RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#75: Inquired

What's wrong?” Han Li slightly one frowns, asks. “怎么了?”韩立微一蹙眉,问道。 Just now Fellow Daoist Sima spreads the news from Cold Flame Sect, said that was...... said was the willow tree miss...... carried off......” Daoist He Shan somewhat afraid to say a word saying. “方才司马道友冷焰宗传来消息,说是……说是柳姑娘被……被带走了……”阖山道人有些吞吞吐吐的说道。 Talks clearly, what's the matter?” The Han Li complexion sinks. “说清楚,到底是怎么回事?”韩立脸色微沉。 Daoist He Shan sees the Han Li complexion to be bad, the hurried opens the mouth explained: 阖山道人一见韩立面色不善,急忙开口解释起来: „At dusk, Spirit Flame Mountain Range was broken open restriction to intrude by a white clothing female suddenly, and directly soared Rising Cloud Peak to take away the willow tree miss.” “就在傍晚时分,灵焰山脉忽然被一名白衣女子破开禁制闯入,并直奔出云峰带走了柳姑娘。” That person of such splendid carrying off Le'er, Cold Flame Sect no one does make a move prevent?” Han Li slightly hesitates , to continue to ask. “那人就这么堂而皇之的带走乐儿,冷焰宗没人出手阻止吗?”韩立略一沉吟,继续问道。 Fellow Daoist Sima said, he tries to stop, but side make a move, was easily reduced and solved by that female . Moreover the opposite party wields the sleeves to shake him at will flies, is unable to prevent. However the meaning of female as if also not offending somebody, but explained oneself are willow tree miss the person of kin, then led the willow tree miss to depart floating.” Daoist He Shan bows to reply. 司马道友称,他试图阻拦过,但方一出手,就被那名女子轻易化解,而且对方只是随意一挥衣袖就将他震飞,根本无法阻止。不过那女子似乎也并无伤人之意,只是说明自己是柳姑娘的同族之人,便带着柳姑娘飘然离去了。”阖山道人躬身答道。 Wields the sleeve, then repelled Sima Jingming......” Han Li to be startled, silent. “一挥袖,便击退了司马镜明……”韩立一怔,沉默了下来。 Fellow Daoist Sima said. Senior Han, whether needs me to send the Boundary Origin Dao Temple disciple to investigate Miss Liu Le'er whereabout, my Boundary Origin Dao Temple in looking for missing people aspect,......” the Daoist He Shan cautious proposition said very much. 司马道友是这么说的。韩前辈,是否需要我派境元观弟子探查一下柳乐儿小姐的下落,我境元观在寻人方面,还是很……”阖山道人小心翼翼的提议道。 As far as you know, this may some people be able to wave, shakes draws back Great Ascension Stage cultivator?” Han Li looked at opposite party one eyes, speaks words that broke under him also to speak. “据你所知,这一界可有人能挥手之间,震退一名大乘期修士?”韩立看了对方一眼,出言打断了他下面还想说的话语。 This...... should not have.” Daoist He Shan is startled slightly. “这……应该没有。”阖山道人微微一怔。 Ok, this matter I knew, you draw back.” Han Li hears word, said. “好了,此事我知道了,你退下吧。”韩立闻言,如此说道。 Daoist He Shan respectful complies with one, flying figure to leave Star-Gathering Platform. 阖山道人恭敬的答应一声,飞身离开聚星台 Han Li looks at Daoist He Shan to go far away, silent moment, waving suddenly, the one/1st level/layer silver light screen appears, blocked from entire Star-Gathering Platform. 韩立看着阖山道人远去,沉默了片刻,忽的一挥手,一层银色光幕浮现而出,遮住了整座聚星台 ...... …… The 2nd day one very early in the morning. 第二日一大清早。 The Daoist He Shan plump form, appeared before Nine Palaces Peak again, deeply salutes to the Star-Gathering Platform direction, bright sound said: 阖山道人的肥硕身影,再次出现在了九宫峰前,冲聚星台方向深施了一礼,朗声道: Younger generation whole mountain, pays a visit Senior Han.” “晚辈阖山,拜见韩前辈。” Actually in the three years, he will come this report every day, reports various Spirit Domain World big or small trends to Han Li, often and acts as the Cold Flame Sect megaphone , is never in all weather interrupted. 其实这三年来,他每日都会来此报道,向韩立汇报各种灵寰界的大小动向,并不时充当冷焰宗的传声筒,风雨无阻,从未间断。 Actually most of the time Han Li in closed-door cultivation cultivation, he then respectful report/give report, waits for roughly one double-hour in nearby patience, later respectful farewell departs again, the entire process is respectful, has not borne. 其实大多数时候韩立都在闭关修炼,他便恭恭敬敬的禀报一声,在旁边耐心等待约莫一个时辰,随后再次恭敬的告别一声离去,整个过程毕恭毕敬,没有丝毫不耐。 This more than 1000 in days, the entire Boundary Origin Dao Temple disciple discovered gradually, in this past lived in seclusion, hundred years of rare Great Ascension Stage supreme great elder, then can meet now unexpectedly once for a while, although can only as before distant had a liking for one, but also made many low rank disciples excited. 以至于,这一千多天里,整个境元观弟子渐渐发现,这位往日里深居简出,百年难得一见的大乘期太上大长老,如今竟时不时便能遇上,虽然依旧只能遥遥的看上一眼,但也着实令不少低阶弟子激动不已了。 Naturally, almost all Integration Stage, as well as in some Void Refinement Stage views elder, naturally some more or less awareness inside stories, but very tacit choice being silent, did not seem to know that this matter is ordinary. 当然,几乎所有合体期,以及部分炼虚期的观内长老,自然都或多或少的知道其中一些内情的,但都十分默契的选择了闭口不言,就好像不知道此事一般。 The Daoist He Shan complexion is respectful, relaxes the hands to be built on is away from void outside Nine Palaces Peak hundred zhang (333 m), looks that by Star-Gathering Platform that the silver light screen covers, in the heart is actually somewhat wondered. 阖山道人面色恭敬,垂手而立于距离九宫峰百丈外的虚空中,看着被银色光幕笼罩的聚星台,心中却有些纳闷起来。 In those days Han Li closed-door cultivation cultivation, the nearby was filling power of stars of surging forward, and some more or less sounds, are how quiet today. 往日韩立闭关修炼,附近都弥漫着汹涌澎湃的星辰之力,并或多或少些许动静,怎么今日静悄悄的。 Although he some doubts, but does not dare to disturb rashly, perhaps Han Li is conducting other cultivation also perhaps, his obediently is waiting in the one side, and after a double-hour, asks to be excused to depart again. 他虽然有些疑惑,不过也不敢贸然打扰,或许韩立在进行别的修炼也说不定,他乖乖在一旁等着,并在一个时辰后,再次告退离去。 Finally, the time passes by day-by-day, he this, the discovery, in Star-Gathering Platform does not have the slight sound as before every day. 结果,时间一天天过去,他依旧每日来此,却发现,聚星台内始终没有丝毫动静。 In an instant over two months, Daoist He Shan somewhat could not calm down gradually. 转眼间过了两个多月,阖山道人渐渐有些沉不住气了。 On this day, he waited for enough the half day, discovered that on Star-Gathering Platform has not changed, the surrounding silver light screen is glittering slightly the ray. 这一日,他等了足足半日,发现聚星台上还是没有丝毫变化,周围的银色光幕微微闪烁着光芒。 Senior Han, the matter about Liu Le'er, found some clues below, does not know whether you currently do have the free time?” Daoist He Shan deeply inspires, the speaker opens the mouth to ask. 韩前辈,关于柳乐儿的事情,在下又找到了一些线索,不知您现在是否有暇?”阖山道人深吸一口气,扬声开口问道。 In the light screen does not have to respond slightly. 光幕中没有丝毫反应。 Senior Han!” Daoist He Shan also great shout two, in the light screen did not have the response. 韩前辈!”阖山道人又大声呼喊了两声,光幕内还是毫无回应。 „......” His complexion changes, thought of anything, waves to send out together the golden light, hits on the silver light screen. “难道……”他脸色一变,想到了什么,挥手发出一道金光,打在银色光幕上。 Kā chā! 咔嚓 The silver light screen is accordingly broken, on inside Star-Gathering Platform completely empty, where also has the Han Li form. 银色光幕应声而碎,里面的聚星台上空空如也,哪里还有韩立的身影。 But in the floor center, is laying aside white jade memo. 但在台面中央,放置着一块白色玉简 Daoist He Shan took, divine sense searches into, the whole body fat for rocks to keep, on the face that it trembles reveals the exciting color. 阖山道人拿了起来,神识探入其中,浑身肥肉为之一颤颤的晃动不停起来,脸上露出激动之色。 In jade memo, record impressively is his within the body restriction the law of relieving. 玉简中,记载的赫然是他体内禁制的解除之法。 Many thanks Senior Han!” “多谢韩前辈!” He took back divine sense, looks toward the distant place horizon, no matter also the opposite party does hear, distant good a ritual said. 他收回了神识,朝着远处天际望去,也不管对方听不听得到,遥遥的行了一礼道。 ...... …… Spirit Flame Mountain Range. 灵焰山脉 In some main hall, Sima Jingming and sect master and several Integration Stage elders discussed, several people said goodbye to leave, in the main hall was only left over Sima Jingming one person. 某座大殿之中,司马镜明宗主及几名合体期长老商讨了一番后,几人告辞离开,大殿内只剩下了司马镜明一人。 He exhales the one breath gently, the complexion seems somewhat exhausted. 他轻轻呼出一口气,脸色显得有些疲累。 Since Heavenly Ghost Sect this Spirit Domain World once Number One Large Sect gate committed to flames in one night, sect that all influence on contest the Heavenly Ghost Sect domain, the battle continuous, one by one/each strength of Cold Flame Sect in as original three big sect had not only damaged for these years, especially was busy. 自从天鬼宗这个灵寰界曾经的第一大宗门在一夜之间付之一炬,各方势力为了争夺天鬼宗的地盘,这几年一直争斗不休,冷焰宗作为原三大宗门中唯一一个实力未损的宗派,尤其忙碌。 His Great Ascension Stage has the time that has not settled to cultivate, all day long is also handling various business. 他这位大乘期存在也没有了清修的时间,终日也在处理各项事务。 Past a long time, he basically considered only closed-door cultivation cultivation, little paid attention to the school matters concerned extremely, now handles in suddenly the business, but also really some were not familiar with. 过去的很长一段时间,他基本只顾自己闭关修炼,极少理会门派事宜,现在骤然打理门中事务,还真有些不习惯。 Naturally he so, the part of reasons, are because this thinks Boundary Origin Dao Temple that the vitality damages severely, not only has not hurt what vitality, instead also gained many advantage from the Heavenly Ghost Sect incident. 当然他之所以如此,有一部分原因,是因为本以为元气大伤的境元观,不仅没伤什么元气,反而还从天鬼宗一事中获得了不少好处。 Why, he naturally will be so well aware, is actually not able to speak. 为何会如此,他自然是心知肚明,却又无法明言的。 However the Cold Flame Sect influence expands, places Immortal World that Old Ancestor Leng Yan is quite happy, has bestowed several times of gratuities one after another. 不过冷焰宗势力扩张,身处仙界的那位冷焰老祖却极为高兴,已经接连赐下了数次犒赏。 Had these to grant, if later closed-door cultivation, the strength can go a step further well again. 有了这些赏赐,若之后好好闭关,实力又能再进一步。 Continue like this, another day accomplishes a lot, ascended Immortal World, became not remote is improbable. 如此下去,他日功德圆满,飞升仙界,也变得并非遥不可期了。 Sima Jingming is secret, stood, will walk toward the main hall behind. 司马镜明暗暗高兴,站了起来,正要朝着大殿后面走去。 Fellow Daoist Sima.” A familiar sound resounds towering. 司马道友。”一个熟悉的声音突兀响起。 The Sima Jingming complexion suddenly changes. 司马镜明脸色豁然一变。 The azure light flashes, a azure robe man emerges out of thin air in the main hall, is Han Li. 青光一闪,一个青袍男子凭空出现在大殿内,正是韩立 He gathers together in the hand in sleeve, flashes silver light purple talisman virtual image to flash through together. 他拢在袖子里的手中,一道闪动着银光的紫色符箓虚影闪过。 Sima Jingming sees clearly the person, the pupil shrinks, in the heart transfers the innumerable thoughts instantaneously, on the face has shown the bright smile, said submissively: Originally is Senior Han, for several years does not see, the Senior elegant demeanor was more abundant previously, was really may celebrate encouraging.” 司马镜明看清来人,瞳孔一缩,心中瞬间转过无数念头,脸上露出灿烂笑容,拱手道:“原来是韩前辈,数年不见,前辈风采更盛先前,真是可喜可贺。” Fellow Daoist Sima was polite.” The Han Li tone is quite desolate. 司马道友客气了。”韩立语气颇为冷淡。 Senior Han, first please sit down.” 韩前辈,先请坐。” In the Sima Jingming heart one suddenly, asked Han Li to sit down in the seat of honor hastily, oneself accompanied in side. 司马镜明心中一突,连忙请韩立在首座坐下,自己在旁边相陪。 this Han comes today, nothing, is heard that my Liu younger sister was taken away from Cold Flame Sect, does not know whether is true?” After Han Li sits down, immediately says. 韩某今日前来,也没有什么事情,就是听说我那柳家妹子被人从冷焰宗带走,不知是否属实?”韩立坐下后,立刻开口说道。 Is...... is the younger generation nurses disadvantageously, making one take away the willow tree miss, but had the secret facts......” Sima Jingming uneasy saying. “是……是晚辈看护不利,让人带走了柳姑娘,不过其中另有隐情……”司马镜明忐忑不安的说道。 About carrying off Le'er that person, what clue Fellow Daoist Sima may have, what can she say on the same day?” Han Li unemotional broke the words of opposite party. “关于带走乐儿那人,司马道友可有什么头绪,她当日可说了什么?”韩立面无表情的打断了对方的话语。 Reported Senior, that person was the young pretty white clothing female, said that was Liu Le'er kin, making me pass on to Fellow Daoist Han, said that many thanks you looked after Le'er. About this female, before next has not seen absolutely, afterward also once sent out in the sect the disciple to inquire in every way, does not have the progress. Therefore had a guess......” Sima Jingming to speak in private finally, somewhat hesitated. “禀前辈,那人是个年轻貌美的白衣女子,自称是柳乐儿同族,让我转告韩道友,说多谢你照顾乐儿。关于此女,在下以前绝对没有见过,事后也曾派出宗内弟子多方打探,却毫无进展。故而私下有了一个猜测……”司马镜明说到最后,有些犹豫起来。 Mentioned listens.” Han Li eyebrow slightly raise. “说来听听。”韩立眉头微微一挑 Guessed below, this female should not be in Spirit Domain World the person, after all its strength tyranical, including one move unable to receive below unexpectedly. Even, this female is True Immortal from upper realm.” “在下猜测,此女应该不是灵寰界中人,毕竟其实力强横之极,在下竟连一招也无法接下。甚至于,此女是一位来自上界真仙。” True Immortal!” In the Han Li heart some suspected early, heard Sima Jingming saying that not surprised, but knit the brows to hesitate. 真仙!”韩立心中早有一些猜想,听闻司马镜明如此说,并没有如何惊讶,只是皱眉沉吟起来。 According to its knows, Cloud Fox Clan that Liu Le'er is, is only the monster fox clan branch of decline, will otherwise not be extinguished by Blood Sabre Guild in the past, how to have the sudden True Immortal clansman. 据其所知,柳乐儿所在的云狐族,只是个没落的妖狐族分支,否则当年也不会被血刀会所灭,怎么会有突然出现的真仙族人。 Is it possible that is its ancestor some people of ascended Immortal World, returns to Spirit Domain World exactly at this time, or, some Liu Le'er things are hiding the truth from him...... 莫非是其祖上有人飞升仙界,恰好此时返回灵寰界,又或者,柳乐儿有些事情瞒着他…… Since Fellow Daoist Sima has made contribution, this Han naturally cannot blame you. Luckily that person is Le'er kin, should not be disadvantageous to her.” The Han Li intention rotation, sighed to say. “既然司马道友已经尽力,韩某自然也不能怪你。幸好那人是乐儿同族,应该不会对她不利。”韩立心念转动,叹了口气说道。 Sima Jingming sees Han Li not to get angry, this relaxes secretly, this discovered, the back has given birth to unexpectedly. 司马镜明韩立没有发怒,这才暗暗松了口气,这才发现,背后竟已生出了一身冷汗。 Right, this Han came this, the incident wanted to consult one or two/just a little to Fellow Daoist Sima.” Han Li silent moment, suddenly says. “对了,韩某来此,还有一事想要向司马道友请教一二。”韩立沉默了片刻,突然开口说道。 Does not dare, does not dare! Senior Han has the words to say, surely speaks out frankly below, expresses oneself fully.” Sima Jingming said hastily. “不敢,不敢!韩前辈有话请讲,在下必当知无不言,言无不尽。”司马镜明连忙说道。 Does not know that your sect Fellow Daoist Leng Yan can say matter about the ascended Immortal World with you? From Spirit Domain World ascended Immortal World, what can abstain?” Han Li is impolite with the opposite party, asked directly. “不知贵宗冷焰道友可和你说过关于飞升仙界之事?从灵寰界飞升仙界,可有什么忌讳吗?”韩立没和对方客气,直接问道。 Sima Jingming hears word is startled, deeply after inspiring, this replied respectfully: 司马镜明闻言吃了一惊,深吸了口气后,这才恭敬答道: What Senior Han walks is strength cultivator lineage/vein, once builds the body of true pole, mortal body then by this strength repel, if wants ascended, to by the strength air-splitting.” 韩前辈走的是力修一脉,一旦修成真极之躯,肉身便会被此界之力排斥,若想就此飞升,须得以力破空。” So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” Han Li some nod of suddenly, no wonder Little Dipper Essence Technique more is approaches completely, he more is detected that an unexplained invisible strength suppresses, making his fly come under some influences. 韩立有些恍然的点了点头,难怪小北斗星元功越是接近圆满,他越是察觉到一股说不清道不明的无形之力压制,使其施法飞遁都受到了一些影响。 Spirit Domain World close to Northern Cold Immortal Territory, therefore from here ascended to Immortal World, will be received and instructed randomly by Northern Cold Immortal Territory Immortal Ascension Platform somewhere, actually no taboo. On the contrary, because the lower realm spirit strength is thin, as long as can succeed the person of ascended, is the natural talent is extremely high, the disposition is firm, has attached great importance to Immortal World generally.” Sima Jingming has not concealed, the thing that oneself will know said. 灵寰界靠近北寒仙域,所以从这里飞升仙界,会随机被北寒仙域的某处飞仙台接引过去,倒是没有什么忌讳。相反,由于下界灵力稀薄,但凡能成功飞升之人,都是天资极高,心性坚定,在仙界一般都会得到重视的。”司马镜明没有隐瞒,将自己知道的东西说了出来。 Han Li hears word, on the face the look slightly has not changed, in the heart is actually the thought tumbles. 韩立闻言,脸上神色丝毫未变,心中却是念头翻滚。 The attitude of Immortal World this treatment ascended immortal, no matter from beforehand Spirit World, is present Spirit Domain World is the same, he at this moment obviously or somebody gave to stare by some Immortal World influence, most did not hope was noticeable. 仙界这种对待飞升仙人的态度,不管是从以前的灵界,还是如今的灵寰界都一样,他此刻显然被仙界某股势力或某个人给盯上了,最不希望的就是引人瞩目了。
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