RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#76: Legend

Right, receives and instructs except for Immortal Ascension Platform that just said that actually our Spirit Domain World is also spreading a method of similar smuggling, can ascended to Immortal World, not be received and instructed by Immortal Ascension Platform secretly.” Sima Jingming sees Han Li to be silent, suddenly thought of anything, added. “对了,除了刚刚说的飞仙台接引,其实我们灵寰界还流传着一种类似偷渡的方法,可以偷偷飞升仙界,不会被飞仙台接引。”司马镜明韩立沉默不语,忽然想到了什么,又补充道。 „, Mentioned for the time being listens.” In the Han Li heart moves, seems like that asked one at will. “哦,姑且说来听听。”韩立心中一动,看似随意的问了一句。 This law to put it bluntly, the truth is also simple, is seeks for some weak space nodes between Spirit Domain World and Immortal World, through strength of the space attribute array, or other ways breaks open forcefully, to enter the world/interface gap, finally arrives in Immortal World.” After Sima Jingming thinks, said. “此法说白了,道理也简单,就是寻找灵寰界仙界之间的一些薄弱空间节点,通过空间属性阵法之力,或是其他方式强行破开,以进入界面间隙,最后抵达仙界。”司马镜明想了想后,如此说道。 This law is not a proper way, feared that is difficult many.” Han Li saying looking pensive, in the heart is actually smiles bitterly one. “此法并非正途,怕是困难不少吧。”韩立若有所思的说道,心中却是苦笑一声。 When this method was not he initially from human world ascended to Spirit World the way of adopting? 此方法不就是他当初从人界飞升灵界时所采取的方式吗? However wants to come also to only have Spirit Domain World this type and Immortal World very near world/interface, can use this method. 不过想来也只有灵寰界这种和仙界很近的界面,才能使用这种方法吧。 Senior bright mirror. This method risk is enormous, in the world/interface gap the danger is incomparable, even if can pass by luck, when arrives in Immortal World should still have is greatly possibly transmitted to the places of some Immortal World dangers very much, after all Immortal World there space weakness, generally will not be the good place. Moreover by this method ascended, is unable to enjoy the immortal pond to quenching the mortal body and obtains immortal token authentication and other advantage, will also encounter many difficulties to Immortal World.” Sima Jingming honest returning said. 前辈明鉴。这种方法风险极大,界面间隙内危险无比,即便能侥幸通过,抵达仙界时也有很大可能会被传送到仙界一些危险之地,毕竟仙界那里空间薄弱之处,一般都不是什么好地方。而且以这种方法飞升,根根无法享受仙池淬炼肉身和得到仙牌身份认证等好处,到了仙界也会遇到不少困难。”司马镜明老老实实的回道。 Han Li nods slowly, in the surface the look is usual, in the heart is quite excited. 韩立缓缓点头,面上神色如常,心中却颇为兴奋。 The matter of ascended Immortal World, such as the stem in his heart, finally found a solution continuously now. 飞升仙界之事,一直如梗在他心头,如今终于找到一个解决方法。 As for danger that in the Sima Jingming mouth said that by his present strength, so long as prepares sufficient being probable unobstructive, therefore pours has not placed at heart. 至于司马镜明口中所说的危险,以他现在的实力,只要做好充足准备应当无碍,故而倒也没怎么放在心里。 Many thanks Fellow Daoist Sima.” He nods to express one's thanks. “多谢司马道友了。”他点头称谢。 Senior Han should not be polite with the younger generation. Senior this time gave my sect so big advantage, old ancestor had confessed specially, must express gratitude to Senior Han well.” Sima Jingming tone sincere saying. 韩前辈千万不要和晚辈客气。前辈此番给了敝宗如此大的好处,老祖特意交代过,一定要向韩前辈好好道谢。”司马镜明语气诚恳的说道。 Right, has not thought that the elegantly beautiful fellow daoist still remembers this Han.” Han Li smiles lightly, seemed to be the profound meaning to say one. “是吗,没想到冷艳道友还记得韩某。”韩立淡淡一笑,似有深意的说了一句。 Senior Han chatted, old ancestor......” in the Sima Jingming heart thump, said hastily. 韩前辈说笑了,老祖……”司马镜明心中咯噔一下,连忙说道。 Ok, Fellow Daoist Sima hold your steps.” Han Li said that then turns around suddenly, the form changes into together azure rainbow, flies to shoot toward the distant place. “好了,司马道友留步吧。”韩立说了一声,便蓦然转身,身影化为一道青虹,朝远处飞射而出。 Gazes after azure rainbow completely to vanish in the distant place horizon, in the Sima Jingming heart relaxes greatly. 目送青虹完全消失在远处天际,司马镜明心中不禁大松了口气。 ...... …… After Han Li leaves Cold Flame Sect, then like into thin air generally, had not come in Spirit Domain World again. 韩立离开冷焰宗后,便如同人间蒸发了一般,再也没有在灵寰界现身。 However about his some facts, why actually does not know, was formed several editions by adding inflammatory details, spread gradually, becomes a legendary character. 不过关于他的一些事迹,却不知为何,被添油加醋的形成了数个版本,渐渐流传了开来,成为了一个富有传奇色彩的人物。 Because of his appearance, among short several years, had achieved some balanced spirit vast domain immortal cultivation world, raised reign of terror. 因为他的出现,短短数年间,原本已达成某种平衡的灵寰修仙界,掀起了一场腥风血雨。 Some people said that he is the person of high skill who closed-door cultivation is not born year to year, some people said that he is actually exiled immortal, and what is more, said that he is actually one does not know exactly many ten thousand years of ghost that has the True Spirit descendant. 有人说他是一个常年闭关不出世的高人,也有人说他其实是一名谪仙,更有甚者,说他其实是一个不知活了多少万年拥有真灵后裔的老妖。 Entire spirit vast domain immortal cultivation world has different opinions regarding his appraisal, some people think that he is a killing without batting an eye big demon, some people thought that he eradicated Heavenly Ghost Sect this conduct consistent to rule by force the mindless influence arbitrarily, but also a Spirit Domain World peace. 整个灵寰修仙界对于他的评价褒贬不一,有人认为他是个杀人不眨眼的大魔头,也有人觉得他铲除了天鬼宗这个行事一贯蛮横霸道不讲理的势力,还了灵寰界一个安宁。 In brief, has wide divided opinions. 总之,众说纷纭。 However the confusion after Heavenly Ghost Sect such colossus destruction, still continued to have several hundred years fully, major sect influences after the size contentions of innumerable wheel, after innumerable size cultivator fallen, the new situation forms gradually, and stabilized slowly. 不过天鬼宗这么一个庞然大物覆灭后的混乱,仍是持续了足有数百年,各大宗门势力经过无数轮的大小角逐,无数大小修士陨落后,新的形势才渐渐形成,并慢慢稳定了下来。 Naturally these were something to be talked about later. 当然这些都是后话了。 After Liu Le'er is missing several months, a day of fierce Yanggao photo. 柳乐儿失踪后的数月后,一个烈阳高照的日子。 North Spirit Domain World sea somewhere, limitless, because the sea will often leap the thick black fog that blocks the sky, therefore is called the black fog sea. 灵寰界北方的某处海洋,无边无际,由于海上时常会腾起遮天蔽日的浓密黑雾,故而被称为黑雾海。 This sea domain spirit(s) strength is quite rich, is perching many sea beasts, special product spirit material that outside several types cannot search, therefore comes this to explore to treasure hunt, hunts and kills cultivator of sea beast to be continuous. 这片海域灵力颇为浓郁,栖息着不少海兽,更有数种外面寻觅不得的特产灵材,故而来此探险寻宝,猎杀海兽的修士络绎不绝。 Nearby a Black Sea deep place desert island, rumble thunders to transmit by far, the surrounding area the sea level mighty waves within dozens li (0.5 km) tumble, leap several feet high monstrous waves, toward wells up in all directions, above the sea level thick black fog also under an function of invisible strength revolves, formed a huge incomparable vortex. 黑海深处一处荒岛附近,隆隆轰鸣远远传递出去,方圆数十里内的海面波涛翻滚,腾起一个个十几丈高的巨浪,朝着四面八方涌去,就连海面上方的浓密黑雾也在一股无形之力的作用下旋转起来,形成了一个巨大无比的漩涡。 The vortex center is actually a green garment young married woman, a black robe old man, middle-aged Daoist priest, with a sea cow sea beast fierce struggle in the same place. 漩涡中心却是一个绿衫少妇,一个黑袍老者,还有一个中年道士,正在和一头海牛般的海兽激斗在一起。 These three people have Divine Transformation Early Stage cultivation base, although cultivation cultivation technique is different, but coordinates to be very adept, obviously the first time is not collaborated. 这三人都拥有化神初期修为,虽然修炼功法不同,但配合起来很是娴熟,显然已非第一次联手了。 Three people of magical treasure rays each other connect, form a great-circle, encircles ox Xinghai the beast in the middle, wave after wave attacks to continue crazily. 三人的法宝光芒彼此连接,形成一个大圆,将牛型海兽围在中间,一波接着一波的狂攻不止。 That sea cow is all over the body deep blue, on the back has two black stripes, has extended from the forehead rear, looks very strange. 那海牛通体蔚蓝,背脊上有两道黑色条纹,从额头一直延伸到尾部,看起来很是奇异。 In the often sends out ox Houban to cry out strangely, under the body surface blue light twinkle, the dense and numerous blue thunder ball appears, resists the attack of coming, in the mouth is also spouting thick blue light toward the above three people unceasingly. 其口中不时发出牛吼般怪叫,体表蓝光闪烁下,密密麻麻的蓝色雷球浮现而出,抵御着汹涌而至的攻击,口中也不断朝着上方的三人喷出一道道粗大蓝光。 Although its cultivation base compares three people higher than the frontline, achieved Divine Transformation Intermediate Stage, but the attack method is eventually unitary, gradually by the magical treasure ray suppressions of three cultivator. 它的修为虽然比三人高出一线,达到了化神中期,但终究攻击手段单一,渐渐被三名修士法宝光芒压制。 The fierce combat continued the less than half double-hour, the protecting body ray of blue sea cow was defeated finally, the head by that black robe old man the black sword light of extreme twist piercing, was being broken a big blood hole. 激战又持续了小半个时辰,蓝色海牛的护体光芒终于被击破,脑袋被那黑袍老者的一道急速旋转的黑色剑光着洞穿,破碎出一个大血洞。 The sea cow wails, struggled several, was quickly motionless. 海牛哀嚎一声,挣扎了几下,很快不动了。 Haha, the Fellow Daoist Qin biting soul drills heart sword to be really fierce, even this to defend the grown black spot Genkai cow that is famous unable to resist.” That middle-aged Daoist priest laughs, praised. “哈哈,秦道友的噬魂钻心剑果然厉害,连这头以防御著称的成年黑斑玄海牛也抵挡不住。”那中年道士哈哈一笑,赞道。 Fellow Daoist Ku Mu overpraised.” In the black robe old man eyes flashes through a self-satisfaction, single-handed move takes back that black sword light, is actually a strange long sword, the shape such as two poisonous snakes are intertwined in the same place, sends out spookily ice-cold black light. 枯木道友过奖了。”黑袍老者眼中闪过一丝得意,单手一招的将那黑色剑光收回,却是一柄奇型长剑,形如两条毒蛇交缠在一起,散发出幽幽的冰冷黑光。 The old men waved to receive this sword, treasured the unusual appearance. 老者挥手将此剑收了起来,珍爱异常的模样。 this treasure spent the savings of his most lifetime, the might almost endured compared with general spirit treasure, but also had the magical powers of some armor piercings, was he to cope with some skin coarse meat thick sea beasts refined specially. 此宝花费了他大半生的积蓄,威力几乎堪比一般灵宝,还带有一些破甲的神通,是他为了对付一些皮糙肉厚的海兽特意炼制的。 Three people quick divide the sea cow corpse, everyone harvests big. 三人很快将海牛尸体分割完毕,每人收获都不小。 In my opinion, I and other people collaborate, facing the Divine Transformation Late Stage sea beast, even is unwinnable, moving out should not have the issue, might as well be more thorough?” That green garment young married woman looks toward the front sea area, proposed. “依我看来,我等三人联手,就是面对化神后期的海兽,即便不能取胜,全身而退应该没有问题,不如再深入一些?”那绿衫少妇朝着前方海域望去,提议道。 The middle-aged Daoist priest look flashes, as if moves to this proposition also some meanings. 中年道士眼神一闪,似乎对这个提议也有些意动。 Does not may, two come to this Black Sea soon possibly not to know, again proceeding not far away is Black Sea famous is spread like stars in the sky the sea eye region ominously, there seabed has the innumerable simultaneous/uniform deep incomparable sea eyes, inside lived many fierce sea beasts, is Void Refinement Stage, and even the Integration Stage sea beast has, even hearsay sea eye most deep place also endures to compare the Great Ascension Stage five claw black ink dragons. Although these sea beasts basically treat in the sea eye, does a bit less the sea level extremely, except for some Integration great expert, still no one dares to approach there. Truly speaking, we pursue this black spot Genkai cow to come here, is very dangerous, cannot continue to proceed, good that retreats immediately.” The black robe old man said hastily, grave expression. “万万不可,二位来这黑海不久可能不知道,再往前不远处便是黑海著名的凶地星罗海眼区域,那里海底有无数齐深无比的海眼,里面生活了很多厉害之极的海兽,就是炼虚期,乃至合体期的海兽都有,甚至传闻海眼最深处还有一条堪比大乘期的五爪墨龙。虽然那些海兽基本都待在海眼中,极少来到海面,除了一些合体大能,仍然没人敢靠近那里。说实在的,我们追这头黑斑玄海牛到这里,已经很是危险了,不能继续往前,还是立刻退走的好。”黑袍老者连忙说道,神色凝重 Great Ascension Stage sea beast! How is this possible?” Middle-aged Daoist priest holds breath cold air. 大乘期的海兽!这怎么可能?”中年道士倒吸一口凉气。 On the green garment young married woman face also reveals does not dare to believe the color. 绿衫少妇脸上也露出不敢置信之色。 This is also only the legend, it is said that five claw black ink dragons in this over 100,000 years, its last time appearance, several thousand years ago, its strength had achieved Integration Peak at that time, so many years have not come, perhaps lifespan had exhausted also perhaps. No matter how said, this place is crisis-ridden, hurrying to leave here is the urgent matter.” The black robe old man shakes the head, somewhat anxious saying. “这也只是传说而已,据说那五爪墨龙在此已经超过十万年了,其最后一次出现,是在数千年前,当时它的实力已经达到合体巅峰,这么多年没有现身,或许已经寿元耗尽了也说不定。不管怎么说,此地已是危机四伏,赶紧离开这里才是当务之急。”黑袍老者摇了摇头,有些焦急的说道。 Middle-aged Daoist priest and green garment young married woman nod hastily, three people are just about to fly toward the background, at this moment, a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering loud sound transmits from the front sea area. 中年道士和绿衫少妇连忙点头,三人正要朝着来路飞去,就在此刻,一声惊天动地的巨响从前方海域传来。 Hears the sound in the extremely far place, but clear transmission three people of here . Moreover the coastal water trembled fiercely. 听声音是在极远的地方,不过还是清晰的传递到了三人这里,而且附近海域剧烈震颤了一下。 Three people of complexions change. 三人脸色一变。 Has not waited for three people to make anything to respond, rumble the loud sound transmits from the front again, meanwhile the huge and chaotic spirit pressures come, start the dreadful hurricane. 未等三人做出什么反应,隆隆的巨响再次从前方传来,同时还有一股庞大而混乱的灵压汹涌而来,掀起滔天的飓风。 Under three people of hearts startles greatly, turns around then to run away, already without enough time, but also without departing many were then caught up with the volume to fly by the hurricane, as if the three fallen leaves in strong winds, sway to be uncertain everywhere. 三人心中大骇之下,转身便欲逃走,已经来不及了,还没有飞出多远便被飓风赶上卷飞,仿佛狂风中的三片落叶般,四处飘摇不定起来。 Is good proceeds to run out not far because of this hurricane, circumstances then feeble, three people of hurried revolution cultivation technique, lived in body figure quickly stably, the complexion already the pallidness that frightens. 好在这飓风往前冲出不远,风势便衰弱了下去,三人急忙运转功法,很快稳定住了身形,脸色已经吓的煞白。 In the meantime, is bang the loud sound of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering! 就在此时,又是轰的一声惊天动地的巨响! The front inside and outside hundred the sea level blasts open suddenly, a huge incomparable shadow flies upside down from inside, from the sky flew a big section distance, then bang, pounded layer on layer/heavily on that desert island of black robe old man three people of not far away, caused entire desert island one to shake greatly, air waves that raised were cause the surrounding ocean waves tumbling. 前方百里外的海面陡然炸裂开来,一个巨大无比的黑影从里面倒飞而出,在空中飞了一大段距离,然后“轰”的一声,重重砸在了黑袍老者三人不远处的那个荒岛上,引得整座荒岛一阵巨震,掀起的一圈圈气浪更是引得周围海浪翻滚不已。 The shadow is a giant incomparable black ink black flood dragon, the body has 2-3 hundreds of zhang (333 m) to be long impressively considerable, the whole body is covering jet black such as the shiny scales of black ink, the head grows two to just like the coral clear grows the horn. 黑影赫然是一条巨大无比的墨黑色蛟龙,体长足有2-3百丈长,全身覆盖着漆黑如墨的铮亮鳞甲,头上长着两个犹如珊瑚般的晶莹长角。 But on the chest and belly of this great flood dragon, is growing four gigantic dragon claws, on each claw five just like the black great sword common toe impressively, glitters is letting the ice-cold ray that the person is afraid. 而在此巨蛟的胸腹上,长着四只硕大的龙爪,每个爪子上赫然有五根犹如黑色巨剑一般的脚趾,闪烁着让人不寒而栗的冰冷光芒。 The huge aura that is unable to explain sends out from these five claw Black Flood Dragon. 一股无法言喻的庞大气息从这五爪墨蛟身上散发而出。 This, let three people already ghastly pale look, particularly the black robe old man, he was not rogue cultivator, was a scale big sect inner gate disciple, in the gate also has Integration Stage old ancestor oversee. 这一幕,让三人早已面无人色,尤其是黑袍老者,他并非散修,乃是一个规模不小宗门内门弟子,门内还有一位合体期老祖坐镇 Aura that but these five claw Black Flood Dragon lend, above that Integration Stage great expert in his gate. 但这五爪墨蛟散发出的气息,远在他门内那位合体期大能之上。 That hearsay unexpectedly real!” In the old man heart shakes greatly, in the heart raised a bold guess. “难道那个传闻竟然是真的!”老者心中巨震,心中不由升起了一个大胆的猜测。 Five claw flood dragons are struggling turning over, causes ground one to shiver again. 五爪蛟龙挣扎着翻了个身,再次引得地面一阵颤抖。 Black robe old man three people one startled, backed up hastily more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) far, fixes the eyes on to look again, saw only the chest of flood dragon to burst impressively large cave/hole, the large share large share blood swarmed, incarnadine desert island big lands. 黑袍老者三人一惊之下,连忙倒退了百余丈之远,再定睛望去,只见蛟龙的胸口赫然破裂了一个大洞,大股大股的鲜血蜂拥而出,染红了荒岛大片土地。 Whiz! “嗖”的一声! The azure person's shadow flies to shoot from the sea together, speed quick can only see Shadow, flashed from five claw flood dragons passed over gently and swiftly. 一道青色人影从海中飞射而出,速度快的只能看到一条影子,一闪从五爪蛟龙身旁掠过。 The cold and gloomy cold light flashes through together! 一道森冷寒光闪过! Flood dragon body, then the giant head shoots up to the sky impressively, a thick incomparable blood column soars to the heavens spraying, the entire desert island just like blood rain, revolting stench filled the air. 蛟龙身躯一顿,然后巨大的头颅赫然冲天而起,一股粗大无比的血柱冲天喷射而出,整个荒岛犹如下了一场血雨,一股令人作呕的腥臭弥漫开来。 Bang! 轰! The flood dragon huge body fell to the ground loudly, shivered several, finally was motionless. 蛟龙庞大的身躯轰然倒地,颤抖了几下,终于不动了。 In the meantime, black light flashes from the great flood dragon head together, inside is wrapping a several cuns (2.5 cm) mini black flood dragon, flustered must sharply escape to go toward the distant place. 就在此时,一道黑光从巨蛟头颅一闪而出,里面包裹着一只数寸大小的迷你黑蛟,慌慌张张的就要朝着远处急遁而去。 But the azure person's shadow is expected general, body figure in a flash keeping off before this flood dragon body, the opens the mouth spouted a azure multi-colored sunlight, one binds it, and drew to force in a jade bottle by it that returned conveniently. 但青色人影早有所料一般,身形一晃的挡在了此蛟身前,张口喷出一股青色霞光,一下将其裹住,并一拉而回的被其随手塞进了一只玉瓶之中。 What the black robe old man three people look is dumbfounded, stands rigidly in the midair in not far away, the green garment young married woman also swallowed a saliva subconsciously. 黑袍老者三人看的是目瞪口呆,僵立在不远处的半空中,绿衫少妇还下意识的咽了口唾沫。 The azure shadow flashes, appears a stature quite big azure robe man form, seems like roughly the 25 - 26 year age, the appearance is quite ordinary, the skin seems somewhat dark. 青影一闪,现出一名身材颇为高大的青袍男子身影,看起来约莫二十五六岁年纪,容貌颇为普通,皮肤则显得有些黝黑。
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