RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#78: Beidou phenomenon

Spirit Domain World, above a high over ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) giant snowy mountain. 灵寰界,一座高逾万丈的巨大雪山之上。 In the sky is accumulating the one/1st level/layer thick incomparable lead black dark clouds, spreads the sound of billowing stuffy thunder, the dark blue electricity glow is flashing in the cloud layer deep place partly visible. 天空中积着一层厚实无比的铅黑色阴云,从中传出滚滚闷雷之声,道道暗蓝色的电芒在云层深处若隐若现地闪动着。 In its , the strong winds howls, coerces everywhere white snowflake to roll up and push along crazily, boundless piece, almost entire mountain peak camouflage. 在其下方,狂风呼啸,裹挟着漫天的白色雪片疯狂卷动,茫茫一片,将几乎整个山峰遮蔽。 But far away from the place this mountain peak more than hundred li (0.5 km) away, is actually tranquility with a bright moon and few stars, formed very sharp contrast with here. 而远离这座山峰百余里之外的地方,却是月明星稀一片宁静,与此处形成了十分鲜明的对比。 The snowy mountain top peak, does not know when had been pared by greatest magical power, changes to a surrounding area to have the hundred zhang (333 m) giant platform fully. 雪山顶部的尖峰,不知何时已经被人以莫大法力削去,化作了一个方圆足有百丈的巨大平台。 Above the platform, stands erect to have dozens ten-ten feet black stone columns, is seemingly chaotic, the actually implication profound and abstruse principles, encircled inside and outside two huge ring-like magical array. 平台之上,竖立有数十根高达十丈的黑色石柱,看似杂乱无章,实则暗含玄机,围成了一个内外两圈的巨大环形法阵 In the middle in the magical array ground, portrays complex precise spirit marks, but surrounding stone column peak, is mounting spirit strength extremely pure spirit stones. 法阵当中的地面上,刻画着一道道复杂精密的灵纹,而周围的石柱顶端,则镶嵌着一块块灵力极其精纯的灵石。 At this time, is having together the tall and straight form, welcomed is inundating the Heavenly winds snow, sat cross-legged to sit in the array center. 此时,正有一道挺拔身影,迎着漫天风雪,盘膝坐在阵法中央。 The frail clothes, on not the outstanding face are distinctive, a pair is bright like the star pupil, shines through is making the ray that one believes that is Han Li. 其一身单薄青衫,并不出众的脸庞上棱角分明,一双如星般的眸子明亮深邃,透射着令人心折的光芒,正是韩立 Sees only its pair of eyes whole, both hands pinches finger joints with the thumb before the body gently fast, recited some obscure incantation in a low voice, within the body Little Dipper Essence Technique was revolving immediately fast. 只见其双眼轻轻一阖,双手在身前飞快掐诀,低声吟诵着某种晦涩咒语,体内小北斗星元功随即飞快运转了起来。 In an instant, above the peak the ray is greatly bright. 刹那间,峰顶之上光芒大亮。 The innumerable silver white star light break through the dark clouds directly, projects from the sky, changes to seven sturdy incomparable silver white light beams, covered the entire mountain peak. 无数银白星光径直冲破阴云,从天空之投射下来,化作七道粗壮无比的银白光柱,笼罩了整座山峰。 Still the everywhere snowflake of flying volume in the strong winds, fell into the silver light, immediately the ablation, changes to water vapor in abundance, vanishes does not see. 原本还在狂风中飞卷的漫天雪片,落入银光之中,顿时纷纷消融,化作一片水汽,消失不见。 Han Li both hands pinch finger joints with the thumb have extended the top of the head, does to raise hand to the shape of day, his waist black light flashes immediately, seven Star Moon Treasure Mirror depart directly, flies into together in the light beam respectively, emits the bright ray. 韩立双手掐诀伸过头顶,做举手向天之状,其腰间立即乌光一闪,七面星月宝镜径直飞出,各自飞入一道光柱之中,放射出灿烂光芒。 Meanwhile, above the Han Li top of the head, presented a strange vortex suddenly, is attracting seven valuable mirrors toward collects to go. 与此同时,韩立头顶上方,忽然出现了一道奇异漩涡,吸引着七面宝镜向着其中汇集而去。 As this vortex is getting bigger and bigger, the strength of attraction spreads is also getting bigger and bigger, seven valuable mirrors all cannot help but goes toward the central collection. 随着这股漩涡越来越大,从中传出的吸引之力也就越来越大,七面宝镜全都不由自主的朝中心汇集而去。 But that seven giant light beam, was also being towed by this strength unexpectedly, happened in abundance crookedly, goes toward the central collection. 而那七道巨大光柱,竟也被这股力量牵引着,纷纷发生歪斜,朝着中心汇集而去。 Bang a dull thumping sound, has rolled like the startling thunderclap. “轰”的一声闷响,如同惊雷滚过。 Seven silver light beams collected in one finally, the fusion was one passes the hundred zhang (333 m) thickly the giant light beam, camouflaged the entire mountain peak, linked up Heaven and Earth. 七道银色光柱终于汇集在了一起,融合为一道粗逾百丈的巨大光柱,遮蔽了整座山峰,贯通天地 At this time, the Big Dipper ray of backdrop deep place is greatly bright, started to have the remarkable change unexpectedly. 此时,天幕深处的北斗七星光芒大亮,竟也开始发生了惊人的变化。 Sees only it to start from the day first star of the dipper, since the merak, phecda and sky power and other stars unexpectedly in turn are bright the silver purple ray, subsequently glitters one after another continuously. 只见其自天枢星开始,天璇、天玑、天权等七颗星斗竟然依次亮起银紫色光芒,继而一颗接着一颗连续地闪烁起来。 After several samsara, Big Dipper actually has the displacement in abundance, first from the original bucket inheritance of forms after their production by the action of yin and yang is a straight line, subsequently the head and tail held, changed into a ring. 几个轮回之后,北斗七星竟然纷纷发生位移,先是从原本的勺形化为一条直线,继而首尾相衔,化为了一道圆环。 Has the sturdy incomparable silver purple ray to gush out from the ring together, as if spanned trillion li (0.5 km) from, across the endless nighttime sky, shone on Han Li directly. 紧接着,就有一道粗壮无比的银紫光芒从圆环中涌出,仿佛跨越了亿万里距离,穿过无尽夜空,径直照射在了韩立身上。 "Hū". “呼”的一声。 On the silver purple ray falls the body instantly, a Han Li clothing is reduced to ashes instantaneously. 在银紫光芒落身的刹那,韩立一身衣衫瞬间化为灰烬。 His whole body flesh screens the silver ray immediately, becomes incomparably insightful. 其周身肌肤顿时映出银色光芒,变得无比通透。 Even can see by his skin, the muscle and skeleton of its within the body, started to change unexpectedly, was covering the one/1st level/layer light silver gloss, now became like actually wrapped by the aluminum paste generally. 透过他的皮肤甚至可以看到,其体内的肌肉和骨骼,竟然也都开始发生了变化,原先只是覆盖着一层淡淡的银色光泽,现在却变得如同被银浆包裹起来了一般。 Only listens to above the snowy peak humming sound sound erupted. 只听雪峰之上“嗡嗡”之声大作 The innumerable silver light scraps/condescend replace the original flying snow, scatters thick fallingly, changes to giant spheroidal light screen, covered the entire mountain peak, spreads the intermittent terrifying spirit strength fluctuation. 无数银色光屑取代原先的飞雪,纷纷扬扬撒下,化作一道巨大的球型光幕,将整个山峰都笼罩了起来,从中传出阵阵恐怖至极的灵力波动。 With the unceasing enhancement of this fluctuation, the entire mountain peak also rocks fiercely, surrounding entire mountain range, becomes is extremely unsettled. 随着这股波动的不断增强,整座山峰随之剧烈晃动起来,连带着周围整个山脉,也都变得极不安定起来。 Sees only in the surrounding area thousand li (500 km), the land rocks unceasingly, many places split long and narrow cracks that directly wind to twist, some even cause the river bed to change, causes the river current to change course. 只见方圆千里之内,大地不断晃动,不少地方径直裂开一道道蜿蜒扭曲的狭长地缝,有的甚至造成河床变动,引得江流改道。 In the primitive jungle of nearby cover, ascends everywhere the billowing loess mist and dust, the innumerable wild animals go crazy galloping in the forests, exudes to shout. 附近茂密的原始丛林中,到处升腾起滚滚黄土烟尘,无数野兽在林间发狂奔腾,发出声声嘶吼。 But sky over the jungle, the dense and numerous bird flying beast, throws the corner the wing to depart from the forest, camouflaged the big piece sky densely. 而在丛林上空,密密麻麻的鸟雀飞兽,扑棱着翅膀争相从林中飞出,黑压压遮蔽了大片天空。 Rumble “轰隆隆” Remote separates inside and outside several hundreds, the quiet ten thousand years of big volcanos, under the continued function of this shake, have also erupted at this moment unexpectedly again. 遥隔数百里外,一座已经沉寂万余年的高大火山,此刻竟然也在这股震荡的持续作用下,再次喷发了。 A lot of dark-red magma, coerce in the strong black smoke, spews out from the crater place, goes straight to thousand zhang (3.33 m) upper air. 大量的暗红色岩浆,裹挟在浓重的黑烟中,从火山口处喷涌而出,直抵千丈高空。 Burns innumerably the red rock, was first thrown to fly high, quick such as the cocurrent flow spark rain speeds away to fall generally, delimits the long tail wing in the curtain of night, across volcanic ash that fills layer upon layer, pounds into the mountain forest. 无数燃烧得通红的岩石,先是被高高地抛飞而起,很快就又如同流星火雨一般疾驰落下,在夜幕中划出长长的尾翼,穿过层层弥漫开来的火山灰,砸入山林之中。 In the big forest ignites the flaming roaring flame immediately, in the billowing thick smoke, illuminates fiery red half nighttime sky. 大片森林中立即燃起熊熊烈焰,在滚滚浓烟之中,将半个夜空都照得火红。 In the entire mountain range, connects ten number streams light/only to speed along from the different places, all hovering in distance silver light ball in the upper air several hundred li (0.5 km) away. 整座山脉之中,接连有十数道流光从不同地方飞驰而出,全都悬停在了距离银色光球数百里之外的高空中。 In these people, not only has the look pretty young young master, and has the graceful middle-aged woman, but more is actually some extreme old ages old men, mostly is single one person, the generations of rare 35 knot groups. 这些人中,既有相貌清俊的年轻公子,又有风姿绰约的中年妇人,但更多的却是一些耄耋之年的老者,大多都是独身一人,少有三五结群之辈。 They all hide in this mountain range rogue cultivator, the strength is irregular, most weak one is Core Formation Late Stage, most powerhouse also Void Refinement Intermediate Stage. 他们全都是潜藏在这条山脉的散修,实力参差不齐,其中最弱者为结丹后期,最强者也不过炼虚中期 But besides them, some look wacks, some heads lives the elevation angle, some long have the variegated trace, some outside the body are turning round the one/1st level/layer fur/superficial knowledge, some are growing a beast of prey head simply, just like monster cultivator. 而除他们之外,还有一些相貌奇特之人,有的头上生有竖角,有的身上长有斑斓纹路,有的体外覆着一层皮毛,有的干脆就长着一颗猛兽头颅,俨然是妖修 However human race cultivator, is monster race cultivator, at this moment is panic-stricken, and has doubts to look toward the snowy mountain top, actually no one dares to approach the investigation. 然而不论是人族修士,还是妖族修士,此刻全都是既惊恐且疑惑地朝着雪山顶部望去,却没有一人胆敢靠近探查。 „Does the power and influence, have Great Ascension Stage cultivator to be going Transcend Tribulation ascended?” A white robe youth is looking at all sorts of phenomenon above snowy mountain, surprised say/way. “如此威势,难道是有大乘期修士将要渡劫飞升?”一名白袍青年望着雪山之上的种种异象,惊疑道。 Actually shakes the head with another thin old man of its coming together here, said: 与其同来此处的另一消瘦老者却摇了摇头,说道: I do not look like, this where has must lower the tribulation thunder slightly the meaning, some people in cultivation extremely mysterious cultivation technique, great accomplishment will soon bring in so the Heaven and Earth phenomenon seem like.” “我看不像,这哪有丝毫要降下劫雷的意思,倒像是有人在修炼一门极其玄妙的功法,即将大成才引来这般天地异象。” cultivation cultivation technique? This is how possible......” 修炼功法?这怎么可能……” The white robe youth holds breath cold air, how he cannot believe, only cultivation cultivation technique can trigger such wide scope the Heaven and Earth phenomenon. 白袍青年倒吸一口凉气,他怎么都不敢相信,单凭修炼功法就能引发这么大范围的天地异象。 At this moment, above the peak hears one to roar suddenly heavenshaking, a powerful incomparable air wave is centered on the snowy mountain immediately, becomes the ring-like potential toward to take away as many things as possible in all directions. 就在这时,峰顶之上忽然传来一声震天咆哮,一股强大无比的气浪顿时以雪山为中心,成环形之势朝着四面八方席卷而去。 Sees that in the people several hundred li (0.5 km) away, changes to the flowing light to fly upside down to go toward the rear area in abundance, the magical skill still shallow monster cultivator, not and drew back, was caught up by the air wave, immediately was hit the blood crazily to spurt the whole body to be ruined, almost ended up the body dies and Dao disappears fate. 远在数百里之外的众人见状,纷纷化作流光朝后方倒飞而去,有一名道行尚浅的妖修,未及远退,便被气浪追上,顿时被打得鲜血狂喷浑身破败,差一点就落得个身死道消的下场。 After waiting to escape again more than hundred li (0.5 km), the people stopped, has a lingering fear to look in abundance toward that side. 等再逃开百余里之后,众人才停了下来,纷纷心有余悸地朝那边望去。 Sees is only covering the spheroidal light screen of entire snowy mountain, expanded unexpectedly one time, will be bigger a range to cover, the entire snowy mountain becomes fuzzy one piece, can only see an indistinct outline. 只见笼罩着整座雪山的球型光幕,竟然又扩张了一倍,将更大一片范围都笼罩了进去,整个雪山变得模糊一片,只能看到一个隐约的轮廓了。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 On Boundary Origin Dao Temple Nine Palaces Peak, fat such as Daoist He Shan of meat mountain is standing on Star-Gathering Platform, looks out in the nighttime sky to have the abnormal change Big Dipper, the facial expression is complex difficult to be bright. 境元观九宫峰上,胖如肉山的阖山道人正站在聚星台上,遥望夜空中发生异变的北斗七星,神情复杂难明。 Before under the oppression of Han Li, he was forced to destroy in the gate with Immortal World communication magical array, betrayed Daoist Master Jing Ming thoroughly. 之前在韩立的压迫下,他被迫摧毁了门内与仙界的沟通法阵,算是彻底背叛了净明真人 Appearance that now this will soon depart, later places Immortal World old ancestor to resort to what method to investigate how should deal with, is matter of the need well consideration. 如今这位即将离去的样子,之后身处仙界老祖动用什么手段追究起来,该怎么应付,可是一件需要好好考量之事. In addition, Cold Flame Sect these year of rapid development, absorbed the attachment of many small influence, has greatly with the potential of Boundary Origin Dao Temple sharing half and half, once Han Li departs, this Spirit Domain World feared that did not want peacefully...... 此外,冷焰宗这些年发展迅猛,明里暗里吸收了不少中小势力的依附,大有与境元观平分秋色之势,一旦韩立离去,这灵寰界怕是又要不太平了…… with this thought, Daoist He Shan sighs secretly. 一念及此,阖山道人不由暗叹了一口气。 ...... …… Not come singly but in pairs, in square that Cold Flame Sect Holy Fire Peak withstand/top. 无独有偶,冷焰宗圣火峰顶的广场上。 Sima Jingming of purple robe, at this moment also double is hand-held the white jade parapet, raises head to look out the nighttime sky, on the face the look somewhat is also complex. 一身紫袍的司马镜明,此刻也正双手扶着白玉栏杆,仰头遥望夜空,脸上神色同样有些复杂。 After long time, he long puts out the one breath, said with a sense of relief: 半晌之后,他长长吐出一口气,如释重负般说道: Senior Han, you may probably leave finally......” 韩前辈,你可终于要离开了……” Although present Cold Flame Sect after absorbing Heavenly Ghost Sect the strength increased, but existence of Han Li, has actually seemed like an invisible mountain, presses in his heart. 尽管如今的冷焰宗在吸收了天鬼宗后实力大增,但韩立的存在,却一直像是一座无形大山,压在他的心头。 Although their Cold Flame Sect and Han Li have not split, instead is together quite harmoniously, but there is such a, can destroy a school of sect person to exist, is no different lays aside talisman that may explode anytime in the side, no matter what no one will feel relaxed. 虽说他们冷焰宗韩立并未交恶,反而相处得颇为融洽,但有这么一个举手投足间,就能毁灭一派宗门的人存在,无异于在身边放置着一张随时有可能爆炸的符箓,任谁都不会觉得轻松。 ...... …… At this moment, on Rising Cloud Peak in a remote cave mansion. 此刻,出云峰上一处偏僻的洞府中。 Gu Yunyue of white clothing, with wearing Yu Menghan of palace clothing, sits facing each other near the stone table in courtyard courtyard. 一袭白衣的古韵月,正与身着宫装的余梦寒,相对而坐在院落天井中的石桌边。 The latter is lifting the small face, looks out in the nighttime sky to change into ring-like Big Dipper, with that say/way strange silver purple light beam, the look is somewhat blurred. 后者正举着小脸,遥望着夜空中化为环形的北斗七星,和那道古怪的银紫色光柱,眼神有些迷离。 This Elder Han, does not compare to you actually commonly, not only left you this cave mansion, but also left behind so many magical treasure and medicine pill, these resources grand total, has been no less than small-scale sect, is to make you use Divine Transformation Stage, had more than enough to spare.” Gu Yunyue looks at this appearance, reveals wipes the temperate happy expression, several points of teasing saying. “这位韩长老,对你倒是不比寻常,不但将这座洞府留给了你,还留下了这么多法宝丹药,这些资源总计算起来,已经不少于一座小型宗门了,就是让你用到化神期,也是绰绰有余了。”古韵月看着她这幅模样,露出一抹温和笑意,略带几分调侃的说道。 Yu Menghan hears word stares, recover his wits, said suddenly: 余梦寒闻言一愣,才恍然回过神来,说道: Elder Han was the worry I led him and younger sister Le'er mostly in the past enters the matter of mansion, so will give favored treatment in me. It spoke the truth, that benevolence has paid off, was I...... owes Elder Han on the contrary were more.” 韩长老多半是惦念当年我带他和乐儿妹妹入府之事,才会这般优待于我。其实说起来,那点恩情早就已经还清了,反倒是我……欠韩长老的更多一些。” Gu Yunyue hears word, looks the smile, shakes the head does not speak. 古韵月闻言,面露笑容,摇头不语。 The priest and disciple then no longer talk too much, in yard, silent quiet. 师徒两人遂都不再多言,小院之中,默然沉寂了下来。 ...... …… But in the cave mansion in Rising Cloud Peak half half way up the mountain place. 而在出云峰山腰处的一座洞府中。 Wears the lotus flower crown, wears old old Daoist of grayish white Daoist robe, is sitting cross-legged to sit in the secret room, actually Daoist Bai Shi. 一个头戴莲花冠,身披灰白道袍的年迈老道,正盘膝坐在密室之中,却正是白石道人 Before its, is putting a paper yellowing azure ancient book, above writes five unadorned large characters profound water to refine quiet record. 在其身前,正放着一本纸张泛黄的青色古书,上面书写着五个古拙大字“玄水炼幽录”。 This old book, is Heavenly Ghost Sect excellent Ghost Dao cultivation technique, originally certainly not the important rare book of to divulge to an outsider, when Han Li comes and presents as a gift suddenly conveniently to him, he almost cannot believe. 这本古籍,乃是天鬼宗的一部上乘的鬼道功法,本来绝不会外传的重要秘籍,所以当韩立突然现身并随手赠给他时,他几乎完全不敢相信。 Attained the same day, he then started to study diligently carefully, now cultivation to level 2, has defended against a siege many years of Core Formation Early Stage bottlenecks stubbornly, finally had one to become less crowded. 拿到当日,他便开始精心钻研起来,如今已经修炼到了第二层,原先死死困守多年的结丹初期瓶颈,终于有了一丝松动。 When this lets his pleasant surprise, feels somewhat rejoiced, had the lucky reason luckily initially, can follow Han Li shortly. 这让他惊喜之余,同时也感到有些庆幸,幸好当初有福缘,能够短暂的追随过韩立
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