RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#77: Two rare treasures

The azure robe man has not paid attention to the black robe old man three people, unflustered arrives by the great big head skulls of five claw flood dragons, lifts single-handed, the five fingers grasp void. 青袍男子没有理会黑袍老者三人,从容不迫的走到五爪蛟龙的巨大头颅旁,单手一抬,五指虚空一抓。 Spurting! “喷”一声! The head explodes somewhere, and departs a fist size the black crystal core, the surface has mysterious black marks, is five claw Black Flood Dragon monster core. 头颅某处爆开,并从中飞出一只拳头大小的黑色晶核,表面有一道道玄妙黑纹,正是五爪墨蛟妖丹 Youth unemotional slightly sizes up, then this one receives, then the five fingers gather change into the hand blade, slightly one fuzzy. 青年面无表情的略一打量后,便将此之一收,然后五指一合化为手刀,略一模糊。 Ka ka several resounding, the four great claws of flood dragon were then cut. “咔咔”数声脆响,蛟龙的四个巨爪便被斩了下来。 After the youth the great claw receives, vision revolution of falling in great flood dragon nape of the neck place. 青年将巨爪收起后,又目光一转的落在巨蛟脖颈处。 There impressively is still of near the zhang (3.33 m) pale silver scale, is entirely different from the surrounding black scale, the surroundings also live several pale silver spurs, sends out the remarkable spirit strength fluctuation. 那里赫然有一枚至今近丈的淡银色鳞片,和周围的黑色鳞片截然不同,周围还生有几根淡银色骨刺,散发出惊人的灵力波动。 On scale and spur, faintly also some and on monster core similar pattern. 鳞片和骨刺上,隐隐也有些和妖丹上类似的花纹。 Youth careful takes down the silver scale and spur, took flood dragon several monster beast materials, then stood, turned the head to look around black robe old man three people of one eyes. 青年小心的将银色鳞片和骨刺取了下来,又取走了蛟龙身上几处妖兽材料,便站了起来,转头看了附近的黑袍老者三人一眼。 Although in that person of eye nothing evil intention, in the old man three people of hearts thump, the cold sweat like the rain, is helpless. 那人眼中虽然没有什么恶意,老者三人心中还是咯噔一下,冷汗如雨,手足无措起来。 The azure robe man has not paid attention to three people, took back the vision quickly, body figure changed into together azure rainbow, flew to shoot to go toward the distant place. 青袍男子没有理会三人,很快收回了目光,身形化为一道青虹,朝着远处飞射而去。 Waits for that person to vanish in the distant place thoroughly, three people then relax. 等那人彻底消失在远处,三人这才松了口气。 This...... is this flood dragon that five claw black ink dragons that we just said?” Middle-aged Daoist priest looks at the remnant body of black flood dragon, said. “这……这蛟龙难道就是我们刚刚说的那个五爪墨龙?”中年道士看着黑色蛟龙的残躯,说道。 Should be, moreover looks at this situation, this flood dragon had the possibility already advancement to Great Ascension extremely!” Black robe old man mood also just returned to normal several points, nods to say. “应该是了,而且看这情形,这蛟龙极有可能已进阶到了大乘!”黑袍老者此刻心情也刚刚平复几分,点了点头道。 Green garment young married woman and middle-aged Daoist priest hears word, holding breath one breath. 绿衫少妇和中年道士闻言,倒吸一口气。 That Senior can bare-handed cut to kill this flood dragon unexpectedly, moreover looks at his appearance, as without abandoning what strength, is it possible that is also Great Ascension Stage great cultivator? Cold Flame Sect Senior Sima and Boundary Origin Dao Temple Senior He Shan image I have seen, does not seem like their one.” The green garment young married woman still somewhat had a lingering fear, saying that has doubts wear a look. “那位前辈竟能徒手斩杀这蛟龙,而且看他的样子,似乎没有废什么力气,莫非也是一位大乘期大修士冷焰宗司马前辈境元观阖山前辈影像我都见过,似乎不是他们二人之一。”绿衫少妇仍有些心有余悸,面带疑惑的说道。 Is it possible that transformed the appearance?” Middle-aged Daoist priest thought of a possibility. “莫非是幻化了外貌?”中年道士想到了一个可能。 Should not be, looking from the wound of this black ink dragon, just that Senior should be pure strength cultivator, 80% are not that two Senior.” The black robe old man shakes the head. “应该不是,从这墨龙的伤口看,刚刚那位前辈应该是一名纯粹的力修,八成不是那两位前辈。”黑袍老者摇了摇头。 „It is not they, this does Spirit Domain World have other Great Ascension Stage to exist?” Some green garment young married woman surprise. “不是他们二人,这灵寰界还有别的大乘期存在?”绿衫少妇有些诧异。 „...... You forgot before several years, that one night destruction Heavenly Ghost Sect Han Li Senior, he may be strength cultivator!” The black robe old man, did not lower several points of sound at this point voluntarily. “还有一个……难道你忘了数年前,那位一夜之间覆灭了天鬼宗韩立前辈,他可正是一个力修!”黑袍老者说到这里,不自觉的压低了几分声音。 Senior Han in that legend...... right, in hearsay he looks very young, is it possible that is really he!” Green garment young married woman double pupil slightly one bright. “那位传说中的韩前辈……没错,传闻中他看起来十分年轻,莫非真的是他!”绿衫少妇双眸不禁微微一亮。 In hearsay this Senior Han came from Immortal World exiled immortal, that is the true immortal!” Middle-aged Daoist priest also somewhat excited saying. “传闻中这位韩前辈可是来自仙界谪仙,那可是真正的仙人!”中年道士也有些激动的说道。 Three people are speaking, the vision falls on five claw black ink dragon corpses quickly, in the eye exudes the burning hot ray. 三人说着话,目光很快都落在五爪墨龙尸体上,眼中都泛起炙热光芒。 This flood dragon remnant body, Han Li, although looks does not glance, abandoning does not want, but to three Divine Transformation Stage cultivator, even if scrap flood dragon flesh, with perhaps caused a big stir sufficiently. 这蛟龙残躯,韩立虽然看不上眼,弃之不要,但是对三个化神期修士来说,哪怕是一小块蛟龙血肉,拿回去恐怕都足以引起一场不小的轰动了。 This is the Great Ascension Stage monster beast flesh! 要知道,这可是大乘期妖兽的血肉! ...... …… Since day Jingmen creates sends, with a history of ersanshiwan years, although the mastery cannot compare Cold Flame Sect, Boundary Origin Dao Temple this and other super large sect, but in the gate has several Integration Stage cultivator oversee, the strength cannot be underestimated certainly. 天晶门创派至今,也有二三十万年历史了,底蕴虽比不上冷焰宗,境元观这等超级大宗,但门中有数名合体期修士坐镇,实力绝不容小觑。 This consistent conduct low key, the fame in Spirit Domain World is not big. 只是此宗一贯行事低调,在灵寰界内名气并不怎么大。 At this time, in day Jingmen, giant developing martial stage. 此时,天晶门内,一处巨大的演武场。 The dazzling golden light flashes through, has the thundering loud sound! 耀眼金光闪过,发出轰雷般的巨响! Silver robe old man kite with broken string flying upside down, hits on restriction that developing the martial stage opens , the opens the mouth spouts a blood, incarnadine the front piece before body. 一个银袍老者断线风筝般倒飞而出,撞在演武场周围张开的禁制上,哇的一声,张口喷出一口鲜血,染红了身前的衣襟。 Flying upside down that a pale golden earthen bowl container bone is spinning common returns, the superficial miraculous glow is dim, seems damaged heavily. 一个淡金色的钵盂骨碌碌打着转的倒飞而回,表面灵光黯淡,似乎受创不轻。 Opposite of the old men, stood void azure robe cultivator, on the face was covering the one/1st level/layer azure light, could not see clearly the appearance, took back the right hand that extended slowly. 老者对面,虚空站立了一个青袍修士,脸上笼罩着一层青光,看不清容貌,缓缓收回伸出的右手。 Practicing martial arts outside, but also gathers round three Integration Stage cultivator, sees with own eyes this scenery completely all with amazement, the hurried cancellation develops martial stage surrounding restriction, before flying to shoot down the silver robe old man body, whole face alert is staring at azure robe cultivator of distant place. 演武场外,还围着三名合体期修士,眼见此景尽皆骇然,急忙撤销演武场周围的禁制,飞射落到银袍老者身前,满脸戒备的盯着远处的青袍修士 first elder, are you all right?” 大长老,你没事吧?” I am all right, this fellow daoist has shown mercy.” The silver robe old man takes out under a bright yellow medicine pill clothing/taking, the complexion is slowly more attractive. “我没事,这位道友已经手下留情了。”银袍老者取出一枚黄澄澄的丹药服下,脸色慢慢才好看一些。 Such remarks, the surrounding three people are startled immediately. 此言一出,周围三人顿时一怔。 Fellow Daoist strength is unusual, an obsolete your excellency move cannot even receive unexpectedly, ashamed.” The silver robe old man cups one hand in the other across the chest to in the air azure robe cultivator, the forced smile said. “道友实力超凡,老朽竟连阁下一招也接不下,惭愧。”银袍老者冲空中的青袍修士一拱手,苦笑道。 Your excellency, since admitted defeat, according to the agreement, then hands over that piece of eight precious ingredients exquisite jade.” Azure robe cultivator said lightly, sounding the age does not seem big. “阁下既然认输了,按照约定,便将那块八宝玲珑玉交出来吧。”青袍修士平淡说道,听起来年龄似乎不大。 The silver robe old man is helpless, said one to Integration Stage guy. 银袍老者无奈,对身旁一个合体期大汉说了一声。 Although the guys the whole face is not willing, stamps the feet to fly to shoot. 大汉虽然满脸不甘愿,还是一跺脚飞射而出。 A moment later, he flew, in the hand holds a several chi (0.33 m) length half foot wide white jade box, gave the silver robe old man. 片刻之后,他飞了回来,手中托着一个数尺长半尺宽的白色玉盒,交给了银袍老者。 The old man hand caressed in the jade box lightly, in the eye flashed through one not to abandon, before waving to send out the golden light to wrap the jade box to hand the azure robe cultivator body, together. 老者手在玉盒上轻抚了一下,眼中闪过一丝不舍,还是挥手发出一道金光包裹着玉盒递到了青袍修士身前。 Azure robe cultivator puts out a hand to catch the jade box, on the finger the azure light flashes, in jade box. 青袍修士伸手接住玉盒,手指上青光一闪,点在玉盒上。 Pī pā a slight explosive, the white jade box opens slowly, inside puts the white jade that several sizes are varying impressively, although is seemingly common, but the surface has eight color spirit light streams extensions to keep indistinctly, is quite unusual. 噼啪”一声轻微爆响,白色玉盒缓缓自行打开,里面赫然放着数块大小不一的白色玉石,虽然看似寻常,但表面隐约有八色灵光流转不停,颇为奇特。 Azure robe cultivator nods, covers the lid, turned the hand to receive. 青袍修士点了点头,盖上盒盖,翻手收了起来。 This several exquisite calcedony ores, ten thousand years got down to accumulate these top grade eight precious ingredients exquisite jade, hoping the fellow daoist can use properly.” The silver robe old man sighed, said. “本门几条玲珑玉髓矿,万年下来才积累出了这些极品八宝玲珑玉,希望道友能妥善利用。”银袍老者叹了口气,说道。 Your excellency relax/rest assured, I naturally cannot make these exquisite jade bury.” Azure robe cultivator hehe smiles, then counting on the fingers light shell. “阁下放心,我自然不会让这些玲珑玉埋没了。”青袍修士呵呵一笑,然后屈指轻弹。 A white light flies to shoot, before falling the silver robe old man body, was actually a storage bracelet. 一道白光飞射而出,落到了银袍老者身前,却是一个储物手镯。 oneself with the thing of your sect, this inside thing, should not redeem these eight precious ingredients exquisite jade white/in vain sufficiently.” Azure robe cultivator said lightly, then body figure changes into together azure rainbow in a flash, flashes vanishes in the horizon. “本人也不会白拿贵宗之物,这里面的东西,应该足以抵偿这些八宝玲珑玉了。”青袍修士淡淡说了一句,然后身形一晃化为一道青虹,一闪消失在天际。 Silver robe old man divine sense searches into the storage bracelet, the facial expression is startled immediately. 银袍老者神识探入储物手镯,神情顿时一惊。 Inside put magnanimous spirit stones impressively, a number of ten thousand years of spirit grass and some extremely precious monster beast materials. 里面赫然放了海量的灵石,还有一批万年灵草和一些极为珍贵的妖兽材料。 On the value, truly is not under these eight precious ingredients exquisite jade, even also over several points. 论价值,确实不在那些八宝玲珑玉之下,甚至还超过几分。 ...... …… Within short several months, various Spirit Domain World places present some strange matters one after another. 短短数月之内,灵寰界各处接连出现一些离奇之事。 Several sect rare and precious materials, or secret technique cultivation technique, the sect ancient book was won by a mysterious person one after another. 好几个宗门的珍稀材料,或是秘术功法,宗门典籍接连被一个神秘人夺走。 This person does not know that from where comes, cultivation base is extremely high, but its conduct is appropriate, was won the treasure sect, obtained not the poor compensation, therefore has not caused the Spirit Domain World major sect public indignation, instead makes many having no immediate concern to oneself rogue cultivator, the sect disciple love to talk about. 此人不知从何而来,修为极高,不过其行事还算妥当,被夺走宝物的宗门,都得到了不菲的补偿,故而并未引起灵寰界各大宗门的公愤,反而让很多事不关己的散修,宗门弟子津津乐道。 Towering that this person presents, enlivened for several months later, goes into hiding suddenly, has not appeared again. 此人出现的突兀,活跃了几个月后,又突然销声匿迹,再也没有出现。 In an instant is more than half a year passes. 转眼间又是大半年过去。 The Spirit Domain World southeastern region, here has a huge incomparable scarlet mountain range, the named fire Yunshan lineage/vein, extend hundreds of thousands of li (0.5 km). 灵寰界东南区域,此处有一条庞大无比的赤红山脉,名为火云山脉,延绵数十万里。 In mountain range most is one is linking a giant volcano, year to year sprays the bottom burning hot incomparable magma, in the air is flooding the sulfur smell of irritating the nose, the burning hot is incomparable. 山脉中最多的便是一座连着一座的巨大火山,常年喷射地底炙热无比的岩浆,空气中充斥着刺鼻的硫磺气味,炙热无比。 All mountain massifs are almost black red color, as if the heat stone, even the cloud layer of sky also presents red color year to year, the fire Yunshan lineage/vein acquire fame therefore. 所有的山体几乎都是黑红颜色,仿佛烧红的石头,连天空的云层也常年呈现出赤红颜色,火云山脉故而得名。 Here is the place of Spirit Domain World biggest hot spirit, is one of the famous several ominous places, even cultivation base profound cultivator, still few person dares thoroughly. 这里是灵寰界最大的火灵之地,也是此界著名的几处凶地之一,即便是修为高深的修士,也少有人胆敢深入的。 The giant incomparable abyss of fire Yunshan lineage/vein deep place, most deep place impressively is a magma river, winds through rolling, has rumble the loud sound. 火云山脉深处的一条巨大无比的深渊,最深处赫然是一条岩浆大河,滚滚流过,发出轰隆隆的巨响。 The magma surface red light twinkle, the flame of some as if innumerable combustion are common. 岩浆表面红光闪烁,似乎有无数燃烧的火焰一般。 Here temperature makes the surrounding air also slurred high, twisted the light ripple. 此处的温度之高让周围空气也模糊不清,扭曲出淡淡波纹了。 Does not arrive at the hundred zhang (333 m) from the magma rivers a cliff stone wall, dug out a giant cave, inside is glittering the assorted ray, often sends out various sharp whistle. 距离岩浆河流不到百丈的一处悬崖石壁上,被人挖出了一个巨大山洞,里面闪烁着各色光芒,不时发出各种锐啸之声 On this day, a dragon humming sound long and loud cry spreads from the cave, immediately since the cave leaps together the thick incomparable white light beam, the direct impact horizon goes. 这一日,一声龙吟般的长啸从山洞中传出,随即山洞中腾起一道粗大无比的白色光柱,直冲天际而去。 In the light beam can see two flood dragons and giant bone armor virtual image indistinctly, long time later dissipates slowly. 光柱之中隐约能看到两条蛟龙和一个巨大骨铠虚影,良久之后才慢慢消散。 In the cave, a azure robe man sits cross-legged to sit here. 山洞之中,一个青袍男子盘膝坐在这里。 Han Li, his whole face happy expression at this moment. 正是韩立,此刻的他满脸喜色。 Before his body, float two treasure that is glittering the miraculous glow, a bone white armor, is rustically shaped, above inscribed eight designs, seems like some shields, the valuable umbrella, ** and so on thing. 他的身前悬浮了两件闪烁着灵光的宝物,一件骨白色铠甲,造型古朴,上面铭刻了八副图案,似乎是些盾牌,宝伞,**之类的东西。 A pair of silver fierce gauntlet/glove, on the gauntlet/glove has silver-white spurs, seeming like two flood dragon heads seems to be ordinary. 还有一对银色狰狞拳套,拳套上有一根根银白色的骨刺,看起来仿佛两只蛟龙头颅一般。 Both magical treasure send out the scary spirit strength fluctuation. 两件法宝都散发出骇人的灵力波动。 The Han Li vision has swept from these two magical treasure slowly, on the face flashes through color of the satisfaction. 韩立目光从这两件法宝上缓缓扫过,脸上闪过一丝满意之色。 This bone white armor named eight precious ingredients exquisite bone armor, gauntlet/glove named broken day fist armor. 这件骨白色铠甲名为八宝玲珑骨甲,拳套则名为破天拳甲。 Two kinds magical treasure the law of refinement was he found from the Heavenly Ghost Sect ancient book, was not common magical treasure, in some sense, was specially is magical treasure that strength cultivator was tailor, needed the strength of extremely strong mortal body to play the great power. 两样法宝的炼制之法都是他从天鬼宗的典籍中找到的,并非寻常的法宝,某种意义上来说,是专为力修量身打造的法宝,需要极强的肉身之力才能发挥出强大威力。 Since Sima Jingming said that sneaks across the method of ascended to be dangerous with this type , he thought of every means to collect countless valuable and rare treasure for safety's sake, refined these two magical treasure. 司马镜明既然说用这种偷渡飞升之法非常危险,他为了保险起见,才费尽心思收集了数不尽的奇珍异宝,炼制出这两件法宝 The Han Li opens the mouth spouts a young light, bone armor, fist armor received, turns the hand to take out together the azure jade book, above is a Spirit Domain World detailed map. 韩立张口喷出一口青光,将骨甲,拳甲收了起来,翻手取出一块青色玉册,上面是一副灵寰界的详细地图。 On the jade book map, was marked several places specially. 玉册地图上,被特意标明了好几处地方。 These are he from locate the sect ancient book respectively, found several weak space nodes positions, but did not have to confirm personally. 这些是他从各处宗门的典籍,找到的的几处薄弱空间节点的位置,不过还没有亲自去验证过。 After Han Li slightly hesitates, the vision falls in the labelling point of jade book map southeast region, the vision flashed slightly several. 韩立略一沉吟后,目光落在玉册地图东南区域的一个标注点上,目光微微闪动了几下。 A moment later, the azure rainbow flies to shoot from the canyon together, goes toward distant place fly. 片刻之后,一道青色长虹从峡谷飞射而出,朝着远处飞遁而去。
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