色毛发之下翻起片片金鳞,肌肉迅速鼓胀一倍,胸前七处玄窍光芒大作,手上的破天拳套更是亮起璀璨光芒。 Above gradually concentrates the solid dragon head silvers shadow to reappear together, spreads the sound of intermittent flood dragon low roar. 一道逐渐凝实的龙首影浮现其上,从中传出阵阵蛟龙低吼之声。 Gives me to break!” “给我破!” The golden Giant Ape mouth spits the criticism/human language, makes the slating sound, a fist pounded toward the grayish white light wall above. 金色巨猿口吐人言,发出雷鸣般的声响,一拳朝着灰白光墙之上砸了过去。 Bang a loud sound. “轰”的一声巨响。 On the silver gauntlet/glove on Giant Ape right hand, a silver white spur cuns (2.5 cm) break, dragon head silvers shadow and gauntlet/glove explode simultaneously. 巨猿右手上的银色拳套上,根根银白骨刺寸寸断裂,龙首影与拳套同时爆裂开来。 Sees only a round silver scorching sun to shine suddenly in the vault of heaven deep place, blooms to make ten thousand radiant rays that one is unable to look straight ahead, almost entire grayish white light wall engulf. 只见一轮银色骄阳在天穹深处骤然亮起,绽放出令人无法直视的万道璀璨光芒,几乎将整个灰白光墙都吞没了进去。 Then sound of the clear porcelain disruption gets up! 紧接着,便有一声清脆的瓷器碎裂之声响起! A front grayish white light wall Kara sound, disrupts immediately, breaks open together roughly the zhang (3.33 m) permits Laigao opening, reveals after that a dusky space. 前方的灰白光墙“喀拉”一声响,顿时碎裂开来,破开一道约莫丈许来高的口子,露出其后一片灰蒙蒙的空间。 Meanwhile, in the crack transmits Han Li never to feel has been, the extremely intense space fluctuates. 与此同时,破口之中传来一股韩立从未感受到过的,极其强烈的空间波动。 His vision slightly twinkle, the body golden light flashes immediately, gets makes one form, under flashes, then submerged in the crack. 他目光略一闪烁,身上金光顿时一闪,重新变作人形,一闪之下,便没入了破口之中。 It just now enters, ten several space crevasses then and dark clouds same place, that face puttying colored light wall engulf. 其才刚一进入,身后十数道空间裂隙便和阴云一起,将那面灰色光墙吞没了进去。 And the time of several breaths, the silver white light beam ray above snowy peak had collected, is gradually dim, the vortex that in the upper air forms gradually is also defeated and dispersed, the mixture space crevice also closed little. 而又过了数息的工夫,雪峰之上的银白光柱光芒敛去,逐渐黯淡下来,高空中形成的漩涡也逐渐溃散,夹杂其中的空间裂隙也随之一点点弥合了起来。 Everywhere wind and snow sweep across, in the peak except for the howling wind sound/rumor, all belongs to silent. 漫天的风雪重新席卷而下,峰顶上除了呼啸的风声,一切都重新归于寂静。 ( Forgot language only to be able next month one, good for February on the shelf preparation draft.) (忘语下个月只能一更了,好为2月份上架准备点稿子哦。)
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